HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-08-09, Page 34, • �ry Volunteer Servic� Group Pians I Aid At New Ontario Hospital A new vo1,unteer service group is being organized in Huron County to provide a sort of Auxiliary service for the new Ontario Hospital, scheduled to open in October. Mr. Curtis Smout, field rcpre- sentative of the , Canadian Meg; tal Health Association, presid- ed at the initial meetin€; in Huron County Court House Thursday afternoon. Mr. Spout outlined the need and the` pur- poses of the proposed, Huron County branch of the C.14I.H.A. He stated that the branch 'would divide • its activities between patient visitations and the pro- blems of patient rehabilitation. An additional interest would be the promotion of urgently ,.,«needed research, in mental health treatment, and 'art effort to acquaint the public with a better understanding of mental health problems. Dr. J. N. Hagan, superintend- ent of the new Goderich Ontario Hospital, explained the overall operation of • his new charge and corrected the current im- pression that the hospital_ would be devoted to child patients. Dr, Hagan stated that this was the origilnal plan but that the Department of -Health had changed its policy and that he expected very few patients who would be under the age of 15 v'r 16 years. - Dr. Hagan said that the in- itial accommodation of 300 beds Would- be about equally divided between residential patients, who require hospital care for long periods, and those who en- ter the hospital fpr shorter stays. He further said that one of the reasons for establishing new Ontario Hospitals through- out the Province was to decent- ralize treatment -of mental pat- ients and to facilitate visiting by their relatives. He express ed his anticipation' of "a co- operative local branch of the C.M.H.A. Mr. -Smout • ask.ed those pre- -sent to each bring an addition- al person to:•the next meeting, with some emphasis on the need for clergy, nurses, doctors and teachers, as well as laymen, within the branch organization. An extensive membership•event- u.aliy will be required, involy- inethe establishment of .a White Cross 'Center devoted to rehab- ilitation and to assist patients in re -adjusting to a normal so- cial, life. This, stated Mr. Smout, would be of great assistance to the psychiatrists and doctors in treatment of the mentally. ill. He then gave a detailetl ex- planation of the function of his association. The Canadian Mental Health Association is a national volun- tary citizens' organization work- ing to -combat mental illness and ° advance mental health. Founded in 1918, the associ- ation has over 100,000 members actively operating a program of prevention of mental iliness. This service is based upon com- munity action for the improve- ment of service to the mentally ill patient as well as ex -patient services and research. Mr. Smout- states that with -the, new Ontario Hospital .about to be opened, -there is a need for better understanding of mental illness. Many of the problems of .the mentallyill are created -because -people do not understand that mental ill ness like physical illness, can £trike anyone at any time... One out of ten persons will suffer some, form of mental illness during his lifetime. , Mental illness like physical illness, can be cured normally within a period of from four to 'five t; months, under proper treat- ment. The new Ontario Hospital will, accommodate approximate• I ly 300 patients. Because of the l false stigma attached to mental' illness, through lack of under- standing, it must be expected that many o these patients ' will have lost contact with friends -and relatives. Mr. Smout stat - __ ed; "Across Ontario, approxim- ately one-third of the more than 22,000 patients in mental hospitals, •-a-re out of contact - with friends or relatives." A local branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association ,will assist the -hospital in enlisting volunteers- to visit and become friends with the patients. As the branch develops, the program will enlarge to provide complete public information through speakers, committees, discussion groups, public meet- ings, plus seminars and work- shops for certain special groups of people.' °Volunteer services to the patient and family will be developed to meet the local situation and to assist ex -pat- ients in returning to normal life with a minimum of dif- ficulty. Attending Thursday's meet- ing, apart from Mr. Smout and Dr. Hagan, were Dr. R. M. Al- dis, of the Huron County Health Unit; Rev. Father Moynahan, of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church; James Coulter, County School Inspector; Mayor .Eldred Simmons, of Exeter; Gerald Godbolt, Exeter, secretary of the Lions Club; Reuben Brubacher, lay preacher, Clinton; Miss Clare McGowan, of the Child- ren's Aid - Society; Pylrs. N. C. Cardno, Seaforth, .and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Lloyd, 'Wingham. A further meeting is planned ford September, at -which time. persons interested in serving their community and their less fortunate fellow citizens will have an opportunity to learn. more about this phase of the Canadian Mental Health Associ- ation and its work. SEEK TO CHANE NAME OF CLINTON 'OLLEGIATE CLINTON. A change .of of narhe is being sought for Clinton District Collegiate. I n- atitute. T- he school board is request - Mg, attthority from the Ontario .Department of Education to change the official name of the school to "Central Huron Com- posite School." There will be 30 teachers on the Staff at the Clinton school in September in addition to the principal, D: John Cochrane. Last school terra,, there were 26' teachers on the staff. Latest teacher to be. hired is Mrs. B. A. Monroe, Port Credit, for -the, commercial department FOR . „. ALL KINDS- • OF INSURANCE Contact HENRY W. HARTOG • INSURANCE 50 Church St. JA 4.7121 GODERICH CHIMNEY SERVICE BRICK AND 'BLACK WORK. GENERAL REPAIRS FREE . ESTIMATES lA 4-7298.;:. SUNSET • DRIVE-IN - GODERICH BUCK NITES -Mon., cues., Wed., Thurs. admits you. and $1.00 your carload.. Buck Nites suspended for thics picture only. Wed., Thurs., Fri.—Aug. 8, 9, 10 "STATE FAIR". Pat Boone and big cast In Color—Two Shorts Sat., Mon., Tues. --Au 11, 13, 14 Carol Lynley andabian • `Ho .nd Dog Man' .w.aoav -svt 'pv;a•!.•`Ntp,.+� �;zrwu•p „d,,,vp,.+�+M:'---: Ma a Powers and Marsh `Th'omas Flight of the Lost Balloon" Rich. Widrnark, Lee J. 'Cobb Clifton Webb and Myrna Loy "Cheaper By the:' Dozen" Both In Technicolni. BROWNIE'S RIVE-1N THEATRE LIMITED CLINTON BIG HITS EACH EVENING Thursday and Friday August 9-19 Hit No. 1—Shown at '9.20 only SUSAN SLADE FIRST SHOW -00 DUSK, Children in Cars Free HURON 'HQR1 'DETNTISTS The ' Godearieh -Sigi a1,Star,' ' htiraday r August °, For flick t'esults- 'ty a aaesifiec Huron County has the lowest dentist -population ratio in southern Ontario and one of • the lowest in , the entire pro- vinee. 'This ;is revealed in the bidet recently submitted to the Royal „or mission on Health Services by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of •orita}rio and the 'Onitario Dental Aspeiatton. Huron, with a populatioi of 48,882, has only 12 dentists within its borders, giving it a ratio of one dental surgeon to every 4,054 persons. This is almost double the On- tario average of one dentist Dc for every 2,396 persons. isinterest In ( Here are some other com- parisons: E'MO. Seen Here Like' the` peoplee of old who disdained passage in Noah's Ark, most Huron residents, or l at least their councils, hang' back from participation in the emergency measures organiz- ation. " • "The co-ordinator , • is upset that different municipalities, in- cluding Goderich, have-not gone ahead- and made definite plans," Reeve Walkom reported on Fri- day evening. "He is, possibly not getting the co-operation he believes he should have. "Wingham and Exeter have appointed co-crdinators," the reeve told council. "The coun- ty co-ordinator is ,counting on having a meeting the last week of September or early in 'Oc- tober, at which he will have the mayor' and the members of the EMO committee of coun- ty council and Dr Aldis. "We are smug in thinking danger is a long way off, but this organization has to do not only with a nuclear blast but a disaster of any kind. It w•oulkl be well at our next regular meeting to try to get some. per- son to act as co-ordinator for the towns and •get a setup of some kind-. They will all be volunteers." . W Middlesex Perth Bruce Grey 1/2,316 113,320 1/3,449 1 / a,290 Lambton ' .. 1/3;507 York County 1/1,641 blutkoka 1/1,869 The brief suggests that a ra- tio of one ,doctor to every 1,600 persons is considered ideal. To reach this standard, Huron would need to increase.- the number of its dentists by 21/_ times to give it a total of 30. L AT.THEw Playing. sat. 'STATE .Aug.9,10,11 •$I-OWTMME 713Q ,„Pat Boone” Ram Tiffin.. Scope—. Color Men., Tues., Weed „- A. AAu�gg'� 13, -14, 15 �"� " REAKFt>s S�J,. ATTIFFANY'I• " BAYFIELD' CHURCH'S 60th ANNIVERSARY BAYFIELD. — St. Andrew's. ' United Church here is celebrat- ing its 60th anniversary on Sun - I day, .August 12. Guest speaker - will be Rev. Gordon Kurtz, ! Rochester, N:Y., who is vaca- tioning at a cottage here. A new minister, Rev. A. G.. Pease; was recently inducted to the charge. ! Actually, the - congregation was established in 1875 under the ministry of Rev. Alex,. Me - Kidd, of Goderieh. • Byi:-1902 there were• 50 families. Archi- tect for the new -building was J. A•. Fowler, Goderich. r In 1961 corporation taxes took $1.6 billion of 'the' $3,4 billion profit earned by Canadian in- dustry, VICTORIA ST. GROUP Unit I Victoria Street Unit- ed Church held' their inonthly meeting Monday, July 23, in the church in th4. form of a picnic with' 16 members and seven visitors.' After a sump- tuous lunch, a short dkwotion and business meeting was led by Vera Larder. Toe theme was "Our Church and oil C r om- munity." A motion was made Box 220 that the ,August meeting be can- Tel. 129R celled`.' Games were played , by P!NECREST MANOR iviEMEEE ONTARIO NURSING'" H'OMJ • ASOCIATION' Registered Nurse '24 hours and enjoyed all. Irucknow, ' Ont. Hen Stewart, 271 Cameron Street, Goderieh RCAF Station, Clinton, Scuba • Club.' He is shown in his role as Chief Instructor of • is instructing three trainee airmen. Family allowance. payments In Canada's first federal elec- Canada's population is about in the current year will cost tion, in 1867, voting took place, one-tenth the population of the $536 million, compared to $437 from August 7th to September United States -18.5 million com million five years ago. 20th. • pared to 184 million. •- In Technicolor. A fantastic comedy about a bedazzled N,' -Y.' playgirl Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Mickey Roon4X, Pat rrcla N -eat;' Bi d dy Ebseruar&lot-4 ti r�i alis ' Thurs., Fri., Sat. --Aug: 16, 17, 18 -- Star TV Castl Steve McQueen, Bob Newhart, Fess Parker, Bobbr Darin A stirring war drama at the Siegfried ;Line. "HELL IS FOR HEROES' Corning—"Splendor In the( Grass'!.. -Adult Entertainment. DD A ROOM ,TO YOUR HOME! Start by visiting our new handy showroom for an estimate on adding' a room. Or call us -'arid we'll give you an 'at home' estimate. Troy Donahue • Connie Stevens ' Dorothy. McGuire (CeIor) Hit No. 2—Shown at 11.30 only "WORLD BY Our Home Improvement `�` experts wild help you ,plan your addition to suit your needs and con- form to your home's ar- chitecture. A tour of world night spots ip color . Adult Entertainmcnt August 11-13-14.15 EXODUS The Jewish ,flight froni 13ritish internment camps on CyPrus to' Israel aboard the tramp steamer Exodus. . Owing to' length — One Show only at 9.20 Paul 'ley/mail 1Vlarie Saint sipply ail. the ma- terials you need to add a,. room and, we'll ,,super- vise consiruction. We'll -see Irou-grt-htlr value Icir your remodelling dollars: SQUEEZE MORE HEAT FRO EVERY PENNY! Heat your home with modern; penny-pinching Natural Gas Natural Gas is the modern fuel that costs less to buy, install and maintain. There are no extras to buy—fuel pumps, motors or storage tanks. No money is tied up in idle stored fuel. Simple gas heating systems have fewer ,moving parts to' repair or replace. Natural Gas is also economical,(and clean) because it burps all of itself, and the clean blue flame ensuresionger burner -life arid less servicing. So be, modeih . go modern with gas! COn- vert now and you can make big $50 trade-in savings . and you pay.nothing until next October! see your he UNION contractor COMPANY WE'LL ARRANGE ° EASY BUoGIET TERMS!. /1 GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO. LTO. , GOIDERICH BRECKENRIDGE HARriwARE PLUMBING .and HEATING CCINTON GODERICH PLUMBING AND HEATI