HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-07-19, Page 8- Y4 1 be Gaderiel.1 ;;;ignal-Star, Thursday, Ju y 19th,192� UI3URN AI.1B•LI T, July 10. - Mr. and Keith were Mr„, and. Mrs. F. G. s.'' Ralph WXliiams, of. Port ~Lapp; of St. Thomas; Mr. and .Iy;} Huron, •.were recent ,guests- with s, Dick Lapp and sons, James 1t,1dafr, endNrs. Bft Craig at their and John, of Ch a l au, Mr. and tage'at Sunset Beach, • Mrs. W. H. Wood, of Sparta;. x,Q, 'vin Bisback spent the Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Templar v'eek-end with his parents, Mr, and daughter Blanohe, of Roch aiid rs. Gus Bisbaek, and Phil. ester, New York. Miss Blanche John and Master1 Calvin ' wilIa soon be released Templarp from Victoria Hospital, London, are ,now holidaying with the 'where he has been ea patient Lapp. family here. for many weeks following a car Mrs. John Livermore, of Clin- 40ei;dent ton, visited last week with her bXr:ansd-Mrd;-E1win: Ander_e aughtei,..Mrs. George Hagditt fit -Brantford, spent last week- ohnny and Paul. Bryant and end with the latter's cousin, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray y t William Straughan, and Mrs. family, of Smith Falls, visited ' Straughan. ' last week with Mr.' and Mrs. Miss Betty Marsh is at Mira- William Straughan. inichi. camp ' 1n the Hamilton= Masters Murray ,and Glenn Presbytery of the United Wtghtman returned last week-, ' Church'In' Canada as leader for end from a two-week vacation a few weeks. with their uncle, Mr. Mac 'Wil - Mr. and' Mrs. Donald Young- son, Mrs. Wilson and family at blut and family, of London, Dundas. spent the week -end with Mr. Mrs. John Graham visited last and Ws. Ralph D. Munro. week in Wingham with Mrs. M. Miss 'Mina Minch spent the Rolston. last week of her holidays visit- . Miss Elsie Davidson, of Miis- inig friends in Toronto. ton, visited last Sunday , with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- her friend, Mrs. Marguerite Dowell and their daughter Chopin, and her mother, Mrs. Gwendolyn are holidaying in J. C. Stoltz. the Maritime Provinces. D.V.B.S. Statement Master Greg Arthur under- The D.V.B. School closed with went a ,tonsilectomy in the Clin- a balance to begin the season on_ ospi uday n _ Bort,-Mar. Mg. the treasurer for this year and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh and Mrs. Herbert Mogridge spent auray with their relatives in Brampton. • - • _ __ - . Miss Margaret R. Jackson is visiting this week with her niece, Mrs. Donald Kai, and Daily offerings Mr. Kai, at Oakville. Hong Kong missions Rev. C. E. •Taylor, of Godes" -Y rich, and Mrs. Frank Campbell, - of -Westfield; were Sunday Expenditures-- - guests with Mr. and, Mrs. Bert Supplies Taylor. • Sent to missions Congratulations are extended to Miss Jennifer Grange who • iv n and they enjoyed snaking their read by Rbv. Robert Measly in own meals, washiil the dishesr the absence of the treasurer, and making. up thein beds. It Mrs. Conon R. Taylor. The roll was a short night for some as they didn't go to sleep, until 2 a.m. and many were up be- fore six to enjoy the swirliming and the gaxines. Accident Vtctim Friends in this district will call was answered by each tell- ing what she had done for her neighbor. „The travelling apron received 25 cents per member to go towards the budget fund. Several ' members volunteered top i 6 t T. paint the - church. he n ext meeting will be held at the be pleased to know that Blair home of Mrs. Sant Daer with a Redmond, 18 -year-old son of Mr. pot luck lunch to be served. and Mrs. Ted Redmond, R.R. 2, Mrs. Thomas Ilaggitt will assist Auburn, is making recovery the hostess. Following the business meeting a successful auction was held with Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys and Rev, Mr. Measly in charge. A dainty lunch was served b the host- ess, assisted by rs. Elliott ating the hay -fork, breaking the Lapp. whiffletree and pinning him to the ground. Mr. Keith Arthur ti ^ L� E SV I � L E with his ambulance was called V and Blair was taken to Wing - ham General;Hospital and,then Mrs. Harry Williams• oil` to London. . Blair has been Mr.and : a student at the Goderich Col- spent a few days in Toronto legiate Institute. an attended theShrine on from an accident last week at the home of his uncle, Mr. Gus Redmond. Blair wa�a assisting haying o eratlo ns the a with y g p n the tug on the horse's harness- broke as he was oper- O I T'UARY JQSEPH WILLIAM . BAKER Reiluiem high mass was sung Monday morning at St.'Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Gode- rich, for Joseph 'Williarii Baker, 67, of Goderich, .v rho died - Sat- urday at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital here. " 1;Ie was born in Cxanbrook, . a son of the late Adam and Catherine • had lived (Gaetz) .Baker, and - 40 years in Goderich. He was a veteran of the First World War, and had, served with the 161st and 58th Battalions. the wife, his 'Surviving are S ing . o-rmnr dn'-Zeta t/eap; si:c-sons, Joseph, and Eugene, Goderich; William, of Mount Evelyn, Aus• tralia; James, of I(ingsvillb; Leo, of Fort Erie, and, Patrick, of PORTER'S HILL 0 u 70 I..---�.Ab t PQRTER S HIL children and parents were pre- sent at Harbor Park on Monday evening for the annual Grace - Sunday school picnic. After a picnic supper, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- gyle Lockhart, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur 13e11 and Mr. and Mrs. Chester^"Sturdy had charge of the races and. games. ' Winners were as follows: •primary boys and girls, Jody Cox, Kevin Cox,. Sandra Cox; junior girls, Christine Harris, Colleen Lockhart; junior . boys, John Manning, Jahn .� Sturdy, John-Cox-a-nd--Laurie ,Cox,.(tied).;� intermediate girls, Sharon Lock- hart, • bonnie Cox, Julia Cox; in- termediate boys, Larry Sturdy, Dennis Harris, David Mathers; •Mici.land; three daughters, Miss young .ladies, Peggy Ann Bet - Mary Baker, " Brantford; Miss . ties, Joanne Harrison, - Shirley Catherine arid Mrs. William k kPierson; young men, Richard (Zeta) Young, both- of Goderich; I Harrison and ' ..Bruce -Betties one brother, .. Leo, of Windsor, (tied); girls three-legged race, Sharon Lockhart and Peggy Anti Betties, Joanne Harrison and Bonnie Cox tied with Colleen Lockhart and Cheryl Cox; boys' three-legged race, Larry Sturdy and Dennis Harris, Richard Har- rison and Bruce Bottles, David Mathers and John Manning; girls' sack race, Christine Har- ris,Colleen Lock- hart; Cheryl Cox,- Co _1e L k hart; boys' sack race, Bruce Betties, Dennis Harris., David Maters. :Several, relays and a peanut scramble brought the sports to a close. •d atten e rine c ` and one sister, Mrs: Jack Pfaff, St. Mark's Anglican Guild vention. Hensall. • Miss Sandra Williams, whe is Funeral arrangements were made by, the Lodge funeral home. Rev. Raymond Moyna- han conducted the funeral ser- vice,~ •and burial was in .-Col- borne cemetery. The Anglican" Guild of St. Mark's Anglican church held their July meeting on they lawn at the home of - Mrs. Geroge Schneider. It took -,the form of a picnic for the children and Harry .Williams. there were, several visitors pre- Recent guests with Mr. and sent. Mrs. Schneider- - was - in Mr -s-. Frank McCullough- were charge. of the meeting. Mrs. their daughter, Frances, and Robert J. Phillips. accompanied I the Misses Gayle Story, Eliza - Reynolds, numbers. Prayers were led by all third year student nurses at has prepared the following fin- Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys. The -Toronto Western Hospital. aneial statement,. Receipts - Scripture lesson from the 16th Messengers' Picnic Balance from 1961 . 45.24 chapter of the Book of Acts was The Messengers of the Hol - taking a summer course at the University of Western Ontario, London, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bank interest _ :86 read responsively with Mrs. Donations from the John -Daer" -leading. - - ttopie cnurches , 32.50 for the day was, "Helping Oth- 74.02 ers," taken by Miss Margaret R. 33.10 Jackson. A quartette composed of Misses Wendy Schneider, _185.72 Diane Kirkconneil, Nancy Lapp and Blanche Templar, sang, • 96.46 33.10 129.56 mesvllh. United Church met at -the' hoe- of- Mr -s, .-G -Ginn. for their summer picnic. The meet- ing opened by repeating the Purpose, and the roll call was answered by .40 members. Mrs. K. Trewattha moved• a vote .of .thanks to Mrs. Ginn for open "Jesus bids us shine.'" The ing 1-ier home for -the-meeting.-- Relays were enjoyed and the winning groups- were led by Shirley Norman, Norma Walter, John Ginn, Jim Heard and Ron- ald Trewartha. The seniors had a game of . ball with 'David Mc- Cullough and 'ferry Haughton as umpires. The junior games were won by teams headed by Brenda McClinchey and .Bobby Atkinson. Refreshments were served by the leaders, Mrs. G. Tian and Mrs. • K. Trewartha. 1Vir, and Mrs. H. '6. Moody, are holiday sh y of St. Thomas, guests'sif Mr. and Mrs. J. Moody. Barry Mohring returned to Kitchenerwithhis cousin, Bryan Strut) who had been visiting 'in Goderich. :onkuin �8 .I,'�i\�111ht�d'i� 'i` r J if your plans study book chapter on 'Prayer"," was taken by Mrs. Louis Rud- dy. Several choruses were slrrig received honors in the Grade V Bank balance --.. by all the children and Mrs. music exam 'and also .to Miss • Teenville Officers Schneider gave a reading, "A Brenda East who received pass The members of Teenville Different Kind oi Garden." • The standing in the Grade' V music! met at the. Community Mem-- president, Mrs. George. Scheni- 56,16 exam of the Western Conserv-1 orial Hall to elect their officers atory ofMusic at London. `They? for the coming fall terns. Rev. are pupils of Mrs. Donald Kai. Charles Lewis presided for the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eve, of j election of officers. They are: Leaside, spent Tae week -end' President, °Shirley • Brown; vice - with her mother, Mrs. Herbert' president, Edgar Leatherland; Govier. .. secretary, Susan Straughan: Miss Mary Kirkconnell, of , treasurer, Bill Straughan; social ,Seaforth, visited last Saturday convener, Harvey Snell. They with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, discussed programs for the fall Andrewl;{irkconnell and .Diane.; season and then went to Sunset Miss Laura Phillips visited Beach for a wiener roast. oer the week -end with Mrs. H. - . Sigma -C Camp -Out Sheppard, of Bright Grbve. Twenty members of the Au_ - Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd Miller, of burn Sigma -C group enjoyed a London, spent 'last week with . 24-hour camping trip to Donny - the latter's father, Mr. Percy Vincent, and 'the former's wbro- then; Mr.' Gordon Miller, " Mrs. Miller and Gail. ' Recent visitors with Mr. and brook bridge last week -end. The leader of the boys• group, Rev.. Charles "Lewis; was assisted by John Wright `an,d John Arthur. For many of these •- boys it was Mrs. Elliott Lapp,: Bi11,.Nan and their ' first camping experience der presided for the business and thanked all who had taken part in the program. The min- utes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. John Daer and the financial statement was BINGOit LEGION HALL SATURDAY, JULY, 21 AT 8.30 Pin. ' 15 GAMES - The prize for each regular game will be $12.00. 4 SHARE -THE -WEALTH 'Jackpot -Combined_ JACKPOT QF $95.00 IN 59 CALLS. $poiulw ;d try Canadian Legion .Branch 109 . L LL Olt Std. 3 -in -1 Shingles Green - $7.20 sq. Self -Seal Shingles $7.95 sq. . 2 SHADES GREEN Supertite Shingles . A Black - $6.90- sq. ber uys!, _CEILING TILE Reg. Sale Regatta .21 .16 Starlite .21 .16 J.M Acoustical .....21 .18 Red, Gold, Green Bamboo Dress up your home now while present stock lasts. If you want to pay oft all your bills or take care of medical and dental expenses, just give us a ring and arrange the necessary cash.1f you have plans-ttrpurchase a -better car, make home improvements or take a holiday, simply call us for the money you need. Thrifty families can accomplish almost every farrlil'y-objecti>re by borrow- - ing With a purpose from Household Finance. Drop in. or phone your convenient HFC office for neighbourly service. ' Life insurance available at low group rate AM'NT of LOAN MONTHLY PAYMENT.PLANS 36 30 .20 12 months •months months months $ 100 550 $ 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 60.88 B3.71 95.12 $ 23.73 31.65 41.45 68.81 94:62 107.52 $ ,6.12' 32.86 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 147.05 $ 9.46 51.24 69.21 91.56 146,52, 201.46 228.93 Above•payments include principal and Interest, and are based on prompt repaymett, but do not Includethe cost of life Insurance /IJI:HOUSEHOLD. !INANCE G. N. Crawford, Manager 35A West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERICH irl=own o: u.vs.xcr.:rp,� and Accessories . Outside White 4.95 gal. Brushes .85 and up Thinner .45 pt. :ads YOU' ALWAYS SAVE AT CONKLINS SCREEN PORCH lumigreen, fibreglass • " or bronze Only 10c sq. ft. and up 1x2 01 Cedar .6c lin. ft. 1x3 01 Cedar. 9c lin. ft. 3/4" Screen Mold 31/2c sq. ft. - Carl Today for a Free Estimate. REGULAR SUMMER STORE HOURS - Monday to Friday. 8 am; to 5.30 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. - To Our U.S. Visitors and Resident - Your U.S. Dollar is Worth $1.08 at Any C.L.C. CONKLIN LUMBER CENTRE BAYFIEiD 'ROAD JA 4 8321.. NEED MONEY? BORROW SON A LOW COST 1st or 2nd MORTGAGE LOAN Borrowe a Term Balance RPY.,� 1800 45.09 5 yr. NIL 2500 62.62 5 yr. NIL NO BONUS CALL, GUELPH COLLECT TA 29062 L FINANCE E LTD. E DEN A R I T S 285 WOOLWICH 5T., GUELPH 26. 247. 26, 29 IMIENIINI11144111^711f /la. FOR ,. ALL KINDS ' ,OF LI-R-AN-Ct Contact" - HENRY W. HARTOG ' INSURANCE 50 Church St. JA 4.7121 BROWNIES DRIVE-IN -THEATRE LIMITED CLINTON 2 BIG HITS EACH EVENING 90% of all oil company product research in Canada , ° is done by imperial At Imperial Oit's laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario, more than 200 `scientists and technicians • are working to improve present petroleum products -- and t"o-de`Tabls new ones. --Their research covers manyfields,from gasolinesto household detergents. Another 130 scientists and technicians are work- ing at Imperial's Calgary laboratories on way's to find and produce more Canadian crude oil and -n a t ura-1- g-a-s,-"I-na•pex i41 d o e.s more research than all other oil companies in Canada combined. THURSDAY FRIDAY . JULY 19-20 "HARE -IS--- - HILARIOUS. ENTERTAINMENT" In Color and Scope Rosalind t Russell AS "AUNTIE MAME" • with FOREST TUCKgR (Adult Entertainment) "THE CREAT" Robert' Knapp CARTOON SATURDAY,. MONDAY, TUESDAY JULY 21, 23, 24 "THE: HUSTLER"` PAUL NEWMAN PIPER LAURIE " JACKIE GLEASON Story revolves about a pools shark. a lonely tirA, and a corrupt gambler. 4 Scope (Adult Entertainment) PLUS 7, Color and Scope 4W -omen's and - Children's White andA Beige Dress Shoes :. - 4)ti Sandals • - Summer Casuals r.. O "IN LOVE AND' WAR" Robert Wagner, Hope Lange (Adult Entertainment) CARTOON WED., . THURS., & 'FRI„ JULY .25, 26, 27 re U _FAN Leslie Caron, Maurice Chevalier, Horst ;Buchholz (Adult Entertainment) Color " IGANTIS"' ,Plus a CARTOON SAT., MON., '111.YES, July 28, 30, 31 THE COMANCIIE OS - John Wayne, Stuart- Whitman' (Color -- Scope) , - 66 E EW., BELOW" 4 Robert Mitchum, Curt Jurgenm (Color -- Scope) (Cartoon) WED., - THU'RS,, ,FBI• August 1, 2, 3' r Every,barrel of crude oil contains some of the sun's heat, Imperial' research works to unlock moro'6f this energy After fiveyears! intensive, research, .Imperial • l '` Canadian found a ohrmleal additive which makes mono heating ell audita le from n homes. . crude oil. One important result. less.oil lirfpo'rted to, heatCareadia l -"ALL ANDS -ON DECK' Pat Boone, Buddy' Hackett - (Color Scope) (Ce lbr Scope)' (Cartoon) (:AAdtr1t • Entertainment) AIWAVS LOOK TO ' IMIIPERIAN. Ff1' 'r1E,BIE'S'1*