HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-06-14, Page 1414 The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, June' 14th, 1962 Pritchard Retires 'erich Lighthouse Is• est on Upper Lakes As a _result of Civil Service eompetitions held at Goderich on May 24th and at Owen Sound on May 25th, new lightkeeper appointments. have .been made at Goderich and at Cove Island, north of the Bruce Peninsula, F. K. McKean, of Parry Sound, the District Marine Agent, has announced. • The Lightkeeper at Goderichi pperates the Main Light at the top of the hill above the har- bor, which, incidently, is the oldest lighthouse on the Can- adian side of the Upper Lakes. It was built in 1854 with its principal purpose to guide sail- ing schooners into the natural harbor at the mouth of the Mgt- - land 'River. TITh Lightkeeper also operates a set of ranges, which guide ships from the open lake to the harbor entrance and which are -situated on the north . pier. In addition, there is a _fog alarm and light _at the outer breakwater at the south side of the entrance and a flashing light on the north breakwater. Mr Walter Sheardown, 217 Mary street, Goderich, has been chosen to fill this position as a result of the competition. Mr. Sheardown has long been a resi- dent of Goderich, served *in the armed forces' during the war, and .has since been employed at Goderich Elevator and Tran- sit Company Limited. He sue., ceeds Mr, Norman Cormier,. former lightkeeper, who was transferred this spring to the -Welcome Island lightstation near the .Lakehead. Mr. Allan' MacDdnald has been acting in a temporary- capacity as Light - keeper until an- official appoint- ment ,could be made. The Cove ..Island lightstation at the entrance to Georgian Bay is one of the most important on the Upper Lakes. The station has a high light tower, built of limestone masonry and con- structed by masons imported from Scotland in the year' 1859. This old tower is 90' above the ° water. In addition to the power. ful lighthouse, there is a radio With book'in hand, Tom Pritchard sits en bench - overlook- ing the Lake at Lighthouse Park. Beside him, a friend, Bill Marwick, , also enjoys the sun and scenery. In the back- - ground is the old lighthouse,. built in 1854, and listed as the oldest lighthouse on the Canadian side of the Upper -Lakes. Next Wednesday, • June 20, Tom Pritchard will observe his 76th birthday. On that day his successor takes over as Har- bor Master. beacon and a fog alarm install- ation past , which almost all waterborne traffic to the Georg- ian "Bay ports must pass. The Keeper at Cove Island also acts as a radio relay station report- ing the weather for Cove Island on which the weaher - reports issued from Malton Airport are based and they relay messages from other lightstations in the area to the Coast Wireless Sta- tion at Viarton. Mr. Wm. A. Cohen of 10 Spencer street, Hepworth, has been appointed as Assistant Lightkeeper at Cove Island Lightstation. Ile will act as assistant to Mr. W. Speras, Chief Goderich W.I. Plans Priz ' The 'Goderich bch of the Women's Institute met in Mac- Kay Hall with rather a small attendance: Mrs. A.`Straughan` presided. Mrs. H. Dodd was program convenor. The roll call was answered by member& :giv- ing the name of their first school •teaeher. _ Reports on the district annual held at Qlinton. were given. . by _Mrs, N. McInnis for themorn- ing sessipn and Mrs. H., Dodd for the afternoon. • A discussion on courses was held andit was decided to ask ,for '"Women's Institute, program planning procedure," as first choice, with second choice being "Copper tooling." The prizes for the pupils with the second highest marks in the Victor Lauriston., and Sep- arate schools are to be purchas- ed and presented by the branch. A September bake' sale was decided on. Mrs. D. Riehl, Mrs. J. B. Mills, Mrs. H.-Tichborne, Mrs. C. Bissett and Mrs. H. Dodd gave reasons and advant- ages for New Canadians coming to Candaa. Mrs. A. Butler, in her own inimitable way, waxed quite poetical in a political. fashion to explain the opportunities Canada has to offer. The busy driver is to be con- tacted for a date which '-he might have free for a bus trip in June. Mrs. N. McInnis gave two • pleasing piano solos which was w �,,!„'^ i11 l A'1"A 11'1/' w\111. JAIL' .followed by a sing -song. Mks. D. Riehl and' her com- mittee were hostesses for the lunch. Lightkeeper, a resident of Tober- mory. Mr. Cohen also is a veteran. Also, at Goderich, the De- partment of Transport an- nounces the retirement of Thom- as Pritchard, Harbor Master_ and Wharfinger, who.will reach the age. of seventy-six on June 20th': On that date Mr. Allan MacDon- ald, whose interest in the har- bor and marine affairs is well- known locally, will assume the duties vacated by the retirement of Mr. Pritchard. The harbor at Goderich, which is of great importance to the district for the shipment of grain and the operation- of the elevator and 'flour mill, is being deepened and enlarged. , The inner section of the harbor is being deepened to 21' and this work will include- the removal of Ship Island. This work is' -being done under thedirection of Mr. Scroggie, District Engin- eer of `the Department- of Pub- lic Works at, London, Ontario. PINECREST MANOR - LIONS BANTAM SCHEDULE SET The Gotlerich.Lions Club ban- tam hardball team will refire- sent ' Goderich in the western sector of the Southern Ontario League of the W:O.B.A. With ten entries; the league was divided into two sections to fa- cilitate schedule arrangements. Included with Goderich are Clinton, Centralia, Hensall and Seaforth. The eastern sector involves Mitchell, Sebringville, New Hamburg, .St. Marys and Exeter. The opening game, originally scheduled for 'Friday, Jtine 8, was postponed to a later date owing to thA band, tattoo in Clinton set for the 'same day: Complete schedule for the sea- son is as follows: Clinton at Goderich, - Friday, June 15. Goderich at Centralia, Sunday, FOR DEAD OR DISABLED 'ANIMALS 'CALL COLLECT DARLING AND COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Dashwood 35-1t-20 Dead Animal Licence No. MEMBER - ONTARIO NURSING HOME ASOCIATION Registered Nurse 24 hours Box 220 Tel. 129R Lucknow, Ont. tf ThERE'S"NO HIDING FROM THE FACTS!! YOU CAN SAVE MONEY HEN YOU BUY AT CONKIIN LUMBER!! Light Fixtures FOR YOUR BEDROOM JUST 1.69 EACH NEW BEAUTY FOR YOUR CEILINGS DECORATOR. Ceiling Tile PIERSON SASHLESS WINDOWS Modern — Economical Easy to Clean AS LOW /t5'�.� EACkI REG, PRICE Dress up Your . Cottage with Standard Paint Grade . Fir or Hemlock STARTING AT 3c PER FOOT 175-C-62. :BRECK4W'S MEDICAL MASSAGE STEAM, SAUNA- and HIGH COLONICS FOR TWO WHO STOLECAFS Wallaeo Wtilfe, 19, of 'Kettle') Point, appeared before Magis- trate Glenn Hays in; court here on' Thursday' and pleaded guilty to the theft of two "cars, one the property of Carlton William Worrell, toderich, and the other the property of Jack Good, R.R. 118 Anglesea St., off Victoria JA 4-8281 (office) or JA 4-7617 (residence) 24, 26, 28, 30 June 24. Goderich at Seaforth, Wednes- day, June 20. Goderich at Hensall, Friday,. June 22, Centralia at Goderich, Friday, July 6. • „� Seaforth at Goderich, Friday, July 13. Hensall at Goderich, Saturday, July 21. All local games Will be play- ed in Agricultural Park with game times set for 6.30 p.m: The date of the delayed Clinton. game will be announced later as will the playoff dates for the season .windup. F R E E ovr;lIllailt PARKING )while space is ovailobie) FOR REGISTERED GUESTS IN DOWNTOWN DETR IT n FAMILY RATES No alit Children 12 and lnder Mt silo center of all downtown seittuM .. Newl, I,ra • erl rooms. Excellent food at moderate prices N Pm modern coffee shop and cafeteria. Radio, Television Room,Availoble. Air r nditloned rooMs IOU drkorot.d. 1f t modern: conn f. ortab� Ru 1, Sarnia-,- ° on May- 29. Wolfe; was . given nine months deter xninate and 12 months indeter- minate, to nit).- concurrently, in the Ontario Reformatory. .- Samuel Jackson Sturgeon, 31, of Chatham, who .also pleaded guilty to' the theft of the same cars, .was, sentenced to 60' days in jail on each charge, to run concurrently. ° , Philip Francis Savage, Birm- ingham,Michigan, was fined $15. and costs for going 48 miles an hour in a 30 -mile zone in Bayfield on June 2. Elton Harkin Mahood, 24, Goderich, pleaded guilty to leav- ing the scene of an accident in Goderich on May 6, and was fined $85 -and costs,; or 14 days 100 ROOMS: *011 BATH cI Hotel FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK. DETROIT, MICHIGAN Harry E. Paulsen, Gen. Mgr. . -15-36 in jail. His licence was sus- pepded for six Months. ..David Norman Zagozewski, 18, R.C.A.F. .Station, Clinton, pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle in Tuckersmith Township on June 2, while un- der the influence Of a narcotic or drug. Zagozewski . was sent - exited to seven - days in' jail, and prohibited from drivinga motor vehicle. in Canada for six Months. she acted as regent -in effect,. head of the empire—for her grandson, Otto M. Adelaide became queen of Italy, by marriage, in 947. Thio Burgundian beauty was impri- soned after her king husband's death three years later. She escaped with little delay and in 951 married Otto I, king of Germany: When he became head of the holy Roman iarp- pire in 962, Adelaide was crown- ed empress. Her final honor Caine after she was widowed again, in 973. For 13 Years. Eat out often at "What has been done is proof of what yet can be accomplished" 'li*vr aurY You Always Salve at Conklin's A Home f�r YourCar For As Little As $5.50 Per Week Build this garage in your spare time, evenings and week -ends. , You will enjoy working_witli the quality lumber and other builder's supplies frOm your Conklin Lumber Centre i SPECIAL �JN`r L JOSE 20.ONL.Y • Carry DRESS UP YOUICHOME WITH ANGEISTONE JUST PENNIES MOaETHAN a^ic'K GOOD PROTECTIO 011 ay -farm The scarecrovu'-may be more symbolic than effective, but there�is never an'doubt about the effectiveness ofEsso Motor Oils - �. Whether you' a using a regular or high compression • , gas%line engi a of a diesel unit, Imperial has the right motor oil- for you. Marvelube, Essolube, Mineralube, o,r Mobiloil, each is designed to meet specific requirements. Yourengine will run soother and more -efficiently and there's less' wear and tear With Esso Motor Oils. ^ .. - Why don't you see your Imperial Esso Agent, he'll be glad to help you select the motor oil that's just right for you. A statement to the people of Ontario from Prime Minister John Diefenbaker "Five years ago the Canadian people gave me and: my colleagues a mandate to end the years of indecision and neglect of Liberal rule and make a start in the New National Policy which we put before the Canadian people in 1957. You gave us a renewal of your mandate in 1958. - "In the succeeding four years v've'carried .on that policy and as a direct result of the many bold and even revolutio nary measures which we undertook the recession _of 1957 has been superseded by the boom of 1961 and 1962. "Our energetic trade policies have prpduced,the firs.t favorabk balance of trade in nine years. - "Farm cash income has reached an all-time record high. Prices are now supported on'23 farm products. "Old Age Pensions and Old Age Assist- • ance have been increased from $46 to " $65. -Other pensions have kept pace. - "Ontario received $607.million in fed- eral payments this, year, a hugs in- crease over 1957's $215 million. "Canada stands today at the commencement of a great new era of progress and prosperity—first as a result of the action we have taken—second, on the neces- ®sa:ry'condition that the plans we have made and announced for the next five years are carried into effective action. "Five years from now Canada will be celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Confederation. Our plans for the future are already five years along the road to fulfilment and they can, willand must be realized between now and 1967. What -has-been-done-in five years--is-proof-of what yet can be accomplished -in -the -next- - five ►ears. VOTE progressive Conservative JUNE la HURON HAS PROSPRD UNDER THE DIFENBAKER ADMINISTRATION VM:BE R Eltvrtit Mirtailtntttriul. -THEDFOED Until It .4 ODERICH .Eggr ZC►RkNE dOME1�E �- dBAND BEND — E1DEtEVOWN WWOOD S; EB COTTAM L CONKU SSRV Y ABA F C �arts Oto V� ,Co,!�Vit., 1,opc%ii; Ont: B. CI11SHOL GoOERicH. • ALWAYS LOOK- TO IMPERIAL. F R THEA BEST: