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The Exeter Times, 1891-7-16, Page 5
TWELFTH JULY. commemoration oe the Battle or the Boyne, The Exeter orangemen with the lodges of South. Huron celebrated the 12th in Lon, don. Besides the regular, two special trains were run on the L. H. & B. The day was a great success in Loudon, aver 10,000 visitors beim in the city. The streets. were nicely decorated and the pro; cession, was large, over 40 lodges being in line Mayor Taylor occupied the ehair while speeches were delivered by Rev, Principal Austin, of Alma College, St, Thomas; Rev Bro. T. 1I Brown, of Thames - ford ; W. W Fitzgerald, G. M. of Ontario W. i Mr T. E Erfaery 1 W H. Harlton, of Toronto and Rev Wm 141cllonagh, of the Mainst Methodist chureh,Exeter, Follow- wino' is the purport of the rev gentleman's address, Rev Wm M'Donagh wore his usual happy smile when his opportunity came te, speak on the occasion. He was of so toolish as to expect that eyeryone I 'ould believe what he would say, $e did not ask anyone to agree with him. He was glad to belong to the Orange Order, which had a wonderful influence.. The very inen they had heard of before to -day, the Jesuits, were dreading the Orangeism of Ontario more than any other influence with which they were called upon to contend, There vraa riothine more exciting to the Orangeman's heart than to think. of the Influence exerted upon their country and the History of their forefather§ than the fact that three handfed years ago Rome had cursed them as a free people, and that every year she had repented that curse, yet every year Orangemen had grown more enlightened, and more comfortable and more prosperous ander the curse. (Laugh ter,) Then the census this year told them Great Britain's population was 29,000,000 of people. Ile wondered if Rotne's curse was sweeping gut the power and nationality of Great 'Britain, (Laughter). In all that three hundred Years the foot of a foe had never set foot upon British soil, God de. elated that the curse causeless would never corns, and it had net come, Canada would increase in freedom and power, just in pre, portion as Orangemen were true to their principles. It was sail that Protestant Ontario would object to a Catholic Premier, And so they would. The Catholie Pre• mier of Lower Canada was at the foot of the Papacy in all he did. What meant tho honors conferred upon the Premier o£ that Province? What meant his visits to Rome every now and then' Why did he consult the Pope of Rome upon the interests of this country" No. We would never allow a Roman Catholic influence to predominate in this eoentry. The Orange men would rise in revolution against any- thing that would. leave the Rt in pownover!©r 1{e.tl would never reatraiu himself in giving tient to his honest opiuions `vhsn tit.. free. stake. Organized Boman Catholicism was a difi'ereut thing from the Roman Catholic religion. fie believed in freedom of con- soien0o to every elan- (Hear, hear,) 1N MITCHELL The town of Mitchell presented a gay appearance Monday. Numerous arches lead been erected and the display of flags and bunting was profuse. Over the arches ottoes were displayed in keeping with t lie occasion. Tho local Orangemen com- memoratee the day Sunday by attending in a body public worship in Trinity church.. The sermon was Drenched by the rector, Rev A. DDewdney. Early in the morning the lodges from the surrounding sections began to pour into the town. Special trains, laden with Orangemen and their rends, arrived from Goderich, Seaforth, ,. Marys and Stratford. Thirty-five lodges were present and about 1,400 mem- bers celebrated the day. There must have been between 3,000 and 4,000 visitors. At 1 o'clock the procession began to form, a special feature being the presence of two lodges of Lady True Blues, one from Lead - bury and the other from St Marys. Tho speaking took place in the Kitterson Park, County Master Wm White presiding. Rev Leach, of Woodham ; Capt. Todd, county master of South Huron ; Rev Ayres. of Homesville ; Dr Ellis, of Stratford ; Rev A. D Dewdney and Rev A F. Tully, of Mitchell ; and Rev Bineks, of Stratford, addressed the meeting. s—«++-4 Canadian natural gas used in the United States is taxed 10 .,er cent, An immense downpour of rain for three hours Friday flooded Sioux City, Iowa, causing a loss of $100,000. Dressed frogs caught in Canada and exported to the United States must pay a duty of 10 per cent. ad valorem. Harvesting is well under way in Essex, Ont-, and the yield of wheat is likely to be above the average. A good crop of hops is also promised. Thomas Roch, a railroad builder and capitalist, shot himself" dead in bis room in Fort Worth Friday morning. Grief over the death of his wife was the cause. He leaves an estate valued at $500,000. CREAT Clearing Sale J. H. CiREIVE Is going out of brsines, and his immense stock of Fine Tweeds & Worsteds must be sold at once regardless of cost. Now is the time to buy cheap Suits or Cloth by the yd, Note prices; Scotch Tweed Suits for $11; worth $16. Fine Worsteds for $14; worth $20. Fine all -wool Tweeds at 40c, per yard, This is no shoddy goods sale, as the stock is NEW GOODS and the best patterns. C. H. Nelson, when the great trot- ting stallion that bears his name was 3 Years old, sold a quarter interest in the colt for $5000. That was six years ago, and in the last few days he has bought that interest back at a price said to be $25,000. While unloading hay from a wagon with the new. process known as the hay sling, on lot 13, Talbot road, tp. of Raleigh, near Cedar Springs, Ont., on Thurebay night, a portion of the har- ness gave way, causing the single trees to fly back with great force, striking Geo. D. Pardo near the heart, causing death Saturday morning. Remember \ee guarantee a sure fit or no sale. Gall arid lnsjieci ow' Stock H. GRIEVE. Exeter M usic Store PERKINS & MARTIN. We have conatantly on band a large display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MAZHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL t1'G`SICaL INSTRUMENTS, Persons anticipating the puohase of any- thing in the above lines will do troll to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prices as low as can be had at thentanufaetories• We would respectfully ask you to call and sea our steel. Pt is as tine es will be found is any city musts store. 19.4. -Agents for all .kinds of agricultural moms STAND :---Fanson's Block, Exeter. F1.r.KNIU±T JJSlI.11...1.+3'r.k.4 .4,tV il'aucy and Staple Groceries, LIC UuRS CIGARS, TOBACCO, &V.,SLC. (Now located In !‘face's old stand, Main-st) For finest Grandes end3eas, Basuto to call amino me; For in the 0ornor store, in Maoe, s block, You oaweleiluse t stock Of lied popday ' Our Vans and Coffees and our Spice. We keep in tiuio-both Sloan and nice - And those who've purchased aught have found Full sixteen ounces to the pound. Upon the shelves you'll always find Canned meats of every sort and kind; Molasses too. and honey sweet, And Syrup that cannot be beat : Dried Fruits and Raisins, sweet and oloan, Fine Choose and Butter may bo anon, And Olives, Catsup, Sauces and Oils Put up in bottles of all. styles; In fact everything your heart could wish, From sardines up to salted fish, All kinds of brushes, brooms and rope, Baskets, wash-, oards, tubs or soap. We wi]1 sell you cheap by lots or weights, Or trade for produce, poultry and eggs. MEsase 0 0 BIOIIADDS it Co. GENrnsor sN,-I take pleasure in •giving in; �estimony to your well known bltN-. ARRD 5 LINIMENT, as 1 feel. that it saved my life. In the winter of 1887 1 was at Melted by a severe pain in, my left side caused by a tall from a building during the. previous summer. I got relief every time it was bathed with the MINARD'S LINI MENT and eventualy cured by the use of a few bottles. This liuiment has made •s.)me. wouderful cures. • Sheilreld, N B. 'THOMAS SV srose Hz1ALTIS, HAPPINit s and Pito.rn:iiirr-4I4 G12080 dapeud on pie blood, for without it health is impossible .; without health bappi nese is impossible', and without happiness prosperity is a mockery, No uieauv . of ab tain;ng pure blood and removing bad blood excels the use at 13 13 13, the best blood puri tier known. Ur), ynr a"tch,ir'g (Jtitor r F. J, KNIGHT. Exeter Packing House James-st., Exeter. • We, the undersigned, wish to inform the Public and Store -keepers of Exeter and surrounding country that we have on hand a good sup- ply of SUGAR CURED HAMS, ROLLS, BREAKFAST BACON, BACKS and SIDES ; also DRY SALTED MEATS and PURE LARD. Ixotir Holler Mills, We also keep at the Main Street Meat Market a good supply of first-class FRESH &: CORNED BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, and PORK, POULTRY, n season. BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE. CASH PAIL) FOR HOGS. SNELL EROS. & CO. MARKET REPORTS.. Wheat , $1,02to $1.Q5 per bush OUR SELLING PRICES. Flour, Strong Bakers', $3 00 per 100 do Best Family 2 75 " do Low Grade , 2 00 Bian , , 90e, Middlings , , , . , . 1 OOe.. Screening ..1 00e, Chop ... $1 .20 to 1 30 SpringGoose New Velveteens. r Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths, Prints. Table Linens. Shir tings. Cottons, Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Cloves Kid Co.Gloves.- Corsets. Cotton.ades. ATIE J. � 501 HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. is ct a, (' II ,4 tt ti fG ca 4 '4 Chop stone runuiug every day, itir TERMS CASs, THE EXETER MILLING Coy. MARKET REPORTS. =BTUS. RedWhaat Spring Wnset ... Kwrley Oats 010 er Seed Timonby Peas Corn ¢figs Setter Alourpsrbbl ,. Potatoea,per bushel 4pples,per nag UriodApplespr b tieeee per lb. Turkey per lb Duces per 1b Chicken sperpr ]1oge,dressedperl to Beef .. Ridesraugh, " dressed Ohoepskivaeach (betaking Wee]perlb ,,. Harperton tlnloniperbeah" Woodporeord 414 061 05 to 1 0 08 to 1 01 50 to 55 45 to 50 460 to 4 10 140 to 140 60 to 05 v 40 to 50 lite 11 13 Ga o`8 0040515 50 to 055 1COto1O0 0 4to050 005 to000 07 to 08 005 to 007 025 to 030 600 to625 400to521 400 to 460 500 to 525 060 to 70 050 to 052 0lat0019 8 0to900 0 50 to05t 250 to 500 sT: SIAnss. Fall 'Wheat 1 00 1 ;II Spring Wheat „ ,,, ... ,... 9.5 1 CO Barley 0 45 0 50 Oats, 045145 Clover Send' ' 3 75 4 25 Timothy .,.,,, „............. ......1 251 80 Poaa 065070 l,gsls ........ ................... .... 11 0 11 Butter .............. ... 42 0 12 Pototoee per bat[ ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,, , ,, 54 55 .Apples per ..... 050 tWoolperlb 180 10 Hay porton , 8 5159 00 Bran per ton ., „14 0014; 80 Shorts '^ 44 ,,,,,.,,,••20 00 20 09 ciatmealperbbi„ 6 60 7 00 liags,dressed por 1Q�ti;.... .. u OO to 5' 5 • LONDON. Wiaoat, 93 to ee nor bus. Ores, 41n to 50e per bus. Peas, 72e to 75e per bus. Bars ley.'t slting. 5111 to rac or bus. Barley Feed, 48e to 480 par bus tern, file to 97e per. bushel, TORONTO. r';Tornntp. Julyl.i--Wheat Spring -No. 2,1.00 tol00porbus; red wintor,No 2.152 to 102 per bus. Manitoba No 2 hard,107 to 1 07 1,7o.950 to 95o to 93C : PEAS 75e to 76e per bus. OTS S.'lc to 52cerbus. FLOUR. extra,34 2d to 91.,3.5 per boil; atraight roller. 84. 25 to $4.25 ; strong bakers, $4,00 to 84.10. BARLEY. No 1, TIE GREAT FRIrALE MEDrCINR-The lune tianal irregularities peculiar to the weaker sex, are invariably corrected without pnin or inconvenience, by the use of Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills. They are the safest and aurora medicine for all the diseases in cidental to females of all ages, and the more especially so in this climate. Ladies who with to enjoy beats :, should always have these Pills. No one who ever uses them once will allow herself to be without them, Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all Medicine Dealers. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried. for Castorla• When she became llfiss, she clung to Castoria. When shehad Children, she gave them Castoria. 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your addresr, we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr Dye's Col, brated Eleotrp-Voltaio Belt and Appliances, and their oharming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man- hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted we will send you a Bolt and Appliances on a trial. VoLTA1C BELT CO., Marshall, Mich. CONSUMPTION CURED: An old physician retired from mactice,hav ing had planed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical euro for nervous debility and all nervous oomplaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases. has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Antuated by this motive. and a desire to releive human suffering.I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, Vie recipe in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp. naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 820. Powers' Block Rochester. N. Y. For Over Fifty' Years. MRs• WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of clotting teeth send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs• Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething. It will relieve the poorlitlle sufferer immediately, Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It aures Diarhooa, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic. softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Ars. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teeth- ing is pleasant to the taste and is thoproscrip- tion of one of the oldest and best female physicians andnurses in the United States Pride, 25 gents a bottle, Sold by all druggists• throughout the world. Bo sure and ask for MRS WINSLOv''• SOOTHING SYauP•" S1WDS! Flower, Field Garden Seeds FARMER BROS �r TEE JACKSON TE A COMPANY Importers' and Dealers in Finest Teas, Coffees and Baking Powders. Mail orders promptly attended to. Address : 751 Dundas Street, London, Ont. NT OTICE. The Thorough -bred Shorthorn 13n1.1 "Baron Chesterfield 1I" will be kept on Lot 13, concession 1, Stephen, during the season of 1891, for the improveuient of stock. Terms, 1,1 to insure. j and •m2 1lrsSLRY Smile, Prop . NOTICE. The. Thorough -bred Imported Holstein Bull, African Prince, formerly stook bull at the Ontario agricultltral college.) will be kept on lot 8, North Thames Road,Lsborne, during the season, for the improvement of stook,. Terms 81 80 to insure. 1V\f n'ION'IRITH, Prop; it JTJLY k➢RI`'IiF Milli;err At Hall Price. Ladies' Kid Boots ..$1.25 Ladies' Slippers,,,,,,,..... ,,, 25 Heavy Flannelettes.. . ... 10 ,,,,,,,,,, „ 4 Shirting- ...................... tl Print,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Dress Goods • Fine Suits to Order 13.00 Cottonades, 12c, and up, —SUGAR AT COST,— Choice Groceries and Pure Spice - Cheap. We give Highest price for butter and eggs. DOI PE & CO., Kirktan, 1891, 1891 A FINE ASSORTMENT Fancy Goods Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Ciollar and Cuff Cases. Manicures,' etc., J 9V iifiRTIN5 HURRAH! N'Z'VP Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles Sure Fit Gueran(eed, W. JOHNS. Chep arv5t Tools HOWARD'S XXX Anderson Machine Oil, Black Oils. Rubber Abestes, and Hemp Packings. Gauge Glasses. Threshers' Mitts, Threshers' Rubber and Leather Beltings. Foklcs:-Hay, Barley, Manure Potatoe. Harvest Mitts. Common Sense, Composite, Crown, Red Cap, Flax, ramous, B!uo Ribbon BINDER TWINE. 10.•1111102.11. SSICOZGLMWOMMOMMIMM, 18 lbs. Granulated, 20 lbs. Coffee, 22 lbs. Brown Sugar JAS. N. .HOWARD, WA. MONCUR, Proprietor. Manager. M , " es min 5. The accompanying cut repro sent the famous Crediton Road Cart,' mauufaetured by Wm. II Wenzel and Israel Smith,, Crew ton, Ont. This earl has now been' in the market for about two years and has met with great success The manufacturersclaim that it is the best cart manufactured, both tie regards convenience and durabil- ity, They have dozens of teati- menials from parties who have purchased these carts, which speak in the highest terms of thein. The workmanship and material employed in their con- cl=3:2awc:a\r struction can not be surpassed, Ind the price is as low as is eonsistent therewith. A glance at the cut will show the eader a few advantages this cart has over all others, viz •-`.lite easy mode of getting, n and out; the absence of springs or bars which bring the rider's weight on the shafts - as to sag them ; the eopvenieuee of carrying a robe or rug in cold or stormy weath• er, These carts are manufaetured for one or two persons, and finished to suit the per - slimier. Gears furnished to the trade, lir Wenzel also manufactures Waggons, Buggies, Sleighs, Rte,, and does all kinds of repairing in these lines. Mr Smith runs a fi et -class general blacksmith shop, and guarantees to give satisfac- tion in ail kinds of new work. repairing. horceshoeing, etc., etc, to which he gives his personal attention. See circular's for further particulars concerning road cart. V. IL, t'4 E MlaL,) Crediton. Ont. ISRAEL St1I°l'H,p BTSSETt I' BROSI --TO THE pRoN r. - The . ' The cheapest place in town to by Builders' Hardware, Nails, Hinges, Looks, Olaas, Ptth,y, Paints and Oils. New stock of the celebrated Johnston's Liquid Paints -Showy Colors. New lines I 1 Artists' Paints and Brushes. Barbed, Iain, Strip, Black and Galvanized Wires cheap for Cask, Tinware Stock Complete. - Eavetroughing a Specialty New Raymond Sewing Machines and Needles. GIVE US A CALL---. *o s 4:7-1'N � y1 It IA ..ir. Eavetroughing DONE BIT WILI, FOLLAND. CLERK'S NOTICE OF THE FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LISTS. Voters' Lists, 1891. Municipality of the TOWN SHIP OF USBORNE.County of Huron. No- tice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the 3rd and 4th sections of"The Voters' List A ct",the copies required by said section to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act. of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said munici- pality to be entitled to vote in said municipal- ity at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and at municipal elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office in Elimvillo on the 30th day of June 1891, and re- mainsthereforinspection- Elect ors aro called upon to examine the said lfst,and if any omiss- ions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 30th day G. 17. HOL]IAN, ofJune, 1S91. Clerk of Municipality !a$hna Ci) z 0 C1 0 TEch BEST YET ! THE CHE9.PEST YET THE BIOG ��ST YET ► Bed Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Genthsnfen 1 leave your order's eatly, for with the beat staff of Tailors ; the Best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the . best Cutting 'lo Toivn, yea are sure of satiate°. tion Whizz Did you see our stook of FINE 'SOOTS and SHOES Thar we bavo nut in the store ono door south of the Post Office? Now it is worth your while to givens a look. We will show you through. We have all the Finest Lines of Ladies' and Gents Shoes made in Canada. and guarantee they are right as far as wear and value goes. If you want a real nice shoe, something that it is a pleasure to wear, come up and see ours. Besides our find line we also carry a large and well assorted stock of Boys' and Misses' Shoes for sehool wear. also Men's Working Shoos and Knee Boots AWAY DOWN IN PRICE. All our goods are guaranteed good. and as we wish to build up a TRADE and KEEP IT, we are selling CHEAP for CASH, Children's. Misses' and Ladies' Too Slippers and Oxford Ties for summer in all the new shades. Bring in your girls and buy them a pair of School Shoes. They are dandies. Give us a call. You aro welcome. GEO. MANSON. DO YOU WANT TO BUS' FIRST-CL_A_SS FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAi1f GOODS -ARE USUALLY SOLA -- -THEN CALL AT - ILEA -ONLY FIRST-CLASS Reliable Good m At Prices Lower that so -o led Cheap Houses can gi1 TJndertakin . an all i' Branches, S. GIDLtY, (successor to C & S. Gidley) ODDFELLOWS' B.LOO'a .t I