HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-7-16, Page 4:Established 1877„ S RANKER, EXETER, ON. T. lransacitsezeneralhankinibuainess. Reeeires the aceounte of inerehamts and there oe favorable terms. (Mere every accorareodatiorieonsist entwith if eaudeenservative bankin eprinelple s. Fiveeer cent interest allowed on deposit* Oreftsisseedearahle et any ealet: of the seerehautsllank. NOTES DISCOrNTED, & MONEY To LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTOMIES -eett 7irm±o. ' CRSDAY .11:137 leth, 1691. SUGAR AND TWINE. Tke St. 31arys Argus, vitt a logic, which ewe only be appredated by metaphysician of the Cartwright stamp, tries to prove that beau tte a removal a the duty on rem sugar lowered the price, theref ma the removal of the daty on nflotureel lending twine, would have ot e eiteet, It totally ignorea the At all importationa of sugar (which produced in •Calleda to any ex- dimet tontribution to the ces 114 the cuuntry. la:o many tone forted so many dollars of reveaue. ite.ve the duty and the Government sutlers the loss mad the public gain. But twine is grown and manufactured in Canada ; and if competition due e not iteep the price down to only a fair proftr. then throwing t4f the duty could uot Iu b“Jatile ia the 1.-raited States the binding twine is controlled by one hie, monopoly. Suppose for argutuent'S sake that there is nionopoly in Canada, it be, ing a proven fact a greater nifie eXiete in the United States with a higher price for tho article. If there la no duty how 1014 betore the two monoptliea become Will our sotem. try and attewer eation. - our cotton. can consistently hoist tia_,?. and Calltinually shout 4 4ty 4 tariffs with the L'uited Veberes thezreatest alleged evila vi ffourisli, is a mystery. They Free trade and the high- est ts si .ean the same thing," "Amer- ,-4,4ttqtitttliea art!. Mit monopolies nt "Hurrah for free trade and a 60 pier cent. ttriff." "Down with Pro - n, and up with the t stiff." "Crush the cursed small Monopolies and introd nee tilts lke-•eel bigoones. If the Argue logic rneane anything it means that and, nab- . mg more. SIR, JOHN'S DEATH. It e, ill he some time before the people of Canada, wilt ft:11y realize how much they hove lest le; the death of gir .Thht, a Map Atonable=the patriatte statesman who de- vote.' his whoie life to his country. If other ;nen erne to govern as well, or per- haps Letter, than the late premier, it will be because he had already laid the founda- tion of the future rosperity of the Dominion. If anything were wanting to allow the hold which $ir John had on the affections of the people, the extraordinary sympathy manifested during hie last illness affords touching proof that his integrity, his aineerity, and Ms tozselfiehrisss were appreciated no less than his administrative ability by all classes a the people and by men of every shade of politics. The Presbyterian Record. had the above liberal and nicely.toned article in in a recent issue. The Seatorth Ex- positor last week severely criticises it as follows : "It may be the opinion of the "writer in the Record that it was Sir "John's "patriotism" and his desire for the welfare of hie country that induced him to devote his whole life to politics, but he will find a good many in his " own church, as well as out of it, who " hold a widely different view, and who "think they are able to give many very "substantial reasons for the faith that "is in them," and so on. Has the Expositor lived up to the latter end ot the 19th century and never learned the necessary lesson that a man may absolutely differ from you in opinion and yet he honest ? Either Sir John Macdonald was a clever, patriotic, hon- est man, or Canadians were fools in trusting him so long. Our cotem. in effect says that the late Premier was neither one nor the ether ; therefore in effect it calla Canadians fools for keep- ing hire in power, The gxpoaitor may not have supported him; tnay not have Ielleved him; may not have trusted him; but the majority of Canadians did. And surely our cutem . does not claim all the brains or honesty in this country! Is our cotemal ways right and its oppon- ents always wrong? Cannot the Ex- positor rise to the occasion and say honestly, as is sid by scores of honest Reformers; "That Sir John was a clever, patriotic, absolutely honest, and sincere man, according to his lights"? Did the Expositor read Laurier's tribute to the dead statesman? There was lib- erality of sentiment 1 Why not emulate it? Why forever wallow in the old ruts •of abuse of political opponents? Cannot our cotem. see that the days of such gross illiberality are past and gone? With its eternal boasting of its liberality and fair play, we would expect better of our cotem. Bur it is the old _story of lip toleration and heart bigotry. The comieg age may or may not ap- prove of Sir John's views, but the com- ing ages Meet, testify that according to his lights and views, he was indeed a great, patriotic, honest,. sincere and capable man and the foremost statesman of his generation. And the. ill-timecl and ungenerous criticism of our cotem . will not affect the verdict. Every tissne ef the body, every uerve, bone and inusele is matte stronger ana naore bealthy by taking Hood's Sarsapaiilla. ose,_ QUARIINTINE. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. true. Clarke Wallace explicitly denied that Mr. Bowell owed his appointment to Orange The Seaforth Expositor of the 10th has a long article on The Embargo Seventh Parliament -The b.had recently *44.-,,,-.44.1 an ardent. desire 1;n Mfieence and expressing surprise that Mr. Charlton would reflect on an order of which First Removed," in which it contends that , a b elenior Mr. eilarltell denied, thO ini- beCause the Cattacliao d k t Gevernmenase , peaehmear, when :),Ir. Wullace offered to give his iturherity, weiee he afterwards did, for the remora of the quarantine b- 13s the nettle of Ma J. L. Hughes Session. tweet* Canada and the United States, of Toronto. se- Riebard Certwright con - therefore, the whole customs line should cludid to take a hand in and gave it as be abolished, This whole quarantine hie opinion that 5tr. Howell owed his matter is very simple. The American position to his services iu getting up a Gov erinneut established quarantine big Orange procession in Montreal -a against European animals, Canada had demonstratiou which nearly eel to a, riot. no quarantine. European animals might Mr. Bowell characterized this statement as come through Canada to American ports equally false with tbe other. On, the eon - and thus escape quarantine. The trary he had objected to the proeeesion and tried to persuade brethren 'lotto get it up. Eie American Government, therefore, said (Mr. Bowele had always done his loest pre. to Canada: We will have to quaran- servethe peaceand promote harmony between tine Canada to atop animals eoming from races and creeds in this country, just as Sir Europe your way," Canada said: "We Richard CarEwriedit and. his friends had al - will quarantine Europe." There all the ways done their best to stir no teeth:pal hos- rouble began and ended. in all this tilities. The Minister of Customs took oeca- mattez what reason is there for saying Mon to assure Mr. Charltoa that in the future that Canada should have absolute free thepast he would not Wallowed to attack rade with the United States, but must menxbere and reflect on their personal charac- keep up a McKinley tarig against Brit- ter without receiving a Roland for his 0 liver - am? What analckgy in the two cases? The House 'went into committee on 31e. Bur.. Our Government, as usual to Can- (lea's bill to prevent frauds on farmers, and ada's intevets,without injury to Brithirs, the committee discussed various clauses and eted prontptly in this matter and show- reported progress. Mr. Allan's motion for a ed tbe United States Governmeut that retarn respecting the conduct of civil servants in tbe Algoma elections was carried, and the WO wanted only fair and reasonable House adjourned at 11:20 p.m. dealing. The Expositor seeks to prove Orreava, July 9, 1891. -The Speaker took that our Government have continuelly the chair 3•o'elock, On ;notion of Mr, to be getting down on their kayo to eirouard the committee on Privileffee and, the United States Government for far. Elections iwbieb. is investigating the Tate ora; but there is no panng on limes ehargesi was granted leave to sit during lbe about it. When the United State % thne the Rouse wasin session. Mr. Fsster's Government do us any grave injustice, hill to mewl the Consolidated Revenue ur Government points it out, and t and .Audit Act, Sir John Thompsolis to -r 4redit, be it said,the United 8 WO further amend, tbe Supreme and Exchequer Government usually reapond in an anti- Courts Acts, Mr. Moactien respecting the gable spirit. For years we have officially Canaoliaa Life Insurance Co., and Air. Wilanot'l respecting the luveruess Railvvay told the Americans that We are willing to trade fairly and freely with and Mining Co. were read a first time. Mr. them. But we are not willing to .give speaker aunouncett that Citlef Justice Sir 'William Ritchie, deputy of his Excelleney the the VnitedStates everything and Bruain Governor-General, will attend in the Semite nothing. Canada only wants fair trade ture Citatriber at half -past tbree o'clock for the relations end our Government has so far a. purposeof giving the Royal areentto the bills seen that we get it; and we cannot help which had peesed both Houses of Parliaineut, wondering at the Expoaitor for deliber On motion of Mr. Tupper, tile amenia ately advocating diacrinnuation, The ment made in the Senate to the Act respeeta Expositor has a reputation for loyalty tag the Trinity House and Harbor Cosa - to British institutions, but to follow meeionere of Montreal, granting the commis - Cartwright et al it has to throw them Sows authority to borrow a Milieu dollars overboard, and it ha5 chosen party be- for harbor improvemoite, were eoucurreil in, fore country, and swallows Carte ri .1,ht Qu motion ot Ur. Foster, the Ffouse weut a,rol ail Ins noatrume. We are surprised. into eommittee on the resolution standing In at ani eorry for the Expositor. We name, deelaring the expediency of aunt- oriiing the (fovernment to sell to the city of NOTES AND COMMENTS. St, John, N. B., for the sum of $10,009 the Carlton Brancla railway. In reply to a ques- ti le lee Sir Richer:1 Cartwright, the Minister 4.1 :ai'l that thci road was three and a lash nal.a la length, and in selling it for overnmmt was maileg a g-101 41 OTTAWA, July 6, 1891, PEA KER waITx took the chair at 3 ceeleek. Mr. Devirdney introduced a. bill to amend the North-West Territories Act, It provided ter the election of mem- ber s of the Pro- vincial Assembly for three years, the abolition of the Advisory Board, gave the Coundl of the ,Legislature the powers previously held by the board for the dis- position of the liquor questiou, and also pro- vided that a lump sum of money should be placed at tbe disposal of the Leg,islative Aseembly, The bill was read a firet time. A number ot private bills were read a third time. 'lite bill deelaring the Bate des Chaleurs Railway a work for the benedt of Canada was passtd through committee. .A,fter number of minor questionsbad been answerea by 31inisters, Mr. Muiock, in a brief speech, moved that binding twine be place.a on the free list. After a long and interesting' dis- cussion, in which, the Pittance Minister and Mr, Mills crossed swords valiantly, the° rotation was defeated On a Vote of 80 yeasto 00 uays. The, HMSO adjourned At 1;20 mut. Orrawa, July 1, 189L -The Speaker took the chair at thme o'clock, Mr. Laurier coin- plained that the promise of Sir 'lector Lange - vin to bring down all the papers as to the Kingston waving dock had been f oldlled, The tender of Xessre, Connolly was not in - eluded. This was importent, because he bad no hesitatien in. saying that the tender of whew V. Bancroft, Which was the suceess-, fel one, was in the handwriting a Iteliael Connolly. (Rear, hear.) Theeigna- was unknown. to him. There wee else letter in which Bancroft notified he department tbat he had joined with the llfee:sre. (*mildly, end ibis abo was in Michael Conuolly's heudwiitimse It was evident a gross fraud bad been perpe. rated, and that the firm had tendered under we names. Their tender amild be brought down, sir Heeler "Angevin said be bad, or - tiered all the original tenders to be brought down, and they wouldbe broughtdown. The House pa-Ael in committee one-tenth of the estimates for the current yeax', and a Supply bill for dolt amount was introduced and read a first time. The trill to movide for admiral- ty juraillesion in (AMU was reed a third time. The budget debate was reStuneil by Dr. Montasere and he was replied to by alr, Clanton. °Tim adjournment (of the debate 1Vai moved by 31r. Desjarilins (Weld:. Aft: r Sir Won. Langeviu had leid on the table papers bearing on the Kingaton gravine dock contract. the Homo adjourned at 1:26,o • xfl. Oru‘va, July s, Pen. -The Speaker took tbe chair at 3 tecieele Mr. Walinwe met ea that the order of the lames giving the letleisi Accounts Committee power to examine e it- neSsee under oath be reeetuded, but the Speaker ruled the mother out of order as me tice haul not beeu given. Divorce Ent, erom the Senate for the rodef of Mende. Ellis, Adam flussworm, Thomas Bristoe and Lie - hal Tapley were read 41. first time. Bow - ell, in answer to Mr. Coatsworth, void that the Government had not Utken into tonsider- ation the advisibility a deepeolua and en- larging the canals along the St. fawrence river to allow of sea going vessels coming up to ports on Lake Ontario. It was proposed to deepen mad widen the canals so that vessels drawing 14 feet of water :night pass from Montreal to Lake Ontario. This work was commenced la 18734 and was now about bale completed. In reply to Mr. McMullen Sir John Thompson said he was not prepared to state (he remuneration which 'Maid be paid to Mr. Osier and Mn Henry, counsel for the Department of Public Works in the Tarte enquiry. In answer to Mr. Mills respecting the same matter, Sir John Thompson said: These gentlemen are employed under these circumstances. There is a very large sum of public money, in rela- tion to which indefinite charges are made against the Department a Public Works, as well as a certain definite charge against a particular officer. The Government thought proper that counsel should be employed, not only to watch the investigation, but to aid ID the investigation from day to day, for the purpose of eliciting all the facts surrounding the ntatter, 'with a "view, not to the defence of any particular officers, but with a view to pursue the enquiry in every possible way; and the instructions to these lawyers were, if anypersonshould be inculpated, that the matter should be pursued to the fullest extent and that they should then assume the posi- tion of counsel for the prosecution. Mr. AROUND THE LOBBIES. Tarte moved for all papers as to the Esqui- malt Graving Dock. Sir Hector Langevin , Sir John Thompson has given. notice a a said they had all been brought down to the bill to amend the Copyright Act of last ses- committee. Mr. Trow moved for a return sion, giving jurisdiction to the Exchequer of copies of all tenders for the enlargement Court in cases concerning the infringement or construction of canals, and of all works of copyright. Chargeable to capital account connected therewith, as the removal a shoals, forming of basins, aqueducts, weirs, raceways, and dams since Confederation, as well as those completed and those in progress. Mr. Bon -ell replied that this return would cover 108,047 pages, require,412 reams of paper, and the expense had been estimated in the Depart- ment at from $29,000 to $84,000. Ee was afraid that Mr. Trclw bad been imposed upon by elerks who wanted employment during the summer. Mr. Trow allowed his =Alen to stand to see if he could not tone at down. On the order of the day being called A lively dispute arose between Mr. Chart - tan and the Minister of Customs. In a previ- ous debate Mr. Charlton had said that Mr, Bowen got into the Gover•innent through the active efforts of the Orange order exerted through deputations waiting on the late Premier. Mr. Bowell having then character- ized the statement as a falsehood, Mr. Charl, ton thought proper to rise to -night to a ques- tion of privilege, and. supported his asser- tion by the recorded statement of James Beaty and one Reynolds, an expelled meraber of the Orange order. Mr. Bow - ell explained who Mr. Charlton's author- ity was, and pronounced Mr. Charlton's stateraeut as quoted, "False as hell," and worthy of a member who, while promoting Christian. legislation, would make a false affidavit for the purpose of datna,ging the character of a brother member, referring to Mr. Charlton's afficla,vit last session regard- ing Dr. Hickey's timber limit transaction. Mr. Charlton indignantly asked Mr. Dowell to quote the false affidavit alleged to ha,ve been, made by him. Mr. Dowell referred him to last year% Hansard and to Mr. Charlton's •affida,vit about Mr. Hickey, the late member for Dundas, to whom Mr. Charlton had apologized and expressed regret for having raadeassertions proved to, he un - The list of voterss4 qualideatione may be aummarized as fOROWS i -Every male' being a Britiahs subject and 21 years of age, who is owner or occupant of real property of actual value of $300 i citiea, $200 in towns, sno in other places; who is a tenant paying at lelst $2 rent per month, or $20 per year; whose income is $300 a year ; the sons of farmers and property owners are qualified by their parents' propertryhen sufficient. In fact, the fmnelnee is broad enough to include almost every Mall in the community. It will be found that nearly every citizen comes under one or other of these classes, and Con - sets ablyra alwald remember that the issue of the political contest of the day is practically now being decided in the complexion of the voters' list. It is an open secret that some Conservative losses in Ontario during the late election were due to detective voters* lists. Let this mistake be avoided this time. s The English sparrows in this district are increasing greatly. The country places, as well as the cities, towns and villagp," are swarming with them. No. turaily these birds aregregarious, and under all circumstances have the shelter of:cities and towns, and it is evident that whoever introduced them to the country for beneficial purposes, mistook the species, and brought the English house sparrow instead of the hedge sparrow. However, these hordes are doing incalculable damage to the crops at the present time; especially to the wheat fields that are now getting ripe. In nearly every field protective measures are taken, and farmers are turning out to destroy them with guile. In some places the margins of the fields are corn- pletely destroyed and nothing remains but the straw. Farmers report losing $3 per day on wheat crop by the ravages of these birds. There is no other bird of its size that can do the same amount of work on a gram field, in a given time, as this. A bevy of a hundred or two hundred alight instantaneously on a field and flutter and buoy themselves up with- out any apparent support but theslender straw, and pick out the ripest and best filled kernels without bringing or bend- ing the stra /7 to the ground at all. Exeter Municipal Council. The council met by order of the reeve at the town hall, Exeter, 13 July 1891. All members present except T. B. Carling. The'rninutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Bissett -Ross-that orders he granted for the following vis: Jas Creech, $2, charity to Mrs McIntosh ; do er 50, to Mrs Wilcox ; Hamilton sewer pipe Co., $42 69, for sewer pipe; Estate of the late Geo Hess $25, balance for town clock ; Jas Ferguson, $8, for ringing bell; Thos Hartnoll, $52, ( balance of contract for drain on William-st ; Rd. Williams, $64.- 50, for labor; 3. N. Howard, 049 10, do ; Jno Gillispies $56 10, do; Jno Thompsou, $66, do; Sitas Handford, $77 25, do; Irvine Armstrong, $73 50, do ; Chas Dorward, ratificatien of reeve's order for 835 grant- ed g7th June 1891 . Wm Bawden'$49 50 labor ,• Albert Bissett, $4 50, do; Wes. J. 13issett, 846 50, do; Walter Westeott, 026.- 57, do; Relit Riebardson, $3 75, do; Geo Orr, $10 88, do•'Jno White, $27 50, do; S. Powell, $5, do; ,T. Kidd, $3 75, do ; Thos. Brock, $27 81, dm Donald Taylor, $5 50, do; Thos Welsh, $25 94, do; Alex Taylor, 89 52, do; Thee Webster, $26 26, do; Jiro. Moreshead, e26 88, do; Thos Horn, $32 63 do ; Jno Stanlake, $31 38, do ; Geo Ford, $24 38, do ; T. Williams, 1 87 do • Geo eord, 089 52, for gravel; W.Eorc, $24 50, labor. --Carried. 'Mr Creech to attend to Mrs Wileox's care until further order. The council ad- journed until Wednesday the 22nd inst., at 8 o'clock. M. Eacitemr, Clerk. budget debete was resumed by Mr. Deeatie dine +daises:a with melted an amendment to Sr eel Cartwright's enumilment, sub - era et ie.!: in set terms adhere:lee to the (lev- el o.ax eit's polky itesterel ef the eonnuercial with the laititiel letiota ileelaratiou of elle letter. Mr. Laurier ht the ter r -a. of his speeell accused the Va.tterlItlaNC itil Vtitillaitting a direct les "eh o faith in moving, this amendment. W. VII WAN O. of a solemn covenant Neer, d into with the Opposition. Mr. Foster aesetiel :it tt. Mr. Laurier's iuterpretation of the eii.i.iinistence was ineorreet, and the de - bat v tt, eantinued by Sir Richard Cart- wrielto ear John Thempsen, Mr. Mills, Mr, Bowen, Mr. Devie:s, Mr. Mulotk, Mr. Tisdale, Mr. Ca ey, Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Stake, alr..A.m. yea S.fe. 0 timet, and Mr. Dottier said that if he tiovernment would withdraw their act the tee ,eitert would withdraw the language by wlevir they bail diameter/zed that ilea Mr. Desjardius then withdrew his amends ment, but stated that he would take the next opportunity of asking hon. gentlemea to vote upon the subject. Mr. McDouald (Huron) moved the adjournment of the debate. The House adjourned at 1;15 a. m. OrreavA, July 10, 1891, -The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock, Mr. Charlton said that before the orders of the day were called he rose to a question of privilege for the purpose of correcting a mistake in a newspaper, a 'very respectable paper indeed, and he bad no doubt the misreport was in consequence of misapprehension. He referred th The Mail newspaper, which had reported: -"Mr, Bowell -That statementis made for a purpose. May I tell you, gentlemen, it is just as false—, Mr. Charlton -As false as hell." He had not used the language, and he did not wish to takefrom the Minister of Customs the laurels that belonged to him. The Budget debate Was resmaed by Mr. McDonald (Huron) and was -continued by Messrs. Wallace and King and was adjourned onanotion of Mr. Wood (Westmoreland). The House adjourned at 12 o'clock. ate population of the Dominion, according to the census, will be announced in about a week's lame. A hundred or so clerics are working away on the returns, and the staff disposes of them quicker than they come in. Algoma and the Saguenay districts are the most difficult to get returns from. Sir Williani Ritchie, deputy governor, went down to the Senate on Friday afternoon and gave royal assent to 36 bills, including the modus viuendi, the bill to settle accounts between the Dominion, Ontario and Quebec, and the bill to authorize the London and Canadian Loan dt.,' Agency Company to issue al) an itneut. Mr, K. J. Henry, aecountant, and Mr. H. H. To .ier, clerk of the Interior Department, were suspended on Friday in consequence of tho disclosures made before the Public Ac- counts Committee connecting them with ir- regular payments of money. Mr. A. M. Bur. gess,Deputy Ministor, still holds his position] Mr. Dewdney has decided to hold an officio - investigation at once iuto the genera] Conduct of the business of the departure. Mr. Ainyot has given notice that he will inquire whether the Hig,t „Commissioner for Canada at London is authorized, by the Gov- ernment to promote Imperial Federation and to afford. to that scheme his active public of- ficious oe official concurrence, or is he acting on his own responsibility? Are the Govern - anent of Canada in favor of establishing Im- perial Federation! Have the Government a final policy as to the B'ederation? Aro they hostile, favorable or indifferent thereto? The Government has decided to superan- nuate Lieut. -Col. D. W. Macdonell, sergeant - at -arms of the House of Commons, at the close of the present session. He has been in very poor health for some time past and is now at River Du Loup, Col. Macdonell is one et the oldest:officiale of the House, CONDENSED NEWS 1LEGAL, Arrant VaPtOOS Sources Through out the District. Chapter 1 ; Weak, tired, no appetite. Chapter 2 Take Rood's Sarsaparilla. Chapter 3: Strong, cheerful, hungry. Mattel thie year put down, a mile and a half of plauk sidewalk and put upward's of 150 loads of gravel on the streets at a cost for the whole work of $1,575. In the county of Huron there are 13 news- papers. Five print by steam, via F 6FriehSeeaigionrstil; lixr;c7ioan atisr PedE" and Tros t°ilNew Era, , The zetnainder wait by hand. 3Ir J. H. Pyper, and afr John Beattie, of Seaforth, have purohasea the eatire snick and busluess belonging to the estate of Messrs Duncan & Duncan of that town, and take poscession at once, Do not despair of MUIR your sick bead ache when yon ean soeesily obtain Carter's Little Liver Pjfls, They will effeat a prompt and permanent cure, Their +lotion 13 mild and natural. Areh Malcolm's hired man, Oak Lake, Man, formerly of Ilowick, was killed by lightning the other day, The lightnin t streeis the granary Where the man was working, and going utte tbe atable. MO a team of hereon Miss Howell, daughter of the Beta J. ll. l3owiI, IU, 4,, recently transferred from Berlin to Goderieh, met with quite a severe and pitiful accident on the Way to Goderieh, While looking out Of the willdOw a spark from the loweadive Amok her lo the eye, burning her face quite severely, Two by-lawe were voted on in Seaforth legit week. One was to provide $2,500 to =Ire op the &Warm to pay for the Mee - tale l'ebt plaid which was carried by.48; for $6,000 for the purchese of a new deem pump for the waterworks, and 812,049 for the exectiou of a market bowie, hose tower, ete,, wereaost by a =Orgy 0( 83, As Mr Naiad McGill, of lIsborne, was dsiviug h011ia from Farquhar on Saturday morning lad bin horse became uurnanege- able and ran away, throwing Ur IstoGill ant on the toed and bruising him badly about the head and alteulder, oleo amoveldog the buggy into atom% ba home escaped un- hurt. A TWO Samitza-Tbe outdoor house work in mime, such as that of a autamerlsitthen welshing ud ironiug, is a sort of makeellift with ruany mishaps like burns and amide, Ilut Mr Jno Heinetualan. Middle Amami, Lewin U 8 A, has found the true met% era : 1 sealded my leg with balling water, mei bad ft sprained ankle at the same a:x.4 We hada of St Jacobs Oil promptly curee pow: Li.t doublee its value cattily, t and shows its gr.:autvzsisnxin.ees, ( The Parkhill band bes been re.orgauieed. The excureion of the 'Patrons of Induatry of North allhddleitezt to Sarnia on the 3r4 led , was a great success. Mr. W, A. Bristow. of McGillivray, town line, sold a sbeep to Mr Henry Ellie on Saturday which weighed 255 patinae. Tba polies+ of Loudon, Ont., have ordered a nutaber of Bobinson's sinus posters to be taken down on the ground of their being indecent. The Hunter and:Croseley.ohuroli in Dor- °baster. is nearly completed and will be ded- icated by the above named evangelists about August The tuition of Carter's Little Liver TIlls is pleasant, mild and natural. Tilley gently stimulate tbe liver, and regulate the bowels brit do not purge. Tbey are sure to please, Try them. - John Xenny, blaeldimith, residiug on .&lice street, Luoan, aged 73 years, who had been slightly ailing the last week, was found dead in hisbed Wednesday morning. Heart disease was pronounced to be the cause. Jos. N. Folder, of McGillivray, appeared before Squire Wells Wednesday afternoon to answer to a charge of assaulting David Steeper, of the same township. He was fined 5,and the cods amounted to $7.65. Mr Charles Ham 18th concession West Williams, had his leg broken at Parkhill on Saturday evening Be was driving a spirit. ed horse, when the harness broke and the beast took fright, kicking over thedashboard and striking Mr Hays in the leg, breaking two of ths bones below the knee. Miss Bertha Shoults left her home in Parkhill Wednesday for Toronto from which plate she will leave for Japan,. Via 'Victoria, B. a, on the 0. P. B. route. In Japan she will assist Mrs Large in Miesionary work under the auspices of the Methodist church. Angus McDonald, of the 18th eon, Mc- Gillivray, narrowly escaped being killed on Monday. He was digging a trench for piles, where the Water's bridge is being built and when about ten feet below the surface about three teet of the esrth caved in on him, completely burying him. Life was not quite extinct when they found him. The suffers from Catarrh are legion and the majority of them make the serious tnia take of thinking they should only ttse treat ment when at its worst. Treatment during the summer mcuithe is almost certain to prevent ss.recurrence of the ditseas' e and Nasal Balm is the only remedy thatwill effect a compiete cure. All dealers, or post free on receipt oe price poo or $1 a bottle). Address Fulford & Co,, Brookville, Out. PERT. Will Of Motherwell, Eerrwell, had his right wrist broken the other day by a fall. Chas- Abrahan3 a clever journalist, has sold his interest in the Stratford Beacon to J. B. Stephens, late of the Walkerton Tele:cope. . Mr James Taylor, of East Nissouri, has a mare which, though only four years old,has had three colts. Mr Taylor -"thinks this nnpretheented ' A burglary was attempted Friday night in the store of Beattie & Co StMarys, The safe was blown open, but as the Jinn never keeps money in it the safe crackers were not re- warded. The trustees of tbe Anderson enroll, which was blown down last week while in course of construction have granted the contractors an additional sum of 0150. The loss will be a severe One to the contractors. Mr Chas. Diokenson, who died in St. Marys on the lit of July, was borh in Westmoreland, Eng., on the lath of De- cember, 1823. At the age of 21 years he left his native land and took ep his abode in Canada. In 1852 he moved to end sett- led in the township of Blanshard, where he followed, farming for many ) ears prior to settling in St Marys. Minard's Liniment elites Colds, &c: 1 4 11' D/01180$,Bar tie ter , Soli. a (titer of Supreme Court, Notary Oonveyarieer, coramisalerior„ .ktt Honey to roan. Offloein Panscoomooa, 1Xetr, R a. OOLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, tc., EXETER, ONT. 01110 ever the Post Office. TPILLIOT B4 ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyaneers o,ao, la -Motley to Loan at Lowest Bathe cf Interest. OFFICE. MAIN STREET, EXETER. V, )MlitOT. Z. ItLMor, DENTAL. DR. 0. H. INGRAM, DENTRA!, Successor to R. I,. Billings. Member of the Royal College of Dental Suigeons,) Teeth inaertea with or without Plate, in Gold or Rubber. A. este Au:esthetic giveu for the painless extraction of teeth.. Plates eeourea Amity itt the mouth PY 'Yemen's' Fateut Valve. OFFICE: Over O'Neire Bank. Liman every Friden, IsUNSUAN,DENTIST,14,1). Fanson'S Block, Itaio.st, Exeter, EXtraote Teeth withont petn. Away at lieeseta, on aret Friday: Crete, second awl fourth Tuesday: aud Ztin7a474 °nth° last Thurs. dav of eaohmontb. MEDICAL T W. BROWNINO M D., Per • Et, Graduate Vest:ode thrive% ty: 001ce and, realdeeee, Deut:tdoe Lebo a. tory EXO tor. nR. RYNDIIIAN, coroner for tae A- County of Huron. °face, opp-stte Carling Bros. store, nstor,. R. J. A.ROLLINS,M.O.r. S. 0. (Moe, Male fit. Exeter, Ont. Residence, tiouee reeoutly °coupled by In Merbilltpe, Seq. TIR.MellAUGEILlIsT, W.EA1. ber of Lae college of Phydelana and Surgeons+. Ontario. Ployeloian. Surgeon WA Aceouelieur. OCtice,DA$11WOOD ONT. 1 )R. DAVID M. STAEBLER, (UNIVERSITY or TORONTO) Plavaielan, Sureeen. etc. freeing meat the winter of 1886-81 ia New York, and winter of 1587-83 In Vienna, Auetria, Orme OREDITON. ONTARIO. DR. W 0 OD RT_TIPP Phiertaeli 111. the EYE, HArt, NOSE an THROAT Eye itlaSSes and Sees:theta furnithed for both Near and Distaut Viaion, Alwaas at home, except on Fridays. .No. 1St; Queen's Avenue, London untoirio. AUCTIONEERS. LHARDY, LICENSED A U0- . tioneor for the County Of, Innen, °barges moderate. Exeter P 0. e A T. ROLLINS, LTOENSEI Le Auctioneer for Counties Enron and Middlesex. Realdenee,lmilo south of Exeter. P. O. Exeter. BOSSENBERRY, Genera! Li. .11.1. (sensed Auotioneer Sales oenlinotod allparts. Sattafactionguaranteed. Charges o de rat 0_:b.__134 p 012. ILTENEY EMBER Licensed Auo- tioneer for the Counties of ECuron and Xiadleser Sales conducted at mod- erate rates. at Poet -0410e. Ore& ton Ont. H. PORTER, GENERAL D• AuottoneerandLandValuator. orders sent by mail to my address, Hayti eld P. O., willreoeiveprompt attention. Terms moder- ate. D. H. 'POUTER, A.uctioneer. VETERINARY, Tennent& Tennent EXETER. ONT. Graduates of the Ontario Veterinaly Col- lege, Orman : One Actor South ofTo tin Hale, . MONEY TO LOAN. VrONEI TO LOAN AT 6 AND Ill percent, 025.000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Compauiesrepresented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister Exeter. SURVEYING. FRED W. FARN.00 MB , Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- CI-XisTIU20R,333TO., Office, Ups tairs .Samwell's Block. Exeter.Ont morsumasemorvoeftonvera INSURANCE . rPHE LONDON MUTUAL -L FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Read Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still, continues to offer the owners of farm property andprivate residences, either on buildings or eentents,tbe most favorable protection in eat& of loss or damage by fire orlightning, at rates. upon such liberal terms. that no other respects ahle pompany can afford to write. 42,37 polio ores in force lst.Tan afteo. Assets $37.428.00 in cash in bank. Government divest, eben- tures and Premium lgoiee• JAMEstRANT4. President; Da 0.1VfoDoitsta ,Manager • 'Am ,TAnuss,Agent for Exeter andvieinitv. . rpHE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURAN 0 E 0 0 Established in 1863. IIEAD OFFICE • WATERLO0,01VT. IThis Company has been over Twenty -eight - years in successful operation in Western Ontario, and continues to insure against loss ot. ilamage by Fire, Buildings,, Merchanffiee, Manufactories and all other descriptions of insurable property. Intending insurers have/ the option of insuring on the Premium Noto.or Cash System. . Dunne the toast ten years this company has issued 574090 Policies, covering property to the amount of $40,872 038; and paid in losses alone 3709,752.00. Aseets, 81.76,1,00-00 , consisting of Cash in Bank Government Deposit and the unassessr sed Premium Notes on hand and in force. J. W•Waaneir, President; 0 1114 TAYLOR Secretary; 3. Belluomis, In speetor. CHAS SNELL. Agent for Exeter and vicinity. 1. 'V.. A 8 TprietmAisYeLSTfeMA. MRoButlelyN, con. THE10. Usborne, a younr pig, on or about 10th June: Owner ean have the SitMe by Droving property- . and paying expenses, MATTnEw BouTLEY, a4j11' Winchelsea,