The Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-05-31, Page 44 Te 4aderk Sigial-Star, '7,'hwrsday, May 31st, .1962
Articles For, Sale 3. Real Estate For Sale
W rand " ',Bede refrigerators,
ranges; Washing machines, dry-
er.s. +ho'me air conditioning. Best
prices,, low terms, good trade
allowances.: Seg Lumbys, 39 St.
•David Street, Goderich, -19tf
1I."YGINIC sbppiles (rubber
goods) mailed postpaid in plain,
sealed envelope with price list.
Six; samples 25c; 24 samples
$1.,00. Mail Order -Dept. T-53.
Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham -
Moan, • Ont.
Service. Repairs and bags °for
til awakes of vacuo',d polish-
vrs, Reconditioned ma ' Ines of
all makes for sale. Bo . • Peck,,
Varna. .Tel. Heasali 696 r 2.
FILTER QUEENSales. and Ser-
exvice.. Bob Peck, Varna. Phone,
flensall 696 r 2. -28tf
BOXED plants -petunia, asters,
stocks, alyssum, carnations, del-
phinium, pansies etc.; perenni-
als, primroses, alyssum, colum-
bine, eth.; cabbage and tomato.
B. R. Munday, phone '7961, Gode-
rich, 127 Widder St. -18tf
GLADIOLI bulbs. Cut flowers,
mum plants. L. R. Holman, 1.87
Cameron St., phone 8852. 19tf
TOMATO, cabbage and pansy
plants, etc. Vance Gibson, 182
Widder St. -21
HAY baler (roto); six years old,
excellent condition. Stan Mc-
Gratten, phone 9127. -21tf
"'BOX PLANTS - flowers 49c;
vegetables 39c, at Aitken's Groc-
ery, Hamilton St., phone 9361..
ZIG ZAG sewing machine, ahead
. and back,,, does buttonholes. Or-
iginal $130.Q0. Can 'have for
$47.00 or take over $7.00 pay-
ments. Write Box 87, Signal -
Star. -21-22
ASPARAGUS for sale. J. L.
Webb. JA 4-8159. -2I
. 106- ACRES mixed hay_ on-
shares,,,„„ALSherwood„ Dungan -
mattresses; algi-two 4' beds
s.,--apthisprioes. --Bedford Hotel.
USED three-piece chesterfield,
'in excellent cendition'.' Lodge
Furniture. -22
SEWING machine, like new.
Lodge Furniture. -22
GOOD sturdy five -piece chrome
set, just recovered chairs. Ledge
Furniture. - -22
Real Estate and Boniness Broker
83 Victoria! St.,. Gaderich, Ont.
General Insurance
Phone JA4 413
BUILD, for Less with a Halliday
Home --Call at our office ter
your new 1962 catalogue.
187 ' CALEY ST. - - 3 -bedroom
brick Kernohan Home. Enter-
tain any offer within reason.'
48 ESSEX -2 -storey white brick,
182 ELIZABETH Ranch style,
Angel stone, 3 -bedroom, low
down payment.
140 BLAKE W. -:---new, 3 -bed-
room, red brick, low down.
payment. Under construction.
239 LIGHTHOUSE -frame du-
plex, upper rents for $60 per
month; lower can be rented
, at $75 per month. Easy terms
4 OTHER homes in West end
location -1 4 -bedroom brick;
1- 3 -bedroom brick; 1 6 -bed-
room frame; 1 5 -bedroom
WE HAVE a selection of 14
other homesin rest df the
town ranging from $3,000 up.
See us today.
WE HAVE one of the largest
listings of farms in Huron
County from $3,300.00 to
1-66.. x 104 ---Nelson St.
1-66 x 104-Caley St.
1-66 x 104 -Warren St
2-66 x 104 ---Palmerston St.
1-100 x 289 George's
Farm Salesman: John I. Rapson
:.152-South...S1 JA..4-
3. Real Estate For- Sale
Solid.' Red Brick
• oil Large Lot
Four ,bedrooms, twesidiving
rooms (or den), dining room,
pantry, kitchen, central hall
plan, full basement, garage,
'large verandah. This is an
especially- well-built • house, a
prestige home in a good loca-
tion. Many extras. Price
with attached garage. This
home is built on a large lot in
the west end. Exceptionally
well appointed inside. Base-
ment practically finished in
rooms. Oil heat.
Cottage on
Essex St.
south of Harbourlite Inn. Fur-
nished, garage, fireplace.
North of New
Hospital ..
20 x 26 plus verandah; hydro
and water; approximately one
acre whichis fenced. Priced
for Quick sale.
Newly built cottage at .
3. ,Real Estate For Sale 5. To- Rent
Real Estate proloir
General Insurance
Phone JA 4-8526
Deluxe rug brick ranch type
home, overlooking the lake.
Three-bedroom home on Cale-
donia Terrace, oak floors up-
stairs and , down, attached gar -
Almost new three-bedroom
home, south west.,
Home in good location, 15
years old, newly decorated, al -
Most new garage, owner leaving
Three-bedroom home with 2
good extra lots. Large living
robin, modern kitchen and sun -
room. Priced to sell.
Four-bedroom. home, living
room with dining area, kitchen
with modern cupboards, full
basement with slew oil furnace,
excellent woodworking shop at
Handyman's special, 4 -bed-
room home on 2 -acre lot, new
foundation, full price $3,000.
Income home, brick,. 'antral
Home in Auburn, nicely dec-
orated, modern kitchen, good
lot, priced reasonably.
Large lot on No. 8 highway,
close to Goderich.
200 -acre farm, 7 miles film
town. The new, modern house
is a woman's dream and the
land is a man's opportunity.
175, acres workable, 25 acres
Dicksonrs Beach with silo and new milk house,
sugar bush, good bank barn
close to lake. Cottage 21 x 28 double garage. Included are 30
ceilmg, linoleum palante-on good terms: --- -
water, 0hydro, furnished, park-
• New Cottage at
Poplar Beach
31/, miles south of Kincardine.
Cottage 24 x 32 on lot 75 x 259;
3 -bedroom, hydro and Water.
PRIVATE- SALE of household
furniture, at Miss Mary Milne'g'
home, Blyth, consisting of two
2 -piece antique walnut bedroom
suites; one oak hall rack;,
drapes; breakfast suite; odds
and ends; and other articles too
numerous to mention. - -22
--TWO-PIECE beige chesterfield
suite, used, in good condition.
Phone Clinton, HU 2-7338.
TRAILER, 8 x 35, with living
room attached, 11 x 22, mahog-
any paneling, rug on floor, $400
down. Phone ,JA 4-8892. -22
USED lumber, all kinds, doors,
windows, etc. Behind Dearborn
Steel Taliin Brock St. Ask
for Jake.
Real Estate Brpker
floa residence on a really ex-
cellent lake bank property. Pic-
ture windows, stone fireplaces,
3 bedrooms, as well as large
living room, attraetive dining
room, attached garage and many
modern extras.
• In an excellent central loca-
tion, an attractive 2 -storey brick
residence, with attached garage.
Priced at $13,500.00.
. At the north-west corner of
Cambria Rd. and Elgin Ave.,-, a
very good frame, 2 -storey dwell -
We have several Choice, ser-
viced building lots, 60 ft xG133.
ft. in a developing area, for
nehan, 1 -floor bungalow in a
first-cIiss area, ter sale: -
We hove approximately -4
acres in Goderich on west side
of Bayfield Rd., in an area zoned
CONTINENTAL beds with good
box spring mattress, legs and
headboard, $47.50. Lodge Fur -
PUREBRED, red Cocker 'Span-
iel pups, eight weeks., J. H.
BOY'S small sidewalk bicycle,
with training wheels. Phone
TOMATO plants, Bonny Best
and Bounty; also cabbage plants.
Fred Gilbert,' -phone 0168.
• Your agent in the Goderich
District for Kernohan Homes
In a choice residential' area,
near the lake -196 Wilson St.'
This 'is a 2 -storey residence, with
attached garagei 6 rooms, new
oil furnace. Priced right for a
quick sale.
, General, Insurance
38 Hamilton Street
Phone JA 4-7272
1..ADY'S taller skates with
white boots, size 7, wort once;
set lifting_, weights. Phone
LLOWD baby carriage, like new.
-24-Cars;-Truclis For Sale
THIN,KING of Rambler? Visit
the BlueWater SerVice Station,
1954 PLYMOUTH. Best offer.
193if. FORD Roadster, suitable
for restoring, 4 new fenders,
grille, running boards, etc., $200.
2 760-15 Firestone tubeless tires,
used for only three wEcks. $40.
Phone JA 4-8726. 21-22x
1949 CHEV. Yrtan pick-up and
1949 ChrYsler Windsor sedan.
• Both vehicles in goed condition,
Parts for 1950 Cliev pick-up hi -
eluding two good 600 x 16 tires
atid• two • good 650 x 16 tires.
Arthur Bros., Auburn. -22tf
LOT; excellent west end loco-
qion. Phone JA 4-8480.
Desirable Family -Size. Home -
Two-storey, red brick, having
three large bedrooms, double
living room, dining room, kit-
chen and two bathrooms. This
home is- heated -Jape mew -forced -
air oil furnace and has many
features found in a new home,
while retaining all the charm of
an older home. Be sure to in-
spect this one soon.
Three -Bedroom Bungalow -Low
Down Payment
Only three years old, this
mOdern home has three com-
fortable bedrooms, each with
clothes closets, large, •bright,
living room and dinette, pleas-
ant, convenient, kitchen with
built-in cupboards, arborite
counter tops and exhaust fan.
This home is heated from the
full, basement by an oil -fired
forced air furnace% Well situ-
ated in a west location, thid
home is offered for a low•down
payment: ,
Three -bedroom ---bungalow, 2
years old, located on Coley ,St.
110tiae and lot very well- cared
for. OM. & mortgage new
on property.
Cottage lots at Blue Water,
Bogie's, Brindley's and Port Al-
bert Developments.
Phone JA 4-8801
Realtor Manager
Goclerich Phone •JA 4-9662
On Bayfield Rd., the last brick
home, with two acres land, has
many possibilities.
Four-bedroom brick home,
modern. bathroom, sunporch,
recreation room, oil furnace, ex-
tra lot, two garages, priced to
The' Salvation' • Aiony 'building -
on Lighthouse St., ,vvith two-
bedroom apartmentabeves-price
$9,000, or nearest offer.
Two -apartment house and gar-
age, located on• Gloucester Ter-
race, hot water heating. Price
$8,000 or nearest offer.- -
One -floor, three-bedroom bun-
galow, full basement, furnace„
choice location -$8.900.
Blue Water Beach -Complete-
ly furnished two-bedroom cot-
tage. living • room, kitchen,
bathroom,, earport, reasonable.
On Highway 21, close to, the
new hospital, 20 acres land,
1320 ft. frontage, only $5,000.
Close to Clinton, 80 acres,
seven -room house and_ barn,
conveniences: $5,500.
On Highway. 21, a few miles
nerth of G'oderich, frame dour -
bedroom house with bathrooni,
two and a -half acres land, nice
barn, pressure -system, full price
229 acres along Maitland
River, good pasture land, lots
of gravel: ,
Lake frontage, summer cot-
tages, lots.
In Saltford, five lots, 66 x 132,
$600 each.
Lake ,front lots, 31,000.
We have a large listing of farms
. in Huron County.
with all modern conveniences
and new furnace, bank barn and
implement shed, 6 miles from
Goderich. Priced reasonable.
Farm Salesman: L. H. Pentland
Huron Rd. -JA 4-8041
4. Real Estate. anted
Summer Cottages and town Pro-
perty. Alexander and Chipman,
Realtors, Bank of Commerce
building, Goderich. Phone
JA 4-9662. -18
WE require listings for homes,
building lots and businesses.
Peter 'S. MacEwan, Real Estate,
LISTINGS requested for Farm,
Residential and Resort Proper-
_ties;.- also General -.T.xisnra
S. E. Malins, Realtor and Gen-
eral Insurance Agent, R.R. 1,
Goderich; also Forest. -13tf
FOUR-BEDROOM red brick on
East St. A well-built, well -kept
home. Alexander & Chapman,
NELSON Ap.artnaent No.
bedroom, living. room, kitchen,
full bath, eAtripped with gas
heater and, piped for,gas range;
adults only, no animal pets. All.
apartments have private eilt-
rances. Phone JA 4-8556.
TWO summer cottages at Mene-
setung4Park, week, • month or
season. Alexander & Chapman,
Phone JA 4-9662.
FOR July and August, Complete-
ly furnished, three-bedroom,
modern home, close to lake.
John Bosveld, realtor, 40 Wel-
lesley St. -22
MODERN, heated, upper apart-
ment, 3 rooms and bath -with
tiled floors throughout, private
entrance. Phone JAckson 4-9376.
EXCEPTIONALLY nice. cottage,
close to Goderich, month or sea-
son. Alexander & Chapman,
phone JA 4-9662. -22
NEW 5 -room apartment for rent.
Apply P.O. Box 602, Gederich.
FURNISHED, heated, five -room
apartment. JA 4-8836..
HOUSE trailer,-furnishedr-water
and hydro supplied. Phone -8891.
THREE-BEDROOM house, avail-
able June L Phone JA 4-9026.
6. Wanted To Rent
needed- by July 1
for permanent resident_
'Write George Belanger,-13ox 309,
8. Help Wan4d
A multi-million dollar mutual
fund company expanding rapid-
ly throughout Ontario requires
additional managers and sales
personnel. _
If you have a .desire to own
your own business„be your own
boss, work in your own com-
munity, hire and train your own
sales team) this should appeal
If you are "boxed in" with no
future in your present employ-
ment you should call for an
appointment. We could have
the future you._ are looking for.
Company training school, lucr-
ative commissions, full renewal's,
company fringe benefits and all
sales literature supplied.
Call or wri e
Assistant Nat. Sales Manager
A.G.F. Management Limited
Toronto - .EM 3-1303
Three-bedrochti home, two,
years old. This dweilina is
lotated On Elilabeth St., and
Three-bedroom bungalow,
modern kitchen with • htiilt-in
cupboards and counters and
heated by forced -ail- gas-fired
!IVO storey,- four bedroom
Willie, exeeptionally good
Condition. LoW down pa37Ment.
Spend This Summer at the
Now Hated are three low -
prided cottages at *good lake-
front locations, One is available
for only $500. down and, the
other_twO 'at only $1,000 down.
Call tPclak•
Forel and Rural Saleigmen:
Gibers. Aslifeitit.PordivIch
Real Estate Broker
40 Wellesley St., Goderkh
Phone JA 4-8762
5. To Rent
-furnished housekeeping units,
Trig. and gas stove, sell -contain-
ed, Maple Leaf Motel, 54 Vic-
toria St. -16tf
ONE -BEDROOM, unfurnished,
heated apartment, above Busi-
ness College, available immedi-
ately. Phone 7450. -16tf
PRIVATE office,' heated, at 46
West ,St. ' Malcolm Mothers,
Real Estate Broker. Phone
LARGE upper, heated apart-
ment, unfurniShed. Phone 7556;
after , five o'clock. -18tf
,TYPEWRiTERS - Portable and
standards. Skeoch Office Sup-
plies, phone JA 4-8652, Goderich.
Three-bedroem winterized cot-
tage, • three-piece bath, modern
kitchen, large picture window
in living room, beautiful scenic
lot, .drilled well and garage.
One -bedroom cottage, kitchen,
living room, three-piece bath, to
be moved, $3,500.00.
Summer cottage on lakefront,
16. Public Notice
RE: Expropriation -Part of Lot
14, Concession 1, in the
Township of Goderich, in
the County of Huron., in
the Province of Ontario.
TAKE NOTICE that by regis-
tration of a Plan and Descrip-
tion on the' 26th day of April,
1962 as No. 2033 in. the Regis-
try Office for the Registry Divi-
sion of Huron, Her Majesty, the
Queen in right of Ontario, ps
represented by the Minister of
Public Works for the Province
of Ontario, has acquired owner-
ship Of the following land:
tain parcel or tract of land and THENCE north along the east
premises situate, lying and be. boundary of said Lot sixty-six
rich, in the County of Htirell,
ing in the Township of Gode. feet (66.0') to a point;
in the Province of Ontario, and
being composed of part a Lot
14 in Conceision 1, in the said
Township of Goderich, the -boun-
daries of the said parcel being
described • as follows:
P1ZEMISING that the westerly
limit of Highway 21 as estab-
lished, by the Department of
Highways, Ontario, Plan of Sur-
vey Numbered P-2543-8, in front
of the said Lot 14, Concession 1,
has an astronemital course of
north zero degrees, ten minutes,
fifteen seconds west (N.0° 10'
15"W.) derived from astronomic=
al observation and relating all
bearings herein thereto;
the point of cofeimenceme t;
THE SAID Right -of -Way Tug
Works, ,Ontario, Plan of Su vey
THE SAID Right -of -Way having.
previousli been described as
-COMMENCING, at a driven iron
pipe on the north boundary of
said Lot, whieh, said pipe is
twenty-six and nine -tenths feet
east (26.9') of the southwest
angle of Let 41, Registered Plan
19, for' the Township of Gode-
THENCE south tiventy-two de-
grees, fifty minutes east 422°
O'E.) six hundred and seventy,
five and eighty-five one -hund-
redths feet (675.85') to a point
to a driven iron bar;
THENCE southerly sixty-six
feet (66.0') to a point;
to north eighty•pind de i110384
THENCE north eighty-nine de-
grees, forty-nine minutes, forty-
five seconds east (N.89° 49', 45"
E.),,tour thousand, five hundred
and twentyufour feet (4,524.0')
to the east boundary of said ieot;
COMMENCING at a point, in
the 'said Lot 14 lecated as fel-
BEGINNING at the south-
easterly- angle• of Lot 42, ac.-
-the Regiitry Office for the
Registry, Division of the Coun-
ty of _Huron, at Goderich,
THENCE north eighty-nine
-degrees, thirty-six minutes
east (N.89° 36'E.) along the
nOrtherly limit of the said
Lot 14, twenty-six and nine -
THENCE south twenty-two
degrees, fifty minutes east
(S.22° 50'E) two hundred feet
(200.0') to the said ,point of
THENCE continuing. south
twenty-two degrees, fifty minutes
east (S.22° 50'E.) one hundred
THENCE south eighty-nine de-
grees, thirty-six minutes west
(S.89° 36'W) and parallel to the
said northerly limit of Lot 14,
four hundred. and -one and s,ey-
enty-five one -hundredths feet
(401.75'), more or less„to a point
in the highwater mark of Lake
THENCE south eighty-nine, de-
grees, forty-nine minutes, forty-
five seeonds west (S.89° 49'. 45"
W.) four thousand, four hundred
and tvvehty-nifie and -twenty;5five
one -hundredths feet (4,429.25')
to a point;
THENCE iierth twenty-two de-
grees, fifty minutes west (N..22°
50'W.) six hundred and seventy-
five and •eighty-five one -hund-
redths feet (675.85') to a point
on the ,north boundary of said
THENCE westerly along the
north boundary of said Lot
seven thousand, one hundred
and thirty-nine feet (7,139.0') to
the place of beginning.
THE SAID land is rewired for
the poblic purposes of Ontario.
EVERY PERSON having any
claim to compensatiori milqt
ister '117M7 -W-1' Ones (Ontarie)
East Block, Parliaxnent Build-
ings, Toronto, Ontario, within
six months after registratien of
the said Plan and Description,
or in the case of lands injurious-
ly affected within six months
after the iejury complained ot
or in the case of a continuing
injury within ,one year from the
time when the injury began or
became keown to him.
THIS NOTICE is given in ac-
cordance with Section 22 of The
Public Works Act, R.S.O. 1960
(c. 338).
Minister of Priblic Works
for the Province of Ontario.
Woronto, Ontario;
10th May, 1962.
THENCE in a general northerly
direction and following the said
highwater mark of Lot 14 to its
inter 'on with a line drawn
thirty-six =nu es ve-St--a:
36'W.). and parallel to the said
northerly limit of Lot 14 from
the said point of commence -
THENCE north eighty-nine de-
grees, thirty-six minutes- eaat
(N.89° 36'E.) four hundred and
ten feet (410.0), more or less,
to the paint af commencement;
ed in red, on Department of
Public Works, Ontario, Plan of
Survey L.S. 293-14;
TOGETHER :WITH 'a Right -of -
Way of ingress and egress for
all necessary purposes to those
now. and hereafter entitled
thereto, the boundaries of the
said Right -of -Way being describ-
COMMENCING at a point in
the said ncrrtherIy limit of Lot.
14, distant twerity-six and nine -
tenths feet -(26,9!)- .measured
north eighty-nine` degrees,
thirty-six minutes east (N.89°
36'E.) along the said northerly
limit from the southeasterly
angle of the•said Lot 42; ,
THENCE south 'twenty-two de-
grees, fifty, minutes east (S.22°
50'4) six hundred and seventy-
five and eighty-five one-hund•,,
PART time domestic cook for
summer and fall. Hours 4 p.m.
to 8 p.m.., five days weekly and
every other • Sunday. Wages
$23.00. Transportation requir-
ed. Other domestic help main -
13 oy to learn auto, body repair
trade. Some experience help-
ful, but not esserstial.
suitable for cars, furniture, e?ots.
Phone JA 4-7801. ' "L'• meat department Apply Cutt's
wrapping and clerking in the
Red & White,. corner _Victoria
and Bruce Sts. -22
LARGE" front bed -sitting room,
heated and, furnished; hot plate.
Mrs. Ken Allin, Victoria St.
APARTMENT. to rent - five
monis and bath. Available at
once. Phone JA 4-7/64.
MODERN, self-contained, ma-
furriished, heated apartment,
.suitable for one or two persons.
Phone JA 4-9645. -20ef
to beach, completely furnished,
Adam - flowers
Phone 83 Box 41 Bayfield
LARGE, furnished, bed -sitting
room, rangette, frig., good Cup-
board space, use of phone.
Agent Miss Mary 13. Howell, 12
St. Vincent St. JA 4-8642.
TWO experienced legal secre-
taries required, for Dannelly,
Excellent wage's and fringe
benefits. -22
REAL Estate agent wanted. Be
your own boas. Lady or gentle-
man, high commitsion; Apply
John Bosveld, realtor, 40 'Wel-
lesley St. -22
-IF YOU are ambitiotis, you can
make good with a Rawleigh
Besiness in Goderieh and Huron
Comity% We help you get start-
ed. No experience needed to
FOUR -ROOM_ apartment, with E-216-2, 4005- Richelieu, Mon -
start. Write Ravrieigh's, 'Dept.
bath, heated, titifurnished. treat • -22
Phone JA 4-7171. -21tf .wAl\riE1)-Apprentice to learn
auto body repair trade. David-
son Texaco Serviee, Huron Rd.
10. Wanted (General)
ONE-gEDROOM house, modern
convenienc" heavy wiring. 140
_Britannia Rd. East., -21
HEATED apartment. Phone
JA 4-8140, after six o'clock.
INVITED. llgtotteWLge.! lin(16inee°draiattted'ilionivsee$41t
TWO theite Wile* IOU
Gibbet% .St. Pleate Write P.O. HOUSE for sale or rent, 'avail- intitit. be satrifieed elose an
Soit'61114 Geiderith, -224 able June I', 4-9434. 221e estete. PhOne 8161. 42-23
NICE, heated cotta:ge, sleeps
five,' frig and electrio) Stove, $25
weekly or $15 per ' week -end.
Phone 32, Dungpionci -21tf
SE'VERAL cettag,es, 411 conven-
iences. Mrs. Clareke Hey, Port
Albert Phone 25 r41., Dungan -
for -.gentleman; •
frigerator and deo
supplied._ 15 Q
wood Park,
PHONE JA 4-7984 for painting,
windows Washed, or any other
Odd jOba. -21
STURDY used table wanted,
31/2' high. Phone 8331.
NCE south- three degrees,
fifty-nine minutes east (S.3*
59'E.) fifty and eighty one -hund-
redths feet (50.80);
THENCE north eighty-nine de-
grees, forty-nine minutes, forty-
five seconds east (N.89° 49' 45"
E.) four thousand, four handred
and eighty-six and seventy-five
oneshundredths feet (4,486.75')
to a point in the westerly limit
-of Highway' 21; ag, established
by Department a HighWays,
Ontario, Plan of Survey Nuin-
thirty -sue nunutea eas N489
38%.) along the said nor herly
limit from the southeasterly
angle of the said Lot 42, accord-
ing to the said Plan 19;
'171ENCE south twenty-twos de-
grees, fifty -minutes east (S.22°
THENCE south eighty-nine ,41
grees, thirty -Six minutes west
(S,89° 36'W.) and parallel to the
said northerly limit of Lot 14,
four hundred and eighteen and
twenty-five one -hundredths feet
point in the highwater mark of
Lake Huron;
THENCE in a general •northerly
direction and following the said
highwater mark of Lake Huron
to its intersection with the said
northerly limit of Lot 14;
THENCE north eighty-nine de-
grees, thirty-six minutes east
(N.89° 36'E.) and following the
said northerly limit of Lot 14,
four hundred and twenty-six
and five -tenths feet (426.5%
more or less, to the point of
cels being further shown, mark-
ed in red, on" Department of
Public Works, Ontario, Plan of
Stingy L.S. 293-13;
TOGETHER WITH a Right -of -
Way of ingress and egress,,for
all necessary purposes to those
now and ,,,hereafter entitled
thereto,- the boundaries of the
said Right -of -Way being describ-
ed as follows:
COMMENCING at a point in the
said northerly limit of Lot 14,
distant twenty-six and nine -
tenths feet (26.9') measured
north . eighty-nine degrees,
thirty-six minutes east (N.89°
36'E.) along the said hortherly
limit from, the southeasterly
THENCE south twenty-two de-
grees, fifty minutes east (S.22°
50'E.) srix hundred and seventy -
fi ty-nine 'Minutes east (S.3-°
59'E.) fifty and eighty one-hund-
THENCE north eighty-nine de-
grees; forty-nine minutes, forty-
five seconds east (N.89:: 491..45"
E.), four thousand; .foor hundred
and eighty-six and seventy-five
one -hundredths' feet (4,486.75')
to a point in the westerly limit
of HigliWay 21, as established by
Department of Highways, On-
tario, Plan of Survey Numbered
THENCE north zero degrees,
ten minutes, fifteen seeonds west
westerly - limit of Highway 21,
sixty-six feet (66.0');
THENCE south eighty-nine de-
grees, forty-nine minutes, forty-
-20-22 five seconds west (S.89° 49' 45"
W.) four thousand, four hund-
red and twenty-five feet (4,425.
THENCE north twent-Y-two de-
grees, fifty minutes west (N.22°
50'W.) six hundred and fifty-nine
and fifty-five eine-hundredths
feet (659.55') to a point •in the
said northerly limit of Lot 14;
THENCE south eighty-nine de-
minuteS west
Or in the aoe Of, a continuing'
iniury within one year frOna the
time when the injuiv began or
became known to hint.
THIS 'NOTICE is given in ac-
cordance with Section 22 of The
Public Works -Act, R.S,O. 1960
(c. 338).
Minister ef Public Works
for the Province ef Ontario.
Toronto, Ontario,
Intli May, 1962.
MONEY available for first mort-
gage on good residential and.
some types of. commercial pro-
perties. Apply to Harold W.
Shore, Real Estate Broker, 30
Hamilton St. Phone JA 4-7272.
NOW finance your new or late
model used ear purchase at
Bank Rates through Harold W.
Shore, 38 Hamilton , St. Dial
7272. -7tf
12. Tenders Wanted ,
and follOwing the
feet (71.39'1, more or less, to
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC and thirty-nine one hundredths
., wolt:Ks .the point of commencement..
RE- Expropriation -Lots 42 and THE SAID Right -of -Way being
-43, Plan 19 and part of Lot shown on Department of Public
Works, Ontario, Plan of Survey
.the Province, of Ontario. -TH1.; SAID Right -of -Way haying
previously , been described as
TAKE. NOTICE that by regis- follows:. ‘
COMMENCING at a driven iron
tion on the 26th day of April,
pipe dn the north boundary of
1962 as No. 2032, in the Regis- ,
said Lot, which said pipe is
try Office for the' Registry Divi-
twentY-six and nine -tenths feet
sion of Hurdn, Her. Majesty the
as east (26.9') of the southwest
Queen in right of Ontario, of angle of Lot 41, Registered Plan
represented by the Minister
19, for the TownShip of Gode-
Public Works for the Province
of Ontario, has acquired owner- rich; ' -
ship. of the follovving land: THENCE south twenty-two de-
grees, fifty minutes east (S.22°
50'E.) six hundred and .seventy-
tain-parcels or- tracts of land
five and" eighty4ve ofie-hund-
'and premises situate, lying and Kociths_oet (635.851 to: a_ point
being in the Township a Gode- -
to a driven iron .par; .
'in the Pro,vince of Ontario, and =gag
rbiecinh,g ice% thpeo's CoouonftyLootof 4211 u raonnd, , f e e t
sotitherly sixty -Six
file afthe Registry Office fer the THENCE north eighty-nine de -
Registry Division af the County. grees, forty-nine minutes, forty -
of Huron, at Goderieh, Ontarie, five seconds eaSt (N.89° 49'
and part of Lot 14, in Conces- 45"E.) four thousand, five hund-
sion 1, in the said Township. of red and twenty-four feet (4,524.
'0Oderich, the said parcels being 0') to the east boundary of said
more particularly described as Lot; -
SEALED TENDERS, in sextup-
licate, addressed to Atomic
Energy of Canada ,Limited, Nu-
clear Power Mont Division, P.O.
Box 905, Toronto 18, Ontarib.
Attention Mr. R. C. Bryce Sen-
ior Materials Engineer, and
clearly marked;
will be received. up to 12*o'clock
The work will -consist of the
installation of approximately
171,000 bricks and 117,000 con:
crete blocks of several sizes.
The supply of the bricks and
concrete blocks will not be part
of the contract.
The Work is to staft August
1, 1962, and is to be completed
by April 30, 1963.
The site of the Douglas Point
Project is located Qn the east
shore of Lake Huron, about mid-
way between Kincardine and
Port Eight
Copies of the tendering docu-
ments may be obtained after
Wednesday, May -30, from the
Director of Supply, the Hydro -
Electric Power Commission of
Ontario,. 620 University Avenue,
Toronto, on payment of $50.00
to the Commission for , each set
of documents, This charge will
be refundable until August 15,
1962, on return of the tendering
documents. Telephone inquir-
ies are b directed to 368-
hed, four
es. Ridge-
THENCE north zero degrees,
ten minutes; fifteen seconds
said westerly limit bf Highway
THENCE south eighty-nine de-
grees, forty-nine minutes, forty-
five secorids west (S.89° 49' 45"
W.) fotirthousand, four hundred
and twenty-five feet (4,425.01;
50'W) six hundred and fifty-
nine and fifty-five one -hull&
redthi feet (659.55') to a point
in the' said northerly limit of
Lot 14;
**es' thirty-six initiutet west
(S.89 36'W.) and folloWing the
said northerly limit seventy -One
and thirty-nine' ^one-hundredtlift
THENCE north along the east
FIRSTLY 'boundary of said Lot sixty-six
All of Lots 42 and 43, according feet (66.0') to a point;
to the said Plan 19 on file at the
THENCE sooth eigfity-niiie de -
Registry Office for the Registry
Division of the totnity grees, forty-nine minutes, forty -
at Goderich, Ontario; Nclf
TOGETHER with a right-of-way died and twenty-nine and
, 45"W.) four thousand, four hun-
' five seconds west (S.89° 49'
for all purposes oVer Carlton twenty-five one -hundredths feet
Avenuer Huron Drive, Irvine '(4;429.25) to a point;
Avenue -and Frederick -Street -as •
shewn on said Plan 19;
AND TOGETHER with the right,
in common with all others en-
titled: theretcs._ to enjoY at their
(Atm risk the use of Blocks 13,,
C, and D on said plan as a priy-
ate beach, in such condition as
it may be from time to time;
PREMISING that the westerly
limit of Highway 21, as estab-
lished by Deriartinent of High-
ways, OritariO Plan •of Survey
Numbered .111-2'54341, in front of
the taid -lots ,Coft.
cesSion I, has an aatronoinical
ten minutes, fifteen SecOlidS
from astrtmomical observation
and relating all bearings herein
northerly limit •of the .said Lot
14, distant twenty-six and
tenths. feet (26.91 &Wanted
THENCE north' twenty-two de-
grees, fifty minutes west (N.22°
50.W.Isix hundred' and seventy-
five and eighty-five one -hund-
redths feet (675.85') to a point
on the north' boundary of said
THENCE westerly along the
north botuidary of said Lot
seventy-one and thirty-nine one -
hundredths feet (71.39') to the
place of beginning.
Tim SAID land is required for
the public purposes of Ontario.
EVERY PERSON having any
claim to conipensation must file
same in the .office of the Min -
later of P,ublic Works (OntariO)
East Block, ParliaMent
Toronto; Ontarie, within
six Months after registration of
the said Plan and Description,
or in the ease of lands injtnious-
ly affected within sit months
after the injury tOmplained of,
er must be accom-
a certified cheque
anadian Chartered
of Canada Limited, for 10%
of the total, amount Of the
The successful tenderer may
be required to' furnish a per-
formance bond in the form ap-
proved by Atomie Energy of
Canada Limited and issued by
a bonding company licensed as
such in the Province of Ontario,
for One Hundred percent (100%)
of the total amount of the. con-
The lowest or any tender will
not necessarily be accepted.
TENDERS op large home to be
constructed ten miles north of
Goderich. Plans and • specific-
ations may be obtained from the
undersigned on .:a deposit -of '
$35.00 certified cheque. De-
posit will be refunded on re-
turn of plans and specifications.
Tenders close- June 15, 4962.
Lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted. Northern Land
Developments., P.O. 'Box • 232,
arnia, Ontario. -20-22
13. Auction Sales
CLEARING Aliction Sale of Fin-
ance Company repossessions,
bankrupt stocks, bailiff seizures
and personal consignments, con-
sisting of modern household
furniture, TVs, 'appliances and
brand new clothing at The Clin-
-ton Legion Hall, on
at 1.30 p.m. sharp
Special, -outstanding -items: -
bedroom Suites, complete with
box springs, mattresses , and
bookcase beds; large console
model chord organ,• 2 -pc. foam
rubber zippered cushion cheater -
field ' suite; %-ton air condi-
tioner. Also 6 TV sets; refrig-
erators; ranges; washers; dry-
ers, 3 chrome kitchen suites;
two 2 -pc. davenport suites; twp
39 inch continehtal beds; deSk;
radio and record player; bunk .
beds; platform rockers;. step
and coffee tables; quantity. of -
-kap& new clothimplus many
leased before sale day but net
available for publication at this
Note: This' is another out-
standing sale of qUality merch-
endise with most of it brand
new or nearly new.
TERMS -Cash. -Cheques ae-
cepted. 3% sales tax in effect.