HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-7-16, Page 1t;
!O>uW WFt le E & tented$
Publisher and Proprietors
Tar Free
The" Coming School of
Thin sycteta is complete having different
madteluee for all the different diseases.
The theory ie entirely ili0arent from that of
the old aehoele The medicines aro perfect-
ly pure, oontaining nothing of a poisonous
nature whatever, and are quite taateresa.
For three fears these medicines have been
given away free and tlrorouebly tested in the
most hopeless cases before 1 eing pigged on
the market. Tile result hoe exceeded the
most aengufno expectation,. Hundreds of
oleos supposed to be Malleable Have been
cured. and abundance of proof eau be rro-
duced to aoavbnce the snout skeptioal that
Histogenetic Medicines arty° cured and are
auriug to day DISEASES at a later stage
than may other system of medicine in tbe
world, In ACUATE oases the medicinee act
like tragic, (:bronio troubles require a lon-
ger time, generally from one to three
menthe, a eerdine to the uataro of the com
WO3113 TROUBLES, eta. the ruetlieiuea
have been eapeeiedy saeteeafal, Private
EXAMINATIONS in tete e trouble, are al-
most, if not quite, absolutely unueceasary.
Call or send for one ur our free books ea.
pltiiniag the system.• They should be in
every houae,.iu the land.
Rheumatism and Sciatica.
I,otroo;a. April :1313:,1.
Iam balmy to acknowledge. end goy testify.
to t ataaac7 of your medictna to curler
matiem. I have sneered with tide m-
i PR
disease in m *Moulders. kneel and p for
twenty tiro year , also with sciatics for soma
time. I decided to try lfiatoganotio Medieenee
as at last resort, es nothing ever goateedto giro
the any permanent relief Tho drat week's
rualietna Fame ma relief. and in two week, the
ecletioAdisapppoared and has not returned. 1
took the wod`lno for elx weeks, and act cured
of the rboumatiam• I feel better in epee way.
I am sixty rears of acro. and fool quite smart
and neuro, I can cheerfully recommend thorn
rnaliolne' to the publics and will betted to toll
RAY iniffererabaut my case. It la DOW nearly
two rleettei eines I Dewed taking the uncle u a
and, do Gat la permanent•
rr' Mru. Fence, 1C222 Mabio i1trcot. •.
Thieve been a great sufferer flow& female
weaknessoflongatanding. Lava been treated
by several physicians and also been under
treettnentin the Toronto tfonoralf7ospiteland
alt failed.to cure me. I saw a medical book
cxolaining IbeIltstogontioSystem and resolv-
ed to sive it a trial. 1 consulted Dr Rear, who
prosocilso 1 these remedies, and nese red me they
would cpro enc. I had my doubts but doter
mined tet try once more 1 took treatment two
weeks evident utterly astonished at the results,
I am nearly well and no langungo cru: describe
bow thankful I ani that any life give
This testimony is voluntaryand I gave it bop•
ing that hundreds of my sex may try the medi-
cines and receive tho same marvellous gend
that I have, They aro good to take and unlike
any medicine I over took before leave no had
Mes..7. Fewe :11, kl2 John Street, Toronto.
June 5th ]cti0.
March 18, Bet.
Ilistogonetio Medicine Association
Geneemitee-Wishing to testify to the su-
poriormerits of Ilistogonetie atedicine for the
cure of lung disease, I submit the following
statement : Two years ago I 'found myself. as
a result of exnosure to cold and wet weather,
taking frequent colds. I took a severe cough
and got run down in vitality and had several
spells of hemorrhage of the lungs. I coughed
great deal in the morning and some during
tho night. I consulted two or three nhysieians
ono very clever Toronto physician. iso treated
me without medicine, by hand -rubbing, and
did mo considerable good. but in tho course of
time the hemorrhage returned.
Two of the physicians . consulted considered
mine a serious ease, and one of thorn gave mo
to understand it hopeless, and I have no doubt
that consumption would soon have caused my
death. I hoard about the new system of medi-
cine. and consulted Dr. Rear at tho head office
for Canada ,19 Young Street Market, who ex-
amined me very thoroughly, and thought His-
togonotio remedies would cure me in about six.
weeks, I commenced taking the medioino
about Jan 1st, In two weeks the cough and
breathing wore better. The amount of sputa
rapidly lessened. There was considerable
bronchitis and it soon disappeared. My strength
came again with astonishing rapidity and:the
rapid breathing disappeared. I have not had
any hemorrhage since the first lot of medicine
Was taken. I have gained steadily in the body
generally ee well as tho lungs, and fool almost
as well as I ever did. I oan wally fast now, or
do anything in a hurry, and not get rapid
breathing or palpitation, I am now following
my usual employment and nen stand any kind
of weather. It is the best treatment for the
lungs I have ever known. I can conscientiously
recommend it to my friends and'aceuaintanoes
whe may need lung treatment as far superior
to any other system, Sincerely.
T. M. Hammon),
Thursday July 28rd
9.2.0 a.m. to 5.80 p m.
Same Thursday, 6 p.m. to Friday, 9
ROCIATION--Rooms 2, and 3 Albion
Block, Richmond Street,London, and
Street Market, Toronto.
Msniton Exeter Times.,
Kash 14 King at
McTavish & Co's.
OIsAP 5 Z'Q .z.
Men's Suits worth $S.00, only
$5.75 Kash, Men's Suits worth
$9, only $6.5o Kash. Men's Suits
worth 514.00, only $11,25 Bash.
Boys' Sails worth $5.5o, only $4
Kash. Boys, Suits worth $2.7$s
only $I.90 Kash.
Clothing to order at lowest prices.
Men's natural Wool Underwear
away (town,
Ladies 1 Another job lot of Para-.
sols just in to go as cheap as be•
Asir to see aur 15c. Corset; per.
feet fatting and every pair guaran.
Try our new Teas and Coffees..
A. 1. MITA VI S11 & CO,
Osborne Council.
The couucil root en the •Ith inst, puree -
ant to adjournment All the mewbera
present. The rniuutes of previous meetiug
were read aud approved
Eamerou--Ky 3+l -••t hat Tim Brimaeomt-te
receive the num. of 510 for keep of A Car-
n ichael olid iudirent,--tattried.
Halls -WI -tea resolved that the fol-
lowing"caviare be awaited, Nix ;-
31 Samwell, keep of Hewitt aud wife, $13;
J Polon, rep emu to bridge and draining
watercourse. 112; W. Chowen. rep bridge,
?5a; T Mitchell. gravel add damages, $4 37;
S Hicks. grading, 51. 25; T 3fitobol, gray-
eIino, $23 75 ; W Kerslake. grading and
gravelling at bridges, 86; R Skinner. Errav-
oiling, $73 50; J ;tpdrew, grading app to
two bridges, 45; 1 Praut. oulvert and grad-
ing, $2 50; d Allison, planking Hodgson's
bridge, 50; W. Badmen, breaking etone, 52;
W Bray, grediug, 2 t 50; W Moody. grad
ing, culvert, and healing gravel, 527 30 ;
W Balkwill, gravelling, 550; T Brimaoombe
keep of A Carmiohael, 510 ; J Howitt, rep
bridge, breaking atone, spreading gravel,
510; W Moody. gradpg between lots 10
rano?• ', ;3 T 1t, 5d; D Brown,eleeniug out
watercourse, 52 50; J Westake, rep two
culverts, banliug gravel and atone, $9; J
Rivers, largo tile undordrain and culvert,
28 50; J Swallow. nip bridge, $7; A Daw-
son, gravelling, 512 ; A Shier, widening
road, $4; G Hogg, rep culvert, bridges,
gravelling aud ditching,$t3 35; W Rodgers,
ditch, 62; 13. Rodd, gravelling, 812 50; A.
Gunping, gravelling, 515; 5 Smith, break-
ing atone, 51 25; J Beaman, breaking'
stone, 53 45; G Hogg, balance on grading
contract, 515:
Pathmastora are requested to return their
Hate before the next meeting of council:
Shier -Cameron -that the council ad-
journ to meet again Saturday Sept 5th at
10 o'olook a.m.
Guo. W. Hoentee, Clerk.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
1. Purifies the blood.
2. Creates an appetite.
3. Strengthens the nerves,
4. Makes the weak strong.
5, Overcomes that tirea feeling.
6. Cures scrofula, salt rheum, etc.
7• Invigorates the kidneys aud liver.
8 Relieves headache, indigestion, dyspep
Backache is almost immediately relieved
by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and
Belladonna Backache Plasters. Try one
and be free from pain. Price '25 (tents,
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism.
Fruit Jars
In all the sizes desired Li
Crown, Gem, Porcelain and
In wine and imperial measure, at
Close Prices for Net Cash.
In all brandswillbe kept as be-
fore, and we will not be
houestly undersold, but do not pur-
pose giving them away.
A new supply and good value.
Please call and test our Japan
and Black Teas.
Our Grocery Department is
Fully Equipped.
In Raisins we offer 16 lbs. for
the dollar.
In Glassware, Crockeryware and
Earthenware -a full supply.
-Farm Produce taken in exchange and
prices,. paid for same according to their re-
spective qualiti.t a,
Reap. Yours,
AcexpeNT--One day last week, Harry
Eaeery drove one of his horses to Crediton
to have it shod. Returning home, and
while going down .Salter's hill, tate buggy,
which was without hold backs, rap against
the horse, The animal began to brick, as
is a habit with it, and while passing its
Keele into the air strnek Mr Eseery on the
fate breakingbis pen and otherwisedi.Sgur.
ing hia facial appearance. Ile is still in
bed hut hopes are entertained of his being
alt eight again,
l Shorne
Oorreaur--Robt Gibson one of the oldest
iuhabitauta in this aeetion, is at rest. Mr
Gibson was born February 27th 1814, at
Arbroath, Scotland, and with his parents
emigrated March 1834, lauding at quabeo
in May of the same year. He movea webs
ward to Galt where be remained about nin
Years, He came to 1Jsborne Os 1843. where
he rasa Once lived. Mr Gibson was married
to Janet I,sng, sister of James and Oabett
Lang, now of Manitoba. Their family cone
Pieta of novo daughters and ono sou. all
living, (except the youugest daughter who
preceded her tattler by death ja*t eleven
years ago) to mourn the departure at an
affectionate bather. Mr Gibson was one of
tete leading agrioulturists of the townebip
and hie farm wav, always in fent elm order.
Ila politics he was au uncomprosuisiug lie•
former; was a eousietent member of the
Presbyterian ebarclt, and wan uaright in all
hia dealiuga with his tellowmeu. flit re
maim were interred in the 13odgerville
oemetery on Tueedap, and altliuugh the
day was wet, the funeral was a large ono.
Bitral's--Hire. (Judie) Jobnsout returned
to Sault Sia Marie per the steamerManareh
lett'reeek.-' Mr Those. afttOLllrcuddy,former
ly a partner in We Signal, le in town thio
weok.--On Thursday the Warden's cote-
reitteo mot to madder the 'Court House
Iraproventeute* contract.. -The Presbytery
of Huron met in this town on Tueaday
morning. --Five candidates wore initiated at
tea regular meeting' of the S. O. B. 13. S.
last week, -Mr A. Waddel of this town is
again prospectingg bask of Port Arthur. --
The soboonor, Wns.S)tape, grounded when
entering the lonteTwat t' `Saturday and re -
missed fast until a Alen of her cnego of
coal was put luta auotl verso'. -•Tho Pt,
Huron Tug Mcaaenger'was in port ou Fri-
day. --The Indiana are again on "Ailielle
Neve -Geo. Moir end- wife, of St. Marys.
welt* in town the past week. -=Pisa ateareer,
United Empire, was in port un Saturday
and loaded coneidorablo freight for Port
Arthur,-Tlto gospel vessel "Glad Tidings,"
of Chicago, was to harbor a tow days the
past week. The evangelists on board gave
several religions sermons in the park dur-
ing their stay born. Miss Mo iordie, one of
our high School pupils, lett yesterday fur
liar home m Hay tp.-Geo. McEwen, of
Heneall, was in town this week -The
Foroators of this:town will attend divine
service nexteSunday morning. -The Orange-
men of town aud .sioinity attended divine
service in the Victoria-st. Moth. church on
the 12th. On Monday they proceeded by
special train to Mitchell to complete the
(Too late for last week.)
Senora, REronr-The following are the
names of those pupils *he received 50 per
cent or over on Britten work during the
month of June. -Sr 1V -Ida Cook, 86.
Sr III -Dan Hartleib, 82; A. Ethers, 75.
Jr III -A. Kraft, 65; Wm Kletnstiver, 60;
Ed Teorn, 57. Sr. II -A. Eidt, 69 ; Al.
Livergood, 68; J. Kraft, 67 ; L. Hnrtleib,
65; Laura Weber, 65; M. Willed, 60; Wm
Lindenfeld, 57; J. Livergood, 57; S. Soldan
57. Jr II -A, Eclasteiu, 52. Number of
names on the roll for the first half 3 ear of
189I, 148, average attendance 85.
Onrxuxny-An esteemed resident of this
village, Wm McCann died on the 7th inst.,
aged 83 years and one month. Although
frail, he died suddenly He woe born in
the North of Ireland and came to this coun-
try many years ago, and has been a resident
of the township of Stephen for over 30
years, before hia retirement, hie 000apation
being as a farmer. He was a ` member of
the church of England, and in politics a
Conservative, He was father of Mrs Simp-
son, Parkhill ; Mrs, Portico, Sarnia ; Mrs.
Cunningham, Shipka ; Mrs Holt, Khiva ;
and other members of the family scattered
here and there. Wm MoOann was highly
respected, quiet, unassamingin his manner,
and affable in disposition. His remains
were interred in the 17seter cemetery on
the 9th inst., and the funeral was a large
BRIEFS -A Iarge number from here at-
tended the children's day anniversary at
the 14th con --Most of our citizens spent
tbe lat at the Bend. It was expected that
there Would be a foot ball match between
the Dashwood and Grand Bend clubs on
that day, but the captain of the Bend olub
did not receive a challenge and so did not
prepare. Most of the Dashwood boys went
down thinking that a challenge had been
sent by those who have taken the lead in
football this summer, but when they got
down there they heard that nothing of the
kind had been sant, This showed the folly
of not organizing in proper order. If the
boys had called a meeting early in the sea-
son and elected suitably oflioers this mis-
take would likely not bave occurred. It
will not do for certain parties to speak to a
man from the Bend who does not belong to
the club, about a football match and then
tell the rest of the boys a obalie'ige has
been sent. -Mr McCallum and eon. of
Exeter, have painted H. Willort'a hotel. -
Two of our notorious pugilists bad several
rounds not so very long ago. -On Tuesday
last the schools closed here for the summer
holidays. They will re -open on the third
Monday in August and not one week earlier
than in towns.
Children Cry for•,Pitcher'a„Castoria
Btti a-mPbllipEoebler and wife, Pausal
Zelier,;'t'iliiam Kleinstabler, A. Bensdick,
It. Benediek and Valentine Kochems, alt
left on Wedaeaday by the Canadian Pacific
railway for Cavalier Dakota. -A special
uteetine of the council was held on Tuesday
to complete arrangements re the by-law for
tbe construction of drains in the swamps in
Hay township. Tho by -taw will be printed
in pamphlet forth rote distributed among
the rate -payers interested.
atlsr es =MixJath littw.«att, stele bas been
` •siting A tour through the Prpiee Praline.
'etnrnsd home last Saturday.-Mrrwa alive
Whyte, of Cromarty, spout Sunday Mat ma
the tbird.-..Tec new members were Vasil.
kid into the meeting of the '-1'atroes" lata
Thursday evening,-Tbe debris hoe been.
caned outer the new ohurdh and the Don
r having oome to terms with the build
otttutitteo itis likely that the etructnrg
soon be rebuilt --The (Zoete eloeted
the last meeting of the Patrous at Indus.
r•Y are; Pr.'eident.V'alt. Gowan; rice Praia
«effrey Peeve; Treasurer, Peter Barr;
S,•eretary, Edward lame -ex. -4. E Stusaoo,
Esq", of Besex, spent Souday last Among
Anderson friend* _--,Aliege number Of peoPl4
*pent tbe glorious twelfthitt:ititeltell Tito
trdeu party held meter the *emplace of the
Latta' Ansil:arj was a nueeeea in every
tete .-Snn3ay last the IldT I. Sire
^14i+4 a eermnn en Orangeietn, taking
l r Isis test St. Peul's 6ret opletle to Tam,
.'r, G. An sxoellaut di.a:aarsas watt de-
vera.; to more than a crowded oburali.-'
A•anches t•i the Smola, and Tnekeramith
°Abbate Schools will hold a union ccnvon
tion In the Presbyterian thumb at Ilayfield
'•a Tueodey next.All parties interested in
auaday School work aro requested to at-
trnd.-A party of bloyolists, gonaisting of
fou* from Seafoods and four from Exeter
were in town on Suuday,--The afaglatrateal
toad on Friday last in the two of Captain
Babb, of the Gavernmen(; Life Station, �
Goderich, v,, Jeffrey, in regard to the own.
ershlp of logo whish came **here stunt of
13eyfieid, and whieh were elaiumainbeintlf
d the Government was deeideel . 'fn95tor of
.iabb, Jeffre- being fined 15 end ooctixs4�ss..-Mr
' gorge Elliott, of Wiudsar, is apaua ing hl.t
lolidaga at the obi hbmo bare. We wish 1
aim a, pleasant time. Lott Threadap a
tree .ono frora•Iienallvisited thelefarati
0010 *" tir nwat .,..AI11ird ;ion
aud enjoyed themselves immensefy on the
Mr Wein says that he had ono fully larger
than this, but the storm of a week ago
broke In We should like to bear of some
other gardeners who thick they can beat
Part'o',Ane.-J. G. Smola Ieft Tuesday
morning tor Toronto where be wilt spend a
few days. -Mr and Mae John Rosary visited
Mende in Landon Tuesday. --berries Polly
Kerslake wbo has been ezt the sink list for
some time is slowly teoovericg.-Jamas
Detppaey attended the teachers' Asaaoiattap
itt Toronto this woke -Alike Folia visited,
1 the paroatel wog tut 3artday leen,.
Oai'roater--It tearislt amp regret We ars,
this week to ebroniete the death of one of
our young men in the terrsotr of tltewart,
amend son of i3towert Morello, tr., of Bid -
)p .ago then
tin pa About ut a year young luau
contracted a cold whiob aettledon bit lenge.
Rattan developed itself into commanptlan
add as it so vary few wbu aver get out of
that rtiaea'e's clatohets Whoa 4tt:oe it gets
ito:d• Stewart sa000tmbei to the fataijeffeat.
He am a ;favorite of all who mads hie ao-
gttaintenee, Se died on Friday everting
lana at le early age of 24 years and flue
snoutlt�l; About 90 rebielea followed the
eorpaeior the grave, which 'bowed the ee.
teem lax which the yosteg mea was held.
The parents an4 fttrgil, hare our heartfelt
lynIPathr in thio their sad bereavement',
Aeeintetrx-A,7esste, the 10 year ltd daugb.,
ter of Fred. Lintels met with a very painful
ooeldeut batt Thursday. Mr Luxton was
drawing hav and uses a bay fork while ue-
loading When the ropsta wits pulled thronph
the putty the Matte sriris:arculd hold their
bands on the tope. but one tints the rope
was pnlial rasher amine* and Jessie, bee-
' ing her stand near the putty it wall palled
to by the rope, severing roe first three tin
gars of the right band, taking the first finger
off et the aeoond joint and the other two
nearer the end. When the right band wee
pulled luta the pully, she, not thinking
what aim was doing, caught her right hand
wall the left and tried to pull it oat, but the
pally naught her tett band and bruised it
terribly. The little girl sarmmed, but
thinking they were laurhing, the horse;
were not atopped until they want as far as
they scald. Elect they gone a for feat far-
ther it is altogether likely der both bands
If not ber arms, would here been drawn i Ito
the pulley ; fa loot itis hard to sag what
might have happened, The little girl brave-
ly bore her pain and if else keeps cm now tut
«ell a1 the did when it happeued, we trust
it will not be long before she will bd all
right agolu, 'Ve all aympashixe with little
Jessie in her sore *ramble
�._....- -- :. 4_.
Hay Council
The council mot pursuant to adjournment
iu the town hall, Zurich, on Saturday, July
4th 1891. All the members of the Board
present. The minutes of the previous meet.
iug read and confirmed.
Voelker-Tialbfioieoh-that the taxes on
south i of lot 9 on con 5 township of Hay
for 1889 and 1889 bo conceited and that a
copy of this res.alution be forwarded to the
amity treasurer aud also out) to Leonard
Hunter the owner of said lot. -Carried.
Kalbfloieoh-Snell-that the sum of 520
be paid to Aiexauder Thompson for the
right to change the course of the creek on
the N boundary along the side of lot 25 and
the clerk be instructed to draw up an agree-
ment for the same. -Carried.
Kelbfleisch-Moir-that the deed in re-
ference to road allowances on concessions
16 and 17 of the township of Hay as for-
warded from the Canada Company be
signed by the reeve in the presence of a
witness, the corporate seal attached and
sail deeds returned to the Canada Company.
Snell -Moir -that the reeve and treasurer
be em powered to borrow on the credit of the
township the sum of two thousand dollars
(52000) for the purpose of meeting current
expenses and that the necessary by law be
passed. -Carried,
Sclinoll-Kalbfieisch-that the clerk
notify all parties having fences on side road
such as to bar up the highway, that the
same must bo removed -before the 1st of
Moir- Schnell -that the following ac-
counts bo paid viz :-P Contine, rep culvert
and hauling plank, 53 50 ; Nelson Masse,
work on Centre Road div 3, 527; Alenander
Denomy, do, $9; Wm Bowman, do, $13;
Geo Thiel, do, 59; John Laporte, do, 56;
Jeo Papineau, do, 514; Henry Thiel, do,
57; J Hildebrand, do, 515; S Meidinger, do,
56; 0 Heyrook, do, 59; John Corrivean, do,
$i; August Flasbard, do, $3; P Moesean,
do, $5; Wm Barlow, do, 51 50; Angus
McCormick, graveling 5 B, 5103; James
Green, graveling div 2, Centre Road, 5345;
Robert Carlisle, do, 5316 80; George Par-
ket, work as oomnilesioner, $33; William
Laramie, work as commissioner div 1 centre
road, 520 63; Sam Humeston, repairing
ceatr'e road, 56 87; Wm Lammie, fixing
drain in Hensall, 51 90; 0 Troyer, oom
work on N B, $17; Wm Consit, contract oa
N B. 5133 50; John Sobeutler, work in div
3, centre road, $340 4C; Henry Wurm, coin
in div 3 0 R, 517 63; Jacob Gingench, 3
culverts, 57 73; J A Williams, flour for
indigent, 511 50; henry Randall, one month
care of °array, $15; Martin Grans, opening
ditch, 55 33; Henry Gies, com N B, 576 35
Dan Schaefer, com 5 B, 520 53; Sam Ham -
eaten, oulvert on London Road, 51. 50; Jas
Sparks, ditching in pit, e6 90; Alfred
Willson, oom for Canada Company re deed,
56::7m Ching, work on S B, $l6 25; H.
Gies, work on Goshen line, 573 18. -
Pathmasters will take notice that all work.
should according to law be done by the 20th
of July and MI lists returned to the olerk
by Aug let else they are responsible for all
work on the list. Council adjourned to
meet on Aug let.
,3A*t J. LATTA, Clerk.
Matinee NEWS -Mining experts note that
cholera never attacks the bowels of the earth
hut humanity in general find it necessary to
use Dr Fowler's, Extract of Wild Strawberry,
for bowel complaints, dysentery, diarrhoea,
eto. 1t is a sure owe.
Poplar Hill.
Bnrsra-Mr Richard Raycroft whilst en-
gaged in buildin:, a loud of hay was thrown
backward over the roar end of the wagon,
The fall was occasioned by the auddon start
ing of the team. Although MrR is an agrd
man aud the load was high he does not
consider his injuries as being vary serious,
we hops for his speedy recovery, --Tito last
garden play of tbe season was held on July
7th at the residence of Mr W D. Stanley.
Although the evening was cold a goodly
number aeeombled on the beautiful lawu•
Prof. Bernard gave a display of fireworks,
the rocket's red glare in contrast to the
dark sky beyond made a picture that was
truly grand; and then the balloon ascension,
well, I won't attempt to describe it, but allow
me to say it was really enchanting. The
Granton braes band enlivened the evening
by choice music at suitable Intervale. Of
conree W. D. was en the best of humor
which he manifested in the very affectionate
manner in which he introduced himself to
the itrawberriee.-On Sunday the 5t1 Mr
Ino Hooper, Jr., 000upied the pulpit of
Bethel churob, the discourse was mncli
appreciated by the audience.-MrJas Wallis
and son aro purchasing horses for the Man.
itoba market. -Haying is nearly over, the
crop was ligbt, fall wheat is excellent, spring
sheat looks well, other crops light. The
trotting match between Mr Pym's'Nee plus
ultra' and Donnely's 'Bonanza' resulted in
the defeat of the latter by five seconds,
Jackson and Maitland referees.
(%red ox .
Bauere-Mr Charlee Taylor, of Elkton,
Mich., is visiting friends here• --Mr Wesley
Trevethiok, who has been working at Glen-
coe, is hume spending a short vacation. -
Mr Wm. H. Kerr is back from Chicago on
a visit for a few days. -Mrs (Dr.) J. A.
Rollins and little boy spent last week in
Crediton as the guest's of Mrs John Tre-
vethick,-Miss Lizzie Smith has returned
from London to spend her summer holi
days. -Mr James Clark, who has been in
stage and livery business here for the past
15 years, has sold oat hie business and good
will to Messrs Wm II, and Charles Brown
of this plane. Messrs Brown took posses•
sion of the buainese on Monday and will
undoubtedly reoeive the ;patronage their
predecessor did. -Mr Henry Sweitzer, grist -
miller, is making extensive changes in his
mill and is putting in a packer, after which
he will ,tart shipping flour to the eastern
markets and will be able to amply supply
the demand for bran and shorts, which,
ander his present system, he has been un-
able to do. -One day last week the dwellingof
Wm. Lewis had a narrow escape from be-
ing destroyed by fire. The fire originated
in a bedroom apstaire from dome unknown
cause and had made considerable headway
before it was discovered by the inmates of
the house. Several buckets of water were
immediately thrown on it and the fire was
successfully quenched, The damage to
furniture and bedding will amount to about
525. Had the fire remained undiscovered
a trw minutes longer there would have been
no chance to save the house. -Our post
master has on exhibition one of the largest
rhubarb stooks we have ever seen. It was,
grown by Mr John G. Wein, who lives three
miles north of here, and its dimensions are
as follows : length of stalk, 2 ft, 2 ins ; cir-
cumference of stalk, 5i ins ; leaf, 2 ft6 ins.
long, by iwo ft 4 ins. wide ; weight 2j• lbs.
Market Store Exeter,
We are offering bargains in light summer
settings,. Remember these goods rank
highest in values and fathom the It 'rest
depths of cheapness, a wonderful union of
extremes To be convinced just: sten in
and get prices of our Light (aue.diett
Tweeds, l ugfilish Tweeds stud Seotelt
Tweeds,. We make Meek Worsteds a
olalwlrt1 , la this lino leer re,.atstien 3y1
d sled It is *encoded that we
Bare touched low water mark.
Our stook of Ready Medea /it complete:
S i n
Stop n null', see our light aummer eoa►t., aud
Witt, In our selection of there goods we
stu4ied to please the eye with respect to
eppeerence, to consult the pooket with
respect to price, .ui i best of all to «iuslder
the ease and comfort of the purchaser in
the eon% ruction and make up of these
beaulifutgeode, thus removing every ob-
stacle that *kande is the way of your en•
joyment in this line. Don't mixt the
J. P. ROSS.'
Bin dulp11,
Balers-- Vre ;:'urge Wiu1 tor, a reapeat-
Ablet (weer :ivies Elia miles freta Lassen in
Mai ,.101 yt. ra. dial very widen
ly Saturday est ning front heart titian's,. He
erste a lifh.lon„ C)uservatf:e,-A ntrta%ax of
Orange Iadges left North Mel testa 3.1.40i>"
m tr teat;; to attelks' the eadebtatieu in L radon
---less hate barrest is being rai6dlygaruered
in this Ticiuity, and is s mumu beta- crap
than, was expeOIOd 10 or 15 days ago.
The Patricia!' (Gazette Saye ;--"In April
last Mr Geo A. Noble, sen of lair Noble,
Postmaster, nt Parkhill, with three others
named Capt Whute, Pamroy at d Iieisrnbaolz
purcheued a email achoonor, named the
Seagate, at Seattle, Washington. Oa the
first al May they aailccl ;u it from Port
Townsend.'nobo go of Captain Whit:., for
tlte.seoling granuds in Beltriug Sou. They
ri'aehed the Queen Charlotte Islands, where
unbeppily the schooner struck a rook at
Cape ,$t Tames and sank, giving ties voyagers.
barely time'to launch two btfe boats, which
were but portly provisioned. On the 25th
oif . t hiMay rafter
o;.,_thgreatttix.mesa pmsuffering from, hangerFrom
there they started for Port' tmi
paan n Hopes
of finding a steamer for Victoria, 11. C, but
a storm sprang up andpartedthe two beats.
The one containing Pomroy andBeisonbaoh
reached Dungenes'• Keene, where they were
kindly cared for by Rev Mr Duncan's eivil-
ized Indiana. These two again started for
't. Simpson in the hope of falling to with
Geo Noble and .hi{ two companions, but
finding no tidings of them they retarned to
Simone, where they took passage on a
steamer for Victoria, B 0., reaching it on.
the 18th of Juno, ' report of their adven-
ture and of the probable loss of Copt Whit
Geo Nublo and the sailor, who :Manuel tele
second boat, was pubashei in the Seattle
papers of the 19th net A copy was mailed,
by some one to our Postmaster, which he
received about a week ago. Since then until
last Tuesday morning Mr Noble and his
family were in the most painful suspense
and anxiety, when a brief telegram brought
8Ir and Sirs Noble and all the family s
relief and joy in that their son had pulled
througb in safety,"
To the Editor of the Exeter Times.
The correspondent of Crediton made a
sad mistake in Last week's issue in the item
about the bailiff's pigs. The pigs had not
been annoving the village, neither did the
owner seek legal advice on the matter. It
eeema that a young man. being out of a job,
thought he would earn a little by driving
pigs to the pound stable, assisted by another
young man, and they bad to treat a number
of loafers so as to have help to drive the
pige into the stable, whiob Dost more than
the redemption. When the pigs worn on
their way home, the same person, who
seemed fond of driving pigs, turned them
back and drove them into the stable again,
but was glad to let them go free, after being
up to the pound -keepers several times for
his funds, but got disappointed "'every time.
Crediton, July 14, '91,
Mr Kaiser, formerly of Brucefield, has the
position iu McKenzie and Busses' black.
smith shop. -Brandon (Man) Sur,
County Clerk Adamson cannot be said to
be improving in health,notwithstanding the
favorable terns noted some time ago.
Wills probated is Perth show that Chas
Dickinson, St Marys, left 512,983 and
57,540 in real estate ; Conrad King, South
Eaethope, left 512,850; John Myers, Strat-
ford, $14,030; John Rupert, North Eaethope,
52,537 ; Agustus Duncan, Mitchell, 52,375,
and James Hill, Hibbert, 52,000.
LiIPitRIAL FED]aiATION-Will present an
opportunity to extend the fame of Dr Few
ler', Extract of Wild Strawberry the unfair
ing remedy for cholera, cholera morbus,
colic, cramps, diarrhoea, dysentery, and all
summer complaints, to every part of the
Empire. Wild Strawberry never fails.
A. nor -respondent from Fullartou writes t
The change in the mail service ou July lti
hse left the Fullerton people in a very bad
shape" The mail leaving hero late in the
afternoon 'remains in Mitchell over night.
One of our merchants in order to have a
letter go through as it ought to, had to
drive to Mitchell, a distance of six miles, on
Saturday last to post it. 'This state i
things is very disagreeable and ne hope
that a change will anon be made so that the
Fullerton people will be accommodated as
they have been for the last twenty years.
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford a
Sanitary Lotion. Sold by, C. LUTZ.
Children Cry for PitcheesSotoria