HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-25, Page 8IlasURANCa NST LLLIOT,AG] l `1.'FQa;. THE WEST:ii '.1. �s ti n rx..rlcl: COM - PANT of Toronto; also for threP1LCEN1K R11ir; fhaL'1tANCF. CD WA:ehY, ot t.ondon; Engtencl, the I C twit estetegaIeett. ot ACon- treaj. un4 the O?iTARIO etUri:AL 1.1FE ASSISRANCE,Oorn ot Waterloo established tote Asa:vaneeeinforce,$l8,i2neest, Rouusos every pear atter 3rd Sear. Visit the Mart Rtha,Pting irgifriay Wnl:CG ts G1FTS Giarfts ALBV SIS, I BIBLES, ►ewspapera CHOICE FICTION s. s. 4ti�'tiTt6r' _itiouerj1Seh 1 oupplles' it Ttlr 1\.Ea, BAGS Wall Palters hitt ¢l. reeities, Sundayland Monday were the longest days of the season, A11rasols reduced to 5 percent pa d cad « 2a 0 pe een at the Big Bankrupt Store. Scarlet fever is quits prevalent in town at present among children. The Public Scheele close on Tuesday next for the summer .holidays. A carload of hogs were ahippecl from Exeter on Monday to Montreal. Read Carling Dios,' change of advt. They are telling of their seasonable goods, The Presbyterian S will hold their annual picnic, in Bawden'a grove July lst,. Win Bawden is about to dispose of one of his farms, to a gentlernan from Clinton Remember you get 12 yards of beautiful dress goods for $1 at the Big Bankrupt Store. Ms. . Thein e Reesey pulled frees nue r,£ his fields a stalk of rte, wirieh measured u feet $ inches. Get your cave troughing done byWill P ranil if you want a first class job at •t right price. £ T.ie teachers arias ofilem:rs of the Presloy- teria:n church sire arranghre for a picnic. at ! rho lake shortly. 1leadiug to be taken .on the agave days Iat such hours as may Suit the convenience of the examiners. The Exeter cricket team played at :tee, - forth on Friday and ;;ave the team of that lawn a bad heathen. A beautiful lot of Chollie Deleues at the Ratrlirapt Store, and the thirst" fol sed :summer dresses. The commit did not convene Wednesday veiling, and instead trill meet Saturday ,.I s: thing at d o'elocl:. train from the sleuth on Tuesday renins; Ives nearly an hour late, mein to Western traits heiug late, )zan"t throw your waste paper on the for insides helot= nnalghtly st may turm ehittieh bo:seri to run away, he V:xi:ter North foot ball club ought W to 1'e sufileient'y well practised to try melusiene with aoiro nei„ihborieg club. Orr dills is rapidly pushing the tepaim at the salt .sell, and expecte to have the arks again in operation nn a few weeks. The strawberry sensors Las set in, hut wing to the drought the crop is very light d Iterate are high price'1 itnvoueegtaenve. 1Fe=l:tee:lay most will be the let ofJuly. tl a •O.•tI' Dnnict t aro of ti.e 1 hirttelty.1 slats fair Dontinion Let it be /I -140v .lebrate,i. Dan's Mavis hue p;^rcha-ed the leateher ing ie mines sa satt:.mesiu:ly run by lila teslas r far the ;=net ten year.. We le ish /keel sits Eel erTlrat'e,t " ,I e, r sign, "Teeth filled tela "o r.yena;tN+et at all queer. You ut+ra"frit stave a sign up, "Leave your les h with ter hut;,"• temsel you Y I,,eltlssr E s°rrt$IONS..-Ry ocean, lake or rail. The last csetrriou to thv North West, June, 23rd. Icor rates end tett to all points, apply to Care. (iFt> .til:Sts• Miss Agnes Miller, daughter of ()avid Miller, of Exeter, was last week married in St. l.tuls, Minn., to Peter Morrison Spokane Palle, Wash, formerly of Tacit math. Clinton New Era -Sri intense was the heat on Tuesday that it actually hittrlaeel out a ehieken in the store of Coats & Son. This may neem impreeable, but it is never- theless a fact. F. Harrison, a recent gimlet:toof the Detroit Medical College, him opened au Ohm in Detroit, and we are pleased to learn that he has already acquired a luera. tiee practice The Seldon faint, in North Oxford, was sold on Timesday to 3Ir Richard Seldon, formerly of Exeter, for 97,000, snljcet to an annuity of $1.i0 to Urs Thos. Chapman during her life. The markets for the past week has Leen lull and very little prodnee offering. For he mouth of .lune the receipts of afoul has been aornewhat scant, and prices run from 1Sc to 222 per lb A couple of hours with a scythe would •ery much improve the appeacanco of the treed. Close to the walks are growing burdocks and thistles, and if • not cut Witt oon matesllly increase. Note the reductions in skirting enthroi- lcries at the Trig Bankrupt Store, $1 00 mbroidery for 75c ; SI 25 for hoc ; $1 50 or $1 00 : $1 75 fur Si25 13uy your ummer dress at the Big Bankrupt Store nd save money. A. Parkhill paper Bays that 56 worth of ooks have recently been added to the iechanics' Inaaitute library, Rather a eavy addition 1 Exeter Institute adds more than this sum almost monthly, and he reading room is open daily. John Gil has torn down the house on he property recently purchased of Richard Davis, and removing the line fence has made his old and newly acquired Draper- ies, one, the whole adding much to the ppearance of the street. Rev. Mr Wilson preached his farewell ermon on Sunday last, to one of the largest ongregations ever assembled in the eh very seat of the spacious edifice being lied. Mr Wilson was equally highly steemed in and out of the church. On July let there will be strawberry eetivals at Kirkton, Elimville and Centra, a, in connection with the lefethodist unday Schools of the several places. hose upon whom the day is likely to rest eavily will do well to attend either of the bore festivals. A bargain between A. Q. Bobier and the all Electric Light Co. has just been con - =mated, and Mr Bobier will be the pro- rietor of a plant to be put in here next ctober. Mr B. will interview the cnun- 1 as to its taking lights for the streets. The dry weather has apparently been st what the potato bug required to give nem health and strength for the summer's ampaign; and they are literally swarming n the viues that are showing above the round. There is already quite a demand r paris green. Prof. Wiggins predicts a dry summer is year, and attributes it to the increased se of electricity in towns and the use of ire fences in the country, thuskeeping way the storm. In the Iower provinces here there is less wire, there will be con• derably more rain. The Ridgetown merchants are agitating early closing movement for three nights the week, say Monday, Wednesday and riday evenings,and to keep open as usual the evenings of Tuesday, Thursday and aturda . Such an arrangement y t tvcutd ewer well for Exeter: g Complete arrangements have been made r the Masonic celebration of the festival St John the Baptist, on Sunday next une 28th. The service will be held in e Presbyterian church, Rev Mr Martin fficiating. The choir of the church ie eparing special musical selections for the rasion. A seven-year-old son of Mr. Will South- tt, while leaning over a fence south of cTaviah & Co's store, on Saturday, be me overbalanced, and falling into the eek, a distance of 12 feet, broke his left Now is re valise in Prints. eh(Iiee (IL :Ill :matt $O of 14c. Pleas for file. a1'• 1)osalltl to clear can. wit thick or fcarts during tie warm we?tiv.. Don't forget that we mid •-ell you Print worth ran e 14c. for 91- J. $, STE iI". BR, Baehr:int Stook Dealer, Exeter sithsemessioresegininstmessmienitinienamainellini IHUll:+DAY, JUNE 25th, 1801. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Penile `;chaos Notes, The new S tired -lets are now in farce, The rel;ellations are being revised, and it is c :;pet-te 1 tit :,t the arts and regulations swill 1•e white 1 end reedy for distribution to the 13o:trsl of Publie School Trustees, through the Sr.hreol lnepeetors. not later than shoend oft)rtoyer:-.Tu the meantime the: t4ehr,ol Inspectors have been supplied with a few copies of the Sohool :lets alone to be fnrnishe,l to any hoard of Trustees urgently needing thssn.-Only Boards of Trnetees of cities, towns and villages may coil•+et a fee, or otherwise provide funds to huy the pupils books and other school es:polies; rural trustees have no such power. Lost ills Derrles. On Tuesday, our genial Land Surveyor, on returning from striking a line for a farmer in a neiehboring township, was much chagrined to find the refuse of a box of strawberries on his desk with a large rat stretched out beside the box, apparent- ly having been choked while eating the last berry, which:it had not completely masticated -doubtless being filled to the neck. There 1st/ tad moral in this at this particular season of the year for those who make it a point to attend strawberry fes- tivals with the sole object of getting the worth of their money. Strawberry Festivals This is a week of strawberry festivals; the season being short, owing to the dry weather, all desire to have their festival in the most opportune time, consequently their close succession. On Monday evening the annual festival of the Gaven Presbyterian church was given. The grounds of the church on which it was held were tastily decorated, surrounded with evergreens, with here and there an arch, among which hung many chinese lanterns, all forming a spectacle pleasing to the eye, as well as affording comfort to the guests. Strawberries and cream, lemonade and ice cream were liber- ally served during the evening, while the Exeter orchestra, discoursinte sweet airs, added materially to the pleasure of the occasion. On the whole, this year's festi- val, in view of there being so many at close intervals, may beconsidered a success, he proceeds amounting to upwards of $50. Last evening a festival in connection with the Main at, Methodist church was held on the spacious lawn of W J. Bissett, which was well decorated for the occasion with chinese lanterns, etc. The evening being pleasant, a large crowd was present and all seemed to enjoy themselves to the fullest extent, in promenade, social chat and in forming the acquaintance of the new pastor, Rev Mr McDonagh, who during. the evening gave a short address .telling of his being present, Berries and refresh- ments were served in abundance, while the orchestra enlivened then roceedi p i gsby its sweet mush., This was one of the moat successful festivals given by the church. Proceeds large. Those who wish to have their names put on theDominion voters' lint for Middle- sex county should send in their applied - tions at once to the revising officer, Kenneth Goodman, at Parkhill. Parties etshing to he put on the list as income -trewrs must make a personal declaration either by himself or by some person have in:nowledge of the facts that he has earned the necessary income of $300. Y arm. The limb woe promptly set, and the; Children Cry for ilitchei' s Ca$torla little fallow is progressing nicely. Shooting alatab. A, shooting match between members of the Exeter (inn Club tooklace on Friday avg. Each contestant shot a. twelve blu rocks with the following a esult :--Woad J. 4 ; Eaerett R. J.. 2; Sandford I, 8; Snell A- J,. 3 ; Bissett Ed:, 7. Another match took place on Tuesday evg., Bissott Ed and Snell A. J. eheatinn for the club's medal, (tire. latter having lately held it) which resulted iu Bissett. beating Snell 1t to 9, at the eighteenth rock, a tie occurring at the tenth, as the following score will show :--- B;ssett101013.00110110;110 11 Snell 101110011110001000 9 A match between other members, en the same evening resulted us fotlo';vs, each man shooting only at the number of melts ap. peering against him in the score r- Handford I. 1 10 0 10 ,t:1 1 1 1 0 017, 9 Wo oil J. 1 1 1 101 100101000 $ EaerettR. 00 001 01 0 000 0 Fish .R, (UO0001011 2 .L'ersonals Rev. lilr. i1'tlsou and family left on Tuesday for Kingsville. --Rey, \Zr.• Me Aonagis, 31r Wilson's successor, arrived in town last ting..•-Xls end Jrs f, 1 . Spicer left on a'looday for Chicago. where they will reside fur a time, 3, 1r Spicer having Fceeu offered superior Iuducenrents there. We wish them s'lecess.- Jr It K. llynd- mnn, st leo has been ill for some time, is aHe to he about, -.Miss 13uorett, of Mitchell, ie the guest of firs R. R- Verity. J. E. Torre, 1. i' $. lot Wed Huron, purposes tatting a trip to the Pacific Coast .luring the summer hotielaye.-••-lIoa, nos rcenway, :llauitobt s t'retnicr, spent Sun- day and Monday the guest of Dr. Rollins. -Ales Steele and Mia Moa aro the gtteata tri afrs Einery.-Mitte Edith Verity iR at- tending the opening exercises of Alma College tlii6 week, ---F:, lee, Ere, of Buren College. London, is the guest of S, A. Poplestitne. Ifo will take the services of the Ta wits Memorial elhurolt on Sunday everting. ---.!r (;lttistnpher llodgeen of Myrtle, who has been to our midst during the past mond: returned home Inst Satur- day -Mr and Mrs John Crocker beve re.. turned frotntheir visit to Sbelborrse.• •.-.lite Stepheus is the geese of lire Littlejohn -- Mr Alarming, s.f Toronto, is visiting friends in towit+--A. el cTavieh sem in Toronto over Sunday.. 1)r Brownieg sapent ~unsay with friends in 1VLitby. Cricket Match. The Exeter crieltetteam visited Scaled)t e n t`ri,lay last and played a friendly game with the team of that town. The game was c"renrmt:ee.i at i1 n': sirs;, mato, The Seaforth teem went to bat first told retired with a wore of dfi runs Ait:r lunch the Exeter team went to bat. retiring with a score of OS rune, In. the second Inning the Se :fiats: team mn,Is, a a ore of of CO runs, annAcing a total score of 10S. The Exeter tesun then cover ed the above score with a lossof one wicket, shuts defeating the home team by nine wickets. Following is the seore ; Femora -15t mem, /Merle d S. b Pope d Coleman T F. b Pope 0 Ureic Carling.b Pope 2 Nieman E. C. b 11eUunell 5 43efennen H. h Pope 2 Wilson A. b Mo.Iloneit 1 Coldwell W. b Barker g Mayes S. b .tallonail Watson J. Not out Roach It. b Barker Borer G. o Carling h Barker 1 Dyes 2 Leg Bre 4 Wide* 3 14' Tetal 43 EXETER 1ST txmxd. Mc sunt:I b Coleman I:. C. y!l t'aerlinfi W.J• Itun out +a Barker J. a Freeman b Coleman E. C. 11 tti.,t re Coleman E. t: b A.tivilson 3 N. -To J • II, c freeman b A.11'ilson 4 Bissett W 0, b J F, Coleman 6 Carling I R. b Coleman B. 0. 26 Crumb, 11 H,e 1,1' r'olemanbE. CColeman 0 Farncomb 1'. a T.P. . Coleman b E •t1 Coleman .0 liyndman dl. o McLellan b E. C. Coleman 0 lhrnnomb E. Not out Byes 2 Leg Bye 2 Whits 1 stn aror.Ttr 2.tn txsixo. Roberta J. S. b 3lariser 2 Coleman T. F. o pope b Barker 2 Watson J• stun out tdreig J c ti . Bissett b WoDolson Coleman E. G. b eleDonell McLellan K. item out old velllW b Ila adman Mayes S. c Pope b Iiynt]taan Roach R. Not out Freeman P. o Elliot b liyndman 10 Byes 5 Leg Dyes 2 \'fides 7 Total 60 EXETEht=:xn'xxsxo, Farncomb E. b McLellan 3 CGundy Wg . a Coleman 0 b NeLellan 7 Extras 4 Total 15 Exeter thus winning by 9 wickets. �99 1 0 20 9 Master Hairy Browning on Tuesday hitehed to a waggon, and failing to fasten the breeehing, the horse ran away. It came dashing from James -at onto Main-st with the lad bravely holding the reins, and it was by colliding with a wagon laden with brick that brought the horse to a atop. No damage was done other than breaking the shafts of the wagone"and the harness The campmeeting at Kippen on Sunday last attracted many of our citizens, the main feature heiug the sermon by Conduc- tor Snider, who preached three times dur- ing the day. The attendance was very large, there being upwards of 2,000 people present. The meetings have been going on for two weeks, but will beolosed on Fri. day, with the result of much good haying been done. Conductor Snider is an earnest preacher and a ready orator. Entrance Examination, There is now but one high school en- trance examination iu Ontario each year. 1-t is held in July, and on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of next month an army of children. throughout the provinee will cudgel their little brains in an endeavor to solve the heartless examiners' awful questions. The following is the time -table of ,the examina- tions : FIRST DAY --THURSDAY. 9 to 11 a.m Grammar 11.15 to 12.30 a. m .......:....Geography 2 to 3.30 p,m History SEOOND DAF_ -.FRIDAY. 9to11a.m.. ,Arithmetic 11:0& to 12.15 p.m Drawing 1,35 to 3.15 p,nm:. , ... ......Composition 3.25 to 4 p. n Dictation THIRD DAY -SATURDAY 9 to 11 am..... ...Literature 11.10 to 11.40 a Da Writing 1.30 to 3 p.m...,Temperence and Hygiene or Agriculture. Veered%ne DARE-, Vigilance is neeessars against unexpected' attacks of summer cam plaints. No remedy is so well known or so suocessful in this class of diseases al Dr, ]3'owlei's Extract of Wild Strawberry Seep it in the house as a safe guaad, A Great Snap in rREY C07.'TQI1i and I.ANNE1 ETT1l0 JTUTF 1 24th, 1891. BARGAINS IN • CA Q • U iA7U647707aiDsf Special a1 I?rive �e1S OR . CLOTHING We have a tremendous stook of 5. Goods on hand. We are very anxious to reduce g it at once that selling Goods at prices wil do it. We inviie everybody to non e raid get our prices, nn test D Gleam r xtc Prices' irD picKA M ... SON. Your C)vvn, Pieces R Crediton. B1:]Frs---Jlr Thea Morlock, who has been attending the N ter College at Naper villa. 111•. is home spending his vacation. - Mr Geo Beale is bank to Crediton for ta~ few weeks. Geo has been on the lakes this spring and thinks gelling rather hard work --Mr Geo Bedford has returned from 1"eneraylvanin where be has been Lumbering during the past winter.-A-Pienica are the order of the day; 011 leriday seat the public schools of Crediton and vicinity held the annual outing at the !eke ; yesterday th Royal Temples of Temperance turned o in full force and had their picnic; bot portico enjoyed themselves immensely an had very favorable weather, -The fia crop is reported ee being very_ or wit the.:xee; tion: ofafor fields. ---Mr IL Eilb has received humeral tine specirnens ot tidefrons a mine in theMuskoka .District be longing to Mr Val Rate and himself. Ile Las sent them to au expert to have theta analyzed and expecte to have returns shortly. Alesera Rate and Either accident ally dllscovered the thine while au their hunting trip in Muskoka lest fall and if the cxpert'a reptile favorable they will t ke steps to develop the mine at once 1'r Liar Editor of tire Rxeter Times. Ir e ut 1t d h T STOCK er OF .GROCERIES Wish to draw you atttentiou to the fact that they have Shoes io.il' 'Young, Shoes for Old, Shops for Eich, Shoes for Poor. We pay cash for eve,y pair of Shoes that comes into our store. By is meads we are euab:td to sell them at a much less price than thoe UV on credit. Sill, -Zn your last issue you published a communication from me anent the brutal language used by a Grit officialraf Blowhard about Sir John Macdonald when the news of iris depth: reached 81 Marys. A bead note conveyed the information that the al. leged Conservative paper bore, the Journal, read refused to pablieb the communication because the proprietor had promised to aup- prees ell reference to the matter. This head note appears to have given the Journal the excuse for coming to the defence of the °Metal so ter as hs feeble powers allow, and in. lent Friday's issue of the half sheet the editor's amannenais devotes three quarters of a column in defence of the person who used language about Sir John whish should make the cheeks of all tree Canadians ablaze with indignation, In replying to the editorial it is well to note that the Journal ham not the hardihood. to deny the facie stated in Liao bead note, to wit; that the proprietor had refused to pub- lish the letter because lho had promised, the lilensltard Grit ofliahal to supprosa it. Lot me new briefly reply to tine editorial, and flrdtly lot me say that the allegations in the Jonrnal article iu question made in defence of the brutal language of the B]anshard offi- cial totho effect "that the3ourual would have "allowed my communication to be besotted "upon the accused failing to produce corro- "borative evidence in rebuttal of the charge "made-tba• the accused had offered to pro "dime such evidence and that I preferred "rushing, into print to meeting the accused" are absolutely :alae in every particular, and the Journal man knew them to be false be- forelae punted them. The moralizing about anenymons correspondents by the Journal has made more than one man in thee towh smile audibly. Why this sante proprietor of the Journal has been known to ask more then one person in St Marys to contribute anonymous articles to his alleged paper that he had not the batik bone to insert in his editorial columns lest lie might lose a 25e. ad, It was quite unnecessary for tbe pro- prietor of the Journal to remind his readers that his paper is "private property." No one who troubles himself to glance at the paper will deny that fact, since his person- ality is stamped all over it like a great big 0. The Journal at one time was some use as a party organ, but for a long time it has been worse than useless in that respect, but still it craves and whims for Conservative support. Let me say in conclusion that any letter to your paper was written for the er• press purpose of giving the Blansbard per- son an opportunity to explain his alleged brutal language. He has failed to •do so, and the Jour al having championed his cause must be held equally gulity and de- serving of tbe condemnation of all true men, Yours, ate., $t. Marys, June 23rd. '91 W. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly Fon JULY, 1891. Some very interesting recollections of the Empress Eugenie and the Court of the Tuileries comprise the leading article in the July number of Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly It was written especially for this magazine by Mme Carette, nee Benvet, author of "Olouvenirt de la Cour des Toiler ies,"4"Madame Campan," etc, and translated by Mr. Frank Leslie, The article is alarm Ingle, written, and is accompanied by many tine illustrations, inolnding a portrait of the Empress. This number of the magazine also container the following illus- trated articles : "Some Distinguished Liter ary Women of Aunties,' by Mrs Van Etten Mack; "On a'Chiliau 1Jacienda," by J T3 Whitman ; "A. Summe Among the Ice- bergs' ;,"Pleasures and Piing of Golf"; "An Ferrara Old Mexican Sporn;; A 1 errata Pilgrimage" by Herbert Pierson; and "The National Storehouse of Wealth ." Nelly Hart Wood worth contributes another of her delightful bird papers, and William Eleroy Curtis gives .a good explanation of Secretary Blaine's Reeiprocity policy. A new instal ment of the serial "John Mama Barbarian" by Scott Campbell, is given and there are five interesting Abort Stories. DIBTauETPUL PEOPLE -Make an exception in favor of Dr Fowler's Entreat of •Wild Strawberry. Its known virtues as a cure for dinrrhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus and all bowel complaints cause all who use it to regard it as the most reliable and effectual remedy obtainable. Is complete and very choice, We can suit the most fasttdiaus,. We have on hand a choice lot of Canned Goods, wltioh -ery suitable for these hot days. In Canned Meats we have BEEF, BEEF TONGUE, PIGS' FEET. TUIi1EY, CHICKEN,. L11 Canned Fish we have SALMON, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HERRINGS, FINNAN HADDIIS. Tn Canned Fruits we have PEACH. S, TOMATOES, MAI't MLADE and JELLIES. 1 Try our RaisinstheBest-4 Lbs. fol 25 eta. 25c. Japan Tea has xxo egua o -----o-' -.0 We have everything in. the way of c .i,. \,r O c IK.i.�� .,Rit ..L.. .. A few more of the 250.6 -piece glass netts left. HIGHEST PRICE PAID POR PBODUCI".. CARLING BROS. -r. 1 LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Dress Goods --all new goods. LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Sateens, Prints and Angola Suitings. All good washers. :0: LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co'e. Embroidery, Skirtings Lawns and Delaines, for the hot weather. LADIES! We sell the best 25c. Black Hose in the Dominion, worth 40e. and warranted stainless. Call and see them. LADIES, Remember we carry -one of the largest stocks • of MILLINERY in the town. Every hat new. No old trimmings to work up. Call and see the new styes for p g s rin and summer. i. E. J. SPACHIVIAINT & C0 Samwell's Block, Exeter. , The M olsons Ban.k. I ENT1856 E B ARL A]!i Oli ARTE$ D YP , ) paid up°spite] ,. $',1,000,00 Rest Fund ... 1,000,00 Read Office; Montreal. P. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS,Bse., GENERALMAXAOE It 20 bran oho !tocsin tneDominion. Agenese in the Dominion; U, S: A. and Europe. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day,frornl0 a.nr.toS p.m SATURDAYS,10 a•ni.to 1p.m, 4Peroent:perannum alIowedforrnones on Depositlieeeipts N. DYER HURDON, Sub -Manager,. CENTRAL Barber Shop, FAN SON'S BLQCK. A. Hastings„ Prop g� 1? Shaving and Hair nutting in the latest style of the art. Every attention paidto cutting r • LadiesandOhildreiallair.