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The Exeter Times, 1891-6-25, Page 5
ZWS' T'QTES•. Several whiskey smugglers were cap- tured at Moose Jaw on Saturday.. Stratford has organized a branch of the Provincial Sunday -School asti ia- tion, A tire in S. Marotto's spice mitis, Montreal. Sunday night, did over $3,000 damsge, The British force in American waters in future will be larger than at any time since the oiva war. biz rept estate .deal m reported from Windsor, Ont , in which 700 aores Changed hands, at the cost of $100,000, `fire drought to being severely felt by the farmers around Ottawa. Many are ph wing and re sowing their fields,. Cr, A. Deadman, druggist, Brussels, has a Jersey 'heifer that has given 5,000 pounds of m,illt in seven months and seven days, vtitb her lkrat calf. It. is reported that Lady Utiocloualtt is to 14 raised to the peerage, and that the 04 Ohlef's son. wlio goes to ,England in the fall, will be knighted. IG i.a Said that the late Premier held two life policies. in the Standard In,- sivaaute G'o>liapala7t, ofv Landon, Eng far 42,000 ($10,000) each, `>'he annual meeting of the National Dditorlal AelSOOkation will be held in "$t, Paul, July 14-17. The Canadian Press Association is sending two dele- gates. George S. Aiackay, a middle-aged farmer, living on the 901 concession of Bruce near Underwood, dropped dead Wednesday evening while working at statute labor. Last Friday Mrs David. Clark, of .Blenheim, .droiwned herself and two clnidren in the and at that place, and the jury brought in a verdict nt insanity as the cause of the rash act. 4Vklliaui Edwin. Esq., of Montreal, general, passenger sgent of the Grano Trunk Railway, acres married cin Monday morning to Miss E. C. G. Tempest, daughter at' the late W.S. Tempest, of Port Nolte. In a game: of baseball at Blenheim. Out. en Saturday, Stanley Arnold and a young man named Jollnsfau t•arue in Coniston. Arnold's cheese bone was smashed in, and he willbe disfigured for lite. Letters patent Have been iaaued incorporating ""Phe Brussels (tent.) Driving Park, Association (limited)," capital $',900 "Mitt Williamston Drav= ing Park Association (Hearted)." caplet $1.500, and write Toronto Bicycle Club (limited)," with a capital or $2tl.000tl. Bruce llerak1-1/4onto evil -disposed per son, whose pennon entresidence should. ttfl in the penitonttary, poisoned the creek on the Formosa road, near Air. Rivera', with ('aria green. It was put in the creek on iiohuitsier's farm at about forty rolls from the road, and where 100 cattle daily drink. Some fatuiiies use the avatar from the same Source for domestic purposes. Fortun• ately it was discovered before aaaotn- plielring the deadly purpose intended. It is rupiored to political choles that Lady .Macdonald is to bo made a ;peeress by the Queen in recognition of Sir John Alacdonatd'a eminent services to the empire, and that, atter the session M.r. Hugh John Macdonald, son of the late Premier, will go to England to lay personally before tier 14tajesty, Sir John Alaadonald's orders be rte UrnL oithe, which ave sovereign,andtQthat there is a likelihood of Hugh John Macdonald himself being knighted by the Queen. CREAM' Clearing Sale J. IL GR j 4I T .■E Is going. out of busines, and his *immense stock of Fite Tweeds & Worsteds must be sold at once regardless of cost, Now isthe time to by cheap Suits or Cloth by the yd. Note prices: Scotch Tweed Scuts far $11; worth $10. Fine Worsteds for $14; worth $20. Fine all•wool Tweeds at 40c, per yard. This is noshoddy goods sale, as the stock is NIW GOODS and the tet patterns. Remember.' we guarantee a sure fit or eta rale, - Call and Insect our Stock !, H. GRIEVE. Exeter Music Store PERKINS &• MARTIN. OH, WHAT A COUGH Will you 'heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure -will cure your cough. It never fails: Robt Whim.p and Geo Clarke, two Park • hill boys, last week stole from Messrs White and Gibbs' stores, in that town, a quantity of dry goods. They were taken before Judge Elliott,of London, and tried, but as the boys' past record was good, they were releaeed- • Wits' STntroaLn-illy struggle ,with ' exhausting diseases when you may be promptly cured by the use of nature's. ' remedy -Burdock Blood Bitters -the per feet cure for dyspepsia, biliousness, oonatipa tion, siak headache and ;all forms of bad blood from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. Limn PAnsvrsis-"For years I suffered with my back which sometimes became as if paralyzed. , 1 suffered awful agony for. months andeonld not sleep, but now, thanks to your Burdock Blond Bitters, I am. strong again, have no pain and can work well, eat . well, and sleep weli."-.-Mrs Hammerton, 23 Ctharlotte St Toronto. The Yonng Conservatives; of Parkhill, hate organized a "Macdonald Club," which will be officered as followsi-lionl President, W E Hutchins, M P; President, Dr Piper; lst Viee-Pri sident, Wm Seales; 2nd Vice- President, 13 A Campbell; Secretary, J F Rohemte; Treasurer, Wm Watson. The following Ward Committees were also ap- pointed: -Ward No. 1-W F Meyburry, Bert, Ale vauey, I; F Robinson. Word No 2-L N 3 liippen, H L Cowan. Philip Mo Ginnie , Ward No 3-C Reobinbaeh, J H Laughton, E 'A Fox. A CA/TAniAN EnyeriITx-Tho season of green fruits and suummei"driuksis the time 'when the worst forms of ohilera morbus, diarrhoea, and bowel complaints prevail As a safe rothrd Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawborey shoutdbe kept in the house. For 34 Yenrsit alas, been the most reliable r needy. 1. Itch cured in 30 minutes ''by Woolford s S snit' i•y Lotion. Sold by C. Lin „e,,m.-..Alla.:. *...a.w ."-. English Spavin Liniment removes all bard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints,, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sort And: Swollen, Throat, Coeggs, etc, Save $50; by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful l3lernish Cure ever known. Sold by O. Lutz, Druggist. DX>PLP$IA- Thna disease may bo traced to a variety of causes,, such as constipation, liver troubles, improper food, etc. There is one cure -Bur (their Blood Bitters -which may be thoroughly relied cu to effect a hermanen(.core. It" tins eared -obstinate eases of 25 years standing. We have constantly on baud a largo display of the, hest PIANOS, ORGANS, SEW LNG MACHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL :MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS NTS ler-`siisanticipating the purobase of any- thing iii the ab„ ve titles will ties well to Fall at the store. We guarantee satisfeettan, and priece allow as ear, ba ba,i4t the tuaiaufuetorles We would res eetfaliy ask yen to call and see our stock It is OS Una ai will be found iU any alta 'outdo store, 1',r,.--;Igo;:ts for all Lia,III of egr cultur:*1 imp% STANT) ;---Fanson's Block, Exeter. • . KNIGHT xex+a�. xnv' it'aucy and Staple Groceries, T,t1QVURS, bier Eilicr Mills, VLUAIAS, TOBACCO: ail., &C. (Naw located in :.\lace's alit stand, Maln•st) For finest Groceries and Teas. Ile epee to call an niece hue; For in the corner store. iu .Mace's bloat. You will fend we have the finest stock Of goods that people daily use. Our Peas and Coffees and our Spica, We keep in limo -bath Olean and nice - And. those who've Purchased aught have found, Full eixtoen ouncos to the pound. Upon the shelves you'll always find Canned ,meats of every sort and kind; Molasses too. and honey sweet. Andtiyru that cannot be beat Dried if rul'ts and liaising. sweat and glean, Fine Cheese and Butter may bo even. And Olives, Catsup, Sauces and Oils Put up in bottles of ail styles; In foot everything your heart could wish, From sardines up to saltod fish, All kinds of brushes. brooms and rope, Briskets, wish -.Dards. tubs or soap., W e will sell you oheap by lots or weilehts, Or trade for produce, poultry and eggs. F. J, KNIGHT. Exeter Packing House James-st., Exeter. MARKET IEk'U1tTS. Wheat , . $1,02to $1.011 per bush OUR S,ELLINQ P'840ES,, Flour, Strong Bakers', $3 00 per 100 do Best Family 2 75 " do Loan Grade 2 00 " Bran . . ,. OW. „ Middlings ., ,, 1 000. "" Screening ...,, 1OOc. Chop ,., 1 20 to 130 We, the undersigned, wish to inform the Public and Store -keepers of Exeter and surrounding country that we have on hand a good sup- ply of SUGAR OTJktED HAMS, ROLLS, BREAKFAST i3ACON, BACKS aud. SIDES ; also DRY SALTED MEATS and PURE LARD. Chop atone running every clay. L TEi MS GASH. THE EXETER MI.1.,,14II•TG GR; M&RKBT REPORTS. ExzTER RedWltaat Spring Wneat uwitay Oetti fJ1.' Pr Seed ,,. Tiniouby M, ?SKS Corn Eggs Sutter Fleurperbbl Potatoaa,por btiabel APPIo.,per oan DeledApples,pr b tlourae Perth. Turkey per lb Ducks per lb ©hickensperpr floga,4ressedperlf0 Beef ... Biaearough. ... dressed Sheepskins each Galtakizus Wool lut,r b ,.. Rey porton 0nionaaerbnsti Woodpereord ' We also peep at theMain Street Meat Market a good supply of first-class FRESH dr CORNED BEET{', MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, and PORK, POULTRY, n season. BOLOGNA. and SAUSAGE. CASH PAW FOR }lours. SNELL BROS. & CO. NIT; Spring 'codes New Velveteens. I, Dress Goods. t" Mantle Cloths; " Prints.. ""''Table Linen . .at Shn ting5.:. " Cottons: " Cashmere Hose, " Cashmere Gloves " Kid Gloves. Corsets. Cottan.ad'es. CC. J.1 &TI SO "HAY P.O. EXETER NORTH: POT Pet .,. low I ro lwoo to I0, •1:;, to S 4coto470 1 4tt�atuo ye44114o-1:0 t .., 40 to sit 12to 1d 13490 is 00to5 L; - 60 to aµid •>. 1 00 V° 7 U0 -. 4 l06o .,, 000 to to0c6 OT ca 000ta 007 a. 425 (, 44SO .,, 241 10oto 265 6 22s;a „ t 850 to 340 t160to :0 00 ta0to at) 1519 ft CO toe tat 050 to 050 2COto;lo0 ar;stsars e`a11 Wheat......... .. ... .......,. t on 1 '0 spring S4 kiaat. ,,.,., , . ,. „ 01 1 f41 Barmy,.....,., .. 0 4S O pit Oats .. 0 41 a 41 Clover Seed. S .'• 4 ,"re Timothy M 1 71 at' foal! ,., 0 CA, a 70 Butter ,.. s2 012 Potatoei per has Loa ,ria a�aploaporisnsli S aolper lb., 15 0 1'J (lay Porton.. 5 i3O 6 ea Bran per ton 1i 0u 14 l,'0 Rhort... r. n,t tip nom, fti Ostmeelporbbl ., ., ,. tl P,fly alt Dlogs,dresseel per lsll. •, ,.,.. u 00 l,0 r eS L ANDON. SVhoat,1.0sto1.0 per huff. flats, 4.;e to •47c perbus. Peas.7ie to Me per bus. Bar- ley, itltins.5lti to57ei.er bus. Marley Feed. Me to 41So per butt Cern. 013e to ti.e tier, bushel. TORONTO. Toronto Jima 24 -Wheat Spring -No. L,1.ft4 tel tis nor bus; red wmter,No 2 1':tl so 1 p7 per bus, Manitoba No 2 berth"! 14 to 11:' No. 3,91c to 900; ; PEAS 7Se to 7 h' per bus. OATS f4le to 51c per bus. FLOUR, extra $1 ;.J to '34.64 i per bttl • straight roller. is 5 to $_1„SS strongbak'rs,44.00 to $4.10. BARLEY.BARLEY.Nf.o 1. When 11Rby was sick. we gave her Criteria, When shewas a Child, she cried far Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Caatorta. SRi1T)S! Tiower, Garden eed FARMER BROS. Headquarters 7.0 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your addresr. wo will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr Dye's Cob orated Eloetro-Vollaia Belt and Appliances,and theirobarming effects upon the nervous dobiiliteted system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man- hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus titillated we wiilsond youaBelt and Appliances on a trial, VOLAI TaBELT Co.,Marrhall,Mieh. CONSUMPTION CURED: An old physician retired from -Practice ,hay in had planed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula. oi asimple vegetable remedy for the speedy and pormanentoure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh,Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases. has felt it hie duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Antuated by this motive, and is dosfro to releive human suttering,I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, the recipe in German, French or English, with full directions fnr preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this raper. W. A. NOYES, 820. Powers' Block Rochester, N. Y. For Over Fifty Years. 1 y MRS. Wtsstow's SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of nutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething. It will relieve the poor litho sufferer immediately, Depend upon it, mothers, thorn is no mistake about it. It oures Diarhoea,'regulates the Stomach andBowola, cures Wind Colic, softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. " tfrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teeth- ing is pleasant to the taste and is the prescrip- tion of one of the oldest and best female physicians andnurses in the Uuited Stares Price, 25 cents a' bottle, Sold by all druggists. throughout the world. Be sure and ask for Mos WresLOV '. 'oOTRIN4 SYRUP.' ?TEE JACKSON TEA COMPANY Importers and Dealers in Finest Teas, Coffees and Baking Powders. Mail orders promptly attended to. Address 711 Dundas Street, London, Ont. OTICE. The Thorough -bred Shorthorn Bull "Baron Chesterfield II" will be kept on Lot 13, concession 1, Stephen. during the season of 1591, for the improvement of stook. Terms, el to insure. junl.m2 Wes s' Sams, Prop OTICE. FOR Come iii. and, see our complete assortment of spring and summer styles, In Millinery, Staple and Fancy Dry Goads, Ii':sts, Boots & Shoes, etc , we mark then: low to selitbem quick. Be careful that you do not go wild over the Tho Thorough-brod Imported holstein 13u11, African Prince, formerly stook bull at the Ontario agricultural college.) will be kept on lot 8,North Thames Road, Usborne, during the season, for the improvouient of stock, Terms- $1 50 to insure. lP I MoNsgrTs, Prop: OJATTLE ESTRAY.-ST.EAYLD "- from the promises of the subscriber, Lot 70, not h Thames Road, on or about 20th Aprii, threeryearling calves ,one a steer of light red ooior with spots of white;' and two heifers, ono red with white on face, the other red and white mixed. Also one owe and two lambs, The ewe has black legs and is painted black on face. any information no to the .whereabouts 'of the above will be suitably rewarded 1»' the pro- nrietor. May 23 -ins Jona Art,tsor, Exeter P.O. LOW PRICES, sli for Egg3, Butter S; Egh8 stets I a DOUPE CO., Kirl:tou,' 9L A FINE ASSORTMENT Fancy Gods Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, dollar and Cuff Oases. ,4 taldieures, etc., —BY— W. BRUNIN. URRAH 1 Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on rile shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles --AND A - Sure Fit Guaranteed. The accompanying cut repro - seats the famous Crediton Road' Cart,' manufactured by Wm. H; Wenzel and Israel Stnkth, Credi- top, Ont. This cart has now been in the ,market for about two years and has met with great success The .anufaeturers claire that it is the best cart manufaeturecl, both as regards convenience amid durabil- ity, They have dozens of testi. menials. from parties who have purchased these carts, which ,,,..4» speAk in the highest terms of theem.. The workmanship and material employed in their eon- zS OR> >??XTL?N LOLA. P C7 A.R . atruetion Gnu cot be s*aroissed. and the price is as low as is consistent therewith. A glance at the cut will show the reader a few advantages this cart has over all others, viz --.The easy moxa of getting in and out; the absence of springs or bars which brim the rider's weight on the shafts so as to aag them, ; the convenience of envying a robe or rug in cold or stermoy weath- er. These carts .Fre manufactured for oho or tsyo persons, and fan -shed to suit the par- aser. Gears,fernisbed to the trade. Mr Stenzel also wauuf etetres Waggons. L'nbaiea, SiSigles, B4e., ani doe alt Isini s repairing in these litres. Ab Smith tuns ala at -(lass genet al I.la't._eurtlislcop, and guaraateea to give 4efac- tion in all kinds of new works repairing. Lorsesiseuing. et..., etc, to ah1eh u e efsees his perioneal attention. See eh -colors for further para .::;14re eoueerning road fart. JOHNS & BISSLTT FRESII SEEDS HOWARD'S Mangold, 12c ib. Lawn Grass, Orchard Grass, Turnip, 12c lb.. White Belgium Carrot;,' W. If. S; ENZEL, °re Eifion, t ► at. 1'4R %FL �+1llTli, n Short Belgium Carrot Hungarian Grass. FRESH SEEDS—ALL KINDS. ...., JAS, Id. HOWARD, INH MONCU$ , Proprietor. Manager. BISSETT FROS () THE tOi i The etie:vest place in tot s to by Rut!ders' Hardware, Nails, Hinges, ^� 1^l, Looks, e.ii�i :a S, Pui;`�a,y, Paints, and. Qj • New stock of the celebrated L'gaid Paints -Showy Colors. New lines a t Arli'ts" Paints and:E-rnslles. Barbed, Plana, Strip. Wa4'k nr 1 Aires cheap for Grill, Tinware Stock Complete. 1 ivr'tri ughing a Speei tlts Nev.- Ra 9.•n=1",tae sk_^a in;'`a" Monllines and GIVE L'S A C,'I.L- Li#'e is toy hort fbr Aught BUT MGR ENDEAVOR. I endeavor to produce the very 1'l,ct in my line„ only the best in quality and finish, but in value. I am sending out some very beantiftlI zIILK CANS this spring, tar exceedina any previous effort. My stock of material Iter spring work, such as Eacesroughiug, Roofing, &c., is e'xtensive and complete, and w, rktlutr°deli is the very best. 1 solicit your order tor TROUGHING OR ROOFING, (1,1a.1i:'i t 11teci 1 g tiifac-t 1 have without exception the nicest assortment of MILK PAILS, STRAINING PAILS, to be found anysvhete, ranging in price froal ac cents to $r oo. Note the price of MILK PANS ; Sniall site, ;ac. to $_ til per dozen; Large size, $i.00 to $3.00. Who would go without a Dipper when you can get one for 5 cents? EVER YOURS, WILL F0LOLL AND. THE WATERLOO SUTUAL1 h EIRE INSITRANO E C C . EstablIsl,ed In 13113. HEAD OFFICE • WATERLOO, ONT. (This Company has been over Twe:ls-eight Years in successfal operation is Westorn Ontario, and continues to insure against loss or ensilage by Fire, Buildings. Merchandise. llanufaotories and all other descriptions of insurable property; Intending insurers have the option of Insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this company has issued 57,090 Policies, covering property to the amount of $40,872 038; and paid in 102505 alone S7t19, 7ssets52 O0.. A, $176.100.00, consisting of Cash in Bank Government Deposit and tho unasses- sed Premium Notes on band and in fore°. J. W.W.ir nsN. M.D., President; O M. TAYLOR Secretary; J. B.1Inouas, Inspector. CHAS SNELL, A,gentlfor Exeter and vicinity. !a;hn 1 izz Did you see our stock of VINE '°04TS and SHOES That we have pet in the store one door south of the Post Office? Now it is worth your while to givens a look. We will show yon through. We have all the Finest Lines of Ladies' and Gents " Shoes made in Canada. and guarantee they are right as far as wear and valve goes. If you want a real nice shoe, something that it is a pleasure to wear, come up and see ours. Besides our fine line we also carry a large and well assorted stook of Boys' and Misses' Shoes for school wear also Mon's Working Shoes and Knee Boots AWAY DOWN IN P:1110E. All our goods arog uaranteed good. and as we wish to build up a `RADE and KEEP IT, we are selling 011h aP for CASH. Children's. Misses' and :,adies' Toe Slippers. and Oxford Ties for summer in all tho new shades. Bring % your girls and buy them a pair of School Shoes. They are dandies. Give us a Dail. You are welcome. GEO. MANSON, OH D YOU WANT TOBUY THh BEST Y.CT !' THE CHEAPEST YET .THE BIGGEST ST Y'ET l Best Ordered Clothing pioduced in Exeter .FII T-C7t4A SS FURNITURE AT LOWER RATE'S THAA,• SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY SOLD- -MEN CALL AT— I -ONLY FIRST-OLASS--. ReIiable Qoo() At Prices Lower that so -cc.; led Cheap Houses can gig Undertaking in all i'' Gentlemen 1 leave ,your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine 'Trimmings, and the best Cutting in' Town, yen RIG sero• of satisfac- tion .ems. . SNELL,. Branches. S. GIDLEY, Successor to C: a S. Gidley) ODDFELLOWS' BL00R,