HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-03-08, Page 11T WEEK'S FEAT RE • 3 •�. C"1' DRUG DEPARTMENT d' GIANT OELLVLOSE SPONGE It's really.big . ; . 11" x. _73i" x .•x,36". MOTH BALLS or FLAKES SPECIAL RUBBER GLOVES S -M -L. Slightly sub standard 79c Decorated BATH BRUSH Add In extra .touch of colour to your bathroom with one of these glamorized brushes. Assorted col- ours. Colourful plastic flower at- tached toback of • brush. Fine poly bristles. ' • ONLY 77c EACH 1FREEBAULOT NS � The . ddi1. -11.1)-.A; MARCH DRUB SALE - 97c Can be cut any size, 1 lb. box 390.. or '98c ea1a. e' e„' 1Bathraom SCALE For 'health reasons it's wise to check the weight of yoer ' family periodically. +' Weighs tip, to 250 pounds. ONLY 4,49 Snow . White FACIAL TISSUES Convenient and labour - saving in the "cold" season ... or any time. 400 single tissues packed 200 2 -ply Big 8 x 99.4 inch `size, large en- ough for men. -&• _.._ .._- 2 BOXES 53p. B•LAN K ET BAG 27" x 18" x 7" Plastic -the 'modern answer to your stor age Problems. Protect your, pre-` cious linbnsi, sheets, blankets . - clothing, too. Clear vinyl with zipper closure for convenience and complete protection. ZIPPER CLOSURE a 88c Our Guarantee 490 pr. gloves • 2 for- 88c LINT FREE„ ORLON POLISBTNG MITT SERGED YELLOW FLANNELETTE POLISHING CLOTHS About 17" square. Good for Dusting. 'KERR;S • • 49c. or 2 for, 38c CLEAR BUNTS Exclusive I.D.A. Introductory Offer! RICHARD HUDNUT FASHION negiyiffolio;-• .:.,�::r..a;,;,..a.;....•�.w_..t:..:•rsx-.-.:.rr';.,f 2 -OUNCE PRESSURE- CAN ONLY Limited Quantity Makes your hair ,behave immediately! Makes it stay in 'place securely! It's lanolin -soft and • natural, too. Fashion Set coaxes curl. - Regular 6 -oz. Fashion Set, $1.49 STATIONERY SPECIAL 2 pkgs. 49c Gage Stuart Hall Stationery . 30 sheets Vellum Writing Paper, .6" x 8", plus 30 matching . Envelopes, 4" x 6". PLUS- =-2-smooth=writing; . retractable 'Ball `Point -Puns with. metal top,,:p lastic_barrelyc Special Unit Price 66c $1.23, value when solid as four individual articles. HALIBUT .LIVER OIL^ CAPSULES Ant.exce.11ent source of Vitamins. Anand D — LD.A Brand' 100's, Regular $1.15. SAVE 27e=1111i- - 118c` 250's, Regular $2.29. "`' • SAVE ,.4.1c = $1.88, 500's, Regular.$4.29 SAVE 81c. -- $3.48 FACE -CLOTH About 1 foot, square. Good quality terry in assorted col- ours. 2 for 25c ,. DISH CLOTH About 17" square; open we- ave for best cleaning. Check- ered pattern. 2 for 29c, All -Purpose .DROP SHEET 3 for 66c 1 lb. bag 39c A big, light-weight,,.easy-to-handle, clear, poly sheet with dozens of uses ... protecting floors, carpets when painting; use -astable cover, auto seat cover,- machinery cover, etc. Keeps out dust and dirt. Approx.;:..9x12--Feet -88c GARMENT BAG 54"x 36" Dustp rpioifsti a-° storage-. for a coat,- suit or dress..° Clear vinyl plastic- with coloured trim and zipper:. Order several at, this economical sale price. ZIPPER CLOSURE ..8 8c Special . .BAG .OF SOAP• 15• cakes of hard milled Lanolin' : and Cold Cream Soap, assorted shapes.....,and...:cszlQucs in_ a uoly bag. . An opportunity to' obtain a good supply at a -low price! 5 ASSORTED CAKES 88c Ladies'. Plastic RAIN HATS • You'Il.be ready for drizzle or down- pour with one of these always in your purse. ONLY .9C,EACH Bath .EPSOM SALT Economy Brand • FIVE POUNDS . 3 9c Is Your Guargntee CAMPBELL'SID A. Every product beari$g the I.D.A. label is unconditionally guaranteed . to be entirely ,satisfactory ... or . your I.D.A. Druggist will immediat- ely : refund your money. DRUG STORE THE SQUARE JEWELLERY DEPARTMENT Free Diamond._ Inspection Come in and let us give you a FREE' examination of .your, dia- mond. We will check the main stone and the : shoulder stones to make sure they are .seeure. We check the Claws;:•the base of the setting and the ring itself to .see if it is wearing dangerous- ly thin. After all this is done we .will.clean your diamond free of charge. Don't lose your diamond,'allow .us -.to check it. --- ORMANDY JEWELLERS` THE QUARE - -�Y HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Dominion Automatic CLOTIIES DRYER This -dryer has .many features of the . higher priced models. • Push-button heat selection, saf- ety thermostat and fold-away arm _2aiy`a fes, features - Helona,. Rubinstein '"Grrownin HAlL TI MEN'S WEAR DEPT. Ne* self -timing tint, conditions aati#.V.0 1tir8,. fur -shades for wide choice of color effects. Cover grey completely this way ONLY 'EMERSON'S DRUG STORE, - COR,SQUARE & WEST •Y•es, at .C, errs d' ,Ceur and Tia:diea' Wear Q t(n_�ve tTi�c . ways 30bixy; 'S ou can pµr a iy ca8hc, layaway D . or a small deposit will hold any article' Until you desire it. If you charge it there is n&servxee charge....Twit come in to Gerrard's and use your credit, to.:makeyew! ' pur chases. APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT Westinghouse CLOTHES DRYERS This quality' name brand dryer has three temperature settings, time selector, - direct air flow, top mounted lint collector, and look in glass door, Take advantage of this special price and have a..dryer in your home so you can dry clothes in a n y 169 Weather.00 ONLY • WILF REINHART'S TV SERVICE - HAMILTON' ST. 'Sunbeam HAiRDR lE This dryer has controlled heat switch and is portable and very ' easy to carry from ' place to place or room to room. Yes„ now on trhaye' d1' sari*.itie • ..--- .. in- minutes ` Hrg'ire"s quality' work- manship throughout. Finished in pas- tel pinkry Regular.29.95. • GERRAR,G'S •-fiHESC UARr`A' Nylon and ,Wool �, . ' far Coats and Jackets These are tltis,�year's stock and we are offering them at ,big " " savings so we will not have to store them 'fer the .summer. Choose from pile lined coats or quilt lined. Some have knitted collars and all are quality garments that are styled right. Sizes 36 to 44. REDUCTION OF . EARL' RAWSON STYLE SHOP - WEST STREET An Exclusive Line G -W -G WORK CLOTHES ed this quality product. We have at all times,aa most anything you desire in the way of .work apparel: coveralls, shirts, jeans or matched sets in an olive tone, green or khaki. - A ....--,...--,--„,.....•,,,, , :„„. ,',aim„ xr. >r —,w... =. •-.�,, .. :- ... w s - �, A- .001h. 4 McLEAN BROS. MEN'S WEAR - THE SQUARE SHORE APPLIANCES �- THE, SQUARE 2 -Speed Washing - Wringer Type INGLIS. STERLING WASHER This washer features 2 -speed operation along with many" other outstanding features. Automatic pump, . magi-matic safety wrin- ger, large 10-1b. porcelain tub, timer and many other outstan- ding features'. are yours in this '62 model washer. 10-9.95 At Skelton's You Will Have__Nothing to clay ',HI April SKELTON'S APPLIANCES WEST `STREET • aeon � Ri�sch PIANO oloftial Console. A new dignified model in' the famous Henry Herbert line, one of the ,„most highly regarded piano names in Canada. Beautiful hand -rubbed satin finishes in- walnut' Or ma- hogany.: Extra heavy back construction. Finest of materials and workmanship. Heigth 40'_', depth 24", length 57".° Come in and ask us about trade-in values and terms. MUSIC SHOP THE SQUARE,. t • Exclusive Dealer For ARROW DRESS SHIRTS A complete selection'of the most po ular shirt. in Canada. Choose the famous .Arrow Arden with the convertible 'cuff, the Arrow Hitt' which need 'little or no ironing, . the; l'erryeota, which is a Terylerre and cotton blend or, • ' the Golden Arrow. Choose from stripes, cheeks and whites. Sizes 14 to 18. FROM PRIDH-AM'S -MEN'S' WEAR THE' SQUARE. LADIES' WEAR DEPT. Beautiful Styles and Shades SPRING SUITS This year there are doubler knits, silks and worsteds, tweeds, wool boucles, :and imported • wools:' Choose either a two or three piece ' style or a walking suit. - There are all the newest fashion -right shades in stock including navy. r A complete size range. FROM 9.95_ FASHION SHOPPE - THE SQUARE away , �, 100 ..... • See the heavy-duty 4 -burner apartment size electric range with oven control. Priced at only 119.25. „ E. BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE ..THE SQ,U RE PLUMBING and HEATING DEPT. Electrohomp Spring Air• y r AIR PURIFIERS . 'To keep the , air sweet and clear ,in your home, you would be wise to install one of the quality air purifier by Electrohome. Air purifiers are bei'bming a common thing in-home and insti- tutions. as they filter out the smoke an d odors that , every home has. Inquire. about this air purifier today.' ONLY . NEAR & HOFFMEYER - KINGSTON STREET • su.I 6bd➢.L.; STATIONERY and BOOK DEPT. Our Best Quality , kilo AAI, ' `R' 1 ',�-F, , i� , 1, 1�ZIPP BI1DSR t4, This is our best qua der that we are featuring this Week. This binder is .zippered three -sides and i$ a quality make and well constructed to take abuse: If you ' need a new one to -finish out the school year buy now. ,.Regularly, up to 11.95. _-NOW -._._ n ANDDEItSON'S " BOOK CENTRE - EAST STREET"=' Now Being Featured Are Milady's SPRING FASHIONS Now is the time to start thinking of rounding out your new wardrobe. In stock now are' tlle newest, in suits, coats, dresses, millinery and knitw.ar. Come in and . browse through this fresh new stock. Pick your- new - est- in floor' covering, Sandran in either 9' or- 12' widths: ensemble nowand use our layaway pian. We also have Congolcum in 9' and 12' widths. • FURNITURE DEPARTMENT z• A SeEecfkn UNFINISHED CHESTS We have,quite'' a selection of unfinished chests, but this week we feature a • four -drawer chest. This is ideal for"the - kids' room or for any storage use anywhere in . the home. 'You will enjoy finishing this piece of furniture yourself ,with .. either paint or stain. LODGE FURNITURE - WEST STREET Special This -Week '.2 Piece Kroehier CHESTERFIELD. SUITE It's so easy to have a beautiful :home" with Kroehler Living room • and Bedroom furniture. This week we feature a smart mod- ern style suite that will give 1 your living room a lift. Cov- ered in a durable material it will 95 give you many years 'of service. • BLACKSTONE FURNITURE - WEST -STREET PAINT and FLOOR COVERING A Full xiecr FLC1aR COVERINGS: We handle Harding carpets in wool, Aerilan and 'Nylon. Armstrong Linoleum and Vinyl Inlaid in 6' widths are on display in,many patterns and shades. Choose the fin- GE'RRARD'S THE SQUARE McARTHUR• &r- REILLY Ltd.-ANEST STREET ." ' ,, 4ADIE5' SPRING SLIMS FWOR PROBLEM' The lovely��-new spring shades and patterns are in. Choose your all-wocr slims in any one of the size beautiful•range.. spring '62_ shades. A cofhplete - , - REGULAR 10.00 - ..., ..-.--. ---AIYI'-•we trey � r ew ring --Cir- t neige;' -blue -° -'gr ear : River °""°' sible styled land regularly sold for 27.95.. NOW 19.95 SHOE DEPARTMENT AUTO PARTS DEPARTMENT • Floors are our specialty and we -will be happy to assist you- in any problem. you, might have. If you are `look- iiig for floor •coverings, at reasonable -prices ye4. needn't ' travel any further as we carry one of the Most complete stoc s -`loin tie area,. drop Mtn%' 'ay an iseusa wit ua your present or future requirements. - MAJOR STORE - THE SQUARE ROBINSON FLOORING - HAMILTON -STREET SPECIAL Crepe Sole PORT OXFORDS - Vire' have ,a selection of crepe sole shoes' that vv are offering big reductions on daring o tr .Moving Sale. These shoes regularly sold for 7.98 to 8:98, but now we have them .Reduced b ROSS SHOE SHOP — THE SQUARE - Custom -Fit "Picture Plastic .SEAT COVERS nor date model ears of" 1957 to 1962.. Made of 12, gauge nio-craek plastic.; double stiteheC piped seams for :stren- gth and durability. protects and enhances upholstery. Complete set (front . and rear seat) . , .. . r CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE NIP WHETSTONE • ST�RE :cURS M�nday Tuesday -- Thursday ,Saturday atm. 0. 6 .rn. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12.'3. pim. Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.' •