HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-03-08, Page 5M5pSy. ,;:111011 ......:., ti DUNGANN DU,biGANNON;; Ma reh Wtirl d d DayPrayer of y -w tll' =iiQ held l at St,• "Pact s An li an Church 4March 9th, at SQ- ,in. All in e th co - uni P. in m, are el o e tai'. .w cm to t , attend. • The guest speaker: is Mrs. fred Wright, wifeof the rector mot St. Paul's .Church.. Mr. and lArs,Harald Hackett, of Owen Sound,Visjtcd -on Sat- urday with the Cranston fam- ilies. Mr,, and Mrs. Cecil Culbert and `son Jimmy were ,at - the Western -Agricultural ---School -at- Ridgetown. last Friday • and. spent the rest of the • week -end with relatives in London. • Mr. and --Mrs.- -Charles--M - Donald and son Allan, St.. Hel.- ens, visited Mr. and' Mrs. Keith Cranston and. family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irvin and etty visited Mr. and Mrs. Don- e Murrayand family, St. Ielens, on Sunday. Mr. and rs. Eldon, Irwin and familyy, of Mandobin, near Sarnia, visited Mr. And Mrs. William lrwin ' and all spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blundell and Mel, of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Curran and family, . of London, were visitors at the Blundell liome - also; The Sigma -C boys were out on a bottle drive on Monday night. Tl"ie congregational' supper at the United Church is sche- duled' for March 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. David Durnford, Brian and Cathy, of Willowdate; spent the week -end with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. • James. Wilson. RA.r&Einnigan is help Mrs. George Ribey where a little baby girl has arrived. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith and family,- of Brussels, visited at the home of Mr. and rs. Esther Rivett.. is helping out at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill ' Robinson, Auburn, . where -.a- new -baby -has -arriVed: Mr. J. C. Durnir of Kitch- ' ` ener, was home for the week- end with Mr: and Mrs. Herb Finnigan. Mrs. W. Stafford ° returned to her home here after spending the winter with her son-in-law 'and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Phemister, Toronto. heer" p! Spring' officially opens here in. two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn, who are enjoying a holiday, in Florida and Mexico write that the beaches there are_ grand with temperatures at.98°. Miss Flora Durnin, of. Mark- -dale; and her friend, Miss Nora Creyke, ' bf ' Schomberg, visited for the week -end with the form, er's father`, Mt. R. J. Durnin. Mr. Tom Fowler, who is teach- in,;g near Molesworth; spent the ' week -end at home with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs: Charles Fow- ler. He also attended the Ice 'Cappdes at Kitchener on Friday . 'night in ° company with his ,friend, Miss Arlyn• Powell, of Blyth. Funeral Service Attended Many, attended the funeral services of the late Mrs. Charles AIton at Lucknow on Sunday afternoon. The late Mrs. Alton, of Tilbury, had been in declin- ing •health for the past two years. •Mr. 'Alton passed away in 1946. They are remembered as having a general. Store in Dungannon about 20 years-ag , the one now owned by K. K. Dawson. We,, extend our rsym= pathy to -Feria' and J. C., and other relatives .in their loss. Suffers Fall We were sorry to hear that Lynda Hodges, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodges; ' had a N nasty f sty all, thus hurting her knee, while skating at the rink. SShe spent from• Iv onlay 'til Thursday h . da in �Vurgham hospital where' , h the rknee, hadto et b a ., ped P o .fluid f three e time . e hr. .e 0 `s ", hope she, _will` p . W l soon be on her feet.a gain. Thie :Sews and Sews Sew `"The girls 4 -If Club the;Dunt anon Sewsand ewe, held it Meeting riday night at he home of Esther Rivett, Sharon Stewardson led with :all repeating the pledge. g � Carol "Culbert read the minutes of the last-meetiti and'Te foncall { was - answered by "an alteration of patterns." The girls ',took down notesfrom m � leaders, dere Mrs:-McWhinne y a" ' rs. :�H:- Rivett and they began making their dresses. • ' St. Pauls Anglican Guild Mrs. Tom 'Park was' hostess at. her home Friday afternoon for . St. Paul's, Anglican Guild. Mrs. Wilfred Wright read. the Seriplure from John 3:7.20 fol- lowing prayer. Plans were coin, .pleted for the' World Day of Prayer, Friday, March 9th, at 2.30 p.m. in, St. Paul's Anglican Church. Plans, were also made for a bake saleand card party, March .;17 at 8.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. A bake sale was held at the meeting with pro- ceeds for the flower fund. After the meeting closed with prayer, Mrs. Park served afternoon tea. KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE, March' 5. -r- Mrs. Jack Kenney and Mrs'. Peter Murray, of Detroit, spent the week -end here. . -and family visited `the Dietric family, of Clarkson, last week- end. Mrs. Earl. Drennan' returned home the latter part of the w:ee ,after"», beS�3`i ttiLirfretl "Cts "Goderich —liar for a '-Tew' days. Mrs: EdwaFoley is not en- joying -the -best -of -health: -He daughter, Mrs. Jim Johnston, of Goderich, spent a few days with her last week. We hope Mrs. -Foley" will feel better soon,. We have been reading with interest the progress notes that have' a geared frequently in a district newspaper- regarding Mrs. Jessie Allen. Jessie has fought a hard battle and de- serves a lot of credit. • M. and Mrs. Ian Woodley and daughter, of Malton, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin over the week -end. Mr: Francis Griffin; of Flint, spent the week -end with his uncle, Mr. Thos. Wallace. ' Mr. and Mrs: Alvin` Moran and family, of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moran over the week -end. Taylors Comer TAYLOR'S ` CORNER, March 5.—Mrs. Robt. Fuller has re- turned home after spending the last two months with relatives at Goderich and Benmiller. The sympathy of the com- munity ' is extended to .the, Rodges family in the death of Mr. Robt. Rodges. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott -and family, of Port Colborne, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCabe and Don. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cranston, London, were- liere- for the fun: eral of Mr. Robt. Rodges ,and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne ` Rodges. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Harrison, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison, of Goderich, attended the Burford -Harrison wedding in Stratford recently. PUBLIC DANCE Sponsored by .:• GODERICH MODIFIERS CAR CLUB BLUE WATER LOUNGE DANCING 9-12 SATURDAY, MARCH 10 MUSIC BY DESJARDINES ORCHESTRA 'DOOR PRIZE ADMISSION 75c - -r0 Mrs. T.Hunkiing, Walkerburn osteu {The. membeHrs of ,the Walker - burn Club heldtheir mE ti a ,n at the home of Mrs. Ted Hunk, ing with the:nre president;t, Mrs, .Leonard Archambaalt` in charge.' The meeting . `was opened 'Vthe. singing of 0, Canada and the repeating of ` the Lord's. Prayer, led by Mrs: envy Hunk- ing. The Mutes were approv- ed as read by the secretary, Mrs. Lorne Hunking. Thank-yoti notes ,were 'read .from 'Ur. and Mrs, Eldon. 'Hendry, Mr, ;and ,Mrs. Stanley -Ball -and -the Child= rens, Aid Society, The roll call. was answered by 14 members, each quoting a Valentine verse. 'lie .financial_statement..._was given by Mrs. Stanley Ball, the treasurer. The draw prize was myon by Mrs.' Joe. Hunking. .A program ocontests was con. ductednby Mrs. Henry Hunking and. Mrs. Joseph Verewey. A short memorial service was held for the late Mrs. Percy Vincent, whq „ had been . a. member of the Walkerburn Club .for many years. Plans were made for the next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Bert Hunking the last Wednesday in March. The roll call is to be answered by "sing, say or -pay something Irish" in keeping with -St. Pat- rick's Day. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Bert Hunk ing and Mrs. Stanley Bali, and the lunch committee will be Mrs. Guy Cunningham, Mrs. Tom Cunningham, Mrs. -Roy Daer and Mrs. Herbert Duizer. After a successful penny sale, lunch was served by Mrs. Stew- art Ament, "Mrs. Leonard Arch- ambault, Mrs. Stanley Ball and Mrs. Walter Cunningham. • �rt.rWI= NILE NILE, March 6.—All ladies of 'Dengannon for the World Day ot, Prayer. It will .be held in the -Anglican- Church at -2.30 p.m., Friday, March 9. Mr. and . Mrs. Ross McNee, Mrs. Mantel), Dougherty and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McNee anci Freddie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNee, Behnore, On Sunday. Mr.- and Mrs. R. McConnell, ofArmow were e Sunday visitora, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Matthews. Several *embers ., o fte Y,k' Eno Y U an evening ed.ofskat n g and broomball 'when they #�: t .._wer4 ' gu e guests of the, Auburn WO last St aurd&y, s .• The :Unit. edhurt Women h W rnEn; will hold their March :meeting on Wednesday, March 14, Tables Will be `set for the Father and ,Son banquet which will be held March h 16. Hostesses •are Mrs. ;.ilk ° ogie, .-Mrs. J : - Mcgiarmid. and Mrs. D. McNeil. PORT A PORT ALBERT, March 6. - Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert,Mc,Gee on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harold : Taylor, of Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy and Debbie, of Goderich., Mr. William Richardson and Caron visited with,. Mrs. Rich- ardson over the week -end. The World Day of Prayer willbe observed at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Dungannon on March 9th at 2.30 p.m. All the ladies of the community are welcome to attend. Visitors over the week -end at the home of Mrs. Jane Martin were. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bowden, Larry and Randy, Bob Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grigg, all of London.. Mr. and Mrs. David Farrow are visiting with Mr. and „Mrs. Roy Petrie this week. Miss MargaretsA:ttt,W:estiake,. eggh fz'. Atior9lfrsgsGeii°" Westlake, aso ' g ne to Sar ma to work with the Bell Tele phone Company. Mr. and Mrs. Harve B ans, n Margaret An.izd"4 .�"; �, §�.%� it 14:111d0 13412, `'MCT" Dickson and family over the wee1 end.,. They • attended the funeral of - the late Mrs. Charles Alton; of lucknow. Clarence Hox and Harry San - sin, accompanied by two other me�spent the Week -end d fishing, at fon � ho�t on c ...,, �ko.. Mimeo, i 4ie. United church hVo Woman The 'Ui ited ,, Church. Women met at the home of Mrs. V. CrawfQo r -for their monthly meeting wit ten ladiess P ege' . The s d r a en .; i t M n , ...rs M..-75xc so was in charge. arge. Tbe: Seriptare . lesson, Isaiah 6, was: read by Mrs. E. .Bogie. The president. gave- a , reading, . .expressing Holiness.' The roll call was answered With aIerse from .;the, Bible containithe word ,e.Lav Th.M-roe 1li l Gall is to be answered using, the -word :Salvation.,' ' ,After the busi- -ness ►a ;concluded; -t wcha'pter" from the ,study book was 'read by Mrs. Dickson. Lunch was s' ered by e hoste ss CardParti Winners., -4474 winners at the Card party at S.S.'No..1 school *re: ladies' high, Mrs, Harold dams' low, Elwin oll ck; we ns high, Carmen �eldei , low, Doug Brown; birthday closest to date 'of card' nartY, Elmer Draper. The e d .Eullowink, cards, lunch was sere, n ' o �. cher party on 'Marche 14, :ASHFIELD ASBFIELD,•.March 5. Mrs. 'Donald Macdonald, who has beet l`h neardiife `Ifo fit al "i`or some, weeks with ineumonia; ;came,home on Saturday, Her. HAVING WASHER TROUBLE? WI raft WIC% PHONE FOR,. WASHER ,SERVICE FACTORY EXPERTS, WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES • niec es 1 e d Mlss+el� Se "an u n is!e Mac do a1d., ,of Windsor, sent the we k•.en 'with :her. Eenncth. Varrisbi 1'sted with,,, her daughter: Mrs,, A. G.l'd in G.'ch�'week' ors . �de� ... last . ss Ma l Miss be Macdon .a.d, off, Windsor, spent ;the 1ck- end with her nother, Mrs: Alex Macdonald. SrArabella Bdshel, Of al .,. r d; �v�sited • with' *S.Robert Simpson on • Sunday. FRIDAY SERV, I._ 'then; lomat residents- 044 tend the World D.ay. of Pra services :a t,. t he. God e Ch t�tCh Church 41.1day,�o be rt ° of°,� o se'. �artagi n atM ing i:rt 0 7 di e t r an in , � �Q � -. E eS -2.30 Pm. sP eake he Miss' tally _MacArt, }ur *and :the 7.30; p.m. speaker,: Capt, .414 Bailey. • -v e.: tom, 401 Pollee Sthtion.• ,early M�y , d ° 'w#� enu1 witit . 7illte: reStaff and.140W4 WOW eav AT `8.30 P M. .15 GAMES — '$1.,00'. -The prize f or•. ea,o t regular game -will' bb --$j2;00, 4 SHALE -THE -WEALTH Jackpot Combined.` .AC: . OT• .._ :. , . J �' OP $.$5�i)0 IN 57 0AX1. :. Sponsored by Canadian Legion arancli 109. . No person under 16 admitted - to Legion Hall .mow.. 0. SELLING' •AVION can do, Aust a few' -'peasant ';;hours weekly required ` and-'a,T .car; Start, now, in Ashfield and borne Tv+rps. -lA/rlte--Mrs. Ei kieli , 840 Albert- --$t., dWaterlad or phone collect before ,$.30 $h,' 5.0751r . xo-1.3-plap FREE T MOVIE CA Yes, for ` each dollar you pay fer, either service or parts you will be allowed a ticket in our draw for a Turret Movie Camera. ' Have those repair jobs done now.and get in on °� grand opportunity. p - 3 Mechanical an,' Body Repairs, Wheel Alignnient and Balance, 'Window Replacements, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with ,.Unda-Spray. ,meq Mow 'w ryLy�.Ay S ��y. avidson's Texaco Service' NO a HWY. GODERICH JA 4-7231 FOQTWEAR SAVINGS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY DURING ROSS SHOE SH Yes, after many years inti the same location, we find -we •we need' more room, and to . get it we are movuig up the Square to: Schaefer's old location..Ee- Jonn we move however, we mast .clear at lea st._25Q(Lpairs'of shoes..-aa_it' wo- uld be just too, big a job to move all our presentstock to the new location. This is 'the biggest sale in our history so be at the store early Friday morn- ing to take advantage of our Moving Sale Redhctions in Price. To prepare for this gigantic saleiwe-find° it'excssaty#o.r& main cloned all day Thursday. We will open 'with a store full of bargains at 9 a.m. on Fri- day morning. - We Are- Able td Construct Your 144w Home and. Summer CoT'fage _ Efficiently '°& Economically Inquire • ALL LIGHT 115 Britainia Road ° JA 4-8130 Representing. . •- GERRAT CONSTRUCTION. LTD. WATERLOO, ONTARIO ° Look !or flirt sin'3'pmbo? oI olity Light rainwear and rubber boots are _--includ'ed, in this group. REDUCED if --you need new 'snow boots or goloshes to get you, through the' winter, or if yOU need them . fc r next year, now is , '' ° the time a to ,buy. REDUCED%