HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-03-08, Page 2Thr Coon ► Town, Newspapilin of Huron,.; 'PSfabitilitt 184 alis•"I<l.Wth year -of publication 0 Published Signal -Star PubliSru g TX{muted MESSAGES FM.k TH-.E. WQ..RD • BY -GODERICH MINISTERIAL t. ASS9c IATI.ON' - tional VOW. 4114 cer cafe 1, " Because of a' very , severe storm, Keith Hopkinson made several flights from Sky liar* bor with milk and other neceS- sitiesto outlying points He also flew Dr. John -See to a farm near Teeswater to tend a sick cow. 10 Years. Ago=1952 Mrs, Daniel McPhee, fortner- awarded posthumously to their son, P.O. Leonard Suter, who was lost over Ge inaay. . Snowplows cleared" the roads to the Bemniller area farm. of George Ginn' so that the reeve of Gbderich ATownsh p could be taken by ambulance to code; rich hospital, ly w. lieu Kerr, died in her 85th yvar. At a Women's Institute party at Auburn prizes were awarded to the following: Mrs.. Harold Gross, Jack Hallam, Mrs. Ever ett Taylor, Bert Taylor, Waetta Yours , Betty Lou Robinson, Curyzorm Dobie and Billie Stan- Mrs b� , 4, Douglas' Brown frac- tured her hip when she fell on her way to St. George's -Church. • Barry Attridge' had been chosen to. represent Cr,D,C,J.,i S the London Free 'Press Leader's Club. Advertise • in the Sigma -Stair. for quick results. ,Skil scription Rates -- $4.00 a year.. To U.S.A. $5:00 (ln advance) Authorized as second class mail; Post Office'Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash. Member of C.W.N.A.. O.W.N.A. and A.B.C. circulation --over 3,400 GEO'. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher, THE :EDUCATION ,BATTLE " +• CANADIAN EDUCATION WEEK .-*MARCH 4-10 4.4 Educators today find themselves in preca ions poaitiell iii Canada..._ Sudden,.-. ly the nation in a single deeade appears to be turning to its educational system for a solution to,iats great unemployment prob- lem. In the same years our society has become increasingly complex and our need for superior methods, teachers, schools -and ' 'universities is more and more apparent. - Not only is society demanding more from its educational'facilitie& but today ' vie find aur school system competing in - interna`tional politics. In other lands, where the direction of the government does -not come from free elections, dictator- . ships are openly boasting that their edu- eational progress is&.a weapon they intend to use in their drive to overcome ofir''_ uivjlization and thus our democratic way of 'life. 4 Because unemployment is closest, to • ;' 'IQe'" .tiifi' 'fiFY.aetwate . "t.� tie in which our•peoplewmust. enga-ge- Wp cannot buy ourselves out of oar -unemploy- ment problem, although' the, governments _ 1mr ' �'' 3'. "'-�Y t'�sit �S �r a - yy been trying to do a pretty good job of c o.ing just that with our money. In Canada today the Seat majority • 6i' unem.ployed- citizens have a ,blear'?• out- look. Many of thea i didn't get to high • school aaad' the great -majority 'of those .who did had only a few years or months - of secondary, education. To top this off they did not acquire any trade ,or skill after their formal 'education. Thus it is the unskilled laborers, many of whom do not possess enough education for proper technical training, who are the real prob- O lem we must • overcome. A study by the Canadia Con- ference •on Education, recommends more and better vocational courses in schools and apprenticeship programs, retraining for adults, and imparting of'more know- ledge of the "world of work" in schools, especially for urban children ,who "lack the early experience . of chores and wide early acquaintance with different types of employment." But not only -trust we educate our- selves out of unemployment' problems, we must at the same time improve our meth- ods of learning, our methods of teaching and the facilities - which serve the ° stu- dent and the educators. It seems obviotls in this age of rapidly expanding horizons s -onl that our students mast not _today Our • big battle to improve our dwn educational system is, just beginning. W e can only reach 'for victory when the least e a Y or she can play 'by sipporiing`the p?og- ressiv a programs in education which are beginning to: be seen on the Canadian ed-. •ueati,onal . horizon,. .-_ Cur -educational ..sys: tem' must adapt itself with • greater speed, if possible, to the new demands which are beim placed upon it. The very future of thL' nation, depends upon our ability to. finance and understand -the need for 'a great national effort' in ' this direction, Hur-t-in Cash Near St. Helens ST. HELENS, March 5. -On -- Saturday afternoon, the Luck - now .Co -Op gas truckandMr. Frank McWhinney, were in col- lision, at the corner, of the 12th concession and' the `Gaunt Cor- ner. Murray McWhinney, 11 yews. old, was badly cut about .vent to' Mrs. Alex - Purves and his face and is at present in Donald Murray with second Wingham hospital with. many prizes ri Lorne FdresM rr..Jim Nelson stitches in his face. mi... Bill. Hall and his young son as well as Mr. McWhinney escaped .in. Cars of revenue freight load - jury. me truck was overturn- ed on railway lines in Canada ed and the .car -- was, badly m' 1961 totalled 3,464,118, a de - wrecked. ' cline of 4.7 per-'cent'from 1960. - Mr. Frank McQkrillin is a pat- --_ _ - _ - dent in ' Wipgliam hospital. Immigration to Canada in the The. +W.L sponsore'd' acard first nine months of 1961 totall- party on Friday night with Tred 56,168, down byone-third tables playing. High prizes from the similar period of 1960. THANK YOU After 14 years Rf continuous • service ,. we have decided to terminate our retail business. We take • this opportunity to most - sincerely thank those who patronized -us so loyally. • CHRISTIAN :,t,IEERTV . Bey -C"ape A. Bailey, The SalVaa' and the o iiy ><ru y. free man. tion Army . . , . I Pa Speaks Of theltberty .with, Liherty . and freedgm are' Iyht t Chi*. ma_ dq hiiri.free., words not infrequently used las abs�r .the Bible In a oliticai social lute or 'z°estraiped% He �reioices and religions sense,, 61,i°w social in the 'liberty wherewith.• Christ has set free, and. yet he did Israel _rejoice �t`n. her •free- feels that God's, leo is a re - (Mg the rewards -offered to restrains him; for' he "serves e Man who should ,silence the 'God with his spirit in the gospel boastings _of Goliath was , this of. his San" and loves his servi- "that his father's house should tulle as much as his liberty. Ip be made •free in Israel,"_. _Both fact he regards them'as identic- the„ Psalmist anti' -_Paul recog- al. Paul° unites the,,two ideas. nize4 it "as an essential feature .-Re that' is called in the Lord, in spiritual he,', or the gone Kana}'^i . se_.ryaant>�is the _Lerd'_s declares That elle walked'. at lib- freeman; likewise also he, that erty when he sodght the Divine is called being free,: is Christ's' precepts and the other, • that servapt." (1 Cor. 7:22). 'where the spirit of God is, We, as God's children should?' there is Liberty." • always remember that we are • What then is true liberty? never . at liberty to do evil. Let Whether we choose to call it us learn to love the restraints by ,this term or by the Saxon of God's 'Psalmist, `Thy law law. term "freedom" ... it' must be Mai• we learn to . evident that it has reference. to ' from as did the the depth of our heart, restraint of some kind. It neces- sarily implies the removal of Stand fact therefore in .'the something which cramps energ- liberty wherewith Christ `hath ies we wish• ta..exert, or impedes made us free, and be not en- acts we desire to .perform. But tangled again with the yoke of here a question arises.. , • Is bondage." • there such a thing in the -world ° as absolute and entire freedom ....and if there is is it worth the having?. Even a man on a desolate island does not have absolute liberty. At all points and on every side he is hemmed e in and obstructed by the re- strictions of nature. He de- .- T ssxes�•war.>Yith _ but- the cold �. :iwarts-'�hsci-- sold_.the �-#Drbitl�tt.-��d'i�' r tri 1�• 13'XC.Ii a Motel° .�' 'gh � an to Down Memory's °Lai 50 Years Ago -1912 - i frfe;' he+ t i >Wr . turas surroundings say no He had changed ownership: Henry becomes hungry and 'nature bars Thompson had bought t h e the ready access to food. Nei- Maple Leaf Grocery, 'Hamilton ther is he as free from social street, from J. H. McClinton who • c.�.,�� n.lc� ..-.r-., Ar t'Y -"•nom...• :M1T1S.ri'•:+� -•.•�. ., F{"" +i.a�� rh... r.:. .i G. Tf"'e•.Y IE N U s+.:i•r4i..n. '•• '-9u . 'C• a 1 .Y.• . iurri• ` h'ad 't 'tier , � � -its.{ �'..� _ •�,., ' %, 3 wY evil s bode andM"shoe—st�gre+ a ----=1�°-•- Mr. Herr had bought. -.X. R. WE HANDLE ONLY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT INSPE CTED AND GRADED MEATS ! Long's -grocery business: - Miss Alice-•Iirltllion,; McDonald street, became the bride of 12c OFF_ DEAL CHEER GIANT SIZE 6 IONA ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT :MARMALADE JAR Baked' in A&P's awn •bakery by Master Bakers Check' The Savings On These. Extra Specials Baked In A&P's Own Bakery By Master Bakers JANE PARKER CHERRY larare PIE , „ 24 -oz pie -• Reg.590 - SAVE 10a Jane Parker Reg. 39c --SAVE 10e SPANISH BAR CAKE •-h29< Jane Parkker ' Reg. loaf 21c --SAVE 7s t4�.i X31 .. »si Highest Quality! Lowest Price! ASF Soper -Right Quality Meats_ reStWO t.$I �rz I4 ..cal C� .. .� vR+. �!�-'r'n' s social nature creates "in him a desire •for human coin- panion'ahip, but even this is for- bidden by his self-imposed isol- ation. He sought perfect free- dom slur he -finds Char iiis "lih'=fAlfred -Quaid, 'Art 'Albert.:- erty" is abridged. He is by no R. H. Somersail, Loyal, had means absolutely .and entirely ;purchased W. S. Clark's house free. Freedom or liberty is arid lot, Wolfe street, for •5950. something quite different. 30 Years Ago -1932 - There are some restraints . W. Hume Clutton advertised which are entirely compatible laying mash at 51.75, per cwt.; with genuine freedom and regu- I day-old Leghorn chicks fog- 11c, late it to good ends. The gen- j and Barred Rock chicks feria: ' 12'c: eral ', welfare - of society ...no Bernice Pearl Johnston and one will 'refuse to recognize Mary Grace Cook were baptized this as a rightful restriction to at the home of Mr. • and Mrs. personal `freedom. The rights William Mole, Dungannon. of other individuals - ..'. when Prize -winners at the Marine passing, down the street, you Club card - pafty were Mrs. R. see in an open window an ar-:Walker and L. Conk. Consol- ticle of food or clothing you ation prizes went to Mrs. James greatly, desire ...perhaps you Phalen and Lewis Fulford. urgently need it. You may buy At the G.C.I. Literary Society that right from him -,;hut until' meeting, Miss Effie Jewell pr -e-• you do; you . are no' More -at sided while Miss Margaret Ma- -liberty to take that article than son played several piano sele^- he is at'liberty to put his hand tions. 0 . ers taking part were in • your pocket and take your Helen : inset, Ray Errington; purse. His right then restrains and Reginald Fisher. - your liberty, and your right 15 Years Ago -1947,, restrains his. , Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Baxter. The Christian is a free man Goderich,, received the opera- N.. - T. PRYDE &" SON Memorials Pined- Stone' and Experienced • Workmanship •_ DISTRT Frank MCIlwaln REPRESENTATIVE _,.,J�i 4.78Si-n>~�200_�Gibbonts-_Stw�-LJ��.fl40 50tf SHAtdKLE55 FRESH SHOW; ER 1 ROAST FRESH 'LEAN BUTT I ROAST FRES , BONELESS, SjOLID .MEAT CANADA'S -FINEST RED- BRAND -BEEF ORK..LOIN ROAS1 I STE RO.A.S.:i ENli CUTS Ib 1 CENTRE CUTS Ib t 1 PORTERHOUSE , Ib or WING Choice- Duality, Skinless, Sliced„ 1:F -LIVER- Super -Right, Smoked,, Sliced, Kindless BETHEL TABERNACLE MEL and GRACE CIANSTON Elgin and Waterloo -Streets SIDE BACON HEAR THIS GOSPEL .44 The V+Jebs'e- Library WORLDS GREATEST MUSIC - • RE•: -2, - No. 1 All cth.,r ?e:or ds the wiser investor who wants a sound investment paying as' high interest as is commensurate ,with safety ti a OUR GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Earn 5% interest on $100 or more : 4'invested` for any peiriod from 3 to 1Q years. 1-1b<pkg 5 9c Choice Quality , Sea Seald, Cooked and Breaded , -_ SOLE- PORTIQNS Ib 4 3 c Bi; 99c Canned Food Sale Libbyys (In Tomato Sauce) Reg. 2 tins 390 --SAVE '18c BEANS DEEP BROWN 615 -fl -az tins 9 9 c ;A &P Fancy Quality • Reg. 2 tins 25c -SAVE 14o Choice Cream Style TOMATO JUICE 9 20 -fl -o7 tins % AA&P. Choice Cut ' - "'^ Reg. 2 tins' 35a ---SAVE Pc .;�. GREEN BEANS 6 20 -fl -oz tins 99c 1.. /MP Fancy Quality Reg. tin 87c --SAVE 12c ASPARAGUS TIPS ` . 3 tins "9 9C A&P Choice Red Reg.2 tins 59c -SAVE 19c ISPBERRIES._:.- 4154i-ozase 9c Geisha, Reg. - •:i,,s 390 -SAVE 18c ORANGES MANDARIN 6 141 -oz tins 99c "Lever Stens & Pieties Reg. tin 31c -SAVE 25c Regular `t{f1S �� MUSHROOMS 410 -fl -oz tins 994 . Fresh Frruit N - a►nd Vegetable Features FLORIDA, NO. 1 GRADE, FULL OF J1:1,CE, EXCELLENT EATIN.G ,. 5 -Ib cello bag RED, DELICIOUS, , FANOV GRADE, ONTARIO COLD STORAGE - • 3 -Ib cello bag . • °To ipest. --- just send in your cheque. We look after all details. y a. ti• . tdsvod It. Ito*lait . Goittiti4'Branch Mer, W and Wal o Ste. DIAL JA 44381" First part • of Miss Parmenter't personal testi- molly _---" her. conversion from night c1u en- terfaining_ to the Gospel of, Christ. ,, 2'11113, XII A MUT F0 'irER 'bl ! -SERVICES CONTINUE . NIGI•i'jLY ‘c-AT4It No Service Andy 'or moved/Ay • dap. end Worship' Ged With US, • THIS WEEK'S RECORD RECORD :NO, 7 ON SALE THIS WEEK ONLY $1:29 tacit H SID 'NO .1--$bslhcv ry Cenci:4itb No: 6 in E Tat ,Major ..OP, 73 ' for Piano pnd 0'ir X 11' *at r 'Eihnp�erorf'` Second 'and Third' Moverttents.•- SIDE NO. 2 .'M et - •Symphony ,No. 33 Irk 13 Flat MerJor. Col iplot,. • - CALIFORNIA, FANCY GRADE, CELLO BAG, FLORIDA, ROUND s'rRING,LESS, • NO. 1 GRADE, GREEN, CALIFORNIA, NO: 1 .GRADE, TENDER, SWEET • •P:E:l., HAND ,SELECTED a&b LABEL rr 't,At AnANtic PActoic TEA C4N4; AI Y uper Markets I bunches 25-16 poly bag 9r All prices In Mit Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, March tO 1962.