HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-25, Page 1(
-VOL. XVIII. NO. 39.
>fublisb,er and Proprleto
T , I3. DLOKSON, Barrister, Soli -
r d • cites of Supreme Court, Notary
Public, Jonveyaneer, Commissioner, etre
Atones to Loam.
Oaioeim Paasor'sBlock, Exeter.
R kI, COU31NS,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc,,
11;KETBA, - ONT.
Office over the Post Office,
ELLIOT $4 1thL OT,
Barristers, Solicitors, &taries Public,
Oouve sneers etc, &IL
vo Sven
!r;�'.�ione, to Loan at lowest Raton of
n. v, Zr.T,Urr. A. 1r&bTOT.
essor to I. IA,
Succ g
(Member of the Royal College of Dental
Hammen) Teeth iasertoa with or without
Plato, in Gold or Bunter, .. ciatoAntesthetie
given for bloc painless e?ttrection of teeth.
Plato soairod firmly in the mouth by
Yemo ate Patent Valve.
OFFIQE Over O'Neil's Da u1x,
Leers every b`rtday.
Ilr1NSMA I ,»1 NTIST,L4.ii,
FAUson's filoclr. Mnin•st, Exeter,
Fztraets Tenth without
pato, Away at iIneacer.L on
brat Prelay: Craig.aecond
anal fourth. Tuesday; and
Zunrcn on the lest Thurs-
davof oaohmonth .
s7 • P. S. (#raduato Victoria Unison t$
Office and residance, Dominion Lahr a-
tory. Exeter.
j)TL. f1YNJJMAN, oorouer for tae
Comity of iluron. Plisse, opp..sito
arllag l3ros3atoro, Exeter,
0. Office, Main St. Exeter, Out.
Readenco, arouse r000ntly occupied by P.
afoVluIUpa. F,aq.
TIE. T. P. Met4AUGJ:IL' 1N, MEN. -
her of the cottage of Phyelcians and
durgeons, Ontario. Physician Surgeon and
ccoucheur. Waco,ENSALL, O T.
r F. CUTT'EN, M. D., a. M:,
.1.-1• °meaato 'TrinityUniversity, Tor-
onto rel. 'Grin. Mod, schol, Toronto ; Grad.
Am 1Inst.,Craniology ; Member N. Y. Acad.
Anthropology; Member Col. P. S,, Ont. -
office, Dashwood. 0 nt.
Physichien:turareon, etc. HIaving spent the
winter of it3S6-87 in Now York, and winter of
1987-331u Vienne, Austria.
Diseases or the
Eva lasses and Spontaeles furnished for
both Boar and Distant Vision.
Always at home, except on Fridays.
No. 1S 5 Queen's Avenue,
London, Ontario.
' 4. linear for the County of Huron,
Charges moderate. Exeter P. 0.
. Auctioneer for Counties Huron and
Middlesex. Residence, 1 mile south of Exeter.
P. 0.. Exeter.
�j BOSSEIVBERRY, General Li -
'4 • censod Auctioneer Sales conducted
in allparts. Satisfaotiouguaranteed Charges
moderate. Herman 1' O, Ont.
HENRY EILBER Licensed Auc-
tioneer for the Comities of Huron
and Middlesex : Sales conducted at mod-
erato rates. Office, at Post -office, Ored-
ton Out.
.L. Auctioneer andLandlaluator. Urders
sent by.mail to say address, Bayileld P. O.,
will receive prompt attention. Terms moder-
ate. D. E. P01lUE tt, Auctioneer,
• Tennent & Tennent
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary 001-
&ren : One door South °MTown Hall,
percent, $25,000 Private Funds, Beat
Loaning Companies.represented.
Barrister. Exeter.
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En-
Office,Upstairs,Samwell'sBlock, •Exeter,Ont
CANADA. Head Office, London, Ont.
, , After 31 years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residenoes, either on buildings or
contents ;the most favorable protection in case
of loss or damage by fire orlightning, at rates
upon suoh liberal terms. that no other respect-
able company can afford to write. 42,375 poli:
ales in force lstJan.,1t390. Assets $378,428.00
in cashirkbank. Government depoa , Deben-
'tures and Premium Notes. JAMES GR.twT,
President; D. C. Mop exams ,Manager . DATu.
.ThEs,Agent for Exeter andvic'nitr,
Kash, Is ging at
McTavish & Cojs.
Mens Suits worth $8.00, only
$5.75 Kash. Men's Suits worth
$9. only $6.50 Kash, Mews Suits
worth $$xq,.00, only $xI.25 Dash.
Boys' Suits worth $5,50, only .
Kash. Boys Suits worth $3.75,
only $i.90 Kash.
Clothingto order' at low est prices.
Men's atural Wool Underwear
away down.
LadiesAnother job lot of Para,
sols just in to go as cheap as be.
Asir to see our 75c. Corset ;r per.
fect fitling and every pair guaran-
Try our new Teas and Coffees.
A. J. MITA DISH & 00.
Mum -That part of the Province in.
which Eirkten ae situate abounds with
athletes and lovers of sport. A committee
has been formed for a grand Dominion Day
celebration there this year in Mr A. Kittengrove, Money prieea are offered for cora-
petition in manly genies preceded by a baa°
ball math between the Fourth Line Mee -
dose Zarka and the Kirkton colts, who pro-
mise not to kink it they aro beaten. A
good program has been prepared for the
day. Admteaion free. Tho day'a fun com-
mences at 10 a.m.-Mr Geo Bazlewood was
united in the holy bonds of matrimony to
Mies Bertha Johnson, on Wednesday last,
by the Bev T. M, Campbell, of 8t Alarys,
Both are resideuts of tbie place and every
happiness and sueceee is wielred the young
Poor BALL -Our foot ball team wont to
Eden on Saturday evening to play the re-
turn match with that club. As these teams
are fairly well matched an interesting game
WAS expected and so it proved to be, Chia-
elhurst was not long in securing two goals,
and shortly after this the ball was passed
down the field end one of Chiseltinrst'a
backs, by a Op, passed the ball through
the goal ho was defending tbis securing the
firat Foal for Eden. The remainder of half
time was taken up by pretty lively playing
in which Eden seoared another goal. Half
titre being called the players atter a few
minutes respite, returned to work with
renewed vigor. Darkness coming on, play
was suspended before the time was np,
leaving the score a draw, Your correspond-
ent rade a mistake in regard to the first
matchthat was played at Chiselhurst, as
the score stood 2 to 0 in fayor of Chisel -
burst instead of 1 to 0 as was reported -
That tired feeling now so often heard of,
is entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
which gives mental and bodily strength.
Pale and listless girls and prematurely
aged women would soon give place to bright
healthy, rosy females if Dr Williams' Pink
Pills were used for the ills to which women
are peculiarly liable. They enrich the
blood, build up the nerves, and restore the
shattered system, regulate the periods, etc.
Try them and be convinced. Sold by all
dealers, or sent poet paid on receipt of pride
-50c per box, or five boxes for 112 -by ad-
dressing The Dr Williams Med Co Brook-
ville, Ont.
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism.
Step by step one goes along way ! Thehare ridiculed the tortise for its slowness,
but the tortise laughingly replied : "I will
beat you in a race !" And while it may
be a fable it is none the less true in busi-
ness pursuits and with men.
The undersigned is fleet closing the
fifteenth year of his business career, and
although .we may be considered slow, we
have been plodding on amidst great odds,
but this finds us still in the race.
During those fifteen years many
changes have come over the business
visage of Exeter. There are only three
places of business now in operation
showing the same managing head and
other two that have made partial changes
with new managers,that were contempo-
raries in 1876. I feel myself indebted,
to my many customers for their liberal
patronage afforded me during these.
years. Whether large or small pur-
choses, they have my sincere thanks,
and Iwould ask a continuance of the
same. It will be mine to study their
needs, seeking to place before them
goods equal to those of the past, assur-
ing the purchasers of proper attention
and doing our best to meet the wants of
the most fastidious. '
I remain Yours,
•J P. CL
FOOT NOTE,—Farm produce taken in
exchange for goods; highest prices paid
for same.' -J. P. C ,
Wednesday next will, be 1.st of
July, and if our correspondents
will send their contributions to
this paper one day earlier than
usual they will confer a favor on
the eidtor.
Butess-Ur Elute Weidman is about, buy-
ing land in Miohigan, near J304no. -Ur ,Tho
Dieber, jr., of the .Babylon Line, bas a otic
year old colt which turned the scales a few
weeks ago at 905 pomade. -51r .Joseph
Broderick, of the Babylon Line, brought
some fall wheat to town the other day,
wide)), weasured five feat higb, Who can
heat tins?
W osdh,
Ilarnrrs--`.aha garden party in oouneotton
with this circuit head recently in the orchard
of Mr Henry Switzer, Mitchell road, under
the aurmices of the Ladies' Aid of Ziou
atipralt, was quite successful, though the
evening WAS unfavorable, The .heavy rain
about 5 pan. came as the tables were ready
for the S 8 children, It is unnecessary to
aay that the table clothe and cakes ware
coneiderably moistened; as well it prevent-
ed the attendance of many who expected to
be present. The shower though /eeavyr eves
soon over. the evening after fair, and while
interrupting proceeding° a little and making
the ground damp yet the people were de-
lighted to have the rain which was so much:
needed. The Granton brass band rendered
excellent mueic and all seemed flawed with
tate entertainment Receipts not deducting
expenses over fifty dollars -Our people at
Cooper's cbureh, Base Line, held their
Garden Party 'set Thursday evening in. Mr.
Henry Creighton'° orahard. The day
though threatening rain was more favorable
and the attendance larger than at' Zion.
The amnion brass band discoursed sweet
music and the entertainment was very
pleasant and enjoyable, -The Guelph Meth
Conference receutly held in the beautiful
town of Berlin was one of tho most inter
eating and happy elm the union. -Mr.
Renu, Base Line, has his new brick dwell-
ing nearly completed.-Tbe tato rains have
greatly helped the °rope about here sothere
is now the promie° of an abundant harvest,
Bluer -Tire high school closes next Tues.
day. -The past two weeks have been a sad
time for perch, our local anglers baying
taken thousands of pomade of this finely
flamed fish from the lake. Dominion Day
will be fitly celebrated here. Sports for
young and old. Lacrosse and base ball
matches, calithumpian procession, stsam
and sailing excursions, boating,fishing, and
fireworks in the evening being a part of the
program. -Tho Saaforth band will faruish
music for Goderichitea a,ad visitore to
Goderioh on Dominion day. -'Phe Model
and Ward sohcola will close on Tuesday the
30th inst.-A new plank sidewalk has been
placed around the equate and the leading
streets running therefrom. -A band is being
organized for Goderioh.-Quite a number
of ladies from the town attended the Stret-
ford ball last week. -'she steamers, United
Empire and City of Windsor, were in this
port ou Saturday. -The Salvation Army
barracks will soon be ready for occupation.
- Summer visitors are arriving in goodly
numbers. -There bas been an extra chim-
ing of marriage bells the present month, -
Considerable shipments of lumber, salt,
flour, hay and fish are being made from
this town. -The schooner, Carter, with
lumber for N. Dyment reached her dock on
Thursday -Three trap nota have been set
off Colborne township. -Revs Geo Richard-
son and J. B. Hutton preached farewell
sermons on Sunday in the North and Vic-
toria street Methodist churches, reepect-
ively.-County Clerk Adamson is steadily
improving. -The High School Literary
Society hold an open meeting to
evening. -Several old Goderieh residence
are visiting in town and neighborhood.
St. Marys.
BBIEFs-Rev T. M. Campbell preached
his farewell sermon in the Methodietohuroh
on Sunday last, to a large congregation,
and on Tuesday evening a farewell social
was tendered the family. There was a very
Large attendanoa at the social, and a moat
pleasant evening was spent. Mr Campbell
has won many close friends while is Si
Marys, and Mrs Campbell and other mem-
bers of the family are held in the highest
esteem. They left Wednesday morning
for Lindsay followed by the good
wishes of their St Marys friends. -Rev
Colin Fletcher of the Thames Road Usborne
preached to the Knox church congregation
on Sunday last.-Tbe finest game of base
ball ever witnessed in St Marys
was played on the Athletic Park Thursday
afternoou between the olnb of this town and
the Stars of London, resultigg in a victory
for the home team who succeeded in com-
pletely shutting out the Londoners by a
soore of 6 to 0. -Sunday being "Flower
Sunday," the Methodist church was very
profusely decorated for the occasion -the
work of the ladies of the church. Sermons
were preached by Rev A. C. Courtier) B. D.
of London. In the morning the discourse
was especially for the children ; in the eve.
to the general congregation. The anthems
sung were : , Thos F. Steward's "Praise
Him" and Shelley's "Hark, Hark, My
Soul." The solos by Miss A, E. Colley,
Miss Nettie Mennig and Mise Mary Mennig
must have been highly appreciated. On
both occasions the congregations were un-
usually large. -On Wednesday last W, J.
Gillies was united in the holy bonds of
matrimony to Mise Agnes Murray, of this
town. The ceremony waserformed
Rev T. A. Cosgrove in the presence of a
few select friends of the contracting parties.
Your cor, joins their many friends in the:.
usual congratulations. -There will be a
Minard's Liniment cures Colds, &c. -
base ball tournament here on July 1st, 640
will be given in prizes. -The new hell leas
been erected, temporally, and the citizens
seem well satisfied with the tone It cost
6450 and weighs in all about 11.00 lbs. -Mr
Gilpin and family, of Orillfa, will move
to town shortly, having purchased the re-
sidence of Mrs M. Harrison
l3aaers-Ou Wednesday night of last
week Mr J. Irvine bad two pigs worried and
torn to death by doge, The doge not satis.
fled with this work of havoc, then worried
bre aheop leaving one iu a nary preoarions
ooudition,. It would be a blessing if the
country was rid of these savage brutes as
this is not the first nor the second instance
in which sheephuve been worried Lore late.
ty. Even the cattle have been - driven front
the bush and pasture fields to the yard by
these rapacious animate, ---Some turnips
have beep sown here this week. ----Sonia of
the farmera will have to plow up their man -
golds. -The car. of Hirkton evidently still
wishes to give to the readers of the `Prates,
the same ideas regarding the proceedings
at issue, whicli he has already given tbem
twice before, aad to give them a aomawhat
slight knowledge of his vast learning he
puts those ideas in a different grammatical
form. lie sake where Plugtown is and
Hien flatly denies the oxietenoa of such a
piece although lie (apparently unknowiugly)
mita the sotaool by that name. New we
would like to inform Mut that the sehooi
was never called or k,.o ru by that name,
but the place that is ht.own as Plugtown
(being called this years before the cones -
Pendent of Kirktou ever thought of so
happy °place to live in as Kirktou) includes
lots 15,16 and 17 on the 12 aud 13th eon..
Also we can couseientiouely deny the riser.
tion, "that each and every young man who
Molt part in the proceedings at issue does
live in the section," and moreover we can
give evidence to prove that oue halt the
number did net then nor do they now siva
in the section, and ale° that two thirds of
them are citizens of Piirktou sections. If
the correspondent, who scams to be much
interested in it, knows whereof he speaks
then the person or pereous Alto informed
bier do not in this eireumstanoe hesitate to
falsity. No 1 is able to prove that he aid
not call young men animals aud things
neither had he anything to do with the
proceedings, but considers that a certain
individual (whose interest some to have
been at stake) need but very little fore-
thought in coming to so hasty a deoiaion
and accusing the young men of this district
of things which they would not engage iu
andof whiohthey strangle disapprove. This
, is the true aorount of the affair as it regards
Plugtown and we consider it will be useless
to continue any further argument in the
press. To conclude we would advise some
one not to issue any throats of fighting (as
we know be has) but to pass putty by and
we assure him he will not be molested by
any of our peaceful citizens.
BRIEFS -Mr J, J. Stunk, who for the
past four years ilea been m California, re-
turned last week to sec his many friends.-
Quito a number of our young people attend-
ed the camp nreetingaat Kippen last %reek.
-Misses Colley and McTavish, of Exeter,
were visiting friends in 'Osborne on Sanday
last. -Mr John Emery has erected a wind
mill which will be quite a benefit to him
as be keeps a lot of stook. -Mr J. P. Clarke
preached in; he church here on Sunday
last. -Our choir was engaged for the tea
meeting at Zion on Sunday and Monday
last. -Mr Atkinson, of Biddulpb, logit a
valuable mare last week,
Poor BALL -This game seems to have
full sway around here just now as three
matches were kicked last week and two are
to be kicked this week. On Friday nigbt
last a picked team from McGillivray came
to Eden to kick Very good playing was
done on either side, but after McGillivray
secured a goal -or at least a supposed goal
-they played a defence game making it
impossible for Been to score Eden playa,
the return on Saturday night next. Score,
1 to 0, The return match between Chisel-
hurst and Ed -n came off Saturday evening
At 7.15 the mei, lined upon the field. At
call of play Dempsey passed the ball to
Bowden who deified it to the Cuiselhurst's
half backs; then passed to Uoates wtto made
a shot on goal ; but Brintnell secured the
bail and sent it to the left wing men Mc-
Lellan and Reid who by some neat dribbling
rushed the ball towards Eaen goal. Reid
was checked by Coates but he passed the
ball to Robinson who made a pretty shot
for goal and it being a bad ball to stop
passed between the stakes. After the kick
off "the visitor" got the ball, peened Eden
half baoks, passed the ball to Reid, he tak-
ing a shot on goal and thus the second goal
was snored. Now was the time forEaen to
ac;. Dempsey getting the ball passed three
or four men and by neat dribbling passed to
Bowden who rushed the ball on goal. ho
had already passed one of their backs but
Brintnell came to meet him, He easily
went by him; then the goal keeper came out
but Bowden Ives too quick, the ball passed
between the stakes, giving Eden their first
goal. Tbe other goal was taken very simply.
Coates got the ball made a desperate allot
on goal, the goal keeper struck with his
fist and Brintnell intending to send the ball
up the field bunted it with his head ; but
sent it in their own goal. This made
the score even -2 to 2. Notes of the
game, . Chiselhurst has a strong team com-
posed of excellent kickers two or three of
them having played in league games, Down
ing and Handford are stayers. Webber is
a little light but gets there just the same.
The two Coates make good half baolre,
Charlie Bowden and Dempsey play a good
forward, Baker is swift, Jake is active, Louie
is a "corker," Eden club went to Zion
to kick Woodham who met them al that
place. Very little can be said of this game
as half ofoo
W dham men were ..off their
heads. They kicked for an hour and a half
two goals scored in favor of Eden. The
juniors play Fairfield club at Centralia to-
morrow evg. Don't fail to go to Centralia.
on the first to see two good matches.
Qhddren Cry for P.L.herys Castorir
A large number from here attended the
camp meetings at ICippen on Sunday last.
-Dr Cutter and Mr F Wurtz left for elan
itaba on Friday. Ur Louis Stanbus is
managing the shoe shop while Mr R'"artz
is absent. --Dr McLaughlin has moved into
our village, --Mr R Cook bas returned
from South River. --Net Kay, of Listowel.
called ou some of his friends this week
while on bis way to the Bend. -Miss AT
Chapmar, of Listowel, is visiting relatives
and friends in our village. ---Messrs IMvld
and Wm Ruby, of Dakota, attended the
Neoral of their mother tit's week. --,A num
her from here went to Mr U Meas' funeral
at Zurich last Friday.
Omtrrr..tur-On Saturday afternoon last.
Mrs l) Ruby died at her residence after a
long illness. Her reinserts were followed
to their last resting place, in the Bremen
cemetery, by a large concourse of relatives
and friends on Tuesday forenoon Rev 5
lI Bonn preached the funeral sermon. She
leaves a large number of friends to mourn
their loss,
Baum -Tee -The Brueefield "Rovers"a good
foot hall team paid, Rainfall a visit Satur
day evening and played a friendly game of
foot bail. After one ]tour of play the soorti
stood one goal each, The "Rovers" are a
fine lot of hoys and played a gentlemanly
game throughout. After the game the
boys were treated at Cookman's restaurant
after which they went home as happy as
though they had won both reals. 'We
shall welcome them when they feel lite
giving us another trial of skifl,-The
teachers and scholars of the Presbyterian
Sunday Selma' picniced at the Bike on
Thursday last. There were a very large
number of nupils end they spent a meet
enjoyable day. They went to Taylor's
grove; were well supplied with boats and
as the lake was cairn had a good days row-
ing.- Large crowds left hero to attend
ramp meeting on Stin,lay last, in fact the
town wore a sad appearance. The at-
traction being Conductor Snider, who
preached three times, morning, afternoou
anti evening. I'e de:ivered three excellent
sermons, and the res.i ming used was clear
and logical, not only slid he appeal to
reason but worked upon the Feelings of
people by the storied incidents of his life
as well es that of others. The evening,
meeting was largely attended there beinsr
in all nearly OW riga, which averaging 3
personswould snake 2700, besides those
who walked which would make at least
calculation 4000 people ou the ground.
We hope to hear the conductor at some
future meeting, --Tho Ladies' Aid Society
intend holding a strawberry festival at the
Presbyterian church on the evening af'ih
1st of July, a good time is expected as the
committee have gone to some pains to se-
cure a flood and interesting programme. -
The Saturday afternoon class which has
been under the instruction of Rev Mr
Casson, purpose having an outing in some
of the neighboring bushes previous to bis
leaving Howell. Both young and old will
greatly Miss Qtr Casson as he has worked
most untiringly for his people. He has
workedfor the soul's salvation, he throws
aside all bigotry, where souls are concerned
(in fact I believe that bigotry is not in his
composition) and aims to lead young and
old to a nobler, a better and a more useful
life here that they may be more fitted for
that life whip is to come. -Rev Mr Mc-
Miilan who has been thesubstitute for Rev
W. Henderson, has been deservedly popu-
lar as ',.e leas preached powerful and logical
discourses. He appeals to a man's reason-
ing powers -does not try to excite their
feelings, that they may make rash, (and in
a short time) broken resolutions, but res -
sons with them and when you can get
people who are willing to "come let us
reason together" you may be sure you have
a person who will succumb and who will
not only yield to the pleadings and striv-
ings of •the Spirit but will be a lasting
monument to His glory. -The Mechanics
Institute are adding about 500 new vol-
nines, and lovers of reading should take
advantage and secnre their ticket, as they
are only $1 per year, and who is not amply
repaid at that price for a perusal of some
of our able writers.
(Brom another source.)
BRIEFS -A joint meeting of the directors
of the South Huron and Stephen &Usborne
brauch agricultural societies was held in
town on 1vlonday.B'aeiness pertaining to the
forth coming fall fair to be held in Exeter
was transacted, -Messrs Coad & Colwell,
have returned from their trip to Manitoba.
They report having a splendid time, and
their appearance would depict such. They
met many former Hensalliites, among the
number, Mr Sidney Fairbairn, who is pro -
grossing well In the town of Minnedosa,
Mr Coad gained ten pounds in weight while
the old gentleman seems to be much invig-
orated, They did considerable hunting and
bear stories are the order of the day.
Messrs Jas Petty and Jas Cooper have ar-
rived safely in Europe. They enjoyed the
voyage very much and are now having a
splendid time among many friends there.
They will return in the latter part of August
bringing with them several select breeds of
sheep.-.Hensall has organized an agricul-
tural society, and a good strong cne at that.
There are some thirteen directors and for
some time all have been working with. a will
to make the forthooming fall fair a success,
Before the day of the show they expect to
increase the membership to 300. The
secretary, who by the way is a worker, and
is a power in himself, has the prize list
ready for the press. It is not of antiquated
form, but the classes embrace the articles
in keeping with the age. The Hensall
Dominion Agricultural Society's fair will be
among the best in the West and all should
make it a point to be present. Full parti-
culars later. -The town seemed deserted on
Sunday last, the Moth 'camp meeting at.
Kippen being the reason. -Dr McLaughlin
has gone to Dashwood having bought a
effpractice there. -A. car load of settlers'
ects left this station on Mondayfor Mani-
toba.-M'esare Henderson and `Harold and
wives are expected home this week from
their trip to the Western Coast, Mr Hen-
derson intends giving a lecture on his trip
in the near future.
Market e Store
We are offering bargains in light summer
saltinge. Remember these goods rank
highest in values and fathom the lowest
depths of cheapness, a wonderful union of
extremes. To be convinced just step in
and get prices of our Light Gauadiart
Tweeds, English Tweeds and Scotch
Tweeds. We make Black Worsteds a
specialty, In this line our reputation is
established. and itis conceded that we
have touched low water mark.
Our stock of Ready Mattes is complete.
Step in and see our light summer coats and
vests. In our selection of these goods we
studied to please the eye with respectto
appearance, to consult the pocket with
respect to price• and best of alt to consider
the ease and comfort of the purchaser in
the cons ruction and make up of these
beautiful goods, thus removing every ob-
stacle that stands in the way of your en-
joyment in this line. Don't miss the
Brings -At the regular raeetingof
No 219 theyileeideti to attend Grace church
ou Sunday, July 12th, to listen to a Berman
t i be delivered by Bev M. G. Freeman,
nes°ion to eommence at 3 o clock p.m. -Mr
It. L Wilson and wife returned to hia oarcuit
Dawn, last Friday. --Mr F. Ulans and wife
visited Bev J. Husser, at. Ravenswood. last
Thursday. The L. 0. Aasoeiatian of Bid-
dulpie District met near Mooresville last
Saturday. They decided to celebrate the
1215 of July in London this year, The 11
Lodges of the district were welt represented,
-Mr Rufus McPherson erected bis first
wind mill hat Tuesday on the Ginter farm
for Mr W. J. Wilma, who has placed a first
class force pump in bis -deep well, With
this pump the water eau be forced about 60
feet high and driven to rho house or barn.
TEA, MEETrxo-On. Sunday and Monday
last Zion held their S. S. anniversary,
Everything Hent off smoothly, soothing and
satisfactory. Excellent disoonrses were de-
livered on Sunday, 21st, by Rev. Mr Russell
of Exeter, and Rev. Mr AUin, of Centralia.
Monday's addresses were delivered by Bev.
Mr. Russell, Air Greeu of Granton, and
local ministers. The Eden choir are 4o be
congratulated for their marked success..
After tea followed a foot ball match between
Eden and Woodham, Though the "Blue
Pants" brought plenty of firewater to en-
courage them they failed to keep the ball.
more than a rod from their own goal. Eden
won by two goals. It might have been a
dozen if the prayers of Woodham had not
scared the ball and they themselves had nob
stood side by aide across the goal. The
Rome egg that the 'Blues' got should have
been rotten so as to match nicely their
language. May kind Providence preserve
the referee's life. Tha Eden boys are the
most manly and well-behaved team in
Western Ontario. May they capture the
badges on July lata. The proceeds of the
tea were enormous.
BriiEsa-Miss Murray, of Mitoieell, spent
a few days under the parental roof last week
-Miss Mary Ledatone, of Hamilton, but
formerly a resident of our vicinity, isspend
ing the pienio'ssason with friends at Ander-
son. -The 'Nightingales' played the 'Olip-
pars'of the 8th line on Friday last at. the
garden party held in connection with the
Sunday Sohool.-The picnic in connection
with the Presbyterian S. S. passed off very
successfully. About 5 p.m. a game of base
ball was commenced between the 'Anderson
Nightingales' and the elegant'Kirkton Colts.'
The 'Galen' completely ran away from the
'Colts,' soorrng 16 runs iu one inning. The
`Colts' require a great deal of pare while
"training them in" lest they become un-
manageable. Mr Doupe executed the duties
of umpire with the greatest satisfaction.
The game resulted in an easy victory for
the 'Gales'; more, 25 to 6. The return
match will be played on Saturday afternoon
in Mr Wm. Waddel's field, Anderson. -Mr.
Sabine, of Kintore,preached the anniver-
sary services on the 4th eon. on Sunday
last. Large audiences listened. both morn-
ing and evg. to his scholarly discaursao.
Winfield, Ont.
W H COAL:TOOK, Brockville.
DEAR Sino -Am selling your "Dr Morse's
Indian Root Pills" in this locality. I have
customers who come 20 milesforthe sake of
getting Morse's Pills. This speaks for
itself as to their value. I use them iu out
family with "the most eatiefaotory results."
My wife has been cured of sick headache -
by their use, we could not do without
them. -
Yours, etc„
A KgAarrrEN, -
The directors of the North Perth Farmer's
Institute have arranged for an excursion to
Guelph, on Saturday, 27th inst., to visit
the Ontario Agrioultural College and Expert
mental Farm.
MEssns 0 C Rrcxu inn & Co.
GENTLEMEN I take pleasure in giving.
my testimony to your well known MIN-
AIR'S LINIMENT, as I feel that it saved.
my life. to the winter of 1897 1 was at
tanked by a severe pain in my left side
caused by a fall from a building during the
previous summer. I got relief every time
it was bathed with the lV1INARb' S LINI
MENT and eventualy cured by the 'use of
a few bottles. This liniment Las made
some wouderful cures.
Sheffield, NB. - Tm,atas 1VA'soN.
(:hildr '' t~.rv' -fo'tc1er': "vtioto r•is