HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-02-22, Page 10, 7 • 644 $1, iota; ,Ttursdv, rebruary _ „ • .and SPICE minm By Bill Smiley There's been quite a fracas. reeently in one Canadian town iter its ,school volley - toward It'ePeaterS. -Bone of •eontentioff ' is the suspension from Ligh ,-school of seven ;pupils. Lach warg his $ear ,„„ pach waS over.16; and all were given .111e gate' "for habitual :neglect •ofotity." * * This r'patticular "Incident oc- curred in Wiartari, Onh; and _as a follner,„„estiter_oLthe best flttle old weekly newspaper in Whitton . and a present school teacher, 1 followed the clakh with more than Usual interest. ° i"began with a red herring,, when the -mother of one of the suspended pupil's charged the principal with discrimination because the girl in question was . poppycock, but held my peace. - an Indian. I knew this was p atrick's Day. if the kids don't aehieve a passing mark? Or would any,. such drastic ,action leave a , stigma upon them which 'they would never overcome? * 4, Lots of questions. Who has the answers? 1. -ft's have a. forum on it, Many intelligent, thoughtful people read this column, What do you think? Is suspension 9f non -workers In high school a,' positive or negative approach? What al- ternatives- are -there?-° -Let's hear your opinions. Send them along to the editor of your local paper, and we'll' thrash this thing around until we get everybody' hopping mad. Plans ForSt.. * * * •• Sure enough, the charge was The members of St. Peter"s". vigorously countered in the next C.W.L. held their February issue, not by the principal, but meeting with the president, by bus students. They claimed that Indian students, took part Helen McCarthy, in the chair. iri all school activities and were A discussion was held regard - treated with equality ' and re- ing the at. Patrick's supper spect in the classrooms. The - tetter also pointed out that there were five non -Indian pupils suspended. which- is to be held at the District Collegiate Institute Caf- eteria. The conveners for the supper are: Mrs. Con Baechler, Mrs. Bert Baechler and Mrs. -rt ,..,„,,,,t7-4!,.trealgta-gi..Agimant.;4ttct,,,,*;,, .4 Clyde Everett. . friV,,,:{1,Fe-ittatlelttr-AiginfreY eht-ipter,...43334.„versw....undwv-fit6h. the youngsters were shown the door. A former clergyman in • the parish, now teadhing in a U.S.-college, Wrote -a hot de- fense,„„of the pringinars,„.„4 • " By Constance PeOce, Elveltointed., star shone • brightly:, at Maeltit 00, tor three evenings' last week when thO QOCICrich Little:Theatre CO11. vinced a doubting audience that a good drama, Well dane;., be- longs on our theatre billboard, The most important point on our star was a remarkable pla4r, "The Gla$s .111enagerig” bY -Ten, rtessee WiUians and the glow of the. other four is shared iby the cast of actors who portraYed the three members of the Wing: lield ,family- and- their long sought for "Gentlexilan Caller." Pc each of these four Per- sons we owe an extra round of applause since they gave their wtrpaS a most satiSfyiag'' formance of this . play, calling, for -astute, interpretation 'ad clever " delivery. Mr. Williams Muaienc is noted for lines, moods and situations of the ,deepest omo, tions, ". To And competent group in our local theatre to portray these is not only en- lightening but if', is also, coin- inengable that the direetbr, iViariorle lviae.0e, east • her play with persons so well suited ° for their given roles. " • This Play was C4QSell as GLT's entry- in the Western On- tario Drama Festival. At the Thursday • evening .PerfOrtnanee Miss Beth Lockerbie, of Tor; onto, was in the audience as pre- linfiriry adjudicator. Fobow- ing the performance, she gave a closed crititme to the cast and other club members. Later, they enjoyed a social hour con- vened by Mrs. D. E. Campbell, social director of Goderich Little Theatre- -adjudication, Miss Lockerbie •was warm in # her praise, but, net overly gen., Crotis in individual She perhaps. feels it unwise at preliminary adindicatien. to • .. • ..4 Single out a performance -or to raise faise hopes °thata club h_as made entry -to the district >finals. This decision is never announced until the sixteen plays have been vlewed, We Prefer to feel Mss Lock- erbfe, was concerned.. more in ,her • direct cpnunentS Of the 'closely knit family teamwork so evident, . by .this cast, and • so important to this play of great tenderness, 'beauty. and frostra- tion,,,, She .recognize4 each attar in 'order of Appearance, Yet the depth of her remarks were .not too Peraonali;ed., First, we met the min,' TOM'', abley taken .by Don Stoyle...He was "the storyteller" •and his narrations were :loath pleasant viewto „„ arid 'moving:Ice „hear. s actions, on atage as the' restfeas, dreaming poet gave a very goodi overall mpression, handling the 'distrtiction of a Continually nagging mother and the love tof his bewildered sister in apt balance. . , • Amanda 'Wingfield, the dom- ineering mother, a faded reinn- • ant of. southerh, 00PularitY1 at tunes efferVeSeents, warinly Of- feetienate, yet bitter, WAS play- ed with 1#.04t delicate PereePtian, by, Virginia Ledge, She per, trayed- 007', 'great varlet,/0! traits .of this 'Woman. 'Witit *Mt maintaining - 'her character throughout.ller- accent was well acquired, and her Stage mannerisms coincided With her voice, calling at all times Upon arenikkable memory- to handle. such:an. abundance of Miss Lockerbie also acknow- ledged the insight sCiail Sully gave ;to- the role of Laura, the. tense, unbearably shy, lame daughter. „ • She felt, this role was, charmingly handled, lust enough "underplay" - to be .de- linatetY • convincing. • As this exquisitelyqragile girl blosseron ed, with radiance at the .atten: tiOns of her .first "date,".. Gail brought, to` us _a truly beautiful intLe4rArleyt,atwioanstlie "Gentleinan . Calldr," and the built-up en- trance of Edward Warren in this role gave a decided `lift to the play. He was ruggedly na- tural, his voice and actions marking him, as natural theatre actor, yet this was his oc..it • er.° nrSt, stago venture. He ..can be to give SPaeiousneSS to ' this deservedly 'proud Of his fine drab, fiat in -11 .Sc, alley, • performance at the Min ,,Whe way. The co:stnnies. stage pro, orought hope to the Sehenting Pertie$ and Make -Up were all• Mother and her liagie daughteri, in tone; the musical background and wile unwittinglybrought gaVe emphasisjo„,-..:thne. and,an-3' aboututmhtieeelviriallaefielithhemPr?ud t!ownearioda,.W40ast icanodweelehed4austseectm, e Furthering her remarks about of gaining theRestiva4 but we the Play, Miss. Lockerbie gave do know that 0.00' drama has Commendable tribute' to the a Place on our ,stagei-especially Other departments -Of the pro when eXecuted_ by such a' corn - duction, 'The lighting petent cast and .under such cap. under the direction, of Ted Able direction as given by tied- Ilebarts gave a deep' Aline/101On, orie Piaefie, four Little Theatre as did the set, cleverly designed resident. 044,41•01040•0441.41,"10010.4.04114HOOIHOlieliaHH00.9•10,0 ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN • Our : Specially, Oa- is . ALSO WAEVOtrr ORDERS • - . I' ciPEN PALLY barn 7 A4M.lolo PAI. . ,. I, The. ESQUIRE:RESTAURA)14. t• ...,..T1110. separe 0.oderich: -,,,-.. JA 4.4941 .......... , , ,...,......., , . • • -.6 . . •• tf A iiimmilamilm,0441, 441004,04WoommWeilimmeompeem, ), ion of his Silver Jubilee. A . , donation was made to the Re- tarded- Children's . Association. ,,, .,;.:•,,‘.,, Two members of the C.W.L. volunteered to- attend the Re-- 4 ., _ ••10.40,-'1,g,d,"•,-,elalriniir"-- it'''X'WaW,nOt only -good ' to -- - for the students suspended but ruary 23rd. for the oth as 40.1. :Still an- . Mrs: Leo ,Chfsholm .and Miss .,. ' " •• .....,,,- ---.----. -'-. 'other letter roundly abused the Helen McCarthy volunteered to :principal for hisstand. • visit the sick in hospital. . The spiritual reading was, Important thing to come out given by Mrs. Leo Walzak, en- ,. ,.. " 214 ,,- 'of the scuffle was net the. dis- titled "Truit tssential to Sanct- , crimination charge, which was itY." • patent nonsense, but° the fact The meeting was adjourned that a principal and a, school and was followed by •a social board had fhe nerve to penalize hour in which coffee was served by suspension a number of and the ladies prepared maga- pupils who were,- not- pulling zines for mailing to the mis- their weight. - sions. * It's no secret that there's a percentage of students in every school 'which falls into this category.- Fer various reasons —parental indifference, psychol- probleinS, or just plain „lassitude --•-they 'refuse to work. Wank of --them have aVerage, some: Tabve-average, ' * `p:eme of them are content to „ sit all day like' vegetables, „donvsing, daimina, doodling. • They are no trouble to anybody and no use to anybody.. Others, more lively; but just as adamant in their rejection of work, spent! ' their time in a running battle ,with authority. They have. a -----computskenjelettrairetterition: These :are .the discipline prci- -bkms,,,,the people who disturb other pupils, the People :Who push some teachers ever v year Into; nervous breakdowns. * 014Cltrt POOP' Two cents' worth of pletWec ity will point) 1,825 gallons of Water, en an, Ontario porn. Since a good milking cow Will drink up:, to, 30 gallons. -of water 4 - day; air.electrie-vnam tan sup- ply a herd of Sti milking cows. with sufficient. water for only two cents a day. 7, • BUSINESS DIRECTORY + • . ' Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P,O. Box 478. - Phone JA 4-9521 GoDeRicii — ONTARIO Mechanical and Body,Repairs, Wheel Alignment and Bal. ance, Window Replacements, Radiator Repairs, ° Protect agaiast rust with Unda-Spray, Davidson's Texaco Service hio, 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA, 44231 Albert Shore; Sr. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT OFFICE RESIDENCE 38 HAMILTON ST, 39 VICTORIA ST GODERICH GODERICH PHONE PHONE JA 4-9452 JA 4-7056 Stiles Ambulance Roomy — Cornfortble -Anywhere Anytime PHONE JA 4-8142" 77 Montreal. St., Goderich R. .W.BELL , RAT C:ultin7:T1Itoe t 4a Square JA 6:1 ri What's to be done with these people? In illy day,,they drift 'prams, and found ajob. Most of them became use- ' ful members.of society. Some did very well in business and- AndustrY, when they shook of the dust of the --classroom. * * * But. they're facing today a , society that neither wants nor needs ,them.. Heavy, machinery and automation have gobbledj laborers' and factory.kbs.*Em-1 players demand ever higher educational standards. • 4.. * * • Remember that we're speak-, not, of slow learners, but Lthiewith.notffiaL-int , gence who won't work.. I dqn't . • taVe the answers, but 1 do think some kind of drastic action should be taken if their AU- RA* are not to be wasted, it are not to become a per- 141140tAfiltiter-on society. Shaik'? 'these young people, isrIsetsrierAte reason . for their HEATING4113,GASOLIN 'MOTOR 0113 --GREASES 666 Chartered --Aceountants Office Helene' JA 4-7562 JA 4-7642 13 Hainilton St. Goderich . _ Ben Chisholm Ects 2OssbAlbilirPterSita.,1 Home—JA 4.7835 tf oPordoedrui ch Office—JA 4-7 , M Butler, Dooley, Clarke & Starke Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy- Licensed Municipal Aeditor 44 North Street. JA 4-8253 epERICH, ONTARIO 32tf INSURANCE FIRE. and AUTO REAL ESTATE W. i HUGIIES 50 ELGIN AVE. E. Phone JA 4856. . • . eorge Turton , INSURANCE Co-operators Insurance A Complete Line of Casualty and Life Insurance. Prompt, Efficient Claims Ser- vice by Goderich Adjuster • of CIA. • 319 Huron Road Phone JA 4,7411 tf .:.r.fuul to *ark be 'flowed to • altruiwt the .System, sat •a bad eXarePlete ethers, and general- ;14:40,'at a brake on the educe!. 4140111',Oreteits? They.would.not :be ,;tolerated in business, thilfryiT or the _armed, forces. After high school, they are' no tenger ibabied. At university, .fechitical, school, nursing school, -those. who refuse to work are plowed ,under, and nobody ilootepsfor them. 4.. • * 4. traced with the same prob- lems of 'Oer-crOwding and staff shortage as our schools, even mitliospitals meet them square- fer *sick people, net for those who feel like a Otit, you go un1s you nqe4 hotp01 care. V10014 fiat of being' kicked. oufof school for 4 failue*.„46 WOrk, ha* th. datir t the'. emotionally and true 'ethers who Maki Ws thio litdigaittblet:Iunip ln our 'hit* schools? 1:tr.'.*Oultt 'have.'heirriere4ifait-ob-,thetri than the teititatif cajoting, Org. Ing and threatening Thor now , r both at heftier and at school? „ * .• '..thout(rthey all b, turned out Of Oohed into the eold. cruel *old, at 16? Should they all be psychninSlytedi • Should their A.Vakenta-he ,fined or sent to jail • , • , LIKELY TO BE Ambitious, wide awake. You love life. You're hard to discourage. If you can't' reach a, man by 'pbOne - yob may even write! . alertlyincluding;of course: your'. corresP'oncent's 'Rill and corrett postal ad- dress is Your own name and return addressin upper left pprneilillFAND THE ' e CORRECT POSTAL ZONe • NUMBER IF YOL,1 ;ARE WRITING TO OUEBEa, MONTREAL•OTTAWA, A TORONT04:VINNI4 116-, OR VANCOUVER. Help tato speed your Mail -checktheyellow pages of . yOur Telephone Directory ,,nestat fnfortnetidi)." 4't Ki"; ,44fx,o, Y."." The waters ice-•eolt.i. What do you think she's thinking? wasb: anythile 'Without waiting. Natitrial gas heots Water much much ,fasteriliartany otiiil‘methed What's rnorey natural gas heats water faster with a lick of work on your part. It's all automatic.. Just set your gas water heater and forget it -You'll get hOt water when you want it;when you need it. In addition yotell getcleanliness, dependabil- _ ity, and big econgtny; Matter Offact, natural gas .v9rks sOf;asfyou an get/p.y.'4,ith stiir• age tank,L-,an &4itonly eVen beffere 16u. turn the tap GODERICH ELECTRIC t • `• on:I Just see yOur plumber dealer. Tell him you want to look at some* automatic` natural ga&water heaters. He'll show you a wide selection of kad- ing makes and models—dll with the Canadian Gas Association seal of approval. just make rim- cpoice and rnake your leagy ,paymentston your mOnihly gas bill! Thleryott plumber dealer. The man to see about hot water for your • home. Hot watt all the time with automatil natural gas—thelastest method of all. ..;„ • ,-- • • joNtolivi BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE PLUMBIiG and „HEATING • • • , SPECIAL PURCIIASE OFFER‘ gOclizop till March 24t1z, 1962. 7 No' Dom Payment.' -Higher riad-in Valdes. •kcisier Monthly Payntentonyour Go Rill. VISIT YOURPLUMBER-DEALEE ,.« PLUMWNG AND HEATI •.HOFFMEYER •, • ALEXANDER8i ,CHAPMAN GENERAL it4suRAtio, AND REAL. ESTATE Bank of COmmerce Sidg. Godrich. Phone JA 4-9662. J.Alecancler, Res. • ..1.61 4.7836. • C. F.•CHAPMAN, Res. JA 4-7915. THE WEST WtAi*iVASOStt • MUTUAL INSURANCE go.. Head.' Office, Dungannon' Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS • President, Brotirii 3Myth, L 2,.. Auburn;Vico-Pres., Hereon r. win,' Belgrave; DIrect�rg Pauli Caesar, It. 1, Dungannon, CFeagaii, Gdrih;-Rbsir ?heti R- 3, Auburn;-- -Donal& -MacKay, Ripley; J'ohn F. Mac- Lennan, It. 3, Goderih; ?rank Thompson Re 1, atilirted; Wm. WigOim RvOAubutio. Per information on your in- surance, a1 Your ileirett ("fret- - tor.-Wii6 Wills° an tgotti,,,- or the. . secretary, Diutin Phillips, Dn- gannon, phone Dungannon 48. 271 ..„ • • • „.: