HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-02-22, Page 7DUNG OH Feb ^T! Mrs.. Thomas Webster r spent a few days last week visiting her 'couch). MisslRena,Stevenson,. at HenSOB, returning g ho ne onSunday. - d. , un . ' R. ' e �. Mr. . •M'r•5� pb ., r'vin�an � d Betty v_ isi t ed` Mr. NMr `GV - Q it )tam Ritchie, at • ,ucknow 4 ! on Sunday. , We Wwe • . re Pleased to, e:.. • ' t harthat Au.; Fd Kut m W t was' ' released. a fro.. !� st ..er., �?bsllnittal,. London, week - val asci a .bis hpme�;f'oi�lowing ma ox. ,'' Heit °w 1 got. be able to resume 'barbering fa for .sone time, i e • tit; and Ot,Robart Stothers the r. a and f :visited' the latter's • sister, Mr's. W MacLeod„, at Kincardine, on k 'Alton Min, Jac to n r.. eL cued pt (he . s "�`p w K.store elle for . , . ?�two weeksdLL -._ ing the absence.. of the. r e Oak, � Mrs.- t Er- a' 'Mrs. Errington who ha a suffered broken right arm, ,was able to return to work on Mo. , . .• bMrs..Mathew Shackleton visit- ed on Sunday, with'her son Ben, ,his wife end family, at Crewe. Mrs Frank: Pentland spent a few.-dayi . with her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Pearce, London. . Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Popp and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie were - Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hallam and , little son ;Gregory, of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Popp, Sandra and Kenneth,, of Saltford. Mr. Jerry Weaver and his fiancee, Miss Sharon Rollins, of -London, spent the week -end with his parents, , Mr. and Mrs. 'Glen Weaver.' •Mrs.', Gordon_ Ritehie and - Mr. and Mrs.,, borne Ritchie and • .-$ftnnabeile,,aL Kul- -er's -sister, Mrs. Ethel Mcllon- - (Continued from page 1) peanut butter gt ea," cof- fee or milk. :SDP PER. , Beef barley brQtb' ' beef and. -vegetable- stew with hot tea biscuits; roast lamb with mint jelly; parsley boiled potatoes; • ...:.� ' julienne carrots; glazed onions; hot teabiscuits,; tossed green salad; Waldorf,; salad; cold sliced ~, w :meats; sliced tomatoes; radish, fans; dill pickles; chilled plums; raisin pudding; caramel blanc anan;•e- with .chopped walnut .garn.. h; orangecup cakes; teas .Coffee or milk. Not bad, eh what? _ The menu, of course; varies from day to day. On other days there are such selections for the main course as Salisbury ' steak, baked ' sausage, baked Virginia ham with raisin sauce, roast -veal with apple jelly;' bar- becued ,wieners with barbecue sauce,. grilled • halibut fillets, baked meat loaf with Spanish • sauce, roast beef, Swiss steaks, ti .beef liver, roast turkey, chicken, seafood casserole. And you'll also find Dw hess potatoes.. or scalloped potatoes. - . ' -4 A Wide Choice • The* o for dessert variation, you'll be offered such selections as chilled apricots, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, pine- apple .upside down cake, *rasp- berry sundaes, chocolate pudding with fruit sauce, lemon curd • tarts,_cottage _ptidding,marsh- Mallow "pudding, baked-apple,- steamed aked apple,steamed marmelade pudding, banana 'cream pie, shortbread cookies, etc. We could go on ,.and on with mouth-watering suggestions, but from the above you'll see that the airmen will never suffer from malnutrition. And just to make sure that ,l ad on." Sud• ,. . n . . ay ' Isaac asc Cranston, rarston, of P el fast, visited with Mrs. IrvineHenrylast Thursda Mrs Jim'Blake,.v rsit of Toronto on to st de t, WAS hon a With his t r " ,Parents; M" •, d Mrs. Geetl. Blake, for the week -end, and r! T Mr.Mrs. ►4 ,.Qin, Lawlor and, Jimmy, Auburn, were recent t visitors with' Mr, and Mrs.' To m Park. , Mz. d... an •M rs Howard *Blake and eand familyvisitedMr;' and Jerry► Cranston , and family on. Sunday_.,. Sunda y. • • FMr:.Wa'ne an pilotof in trainin at Trenton, was t on :washone withhis parents, Mr, and Mrs.Wilbur Brown,' for the week -end.- This is. , the last Week' for Wayneat Trenton, duringwhich be hs.,sever1 tteunrn'a , by, ftloy inWg intrips before re- n peg. . , Mrs. Kay Adams, White- church, visited her mother, Mrs. William m a l l Caesar,t 1as week.. Mrs. ,Edna "Black; Goder ch visited her'mother,Mrs, Rich- ard and Park, sr., who iuit poor-- q ly since her fall several weeks ago. e Miss Mary Lou. Stirling spent the week -end. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Rievea.: -. • Breaks Hip We were sorry. to hear of the accident which occurred 16 Mrs. Will Smith, Goderich, a former 4th concession of Ashfield resi- dent. ' On Saturday,' she fell and broke her, hip and was taken to Victoria Hospital, Lon- 1600{4 on- 011, by 'ambulance, accaziap t led'by her niece, Mrs, ,fore Hasty, of. •Aaheld. Chiin,ney Fire hoitly aftertbe�i n to r kfii� xard set. ;in with vengeance,�•on y Sunda evening; 'ust :be r 9 �► a foe o'clock, an alarm was s. ou d e d to save the borne 'of M. ,_and Ss. Charles ,Fowler. chimney ':of the house hadtaken fire -and thepipes were red hot Neighbors; e r shing to the -s ene. der Y. Ou thinit �' .Church; s for? .Tine meting 4044 with a bymn and Tapat arakina WAS. Er sk e Presb teri at Chu rch Missionary Soolety met Friday afternoon at the bame o f Mrd, Jes� s'e lure• r .'R .e • M s '•� Xist a_ r R ob,ett _Me - '_Opened - 0�ened ,the,�eetin with. a fiym`n and. . the Lord's prayer..devotional The• • devot�onal ,was i taken . ...:.,.' ' , t O. - _- k _." e . b x . M. r .. .,S_ , . .. , • .,. _ Over' e v e r '• 'w With th . ' the e ere able oic control itwith scripture from.the . th hand ext1ngusera, In the1 chapter of .St. Luke, The • oPimeant e,the. ckawfreW�,In�atetude and Fryer,„ �perneace for Mrs, FlerC'tt d. fWor thePchurch� rkachceu.,b_.atr-d has .Bate7y been_under -the.- o.c� 'Pass e.d.and-a •qun_ laa donaedtograteful btuhteuhmenawhotthoethme seoctnret•M$res#,o,Ma odu ecr c - tchoinulbleeth fs.at,fewta•tedryasthursapiesshamnoh cAwn $ tQ i o', • lsf3itn were fmcal1bYrepeat'thadcst, line ts�neehtewinwdas eo s.wge. a r roPao�awa toivhenyme#nYMrTsh.eJacnareds readilycame to heexelooked. of ethe4Pacaging of +us%ards for Frmosaend boxes;_Were prepared for packing, lrig de"Vas called'' o:ensure :Ten m_e`nibers wared the Sell anadian Oirlsin Training g ” The ,Dungannon 'CGIT raet_ in the United Church ;basement on Thursday , . Betty y night for the bW.-.weekly m ein . e t Irvin g ithe piano : accom an at p for P ed the C.G,I,T. repeated ymn and,the the Pose was ep t din Unison. r Mrs, Herb Finnigan :led the Worship with the theme f"For successful living we need 'to let God -have' control of our lives." Proverbs :1;6. The roll call and . minutes~ were read -by Carol 'Culbe* .It was decided to hold a aleigh-ride party. .Fay Pearson gathered the col- lection. Mrs. R. Irvin read the second chapter of the study book "Keys for Tori." Each member is to ask two people the following question, "What Mr., and Mrs. W. H. Doak, Keays -street, had astheir guests over, the week -end Mr. and Mrs, Charles Lockhart, c Chat- ham, and Mr. and Mrs.. Mery Hanley, Clinton,' iLRER PORT �E T_. Fob, 9 Mrs. Jane- Martin is ap atient' in Goderichhospital, ' p , . We. wish her seed ;x. ev r -, c a e e e . , p :.y y 1 ;Ear. r . .._-Marg Geer e } cie s and BobBowden visited. over the weetrendat ,the home of Mrs. Jane . art i , AMrntis. rlsare nCclear. eH.°cye Hoy were in Kitchener on. ; • u n - aMyRrs.,Ma Dic son soa� lied , and• Qrandsoit Brian Johnston, Tonto- visite d; with Mrs H:Ledor.� v the week -end, adi s' Guild ofWrist Church The- Ladies'' G ild o h Anm4,...,14;74 Chris lican- 0 ur . , u ch m�;t,w �t th0 home of Mrs. . . Ro y Petrie with 13 raemberdpresent. ;Mrs : Agne .roster the absence of. the president, ,Mrs. A. ' Forster. The Guild prayer and the Lord's prayer were re. peated in unison. The Scrip- ture p ture was read bys. Mr Carnia.. Hayden. Mrs, Petrie read the minutes" of the, previous meet- ing and 'called the roll.Roll call for Marchis to be a verse' from, the xiible containing . the word a"Ves m ounstrMnt o: i . o e ArthUr correct way to' dress altar ;. for Holy'. Cominuniotl. She'' also explained 'what each article alepi r an s, eP�essatedThe meeting co$d as with prayer. by Niro. A,, Foster TheArthur' CArot� b , their 'follewd n l which 'Innch, was sere- 0 e b Y � t s e h - . tes $,S; . • a d.Party y: M,S-fNo,o tn�eePort-Albert. asnchnuooa. l sheries dcpadantiesit. l 'The 'fiirst one was held'. on;. Thursda 'with, r1A 17 y a� good' attendance, .:Mrs : Gerd, Martin wont the high prize 'for ladies :and �rs,; l _R Roche, t h low. JohMaize.'w'a ,hi man told ,o Dickson, low.' Harald, .A...,am swon. the •lu QiY score 'card; Lunch wasnerved: Iatt wthaes�caonluuncsioend thath'et hgea necxset . card Party would be on I'ebru- ary 28th.' Rev,.Her Hannan Gruhn m � D ies ' Itev , . Herman F. Gruhndied on Thursday•February 15, in St, ry's Hospital, Kitchener. The community extends . sympathy to his family. Rev. Mr. Gruhn would have been 88 °years old on February 20. He -had been in the. Lutheran ministry for 52. years. meeting in �t h ec a.rch• a r lo � on 'a d4w�em.creepr, s[nt•r 'Wm� .C.aef and box. group w,orecharge of the meati. * • ' r Scr .xu lwas 044, by Mrs. W .Schaefer and the pray or . M rs , D. D o 1 , • .,s.CEclw d. � trd duc e d a studY.'bee*. on British Guiana,. The'P st° backgrod hists , major econonic al,p r oblem s present rate. of .progress Were ee discussed,1,M Edward, Because of the numerous tionalities,- there have been con diets of opinion ul' their.politie- al sf elds.The 'two maj'or.politic al parties . e -Po' ' •are_.__ _....es �' o`lPl.. x_ 0 Party. and 'the'".I'rogressive° : Na tionals Congress, Mrs. Schaefer thanked 'Mrs, Edward for, an interesting study, period. • The president, et Manus, opened the business pore' tion of the meeting by noting N •Concert Camper thin at the end or April, $hine, baskets beet -�+ l again h x . 0 P Amon ,the.s It ,tanned to el, au. v , -.,� held cit ,ventures :, :a. bake talo rummage. ,sales rw st a. �. b e oct � . . al nen.. .t a .:: oh f" x uund ai ' ti s _x •'c i e eat a ttv g during 'the., . y s►r T'h � ,o• :. et e. .o in d m�',•, Qpom�. /,�r� �'. �. with a , ymn followed by- tuneh •sexy- edi by: Mrs .;R.•• Erskine,, end, ,tier 4, q group. is CHA G AT P :TheC.P.R. s changed VW localefor cleaning- out grain bog ',cars, When the o eWoA d e n doors w reuSed, operation took the loop siding •' t► rth of t h e -o a , :°t a -•-bra., ,v�erf•.�-th °River.:. Now, Maitland: � •,elle e , N.., w, : With aper doors. baling. introduced, o he..?w, rk..�. "1 .:b ' .dan;e�.o <:=.th wtl � � ...-.. west ..elle +�. siding . just :'_, of the: C,P R Station, .lent f. that anQ a ter :ailthe xaew nt Statements t wide about' bargainc plea* ...: pri fix ��11 s Maple Vit! Leaf' that, the Art: ur Circle tion . market has and Will 144:1149:411the. hest ua,'iit will be catering to a Common -lowest *ices on food' that • are. Vic* he,. found anywhere Air 1 Godarieh• -District ,-Collegiate -Institute- -. -- $3.00 per couple , Dress Optional Anyone wishing to attend -must obtain an 1n vitation through_ a student • or staff member im=-mediately. An invitation- will be forwarded. JIM STEPEENS, President, Students' .Council. ALL MADE 'IN OUR. SHOP IN Our Work Is Guaranteed Mr. Gorbet will be in Goderich approximately once a week. ,Please clip. or copy -this .•coupon and mailto the address below. You will receive prompt service. the aforementioned food is at m's. ss es- di- -s �- r- -r -" ..' �- — -- - --�-. its best, all food is sample 11.a+a:a"Y.n,, l,xnartartanans1sna tasted by inspecting supervisors ! HANOVER •FURS, Hano er, Ontario. before:_ it is served to the `air,- ;� '1 am interested in having my fur coat restyled or ii men, So, Just how can the airmen -possibly lose? 1 on purchasing a new one. I It was longsago said that an 1 Name army Marches" `on its stomach. a But . if you think that the Air I Address elle. . -- - 1 `Force merely- Operates on chick- . en wings, __the aforementioned Lis - •s •• ••• as s •. menus- should change your opin- io_ns, . Hundreds of airmen will con- • tinue to graduate from the. School --of -Food--Services,--to-see oto it that' the boys in, blue will never be wanting, when it collies • tothe best in meals, '. 'served in the finest tradition :and style. , . • 'vim vim .mos am emu —....-- 10th St., Hanover, Gni. • Phone 91 I; GOBBET, Froprietat •8.10 - .Suggested APPLIANCE ' 'List . SALE SAVE DRYER — 4 positions Heat . Control''' -enamelled drum.: -LPDA-61, ,'.81 ilii 9 22995Porcelain . - '1.07 .. — .95 ° 70.00 . , DRYER --• Full range heat control,] Au tomaitic drying. DD -61. ,, 249.85 22 -inch RANGE — Full size even heat' oven, All porcelain range.. RSD -22• -....: • 79.00 - 3430' and trade '• 45.50, ,. - - . -. 30 -inch RANGE -- Fully automatic. RDC =30.w 264.95 ,. .,and loo, trade 36' •.95 _. 30 - inch. RAIIM ----. Complete with rotisserie. Vully automatic: RDGR-30. 279,95 .00 4.1.95 30 -inch RANGE — Pull 'n clean nye. .: Infinite heat controls. Completely auto -'139 3R`�5 .88 ,., 8107 , • Suggested APPLIANCE List ' 9 Cu. h'tt. REFRIGERATOR -- 1). width freezer, -magnetic door seal. D -9C-61. 29.950.0.0 Y . _. _elle.. .-.. y....-,. 11 Cu. Ft. ZERO ZONE FREEZER — ,9.8 Cycle-liatic defrost. Mai eine door33:9... seals. - Dynakote finish.. FDA -11-61, And trade ` 13 ^Cu. Ft. FREEZER — Roll out shelves.. Large zerq zone freezer. Cy- 469.9559.15 ala -uratic defrost. FI -1'8-61. • and: trade j-iOoo. : • TWO -DOOR REFRIGERATOR -- 90 lbs. Frosi proof freezer.: *Flowing cold- refrigeration. Roll out. shelves. Mag- 649--95 net door. FPI-13-61. A ,� r . ,,,50 with trade. ' 1.654s ., DISHWASHER --• Front Port- - abbe. 12' ,p%,ce setting. Pull-to-you37995Q -racks. No installation required. a- . 5 n r k y + ` ' ,S TItx$UTE TO TEEM THE GODERx0H LIONS' GLUR WILL PRESENT TG -ALL LUCKY litgNN` . OF-PB01AL GAMES THESE, WILL SE IN ADDITION" TO "OUR *EDNESDA Ir.F e. . . 'fie "biggel~ the ciroWd the iiitgOrefre et LIONS' Wednoade, r mite