HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-02-22, Page 5-
AUBURN, Feb.°' 2,00 -Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Tait and Cindy
and, Mrs. Charles. Nivins visited
recently with Mr. anCI Mrs. ROO
NicholaOn;- Paul • and 'bouise.
Mr, and NIrS- JOhn' **them
And SApt Steven, of St.' Celuta-
ban, voided Ian Saturday with
the_ tadi,•'s kW, „ars, .W4 Brad -
nock and Mr. Bradnock.
Many :from this .distriet,
tended the funeral of the late
Mrs., Edythe Phillips in Blyth
On TtletiflaY•
Week -end visitors in the dis-
,,triet,-werel---Mr, John Hamilton,
of Toronto, With, his parents,
Mr: and Mrs, B'twn Hamilton;
Miss Shirley Brava, Stratford
Teaehers' College, with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Brown and family;. Miss Margo
Grange, Stratford Teachers' Col-
lege, with her mother, Mrs.
ur Grange .and family; Miss
HWii' of-Winghain;
wlth her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
-Major Youngblut and family;
Miss Carol Beadle, of London,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry, Beadle.
Mrs. .Warner •Andrewk is a
patient in Victoria., Hospital,
London. We wish her a Speedy
recoyery, .*
• Mrs. Percy '• Vincent
Funeral -services were held
on Wednesday afternoon at the
T. Keith Arthur funeral home
for Mrs., Percy Vincent who
passed away at her home on
1,, Auburn, after' a lengthy
illness. Born in the , Maitland
Block of Hullett Township, she
was Elizabeth Ann McBrien,
the daughter of the fate Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. McBrien. She at-
tended school , at S.S. No. 9,
Hullett. Following her mar-
riage she -resided on a farm in
cs th61 • ome
She was a member of Knox
United Churn and of .the Walk-
erburn Commpnity Club. Be-
sides hee,husband, he is sur-
vived by three daughters, Mrs.
don, and Mrs. John (Evangeline)
Mural,. Clinton; , three grand-
' daughters; one grandson; one
sister, Mrs. Beatrice Lovett, St.
Bowles, at Vancouver; B.C4 in
his 85th' year. Dorn hi. Sarnia,
he was well-known in this CoM-
inutility having visited here a
number of times with his wife,
the.,frformer Tena Sprung, who
was hotn in, • this district and
spent ,4er early years on the
Base Line on, the farm owned
by her father, the late Richard
Sprung. " After graduating 'from
the liniVersity of " Toronto in
.1908, Mr. Bowles went to Van-
couver in 181(). Where he was a
high school teacher OW he re-
lived in.: 19:421zecl 'Centennial T.J nited
tirement - he , 'taught special 'Chuldi-,-Victbii-a7-1§,C., -wifeh
Mathematics classes for. the 'Mary 'Alice Wyllie, became the
R.C.A.P. and lectured ,,at the bride of William John IVleClin-
Universitye of British Columbia.
Surviving besides his wife is a• qheY', of Victoria, B.C. The
daughter, Mrs.Clifford(Morea) bride is the daughter of Mr, and
Ware; two grandchildren, and Mrs. James L. James, of Spruce
several relatives in this com-
munity; ' Lake, Saskatchewan, and the
grohin is, the ',sari- of....11.t, and
Wil/h1111 14., Craig, The Wilder
of ;the lucky ticket for the. 20.
pound tnrIceY Was frank Mc-
Michael, of BenMiller. The sec-
ond draw, a hex of eheMittes
donated by Mr. an&Mra. Gordon
Ft; Taylor, Was won by Mr. John
Seep.z__Luneh was Seri7ed h3/
Mrs, •William L. Craig, Mrs,
Oliver Andersew and Mrs. Wes.
Brachia*. Plans were made to,
hold another card • Party on
March 9th to raise funds to
complete the financing of the
new bali..
NitClinchey — Wyllie
A pretty wedding was solemn-
..Clinchey, of Blyth; hi Ster
Mrs, George Raggitto 0100 of
Blyth, and his sister, Mrs. Alvin.
Plunkett, of Auburn.
Memorial Hall Card Party
More than 80 persons attend-
ed the second card party,in the
Memorial Community Hall when
progressive euchre, Lest' Heir
and "500" was played. Mr.
Oliver Anderson, •Mr.,,WIlliam
L. Craig and Mr. Robert Arthur
were in charge of gaxnes.
Prize winners were: for euchre,
high lady, Mrs. Charles Mills;
low lady, Miss Elm' Mutch;
,most lime hands, Mrs. Bob
Glousher; high man, 'Howard
Tait; low man, Sidney Lansing;
lonp hands, John McClinchey;
for "500", Ms. George Hamil.
ton,, Mr. William J. Craig; for
Lost ,Heir, -high lady, Miss Ber-
nice McDougall; low lady, Miss
Marie Leatherland; high man,
Norman McClinchey; low 'man,
Kenneth McDougall. The prizes
Mrs. Gorcloge MeClinchey, R.R.
Z; Auburn. Rev. G. Parsons
performed the double -ring cere-
Mony. •The bride wore a street -
length jacket dress of_brocaded
taffeta in champagne shade
with beige and coffee colored
accessories and a corsage of
red roses. She,. was attended
by, Mrs. Eleanor, Wiggmore as
matron of honor, who -wore a
mauve sheath dre§s with mauve
and black accessories and° 'a
corsage of yellow rogebuds
Groomsman was. Edward Kraft,
of Victoria, BC. A reception
followed' in the banquet room
of the Sidney Hotel wnembask-
ets of daffodils, pink candles,
white bells and pink and white
streamers decorated .the room.
After, a trip to Island points
they will reside in Victoria,
B.C. Guests from a distance
were the groom's brother, Rob-
*.er-fR*ogatcgranaftclAfttrtAllek0.410,,,,,•,, M
. . •
oesecesesa•fesseesocsosteirieo• r
44H CluIAltoldst Two MeetInas
The Auburn 4-H ',Club Met
Lor their SpringLprojee; Sepai-
afes for SuMMer at the honie
of the leader, ,111.4. Wes-Bract-
no4. The 14 memb,e4' held
tutula shOiti to complete their
,sperts consolable. -,Dech2"gritr'is
reou#ed • ler; liringr, her. pattern
and .materigl to the next meet-
ing. The-..0ioating was .closed
by all repeatingthe Mary Stew -
Art Collect, -
St. Mark's Anglican Guild
Sixteen members were pre-
sent :when S.aria,Anglic.an,
home. of Mrs.
aggitt he Febru-
ing. he So. jture lea,:
a me
the elation of ()facers Which",',,h
resulted as 'followsLpresident; ?In. a*
Carole Brownt. viee-President arY me9
Hose Marie' Ilaggitti, seeretarY, soh wa
i1tiargaret $anclerson; as,sistant, Schneid
Toni De Jong; telephone com-
mittee, Mary Sanderson, Laura
-Daer. --It -Was. decided -to bold
the meetings on Thursday even-
ings at 7 P,m. The assistant
leader, Mrs. Gordon Dobie, dis-
tributed the'leafiets and .boOks
to the members. A demonstrai•
tion followed on the taking of,
measurements 'and swatches of
materials were held to each
member 'to ,,test Aor, beceming-
ness. Plans were, made for ,the
record books. ' "One point to
consider when .buying cotton.
surnmer separates" answer-
ed the roll call for tile second
meeting •when all girls were
present. All repeated the 4-11
pledge and Carole Brown pre-
sided for the meeting. A study
was taken of patterns and, ma-
terials for the -making of blouses
and skirts; some of the girls
read by Mrs,
and.„Ivirs. Hogg t
in prayer, ' Mrs, Clifford Bilokn
read the chapter of the study
-book and -a -piano-kilo was play -
'ed by Mrs. :John Houston; Mrs.
Ed. Davies gave the topic on
World Peace. A musical guess-
ing contest was conducted by
Mrs, Robert' J.7 Phillips. Mrs.
Haggitt thanked all. who had
taken part in the, program and
the president, •Mrs. George
Schneider, -took charge of the -
business period. The secretary,
Mrs. Ed. Davies, read the min-
utes of the January meeting
and the financial statement was
given by .Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor.
Final arrangements were made
for the World Day of Prayer
to be held this year in St.
Mark's. Anglican Church on
March 9. The Benefit Apron
was passed around and lad-
ies dropped money in the poc-
Ian to make Jamaica or Bor.- ket for good !faith. Mrs..tGor-
BPIVAILLE1f, Feb. p.—The
Fehivary meotiu* of the Ben -
miller U.C.W. in. the
church With a good*turiicV Of
ladies. The, devotions *'a
re 'v
ranged, and led- by Mea. mthur
Maskell with 'Mrs. Verdun
stone. reading -the, Scripture.
The buainess pPrtion of the
Meeting was condudted by the
presiclent,i °Mrs. - - -Wm; --Treble
The thllcall, a favorite verse,
and the mintites of the last
meeting were read by the re-
cording secretary, Mrs. Ralph
Jewellk--/rile !Mort of the -PreS-
byterial inaugural meeting at
Clinton in January was given
by Mrs. Ben StrOughan.
-.There was • a- discussion: -re-
gardind youth groups which
formerly were sponsored by the
don R. Taylor was pianist for
the ,hymns,,throughout the meet-
ing. Rev: Robert Meally closed
the meeting with. prayer. Fol-
lowing the meeting, a 'success-
ful auction was held and the
hostess served lunch assisted
by her ,sister, Mrs. Clifford
Brown, and Mrs. Ed. Davies.
Was. It wa4.itoeisied to assistthi 'Weis, of the ofisting
'groups, 04401411Y or 19, 00
way' requested.
. Correspondence WAS ;read - by
the corresponding' .seeretary;
Mrs. Archie Swain, AO,: the
treaPilrer, MiSVBeillah Long, re-
ported. some $1.76 :on hand. The
suPPly,fseeretary, Alias Annie
)3aNter,.-rP.P#94 $, AMA
eight' quilt tops ready for the.
groups to work, an to be, given
to any worthy wei.fare..or mis-
sion project. The community
friendship convnfier,
Durst, was instructed to 're-
member,' a sick child in the
community with a small- gift.
41.1q- introduetion of the -stddy
book, "Signals ,for the Sixties,"
was made by Mrs, A. Strau-
ghan who; along with Mrs.
Fletcher -Fisher, was requested
to compile a, history of the
W.A.. and W.M.S. to be sent to
Rev. Mr. cuinmings, of Lam-
beth, who is collecting this
data. Those Wishing the Ob-
server were asked to give their
subscription to the, C.G.L.
The March meeting will have
aiite*ent prograin instead
the 'etildY book• ,aucl, the rpIl
calj will 'he4'4 'clionseeleaning
;hint." ° -.After 'a benedictipn
prayer by the President, tea
Was served hy- the ho teSP83
a. .•
M. A. M.$tralli$141/4
J.„ikfoore And Mrs.. Wool
ManY ' people CoUld retire
eerOtOrtehly. on what their exl.
perienee' has cost them.
„ •
Were pu
They 'Ve1971 written by b&nd
posted up for the publjc to
rekli, thewMO in the pubite
ammo. ',...1134 repoz'ters were
employed by the State,
as now, Oherlat attention was
Yen.to War news, Pohl*, In:.
torview0. births, ,marriaei 01,
loaves, deaths and izossip. These
newsPaPor5, we'P °WA. *.S the
Acta Diurna..
you cnn`geco‘part-owner-et-ruble& thocipoyvide
,Profi,t from Canada's
Though a single itOestment, 10,./NVESTORS /N11.0
diversified ",higkgrade" s'oeuritieb. '
You'll 'got .attrapere' dividen4s,:incorne talcete
and a share in the grkpwth of Canada. Free rurselt
from investment worries throu0 INVESTORS MUTUAL
-- Canada's largest mutual fund,
• Representative
Wingham, Ont. Phone 147
C:A NA* 1,i,stee•
l_*trAlleee Offkg• efi`,004/
Catharines; two bfotliers, Oliver
both of Goderich. . BLUEWATER CLEANERS
McBrien and Jasper McBrien,
Allan Bowles • 38 WEST 'ST. )A 4-8231 *,
Word was received here last .
week of the, death of Allan ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
at RED
1-1b. pkg. -2 FOR 3
-1-li-iiii4r - -
1 -Ib. pkg.
one -half -lb. pkg.
VHeavy Gauge Steel
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V Compact, Modern Styling
VWide acceptance for
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Cyclonic Flue Design
le Fiberglas Insulation
V Quiet, Vibration -free
V Efficient, Economical
Stokely's Fancy Cream„ 15 -oz. tins FORs'»
48 -oz. tins FOR
WESTON'S ,1-jb. pkg. FOR
6 -oz. fins FOR
, . .
When buying a furnace -consider Every Clare unit is backed byaver a
quality. first. The investment ista..' centuryof leadership in Canada's ,
substantial one and'the comfort
and -heating industry - your assurance of
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Only. Clare-Hecla guarantees eco- Clare-Hecla furnace to suit your
nomical, efficient performance for a • exact heating requirements, Whether
full' 20 year'. • it'be gas, oil or solid fuel.
Drop, in . . or phone us today
40' - Electiohinrie,.. Humidifiers_
• BathrOani 'Fbitures
Bequir, compactness, economy all in one
packagerplus.these ',wanted" features:—
• Fast, safe, autornotiC ignition
for all surface burners and ,
ovewburner. No more light,.
ing with matches.
• Guest -size oven accommo-
dateslarge 25 lbroast pan;
but range take'up only 21"
floor spa-cein your kitchen.
• Pull out safety .broiler.•
• Flush panel design.
• Easy to clean.
• Porcelain spill trays and
burner grids.
• Finished in gleaming white \
porcelain enamel.
This is Findlay quality at an economical price.
Come in and see it now —
ES -
ONTAR;'. NO.- '1 GRADE 59 -lb.
91 Vittoria St:N.
Installed in • our showroom are beautiful bathroom and
poliiiider room fiktures. See them on display and choose
froni several pastel shades,
Hanover Kitchens
41 Duro Water Softeners
Why pay for heating your ceiling? Old-fashioned space
heaters force heat through the top of thelunit; straight '
at the ceiling. 'The new Clore-Convexionalre discharges
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warm air from the front of the cabinet, heating the area
---in- which -you actually-1We: 13asic-convectiorrviricip1es— --•'Moti"n-finuituri'- —
as engineered into the Convexionaire eliminataneed for IlYline idivio-lort•
a fan. Power breakdowns are no longer a probhmx. Insist decorator colours
on a Clare-Convexiehair. e for maximum comfort and the• .
minimum fuel costs. 'a. ,- .
. .L . 0 Heat iliichiorged
Don't put up with the inconvenience and expense of an ,,,. from heti} Nimes'
...- Old-fashioned space heater any longer.' There is a Clare- „
‘-, Convexionaire in a simand_ price tangelo -meet Your •
requirements. Models are aVanable for gas, propane or 0 fosy-to.reach cant
oil. EverynClare unit is hacked by over a century of inas Pmteeted fro,
' leadershipin Canada's heating indhstry -your assurance children
of complete satisfaction. .
Drop in or ph*" • Cabinet cool la
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tov,ch at ah tints*
FRIDAY Afternoon and SATURDAY Afternoon
• Heating Installation
• Complete Plumbing Installation,
SALVAT/ON Anpsy amp
Whetheryour116)3 is large Or small we are equipped to handle It. Drop in this weirito
end or phone anytime we. will be 9141* give you a free estimate on any 1W.