HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-18, Page 8IllrillgageeeleASISARialIMIMPOIMINararaaargateeseer INSURANCE RNEST 1,+`+LLIGT,AGcENT FQI't or WESTERN at o forr the Plfac COM - PANT. . FIRE INSU.R,ANol* COMPANY, or J ordon; Eneland, the RO$A,L CANADIAN. of Mon- treal. and the ozvratIQ ¥UU LLTALs 1.1GF. ASSIIRA,NCE, 00'Y o1 Waterloo eetablislied 1670, Aaouransesinteree,gle,127,400. Boeuees every year steer 5r+i year, I'ER,UPT ST EXETER. 14c. for 92c. Now is your chance for carts %alae iu Prints. 'Your ebeiee Cif flu immense range of 14e, Prints for %ie. We are bound to clear aur whole stock elf Prints during the warm weather. Don't forget that we will ell you Print worth c. or 9c. J, A. STEWART, Bankrupt Stock 'Dealer, Exeter ;3gth' giran. FITIRSDAS:, JUNE 18th, 1801. LCi:A/. HAPPENINGS. Sorrow Closely renewing Joy. The residence of Mr Pratt Fisher was last week the scene of two events long to be reniemb red by the family, viz ;—Tl • marriage of his eldest daughter, Jennie, to Mt Wm Davis, of Wiughant, formerly of Exeter, which took place on Wednesday ; and on Friday the death of his only son William, who has .been an invalid for years. In the former event the friends have our congratulations, in the latter our heart felt sympathy. The deceased young roan was quite a favorite with everybody. ]Estray Cattle. The laws of Ontario provide that a per- son taking up any stray stock shall give notice of such taking up by publishing a notice three times in a weekly newspaper Hone is published within the section where the estray was taken up ; and if the pro- perty is not called for within three weeks after the first insertion of the notice, the finder shall go before a justice of the peace and make oath as to the fiading and ad- vertising. If the property is not claimed within one year, and should not exceed fifty dollars in value it then belongs to the party taking the same up ; if over fifty dollars, it shall be paid over to the county treasurer. Any person taking up an estray and neglecting to cause the same to be advertised and appraised, shall be liable to a fine of twenty dollars. The estray law applies also to any other per- sonal property which may be found in like manner. Cricket ]Match, The cricket team in accordance with resolution adopted at their last meeting, held their first weekly practice match on Wednesday evening last The teams were chosen by the club captain H. K. Hynd- man, and W. J. Carling. The following are the scores : H. B. HYNDYAN's Team. H K Hyndman c Gundy b Remington 14 J A Pope c I R Carling b Remington 2 F Elliot c Dr Amos b Remington11 G Hyndman e 1 R Carling b Remington 4 W T Hawkshaw o I It Carling b Remington 0 E Elliot not out 1 W E Ilarding o W J Carling 1 W E Cooeenour o G Eaorott b Remington 0 Extras 1 Total 33 W. J. CARLI G'S Team. W J Carling b Poppe 13 I, R. Carling b Harding 6 S. B. Remington b Pope 1 F; Parnoombe b G Hyndman 8 N. D, Hurdon b Pope 7 J. Davis o Pope b G. Hyndman 0 W. E. Gundy o Remington b Pope 1 G•Eaorett b G. Hyndman 3 McTavish Not out 0 Extras 12 Total 51 No doubt W J. C's victory can be ac- counted for by his having one mors man than H. K. H. and his filling the position of long stop for the other side, thus the 12 extras, We have been requested by Stock Ship- pers to impress upon those farmers having. lambs the necessity of having young bucks altered to wethers. The quarantine placed on Canadian lambs by the American Gov- ernment will most likely prevent the shipping of lambs this fall to the American markets,- and they will have to be kept over till next season and taken to the British market, when the farmer will realize considerably more profit on his stock, as hasbeen proved by an experiment made by the Ontario Experimental Farm isrevitles. Tuesday was the hottest day of the season, Get your vevetroughing done by Will Foil ted• Lathes' pure silk gloves only 25c at the Big Bankrupt Store. Prunes ! Prunes l l 1.6 and 22 lbs prunes for $1 at J. P. Olerke's Roll carding done same day as brought at the woollen mill. In Exeter, Tuesday, the thermometer registered $9 in the shade, All parasols reduced nearly 50 per cent at the Big Bankrupt Stare, J, A. Stewart has moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. Levett. All kinds of fish may now legally be caught by reel end line or trolling. The cricket team go to Seaforth on Fri. day to play k hatch game with a team of that toe n, A gre..t :hemi of the wheat is this section. bas headed out, but the straw is very short and frail. Next Sunday la floral. Suuday and the Methodist churches wilt be decorated for the occasion. There have recently been formed in Exeter two local hoards of two Loan end Building Assoelatians Messrs. Grieve and Senior have sold several. fine St. Bernard puppieafrom their kennel lately. Great lint sale now on at the Bi.; Bank- rust' Stere, 50 per off all hats Quick for big bargains. A squad of Italians wero in tows on Monday and made the business people tired with their mucic. dtr Sam'1 Cornish is about to sell his residence by private sale, his intention being to return to England, The Salt Works Co. have the repairs to the well completed and the Works will be in full eperarion in a fesv days. There are now some tea or twelve bicycles in town with a sutlieieut number of bievclists to orgaurse a club. There will be no celebration here op July lst, ani the fat liestimca are that the Floral and Art Show has folies threugh. Mr. Treble's r..ew black i4 rapi'ih• near. tug completion, It will aid greatly so the appe:eraaee to that side of Mairt-at, Rev Mr Wilson will preach his farewell sermon to the congregationof the llain•at diethedist church next Sunday eveuing. Fruitsea;nn is at hand; we ask you to call and tee the ,lit et eat kinds of fruit jars strewn t•v .1. P. Clarke. Prices aro right 'vita orangemen of South Huron, num- Lining IS ledges wi.l join in celebrating the 12th of July --or rather 13th --in Lon- stop. Another large ship►nent of cattle wes made from Exeter an Tuesday by Meesre. Wood Bt os --Thomas Oke also stripped a quantity of hay. Remember that you eon dispose of your »wool to the best adveutage either for cash, trade or manufactured, at the Exeter Woollen Mills, The big ditches to be dug iu the Hay swamps will cost 515,000. Their completion will, be of incalculable value to .the neigh- boring farmers. Mr. Hersey hat already taken in Exeter some GO sulysoripticua for the work on the Life of Sir John A. Macdonald, written by T. Adam Mercer. R N Rowe has purchased IW .Andrew's undertaking stock, and has now one of the largest and finest stocks of caskets, coffins, etc.., in the county. Last Wednesday Messrs Verity & Sons received au order from Alanitoba for seven hundred tows. This is only a sample of tbo orders received at very close intervals. The Synod of Huron is at present in session at London The delegate from Exeter parish are W. J. Carling and. R. II Collins. Rev S. 1. Robinson is also in attoudanee,. In ladies' Oxford tie and toe slippers, also Dongola, French kid and polish calf button boots and old ladies' Prunella gaiters, you will find them at J. P Clarke's at reasonable prices. • The I. 0. Foresters attended divine ser- vice in the James•at Meth. church last Sunday morning, when Rev. A. L. Russell preached an eloquent and impressive ser- mon from Isaiah i, 11: "Learn to do well." While on his way to service in St.Peter's (R.C) church, McGillivray, Rev. Father Kealey received a sun stroke, which has compelled his remaining indoors. This is the second strokeythis gentleman has received. The town council has received the follow- ing from Ottawa : 'Lady ,Macdonald is deeply grateful to the Municipal Councilr of the Corporation of Exeter fo, their kind sympathy with her in her afflic- tion.—J. Poeu." Aylmer Sun :—Rev. Dr. Pascoe was obliged, owing to his sufferings from gout, to preach in a sitting posture. Although used up in the feet, the doctor's head pre- served its wonted clearness, and he crave two fine discourses. A subscription list has been started in Toronto to erect a national monument to Sir John A. Macdonald. No sum larger than $10 will be taken. A list should be started in Exeter to supplement the Tor- onto list. W h , will be the first to start it ? The Methodist church at Centralia will hold its annual strawberry festival on the parsonage grounds on July lat, This year's festival will be more successful than any former one, besides the usual amuse- ments, there being a large supplemental list of special attractions. Certain changes have been made in the regulations of the school holidays which add a week to the total vacations, thus giving the hardworketi and weary school teacher a greater chance for recuperation. School will close on June 30th and open on the last Monday in August, in towns and incorporated villages, and in the country they open ooe week earlier, Rev Mr Martin preached a sermon on Sunday evening last in the Presbyterian church on "Sir John A. Macdonald." The discourse 'was a thoughtful one, and the speaker in referring to the many good qualities of Sir John coupled then with moral lessons which might very profitably be imitated by the rising generations, . On Friday night last a tramp was given lodging at the farm residence of. William. Ching. Next morning Mr Tramp; took breakfast; he then walked upstairs to the bedroom and stole a valuable gold watch chain belonging to the hired man. The theft was soondisooveredand chase given; but the tramp understanding the situation led his would-be captors by a considerable distance. authorities. Minard's Liniment cures Colds, &c; 1ltrawberry >i''estive's. A strawberry festival at the James•st. church under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, on Friday evg., June 26th. Refresh meats served from 6.30 until 8 o'clock, Addresses by several ministers and choice music. Admission 25cts. The public very cordially invited,—lt The annual strawberry festival in con- nection with theCavenPeesbyterian church will (D,V) be held on the grounds an Mon- day eve, the 22nd June, The services of the Exeter Orchestra have been secured for are cor the occasiondially. invi. Adted•mission 23e. and 15c. All The strawberry festival of the season will be held on. Mr W. J. Bissett's lawn on Wednesday evg , June 24th, under the auspices qt the .Ladies' Aid of the Exeter Main -at Meth. church. The ladies will be pleased to serve all who came with. an abundance of strawberries and cream. Ex- tras in the way of lemonade, ice cream and Boston cream in sufiieient quantity to ssq) ply all possible demand. The Symphony Orchestra conducted by Mr S. Gidley will be ivattendaneeto enliven the evening with chors:e music. .Admission, adults 25 rents, children l5ets. Personale. Mr George Baker, in the employment of the [.Inion Furniture Factory, has gone to Exeter for a week or two, we hope that the trip may improve his health which has net been very good for some time,,--. Wingbare Advance. ---The clergy and lay, men have returned home from the confer eueee. Rev Mr l.1 ikon has been moved to Kingsville in the County of Essex, one of the roost pleasant spots in Ontario, his charge here being taken by Rev Mr McDonagh. Mr Wilson leaves teeny friend. in Exeter who wish hitt the great• est treasure of success in his pastoral and other labors, and all join the Toles in the that t sss may often see hint; and fur= ther, that we may again ono day be favor. ed with his nllsvise religious eounsel and guidsr,eo, In Mr Wilson, Kineavifle gets a good,genial roan and auexeelleut preacher for which they should feel grateful to the stationing comrnittee,-111any of aur read- ers will remember the notorious (xeodie May. He was in town on Monday and was piloted around by Nark Clarke, a forrner:friend —Mr Case, of Toronto, son of Air Wm Case, of Exeter, was in town over Sunday —W. 0. Moserip, Yutrniater of St Marys, was in town on Monday attend- ing the sitting of the Division Court here. —Mrs John White and daughter, M. V., left Exeter an Monday en route to Europe Mt. C. Rose and family are the attests of 11r and Mrs (=ea. Eacrett. They will re- main here for a tin►o,—Mr, D. Johns, our worthy postmaster, with others, is rusti- cating at the lake. They go to Muskoka in a few days.—:flies Muttart has been en- gaged as 2nd asst, in the post office ---Mr Will %!'alter, who left Exeter some time ago on it visit to the Chet Country, has re- turned home,—Miss Bowden left on Wed- nesday for Windsor, where she will visit for a time prior to visiting her parents in England —Mrs (Dr) Sweet left last evg. for Sel,erville, to join her husband. The ease of Hooper Va Snmwell was. argued at London haet week and adjourned till yesterday. We have not learned " de. cision given. T.adiee, before you purchase your white swiss and lawn flouncings. please call and see those shown by J. P Clarke. They aro soiling well. On June 15th, Alonzo Foster, of Zurich, tneisneed timothy,clover and flax; timothy 3 feat 7 invites; elm er, 2 feet, 10 iuches; flax, 3 feet, 5 inches locg. Who can beat this To those ladies desirous of using nothing but choice fruits in their cooking, you are asked to call and test thoquality of currants and raisins tuatara (riving such satisfaction to the buyer, They are sold by J. P Clarke A Grand Bend correspondent says that Mr. John Spaekmnn, of Exeter, bas iu- vested several hundred dollars in erecting cottages on his grounds hero, He bas several completed and is now finishing his fence, The place as a camping ground has few equals. The scenery is splendid. Some of our exchanges are calling the attention of the authorities of their re- spective towns to the nuisances on the street in the shape of burdocks, thistles and other noxious weeds. Exeter is quite free from these pests and eyesores, and is considered one of the cleanest towns in Ontario. Mitchell is threatened with a $1000 libel suit for damages received by a lady from a defective sidewalk. Wingham sidewalke are being well looked after this year In this connection we might state that there is a stretch of board walk froin the Trivitt Memorial church to the Methodist church which requires the early attention of the engineer. In a circular addressed to the 400 lodges of the Masonic fraternity in this Province, the grand Master, M. W. Bio. J. Rosa Robertson, suggest the advisability of the festival of St. John the l3aptist (24th inst) being observed as an annual "Decoration day" for the craft. He likewise expresses a desire that on the Sunday following the festival the brethren should attend divine aeryice in a body, the collections at these services to be devoted to charitable objects, About 30,000 bill heads and statement heads, 40,000 note heads, 25,000 letter heads. 70,000 envelopes, from pence to the largest sizes, 10,000 shipping tags, 25,000 cards, besides a large stock of circular papers, folder papers and cardboards, ticket boards,, book and cover papers, poster papers—white and colored—in fact, the most complete in this section of Ontario, all fresh and of good quality, can be found at the TIMES steam printing house, where first class printing is done at the moat reasonable Yates. The copious rain that fell over this Wes= tern district last week was just timely, as all the crops more or less were suffering from the dry weather. The gardens were partially parched and growth was back- ward. The crops have made rapid pro- grees since the rain, and the prospects have brightened wonderfully in the last two days. Corn and root crops that were planted got the full benefit, and now they. give promise of a. good crop; Small fruits, willlentifu a b plentiful, while there will be a scarcity of apples, The promenade concert under the •aus- pices of the Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt Memorial eh on Friday evg. was quite a suc- cessful affair. The march of the Fairies was splendid and the solos by Fairy Mor- gan were rapturously ;applauded. The cobwebparty was a prominent feature of. the evening's entertainment. The first prize was awarded to Vera 13awkehaw, 2nd to Gertrude Kemp. The rink was beauti- fully decorated. The proceeds amounted to $57, but would have been greater had not the refreshments run out. WE ARE SHOWNIG SPECIAL VALUES in the folloviring lines Ladies' Embroidery Flounoings,, Ladies' Bila, Laoe Flounoings, Ladies' Silk Mitts and Gloves, Ladies' Parasols and Hosiery, Ladies' Light Blouse i aterials, Ladies' Tennis Suitings, Ladies' Blk. and Cold Kid Gloves. 1 RICHARD PICKARD & SON. I3uy your fruit jars at the Itis Bankrupt Store. j T Robt Leatltorn leaves in a few days for Europe with shipments of Canadian car, riage horses and fat cattle for that country Tarzizsx Exconssnxs.-a-By ocean, lake or rail. The last excursion to the North West, Juue, 23rd. Ear rates and tickets to all points, apply to (APT GEO. KEMPIF, Exeter Muioipal Gounoil... Met Tuesday evg, All present except the reeve ; W. G. Bissett, deputy -reeve, inthe chair. Minutes of previous meet- ing read and confirmed. The commissioner asked for iustruc- tions as to gravelling. Coarse gravel to be put on station road, sereen nga to be placed where practieablo on back streets and sidewalks. Huron.st. and Lake and Thames roads to be properly re- paired. Cummuuications from County clerk re countyy rate for 1891, which is $322.27; from Hamilton Sewer Pipe Co, re sewer pipe. 200 were ordered at 504 each, to ire used iu the extension of the Ann.st, sewer. Moved by Christie and Ross, that the extension of Ann•st, drain for 55 rods through Carling's field be proceeded with, and that tenders calling for the work bo opened nt next meeting.— Carried. The reeve at this juncture canto and occupied the chair.. Moved by Carling and. Ross that tho following accounts be paid ; 1?. Knight, waste paper basket, 45e. ; clock, $1.71, telegrams ; 0, 1lodgin, part payment for William -a. drain e30; T.Daw, $1,25, labor.—Carried. Conn, Christie was instructed to in- terview A. J. McTavish & Co. re their appeal of increased assessment, to Co. Judge, with a view to effecting a settle. went, the cost of such an appeal, incase the council is beaten, being heavy. On motion of Bissett and. Carling the council adjourned till Wednesday next, 24th, at 8.30 o'clock p.m. Division Court. His Honor Judge Doyle presided at the sittings of the 5th and llth Division Courts on Monday and Tuesday last at Exeter and Crediton, disposing of the following cases :— EXETER. McGiu oon vs. STATION—an action for $90 rent on a lease. Defence, mis- representation on the part of plaintiff inducing the defendant to enter into the contract. The plaintiff succeeded in re- covering a judgment for $81.50 with costs. Moscript for plff., L. H. Dickson for deft. FRENCH vs. MANN1acs was again ad- journed. COLLINS vs. HARTIVAN—An notion on an account. Judgment for plff. Comers vs. ALLAN—An action for ser- vices. Adjourned. KLAUSEN Vs. MCLEAN—A J. S. Or- der made for commitment of deft. CREDITOR. EILBE1t VS. FFYNN—An action on a promissory note. Adjourned until next court. Collins for plff., Dickson for deft. HILL TS. RYAN AND THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, GARNISHEES. --The plaintiff claimed on a balance of an account and claimed moneys in the hands of the cor- poration due the defendant. Judgment reserved, and case adjourned for further evidence. Collins for plff.. Elliot J. for deft. No one for the garnishees. The dockets of this sittings of these courts were. the lightest for some time, to the satisfaction of both judge and counsel owing to the intensity of the haet. MESSRS C C ...RIC/HARMS Sr Co. GnseeeerEN,—I take pleasure in giving my testimony to your well known MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT, as I feel that it saved my life. fie the winter of 1887 I was at tasked bya severe pain in my left side caused by a fall from a building during the previous summer. I got relief every time it was bathed with the MINARD'S LINI MENT and eventualy eared by the ,use of a few bottles. This liuiment has made. some wonderful °urea. Sheffield, N B. 'Incases WAssoer. DISTRUSTFUL PEOPLE—Make au exception in favor of Dr h'owler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Its known virtues as a cure for diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus and all bosvei complaints cause all who use it to regard it as the moat reliable and effectual remedy obtainable. VIGILANT .CAne- Vigilance is neoesears against unexpected attacks of summer con plaints. No remedy is so well known or so. successful in this class of diseases as Dr, Fowler's Extract of : Wild Strawberry Keep it in the house as a safe guest'. Children Cry ,for -Pitcher's �Castoria WON'T HURT YOU To look over our Stock and get our Prises, ad it may . .... It has done others good by introducing them to the BEST and CHEAPEST STOOK in this town. In 'Tweeds and Worsteds Wo parry a Eine Range, We may say this has been the best year we have had since in business, is Made -to -Order Clothing. Why ? Because we sell Reliable Goods and Guarantee tl first-olass fit. NO SHODDY We have just received a choice range of Ready-made Summer Coats and Vests. We make a Specialt7 >:1, Cents' l'Te ]mwear. See our Men's Fancy Shirt ; only 5O cents. Men's Socks, pairsfor 25 cents–Good value. Just imagine i Six -piece Glass Sett for 25 cents. Our Groceries are the Freshest and Best. Fine Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices. Try a sanarple of ct0.Y.P." We sell and recommend Chicago Yeast Powder, the original 25c. Baking Powder. We still sell "Carling's Own" which has given such good satisfaction. 'We have just received a daisy 25c. Japan Tea. R • CARLING 3� S LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Dress Goods—all new goods. LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Spleens, Prints and Angola Suitings. All good washers. :O: LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Embroidery, Skirtings Lawns and Delaincs, for the hot weather= LADIES! We sell the best 25c. Black Hose in the Dominion, worth 40c. and warranted stainless. Call and see them. LADIES, Remember we carry 'one of the largest stocks of MILLINERY In the town. Every hat new. No old trimmings to work up. Call and see the new styles fore spring and summer. E. J. SPACIIIVIAAT Ida CD Samwell's Block, Exeter. The Molsons Bank RLIAME CHARTERED 8 Y PAN TO 855) it ] ... p00 0 PaidnpCape � d , 0 Rest Fund ... ... 1,000,OC HeadOffioe, Montreal, 1'. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS,Esq., GRnIRALMANAGES 20branchofficesintlieDominion. Agenoic in the Dominion,U.S.A.and Burope. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, frote l0 a. m.to 8 p.m SATURDAYS,10 a.m.to p•m, • 4PerOent.perannum ahowedformoney on DepositReeeipts N. DYER HURDON, Sub -Manager. CENTRAL Barber Shop, PARSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and. Hair cutting in the latest style of the art. Every attentionpaid to nutting Laaies' andehildrensHair• Visit the Mart irthda iy outs 'WEDDING GIFTS Parting Gift" ALBUMS, BIBLES, 1 I SHEJ.T E& rsiCo i 1 THE MART CHOICE FICT1Oi'sq MUSIC BODES Newspapera S. S. tiling rie* Stationery Sclel Supplies e i Iiww.rapping ` Twins, Witt Paper 114GS revere ! J. ORM. I'ER,UPT ST EXETER. 14c. for 92c. Now is your chance for carts %alae iu Prints. 'Your ebeiee Cif flu immense range of 14e, Prints for %ie. We are bound to clear aur whole stock elf Prints during the warm weather. Don't forget that we will ell you Print worth c. or 9c. J, A. STEWART, Bankrupt Stock 'Dealer, Exeter ;3gth' giran. FITIRSDAS:, JUNE 18th, 1801. LCi:A/. HAPPENINGS. Sorrow Closely renewing Joy. The residence of Mr Pratt Fisher was last week the scene of two events long to be reniemb red by the family, viz ;—Tl • marriage of his eldest daughter, Jennie, to Mt Wm Davis, of Wiughant, formerly of Exeter, which took place on Wednesday ; and on Friday the death of his only son William, who has .been an invalid for years. In the former event the friends have our congratulations, in the latter our heart felt sympathy. The deceased young roan was quite a favorite with everybody. ]Estray Cattle. The laws of Ontario provide that a per- son taking up any stray stock shall give notice of such taking up by publishing a notice three times in a weekly newspaper Hone is published within the section where the estray was taken up ; and if the pro- perty is not called for within three weeks after the first insertion of the notice, the finder shall go before a justice of the peace and make oath as to the fiading and ad- vertising. If the property is not claimed within one year, and should not exceed fifty dollars in value it then belongs to the party taking the same up ; if over fifty dollars, it shall be paid over to the county treasurer. Any person taking up an estray and neglecting to cause the same to be advertised and appraised, shall be liable to a fine of twenty dollars. The estray law applies also to any other per- sonal property which may be found in like manner. Cricket ]Match, The cricket team in accordance with resolution adopted at their last meeting, held their first weekly practice match on Wednesday evening last The teams were chosen by the club captain H. K. Hynd- man, and W. J. Carling. The following are the scores : H. B. HYNDYAN's Team. H K Hyndman c Gundy b Remington 14 J A Pope c I R Carling b Remington 2 F Elliot c Dr Amos b Remington11 G Hyndman e 1 R Carling b Remington 4 W T Hawkshaw o I It Carling b Remington 0 E Elliot not out 1 W E Ilarding o W J Carling 1 W E Cooeenour o G Eaorott b Remington 0 Extras 1 Total 33 W. J. CARLI G'S Team. W J Carling b Poppe 13 I, R. Carling b Harding 6 S. B. Remington b Pope 1 F; Parnoombe b G Hyndman 8 N. D, Hurdon b Pope 7 J. Davis o Pope b G. Hyndman 0 W. E. Gundy o Remington b Pope 1 G•Eaorett b G. Hyndman 3 McTavish Not out 0 Extras 12 Total 51 No doubt W J. C's victory can be ac- counted for by his having one mors man than H. K. H. and his filling the position of long stop for the other side, thus the 12 extras, We have been requested by Stock Ship- pers to impress upon those farmers having. lambs the necessity of having young bucks altered to wethers. The quarantine placed on Canadian lambs by the American Gov- ernment will most likely prevent the shipping of lambs this fall to the American markets,- and they will have to be kept over till next season and taken to the British market, when the farmer will realize considerably more profit on his stock, as hasbeen proved by an experiment made by the Ontario Experimental Farm isrevitles. Tuesday was the hottest day of the season, Get your vevetroughing done by Will Foil ted• Lathes' pure silk gloves only 25c at the Big Bankrupt Store. Prunes ! Prunes l l 1.6 and 22 lbs prunes for $1 at J. P. Olerke's Roll carding done same day as brought at the woollen mill. In Exeter, Tuesday, the thermometer registered $9 in the shade, All parasols reduced nearly 50 per cent at the Big Bankrupt Stare, J, A. Stewart has moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. Levett. All kinds of fish may now legally be caught by reel end line or trolling. The cricket team go to Seaforth on Fri. day to play k hatch game with a team of that toe n, A gre..t :hemi of the wheat is this section. bas headed out, but the straw is very short and frail. Next Sunday la floral. Suuday and the Methodist churches wilt be decorated for the occasion. There have recently been formed in Exeter two local hoards of two Loan end Building Assoelatians Messrs. Grieve and Senior have sold several. fine St. Bernard puppieafrom their kennel lately. Great lint sale now on at the Bi.; Bank- rust' Stere, 50 per off all hats Quick for big bargains. A squad of Italians wero in tows on Monday and made the business people tired with their mucic. dtr Sam'1 Cornish is about to sell his residence by private sale, his intention being to return to England, The Salt Works Co. have the repairs to the well completed and the Works will be in full eperarion in a fesv days. There are now some tea or twelve bicycles in town with a sutlieieut number of bievclists to orgaurse a club. There will be no celebration here op July lst, ani the fat liestimca are that the Floral and Art Show has folies threugh. Mr. Treble's r..ew black i4 rapi'ih• near. tug completion, It will aid greatly so the appe:eraaee to that side of Mairt-at, Rev Mr Wilson will preach his farewell sermon to the congregationof the llain•at diethedist church next Sunday eveuing. Fruitsea;nn is at hand; we ask you to call and tee the ,lit et eat kinds of fruit jars strewn t•v .1. P. Clarke. Prices aro right 'vita orangemen of South Huron, num- Lining IS ledges wi.l join in celebrating the 12th of July --or rather 13th --in Lon- stop. Another large ship►nent of cattle wes made from Exeter an Tuesday by Meesre. Wood Bt os --Thomas Oke also stripped a quantity of hay. Remember that you eon dispose of your »wool to the best adveutage either for cash, trade or manufactured, at the Exeter Woollen Mills, The big ditches to be dug iu the Hay swamps will cost 515,000. Their completion will, be of incalculable value to .the neigh- boring farmers. Mr. Hersey hat already taken in Exeter some GO sulysoripticua for the work on the Life of Sir John A. Macdonald, written by T. Adam Mercer. R N Rowe has purchased IW .Andrew's undertaking stock, and has now one of the largest and finest stocks of caskets, coffins, etc.., in the county. Last Wednesday Messrs Verity & Sons received au order from Alanitoba for seven hundred tows. This is only a sample of tbo orders received at very close intervals. The Synod of Huron is at present in session at London The delegate from Exeter parish are W. J. Carling and. R. II Collins. Rev S. 1. Robinson is also in attoudanee,. In ladies' Oxford tie and toe slippers, also Dongola, French kid and polish calf button boots and old ladies' Prunella gaiters, you will find them at J. P Clarke's at reasonable prices. • The I. 0. Foresters attended divine ser- vice in the James•at Meth. church last Sunday morning, when Rev. A. L. Russell preached an eloquent and impressive ser- mon from Isaiah i, 11: "Learn to do well." While on his way to service in St.Peter's (R.C) church, McGillivray, Rev. Father Kealey received a sun stroke, which has compelled his remaining indoors. This is the second strokeythis gentleman has received. The town council has received the follow- ing from Ottawa : 'Lady ,Macdonald is deeply grateful to the Municipal Councilr of the Corporation of Exeter fo, their kind sympathy with her in her afflic- tion.—J. Poeu." Aylmer Sun :—Rev. Dr. Pascoe was obliged, owing to his sufferings from gout, to preach in a sitting posture. Although used up in the feet, the doctor's head pre- served its wonted clearness, and he crave two fine discourses. A subscription list has been started in Toronto to erect a national monument to Sir John A. Macdonald. No sum larger than $10 will be taken. A list should be started in Exeter to supplement the Tor- onto list. W h , will be the first to start it ? The Methodist church at Centralia will hold its annual strawberry festival on the parsonage grounds on July lat, This year's festival will be more successful than any former one, besides the usual amuse- ments, there being a large supplemental list of special attractions. Certain changes have been made in the regulations of the school holidays which add a week to the total vacations, thus giving the hardworketi and weary school teacher a greater chance for recuperation. School will close on June 30th and open on the last Monday in August, in towns and incorporated villages, and in the country they open ooe week earlier, Rev Mr Martin preached a sermon on Sunday evening last in the Presbyterian church on "Sir John A. Macdonald." The discourse 'was a thoughtful one, and the speaker in referring to the many good qualities of Sir John coupled then with moral lessons which might very profitably be imitated by the rising generations, . On Friday night last a tramp was given lodging at the farm residence of. William. Ching. Next morning Mr Tramp; took breakfast; he then walked upstairs to the bedroom and stole a valuable gold watch chain belonging to the hired man. The theft was soondisooveredand chase given; but the tramp understanding the situation led his would-be captors by a considerable distance. authorities. Minard's Liniment cures Colds, &c; 1ltrawberry >i''estive's. A strawberry festival at the James•st. church under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, on Friday evg., June 26th. Refresh meats served from 6.30 until 8 o'clock, Addresses by several ministers and choice music. Admission 25cts. The public very cordially invited,—lt The annual strawberry festival in con- nection with theCavenPeesbyterian church will (D,V) be held on the grounds an Mon- day eve, the 22nd June, The services of the Exeter Orchestra have been secured for are cor the occasiondially. invi. Adted•mission 23e. and 15c. All The strawberry festival of the season will be held on. Mr W. J. Bissett's lawn on Wednesday evg , June 24th, under the auspices qt the .Ladies' Aid of the Exeter Main -at Meth. church. The ladies will be pleased to serve all who came with. an abundance of strawberries and cream. Ex- tras in the way of lemonade, ice cream and Boston cream in sufiieient quantity to ssq) ply all possible demand. The Symphony Orchestra conducted by Mr S. Gidley will be ivattendaneeto enliven the evening with chors:e music. .Admission, adults 25 rents, children l5ets. Personale. Mr George Baker, in the employment of the [.Inion Furniture Factory, has gone to Exeter for a week or two, we hope that the trip may improve his health which has net been very good for some time,,--. Wingbare Advance. ---The clergy and lay, men have returned home from the confer eueee. Rev Mr l.1 ikon has been moved to Kingsville in the County of Essex, one of the roost pleasant spots in Ontario, his charge here being taken by Rev Mr McDonagh. Mr Wilson leaves teeny friend. in Exeter who wish hitt the great• est treasure of success in his pastoral and other labors, and all join the Toles in the that t sss may often see hint; and fur= ther, that we may again ono day be favor. ed with his nllsvise religious eounsel and guidsr,eo, In Mr Wilson, Kineavifle gets a good,genial roan and auexeelleut preacher for which they should feel grateful to the stationing comrnittee,-111any of aur read- ers will remember the notorious (xeodie May. He was in town on Monday and was piloted around by Nark Clarke, a forrner:friend —Mr Case, of Toronto, son of Air Wm Case, of Exeter, was in town over Sunday —W. 0. Moserip, Yutrniater of St Marys, was in town on Monday attend- ing the sitting of the Division Court here. —Mrs John White and daughter, M. V., left Exeter an Monday en route to Europe Mt. C. Rose and family are the attests of 11r and Mrs (=ea. Eacrett. They will re- main here for a tin►o,—Mr, D. Johns, our worthy postmaster, with others, is rusti- cating at the lake. They go to Muskoka in a few days.—:flies Muttart has been en- gaged as 2nd asst, in the post office ---Mr Will %!'alter, who left Exeter some time ago on it visit to the Chet Country, has re- turned home,—Miss Bowden left on Wed- nesday for Windsor, where she will visit for a time prior to visiting her parents in England —Mrs (Dr) Sweet left last evg. for Sel,erville, to join her husband. The ease of Hooper Va Snmwell was. argued at London haet week and adjourned till yesterday. We have not learned " de. cision given. T.adiee, before you purchase your white swiss and lawn flouncings. please call and see those shown by J. P Clarke. They aro soiling well. On June 15th, Alonzo Foster, of Zurich, tneisneed timothy,clover and flax; timothy 3 feat 7 invites; elm er, 2 feet, 10 iuches; flax, 3 feet, 5 inches locg. Who can beat this To those ladies desirous of using nothing but choice fruits in their cooking, you are asked to call and test thoquality of currants and raisins tuatara (riving such satisfaction to the buyer, They are sold by J. P Clarke A Grand Bend correspondent says that Mr. John Spaekmnn, of Exeter, bas iu- vested several hundred dollars in erecting cottages on his grounds hero, He bas several completed and is now finishing his fence, The place as a camping ground has few equals. The scenery is splendid. Some of our exchanges are calling the attention of the authorities of their re- spective towns to the nuisances on the street in the shape of burdocks, thistles and other noxious weeds. Exeter is quite free from these pests and eyesores, and is considered one of the cleanest towns in Ontario. Mitchell is threatened with a $1000 libel suit for damages received by a lady from a defective sidewalk. Wingham sidewalke are being well looked after this year In this connection we might state that there is a stretch of board walk froin the Trivitt Memorial church to the Methodist church which requires the early attention of the engineer. In a circular addressed to the 400 lodges of the Masonic fraternity in this Province, the grand Master, M. W. Bio. J. Rosa Robertson, suggest the advisability of the festival of St. John the l3aptist (24th inst) being observed as an annual "Decoration day" for the craft. He likewise expresses a desire that on the Sunday following the festival the brethren should attend divine aeryice in a body, the collections at these services to be devoted to charitable objects, About 30,000 bill heads and statement heads, 40,000 note heads, 25,000 letter heads. 70,000 envelopes, from pence to the largest sizes, 10,000 shipping tags, 25,000 cards, besides a large stock of circular papers, folder papers and cardboards, ticket boards,, book and cover papers, poster papers—white and colored—in fact, the most complete in this section of Ontario, all fresh and of good quality, can be found at the TIMES steam printing house, where first class printing is done at the moat reasonable Yates. The copious rain that fell over this Wes= tern district last week was just timely, as all the crops more or less were suffering from the dry weather. The gardens were partially parched and growth was back- ward. The crops have made rapid pro- grees since the rain, and the prospects have brightened wonderfully in the last two days. Corn and root crops that were planted got the full benefit, and now they. give promise of a. good crop; Small fruits, willlentifu a b plentiful, while there will be a scarcity of apples, The promenade concert under the •aus- pices of the Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt Memorial eh on Friday evg. was quite a suc- cessful affair. The march of the Fairies was splendid and the solos by Fairy Mor- gan were rapturously ;applauded. The cobwebparty was a prominent feature of. the evening's entertainment. The first prize was awarded to Vera 13awkehaw, 2nd to Gertrude Kemp. The rink was beauti- fully decorated. The proceeds amounted to $57, but would have been greater had not the refreshments run out. WE ARE SHOWNIG SPECIAL VALUES in the folloviring lines Ladies' Embroidery Flounoings,, Ladies' Bila, Laoe Flounoings, Ladies' Silk Mitts and Gloves, Ladies' Parasols and Hosiery, Ladies' Light Blouse i aterials, Ladies' Tennis Suitings, Ladies' Blk. and Cold Kid Gloves. 1 RICHARD PICKARD & SON. I3uy your fruit jars at the Itis Bankrupt Store. j T Robt Leatltorn leaves in a few days for Europe with shipments of Canadian car, riage horses and fat cattle for that country Tarzizsx Exconssnxs.-a-By ocean, lake or rail. The last excursion to the North West, Juue, 23rd. Ear rates and tickets to all points, apply to (APT GEO. KEMPIF, Exeter Muioipal Gounoil... Met Tuesday evg, All present except the reeve ; W. G. Bissett, deputy -reeve, inthe chair. Minutes of previous meet- ing read and confirmed. The commissioner asked for iustruc- tions as to gravelling. Coarse gravel to be put on station road, sereen nga to be placed where practieablo on back streets and sidewalks. Huron.st. and Lake and Thames roads to be properly re- paired. Cummuuications from County clerk re countyy rate for 1891, which is $322.27; from Hamilton Sewer Pipe Co, re sewer pipe. 200 were ordered at 504 each, to ire used iu the extension of the Ann.st, sewer. Moved by Christie and Ross, that the extension of Ann•st, drain for 55 rods through Carling's field be proceeded with, and that tenders calling for the work bo opened nt next meeting.— Carried. The reeve at this juncture canto and occupied the chair.. Moved by Carling and. Ross that tho following accounts be paid ; 1?. Knight, waste paper basket, 45e. ; clock, $1.71, telegrams ; 0, 1lodgin, part payment for William -a. drain e30; T.Daw, $1,25, labor.—Carried. Conn, Christie was instructed to in- terview A. J. McTavish & Co. re their appeal of increased assessment, to Co. Judge, with a view to effecting a settle. went, the cost of such an appeal, incase the council is beaten, being heavy. On motion of Bissett and. Carling the council adjourned till Wednesday next, 24th, at 8.30 o'clock p.m. Division Court. His Honor Judge Doyle presided at the sittings of the 5th and llth Division Courts on Monday and Tuesday last at Exeter and Crediton, disposing of the following cases :— EXETER. McGiu oon vs. STATION—an action for $90 rent on a lease. Defence, mis- representation on the part of plaintiff inducing the defendant to enter into the contract. The plaintiff succeeded in re- covering a judgment for $81.50 with costs. Moscript for plff., L. H. Dickson for deft. FRENCH vs. MANN1acs was again ad- journed. COLLINS vs. HARTIVAN—An notion on an account. Judgment for plff. Comers vs. ALLAN—An action for ser- vices. Adjourned. KLAUSEN Vs. MCLEAN—A J. S. Or- der made for commitment of deft. CREDITOR. EILBE1t VS. FFYNN—An action on a promissory note. Adjourned until next court. Collins for plff., Dickson for deft. HILL TS. RYAN AND THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, GARNISHEES. --The plaintiff claimed on a balance of an account and claimed moneys in the hands of the cor- poration due the defendant. Judgment reserved, and case adjourned for further evidence. Collins for plff.. Elliot J. for deft. No one for the garnishees. The dockets of this sittings of these courts were. the lightest for some time, to the satisfaction of both judge and counsel owing to the intensity of the haet. MESSRS C C ...RIC/HARMS Sr Co. GnseeeerEN,—I take pleasure in giving my testimony to your well known MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT, as I feel that it saved my life. fie the winter of 1887 I was at tasked bya severe pain in my left side caused by a fall from a building during the previous summer. I got relief every time it was bathed with the MINARD'S LINI MENT and eventualy eared by the ,use of a few bottles. This liuiment has made. some wonderful °urea. Sheffield, N B. 'Incases WAssoer. DISTRUSTFUL PEOPLE—Make au exception in favor of Dr h'owler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Its known virtues as a cure for diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus and all bosvei complaints cause all who use it to regard it as the moat reliable and effectual remedy obtainable. VIGILANT .CAne- Vigilance is neoesears against unexpected attacks of summer con plaints. No remedy is so well known or so. successful in this class of diseases as Dr, Fowler's Extract of : Wild Strawberry Keep it in the house as a safe guest'. Children Cry ,for -Pitcher's �Castoria WON'T HURT YOU To look over our Stock and get our Prises, ad it may . .... It has done others good by introducing them to the BEST and CHEAPEST STOOK in this town. In 'Tweeds and Worsteds Wo parry a Eine Range, We may say this has been the best year we have had since in business, is Made -to -Order Clothing. Why ? Because we sell Reliable Goods and Guarantee tl first-olass fit. NO SHODDY We have just received a choice range of Ready-made Summer Coats and Vests. We make a Specialt7 >:1, Cents' l'Te ]mwear. See our Men's Fancy Shirt ; only 5O cents. Men's Socks, pairsfor 25 cents–Good value. Just imagine i Six -piece Glass Sett for 25 cents. Our Groceries are the Freshest and Best. Fine Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices. Try a sanarple of ct0.Y.P." We sell and recommend Chicago Yeast Powder, the original 25c. Baking Powder. We still sell "Carling's Own" which has given such good satisfaction. 'We have just received a daisy 25c. Japan Tea. R • CARLING 3� S LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Dress Goods—all new goods. LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Spleens, Prints and Angola Suitings. All good washers. :O: LADIES! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Embroidery, Skirtings Lawns and Delaincs, for the hot weather= LADIES! We sell the best 25c. Black Hose in the Dominion, worth 40c. and warranted stainless. Call and see them. LADIES, Remember we carry 'one of the largest stocks of MILLINERY In the town. Every hat new. No old trimmings to work up. Call and see the new styles fore spring and summer. E. J. SPACIIIVIAAT Ida CD Samwell's Block, Exeter. The Molsons Bank RLIAME CHARTERED 8 Y PAN TO 855) it ] ... p00 0 PaidnpCape � d , 0 Rest Fund ... ... 1,000,OC HeadOffioe, Montreal, 1'. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS,Esq., GRnIRALMANAGES 20branchofficesintlieDominion. Agenoic in the Dominion,U.S.A.and Burope. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, frote l0 a. m.to 8 p.m SATURDAYS,10 a.m.to p•m, • 4PerOent.perannum ahowedformoney on DepositReeeipts N. DYER HURDON, Sub -Manager. CENTRAL Barber Shop, PARSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and. Hair cutting in the latest style of the art. Every attentionpaid to nutting Laaies' andehildrensHair•