HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-02-22, Page 2w.r ro .` fir" O rtcxr . $101141404 a 13tusdaya ' ebruaxy '220, 7r (!nrir11 ;gnat- tar -- The: County Tewin NewSPaPerKRR of Huron, - R1Zk WI QA 1. • 1q AK�Rt^ >werr 1848 7 - by L " 4 1.14, publication T aFrrtiR NEWSPAPERS C Establislied :in its 115th. year of publ' Subscription Rates -•'- $4.00 a year. To U.S.A. $5.00' (In advance) Authorized as second' class mail,., Post Office Department, Ottawa,,. and for • ' payment of postage in cash. • Member- of C•W.N A.: O;W Is A. and A.B.C. . ircultion-over 3.400 �" CEO. L. Et.T•IS, Editor and Publisher G a .A.• AMBULANCE CAMPAIGN THE.. ST. JOHN A y you, read thisthe St. t.Jo John Am- their.z.'number n Uer s ometue w hohas taken en a bulauce Campaign goes l:nto'its final week eourse in First -Aid or Home Nursing. Goderich. Those of us who Undertook There are also those who promote spec - • the publicity for .the campaign are fully tator sports, who are equally pleased to have aware of Gide' myriad of calls which are St, John men standing by night after night made continu9usly throughout the year on to ameliorate any accident sustained, wheth- the pockets' ant purses of Goderieh. Even er by the players themselves or by ,mem- so, the number of individuals who have bers of the audience, This final week, it already subscribed and who themselves is to the employers and.pr'omoters of sports receive little direct benefit from the actual that individual letters have been address - work of the Brigade, must enjoy a feeling ed. For these, the Brigade in action has r`=' df �`satisfactien that such an organization been demonstrated. The Campaibn Com - is in being and stands ready to help the mittte hopes that these too, will not be injured. unmindful of the services which the Bri- On the other side are'those who pro- - gade 'has rendered, and will continue to ,vide employment for varying numbers of render. - . our fellow citizens and who yealize how The Treasurer is M>_ II. G;' Spring of advantageous it is to the morale of their. the Royal Bank of Canada. Box' -370, God: business to know that there is amongst efich. 143F' • �r - .: = sem.. raga. 4uu•... av:..•' Atc.e, rw77T'ta.f.7:-....,,,,-72,,'" ,,0\1',";;;;0.r. ,a: If you were to review the history of •that should not be forgotten is that any are Parents can have a retarded child' --- even numerous ``good causes", Nhieh`today when both parents are -clever,- university accepted as such and -given due financial graduates, or what have you.. Whether ,- ort :, and. unde,rstandi.zlg,_. 'ou would t . _ s c have a ,. support .. 1- re ii --. oor ai ent auA, . 1' t -le .a r 3 p:, • a , ,n4♦i �t -.. _ «'a§ . a_ time en their -p eas i etas tied child• ..e fut1= sigirifieance' . ofT .S_.3 d-.,-www°.yrG...,• v.>+.+v. v�'+.a..... .., . - ,� w ,� , ... .....C,i: T �. - ___... S ! - , - ... 4.. ., it - ' were almost' ignot•ed. Although it bas floc' the need dor . undo rs,tandif ; public sup- * p f rogressed beyond •the primary lstage of port will someday be considerably greafei• its appeal for public understanding, the than it is today '• " . ' 71 `cause of the .Ontario .Association for Re- In the meantime, the public has to be tarded Children has still a long way to go. more frilly informed of the need and have -But sonleday"it will be given the reeog- a greater appreciation of -,what can and is nation to which it is so justly entitled• being done. There is no better way to do The degree of non -recognition -of the this than'to attend the open meeting of the 'work of the Ontario Association for Re- Goderieh and District Association for Re- tarded' 'Children is due. blot: so much to tarded Children to be held upstairs at Mac - the fact that' people do not believe in ,the Tats -Rall on Friday at 8,30 p.m. At that work but to the cause of most things time, Peter °ornery, of Toronto, field sect misunderstanding. , The „ average person 'retary_ of the Ontario Association- for Re - has no conception of the development a tarded Children, will have a message on child can accomplish in, a school for re= the vital -work done on behalf of retarded 'tarded children nor of the 'comfort -afforded c•hildren.....Here's where you can show your • parents to _see this progress. One faet interest with our attendance. CONSERVATION WARNING - A recent` oy°galliia;tional Meeting of the new Maitland Valley Conservation. Auth- ority seems to have set things off to a good ,start. However) there are the usual obser- vations made following such a meeting. ' One' of these- is from The 'Huron Ex- positor, of Seaforth, which says 'editorially : - "'Phe possibility of enlarging, the re- cently established Maitland Valley Con.- servation on=servation Authority• by the addition of the Bayfield Valley was seen following discussions at the inaugural meeting of the-Authorit :last.. week ;- 'r ..:. '- "First rased by The Expositor in :these 'editorial columns early in January, the addition of the Bayfield River Valley would bring full benefits of the authority to-:'Seaforth and other: municipalities now p'. M ESAES FROM : THE WORD. , 'BY GODERICH ,:MINISTERIAL. ASSOCIATION DOUBT to question. In St. John's Gos- pel , we read, "be not faithless, but believing." (20:27) The call of Christ is tom faith, unceasing and undying faith. The Psalm- ist puts the case without frills, "put your trust in the Lord." (Psalm 4:5) And, Jesus says; "have faith in •God." (St. Mark 1I:22). •:._Can.,..L vac.,still •doubt' The channel ' of coinmunicatio is from God to man and never ceases. God speaks to us, day upon day h as He 'wit love . searches out the sinner to re- veal His unsearchable . riches. Our trust ISin the Lord "who made heaven and earth." He has manifest Himself in "Im- manuel," "God with us," and this to erase all doubt. Where stands your faith to- day? With God? With doubt? In our materialistic and ration- alistic world we are confronted PERSONALS with scientific intellectualism. These may sound like big words but they mean, "surrounded with all good things from heaven we are blinded to the Giver, even God." °. Seeing the forest we cannot see the trees. The dynamic of Christianity still lives and works its wonders By Rev. G. L: Royal, „Knox,* Presbyterian Church Au endless contest is waged betwixt a man's faith and his honest' doubts. Questions arise ='thin him that•- coquet with what he wants to believe. Did Jesus really live? 1,s the Bible rue?- ..Can 3 put-'-myti trust- 4n' - the crucifixion and the resur- rection? IS it, a fact that the Risen: Master: ascended to, hea- ven? ' 'Does the Holy Spirit in- habit this • world' of ours and lead men in the way of right- eousness and peace? How dis- quietening these questions are as they meet us in the realm 'of belief. The' Old Testament is a living promise. The Spirit of God is rampant within it. It is a testi- mony to Truth. Whether it was to Abrahani',.. isaac; 'Jacob or Moses the promise came it did come in power and majesty. We read, "the Lord our God made a covenant with us." (Deuteronomy 5:2) In regard, to Canaan we read, "ye shall possess their land, . as the Lord thy. God hath promised unto you." , (Joshua 23:5) The Psalm- ist left no stone unturnes)„,when.311,4MWeVing, receptive heart. he sang, "all the paths of the The Lord of hosts is with us; Lord are mercy and truth unto the God of Jacob is our refuge." such as keep his covenant." (Psalm 46:7) Cast your doubts (Psalm 25:10) What relief and aside' and'lean upon the Lord. c "Have faith in God." a he i t b mfort m o an ;.tial n have, S w ASHFi EtD� ASHFIELD, Feb; 19. -.Misses Margaret Macdonald and Betty Farrish spent the week -end At theii,;,•homes: here, Mr. Da* Macdonald has been transferred from Victoria Hos- pital, London, to Kincardine hospital. Mrs. G. Mon,crief, W.M.S. Hostess. -Mrs. George Moncrief was hostessefor the February meeting of the . W.1Vl.S. which was attended by 25 members, two visitors and three babies, Mrs. D. R. -MacKenzie opened the meeting with a prayer poem. Mrs. Wallace MacLean read the Scripture lesson and exposition which were followed, by prayer. The roll call was answered by, a verse -on faith, and Mrs. D. A. MacLean read .,,a poem. The -study--book- on-British-Guranw 'as taken by Mrs. Donald -Simp- son and Mrs. Sandy Macdonald. Mrs. Emile MacLennan read an article about Miss Merle . Mc -- Gowan, a missionary.` Mrs.-' Wil- liam Ross sang a solo ' and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie Tead the news- letter and led . in prayer. - A discussion on the new 13 1 ow - ship House to be built irl'eWin- nipeg followed. The hostess and the committee served lunch. , .y"�. r . eLteitabsakikkke - i 'on' the banntiiar.' of the present Maitland' Authority: The alternative is to contin- ue a half in -existence of little benefit or sonie'day find the Bayfield Valley included in the ••Ausable Authority. If this latter eventually arises, "'Seaforth, Clinton. and Goderich would find themselves on the outside, looking in to two 'authorities, de- nied direct benefits from either, but forced to pay to both." - * •a WE READ- THAT It takes ' a smart man to know where contentment end's and laziness begins. - It's a debatable question whether- a gpi lea mi§ea a will do any more harm than a " misguided miss. • ` . q. • • am 5% with Safety • $100 or more. ••'- 3 to 10' years • -_ interest paid by- ..cheque .._.- ry _ r „-tic veal in then' 41' 4 ord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and .even for evermore." (Psalm' 121:8) Here abides , a living promise! The Old Testa - no _oo m ' ' earewers allowed for dou=r '''tl efigTiffestn of the Most High,--They„kne bbl.' mighty God had 'shownHim- self to them! In the Nev' Testa- ment the writer .of the' Epistle. tothe Hebrews states quite sim- ply, "for he is faithful that' promised." ' (Hebrews 10:23) Our Lord Jesus Christ, the-real- ization he= real=ization of all heaven's good will toward men, states in the Gos- pel,. "behold, I send.,Uie promise of my Father upon you." (St: Luke 24:49) Thus, can there be any more doubt? ' Still questions arise. Pharoah of Egypt said to Moses and Aaron, ."who • is the Lord, that I should obey his voice?" (Exo- dus 5:2) "In contrast, Christ, our Lord, _said to His disciples, `.`why are ye so fearful?,' how is it that ye have, no faith?" '(St. Mark 4.40) This element of doubt -.lingers and provokes men •r •, -. -= it'i1 it,V-S OR'IcSt °`4'x"4' Three tables were in play on Monday evening at the Dupli- cate Bridge Ciub. Winners and their- scores were as . follows: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hunter, 151%; eo a s.- G H-'1"; - Ski• e , Mrs. W.' G. MacEwan, Mrs. I. Papernick r and Mrs. D. Stoyle, tied with 9, DownMernorvs: lane 50 Years Ago -1912 At Carlow,- a quiet wedding, took place at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Thoma s' Mitchell when their daughter, Minnie, became the bride of W. W. Barlow. The new officers of the Gode- rich Township Rifle Association were: H. ' Montgomery, captain; O. Ginn, • lieutenant; T. R. Run- dle, secretary; Isaac Satilkeld, treasurer. • , Mr: and iVErS". Cr"" A::" -Na` i'7t ,entertained the members of Knox Church choir in honor of Miss Nettie Cowan who was leaving for New Westminster, B.C. f, ;Mrs. Jarvis McBride gave a talk when the Women's Home Mission Society of Smith's Hill met at the home of *Mrs. W. Walter. - • • 30 'Years Ago -1932 - James Wilson, Wilfred Pent- land, John Durnin; and Wallace Gibson joined the Dungannon Junior Farmers. Goderich firemen extinguish - e& a fire , at • the home of -Ken- neth Stowe, East and Albert streets, when flames were dis- covered near. -the roof in -the back part of the house, Jack Woods had,. the liga-• ments-of-his-left.=thumb sprain-.�.: d in a hockeey match between, Goderich end • xe'" ter. George Johnston was install-- ing machinery at • his ice plant on Kingston street, and „hoped to Make seven tons of ice -per' day. 15' Years Ago -1947 J. B. Mills was the new care- taker at MacKay. Hall, succeed- ing . James 'Durnrn. Frank Hamilton shot a wolf near Kiiatail. Leonard Westbrook's ,house on Albert street was badly dam- aged', by -'fire which started in the basement. One -of the fire men, • Ted Bissett, was overcome by smoke and taken to the hos- - 1 ell, ;Ther ipson, :-;son of IVIr., and,,•Mrs. r Ieil T iampson, Que- .bec street, was lin Woodsto hospital • after ' aceidentally shooting himself; '"- Wallace Duckworth; colleg- iate janitor, discovered'!that the school . vault had 'been robbed of about, $255, the proceeds of a school dance.: 10 Years Ago -1952 At a Social ,evening at S.S. 16, East 'i7V'aw.a'nibsh, euchre prizes went .to Shirley Patter. sm "`"and` A11' , cC,ullough,...an' n Lost Mir prizes were won . by Mrs; Reg. Schultz and . i'orman, McClinchey.: .At Kingsbrldg'e, the , '. h eld, .a . card. party : at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lannon. A special service Was held at the Ashfield Pret3byteriaril Church : *het a new. 'eledtrie, organ was dedicated. Mrs, - Don aid Slmpson w'as organiet, and, Finlay MaeDanaald Choir leader., At Victoria St* church,. Ito1- een ^ tt'ebeter Was **iniad to Marvin Roas. . • authorized by. law as investments for:trust funds „BRITISH MORTGAGE - GUARANTEED, . INVESTMENT 'C'ERTIFICATES , " To invest -,see lour° local agent or send your cheque to your nearest British Mortgage office. • Invest today - interest begins the day you invest. ITISH )RTGAGE FRUST MPANY Edward It. Rowlands, <Goderleh Braneh Manager, , West and Waterloo' Streefsi DIAL JA 473$1. kion ,rsariarill•ram Os air U. r.n am imp .Ar wi Ohm - .r. rm. pre 10.. - Miro r. AlQ0 rr. Ori.O „ • Send'ithis tonboiltOlatar nearest'• i sh `or tgage ce fid'Bran%liton • `Goderieht,ufano'ver, Listowel or Stratford. , 1 .. 1 enclose cheque for $. for •i?nvestmenrt for , - years. 1 • , Y M. Please senid Me a free folder giving lhforniatioti. `�1 yr•a. I.YY:. 4 a'r.Yr..M."' ...'Y.Y WM.Y • +�'-1.15.•^.. •.... •, . r rW lrD� r• .Y.N.V.rfr,.Ye *y...i.... ,••••• 00.0 00 f.•...Y..YY..+.rf..f �Vf. rt ficror.• eat ,a.;rw aL +Yui +r»4.4rWii "a 1 „1".`; • 1 0 "k Mr. Carl' Dorland, a former teacher at' G.D.C.I., and now of Ridley College, St.- Catharines., was a visitor in town on Thurs- day to attend the Little Thea- tre's presentation of "The Glass Menagerie." . An enthusiastic supporter of the 'Goderieh Little Theatre, he was - the guest of Mr• and Mrs. R. W. Bell. Mr. and Mrs.,Henry T. Barker, Barlow, Mrs. William ar , Mr. and ,.Barite r., Sn Dodd �� r t S.f �.,.,... to Charles. Barker attended . e wedding of F1'Lt. Edgar Barker and Miss Barbara Ann Johnson in 'Grace United -Church, : Tren- ton, Ontario; on Saturday, Feb- ruary 17. visiting Mr,- Craig's brother, Harry S. Craig, in Glendale, California, for a few weeks. • T. PRYDE IL SON Memorials -- Finest Stone and Experienced Workn•nship Frank MCIIWaIn DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE -~r«•-. JA 4-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. • JA 4-94.65 50tf UR- FPRTUNET If you 'work 40 years, averaging $4,000, you'll earn $160,000. How much will. you KEEP? $2 a week can pro- vide a life -time income starting at age 60. 0 • 'Consult: wan Insurance Agency �acE genc Y JA 4-9531 - 44 North St. FIRE - LIFE.- AUTO - LIABILITY r-'-- REAL ESTATE • - ... its productions have a freshness and a freedom and an artistic integrity that are very rare these days... Ian Sclanders-Maclean's Magazine Mr. Sclande.rs was referring to CBC's TV programming. We sug- gest the very gJah' s he found so admirable in our TV presentations are equally present in our programs on radio° many of which hay. won international awards and prizes for their eycel4enc», • 1 Here are jirsf'a few CIC STAGE/Sundays - CBC TALENT FESTIVAL/Sundays CBC FARM BROADCASTS, Mon -Sat NATIONAL FARM FORUM/Mondays CBC SYMPHONY/Sundays CITIZEN'S FORUM/Thursdays CBC NATIONAL NEWS /Nightly DON MESSER/Mon-Wed-Fri TOMMY HUNTER/Daily TRANS -CANADA MATINEE/Daily NEIGHBORLY NEWS/ Sundays SUNDAY MORNING MAGAZINE /Sundays PROJECT '6, ;Sundays & Tuesdays DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA/Thursdays• CBC WEDNESDAY NIGHT SONGS OF MY PEOPLE 'Mondays CB INDIO r•- w7.y- • 0, •.4 ,0„.,,%, t' e C _-.. coy' WRAP.AROUND I 41P,"„. . 't'; .4 MARINE p WARE ACCESSORIES; Clear shatterproof plexiglass... non reflective. Fits all outboards. Molded to shape. Complete with all necessary fittings .. ready to install I • .. its easy to do. 42-46" x .12". 46-50" x 12" 52-54" 02" 1 16.95 181995 - (also larger sizes to fit 62-66" x 20") ..... .�..G nom. 611.010 ammo ...o • O. ammoim I E i 524.61m WINDSHIELD BRACKET Gives full. support .. adds smartness.' With ,fittings. • 3.98 Pair m ,.n ERMAID MARINE :KITS tJL 41 4 IT Complete with Bow 'Light;' Stern.Light, Pennant Pole, Red Ensign;,and;1 Push-PuIl Switch. Lightsand' Pennant Pole at- tractively chrome plate d: Worth $15.00 ' 0 e { 4j / R '67)' tt;Laric �-�^�-• rye, KIT_ 4�. 9y3 With four nylon pulleys, two cable clamps, two extension springs, four_nylon ycable .guides and 35 ft. of tiller rope. Comp 1 e tee for installation. 'Chrome plated • DECK HARD ,ARE KeT Jra.59 Includes a p a.i r of transom handles. One, 5 -inch cleat; two 31 -inch cleats; pair of 42 - inch chocks. In gleaming. chrome plate, '. . '. to really spruce up '.your craft. ryV SURFACE MOUNT SPEEDOMETER .Black figures on a *hite dial ShoWs speeds from 5 to 35 m.p•li• Chrome plated i d_ die;.cast •.cQristruet Qn - R� .�. needle. 21/2" dial ' diam.' With fittings 7.9O •111011B0.0 UNIAINISS 4111,010000 }u; r .rte.:. 1• S' ll�a9 FiC _ fid mar• Rt:S» u ACET01I 'a /rht�rurlulnit1111 , SWIVEL MOUNT Barr 'COMPASS ro •Compass dial re m a i n 5. level at all times --regard-' less of .boat angle: Large, easy -to -read luminous dial •---` loa�ts�'-m-- il-for---greater- accuracy. °al ® Each INUEI 111111111011110 1 1 4n -fro?: e. .tib. Q'OLFINIT£ peck and hull paint, "Fresh water and'cop- per bronze bottom • paint Exterior h u 1.1 hit° p acht w fi sh i� .. e�•rx - m - •! AS low' as, pt..., 6 or 12 -volt BOW 'LIGHT -With °red and green Fresnel lens' 4,11' flag• pole socket. 7" long, 3" high. Action 'engin' • eered in trim Lines ...,,... 2•QQ Others from .;.._3.75 k\\, N "MERMAID' SUPREME" Ste rin -Wheel Attractive„ and handsome "twirl - spoke", design for added strength. `In•.2-color finish: B 1 h,,e and White, Gold,,, „M. �el -B'laCa`l$'`�"diilli and low and wbii.te. -40 ne Each ..,. o Make" yow craft waterproof, • shockproof-' - PIBltE-GLASS. REPAIR KIT .9$ Layers ,. 154 sq• ins. The fast and easy way to do inexpensive patching jobs on your boat: Finish can be sanded . and painted. Laughs at extremes, of temperature, sub 'or water. Complete with Plastic R e s i n, 'Hardener, Fibre - Glass, Cleaner, Filler, Applicator and easy-to-follbw instructions. Covers 440 sq; in. 4.89 Covers 880 -sq. in: • 7.19 �_.prmai'd" BOAT -TRADER Free -wheeling, easy" hauling. Husky channel steel! construction. With `•pa'rldbg ki Safetr'chaiir fenders; "winch' -mast, bliWzrCst'ro7ler."t e--er- rollers, ,transom .Lads. 400/8 tires,- Wheels • with. high ,speed : roller bear`, 9 \ .;y nrrrN !'Sx ,,, . Y• ing , rease:s a s a • r : : h , f' . " =� a ,• . olive and surf white automotive type ;: finish. 500 -ib capacity. _ i 18.95 Heavy -Duty Model As above but with' 'automotive type leaf spring, curie* re- lease tilt attachment, "giant size" Tran - . a ;, som pads, extra long keel ro l l e r s and 300 -lbs. capacity - 169.95 O ch4r , Il• Comdrete seieciion,,bf °fittings' --to .quip ,our doek. STERN C route Plated brass with white all -horizon -lens. Ad. - • jtistabl height. 23" -high. 6 -volt 4'O �• J. w.. .00; BU1LDyOUR.-oWN DOCK, bol -Yourself and save >„ w Canadian Tire bock, Pier Fittings. ▪ Easy to set-up. Cast steel dock brackets with locking set screws (see listingbe- ft • •Y_'q•1r`and Qur-own pre-cut wood p lu s _1' r`pipe give-eyowan.eednomical", per- manent' ` *TA) dock, Build to any length. o1 in• :"T" and "L" shapes. Pointed base for rocky bottoms.' flat base for sandy. bottoms. Adjustable for high or . low water. Build on beach„in sections.. . place in water after construction. - (A)' Topp Plbir �'S r , ' C) Pointed ��!! ting,eacb . it -Base. each I fowl. 0T•Plpe.Side ri(1D ' Cartier 41•sic ming. each •I.07, Fitting. each ..•...' o blittliase ASSOCIATE STORE -80 NOtitli STREET GODEitttitt •