HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-02-15, Page 9ANG Tsicing as. her KElaa.blb eiiscab, su b jet , w .TheTretC'i h Caro dahghteroh.Claud �e iU, ead•ofte;math. ematics department at GDC1, .and Mrs. Kalbfleisch, won the senior• eentestfor public speak- ing- at GDCI on Wednesday" of last week.. • Winner of the junior contest - was. Priscilla 'Antorosordaughter• of bffr, and Mrs. G. Amoroso,, R.R. 3, Go derich.. ' Juniors ; for the contest were taken from grades 9 and, 10, while seniors werecfrom grades' 11' .and 1:2, ' The final 'contest: • sler-10,rfierstwas.on January l;7: A .Wa.4 of ?0 per cent of the muni wale ' given "for. the 'man- ner 'of delivery of the address with 30 per cent given for con- tents of the same. u CARO. ItA1., school' was required to give' an' , *' '" address . power more frighten ng� than, seine time ago with elimination contests held to' sel- ect finalists for the contbst. 'ed propaganda. Propaganda is Following is the text of thea device used to play upon the address of Card Kalbfleisch on ignorance of the; common • peon thedbject,. "The Power- of The ple. With the use, of .thin de - the a., vice, the .opinion,, of the people WAIU .... This heart -grip- may be swayed from one belief ping, hlopd-chilling: headline 'is .to another. It is always pre-• read bx hen ds of thousands. • Bent, yet:seldom seen:. - By The n happy -:are con- Propaganda, 'among ether fac- tors, ' we are made to believe vented •.tor.' terrified beings. A that our common enemyis Rus - way.., : ,despair" crashes over mount nand plain, making all sin. Certainly, Russia does dif- search . for hope and gasp for, fer from our country immensely as it has b nth. Such is the power of a Communist govern- th ress• mel�rrt while we have a Demo. zx . J another s government: Certainly, inly ,t the .press has usaggressive.a2if/=3-K :..: . ��}� �o promote hate? .f s it not �os- u •, -Sible that without, propaganda our opposite would not be Rus- sia, but, perhaps, Rhine? Yes, prodJb coungy prints ,only thele facts tr zf-whieh-sh r n ; b3 -.hen :.. i - -:people---This e-terine!fi lying,as the.. papers. do. not; tell "'falsehoods; but manage- to omit many pertinent facts. A proof of the' power of the press is the fact that the Rus- sian. government insists on hav- ing -control b f all that •is print ed in. --their newspapers. An example of this was the drop- ping of the fifty megaton bomb. The- Russian people were in- formed that this was -a necessity because the Americans, through their nuclear testing, had forced -Clueing and testing bomb$ It' has been stated that propaganda is a popower;•as• great as a'bbmb, smashing '- public: 'opinion rather •than: public buildings.•, fourteen -year-old son asked 'his father what was meant by, .diplorrratic phraseology, My son, the father refiled;; fhhta"if xryottella-....g f that a .• time im e standsstill..sou gaze. ,into er eyesthat'diplomatic aseoloy. But if -you sellh r at her facewoldt clocklook- out, boyYou're in' it!'i• Perhaps if the„ newspapersto- day' aday' : would use a little diplom- atle phraseology, the wworld *Old ,be a mole pleasant. place in which to .live. Oftetr news;; .papers. try their hardest to prat startling stories and gaping,, headlines, Frequently anex- aggeration, of • the `lurid details is 'Present. ' 'This has the power. •af- making people believe that the 'world ig worse ` than it ae= tually is. A newspaper in .demo- cratic countries is a figure of freedom. As such, it should hold an honest, straight -forward lag -4. of the world news. Too. often- pleasant stories are forgotten, • or. printed on the back pages. The press can,alsobe a power for good. `Human interest .stor- ies are .contained in the text of ' the 'newspapers. 'These stories play ..on our sympathy, fnd often help is sent to the amilies in difficulty .. by . good- willed.- ood- willed- readers. The press keeps us"unformed of scientific progress,and helps toy explain. many o • the problems of the world. A colorful, if not wholly accurate, picture of the_direct conflict between the United States and Russia is presented. The intricate workings of our ave ent--.cannoto _f r�ttYi go 0 awaiting any. °-possible news items, Yes, the press is a good influence, and keeps us well informed of the'more imp ortant happenings of the world. But we cannot • talk of news- -apo s°' atxtt• o funrri Many of `its live for • the com ics, and.. only too_ often, this is. the only section of the paper read. Lately, I have noticed, the news- paper- has taken on a more personal note. All • .problems may be -sent to "Dear Abbey," and answers to even the most difficult love - questions are printed. This is a great help ,indeed ! ! ! Newspapers, unfortunately, tend to be prejudiced towards a party, a person, or an action. By means of propaganda and other devices, this party,,. pe 'thli iN� Fi. GRI�QNIa .a.. rWALTER ;1 LA1 1SE1N` Dominion Tar & Chemical Company,n Lirmitedannounces the following promotions effective March 1; ' Irwin H. Groom becomes General Manager of Sato' -Salt (1960) Limited, Mr. Groom joined the " Company in 1960, following 14 years' experience in dinginical sales and,. Marketing. Walter P. Lawson, xformerly Viee-President and General Manager •of Sift° Salt (1960) Limited, becomes Development Director for a group of 'Dominion Tar'sahenfl al companies. These include Sifto Salt Limited; Canada Creosoting Co. Ltd.; Chemical Developments of Canal Ltd.; the Coal 1 Tar Products Division; and the Lime Division. A graduate of Dalhousie University, Mr. Lawson has been with Dominion Tar since 1945. - , Advt. PROTESTS REMOVAL OF GRAND BEND RECORDS Lambton County lawyer Jack Cullen has protested the gig. gestion that Grand Bend regis try records now kept- at the Huron County Registry Office be moved to the new registry office at , ferns .� fie toted•- t - woc� ld • resent=seriouscilettOrtattttiliez son, or action is condemned. ' In the words , of the well known 'aiitlioi',"-'There's so much good the worsLoL much s , 'behooves any of us to talk about the rest 'of us." . f believe that the , press • should merely state facts; and forego giving an opin - ion. TORIA ST. 'WOME 4 — - STRESS VISITATIONS ' `he,• eeond ,after loon meet - , \of .. •e of the.Unit, �' 0 n' \s tion Asci b:� �.:. %tl, . . 3t , Gh s � u ,pf Victoria- :Street.\church. is held' in, \the dei urch 'basement • aS4.4h7^C s,..... y. D arn. f. MM b. i , rp1 nt�accRtethA�charr , o nned th eetm .` The dvotioal":exercises �'were • Ie b ``• Mrs.' Jon McDon, ld assist-' ed a7 i l ad.Mrs: e 4"t'e � by , Ston: ' t Anruea J , ::sto \ ..,, Mfrs: llo bs`took.char a of the businessperiod which full wed. ;Personal visiting " and the .reg cruitipg of new -,members was, especially ,Stressed. ` This was followed by a Bible,studyn taken from the books of Acts and Corinthians by Mrs. J. Cran- ston. Scripture readings, were given. by, Mrs; -F.,.Wilson; ; Miss Ruby Young and Mrs. L, Wal. ters.. The meeting was brought o a close by the readingof a Bible verse by Mrs. Robb, fol- lowing ; which alight lunch was served ' • • SA WG Miss Anna M, 'Whaling � � Iced; Sunday ,evening°, January 31,. ant sto w e error s al: A w al� o � , 1 M i N .• pit daughter of "the, 'tate Mr,' .and Mrs. ` Jame$ : Whalir g, Eiliee Township, she . ;was. 'born- M.` ; fi, 1897.. Miss Whaling" resided. at St. Mary's Teeter -Jr, Hesson, as housekeeper W. '. Graham for the paskthree Years, prior Octrtee wr ?hic.h• OW' ."residedwat tm, C In on ;t! Father- Graham.°• was stationed there She was a member of Tom, Gedea Signal , the Catholic` ,'Wines,, Leap, and the • Sacred Ret Loagu Vit. Ma 1►'a.. Church, Ifo ssarat¢, x a Su V vin g.�$ two' n�x t i.Joseph and , James, - :both of Illi; 'Township;, flu'W.olotersi.' Mother, M. Inez,•',of ,X.etetto Cott vent, Guelph; s::.;,ow.ard (May),Bannon• Stratford; .:Mrs• Catherine Chisholm, 'Goderich, Requiem high mass was sung by Itev.'Father :Graham. Burls followed: in Avondale cemete • Mrs.'Catherine :Chisholm -and Tho• Mrs. ` 'ru. ` Meyer,, of• 'Coderiieir, h Attended the funeral;�. ,. ,Slava A by buying .1rOa a T i and 'Tv • .: V Tebaa lit' ations where there would be two,,, ' offices concerned ' in the search for -deeds and ,titles. 'When, Grand Bend voted 12 years ago to be wholly in Lamb - ton. County,- the records . of the north half ' of the village then belonging, to Huron County were kept in Goderich. These -re- cords' ate back ..,moc than_,100 a A • ' gra' g,:adle iieeaush of lack -of space.. in the old Lambton registry office. - Now Lambton county has a spacious new registry office. GODERICH JA 4.9151 tf However, the power of the press does lie., in talking about "the rest of us" to both "the best of us" and "the worst of us." The power' will, rennain in the press and more opinions,. will be swayed by the. press. Prejudices will be heated and hatred confirmed. Such is the pgwer_af the press.. 4 YEAR PERFORMANCE %RECORD NET GAIN IN"•PER• SHARE VALUE JUNE`i:30, -1957 TO JUNE 30, 1961 j w•ry� CANADIAN STOCKS _( Average Tor./Mtri. Industrial:Indexes j' ° + 18.5% 'AMERICAN STOCKS,-(-Dow-Jones 35.9%p t,• American Growth Fund is a „CANADIAN Mutual Fund investing -in: the dynamic "Growth- through 11esearch". industries cif the United States. -•,c:. ..:,.»,.t u.dr:.:, y ' .c.�4. ,,c�,»+a .,a.�. t,..r.w�,.F,bl"a.'M!.�. - ---._ ..-.: ,DIVIDENDS ELIGIBLE. FOR 26% INCOME:.TAXSREDIT �. • SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 AT 8.30 P.M. •- 15 GAMES. — $1.00.• . - • The prize for each regular game will be $12..00. 4 SHARE -THE -WEALTH Jackpot Combined: JACKPOT OF $90.00 IN 58 CALLS. Sponsored by Canadian Legion Branch 109. No person under 16 admitted:To' Legion Hall 'VALUES VP TO 12.95 SKIRTS:— Straight and: .full styles. Plains, .plaids, now' elties and corduroys. Broken size and color range. ROO.M GROUPINGS-. - itt-piece Bedroom Suite with a choice of finishes . $199.00 12 -piece Dining Room Suite in modern, French Provin- cial or Scanda styles, your choice for only ... .... $199.00 bU.FLECOAFSTReg.19.95$7.99 —MEN'S EN'S — 20 ONLY .CAR COATS ' $12.99 G E RR /_,- • MEN'S and LADIES' . WEAR Square ' - Reg. to 24.95 35 'South St. 5 Coinplate with spring filled ' 'wateeproof mattress. Crib has '•Roxatorie 'finish. Many items to choose from in this odds and ends clear. ante. Come in and browse around. We are sure we have something for you. - -ORE 'APPLIANCES" 52 S bare _ - N.T. ORMANDYZI€&9 94 SQUARE • GODERICH For every' purchase you make and for whir. you Rey cash you will automatically receive a 10% discount. If you always n buy for•�cash why not .shop `with us and save monay? McCIary-EasyFreezers 20 Cu. Ft15 Cu: � EEG. c 379 95 REGY Y'01/ SAVE 70.00 YOU SAVE $0 00 FLOOR OOVEEXNUS ' and ALMA tiATATS 61 Hnni tof .1St, a . 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