HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-02-15, Page 8Godenieh Signal -Star, tfihursdaY,. FeIu 1► 1962 l:'AC. REGENT . °. b:e,- wt?'rk. accotnpisbted dur- of rnq><tibers. Each member pre;. 1 1 wa `"revl.: wed and the sent contril?utes ' a Small fee o to coverthe cost of the lunch installed f�e +o .cera for 1962 W re when the annual meeting of thel,and the balance ' is pint . in. a Maple of the Empire, ,. a .. .� a Leaf Chapter,„ Imperial `special'und,'.which is used for ' -' o mp , e,ir flowers for members who are was held at the home of Mrs. R. hospitalized. A tea committee, l-th.. on February 6th. The elected',`each. year, is _in charge regent,Mrs. C. Edward, opened of refreshments. at .the meetings° eMeeting' hand the standard and at other 'Chapter functions , was `carried by Mrs., J. W. during the ye'ar- Coates, "Two of the IA` regular meet - 'Two. . new members, Mrs. C. ings were dinner meetings and ''Kalbfleisch and Mrs. Lockhart at two others, special speakers Royal took their affirmation and were 'heard. At the April meet- -were welcomed into the Chap- Ing the .Chapter was pleased to • for, have a charter member as guest The annual' meeting followed speaker and to'hear of the work With . reports froth: treasurer, of the Victoria. League, whose Mrs, R., • W, . Hughes; assistant helpful interest and guidance treasurer, I.Virs. N. T..Ormandy; made her trip through the Bri assistant secretary, 'Mrs. J. W. tish Isles so delightful. It;_June, .Brjtnell; empire and world af- thy Chapter enjoyed a pot luck fairs, ..Mrs. G. Ellis; common- supper party at a member's wealth relations, Miss J. Saund-J summer home on Lake Huron. ars; film convener, Mrs. E. Wea- "Mrs. E, L. Riggs, of Windsor, ver; ,immigration and Canadian- provincial organizing secretary, ization, Mrs. L. Walzak; public was a guest speaker at the Nov-. relations, Mrs. B. Erskine; mem- ember meeting and her enthusi- bershlp, Mrs, H. Bettger; Echoes grit for, and knowledge of .the Secretary, Mrs, L. ,Rieck; stand- work of, the -Order were of great and bearer, Mrs. -J. W: Coates; interest., and benefit. The De - education secretary,, Mrs. W. comber meeting was the„annual Schaefer; services at home and Christmas diliner megting at the abroad, Mrs. G. Mathieson; re- Bedford Hotel.. A delicious presentative to Girl Guides, turkey dinner was served at Mrs.% -1 . Spring; representative to Queen Elizabeth School, Mrs. G. Filsinger; flowers, Mrs. R. o Brewer; lunch, Mrs. G. rr; -telephone, Mrs. -R. Bradford. A u uaf-R port _ 'Mrs. K. Hopkinson, submitted the fpl'lowing annual .report: "To avoid duplication of ma- terial, this report will describe activities which are not includ- ed in other conveners' and sec- - r-etariasLaznares. Ho:�ve u. present` an-ever-alt-picture- -`1 n—ev -alIipicture of -v the "chapter's year's •work oe • activities will be briefly- iisted;l interesting .and informative re - "This has been a memorable year for the Maple Leaf Chapter members. as -in .1961 this Chap- ter celebrated .its 60th annivers- ary. Best wishes were receiv- ed from National and Provincial executives. A ':;book entitled "Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire," autographed by Mrs. P. L. Robinson, National president, and Mrs. Morrison Provincial president; will be 'a treasured remembrance of this occasion. "There are 84 members and one life member enrolled in the Chapter.. and 'three members have, taken their affirmation this -past year. There were 10 regu- lar meetings held in :the homes ;cFomplishments tables beautifully decorated for the season. The entertainment event. T e theme of _the show consisted of carol singing,-, a was `F l on Portraits' and this Christmas reading and, colored was illustrated as models step - pictures of a European tour. Aped through a gilt frame to group of Sacitas'.4aw ng doll err the -•,,.stunning fashions Att titalowit i T.wiS :� --.0*R •-off ringer" t and a, "The , flower convener '-sent cessories--were-provided -by local- suitable ocalsuitable cards to members on ,merchants. The models were the occasion of a birth, illness Chapter members; while child - or• bereavement. Members hos- ren of members showed- the pitalized received a rose bowl junior fashions. A reception with a red rose. ,, was. held at the_ close of the "Chapfer-m -�embers attended f :-show: Receipts from the Fash-. `the > m I,Q.D:E. semi=annual eet on "Mir are placed in a Spec- ih London and brought back .-ial Projects Fund and fr n this fund the slam of $550 Was voted for equipment for our local hospital and $50 was, ggiven, to. the Queen Elizabeth `School for Retarded Children. Adams take pleasure in an- nouncing the appointment 'of G. W. (Bill)• Laithwaite as man- ager of Adams .Furniture,-Gode- rich. Mr. Laithwaite replaces Ben Vanderzwag who has taken up another position, Bill Laithwaite is well known ;n the Goderich a area being a 'son of a pioneer family, the late Mr. and Mrs. George Laithwaite, Huron road. Advt. "The Fashion Show, the 'spec- ial project of the year, was Reid in the Collegiate Auditorium in September and was a sell-out ports._. - "The Opportunity Shop con- tinues to provide funds for the greater part of our spending budget. The shop .is kinder' the jurisdiction of a committee set up at, the annual meeting:. The treasurer of the shop looks after all finances and at various in-; teryals . transfers profits to the, general • treasurer.: -The secre- tary sends out notices or `deity' days' to members.- Each mem- ber iernber works at least six half -days a year. 'The shop is open three half -days a week: '"Markers work for a ,two' -month period with a new . marker being- appointed each month. All merchandise,. is donated. • )01)E- O E. it a hol - � _ Viler M o. aX Sc a� Shin.; "i s -r-viees' at home d abroad, ' more than the required allotrnent:•`was sent•forovers a relief and Christmas gifts were giveni tothechronic patients he.lo . al hn spltal. A ,wreath. was presented at the cenotaph, onInnMemorial Dayf ds and.. �! were vGtedto sendadeserving vt ng Girl to ca ...p. The Chard er-rn fnber!s sponsored t e Re Cross campaign, assisted in the Cancer canvass and. donated to the St. John Ambulance Fund. A gift shower was held` for the Cancer Cupboard and this de- ppartment' continued. to support •t" . e. Gree bey adopted k� ek b y adopted :through the Poster Parents Plan. "The Chapter • entertained 3'f New Canadians at ,a coffee party following the citizenshipp cere- mony at the Huron County Cpurt House in November, un- der the Chapter's citizenship and Canadianization program. "The Chapter is a member of the local branch of the Na•• tional Film Board and has'found this a useful affiliation. The empire and world affairs con "The Chapter has always .been proud of the word done in its educational department. This year two : bursaries: were award- ed to`Collcgiate•graduates.-aTro- 'phtes were :given to Public and Separate'Schools to' be" usea. as proficiency • awarda in Grade 8. The committee attended the opening of -the new St. Mary's School. The adopted school was maintained and 'donations were .made. •to the Queen" lrlizabeth Schiot and to needy art Stud- ents-for tud-ents-for supplies. A local Grade 13 "student was awarded an ✓ er presented an ,excellent �series on South Africa as Well • 4interest peg Mi Leri . from rl The 'EGfiOes secretary made e necessary contributions to R� ismagazine and .m.a • b e r - ship conve?lor has.been active. The commonwealth relations converter has brouhtotrat - tentiontoertcstrng details in her *work. "The work of tete Chapter las been before the, public en 'many occasions through the local newspaper, the Goderich .Signal Star. Pictures of; our special- prei4cts and accounts of regu- lar.- .meetings_ always , receive prominent space ,and excellent headings. The Maple Leaf Chap- ter appreciates this co-operation from the editor and _his staff. "The Chapter's' standard has been present, at' regular meet- ings, -where ceiling heights per- mitted.. It was present. at, the coffee partyfor New"Canadians" Canadians; Christmas dinner meeting, Semi:Annual in London, fashion show and at the cenotaph on Memorial Day. A new-' tandard was, purchased and dedicated in ST. HELENS, ;Feb 12. -;- d*Misses D. Ruttier for , a Mc- Intyre nd Isobel i Ber pent fendayss with Mr• and Mrs..Gordo.Me. Int re -and n,of RichmondIll. Miss Mary 'Murray � d MrS . Tena Drayinan, of Brucolield, are. visiting in Hot Springs, Ar- kansas, for .a month with Miss Murray's cousin. Mr. ,and Mrs. Allanllfiller ouglas and Lori; were recent v sitars with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Robb, of Ashfield.. Also visit- ing there were Mr. and Mrs: Jack Wilson, of 'London,_ Whitechurch Y.P.U. will pre- sent theirone-actcomedy, "Bachelor's Baby" in St. Helens Hall on Friday night. There will also be a variety concert. an„'impressive service • at the - October meeting., t , "Donations have. ben made tei the following" finds: pro- vincial—Lucy ro-vincial--Lucy Morrison Fund for Education, Services at Home and Ahmad, Special Re resent rivets ,Fund, lm Fund; nation- al, — commonwealth Relations, OXerseas Relief, Korean, Pro - 1 in �' • j,ectsk Sh pp g Fund; Peace. Garden, Emp19yee's- Pension, Canadian Scene and the Can- adian kimo,Fund. • .'..."Under the capable leader- shi of the regent, Ars. C. E d-- ward, the past year has b er a-7most• successful one in all°, phases of the work of the Order.. Mrs. J. W. Wallace, Regent.. Mrs. R. Breckenridge,con- vener of the nominations- com- mittee, presentedthe following slate of officers for 1962•Rg e - gent, Mrs. J. W. Wallace; .1st wise -regent, Mrs. A. G. Kerr 2nd vice-regent, Mrs. A. M. Harper; secretary, Mrs. K. Hop- kinson; assistant secretary, Mrs. J. Skeoch; treasurer, Mrs. R. Smith; assistant treasurer, Mr's, N. T. Ormandy; ed ‘ication, Mrs. J. Hindritarsh; Echoer;` secretary; Mrs. L, Meek; services at home and abroad, Mrs. G. Mathieson; citizenship and Canadianization, Mrs. C. Edward; commonwealth relations, Mrs. W. A. Oakes; ern- -- gra and world. affairs, its u 1 1 s a to L t. b E rskine; °na�embersh'tp, : Mr's; R. Breckenridge; ,standard bearer, Mrs, '{l". Gardner, Ilii convened Mrs. R. Nelson. ° The Chapter's • appreciation was expressed by Mrs. G.• Ellis With to the retiring effi�cer , '.the n ew re he enc Mrs. JWallace, the i W. alae, � cha r, the following business ,was cussed and ,'committe�es .appoint ed: Opport.ttiity Shop'. convent, ers, Mrs,. F, Curry 'arid' Mrs. °R,.. ,W. Hughes, assisted by Mrs. L. Walzak, Mrs, C. Edward, Mrs, Menzies,- Mrs, M1 Math- ers; ' Opportunity Shop treas. s. . .lire r NfrG.Ke •Opportunityrtunic y Shop .'secretary, Mrs.. J. Vf,6 ,,, nell; Canadian Association of Consumers' convener, Mrs. -R: W. Bell; tea committee, Mrs. B. Ross, Mrs. B, Ainslie, Mrs. .J, Don, r„,s. . Ony, 'Mrs.nellyC.ScholtzM. N. MrsT. A, ` M:rma, Hdar:, per,- Mrs. -W. Macta -en; ,tele- phone tele -phone convener, Mrs. R. Brad- ford; ways and means convener, Mrs. A, -Allen; hospitality con- vener, Mrs. S,. Prevett; flower convener, Miss J. Saunders; re - 7-. a i beth t X8 to rB u t u . Ia4Za p � Q e� , Sehool, Mrs. G. Fileinger • "pre- sentatixe to Girl Guides, Mrs,". Spring. Mrs chair- manh', Curry is to be ba man of the Red Cross canvass which ' the Maple Leaf Chanter. Ywif sponsor in Marcb. Mesdames G. Mathison A-. M.Harper,d- B. J. in l� Rosh x Hind - marsh vol rrtsr h hnd K. Hopkinson nn teered to canvass for' the Can- cer Socie4ty. • . Mrs. `3. W. Coates thanked~ -' the hostess for, the Ilse of her - home. Following the singing of the Queen and the retiring of the standard, a social half hour was enjoyed. BRIDGE SCORES Five tables werepla" at the Duplicate Bridge Club on Monday evening; Winners and'` their scores were *as follows: UP- __?• M,, nun ieilx And - Singer,. 46%—points; M. ani ']Virs. F. J. Curry, 41 points; Mrs. F. H. Lee and Mrs. W. G. Mac - Ewan, 381/2. points; Mrs. R_' Wheeler ' and Mrs. J. V. 'Thomas, 37 points. .if the tub and pail were wooden, she'd be back in pione°er`'days. SUDS SAVEi . • '," WIDE RANGE WATER CONTROL •' Warm or ColdRisers - -• • • 5REAttTG.UARANT'EE ONR WASHEn Irt CO1VEN ENtt4N ,C,LEAN•'OUT SAFETY DOOR SWITCH MANY .OTHER WONDERFUL FEA- TURES TOBR(GHT N .WASHDAYS FOR YOU. Now get hot warner from. :our hot water ;tawbeMver i w• -.•with ass wter heater -the- �stes met rodofallMflou4witit -�.� ,a p n , T I me ' the time from' the hot water tap, Turn ' auto from the hot water tap. • That s. what you want made natural as water heatin See our�Iocal Get .it with natural as. g' g ° 'plumber dealer; He'll give -you all the details tells - SPECIAL PURCHASE OFF.ER- in_g y_ou how to make easy. payments : on' your Natural gas is, by far your best bargain wheri it comes t'c ,heating Water. It's clean:';' Quiet. De- pendable. Inexpensive, And all automatic.' An automatic natural gas heater works -s� much faster than other methods that you can even 'get. by with a smaller storage tank --Which gleans a sav- ing right off -the bat: Start getting,hot water all > N ���3 . Effective till March 24th;. 1962. •.Na. regular 'monthly gas°bll.Choose from a riun' ber • Down Payment: • nigher Trade-in Valuei. C RNA JIAN GA4 AARnf,A,C, of leading makes and rnodels�—alf with the Chia- • 'a$ier MonthlyX''aymsnts'an your errs $ !'. r r ' M'PROYED - dian.Gas Association Seal of approval. Hot water V'ISI'T YOUR PLUMBER PEACE