HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-02-08, Page 9B. .
adiex+ G. MacLeod Rims, ported �~;repostdroull. cutting.
MOP iia o
.Id li ans b cthe
we We � in
.weapons;e a..
February, is the: month in; aura of the Crusades, . and., it
which the. St, John Ambulance would not have been surprising
Association campaigns for tunas to, have turned a cotter and.
to- keep the Goderich Beigade been face to face with all the-
44- being for another year of
voluntary seryjce tothe com-
munity. A couple of weeks, ago
we goe7 you some . of the. past
_Year'S manifestations. of the
Goderich Brigade of the Vener-
able Order ,of St John of_Jerus-
alem, once ref rred` to a he 'drenched. Obese:-goldbsh ;cal- Thursday' and attended the fun-
e as:the axil 1 win of
iglrts of Malta: This week ld. , -b .Paola 1 �Y o., eraT Qf their aunt -Mrs; Peter'
`"a few litres on the histo of 'bubbles, ,All was peace & Bu Walder
AUB Feb* :. .Wil- Sproul, oda f, ''$0 Hat.
liam Stmt tiara visited • t endB1 m
•l,. =O.h;° eryt , Pette *OM
in. the, viliage"',last Wednesday, 'Mrs.Bert ,Craig's:.to Miss. Betty
Mr. and MI. $traugbanare.at Durnina, : Pats.
y Nancy y
present in:,Wingha with they 4ndeon,, •Eathaleen.aHalle
grandchildren e xBorbara .Carter, PAW, .Rued
da hter Mrs. ThomasJardin•• BrendaRall, Brenda East, from
and Mr, Are on a holiday. Miss Betty ,Durnin'e to Mr. Keith
trip to Florida. Arthur s, LindaAndrews, Linda
Mrs,, Arthur, Grange attended, Wilson, Sharon Bali, ttyHal-
the.annul At Home of the lam;, from. William L. Craig's:
a or enc_ ors o ego as to Tom Cunningham s, Wayne
•heracters from 'Scott's "Tanis- str tf d T h ' College; last
man." ` We repaired a few mile .
distant to-,, - 111404 .14rich, at. the
Summer .Palaceand ulater ,ste
ped out into the orange ...,Such
well manicured trees I never
did see, The garde was sen
Friday evening. Clarence -4 al-
Mr. end Mrs, .
sten ` of Seaforth, and iss Llla
Youngblut, Iteg'.hN.,"'of Godericn,
visited with the 'ladles' brother,
Mr. Arthur 'Noun ut, ' last
the Order.' history we returned :AO the.; seaplane ,-Mrs. George litigant and sena',
o. thi erson , i . base the *raid warning sound-, J nn'and Paul visited .0n
N <,.., ...baiting P _ can gg a}t'n oh y . , . t
none, or be entirely. .apathetic ed. We went out on to :the Monday with her parents, Mr.
to,' a creed which, established hard,-m-to-watchr-One cif -_o and- Mrs. -John- Livermore and
first in A.D. 1041, persists to planes was • missing and two Miss Joan, at Clinton.
the present ; day,based on pro• rescue launches put out to sea. Guests with Mr. and' Mrs.
vidingsuocotlrvoluntarily to But the Luftwaffe was still Oliver Anderson and Nancy, and
t gup its Mrs. Edgar. Lawson...,were,
the needy. Nine hundred••and ,building i strength- ..
twentyyears ago aspark was short months the theyWilliam Anderson of Lon on;
g In,.. -,three o a
struck its purpose to care for Were- flying.400 sorties , a day, Mrs. Elizabeth Hill and Miss
- the pilgrims- to the Holy Sepul- 5717 a month. In. April 1942, Sadie Carter, of Goderich, and
chre Jerusalem and to main- 6720 tons .bombs were drop- Miss Margaret R. Jackson.
u►, o� �
tam the latter sacrosanct for ped on the ° island which was Congratulations to Mr, and
Christian The idea kindled virtually isolated . by sea and Mrs. •Sandy Andrews on the
i in 'men andonlyoccasion a accessible birth• of their son in Goderich
lm>t 4 .. n1ly ,,by
money frons every corner of, air. Losses'in pilots and planes hospital this week.
Christiana, Europe: With the edged toward • breaking point. Miss ° Helen Youngblut .and
submergence of the Knights On Hitler's birthday Malta had Miss . Anna Marie . Schneider.
Templars, a ►urely°military or the "all clear" for only two have begun theirccaaining : in
-der, the Knights of St. John hours out of the 24. , Casualties the Certified lefirsieg�Assistanwts'
assumed. the dual 1 f soldier fi ally amouinted to 'n every course at Wingham general Dou
Arthur,, Mark Arthur; from.,TAM;
Cunninglham s to John Wrightle,
BiU Lap Douglas Archamabat;
front ' John Wri ht's to , Walter
Cunningham's, Lorne • Doer,
Wayne Mi ion;
J.C. Attendance Awards.
Forty-one Pupils earned cer-
tificates for regular attendance
at Junior Congregation at Knox
United - Church last . Sunday,
Twent nine attended 85% of
....�.. , , ,.TV.et ed
the •�` ., a and roc v
'tii� e
stars; . seven attended- 70% of
the. d , r cels- . silver
time � ..,, c .
stars; five attended 60. of the
time and ----received red stars..
Following is ° the list of pupils
arr anged . in alphabetical order:
Gold stare -- Shirley 'Aliment,
Nancy Anderson, Brenda Arch
ambault, Ricky. Archambaulti
Arva .Ball, Daryk Ball, Brenda.
Ball, Daryl Ball, Sharon Ball,
Barbara Carter, Douglas Durnite
Jennifer Grange, S h e 11 e y
Grange, John Koopmans, Klaske
Koopmans, Bill ° Lapp, , , Keith
role o so e . n one i LaPp;- Nan cy LAPP, Mian Mc -
and succoured., In, five centuries 1100 inhabitants 24,000 •• build- Hospital..There. Vie: stud= galb Sett Moss, sherry
Plaetter, Vanda•Plaetzer, Mar
of elm i t° constant fighting the ings weld . destroyed and the ents..in the new close front many Plunkett Allan Spiegelberg,e
Order was forced to retreat suc- palace was badly damaged. towns and villages in the sur-
Webster Murray Wight-
ce,ssively .,from Acre, Cyprus, Today as you promenade :the rounding district.. • man, Mary vvilkin, Patsy' Wil-
Rhodes and -finally to Malta. On a Ip g . m .- Friends of Mr. Bert Craig are l+ciit, Robert Wilkin; s ver stars
-October the 23rd,, 1530; Charles ld' t p b 't pleased to know that he was Gary; ,Anent;' Douglas Arch
V of o$ain granted the - Order able to return home after see-
the island of Malta for its head- oral days in"the Clinton Publicambault, Ronald Durnin, EIdo
son and ,Mrs. James 'J ck
The ' president, ,
McDougall, '►resided • for'. the'
business' mod. The rofl
was .a�ered'' paying °'thu
fop . ,l�'rs,. l�ornYalx Mc
Dowell was- appointed, repro"
tative on the Board Of Stew;;
...t r
s. a n; Were
Of o
P rn eY .
A, e
'made to the Church Flowe
�, the
m -.
Pond Sigma -C boys'
gr u��' n , 41t was
pron eed b Mrs, Lawrence,
d lunchserved
1 tz
Plaetzer was
� _ran..
by the ladies of Unit' One.
Mrs; Teter Waiper°
Pala, . Passages- and remark the
world's most suer suit ofarm-
-our, inlaid in gold', the - bizarre
horse trap and the,. 113th century
Hildebrand, Raymond a Hik4e-
.atf .fa afi e t SLY it : - \ tw r 3x►ti
ed annually on All Hallows .Day• which served Malta : no less Wes. Bradnock- and -Miss Men
=,gate' exalt.. neosicticessed.6alx-gu $ x012 10spittd-,hrandeettwirk• .
Ronald Arthur, Patsy. Million;
has been' subjected o two fam` .and crossbows. She is a Glost- day evening of Mrs. Marguerite
ous sieges, The to
began er Gladiator biplane, already. Chopin and Mrs:" 3. ° C: Stoltz, at . United Church Women
after the, .Knights of .St: John obsolete when World War, 11 Wingham. The United Church Women
had --bald-x-35--years-to::fortify.-th • broke -' out. Yet, in the earl Mrs_. Gordon_ Dobie.._. and Mrs., of n o Chnreknlet in the Sun-
, •_ the second was during_ stages of t e•;si ge , with, "Hope' Wes.� rednock attended " the day School- room with a good
� x�•• �- �- with
�acea`1•�t�`riifi` �� eatGii�t
eg ��
-insigaifxcant..th,at �en._tlle -two .he, he..,island's entire. ia}£orce.� e k 4H" ro ec Separates
siepa'rated:as they are "Faith alone. survived and- 'is for:Selnmer. y girl'" in `-
• by 400 -years, -the- island= defend-
ers nwere inspired to- show val-
our and self-seeriice on a scale
which wiU remain'emblazoned
on the pages of history fol: X11
-,The Turks attached Malta on
May loth, 1565' and did not
capture Fort St, Elmo until. all
the 1300' knightly ,defenders
' • were killed, When. the" siege
was. finally razed in September,
the Turks left 30,000 dead, but
it had cost: the Order one fourth
_ of its knights the fortifications
were in ruins and the excheetuer
' was almost empty. La: "Valette,
the Grand Master, was presented
by Philip -of Spain with a jewell-
Since that day in 1530, Malta gallantly than did the swords Youngblut were guests last°Sun- Kerry' Toll and Lynn Turner:
ed sword and dagger ifiseribed:
V alette- is wdirih , more than Val-
our. It is now 160 years • since
the Order left. Malta, but . you.
will Understand that there xxe=-
• ' mains a certain tradition be-
hind', it which'- cannot be easily
' aiasaid. ' -
�'. lop
The last time we saw Malta
was on a „brilliant morning - in
late 1941. Our Sunderland had
risen with some difficulty from
Aboukir , Bay'. in : Egypt.__and_. its
New Zealand crew flew it low
over the water to deny its belly
to the• odd' Italian - fighter from
Pante a. We landed grace-
fully the, seaplane base at
Kalafrana: , 'The. Governor, Sir
William nobble, who was about
to defy a year's bombing and
famine, was living In the medi-
- �.: acv -palace of: thand- lVlas,.
ters, hilt by .the.. Hospitallers.
of St. Joh They had employ-
ed the mellow cheese -like stone
which is native. The palace_
-was immense' with • a solidity
which rivalled the Gezireh pyr-
amid. Yoe progressed from
gallery to gallery. When - it•
seemed the architect had lost
heart; you discovered another
long,. tapestried passage. Musty,
faded banners floated from- the
roof. Suits - of armour punc-
tuated theApassages. There was
once; stored here, equipment
for 25000 inen. The Walls sup -
now enshrined -where- she be-
longs a .weapon among Weap-
ons, brave with. the - brave and
coladed with a name of her
own, akin to Arthur's' sword
Excalibur and Rolandts . Dur -
andel. '
And so, during this," our Pam-
paign for funds to continue the
voluntary work -'of the St. John
Ambulance Association we
would remind you of the words
of an. early visitor to Malta:
Faith, Hope, • Charity. These
three;• but the greatest of these
is Charity. May you voice the
same sentiment. L - •
The Campaign Sub -Committee
consists of: Chairman, Brigadier
G. MacLeod Ross. Members:
Mrs, May Mooney, Canon Ken-
neth -•.E. Taylor. _ Treasurer: Mr.
H. G. Spring, Royal Bank- of
Canada; Box 370,. Goderich.
The .early German economist,_
Gottfried Achenwall, is remem-
bered in his country's annals as
the "father of statistics." Ile
died in 1772. •
community ywishing to-. -this
spring prosect `could let the
leaders know.' The -first class'
will be held 'on . February 15.
• SigmazC Hockey
A- large enthusiastic -crowd
enjoyed. -the first hockey game
of the season when the boys of
the Dungannon- Sigrna-C played
the Auburn boys. Although the
final score was in favor of the
visitors, each one of the 35 or
more members of the local club
enjoyed 'a few minutes Of Can-
ada's `favorite winter -sport.
he -referee was Rev. Charles
Lewis and the manager of the
Auburn- team was John Wright
Knox United 5.5. Promotions
Promotion • exercises took:
place recently at the �Knibx Un-
ited Church Sunday school of
the following pupils: From Mrs. -
L. Archainbault's class to Miss
Margo Grange's class, Lorraine
Chamney, Barbara Empey,�en
Hildebrand, .:'Glenn - Wightma}�,,
Wayne. Powell; from Mrs. Jack
Armstrong's to Mrs: Bert
Craig's, Mary. Wilkin,' Shelley
Grange, 'Donna Baej h1er., Linda
Funeral services were held
last week~at the J. Keith'Arthur
funeral home for Mrs. Peter
Waiper who passed' away at
.Hulronv-ew after a lengthy.i11-
Cargo tonnage: t Goderich
har or snore e than
1900. to.1901, . according
to hh
ubroermiastof .e�rh, omSahsiplrinitge ardpr
180 were more than five. times
the number recorded in 1.9501'.
.Tonnage ' total for last year
was 720,399, an ,increase' of
512,609 over the .previous, Yeaar.
Shipping : trips' climbed from 65
in 1960. 10,305 last year. -
They 4044110 - '00/4410t r ! '7494004i
iiblic worlts;is pr¢ ug` Planta
:Oft t3ad of C;
�elriave i s�hi �� .fit, -the ,
end ,of: t , d. exde. law, ,100 ,in l of reoen!l
this flection to;'14ovide for added where She . - renewed;,
landing. space ,and : berthing quaintances, She , tIso.. vi ted:
" facilities for Inc dm?ngships, her daughters, ;June and ams.
pess. _ She«...was . in leer- •92nd Mr; Pritchard- also` reacted
yearsformer a
becea Yo bl site" bo►
ung.,.., ut, i 'illi .a..� G d "' h harbor.
ilia, the ,Maitland Bieck of Hullo
Township,, the. daughter of the
late George . Yeengblut mid Eli
-ab tH. P,la . .an did
e d ►acts mine- m --the north side of the
school at -No. 9.- In 18ia3 harbor accounts for a consider -
she was' married to -Peter Wal-
able portion, the report said.
per who v re poli sad.• Neth 219,
-years. g t owing ,e,
marriage they resided on their
'fiarnri on the Auburn -Blyth road.
10g0I13 tons of grain now stored
n s ps o erie
'1 a grain accounts for some
of , the Increase in tonnage, brut
shipping of salt from the: new
a'i e+eVnit";•,0I1 a kik
charge. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetz-
Pr" r`l i' 0"i 6 ii,e"ti+vort
vice which opened with prayer.
Mrs: `•iiliam L. Craig read the
Scripture lesson from Psalm 90.
'.Chis was followed by 'medita
tign. Mrs: William Dodd gave
a reading, entitled "The Land
of Beginning Again." The offer-
ing was received by Mrs,- Nor-
man -McDowell and- Miss Marg-
aret R. " Jackson. Miss . Elva
Gross accompanied on the piano
for the singing, of the hymns.
Miss Margaret It., Jackson read
the first cl1apter of . the study
bookentitled "Hasten the Day."
An interestingg skit on citizen
ship, "Citizenship That Counts,"
was presented, by Mrs. Norman
McDowell, Mrs. William T Robi
Twenty-six 'years ago Mrs. Wal -
per moved to the_ village. -She
was a member of the. Auburn
Baptist Church where she serv-
ed as president of the Ladies'
Aid, and was a member sof the
Auburn Women's • Institute.
Surviving- L one daughter, Mrs,
John (Florence) Daer; Aube
five grandchildren and eight
great-grandchildren. Also.: of
her family of eleven brothers
and sister*, two sisters survive:
Mrs. Jasper- (Clara) Mcl rieli,
Goderich, • . and Mrs. Gordon
(Ella)' Snell, Westfield. One son,
Charles, died in infancy: The
funi}1 service was 'conducted
by Mr. Craig Peters assisted by
l ev. 'Robert .Mea _Tempor-
Irl kx.:.
-Blyth-Mausol+euim °and spring
burial will;, be in the Evangelical
Church cemetery Hullett Town-
ship, on the Blyth -Auburn road.
The .pallbearers were three
nephews,_Arthur Youngbhit,
Donald an'd Ernest Snell; Bert
D# drew45. l to and
Fr nk Raithby,. .
motor.011Bieri ' "re' arc
The Knox:Presbyterian Child-
ren of -,the Church met in the
Sunday : school' room with the
president, Marian Youngblut un
the chair. The .meeting was
opened by repeating the Pledge,
the-. Apostle's Creed and the
Lord's -Prayer, with the flags•
b ,ieg held by Eric Scott. The
The Scripture lesson was read
by Eddie Haines. The leader,
Mrs. Donald Haines, told how
'girls and boys live • in British
Guiana. Margaret Youngblut led
in prayer: ` The minutes of the
previous meeting were read by
the secretary, -Keith -Scoft and
the roll call • was answered by
each member naming a Dis-
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ciple. Wayne Scott received
the offering and all repeated
the offertory • praYer. ;Thes-
sistant leader, Mrs. Kenneth
Scott, told the story of a little
;African. girl -who had been lame
and of how the Christian mis-
sionary doctor had made her
well. °
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