HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-18, Page 6A BURMESE TIME,
MATTER INT. . great eity alone artd penniless, Opisela solely.
George Warnwood, tow in a low chair, Ins by George Farnevood's promise, She coda
tead. reefing on his hand, While Malt Mee, ; not eay more then she had done. She had
armee-him; at his feet, told him how she had set her lover free to do nitat Ids conscience
eotne to Rangoon. After he had left Shway- ; directed, and, left the rest in hie hinds.
aoungyee,. she eaid, her arm Weenie very ' When he left her, alebel leastenea to her
ina indeed, and the got fever. ror more mvo room and remained till her mother came
than a month, she loss ill, aud every one in seerett of her two bours afterwards. Her
thought she weeping to die; but whenthe fortitude had been severely tried by the
ttold o'"sou earoe round the got better, and
began to wateh for the messenger her lord
had Foinised to send, She need to go and
titen the river Itaok wee she could see
the boats centime up, and the peeple knew But there stall ley before her a task worn
ibe WA$ eXPOOtIng VIVOW00' VI011in to whieb sheshrank with nervous dislike. Her
*end for her. At first they said uothing ; mother must be told thew ber engagement
DUt lvirn one moon after another waned was at an end, and seby ; and reealliug eer-
end no one segue, the women began to laugh, 'lain vonvereations, she felt the task would
and pint their fingers at her when she paee• be painful one indeed.
sThe feast which takes place when an
Failishmen marries has not yet been given,'
sal 'Wenn Louk; "they are not yet nears
"They never shall be t" flashed Male Mee
in ungovernable passion.
" But," continued Moung Louie, With an
abstracted air, "I think the ceremony must
soma take place- Tharowoo' Thekin will go
to Mandalay in a few days. The Sit.bologyee
is at Mandalay; the ladies are alone in their
Re paused, and glituced at his eompenion
to see how his remayks were affecting her.
ordeal of parting* and only her determuo She sat evith her line pressed together,
etion to Ada nothing to George Farnwood's evrepped in thought there was that in her
trouble enabled her to come through it, expression which made Mot ng Louk cons
with any show of eomposure. thine with the same apparent carelessness ;
" Thaw -woo" Theitin lived with them for
many weeks, but now he has las QWIl house.
I believe there is no Englishman near the
ladies at night."
"Where is their house n' asked Mah
ad, asking where was her English husband. Herein, bowever, she proved mistaken. :Mown Leak dropped, hie eareaess man -
She wa.sveryudeerable,for her motherwithed Mrs. Grane was begiuning tose.e the engagener, and explaiued carefully where Colonel
2er tenreery Moung Pito, the cuativator, wed
was alwaye telying that Tharnwoo' Tackle
went in a more favourable light, for George Grane's buugalow stem,. "After passing
Farnwood's appoiutinent to be "Personal the jail," he ettici, "you go up the read
fi)tgetien her. When she remoolea Aesistant was an earnest of his future across the railway, and"---
eer net:lien that her lord had promised DO 411eCOi$ ; and, moreover, she could not fail "1 know it," sneered Malt Mee, spring.
;lemma wes deal. Other people also aamits which people who knew hint only by report there this mewling with an Ettglisbegirl," eisteua
;ea thee Taierneroaa Thehin always kept his predicted a brilliant esireer for him. Hence, "A girl with yellow haar t" enouired Midnight rang out. Mah Mee waited until
word : .1..tel she grew anxious lest -her mother i when she heard the story of Moung Loute's Moung Leek. the )est echoes died away, and then, dah in
sben7.01 lea right. S'o. she determinekl tocome perady and Malt alee'e appearenee„ she did “ Vell°w 1131°P" assented Malt Mee' hand stole noieelessly 43 'I
, . .shadow across
sea It niesi us herself to seek him. I not promptly remind her daughter how she " That is the glal : that is the Sit.bobe the lawn to the corner oe too houee, where
Ii a• -la not e'laa' to .get twee. from always, t had preaietea theee thinge ; on theeontrery, gyee's denghter,' Re wee from the mat 4110 paused to listen. The heavy snoring
Ionwevee. for Malt Lay would never have she pima alebel in deploring the impoeition t on which he had been siWiug, and
. - °sat hi.° , from below the stairs- told her that all was
eyes eo int 4, .1 . ; sale; aud she gilded ferwerd, across the flooe
they rested on a mated doh winch ghtterea i and up the stairs, Aneeed at the ton, she
like 4 steel ribbon against the In 0411.,boa‘rda. paused win to wek round: the voyauaa was
He glanced at Mah Mee, "at is Very; piled with tables and chairs; every door woe
eltarp," he said ; mei et -faked aut. , open, and A eOla clomp air floated through
Indiarale Ale and XXX Brom Stout.
Righest awaras ana aeaals for Purity and Exoel-
bance at Cleuteniaial Exhibition, Philadelphia,
1876; Caneda,1876 ; Australia, 1877; and
Paris, France, 1878-
Prof .R R Croft, Public Analyst, Toronto, seen --"T.M1,11 It
tube perfeotiy sound containing, tie impurities Or natio"'
atioss, and can, stroutYrettomillend it as perfeetly pure and
pauTraeobr Vliin naB:44° dr in trmalt
.P r &eel; .01 r of ChettlifitrY,M°11tveeis
findthem too be remarkably souni ales, brewed from
siBty°,1r4nebje.e..24414s244:—Q4Pri hattevesscte anr ttetlyczizer tltsietri7ntiLisaunaPallogirle.
manufactured b vjohn Labatt, Landon, Ontario, and have
found it a lightale, containing but little aleohol ot a deli -
MOUS flamer, and, of a YOXY agreeable taste ana Buuorlor
quality, andoompares with the best importea saes. is We
also analyzed the Porter XZX Stout, of the setae
whieli is ef excellent qualitis its flaYor brewery,
tle =cher ia tis ).1 is tit :it stilt; 1:rse:Vaaigfr:ieit:411e:
t a.0111,0 usereenergette teen tha above ale, for it 13 a.
slYwite, 11(111> Is;) t oiste.
marry her, Mah Lay. said perhaps the gen. to be intluencea by the unanimity with ing to her feet. " saw my lord ride gong strikes the second watch. I must not
allewea her to leave had site known her that Ilea bete, pratanseaby the unserupulous
purpests. But when the lean of the Full Burman, aud spared- nee:fore to console twa
Moen of Tabeung drew neer, it brought the reaaeure her. Their hempiness, she declared
porenuity for which she was waiting, warmly, ehould not be seerificed to a
Mon na Wike and his wife were going to quixotic promise, aar. Fanwood had done
Menawdu to worship at the pagoda, emin all that could be expeeted of him towerds Mali ee eaa 71, 7, ,_, •the Feeling her way now with
affered to take her with them in Weal big its fulfilment; and for her pert, Mrs. Greee corner,
Were tile wimp:m.40(400g imam- redeemed one, mei, Mee moved along the
peadyboot, Mah Lay waeltina, and allow- eonsiderea he was not free to repudiate Ids kuife hung, aniran her fl"ger Melia its edge; aeor tiU she stood on the very threw
ed her to aceempauy the old peOPle- When engagement to Mabel now. No doubt, it then she tome it down end balaueed it mher 1
• hold of Mise Grane's room, with only a
ellen te Heel enosnewon ehe sway eecitetail :vete best that the matter toboula remain nt
front Ner feleadee and Roma her way to the . abeyenee for a time ; and it would be well
grow firesbip she wee tolkl would go to Rims : for Mabel to leave Rangoon also, until the
goats : :ma having a few ropeee, whieh Ler clatter to which 'aiall atee's arrival would
asesaer had given her to buy pegoile, offers inevitelay.give rise subsided. •
maw the wee able to pay bet pee -sage. When " I thint: dearest." she said "you had
ea, ,t,' rived in Rangoen she Was mueli fright.
eael le; the crowds -of btrallgti peoOle„ mei,
tha sea know where to go; inn alai* .Noe, a
wonew; vette whom she had ra ole xnenae on
u'elhe'l int aini niaile tOul she might ;strike, A terrified cry bietke
Nana the steamer, offered to take her haute . and ask itim te tells W. over with George en i Ending no tete there, •
antl tio41 tent where Mr. iatraiwooti livell. .' seen as In. goes up ta 11101.7" i hereelt at home with that gentletwto's che- - . . 1 1 1 r ii flash
•, 21 2211 tau s eepOt, 414 4 I 111'. ng
but almost iu Malt alee's item. The doh
Mali eesaW bealona wiss a ?enemata, so the eleel alelrel, thankful leteemil f:Netesseistne reale end betel man She bad teethed eei ,,
- aale el este : ae itifornestion. The mo. - that InT thaller :It10 180 longer in owew,:a ion, 1 ehe wanted to kuow al the interior ers ',. slipped from lier relaxieg fingere ; the report
meet she asa-sw w-470: way to go, siteetarted seequiiMA With little dowur to the .43 see -;.s. ningements of Colotiel astuet'a bungalow' ' of the. pistol Wu riuging faintly itt her eare
we flee ase %ewe, ; et ; sow geong there when taws thet site ehouirl go AWAY, • . - i tint "e0nre ithltey," A young Madras Iowa, . 11. ate Zell cuttebbig, tit, tun sina.p, stinging
elle ewe- lian s en -es filth tite lady. Site bad I "If yen don't maid beiug /eft alone, g Who evoke lawmose, bad been „lammed hy . pgiu in her breast. She heal been too hasty
fauna him. anal b?+ie sr 4s. isie eiave. . niother,a elle said, "1 think I should lilto to A her '210 *3 fate, ana gave her all . eetm, au
" mi Meteor. Leak Ilrl. elwitle til yen at , go. I dread the talk and queetioulng there the mformation the eeked fen Burnt .
e..ee , •
U : Tne etory was all over Rangoon before
SInveytionalgyee V' ;wised. laits, Fat-nut:03,a will 110 witeet the &tory comes to light." girls are always .of an 10(114510PD tin 11 °I i next morningW sun was two houre old, Mra.
wi018ad been ounegilil, eve: y twat evarti of ' ." Don't *rteilae about -me, 'lean , Yon ;mina, and Yenketsawmy, ituowntg itt .; Grow°, itevirte taken advantstge of the ab.
awas moose -toy to riAltl.i, te, ::ii mi,isioo, • 4111;11t to 1:11951 by 1,121S tilTle that y„tue mother ; had answerea Melt Mee's easnal questions l sauce et her iliiebend antitlaughter to organs
" 1 Iteve never :teen hart eiuses he left, with hat: no lade...like areal of daeolte."ettia Mrs. wititent suspanon. elite leul not askeel malty; Ise 3 thorough housa.dettuifig, 1,4 ocoupwd
veer lielIOUr last yestr,'.' anStvol-tel Me% Mee, Grane, sniping; ,among °tams, which Wile Miss Grane's •
; 31abelas bearooet for a itigitt„ her own liemg
1118 18282144 to her breast ' Dut be,fore Saaliel consented to. teaagraph ' eleepaug epartment, and whether the eon- :4 damp, A. ee:naie d„eit iu„ch persons are
George Farms -cod lay beck at his elude • .hee frientle tint- she WAS corning over to see . tries et mght were Burns:me or IltttiV08 of ; net unknowit) had gone into a room . the
anil remained sileut for a moment or taro r; theta, she oaigell her mother to request the belie. Malt Mee had wellsfounded confi- 1 thought etripty„ to see what site could pick
• thee he sat up and turned upon the girl tie autheritiee to ler:deb. the house with a, guard tiattiet in aer fallow.countrymen's talent for 1 ne, and finding herself confronted by mrs.
thouelt refuttng an acensetion. ewe y nisitt. Site email tonwr grew) the wtopirg most eoundly whett they ought to Ornate, had ettacked her WWI A dah, meeting
" Listen, Malt Mee V' he said. "1 kept , str4moniimied. self-relitmee which wee iter be ;make ; but the ways of those big holach l her fate at that eourageons laay's hand. This
my pomte. To months ago:l gave 'Monne; • motaera chief eharaetereole. . . men were strange to hen Had elle known , Wes ti e cc 1 t win 1 '' c 1.4.1 11 t
eu , ' Win04s a w Pete se 8810 : lorseesitung eurtam between her end her
replaced it on the nail. ; victim, Site held her breath and listened:
Mah Mee did Pot return to her friend of : the enly. sound within was the even regular
the stomper uutil very late that night, end ' beeethmg ef one asleep. mate mee arose
when questioned, replied that eh° ila4 boon l herself upright ands:oiled ; the memene had
with old friends tee the other ena of the ,
better path up at once anti go oss4: to the town. Colonel thane's Mash= servants , she took e firmer grip
. . .
of her dab. ; the
Windups in Maetinakin for a little 52 8110 coma have told another story. , ; rings clattered sharply on the pole as she
Don't, %Ion y yourself about the matter neeas Ort the following 0a01451) ll't SIU1(1°W.21 la" . tore thepaselah back and sprang through the
le,ssiv. 1 ellen writeto your father toelight, went bacit to aloung limit's hoese, and doo ,n,:, . 11 ; - 122 121 set ratsed - t tl er ne
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Lona trumey, and sent him to britigyon end 7 " 111 me itte pleats' you, *Male' see sell the Pentatile, nature, site would not Immo ; contradiction, for neither the Grimes nor the ' pleasant totem. Contain Mir ors%
" my lord," returnea the girl in ; twa vomes to the concert of we woe I matter.
Malt Lev tr. me in Retngoret." al ehe wlaresee, her U'4*; "Jut ita only taken the trouble to Wear up.
Shia tahliog Farnwoods, Who were the only people aware a e' rt" u "
sounewer sse 2!'1)1'O)'( 1,. ee r• te
of the truth, cared to make it kuown.
"mat surprisr, "2102218:.1% Limit is your cum When I waken at night. I don't het awe la/wit-stairs, the central room was bri ht.
S:onr honwir obteined pauathotent for him ar y e%rtli:yw
peee emial keep 0, vath st seH
tt- ly 'umiliated, ana the satieng p
for rtuning away. from the daeoite, ana he try awake,' Which 0110,101.1Irs. Game told there woe some one witliin ; but the
told ;time; people III 1110 village 1te would he . *101arriveii at after long expeelettee. : prredah across each doorway screened the
TON'enif"1.: ' . ' The ale It 31ee who 101 tVissive Fartiwootrs " interior, end Mali Mee c,oulti not distover
".I nthieretattl„" eaill George Farnswitel leemeewasatlifferentwoman froiiithe Malt Nice . who woe theee. Strolling up and. down on
theekettfully, It 20818821.11 clear now. "tionwee . Mt* bad entered it ball en hour before. She the petit before the house were the two
Louh, uever &caudate but Genitive &elated ,- followed hien allaglow with peseionate love; }Inman sentries ; they stepped now and.
the 4Tratel on whieh ite had been sent lead she walked cute tigress, nre, t wi tit a jettleetay it,min to- talk in low tones, and onee the girl
uudertaken With the aeliberate intentioa ; which blitzed the more fiercely bee:use ehe heard them yawn Doisily. Waiting until
ef ilefeatina its end. There was no doubt ; knew not ageinst whom to titre it.. She their backs wet° turned, she stole through
about ide method, of proeeetling. Ile had ' must give it stoma vent, ; ana she .1 al ermin-
gene to Maulmain to pase the time ite was y esi to; eeeit ailottngLouk, watt luta /gee the
supposea to spend travelling up to Shway. Oneitsts of estranging her lora. It was tun
douuayee, because to have renwersed here in I ditilealt to discover whets. he liisd. Tho
,mwn would have been to court detectiou, husband of Malt Noo, who Lail, with tree
Thom elaborately-detaile(1 accounts were Burmese howitelity, given aev °kitchen was
nothiug more than own& The money had ; able to eupply 441-1-mede his teldrese in the
doubtless been spent in eujoying the little i, bazaar. He hall known aloutIg Louk due -
trip to Maatlinain. Mrs Farnwouil promised ;lug his brief period of eerviee in the Betegoon
himself a day of reckoning with 'Moen i police ; andwitenhe tola Malt Mee -where she
Lout: when that gentleman could be found. I might find him, he added a word of warn-
" He never came to Shwaydoutigyee," I fugues. to have too nutch to do with that
seal !Wall Mee, breelting in upoa hie traal of i individual ; he aidnot 112121 0. Died diameter
thought. !nowadaye. And ;Vali ...tee, without even
"Re told me he had been, and that you ; sta,yieg to share the mid-day meal, set off to
a gap 1u the thick -set bamboo hedge which
surrounded the compound, and creeit over to
a clump of lettrel-like orotone, under whose
slimier./ she could sit secant from observe.
tine. Squatting down upon her heels she
looked out through a framework of lereves
mid reconnoitred at leisure. ; Her hiding -
1410.081 was opposite the corner of the
bangolow and about thirty yards from it.
She could see nothing of the front veranda
savethe neareet corner; but right overhead
were the open windows of Mies Grane's room,
veiled with white muslin curtains. No one
could cuter it unseen, and Mah Mee was
c intent. She laid the dah on the grass,
had died of fever,' answered Mr. Farnwoo I. look for the ex -sergeant. She allied olomsg adopted a more comfortable attitude, and
Mali Mee did not reply to that ; she look- I Louk alms in his his house, and was reeeiv- composed herself to wait.
ed up with an unutterable -ioyin her eyes, ; ed with open arms, It was, he said, e. great She did not know how long it might be
as Impugh to say, "It does not mecter new; surprise to see her alive and well; he had
am Iliac.' 1 heard that she was deed.
But George Fanwood did not mile bank " Who told you I was dead 1" demanded
upon her as he had been used to do. 13e i Mali Mee,
looked over her head out, into the woopound Mono; Leak frowned in doubt, for a min -
with 14. hard, sorrowful gaze, which sent a
cola shiver to Mali Mee's heart. She crouch-
ed. nearer him, but he motioned her off
gently, mutteriug words she did not under-
"1)o not stay with me longer now," he
said, rising ; "when you want to see me, yon
may come here."
His tone awed the girl; she drew herself
away, and pat lor a few moments watching
his flee. The yearning, wistful look left her
eyes. Fier lora thrust her from him. But
Iwo moona had waned since he sentto bring
her to his side; for two months he had be-
lieved her dead. It must be there was an
other woman now; and Moung Louk's lie
had done this. She rose from the floor, and
pre.ssiag her hands together in a farewell
shikolarglided from the house without an-
other word.
Soon after she had gone GeorgeFarnwood
put on his hat and bent his way over to the
Granes' bungalow, where alebolavaz eagerly
mwaiting him.
"There is little to tell you," he said.
"Moung Look played me false. The story
of his journey to Shwaydoungetee and Mail
Mee's death was a lie from beginning to eud ;
he uever went near the place.,"
" What are we to do, George?" asked
aIabel, when she had heard all Mali Mee
bad told bins.
"1 do not know, darling," he groaned;
" my head is in a whirl."
George," said 'Mabel, taking a, firmer
grasp of his hands, as if to strengthen her-
self, I know perfectly wbat yourdiffieulty
must be. Let me help you. You shall go
hack to your work on Monday free ; our en.
gagement shall be at an end uhtil we see our
way out of this terrible state of things."
George Farnwood did not answer, and
she continued. "'You will be with father
in Mandalay, and we shell be able to write
to each ether. I can't give you tip altogether;
but I want to set you free to act as you'
think right."
He *Stew her nearer him and kissedher.
It will be best," he said. "There will be
110 eita ef scandal mad worry over the busi-
ness, and .your name must not be mixed' up
in it. We will decide nothing at preset.
will go up tolfandalay and think over tile
position before we take any steps. I can't
resign you ; and I. cannot, bring myself to
tell that poor girl I will not marry her, she
has trusted me eo
Witsbel could not urge him to do it. She
thought of Mali Mee sacrificing home and
friene s and all that made her simple life
worth living; 04 1110 timid, ignorant dough -
ter 1.4 the; forests plunging blindly into the
ute, mid shook his howl slowly. It Was
strenge, but the 110.1130 01 1818 informant bad
escaped his meinory.
" I saw- Thar:moo' Thokin 2411 horn. ago,"
said Mah Mee, looking nawrowly into the
man's face, expeuting to see some symptom
of alarm there.
Yes ?" said Moung Bonk, svith an air of
sympathetic interest. "His bonour had
sent me to bring .you to him; but having
heard in lelaulmatu of yeur death I did not
go on to Shwaydoungyee. I returned to
tell him of it. His honour was sorry to
hear it, ; -very sorry. Ile would be glad to
see you again."
"He sent me—from him," said Mah 'Mee,
with quivering lips.
" e1 -a-0-11 r returned Mown Loth., pity,
ingly ; " I fear you have not heard the
news. Something hes happened to change
Tharnwoo' Thekin's heart.
Mah Mee shot a glance of hungry ferocity
at him, and clenched her hands convulsive-
ly while she waited to hoar more. But
Mottng Leak was iu no hurry to go on. It
seemed to him that his betrayal of Mr. Faro -
wood's trust, width lie had slime regretted,
might after all anish him with an instru-
ment to wreak a vengeance bitter enough to
satisfy his worst craving, and he did not
wish to make a false step by hasty speech.
Such an event as the engagement of the
daughter of the SW -boa -twee or "Great War
Chief" who commanded the police, to an
officer belonging to that body, could not
well remain unknown to the rank and file
when orderlies and messengers were about
the houseall day gossiping with the servants.
Every constable in Rangoon knew that the
dacoit-slaying officer from Shwaydoungeree
waste merry thedaughter of the Sib. bolegyee
Go -bus; indeed, a subscription to purchase
a wedding present had been set on foot
among the men, for the Colonel was very
popular, and his daughter's marriage offered
an opportunity of paying him an indirect
compliment. Moung Louie, who had fre.
gment intercourse with his old comrades, had
been made aquainted with the news soon
after his return from IVIaulmain, and had
thought a good deal about it in connection
with Mr. Farrewood's .despatch of himself
to brines Mah Mee.
" Whet has happened 1" asked the girl,
findingMoung Louk did not speak.
"Ib is seed by the police,a answered the
man with eeetning reluctance, "that Tharn-
woo' Thekin will marry the daughter of Sit-
bob-gyee Galanc."
Male Mee. drew a sharp sobbing breath ;
she knew now wby her lord had thrust lier
from bins.
before Miss Crane retired, so the undid the
knot in the center of her kerchief and took
out a "betel -chew " she had ores:taxed at
Meting Louk's; and while mumbling this,
amused herself catching the bright fireflies
which hovered in swarms about the buthese
The night was warm and. very dark; but
Male Mee. albeit she had slept little these
last two nights, hall. no desire to close her
eyes. She arasperfectly calm; her now idle
beaas lays loosely folded in her lap without
a twitch of nervousuess,aud her breath came
and went without a tremor.
As the gong up at the native lines rang
out ten o'clock and a hundred hoarse voices
anssvered,in Hindustani, "All's well lathe
rustle of a evoinexes dress on the tairs made
Malt Mee prick,up ber ears. Site listened
carefully, for she could see nothing. The
footsteps went up the stairs and across the
uncarpeted veranda above. Another lamp
blazed. up itt the space over the porch ; and
with a suppressed exclamation of d isappoint-
men ti,Mah Mee grasped 'the fact that Miss
Graue was not yet coming to her room.
She drew from the hole in the lobe of her
ear a partly-smoited greou cheroot and
srneIt at it. longingly; the had matches ia
her kerchief, and felt for them ; low as her:
fingers closed on the box, sae refleoted that
it would. attract attention if she struck one.
She pinched the cheroot and replaced it in
her ear with a little sigh; the could not
smoke no ' she Would wait till—till after-
,4Eleven o'clock boomed from the distant
gong. Mah Mee was growing.Stiff, and the
Burmese sentries were evidently beginning
to wonder when their charge was going to
retire, from time to time they walked out
on to the grass to see what she was doing.
At length a movement in the veranda Made
the watcher start : through the muslin cur-
tains she saw a lady enter Miss Grane's room
and turn up the lamp.. She pieced up her
dah and fingered its edge delicately, a few
minutes more and then— She set her
teeth and glared with eyes that started from
their sockets up at the shadowy figure in
the bedroom ; for a moment she had lost
her self.control. -
She had ample time to recover herself be-
fore the light WAS extinguished, hewever..
She thought Miss G rane would fleece' go to
rest, so tong clic' the lamb burn in her room.
But suddenly it went out with a snap, and
silence followed.. She tease wait till the
sentries were asleep, and to their; proceed -
Inge she turned Ler attention. They lost
no them once Miss Gvane was safely beetowa
ed Mah Mee saw them unroll their sleep-
ing -mats and lie down under the stairs,
aftenturning up thefr 1)t:11'8 -(w e lantorna
and placing them so that the light shone
over the compound.
",-,1 will wait, ' thought the girl, " till the
0 r gni 11
A Well itnown Lady Tells
of Croat Benefit
Derived From
Hood's Sarsaua.riiia
For Debility, Neuralgia and
" TORONTO, Dec. 28, 1890.
4'C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
" GENTLEMEN: For many years I have
been suffering from catarrh, neuralgia
and general debility. I failed to obtain
any permanent relief front medical ad-
vice, and my friends feared I would
never find anything to cure me. A
short time ago I was induced to try
Hood's Sarsaparilla. At that time I
was unable to walk even a short dis-
tance without feeling a
Death -Like Weakness
overtake me. And I had intense pains
from neuralgia, in my head, back and
limbs, which were very exhausting.
But I ane glad to say that soon after I
began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I saw
that it was doing me good. I have
now taken three bottles and am entirely
Cured of N
am gaining in strength rabidly, and
can take a two-mile walk without feel-
ing tired. I do not suffer nearly so
much from catarrh, and find that as my
;strength increases the catarrh decreases.
I am indeed a changed woman, and
shall eavays feel grateful to Hood's Sar-
saparilla for what it has clone for me.
It Bs My Wish
that this my testimonial shall be pub-
lished in order that others suffering as I
was may learn how to be benefited.
"Yours ever gratefully,
"Mits. M. E. MERRICK,
"36 Wilton Avenue,
"Toronto, Canada."
This is Only One.
Of many thousands of people who
gladly testify to the excellence of and
benefit obtained from Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla.. If you suffer from any disease or
affection caused by impure blood or low
state of the system, you should cer-
tainly take
Sold 1;:,' (ingzists. 'Si; six for $5, Prepared
, only by 0. 1. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. '
C) Doses One Dollar
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles inci-
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Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
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Headache, yet CAAUn'ti Lime Liven Pius
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stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
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but fortunately their goodness does not end
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But after all sick head
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Catersn's Lanz Liven Puts are very srnall
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
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CASTES =IMRE CO., New York.tm
1 hat! Pill. ball Dose, Small Prim
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. goaaurantee of good faith]
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if you do not fin(1
it all and even more
thit claimwHe0TTlKE 3Tr,
but if perfectly sat-
jEs rfaiirte°arsY. gPeaitt
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at suth a renew
musly low price is
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It has
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• regulated, and we warrant it an accurate tune.
keeper. It is Suitable for either a lady or
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Watchmakers, Peterborough, Ont.
IV? E frit
Contains no Abase, Anlinteliat Lime,
Phesphatee, et any xnjuriant•
E. W• C11.1.ETT. Toronto. °wt.
THE KEY 10 8
Un100113 all the cloggeil venues of tin
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off gradually without wealmning the vs.,
tem, all the impurities and foul humors
of the secretions; at the some time Cor-
recting Acidity of tile Stomach,
curing' Biliousness, Dyspepsia,
Headaches, Dizziness, ileartburn,
on, Dryness of the Skin,
Drepvie, Dimness of Vision, Salm.
dice. Salt Rheum, Erysip_ols.s, Sere.
fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nor4
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Just published, a new editio ot Dr. Culver*
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Sent under seal, in 0 plain envelope, to any al
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pos4.Otff.1 Box 45;)
SENO IA $1.00 rzde ..esylirgagper, the
er, and,
we will send you postpaid this elegant
These rings are now
worn by ladles and
gentlemen in the best
society, and have the
same appearance as a
ring costing 525.00. We
guarantee aperfect fit
and satisfaction.
•Geo. W. Wyatt lo Co.
Peterborough, Out,
Who is ctfeak, Pierious, Debilitated,
,TECIESENinhis 0uly cina Aronsim,
ignorance has Tri -
Sled ONWhia. DVrolgaa0 air OpfroBamodo.yiv, Meal nlidn some:
Eno. Fountains of Life. Headache,
cygenneod, causing exhausting drains Upon
t Memor7. Bashfulness in 8ciety,
Pirnples npon tba Face and all the Effeote
tadinG to Early Decay, Consu option
r insanity, will and in our specific no. 23 a
leeitive Cure. 5it imparts Youthful
!Nor restores the Vital Power In old slid
sung, strengthens and invigorates the Brain
oind ateunrsoofuto
essbuiltidosnopu thethewmubsioconlar
energy of. the human framess-With our specific
No. 23 the most obstinate case can be cured in
three months, and recent ones in1ess than thirty
days. Each package contains two weeks treat-
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Diseases no :natter of hew long stanclii
Inst. Sold under our written Cuarantee to
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ear superior to Ergot, Tansy, PennyrOyal
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,8110 nse them n1012IIfLY. Never fail. Railev•:.
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