HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-18, Page 5asialaStaaaaa t)asltwood. Esters -Picnics are the order of the dey at present. The sidewalks on the Stephen side have undergone repairing. We would be pleased to see the gay mute fellow suit. --.Mr iL W iliert tree been on the sick list for some time. He re able to be up again. -11Irs Tait, Of Parkhill, has been visitiog friends in our :'silage. -ter and Mrs 1. Cook, are it present at South, River, Parry Sound. Mr D. Staeblel. of Crediton, was in our village several times last weele.-One of our practical tailors put up his shingle this week. --Un Monday last Dr L< F. Outten sold out to Dr go* Loughlin, .of lieneall, Dr Outten in- tends to leave Qua trip to the .North West, While wewish hint, every success wherever he may go, we would have been pleased to see Dr Outten stay with us as he understaude hu profes- sion thoroughly, --reeves Ratz and He s. of Stepben and Hay respectively welki iu our village last week to re- ceive contracts to improve the TeWn Zino. The contract was let to Mr cite.- Cormick, --The crops have gained con- aiderably since the rain on Wednesday and 'Thursday Iasi. -On Thursday last Mr II. BolrStean raised his new barn. S1dea were chosen lay yieesre W. ITOel• ker tend ti. Nadiger, Both sidea got along pretty well but Ur W. Welker s side got it good start and leek was in their Iavor.•- Ilev R. M. Bean and wife arrived et Dashwood oR Friday even - lug inst.-Mr ti, Silber. of Crediton, Was in our village !asst Thursday. -one evening last week while two of our young leen were m creditor the t'nab. tort Was stolen or nlapleeed from the buggy while in the shed. -Mrs Ruby is very ill et present, Smoot, P3c.fo.-••-ia at Friday the Daitwoed and ,Slackbush schools held a union picnic at the Bend. The day was beautitul and the rain on the vire' vious day bad settled the dust, making the driving pleasant. rhe people turned out pretty Well and a rouging good time wee spent. After reaching the Send two swings were put up and a place cleared for the diener. Then a sumptuous dinner was spread Out by the ladies and all eat down to eat a hearty meal, After dinner was Oyer arraugementa were made to play a foot ball match. As the lrhipka school watt there is was arranged that ,1lstnls-' woad and Shipka boys would play a gent° for en hour. The Shipka boys seemed to feel pretty* good bat they found that the »ashsvooal boys are not so easily defeated. All through the game it could be seen that the bisalt. wood boys were having the advantage although not able to score. with the exception of one time ; but just as the ball was almost through the goal one of the Shipka bakes touched it with his arm and then the ball passed through. As far as we are acquainted with the game this should have taunt- ed a goal, but tate umpire calleda foul andwhich the Dashwood boys were not sueeeeatul ;n scoring sea Flame, After this ;jlo more games were scored and the :game according to the umpire's decision stood 0 to 0. After the game was over came the races. Some money bad been Collected for the occasion and the following is the prize list t. - Boys Race .--]2 to 15-D. Beaver, G. Snider, EI. aoflman. 10 to 12 -Al. Cook R. Baker, J. Livergood. 8 to. 10 •--W,'Kleinstiver, C. Eidt, W. Wink• enwetter. 6 to 8, Boys and Girls -ti:. Eiidt, S, Kraft, M. If teinstiver, Girls Race --No 1 class -C. Bean, A. Miller, N. Wagner. No 2 class --M. Rader, M. Willort, A. Draft. PATRQIT* Op' INDUSTRY ll'ZE1 TINO.- Uhl Monday eyeninglast a P. off. meeting was conducted in our school house by Mr F. G. Bennest. There were quite a number of patrona present from other lodges, but the people of this section did not turn out as well as was expect- ed. At about 9 p.m. the meeting was called to order and Mr A. Bean, eleote6 as chairman. He then introduced Mr Benneat to the meeting. Mr Bennest spoke for about an hour touching prin- cipally upon the mercantile trade, and then on the salt combines, etc. Altar Mr Bennest was through with his speech he sang a song entitled, "The boy behind the plow." Then au EOort was made to organize a lodge, but only some two or three were "willing, and thus the second meeting held in this school came to an end without any successin organizing, Mr Bennest will be in this vicinity all week we understand. CREAT Clearing_Sale J. . G EIVE Is going out of busites, and his iflnleu5e stock of rine Tweeds & Worsteds must be sold at Qnce regardless of cost,. ,Now is the time to buy cheap Suits .or Cloth by the yd. Note prices, Set/tell Tweed Suits for $11; worth $1.41. Fina Worsteds for 514 worth 520. Fine all -wool Tweeds at doe. per yard. This is ill shoddy goods sale, as the stoke is NEW GOODS and the best patterns. Remember we guaranies a sure fit or no stile. Call and /nspeci our Stook J. H. GRIEVE. Exeter Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN. we have eanstantly oa hand a large display Df the beet PIANOS, ORGANS, SEW.iNcl MAZ.1111NES, 1IICYCLF,S tend z, Ar.41Slc'AL INST IMENTS. Peri ons.ntielnatink tho purabaso of ana-, thiRis in the above lines will do well to £all at the store. We itusrantee satiefaotion. and prices would reipectf lir sok this feaiQ=and see our stock It is as Sue as will be found in guy city MUSIC store. N..---1g4:nts for all kit:dsQf agricultural nibs STAND:-•Fansou's Black, Exeter. 13'. ,.., T...,.�_NIGH zn=.4.x..EEt xsr 1+'anoy and Steeples Groceries, LTQT_TuRS, VIEir4UUS, TOlt. VCO. (Dow located in easel's old stand, traiu•st) For flnoat Groceries And Teas, Ile aura to call endue me: Por in the corner atoro, i n \tneo's'block, You will find wo box* the finest stook Of goods that people dally use. Our rens and Coffees and our Spice. also keep in tfine--both elm and nice - And those who've purchased au ht have found Full sixteen ounces to tho pound Upon tho shelves you'lt always rind Canned meats of every sort and kind; Molasses too. and honey sweet. and;zrrup thatcannot bobeat Dried Fruits and Raisins, sweet and clean, Fine Cheese and Butter may be seen, And Olives, Cation. Sauces and Oils Put up in bottles of all styles; In fact everything your heart could wish. From sardines up to salted fish, All kinds of brushes. brooms and rope, Baskets, wash-,•Dards. tabs or soap. Wo will soli you cheap by lots or weights, Or trade forproduce,Douitry and sag:. George CCaaling, Shakespeare, died recently, aged•79years. He migrated to Canada in 1832. During a thunder storm Friday mor- ning a herd of twelve cows lying in a field on the farm of P. Bower, between Gait and Preston, were instantly killed by lightening. Loss about 5500, At Woodlands, Man., on Thursday,; a lad of 17 named Patenton shot and killed Mrs.' Godfrey, sister-in-law of James Tudgell, the boy's employer.. Thee top of the womon'shead was blown oft: The body was:dragged to a well and thrown down head first. The rn.rderer confessed and is awaiting tial•_ WRY STRUGGLE -Why straggle with exhausting diseases when ' you may be promptly cured by the use of nature's remedy -Burdock Blood Bitters -the per feet cure for. dyspepsiabiliousness, oonstipa tion, sick headache and ;a11 forms of bad blood from a common pimple.; to the worst scrofulous sore. LIRE PAitALYere-"For years I suffered with my back which sometimes became as if paralyzed. I suffered awful agony for. months and could not sleep, but now, thanks to your Burdock Blond Bitters, I am strong again, have no pain apd can work well, eat well, and sleep weli."-Mis'Eanimerton, 23 Charlotte St Toronto. Itch cured in 30 miuntes by Woolford s. Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. Lrrz. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft orcalloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Conga, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Soli! by C. Lutz, Druggist. F.1, KNIGHT. Exeter Packing House James -5t., Exeter. !cter Boil.cr Mtlls 11IA,RI4KET .EirEPOlt'i`s. Wheat 51.02ta$1,05 per bush OUR SELLING VULVAS. Flour, Strong Bakers', $ l 00 per 100 do Best! Family 2 rix ,• do teow Grade «, 200 t6 Bran .. ..,. ,.. WO. Middlings .. .. .. 1OQc, Sereeekng� .. 1 00e - Chop . ,., $1 20 to 1 SO Chop stone running every day. EXE ER wt; i.l-.A /I TA1' VQ,y We, the undersigned, wish to inform the Public and Store -keepers of Exeter and surrounding country that we nave on band a good sup- ply of SUGAR. CURED HAMS, ROLLS, BREAKFAST BACON, BACKS and SIDES; also DRY SALTED MEATS and" PURE LARD. R( tI t. 4F }'SA11UT RE DItTS, uxlee; ra liadtYllaa t ,,, 1 (Nice 'I r0 Spring Wneat .. 1 OCOI to 03 Z fro Oats .. 42 to ed RIo=etHeed Wo also keep at the Main Street Meat Market a good supply of first-class • FRESH & CORNED BEEF,. MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, and PORI, POULTRY, n season. BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE . CASH PAID 13'011ll HOGS. SNELL BROS. & CO. Sprig Goo New Velveteens. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths, Prints. Table Linens. Shirting's. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. "t Cashmere Gloves Kid Gloves. Corsets. Cottonades. St tt -tc .1 ,.. 460 to 4'd Tonertlslr .,. 1 i to l ,G Col g ,.. Z. c5 to Sal Corn ... a 4 to ao ET .., .. 31Ge 12 ilu orlr>aAl "� •.. •.. iy tR 0 :"J .., .,. rti tO tG l.i £otatoes,par blis?iel 60 to 0 b 1 Apples.per nag .n. 16°101. Gtlto 1 np PriadAlrpleipr h ,., •.. 4 4. Go O00 tttsera par 1b. .« 0 Ca to 0 C4 Tnskav gar lb ... ... 07 to os Ducks per lis tlllloltauapergr .,. 025 to O ser tgoi;e,drossodpertCo ,.,. ... 000 to 62,1 Sa,„ ,., 400 toy 2'I >;idasranglt,il • , .. 2 00 to 2 2s. "' .treii,a.. 266 to3>0 itttesof iklax sash M. 441. 0 00to 70 i]altithas . , .. 0 5e to 0 6v Wool perils ., w.. 0 18 to 0 10 Uayporten , . ... 6 COW 00 tloiansnerbusti 0 50 xr. 0 ; a i oodooraard „ . , 2.`O tp 3 Rp aT:liPITS fiprtua [Yiioat ........ ..................... " es CO hresy., .• ... . .0 45 050 Oats ,. .4143 Clover Seed. .... 3 .4 4as Timothy .. 1 95 1 �h Rees 11 se 11, Butter i:', 012 Pottstoee per bag 6n ea Avtiles perbush 4&9 Wool Perlis. . 16 0111 5, Lisa' t'nrttlR, W G Gal Item Per Son .14 ell 14 sed Shorts" ., ........ ..... ...al 1114 aGl. flattnealperhbl... , ., 6 001. fel UOr,a,drO5'et1 per 190. ,....,.+ 446to 3 tai TANPO:4. Wheat.1.O1tot 0U per hue. Oats. 4r •* to 47cerbus. Peasm .7.to filo per bus. Ilar- 1es,51%111ng. "iii tD 57o nor bus. parlor Feed, 41o Itot4sle par bus Cora. 61ye to Cao per• J. MATHESON, HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. TORONTO. Toronto. Juro 17 -Wheat Rprina'-°No.: 1•11 tol til per bui: rod wintor,No 2.1 (6 to 107 per bus. Manitoba No nerd,' 14 tot 15 No. 4.91e Maas; PEAS 7 e t2 Sea pov bus. OAT^i r.at to 51e per bus. PLQITR. extra 44 ii) to 64.119 strongbakrstraight 0 tomiler.. ]BARLEY. „Kis I; When Baby was sick, wo gars her Castor's. When she was a Child, she cried for Caatorla.. When she became ;alias, she clung to Casts:aka When alio hatiChildren,shosavothem Casteris. 7'O NIIltal'011S DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your address, we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr Dye's Coltbratcd Electro -Voltaic Bolt and Applianeos,pnd theiroharming°tfoots upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will euiekly restore you to vigor and man- hood. Pamphlet free. If you aro thus sanded wo wiilsond you al3elt and Appliances on a trial. VOLTAIcBRIM Ce., Marshall, Mich, CONSUMPTION CURED: An old physician retired frompraetieo,hav ing had plaoedin his hands by au East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and pnrmanentenro for Consumption. Bronebitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throatandlung affootions, alsoa positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous oomplaints,after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases. has felt it his duty to make it known to hissufferiug fellows. Antuated by thismotivo, and a desire to reloive human suffering.I will sendfroo of charge, to all who desiro it, tho recipe in German. French or English. with full directions for preparing and using. Sent bymall by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 820. Powers' Stook Rochester, N. Y. SE.Ei.S1 Flower, Flee T -4,w,,-^ arden Seed. FARMER EROS_ Headquarters FOR HaNin NMRS and 0111WIIIO OIJ Cattle in *nd see our complete artment at spring and simmer les. n Milliat'•ry. Staple and Fa Dry Goads, Hats, Boots & Shoes, ete., we mark them low to sellthern quack. Tie careful that you do not go wild over the LOW PRICES. Cash for Eggs. 'Rutter tt Eggs wanted t D OUP E CO., The accompanying cut reprep. sent, the famous 'Crediton Road.' Cart,' mannfaetured by Wm. R. Wenzel and Israel Smith, Credi.. ton, Ont. This cart has now been in the market for about two years anti` me enet with great success. The' nanufacturers clebu that it is the best cart manufactured, both as regards convenience and durabil-= ity.They have dozens of testi- monils from parties who have purchased these carts, which areal: in the highest terms of them. The workmanship an& mate*al employed in their .con '1'S�"+ CB pTT[ZZ�T xeo..a..7? ousk_nQ:. straetion eau not be surpassed. and the price is as low as is consistent therewith. A glance at the out will show the reader n few advantages this eart has over all others, viz --The easy mode of getting and out; the absence of springs or 'bare which bring the rider's weight on the shafts so as to sag them ; the convenience of carrying a robe or rug in eels! or stormy weth- er. These carte are usannf,uettured for one or two perscee, and. dumbed to atilt tete pur- er. clears furnished to the trade. lir Wenzel also manufactures Waggons, Buggies, Sleighs, P,tv., ap3 does all kinds of repairing in these linen. Alt- Smith AIMS a ft sG-class genera' h'»al smith shop, an II g arante_s t t ;ire s..tisfae. tion in all kip:1s of new treat. rEls.iii ins. ho.:..al,ocixg, c..;., at; to • iavha he lees lli;; lieatonal attention. `•eu Cita .stuns for further gr:tetz.ulars corteeming roadee.rt. W. W .H. SMITH.; M�il?i3'i., . Caclitop:. tilt. ISIS' aRi, lTfi,;� BIS5ET'[' BIOS. ----*-7r".170 tr T TETE PRON For Over Fifty Years. Wins. WINSLOW'S SOOTnutIG SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a siok child suffering and prying with pain of cutting_ teeth send at once and got a bottle of 'Mrs. lYinslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething. It will relieve thepoor little sufferer immediately, Depend upon it, mothers. there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarhooa, regulates the Stomach and Bowel s, euros Wind Colic. softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. ":ars. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teeth- ing 15 pleasant to the taste and is the prescrip- tion of one of the nldost and best female physicians and nurses in the United States Price.25 cents a bottle, Sold by all druggists; throughout the world. Be sure and ask for htaa WINsLUV". SOOTHING SYRUP." % TANTED-A GOOD AGENT WV !V for Exeter and district. Apply to TIUt JACKSON TEA. CO., 761 Dundas st, London Ont. OTICE, The Thorough -bred Shorthorn Bull Baron Chesterfield 1I" will be kept on Lot 13, concession I, Stephen, during the season of 1801. for the improvement of stook. Terms, tri to insure. j uul.m2 Wastry SNLL1S Prop ;• 1 A FINE A SGRTMEIV T Fanoods NOTICE'. 11The Thorough•bred'mpooted Holstein Bali, African Prince, formerly stock bull' at the Ontario agricultural college.) will he kept on lot 0, North Thames Road; Usborne, during the season, for the improvement of stock, Terms a1 50 to insure. Ws( Morahan, Prop: VATTLE ESTRAY.--STEAYED J from the premises of the subscriber, Lot. 10, not h Thames Road, on or shout 200i April. threeryearling calves, ono a steer of light r.ed' Dolor with spots of white: and two heifers, one red with white on fano, the other red and white mixed. Also one owe and two lambs. The owe has blank legs and is painted black on face: any information as to the whereabouts of the above will be suitably rewarded by the pro- prietor JOHN Aarasox, Exeter P.O. May 23-i m Odor Oases, Dressing Oases, Shaving Cases, Boll tr and Cuff Cases, Manicures, etc., W, !OU! HURRAHI ailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles -AND A - Sure Fit Guaranteed. JOINS BISSET HtEII SEEDS HOWARD'S Mangold, 12o ib. Lawn Grass, Orchard Grass, Turnip, 12e lb. White Belgium Carrot, Short Belgium Carrot Hungarian Grass. o FRESH SEEDS -ALL KINDS. JAS. L HOWARD, W. H, MONCUR, Proprietor. Manager. x::11; The cheapest pia..,e in to to by ui!d rs' Hardware, Nat s, Hinges, ;T Qe t Ghrzs, Putty, ailats and. Oils. tuck cel the celebrated doiti:bt.e1 s L'quid Paints -Showy Colors. F" New lines t t Artists' Paints anti Brushes. rlaed, k' a1 i, Strip. inti -re end Gel;; asid. =d Wires cheap tor Cash, wire Stock Complete. - E tv 4.troug]Iin. a Specialty • Nor: ft, s a. c.t? r ewi..g °llitcllitles anal "relics. GIVE I'S A, CALL . st Life tl~ �ltl tooAught BUT HIGHEINDk LA.V Rel 1 crideivok. to rrcTirl a the very best 091:S 111 1111' idle, hest hilly' (110 Inst in quality and fi.i>h:, legit in vaal to. I am sfnitlina out e' zl.t• very 1 , tltift:l MILK CANS this .airing, tar ilreviwis Cffoit. n13terint tot' wiring. v ork, ::tial a5 Hav?e'.roughing,. t'xtei.sive and complete, and wc.r!iin.t1'shro ~�-�is Lite very best. 1 sr'licit your order tor TROUGHING GHING O ROOFING, Guantilteeiwg + Ltisfat't.iOli.. I have \valiant exce-ptl ail the nicest ass 4rtuaent of MILK PAILS, BTRAININ'G PAILS, to be toned anywhere, rGtngiug in price from zti cents to $Lino. Note the price of :IIILK PACTS : Sm'tll t 1Gto, 75c. to y'.i t., r per dozen Large size, $z.00 to $3.00. Who would go without a Dipper when you can get one for 5 cents'? EVER YOURS, My a "ILL POLL/A1VD. TELE WATERLOO MUTUAL $ FIRE INSrRANCECO; Established in 1.86.4. IIEAD.OFF/CE • WATERI OO, ONT.. !This Compnuy has boon averTwcniy-eight Years in successful operation in IIestern Ontario, and continuos to insure against loss or •amage by, Fire. Buildings, Merchandise, Manufactories and all other descriptions of insurable property Intending insurers have the option of Insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During tho past ten years this company bas issued 57.096 Policies, covering property to the amount of 640,872 032; and paid in losses alone yio9,7dE00. Assets, WM.100.00, consisting of Cash in Bank Government Deposit and the unasses- sed Premium Notes on hand and in force. J.W-WALnuy, M.D., President; O M. Ta ram Secretary; J. B. Ilnaiias. Inspector. 0I1AS SNELL. A genttfor Exeter and vicinity. hioea6l� tvl S S 1 Did you seo our stock of FINE 13.00TS an, SHOES That we baro nut in the store one door south of the Pu: t Odiee 7 Now it is worth your while to give usa look, We will show you through. lVe have all the Finest Lines of Ladies' and Gents Shoes made in Canada, and guarantee they aro right as far as wear and value goes. If you want a real nice shoe. something that it is a pleasure to wear, Dome up and see ours. Besides our fine lino we also carry a large and well assorted stock of Boys' and 5lisses' Shoes for school wear. also Mon's Working Shoes and Knee Boots AWAY DOWN IN PRICE i All our goods aro quaranteedood, and as we wish to build up a TRADE and KEEP IT, we are selling WRAP for CASH. Children's. Misses' and Ladies' Toe Slippers and Oxford Ties for summer in all the new shades. Bring in your girls and buy them a pair Of Sc11oo1 Shoos. They aro dandies. Gave as a coil. You are welcome. GEO. MANSON,. H . DO . WANTTOBTJY FIRST -`LASS IFU FUN1TURE. 0 AT LOWER. RATES THAN SHAM GOODS': THh BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YE T THE BIGGEST YET Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen leave your orders early, for with the beststaff of Tailors t thebest stock of .Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yoare sure of satisfies. tion A.. Jo Zili,a.• -ARE USUALLY SOLD- -THEN GALL AT - IDL Y9l;'. -ONLY FIRST-GLASS- B;eliable Good At Prices Lower that so -o: led Cheap Houses can gis Undertaking in ' all j Brame es. 5. GIDIJE" P (Suoceeaor to 0 & 9. Gidley) ODDFIt'LL0WS' BLOC'H'