The Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-02-01, Page 64riah Sen -5 ,::'Pkwrsdayk F+ brua r 1st, 1962°
AM , 41;:i6°.--.417': : Clay-
ton IRobe etson, of .Copper Cliff
is... visiting hxs-.,;p rents, Mr..and
[rS, . d: Robertson.
:14t4,1110.Mrs. lad. Davies visit-
ed recently with Mr. and Mrs.
James Heorbly, at Dublin.
Mr. `J31 Buchanan •is enjoy
fire u holiday in.
Mrs. Amos Andrew and Miss
Ethel Washington, of--Goderich;
. aSited one evening last week
With Mr, and Mrs: Thomas John
sten and Mrs. Charles Strau•
,ghan. •
Mr. 'and Mrs. Harold McIn•
tush,. of Oak River, Manitoba,
:visited last week with the lady':
aunts, ,Mrs.• -William Todd, sr.
Mrs. J. C: Clark and other rela
--ryes in tills- community.
Mr, and Mrs. Wes.t Bradnock
visited last ` Sunday with Mr.
, and Mrs, Harold Nichol,on,and
Cary, at Seaforth.
S.S. Crokinole Party
A crokinole party was ,enjoy
ed last Friday evening by the
-Sunday school of Knox Presby-
terian Church. Prize winners
were: high lady, Mary Sander-
son• low, Miss Minnie Wagner;
high man, Wes. Bradnock; ,;low,
William Wagner; high child,
Diane. Kirkconnell; low, Joyce
Leatherland; • most 20's, W,
Memorial Hall Public, Mye�e,ting
The . `_`Go -Ahead" siga`C"' was
given the building committee to
complete the carpentry work of
thee''new Community Memorial
Hall at its first public meeting
on 'Monday
ing. App
�; jmately $1500 is needed to corn•
,. r playas.
Presiaent William L. Craig
was in charge of the meeting
• and the secretary, Mrs. Gordon
R. Taylor, read .the- minutes • of
the last executive meeting. She
presented the financial• state- once treasurer, Mr. Everett Tay-
ment • showingthat to date the lor.• Church treasurer Mr. -Al-
^• cei lto l;$l< QRK9r?4, .-4t, il411.1!--ebetemitsPSOITOANY.117hAr
,was reported that 36 small tables Oliver Anderson; • auditors, Mr.
;..were -being made and the re- Bert Marsh. and Mr. Elliott
finishifiebf-- these will be left 'Lapp; ushers, Kenneth McDoug
to• • the, Were
committee. all, captain, with George Durn-
Plans ere made to finish the in, Gordon, Gross and Ronald
small upper room in which to Gross added, to the present
hold small meetings, and to put members: John Arthur, Keith
a finish. en the floor. This hall 'Arthur, Stanley Ball, Tom. Ciin-
must be completely finished and' ningham, John Durnin, `Wayne
financed before turning it over Millian, .,. Harold McClinchey,
to Hullett Township Council. John McClinchey, Brian Spiegel -
'Several ways were discussed berg, John Wright and Donald
• to raise money .for the. cornple- Young. s
tion of the hall. Plans were
made • to, hold another euchre St. Mark's 79th Vestry Meeting
and Lost -Heir Party on- Febru- The 79th Vestry meeting of
.pry . 16, . Robert Arthur is to St, Mark's Anglican Church was
be in charge- of selling raffle held at the home of Mr. and
tickets on a turkey to be pur- Mrs 'Andrew Kirkconnell with
chased' by: Keith Arthur. Mr. over 30' present The' minutes
and Mrs. W. L. Craig will don- were read by the vestry clerk,
ate the prizes and. Mrs. W. 'Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. A vote
Bitadneek-will be convener of of • thanks,, was extended to Mrs.
the' lunch committee. _ It -was Norman McClinchey for her
decided to hold' the first Old •work sand co-operation as organ -
Time Dance featuring square ist • of the church for the past
dances' on March2nd with Wil- three years., Her resignation
ham Gow, John Armstrong and was received with regret. Mrs.
Oliver :.Anderson; the corrunittee Gordon R. -Taylor was extended
to..plan for this event. thanks for printing the indivicl
Auburn is to be . congratulat- nal reports which were handed
ed on the .building of this, new
hall and the president- 'Urged
Mrs. James (Kathleen) McFad-
zen, His wife passed away
many years ago. , Besides his
daughter lie is survived ` -by two
brothers, ,Bert, Auburn, ' and
William, Goderich; two ,sisters,.
Mrs. Minnie Jones, R.R. 2, Au;
burn, and Mrs. • Floyd (Eva)
Rice, Detroit; also" two`grand-�
'children. • The funeral servrice
and --burial took- place in - the:
t•amily plot in Manitoba.
Knox United ,,Church;, Annual
A year of progress in all de -
.moments was ,reported,, at the
.tnnual .congregational' meeting
Lf Knox' United Church. The
lissionary and Maintenance giv-
:igs increased by between .$300
nd $400. The Woman's Mis-
,ionary Society allocation was
cached with a, substantial
amount over fore G.B.A. A Sig -
iia -C group wasorganized and
ander the pastor's leadership is
'`if • great value to boys of that
ige group. A Benevolent Fund
'ane into. being in late Novem-
oer which has proved helpful.-
1'he balance will .be used for
emergencies during the coming
;ear. • ,
Mr. William Gow and Mr.
Walter Cunningham were the
retiring elders and Mr. Ralph
D. Munro and Mr. William L.
Craig were the newly elected
members of the Session. • Mr.
Guy Cunningham was appointed
as representative to Presbytery
and Conference for 1962. Mr.
Carman Gross was elected to
the Board of Stewards,tirin e
1 Jam
in 1963,.to •'re ac Mr.
-replace _;
of Stewards, to retire. in 1965,
were Mr. John Hildebrand, Mr.
Rudd Koopmans;' Mr. Norman -
McDowell and Mr. Lawrence
Plaetzer. Other officers elected
were: Missionary and Mainten-'
that the community make • maxi-
mum use of it as it is not re-
stricted to;.any ,group or organ-
ization. •
The following donations have
been received since last public-
ation,- November 8, 1961. •
Cash: -Rev., R. F. and Mrs.
• ' Meally, : Blyth, $10; • Mrs. Allan
;i.. - B▪ owles -(Tena . Sprung), -: Van=
couver, ' B.C., $5; R. D. Philp,
Blyth,., $5: Geo. Radford Con
• struction Ltd., Blyth,. $20: Harry
Beadle, $10; A. Manning -Si Sons,
Blyth, $25; • Anderson, Family,
$I0'; ' Wesley Bradnock, $10;
Garth McClinchey,', $5; Lloyd
-McClinchey, $10; Leonard Arch-
aimbault, $20; Tom Cunningham,
$1O; Carman Gross, $5. Labor::
Leonard Archambault, $5; -El-
liot Lapp, $5; Wm. Straughan,
$511; Robert Chamney, $92; Ray
. Hannah, $2- Wm. Dobie, $7.50;
Geo., "Nesbit, $20; Gordon
'P,owell,.1$60; Robert Turner, $15
Tom-Haggitt,°$3; Wm. Dodd. -$4;
Oscar Ament, $4; uy Cunning-,
ham, $8; Bert Marsh, $30 Wm.
Wagner, $6; Jim Jackson, $8;
Major' Youngblut,- $2; _Bob Arm -
• ,strong, $6; Charles, Scott, $2;
• Bill Patterson, $2; Wm. Seers,
$2;Witn..* J. Craig, $$430; Wm. S.
Craig, Clinton, ,$15, Merchari-
.dise;, Harry and IIa Worsen,
'Goderich, hardware for kitchen
'cupboards, '.$60: W. Craig, -I'•
Yale lock, $3.50; 'W. J Craig,
$'-£dot stainless steel chain,
$11.35; Goderich Bottling' Works,
"peP',',.$2,70; Gordon R. Taylor,
brush broom, $3.50; Ralph D.
Munro,:' tumblers. and juice
• glades. for kitchen,' $36.
Arthur Marsh
A 'former resident of this
community, Arthur Marsh, pass-
ed away last Week in Guelph
hospital in his 85th .year. Born.
In'England, he was the son of
the',. late Mr. 'and Mrs. George
Marrsh and came • to, Canada
With his pare*. who. 'fettled
' ft► a Hullett '' Township. Later
they: moved to Walkerburn
• Where. ;lie attended -schools at
S.S. N'0. ' 9, ITUllett. • He went
to the Canadian West in 1896,
'where• he „WO an interior decor-
gator for manyears. Upon re,
tiring he moved to Guelph and
resided, with his only. daughter,
to all members. Mr. Lawrence
Nesbit was elected Rector's
- Len McGee (left) is being wished every success by Frank' Wilson, District Manager
for General Motors Products .of Canada Limited: Reg McGee 'and Sons Limited have
recently been appointed Pontiac, Buick, Cadillac dealers by General 'Motors.'
Warden for another term and.
Mr. John Daer will begin Isis
seventh, year as the People's
Warden: Other officers elected
were: Lay delegate to Synod,
Mr. Fprdyce Clarks sub -delegate,
Mr. Clifford Brawn; Board of
Management, Mr. Gordon 11.
Taylor, Mr. Thomas S. Johnston,
Mr. Clifford Brown, Mr. Lloyd
Humphreys; Mr. Robert J. Phil-
lips, Mr. -Thomas ITaggitt, Mrs.
George Schneider, Miss Shirley
Brown, Mrs., Ed.. Davi s Mrs.
H m hr " irs:'[� mas- -Ha -
u . p eys, lV u g
gitt;• Church treasurer, _Mrs..
John Daer; vestry- :clerk, Mf s.
Thomas Haggitt., sidesmen, Rob-
ert J, Phillips, Gordon li,. Tay-
lor and Thomas Haggitt. It was
decided to purchase 12 new
prayer books.,the congrega-
i _ : ,A .vot : thanks was e
x -
.t e-o�
for their spiritual leadership in
the parish during the past year.
Cha arl — Baechler
A gkiie but pretty wedding
took place in " Knox United
Church last Saturday, January
27, at four o'clock when Rev.
Charles W.. Lewis officiated at
the marriage of Barbara' Caro-
line.Baechler. and Gordon Bruce
Chapman. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Baechler, R.R. 3, Auburn,
and the groom is the son of. Mr
Leslie Chapman and the late
Mrs, :Chapman, of Goderich.
The bride wore ii dress of
ter white;' wpol with beige as
cessories arid' a corsage of red
rosebuds. She Was. attended by
her sister, -,Miss June Baechler,
who .wore a dress of pink benga-
line with black, accessories and
a corsage of. yellow rosebuds.
The groomsthan Was Bill • Tides -
11. •of Clinton. Following the
Triage- a reception was held
. the home of the• brides par-
enta , where Mrs. Baechler re-
ceiveE,l the guests wearing a
green embossed rayon benga-
line dress .with a corsage of
pink carnations. Mr. and .Mrs. I ing her first boy friend.
interesting program of contests
and readings was enjoyed with
Mrs. Ted Hunking in charge.
Among the winners were Mrs.
Joe Hunking and -Mrs. George
Schneider. Lunch was served
by Mrs. George Schneider, Mrs.
John Snyders, Mrs. Joe Verewey
and Mrs. Worthy' Young. Plans
were made to hold a Penny sale
t the February meeting with
;Verewey.--ssr-e ara ort
be answered by a Valentine
verse and the lunch committee
will be Mrs. Stewart Amid,
Mrs. Leonard Archambault, Mrs.
Stanley Ball and Mrs: Walter
Canadian Girls in Training
JudithArthur . presided for
eet heidfit
home of the leader; Mrs. W:
Bradnock. The—meeting was
opened 'with I the call to worship
and by • singing the hymn,
"Jesus bids us shine." This was
followed by • the Lord's Prayer
and the ,Purpose. The roll call,.
was: answered by each girl nam-
ing a woman mentioned in the
Bible. , The ` Scripture lesson
from -the 20th cha r. of the
Gospel of St. Matthe Was read
by Brigitte Schlichtling. A dis-
i Chapman ...will reside on 'East
street in Goderich.
'Prioir' to her marriage, the
bride -elect was guest of honor
when her—aunt, Mrs. William
Littlechild, Goderich, entertain-
ed at a shower. Friends and
neighbors presented her with
many gifts at a shower in Knox
United Church at which Mrs.
Kenneth- Scott presided for the
p .o ra Cu=
.sin in
r...g m -.,
Y ,
`Clincheyyvv3filT 1�1s: Whirr,."
Craig at the piano; solo, Betty
Moss; reading, Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt; piano instrumental,
Ruth Schneider; duet in comic
costumes, Mrs.. Kenneth Patter-
son and Mrs. Norman McClin-
chey, accompanied by Mrs. Nor-
man i
" :htma�. at 4.,• Wane.
The guest of honor "and her
sister June• were escorted to the
platform to two - 'decorated
chairs and Miss Rose Marie
Haggitt read the address: The
many :gifts were presented by-
ymembers of 'the 'Auburn '4-H
Clubs: In • expressing her
thanks, Barbara invited the.
guests to visit her in her new
home in Goderich. Lunch was
served and a social hour en-
joyed. • -
W'alkerburn Club = .
, The Walkerhurn Club held
the January meeting at the
home of Mrs. Garth McClinchey
with 15 merribers present and
one visitor. The president, Mrs.
Leonard Archambault, presided.
Prayelr was: given . by Mrs. Ted
Hunking. The minutes were
approved as read. by the secre=
tar`', Mr's. Lorne Hunking.
Thank -you notes were read- from
Mrs., Percy Vincent and ' Mrs.
William Archambault for Christ-
mas boxes received, The. draw
prize, -donated by Brenda Arch-
ambault, was won by. Mrs,.,;Garth
McClinthev. The, roll call was
answered byr each member nam-.
rs Given
For many years, the name
,Reg. McGee has been synony-
mous with the car sales in Gode-
and disti .et, Jus t re t y
it was- announced that- the- -fir-
was; leaking a change in. their
franchise.' . Now a great name
in the dationaJ:, automobile scene
joins a well-known name on the
local scene. Reg. McGee . and
Sons o,Liirnited become Pontiac;
Buick, Cadillac, Vauxhall,
Acadia and GMC truck dealers.
This "change has come about
after many months of negoti-
ation, President Len McGee
said. We are `satisfied that we
have become associated with
one of the finest line of cars
in the industry.
The •history of Reg. McGee
and Sons Limited goes back to
cussion followed on the C.G,I.T.
pins and plans were made for
future meetings. The assistant.
leader continued the study of
religions of the world and many
interesting 'facts were. ,told of
the origin of the Roman Cath-
olic faith and their beliefs. The
offering was received by Mary
Sanderson—and Margaret Sand-
erson was the. "secretary' in the
absence of Gail' Miller.
1929 when the -late Reg. McGee•
founded the firm., The present
President and General Manager,
Len McGee, joined. the firm 18
years -'ago, --Alvin-Meete yho-
is the; Secretary -Treasurer and
Sales Manager, became active
in the ' btis less 12 years .agp.
Together, they .have many years
experience and are capable of,
giving sound advice on " your
motoring requirements.
Ken. -end Ron McGee are re-
spgnsible. for parts and service
and have been: with the firm
for several years. A complete
line of parts will be a. Jailable to
service the make of car pre-
viously sold. .
The front office staff is'round-
ed out by salesman Joe Thomp-
son who is well known in Gode-
rich and' district for his long
association with the automobile
To back up the gales and.busi-
ness departments there is a
competent factory -trained ser-
vice staff. •
This week -end you will have
the opportunity to. view and
test-drive the car of yourchoice
as Thursday, Friday and Satur-
day, McGee's 'villi be having
their Grand Opening open
range Or
that old refrigerator,,
Why discard t tg
51i rr- e°i" Vu'rrsa�l el l'e'="a r �r'i
condition irfor•. you. •.r�
"The Store That Service Built"
Your McClary-Easy Dealer,
59 Hamilton St. °+ JA -4-8434.
Chief of -the... gods of Greek ed the sky. On its
mythology was Zeus, whore the`
Romans called, Jupiter --a great;
Marded, god who travelled by,
air astride a giant,eegie.: The
Greeksthought, of Olympus,
their 'highest , mountain,` • pa the
home in
h e �af � the Pr.._ cipal gods,
Olympus rises • tenthousand,.
feet and the poets said it tench.
had his palace; and thein he.
presided ' over theother gods.
4- Accidents arethe fourth
leading, cause of- death., Motor
vehicle accidents Cense More
deaths than any other. Police
InVsd ast �dj rtv actor ,excessive11
per cent of cases.
•: PE07. 14-3 ONLY_
205 Discount
..39 BRITANNIA RD. Goderich JA. 4-8162 f
se soommego poimm•••••NNNOi•O®!••NlM•
s -AC
3000 Cases A' MoYth In Ontario Alone .
November, 1961-3519 •victims, 127 of these died.
December, 1961'2-- •3666 victims, 103 of these died.
Apparently there is no sure preventive measures
available a andone- n
may y become a victim„
... ,p��•.t>,y,-u.y i��"` m dw.z._;,.��„ e . a,. C Lg� "'..n 1��" Y �«f`.T`:"'r.""T.>,
To o aefrray the cost antl,to ave an in-
come when it strikes contact:
* MOVAC Motor Vehicle ACcident
Annual PremIiim 1.—
- a $5.00 and up
Our Beef.' Buyers have just
returned from Western Can-:
ada where they purchased
the finest cattle available for
this sale. • Check these prices.
• and 'see for yourself how
you save at LG.A. All meat
sold at your I.G.A.. Food •
Store is Government inspect-
ed for your protection.
You Can WIN- All -This in My ---
' a
'Blade or. Round Bone Shoulder
d. �o'�L:.6N•.•
worth of brand. ne
Halliday Hom
erected on your
OilV'f ; -property ` ' MAPLE LEAF
if, between Nov. .ist,1961, and• Oct: 15th,
1962, you have purchased a nevi CASELI
tractor, combine : :