HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1962-01-25, Page 4itides For, Sale'
and -Bed SnYe. either varlet
Very good—$1,,85 bushel; Mac-
Ititoshe• SIN bushel. Free de-
livery. Att Bell, phone JA 4 -
NEW -and used - refrigeraters,
ranges, Weelting maChines, dry-
- ere, home air cenditioning. Rest
prices, low ..terms, good -trade
Allewariees. See Lumbys, 30 St.
. WE SPECIALIZE • and carry a
comPlete stock -of Sparton TV
parte; also sales service and
erodes. B. R. Monday, 127
- Widder St. Phone 7961.
ELECTROLUX Seles and Ser-
vice, cleaners end polishers,
Also reconditioned. units and
repairs. Bert Harris, Goderich,
Phone 7917 37tf
• in geed condition. Phone JA 4-
767tf. -4
TRENCH coats, gabardine (Air
Force) up to size 37 only, ree
BLUE G.E. transtster, almost
new, "priced reasOnably. JA 4 -
REX-SIZE SAVINGS, advertised
in Star Weekly . and Weekend
-thine, cough and cold remedies,
stationery, etc., are available at
ruary IOth.
goods) mailed ,postpaid in plaiel,
sealed:envelope with priCe list.
'Six samples 25c; 24 samples
.11,,ktoo:1 SHORE
General Insurance
Hottentot* Street.
Rhone AA 4-7272
Your agent in .the Goderich
District 'for, Kernehan Homes
Tygetedroom, Wartime
eil,.schools, this, h me has many
basement, lorcedeair on furnace,
and modernized -kitchen. '•Eicel-
Three-Bedroom& Brand New
Only $2,500 down will pur-
chase this lovelyenew home just
completed. Price has been re -
Three -Bedroom Bunoalow—Low
,- Down Paymene
Only three years old, ehis
modern home has three corn-,
fortable bedrooms, each with
clothes elosets, large, bright.,
living room and dinette, pleas-
ant, convenient, kiteliene with
counter tops and -exhaust fan.
This home is heeted from the 1
full basement bek an oiltfired
forced air furnace. Well situ-
ated .in a west. location, this
home is offered for a low...doyen
Lopated on a pleasant street
in the west part of , Goderich, Farm Salesman: John I. Rapson
this frame' bungalow contains 152 South St. ---JA 48559_
large' living room, modern kit-
chene, two besirooms and sun -
room. This house is heated by
.ii.,4a.ntleeleiege, is
single car garage on the. pro-
perty. Terms are available.
FILTER fitTEENe Sales aod Ser
eice. Bob Peck, Verne. Phone
MAN'S clothingeln good condi-
tion'e size 37-38: Phone 8148,
after five. • Frank Bissett. -3
APPLES from our cold storage:
fancy Spy, Delicious, $2 per
bus.; quality Macintosh, $1 per
bus. Ross Middleton, Bayfield..
Phone HU 2-9136.
1961- CONCERT Electric Chord
org,an, originally $219.00,. now
$1011.00, like new. Music in -
4 JER.SEY cows. .4 to 6 years
old, due to frishen• within -2
weeks, bred Jersey. George
Nesbitt; phone 43 r 18, Blyth.
Service. R,epairs arid bags for
all makes of "vacuums end palish-
. - ers. Reconditioned machines of
. all makes fot gale Bob Peck',
-HARMONY electric guitar With
3 -PIECE bedroam suite builteby
'Knechtel and finished in cherry:
This suite is in top condition
and priced for a quick -salp.
This excellent suite "may be
seen at Lodge Furniture. '4
A classified ad in. the Signal
83 Victoria- St., Goderich, -Ont.
Phone JA 4-725;
Your liallidfie Home Agent.
1-66 ic 101,--Nelsbli St.
2e--60 104—PatmerSton St
Numerous other 2, 4 and 5 -
bedroom heroes with e,x,,
NEW ranch style home on
Widder• St., 4 bedrooms, full
basement. $5,000 down will
WEST END, on Wilson St.,
ranch style.. This is a com-
pact, -neat home, -Can be
purchased with most convene
ient terms available, or can
be traded on an older style
Foeme, See us today.
WE HAVE one -e -Of We largest
listingse-ofeefarnis, . in' Huron
.e,Courity._feom $3,300.00 to
NUMEROUS local business op.•
. given over phone on these.
.. poisrTtuiniNGti:s.ANNroi .1Ni:or, RmiaEtsion
Three Lower Priced Homes
Three-bedremre- -bungalow in
east location. Recently reties,-
ated„ and redecorated through-
modern kitchen with built-in
cupboards and couhters and
heated by forced -die gas-fired
bo-rders. 20
Bruce ,St. Phone 7990, '
ROOMERS. Phane •1202. '55
CaMbria. Rd. ' 24x
AN. Old ,,Reed organ waoted, in
good conditioo. Phone .81.48,
after Ave. 'Frank Bissett,
CARS and frocks, late and old
prices peid. We boy ell. aeon
iron an -d metal. Goderich.Sill-'
vage, phone 8741. 4tf
Suitabi; for two.
Girle preferred. Phone JA 4-
CHILD'S crib, in good condi-
tion wanted. ' Reply, stating
price and particulars to Box 35,
Signal -Star. 7.4
11. Employment Wanted
YOUNG man, 21, vvould like
office work or clerk in store.
One and a -half years banking
experience, 4 years high school
including special commercial.
phone 7550 on week -end only
SECRETARY requires employ-
„rneot, either full or part-time.
14. Services Available
lioards, furniture repairs. 16
Gibbons St. Phone 9631.
Modern equipment, ell work
guaranteed. Write Louis Blake;
Classified Ad Rates
60c per issee for 20 werds
et, lese (extra' words and
figures- .02. coots, each per
Payable in ad-
vancer or no later,. .than
Wednesday noon ef week
"following publication of
Advt., If billed after afore -
Mentioned time. 25e extra.
tor. bookkeeping expeneek
25c extra for office box
la; Pubiic. Notice
ne 'Per issue -15 words or
less (extra worde and figures
--11..4043 epaecritcChla. ssified display
Wt:etrcon ,anawn acliv:tordireisemeitte,netwcanivr1
ries a box number, inform-
Wednesday noon is deadline
for receipt of classified eds.
Display ,advurtleing Mei on
request. Deadilne for dis-
play is 5- m. Monday of
week of publication.
the centre line of the orig.
(b) cosve- or the Crest
(c) on the tangent to a heti-
eontal or vertical. curve
where the sight distance is
lesS than 600 feet in each
3. The County _reads or parts of
County roads defined! by • this
by-laW are as fcdlovvs:
The,„ entire cOunty read sys-
tem' as defined in Schedule
• saVe and except such parts
-- of the County road system -
which lie within the limits
of any Tewn, Village or Police
Village within the County of
4. The Corporation of the Coun-
ty of Huron, by their Clerk,
may give notice to the Owner
of Occupant of any land re-
quiring him to. remoVe or
tore erected after the passing
or,this by-law that does not
and each notice under this
section shall be in . writing
and sent by registered mail,
addressed to the Owner or
Occupant of the land.e
5, If • the person." to whenn the
notice is given, under 'Section
4 above, fails to comply with
, within 30 days from mail-
ing ' of such notice, the Cor-
poratiori of ., the County of
Huron may direct -any officer,
employee or agent reof-----the
16. Public Notice-
46 West y. JA 4-9442
viced building lots, 60 -ft -x 133
ft,, in a developing area, for
,We 'have a new modern' 'Kier -
first -class area, for sale.
4. Real Estate Wanted
Two - storey,- four - bedroom LISTINGS WANTED -- Farms,•
home; in exceptionally go
condition. Good terms avail -
so Acre Farm on Highway 21
Just a few miles north of
town and easily a'ccessible all
year -round, this 50 acre farm
has a six -room house - heated
by new oil -fired, forcedelir fur-
nace, bank learn 25' x 35' and
drilled well. Ideal for the fam-
ily who wants the country life,
and works in tewn.
arm and Rural Salestnen:
Frank Mackenzie, 12,1e. 1, kiple
George Ashton, Fordwich
-- SINGER waintit-ebtisele model
sewing --machine, _with attacty
• meots, • take on Payments, bal-
ance 7 ,payments of $6.40- or
Signal -Star. -4
15 PIGS, eight weeks old; three
Holstein. heifers due poon.
Koob Drostephone 1240 Carlow,
1958 CHEVROLET 2 -door Bis-
• cayne, .in, gond condition. Pheme
” 'Wagon, • Motor.- in good ',condi-
tion, extra rinaseend tires. Pric-
ed to sell for caghe. 127 Elgin
3.: Real Eitatel'or Sale
- \FOR SALE \\‘‘ "
2 -storey brick house tle 3
' bedrooms, in goad condition,
, west 'end'. locatiori. Original
Price greatly redueed for, im-
Eight-roOm, brick, -tench-type
home, in central location, large
lot, attached egarege„.. base,
for professional Matt- No tele-
-, "PflOne -inforniation pp this one,
New split-level with low_down
peyMelit-and monthly payments;
'Now ibedie00M, brick dottage
• 3,4366.601it deWartitiits.:" in tilt,
:ideation. .Z*Cellerity....-S,liaPe.
Mart's extra Imprdiernen0 plus
Wilding loft, faring
• beech- deVelOPMent..propertitt,
perty: Alexander and Chapman,
Realtors, Batik of- -Commerce
building, • Goderich. 4 -Phone
WE require listings for herpes,
building lots and businessee.
Peter ,S,., MacEwart, Real Estate,
44 North St. JA 4-9531.
LARGE" front housekeeping
rooro, , hot plate. Mrs. Ken
Aline, 54 Victoria St. e -2tf
BAsgMEN'T apartment. Pos-
session • iminediately, newly
decorated., Phone JA 4-7801.
teeeral In -durance Rear --Mtate -- Realtor. Phohe
Phone JA 4-8526
1-66 x 132---Widdee ?St. 750 SQUARE feet storage sPace,
2-62 x 134---Carneron St. suitable for cars, furniture, etc.
,1-54 x 50—Pict:VI St. MODERN bright office, ground
1-75 x 145—Hincks. Se. floor, adjadent to the- Square.
1-50 x 101—Brock St. Fully private; heated, modern,
Three-bedroom, white brick - -44tf
- , — HEATED front office in the
. , New .. two-bedroom brick new. Federal Building (Post Of.'
-home, ,centralle located. te ' Ace). - Available now. : Alex -
•r Almost new -threeebedr
TYPEWRITERS — Portable and
standards. .Skeoete Office Sup-
plies, phone JA 4-8652; Goderich:
Highest 'Cash • Prices Paid. far
Sick, Down or Distbled Cows
and Horses; also Dead Cows and
Horses at Cash Value. '
Licence Noa 68C61.,
15. Notice To Creditors
In -the • " Estate of GORDON
OLIVER McPHEE, late of the,
e Township of Colberne, in the
e County of Huron, Farmer,
All pereons- claiming 'against
the above •Estate are.. required
'to forward particulars to
the undersigned by the 5th day
of February, 1962, after -which
date the assets' ,.will be dis-
tributed. .
18e The. Square, '
Goderich, Ontario;
Solicitors for the Estate.
home, stilith* west: -
8. Help Wanted
ftill basement, good sized lot,
Fulrprice $3,000.
Be( POLICE Village of Bayfield,
Good honse, in Goderieh will man to fill the following posi-
tatl salaryi.eand oalification
L. H. PENTLAND, Huron Rd. 'to work en ketail um s.
JA 4-8041. e Must be aggressive, and Vining
to work. ,Good Onportunity„
.. LISTINGS -AND INQUIRIES 'benefits, 'etc:- Apply in writing
INVITED to Box 33, SignaDStar. -4
ALL 'persons having claiins
against the Estate of GEORGE
Employee, late of the Town of
Goderich, in the County of
Huron, who died •on or about
the 1th day of January; 1962,
are required to file the same
with full particulars with the
iind-ersigned by the .10th day
of- Febtuary, 196Z as after
that . date the assetSeof the
Estate .will be distributed.
Dated at Coderich,, Ontario,
this 15th day of January, 1962.
Barristers, etee'
In the Estate'of WILLIAM L.
YOUNG, late . of the 'Town-
ship of Colborne; in the
. „County of eleittron, 'Farmer,
All persons claiming against
the above Estate are required
to forward ,full particulars to
the undersigned by the 5th day
of February,- 1962,- after which
elate the assets . will be --dis-
18 The Square,
Goderech, Ontario,
Solicitors for °the tstati.
ALL persons having *claiths
OW, late of' the ToWn of, Gode.
rich, in the. County -of Huron,
day tty, 1 2,, \ a
quire fil the
full p art .With
ruary, 1962, as after 'that date
the assets. of the estate will be
ISRMK.—At.,Alexaridrie' Hospit-
al, Gotleeich, Q11 3anliary 17,
Asa, to "Alr, and Mrs. Dirk
Reinke Goelerieb, 'soli.
COOK,—At Alexaodra, Hospital,
Goderich, on Jantniey 23, 1962,
Goderich, a daughter, Wendy
Jane. (stilibeen).
DUDA.—Al Toronto Western
• -Hospital; on -January -14, 1962,.
to Mr. and Mrs. Michael C,
Ducia, Doo a. son, Greg-
ory Charles.
FARIOSIL—At Alexandra Hos-
pital, Gederich, on January
Robert Farrish,. Goderich, *a.
sone David '
FISHER.L-At Alexandra Hospit-
al, Goderich, on January 24,
1962, to Mr. and, Mrs. Donald
Fisher, Goderich, a son.
said Cierporation.td enter Up-,
on the land -and do -or...cause
alter such building or struc-
ture mentioned in eaid notice.
.6; Every person-. -Who violates -
any of -the provisions, of Sec-
tions 2 and 3 or fails to com-
ply with the notice given
guilty 'or an Offense and on
sununary convictiol shall be
• liable,. to_ ,penalty of not
more, than fifty d.o 11 a'r s
($50.00) for each `offense and
the ,Contintiance of the con.
dition constituting an offense
for each week after *comic-
• tion, therefore, shall consti-
tute a new offense.
7. By -Law No. 28, 1957 is hereby
8. This by-law shall come into
force and 'effect when ap-
proved by the Ontario Muni -
Read a first„seCond and third
time, and finally passed this
23rd day of Noveniber, 1961.
mid Section 64 of The Highway
Improvement Act • •
TAKE NOTICE that the Coun-
cil ,of the Corporation of the
County ,of. Hutto has applied
to the Ontario Municipal Board
pursuant to the provisions of
Section 30 of The PlanziingeAct
for approval of its Restritted
-Area ley -Law 68, 1961, passed on
the 23rd day of November, -1961,
the:, full text bf which is given
Any person interested may,
within ,fourteeo days after the
date of this notice, lile with
the ,Clerk of the County of
Huron notice of --his objection
to epprbval of the said by-law
together with .asestatement of
the grounds-- of stich objection,
The Ontario MuniCipal Board
may approve of the said by-law
but before edoing so , it may
appoint atime and place- when
.any objections to the_ by-law
will be considered.
Dated at Toronto this 12th
day Of January, 1962.
, Acting' Secretary.
e 8th
Two brand new three -bed- INCREASt Toni, ificome with
room homeee one -beautiful four- pleasant sales work. Full or
bedroom home, . ell brick, " wes,e pairt time. Sell at commission
end locatim;easy terms. - and bonus,150 necessities most -
choice location„ must be sold, mbrath,es, cleaners, etc. FAM -
house, barn,. on the' river, very ilEN at. WOMEN, start yotir
90 .acres land, good brick
s"celeic, sotrie lnish, trotie strewn, OWn• Watkins Business. Full
or part-tiine, , Nothing to' invest.
' Ciro* 'to Clinton; .ips iteres' Oatkilti'001,o5o,-4t. Roth St,,,
gOod, Clay loam land, a three- Montreal 1:6f Que. 4-‘,1
"pbcodrwiti,o!oNrhmoeinnte,.4b,aroot,. $10,000.• 'mAN ieoinkso
le be our Representative in
tighivo 21; hmise, bane, this -County, pleasant% dignified
and. 2v2 -acres land,', Modern Work with toti chintigs,'.. full
cash; West $51, , after yeary no lay•vits, bp slack
.nsiVe 'largo' liking of net -dad:. 'territories, are filling
Orluit IrUnfOn P•OttniZ, _fast, .rush, your_ thine and., ada
joHN ittsvEL dress. for fun, .informatibti. No,
111,)14 . otargv?iii ,ou rfai
this 16th day of . Jeiriney,
Barristers,- etcee
Goderich Ontario.
PubliC Notice
WHEREAS, it • is deemed to
be necessary and -desirable to
regulate the loCation of build-
ings and strtictures on land
adjacent to p certain county
AND WHEREAS authority is
granted under Section . 64 (1)
of the Highway Improvement
Act R.S.O. 1960 and Section 30
of the Planniog Act R.S.O. 1960
to exercise such power subject
to the approval of the Municipal
The, Counell of the Corpora -I,
tiorl of the County nf Huron
(a), Na person ehall erect any
building or structure, any
part of which js located closer
to' the. nearest limit of any
of the County roads ar parts
of .the County roads, herein-
after defined than;
25 -feet Where the road,' is
• 100 feet Wide;
42 feet wfibre the road is
66 feet wide;
end in- no case cloder te the
Centre line of the original
road allowance, than 75
1. (b) Provided that in the case
of two existing buildings
either .or both of which is,
or are, (located closer:to the
nearest limit of any County
is pe 1(0 of \this
pad qinafter'delined than
by-law, Jeff are less thanvs
300 ,f eeet apart .measured par-
' allel-etb the centree,line of
.road, Aito_proyisians of this,
paragraph shall ape* to the
extent tharno person shall
,erect any Wilding or strac-
'existing strtictutes closer to
-the centre line of thd rdad
than the' line joining the dos -
est point to the centre linb
of the road of the one struc-
ture, to the closest point to
, the centre qine of the road
of the nekt adjacent struc-
-itEconbl\t infAso tog, at
Friday, January 26; for IV. and
Luifch served. Show. reMoved
fOr Parking.' Dancing unfit 1.30
kow -finauce year tow or late
model used car purchase at
Bank Rates through Harold' W.
Shore, -.28 Hamiltoii St. Dial
,_.,M,P144V.,,availtible 'for lst mort-
gage ent , gond residential pro.
Real Elitatt.'BrOl4ri" 'Dial JA 44
17. Business ()Notice
SHARPENING: saw's; skates,
'cutlery. Homer, Huron
R.P.. 6, Goderichs phone Carlon,
304, general insurenc,e.
SKATES. sharpened, hollow
19. Lost And 'Found
WOULD. the lady, :who received
the wrong parcel of laundry by
mistake last Saturday please •re -
K1NAHAN.—I would like to e-x-
tend:el-4y thanks to Dominion
Road -Machinery • .CO„ AIWA -
leers Of Machinist Local 1863,
members of the Columbus
Goderich, the boys from
Steel Store .*Dep,artment,
Wends and neighbors, Dr,
Mills, nurses and • etaff of
Alexandra Hospital -for their
kindness during My recent
• 4x
mArmEws.—I would like to
express my appreciation to
all tnY reIatiVes, friends, and
neighbors for flowers, boxes
of fruit, gifts, cards and viSits
which I received while I was
a patient in .Goderich hos-
6 pital. Special thanks to Dr.
and staff for their kindneedes.
Mrs..ileory Matthews.
iiekgNzi:E.—We wish to extend
heartfelt thanks and deep ape
predation to our relatives,
friends and 'neighbors for
their many acts of kindnelss,
Messages of sympathy, floral
Votions, received during ear
recent bereavement. Special
thanks to Rev. Mr. Hiltz, Rev,
Mr. McMillan, and the nurses
and staff of Exeter hoseiltal.
Mrs. Ile McKenzie and family.
FULFORD.,—At St. Mary's Hos-
pital, Kitchener, on January.
liam Fulferd (Sylvia Crad-
pital, Goderich, on January
20,4962, ta Mr. and Mrs. John
Miller, Goderich, a daughter.
PITBLADO.—At Mount Sinai
liespital, Toronto, on Jano-
David Pitblado, Toronto, a
SEGUIN.-eAt Alexandra Hos-
pital, Goderich, on January
daughtere Anne -Marie.
WILLIS.—At Alexandra Hasn't.;
al, Goderich, on January 20,,
1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Len
Willis, Goderich, e daughter,
Ruth Dianne.
Order Shell furnace oil and -
stove oil from Edward Fuels
tenk truck dealer for all Shell
Oil Co. prodocts Phone
Save up to $18.95 on a Bond
Tailored -to -Measure Suit at
McLean Bros. _Suits range en
price from $55.95 to S-69.95. and
we guarantee total satisfaction.
time to have those reemholester-
ing jobs done properly. Reid
,UPholstering, opposite the Post
Officee Phone JA.4-8422. -4
and Rebekah lodges have wheel-
chairs and other equipment for
loan, feee of charge. Contact
Amos . Osbaldeston, Park St.,
phone :9623; or Fred Fritzley,
• TREE PANTS or 20% off on
-a Bond Clothes er James Bros.
made -to -measure suit at Mac-
Lean, -Bros. Peices - range from
PITBLADO.—I' wish. to express
my sincere thanks te all My
friends and neighbors for all
gifts; calls, 'visite' and cards
thanks to -Dr. W. N. Watters,
the nurses and steti of -the
hospital for the kind care
Ane- eb,anie- all
my friends Who sent flowers,
cards' and gifts diering-'-my
:Dr. J. R. Leitch and the Gode-
rich hospital nursiog staff.
• Mrs, Gaynor Seller.
F. Engagements
-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mellor,
Stoney Creek, wish to announce
the engagement of their daugh-
ter, IVIarlene Carol Koche, to
Mr. Donald George Stewart, son
of Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Stewart,
Goderich. -The wedding will
take place Friday, February 9,
1962, at St. Matthew's Anglican
Church, Hamilton, at 7 p.m.
Legion Bingo every Thursday,
night -in the Legion Hall, 8.45
games for $10.00; 3, share -the -
wealth, and one gamelor $50.00
must go (no limit to numbers
called). Proceeds for artificial
ice. -ltf
Valentine Tea and spring
fashion show, sponsored by Un-
ited Church- Women of North
Street Church •,M the Christian
Education Building,. en Wednes-
day, February 14, et three and
The general meeting of the
Goderieh Sports Association will
be held 'on Friday, January 26,
at MacKay Hall at 7.30 p.m. 4x
ee Coining Events'
open inelese On Wednesday, Feb-
a.m., in MacKay Hall. EVenone
ceroing this event or., eehool
St. George's Parish. Hall, under
the „auspices of St. Pavid's
GroilP, Church Woman's Grind.
Don't forget ,the Women's In-
stitute pot lock supper, Thurs-
and souyenirs of the first mem-
The Legion Auxilkary invite
you and your Valentine to a
turkey dinner, February 14,
•Vaneb tickets only. "JA 4-8850,,
419464-2,9a7t225.:00 p.m. or 0:30
Adults $1.75; children 85c. Ad -
Urgently needed by the Gode-
rich Little . Theatre, seaman's
pea jacket or trench boat, wo-
man's plush overcoat and cloche
hate Phone„ Ruth Leonard,
Be sure to take advantage of '
the King-size savings during the
MACY, January 29 thret Febru-
ary 10th as advertised -in Star
Weekly and Weekend Magazine.
Sifto Salt executives from -
a,cr-essmCanasla". will gather -at
Goderich January 25 and 26
to attend -the comi3M-'-s- annual ,
.management-cenference.--. The -
conference WillVun in two par-
allel sections, with the produc-
tion men following one agenda
and the sales Mapagers, follow-
ing another. . A joint meeting
of the two groups will be held
in the 'new conference' room at
111ine on Thursday, jamtary.
25. Walter Lawson, vice-pre-
sident and ge,nral.- manager,
will preside at the, joint meet-
ing. Also attending -this, and
other -sessions will be Irwin
Grbom who,' on the firet of
March, will succeed Mr. Lawson
as general man5ger of Sifto Salt.
Limitede G. M. Josephson, .num-
ager of development; -and L S. ,
J. Huberdeau comptroller.
Incioding Labor
Parts . Extra ,
., ,
.. ,• \floor Sapding — Carpetin ,
M --AiriruTieitd to• pUt o ' i pr ng many liarrai-4-611-1 , ----and—tt
opr home or place- of bUsinessi When we ask 'Why?;',, • p......-___.
we are tisleallerpressed to give' a good reason.
It's simplita matter Of habit born of custom and tra-
-ditions of the past. '
1, (c) Provided "thatin eases
where a• building exists •closer
to ' the nearest . limit bfany
Countyr• road hereinafter de-
• fined than i pern►itted in 1(a)
of this bylaw. the Provisions
of this `paragraph Abell apply
so thata-no eielkson hall erect
a building or atrueture Closer
to the centre line of the read
>xhan the existing building or.
structure. i€--theedistance.•(mea'
:sured parallel to ,the centre
line' d.tte read) between the
•existing and proposed Artie.
tures is less than 50 feet.
2, Na, permit(. shall erect or. in,.
stal gasoline 'pumps:
(a) closer than, 60 feet from
11(2c per tile
Wheo We examine the situation toedey we find it actu-
ally PAy§ US to have wark done during the -Winter
when lir materials are so readift available:
This. applies particularly to HOME, PLANT, and