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The Exeter Times, 1891-6-18, Page 2
CRrt?WEME� 2olczal. r*a RHEUMATISM Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Threat, Frost B les, Sprains Bruises, Sumo, Etc. Sort bar Bra„ s -aa ko lees ea: -c:,';ere. rattyt',. ^.tee Mahe -as in ra .::- mazes. THE CIIAiLES 5. heeSeEii taieeneIS'nOte.1fC1, ema31a 11. xt: T.0*al t; , Qi its R tS .`vz SFINN OUB EDUOATIONAL SYS'fE [, Can It tie amproveatTie Unties of Teachers.. - Ie is a truth requiring no illustration; that Canadians generally appreciate the advan- tages of education. If any doabt it let theta consider the $.`1,500,000 eehieh are annually paid to the more than twenty-one thousand teachers ells! igeal in the common and High • schools of the Dominion; let sheen note the large sums that are expended. every year in andproviding „ ', o} 'buildings n tae. t1n� se o , school requisites; and let thein retieet upon tie will11 Yness with which tens of thousands - 10 r. anents tcrego the help of their children ' f' czar midi needed at home) in order that their buys and girls may haze an opp .rtun- itv of #':ning, better fitted to engage in . ic'e's battles a„d to enjoy the itlessttree whie:i come through the open doorof know- . e ledge. That we have in Canada, especially in the Proviuee .'f Opted*, can educational system equal to that of any other country : ; in the world is very generally conceded. TA • is no name ncetoria to say that no eountry eat' 1, oast Of a better system, or one better LOST IN TEE 33USE, An Adventure tame .Australtlin Sorest. One summer morning a man started from a public house id Australia to walk to a cer- tain ostrich farm, He had not been long in the country and had to inquire the way of the landlord, who told himit Wens seven mates by the public road ; that there was another way by a path through the bush, which would save him about three miles but he should advise hist. to take the road, '" for,' said he, "" it.is•nothing but scruu and jungle out ill 'ambush, and all looks just alike, and it's a little blind to anybody who is not used to it. Aud it's lonesome. There ain't runny go that way, and perhaps .you won't see a lean after you leave here. There's plenty of birds and shakes, and that's about all the life there is." the telegraph line, it was certain that the The meaitee% of binds decided The wan, for repairers would be sent out from headquar- he was a naturalist, bat he did not tell the ter, to follow the line till they discovered landlord. When he came to the place the cause of the interruption; and they would where Inc path branched o 1 he turned into find hien : Ile started up, and with almost t!" hash and began hisfour-mile wall:. superhuman strength climbed up and cut At first he idly wintered along, for had the wire, and then he lay dowa on the spot, he not the day before him ? Ile remembered steak and exhausted, but full of courage, that he had three or four bi.-euitsin his ba:;, , ilii in the afternnooih of the next day the men a+l aA,tcu to meet the requirements of the .' and ti ounht it was no matter if he did not a arm -oil and came upon the lost traveller in rr n,a- 1 of qualification iia ticat on fe:laherr-hi tion. In no country is he reach tit farm tilt after dinner time. He time to save dale. ^- r . t+.nen .d t 14 g would en e • the shrubs and flowers, the �+ and in none ace the teachers more enthetei• J yh were new l3tAvi#'1a1 r,Qtie. ast1.'h devoted to their nvoria. 4 nAnd the et • j to flim. birds dOver eaand over he of Fall to himself mu:body said it was a beeatiful face, and -ill say. -i4 OW cost edttaatlonel sj;step is ' y 1 ie second somebody w. G neer of tat } in the work, and the siaerioe of 'that he was -glad he °hese that wa •. The y ►zo looked at it dis- r west. ac is eat attlemeal that the system is shlneness . He slid not find is tiresome le Cove cal it wasn't a young face, while the 1 c the least. Tho loneliness . He rather em third somebody saidit '.3. not a correct z se ate, i ,sera in its iii cd, or that it is y' thebeat aeeil:l, syetent that. can be eon Toyed it. Was the nth i blind one? lie face, bat still they ell united in saving it , ec•;t..1 c•:.1 1; seg stated the systean, zs it 414 r:ot fled it se' it teas narrots, t' 1'e N way a, beautiful face. I will tell Fonlzow it II sure, and wound 2n cud out over the sante happened. tobe'.o. l> WW1 the face of a ° exists in rear emern 4 1 hoofs. eons at giving Pp sunnier. in �ru^tion to all the children of the eaarse grass send anatomy, the same thorn 1 wanslu who. early in life, • when she, was a c ottettrh that is, while all are tile: e' pceRtil bushes and furze and s:t n1► and tangle of girl like you aatd EAU; and Dorothy amc1. fact tines, with the Fam©in:v trees over head, bet . glary disxlvered that her face would only• to.., , l'I the ` IIIIe leeItth ill the matter knees in atter despair. All at once' the flight of a bird overhead caused hien to look up, and he saw something which sent the blood pulsing swiftly through his veins, and Ile rose to his feet. Yes, it was a telegraph wire, and if he could but pierce the jungle and follow the thee he should eventually come out where were habitations of men. But in a moment he remembered how impossible that was, and felt with the bitterness of despair that he -messages e 'oe vn n 1 ee w he nittst dfeth there n , from friend to friend, from one home to n - 'h . his a 'roaming over s i U come alien b ss an- other, r in t n th p fa , g head. He was so near the means of corn- municetion with his fellow heiugs, but for- ever cut off 1 Then, quick as lightning, another thought flashed upon him -if he could manage to cut re• he ft iia tt easy ulaugli to }.cep i)t gi, Ile be li (14401 at °llc vial not allo'm lienal to 0 tr to foe them ;all ars expected tap, tr.tsel In , teas t}tinkialt; lies tivhen a bird, bright as tt c ak the l,ettisll tvur.i. ar think alto unitiud i selves are re:luireii t•, etude" the seen ],colts they made lanes there - m are examined in the Fainesull'vcts: a And in they moment he wa$lost. ' as,•orl•ltgatcal limn•, anaitila1.5viQlent inllig- ,, anda re ex amined i n the tFame a bjeetorm ,how, the .al.ndtrallan l�:lei1 is edallger ' mitt n n 3 is 1►crelraxv llerlip3.cltvie together alis 41r€ Oot.lt C>Jl� 13 , one plaru to bo lest in, l,utho wale trot aaware ,made them lase, then• Cupids arrow shape nrivi:iQn tan+1 ea,his scholar ie re; Ikea to All drtiggi'ta ar„ auti rrk l to sell it es a F«s• ; attain .o ,a t_. twin tie;rea o pI. 1t i sts 2n Y It did not even occur to him that he was hive t ansate., a.teetthatnoctitercatecan sue- j t 3e eel l era r:ahlects taught • 111 die Ill t lot" ?ut o: the gatll; and, if it had, he would t esautty Rad. That it may become known, Iit'£are ?4asshtg tai the next higher tonal, 1 have leu hed at once at the idea than he ill l'c, ;::r:e,o: , at »n erearmetts cs_ se. aro Taos s,; .far from recognizing the peva- c r' at 1 tie i to a:e, • L..r. e ,,II Iter er is:tInialgaai t isles of mho pupils could trot go back intait at ante. Ile was placing * a,• i k tie ani Cz ada. If 4oal.avc M the system practically ignores these, and a m iu SYlao had spent gays at, a time for . the 1. nate.' e T- >: l.'- „„sola,- ria tie attention and many summers In explorteer wild places in a G -11h Srre Tat^: t, er Br; .chide, use it, ler p greater.the stud of balsa • anti ornithology, and G a ' lei.t+r Its nmol u -,n thCee Sthjecta mast y ? e7 eri'r'.tlo a:.,cure eCuu=f . it r amh1n ,taridrel of i dist,':e:nl and for wit j F F ., t � tb the .pupil sltnmsa i �' ' c <• the least 1 titltalt, ..iris at tniningmit a is sure. if ytax dread Haat ire ,da«ass da a.., li Co: ernation, u i.. Al:.syear I)rwgl, t tee t ulste:i 1-:I.dttet in teary case after a ver• SHILOH'S CURE, Pegg' to cmG . so cta.. aid tali pattern. Now is is proper to ash. $1.oN If ycmr 1,u•1 aro sc cr 1=. ,.l:lame, al et::cr this is the ,vest FVStenh, or whether u - Iit.thelade 1 ie, Carter, 1"c .e ,.s CRs: there ie net a nlr�tt each d:t'nt w'ay? Talc , c.Aalld not tieen3 to eve juet whereat area. lle ._ -1 r relit or wise to trc.tt all sthr�renis ; knew "haat lie had turned to the right ; _ - .. C - , 7:7.'"1.",'",71-';'," alike without i i en to their render t'e: Min bleu, of 0 .,t c, be utast 1aa1r tarn to a , ,`,V'''-:•4..- te s ! "' ereneve mai alta hie- S Tule, ns requiring the I.. rt, and he slid era lint it w:ta of no 3. e.° + •., arm fe.-sc.r.e.i : era ua a 1 the pupil t 4 tapltle; liiaratedf to studies that i There was rho path. Why, where is it . c,, LI ear Virtu tr. i1t,a ,s A" to -,.car.1.v croil t,: r r R era. %.75 ° +`titin A °'':t of perfi rming irksome tacks it Me evangel the ,.arise path as far ail they go. T o melee ! let 04 dame tlashcd before him and utto the t ,rete; that lhetnlause and sullenness dais as certain as Possible the teachers them- thicket tat the. right, "rued aside a fewdrewdown. the corners of her mouth until', E. steps to molt atter it h ,l tl to that anger {levo her and , ea 7 rho s' .Can_ of lthoat al raised 2n t1;4 history ct mcalcine , Q v f'I i of it ; in fact, he did not know he was last. anti hecume thin and pursed up. She learned that ill -temper affected her complexion. ;how. you laugh at that 1 But it is true, nc.ertho'.css. Every part of tate human being igailected by the :mental action, and anger is quite as likely to give you in- d=gl toil �n ° tl3 spep-ia as 1115 to give you he had never lost las bcar}ngs. 1:e.td lis WW1 make you feel nervone. In- lie was not itt the, loa8t tlisturUetl, a eenare skin ; so. quite irre;tacetive of its atltholaolta little snrpeisc,l a; net being; able beim; a virtue to restrain your angry pas- , to step hack into 1:e path. ile knew hoh had $fen, you see it is a good beauty preserver, lot lava ten feet away, yet somehaow ile ' Tile waluan w:41, as :a girl, never learns c wetly how enttlecireabde at is to show out- er,tril visible signs of p! avishnessor irritabd- ity, will certainly Itavete:awardvisible smile of them on her fame, anal when she is the age of this women ---dais Wu:aian who is des31 t%1- .ii.�,tat,'i4 and ttyspeptie mean dull eyes and a s „exai.. he Laid to bimsel% " 14 h 11awr alwllyd ., ,, i ase, t:,,, e�n_etlia+l, Ito st:l+mita o tV verF i ya cd a91i,1M1 ill ti beautiful face -Iters will be trt:ll as l(aataas an inn. this is 1 ilii I shall find it: in a minute." wrinkled Ext:1 u�lv i .i.. is aver tliew.ree• vaivaaa".t qi,,:lpatno. arra portant le een which cannot tail to be of Ile stood still and consideredthesitaatton. life-ltanf; eerviee to him, viz., the neseenit} Ile looiiell up and saw the same kind of branches of the mule low trees. He cast 1,>,--.trett.0 "'•//41,4$ aO 1. o" tleend•M'111"o .m'..neil ilk ones edtltn,• • still it is open to his eyes *1428 way tool that, and KM the means noes rete sire amyl disagreeable. able word. Yo.t know it dao.n't mean el: lag in tine features : itdoesn't meow notltav inga skill liken strawhtrriesome"1 tannin, but ft' r. -- ._ dc,lila: whether the gain linin twinned is eanle kind of bushes. And under tone it 3u"1 SO, my hear girl. that's what you midst NORTHROP 8z. LY A 'S VGEM11 A.:- Great Blood t l . R `^j � � C ire -+ Phi. speI si ., - •Triumph I A Bad Case! MedicalVery HOW THE HEALTH OF ONE OF BELLIWILLE'S OIT1ZENNNS WAS RESTORED, Remarkable Cure of Dropsy and, Dyspepsia. Mn. SAMUbr, T. GASSY, Belleville,', rites; "In the spring of ISSI 1 began to be troubled with Dyspepsia, which gradually became; more and more distressing. I used various dommtio remedies. mad applied to my play. de}ain, but received no benefit. Dy tins time my trouble assumed tho form of Dropsy. I' wan amble to use any food whatever, except hailed milk and bread ; my limbs were swol- len to twice their natural sane, h pee of my recovery 'were given up, and I quite ex- pecte:( Meath within atoms weeks. 1mRATIII:OP Alii, LY 1.1:t i V EGETAnas DISCOVERY having been 1•ec'nnl:endeel to ane, I tried a bottle with butlittle hope, of relief ; and POW, after temp eight Lottles,myDy tgeep$ie andi:uropsy are cured. Although new seeventy-alae years of age, I can enjoy my steals as well as ever, and my general breath is good. I art well known an this section of Canada, having lived here fifty-seven years; and you have liberty to use my name in recommendation of your 3 1:Ga«A.FI:E I)ISCOVEIY, w Mich IMO done such wonders in my case " DYSPEPSIA VANQUISHED, Mn. James JOUNSTON, 4th con. 7th lot, Amaranth, writes; "Two bottle.of None =non a la reina'S '�i Botrr.&Dt DI$CoYEBY cured Phe of Dyspepsia. Mine was a bad case and I had tried a number of other prepar_>i< thane withoutgettinganybenefitfrom them* Dyspepsia ys e . sia lad to Go. M Mite. W. J. l)c: LLL. li'iugh1ni, carpenter tuldbuilder, writes : "Three are ago 1be- tween a greatly troubled with Dyspepsia,• pa UU Ito 1 awns thought u hh rider w •aha t eenm y It to Z would have to quit work altogether. medicine ;gave me ease until I; got a bottle of NQlrritaol' de LYatAN'S S"EGET'AItLE Diecov nl3Y, which gave mo relief, I continued using the medicine until I had taken three bottles, when Ione perfectly well. I eonsidt•r it in- valuable ea a Cure for Dyspepsia. , I h1 i thf several persona who hew used it with o same beucftt." 0.0,01104.1..11 NORTHROP & LYDIA.N Co. TORONTO, PROPRIETORS. Morse's Indian Dr. e � r Root Pills. not rendre Shan eaunteib:%laneed by the loss iaoked the same. Ho then recalled what not aa. you most. when yea; 10 fifty, have t ni ot1:t r alit c+ 15145. the landlord lied said about things leaking a bs:iutiflll face _the result o:. rarefnl can• r. tiva t: " T t1.-i,inh t}fi,t qne ttb,a. of education there, ,lest alike, but reassured hlmsolf by saying, & i.le•vattiou of your tempter and tltc�..utspoken is a L.cdvini; eentintei;t among the leading I "" Why, I hardly stirred away from my words that proclaim it ; a consideration of edne.ltioniste that the system of routine a track. Maw candid 111ave l;at fir tram tits '1,11rh weight that it never lets the ugly, angry fratrnetu.n. uhi.14 prevails so generally on tine aah;,tincnt and 1n Europe, is radically tl defective, and that it prGe:e<}s hesran unmet twat and false prinei lee. Says prof. N. S. UL 0 OMPOUND path? Itmuat be here." worth; em en formuaate, let alone express He shedeal his eyes and gazed intently, themseteee,-inane, Jfoui:' Jeered. this time, to ilze left, "because," said lie, ., , "I turned' to the right, and that was all 1 The ..tilt -NV I abater, of Harvard l,nivereity, in his ex. 1 dill, Now, I will stand still till I know Bv i aS ce•Ilcltt. article, oil *" lndtridtialism iu l:dpea• ; J'I * dinmv itis, for if I move I may yet lee ' `> > thou,' in ties .indite i'i .11lafa* l t "1Terhaps 'last." the worst feature of any routine diseiplitte tie had not need that word before, even Mei t. tl c're.39,1sr3 pis that it fails to take tt^a:ount of the vast in thought, and lee turned hot aunt cold by T hove ere,l,ttes F' cc's.1 1's,.,i inn in several " differences which exist between imtivilltlal , turns ate 310 said it now. ihte of tt,'sandcl'.atOt bne can elivithtiecere Itosf, pupils, :Tr.d treats a whole clays of students "" 1 saw the bird," lie sail slowly, as if ' JA:111:$ 1c. euiunr, Meta ; as if they all were east in one mould. A statin the ('84.0 over minutely, "and I tar_ from this practtee of making a hint h , Then it oimurred to him that perhaps he CO ' large part of the evils of society arises turtle( back, but where is the path ? " Dornan, the weenier on stilts, who went trim Paris to doseuw, has been engaged in the Russian city by a local Barnum, who owns a theatre there. Between the acts the ex -halter it!►ni the I)epertmentof thoLandes, will show himself on his (ehacsee. It is related that the enterprising Frenchman lead p�W a ' e adventure aeon the Russians classification of men, mert}1 the as- Walla He Stals invited to dunned by a Mos- ilrr:rT:i n, N iC, Feb. Vibe 1F�n. su:11.1tion that all who fall within etch lead eoune a little too far to the left, sa }to cow =reliant, and after the repast, every- ) , , a moved to t}1e, ripltt captiously, step by stop, .hotly being mvhat is vulp"uly called *' mycid tc�rsasttrzam raw Emhart rr h rt i rai.to re eft Faiiens ;; cuehrry are a}lite nig way of deal'+ne earnestly the ri hztiea °vary object. It `. bo 1Jornon was asked to siva a sample of could not use Cad Liver fait in ea ferns, wit llumen Lein"•s leads in all our al/airs to of no rise. his redestrinn skill on stilts in honour. of DROOP, � h' i� } l' T.'l t being, 1}I•^ those, a s,mng a J 1z h R Morse's Indian Root Pills. Dr. Morse's Malan Root Pills. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. Dr. Morse's Indian Root s. with le'ls , . __... J. II. RODE, Id. D. . mue injustice r nit nowhere is it so pre- 1,11,M. re• Not et was he reallyalarmed, for it Russia, to tic t�va•>,' eing, rj >rr 311(114iial as 2n theireaetment of youth. 11'iih- secinedy aS he keit rep ting to himself, around lum, rather unste,ldy ou his legs, iu this : omtttou envelope of a rigid feral we, , •;Too absurd." ITe pondered tete platter ; 3.3. unable to perform. Ile was then xa- � �£ Iliad minds which vary in au nhnoat ine,rea• ho 1noPCti this w.e and that, a}wa s with a al"• •sted, a second time, to mount wash en re. I can strro4Iy eouii,ieu�b%L w: cd ulsiun as y, ,talo degree. Thus the tests of si ythornatical care, and gated at each bush and tree. Ana ill honour of Russia ; but he again failed aelpieltothe relief and p,,iblythecureofallLung, +re CSammataoils iu the University of (.am- the day wore away. T% began to feel le ignominiously to elect a start round the r Bawled and a ere°, s A"n•,_teeas, tea a geed gestbridge show .that the variety in this single strain=g•: faintness. It was not hunger but a room. The �Iuscor itis present accaldinely <a I, • "and traltonic tnphysic:sl det:3,ty. mt,trtai power is enorntous. Iaeeitoning the, siekeniu *dread yet he was desperately in declared tl at he was a russlan spy, JOHN 1. TAL;MA,;E, ;tl. D. matiaentntieal equteity of the ordinary in- need of food; he had eaten two of his bis- . gave him a sound drubbing. Darnell, it is GE • , t �+ ^ h cam -Lucca that �i g t l.gteint ,tier at one in the scale, rt is found, spits, and now he tool; ant the 11 one . said, is now can m �1'axds`�fI`� ��fl� ��� tl til et t th d th f� I:rao':lyn, N. 7i.. Oct. iGth, SS& , sotnet tri„ like one hundred times as great. evil was beginning topresslteavilyttpan him. 1 regard rl.x teed Enna --ion as greatly superior to : =`o similar test can be applied to the other t He wondered, as he had done twenty times .he Cod Liver 011 Emulsions no xenentlgg in use. men -ad cap cities; but when we, consider 1 before, if somebody would not he conning D. A. b01,... 'ON, M. D. the aeicutplishments of poets, orators, along.And then it occurred te him that The French have seized St. George's bay, WAS � Itltilanthroi,ists, discoverers and other p th- he might be so far away from the, path that Nfld., and assumed territorial possession of 9 k, _� pis r.O t.reakinggenittses, it seelns likely thatabont , it would make no di erence. Thinking so, the waters, re.usiu',perrniasion to the New - the same rangpoetere of e in ability exists in all the he determined to try if ho could make him- foundlanders to either fish or sell bait : New niawest Aug.m6, 1883. antiat r and derelo mind. this thetask of latent self heard by any possible traveller through i I have used your FInxSeed Emulsion Core ound k developingvariety the bash, and he hwlloaed till his throat was n a severe ease of :%dal -nutrition and the result was abilities our ordinary methods are as fit as more than hoped for -it was in rveTous, and con- ` if we gave the same training to eegles and inuous. I recommend it cheerfully totheprofession ; hares and sought to bring them to the same Ind humanity at large. M. 1f. GILBERT, X.D.Imethods of life.°, Prof. Shafer contends of the night ; voices strange to him broke that the Easiness of the true teacher is like the stillness. Now and then a as :inch snap - that of the gardener who is dealing with ped and leaves rustled. It 1. .dark, mys- Sold by Druggists, Price Si „CIO. hybrids, where the product of each see, is a terio�s and awfully lonesome a.ad he was too problem to be studied at every stage of its development, to be fostered by all the re- sources in the way of soil and climate which can be applied to it through all the resources " of art. To the teacher who thus conceives of his duty the school becomes a pycshologi- cal observatory whore the capacities of each pupil are studied and the best, ineaanres for developing these abilities are employed. In such a school the fact will be recognized that every child embodies features which or I are in a measure unique; that intellectually man is utterly vagarious, each individual being a group in himself, and that the true and natural method of instruction is to develop the individual along the line of his own intellectual bent or capacity.-[ foronto Troth. 4.41s at hn a heS of S by Z d ml yon s hs instinctively put it back, fora foreboding o n Franco -Reit- man entente cordiale is impossible where Gauls and Muscovites cannot talk intelligib- ly to each other. sore. Twilight came on, then dense, damp darkness. Voices of inseoas and creatures N-- AT g FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO. '7) 35 Liberty St., New York. -r'. , , •.. ,.. i"ocheneaur Exeter. E loll Cod Liver 011 A130 THE lypophosphites of Limo and Soda. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of .Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for '"the D. & L." Emulsion, and refuse all others. PRICE 600. AND $1 PER BOTTLE. Monks of the Desert. A DRAMATIC INCIDENT. The slave -dealers extend their activity even to the very doors of Biskra, the head- quarters of the recently organized order of the Warrior Monks of the Sahara, and one of the most dramatic features of the cere- mony of the consecration of the monks was when Cardinal Lavigerie led to the altar a little brown girl barely nine years old, who had sncceededin concealing herself, and in effecting her escape from a slave caravan passing through the desert a few miles to the south of Biskra. A sudden movement of the child caused her to drop something that she was holding concealed beneaththe folds of her djebba. The venerable prelate bent down and raised it from the ground. It was a small dusky hand -the hand of the ltttle girl who stood beside him, and which in sheer wanton cruelty had been cat off by her captors. Holding it aloft, and pointing it southward toward the great Sahara, while with his own hand he raised the child's arm, so that, all present could see the man- gled stump, the cardinal exclaimed, in tones which seemed to ring forth as a clarion t "I would to God that all Europe could see this little hand 1 May it serve to direct, your line of march. En avant for God, for France and for humanity1" cold to sleep. When morning dawned he felt unnerved, chilly, half famished, sore, sielt, and thirsty. He looked at his biscuit and put it back, then lapped the moisture from some wet leaves as a dog would. and rose and moved on. He must start, but where should he go ? He worked along, tear- ing his clothing, scratching -his Bands and face, and every note and then calling for help. And another night same, and ha ate the biscuit, looking greedily at the ripe berries growing about, but not yet daring, half-starved thoughho was, to taste them. He knew well enough now, he had known it for twenty-four hours, that; he was lost. He knew nothing about the "lay of the lanai;" or how far "the bush" might extend, and he was eonepletely turned round, utterly be- wildered. Thatnirht he dropped into a heavy sleep haunted by terrible dreams and woke more weary than before. He began to long in- tensely for the friends he loved. He grew heartsick at the thought that he must perish there. But there was no' way' oat of the trouble ; and he arose in the morning and wandered round and round all clay, and again night found him sitting on the ground clasping his MioOOLL BROS% & OOMPANY, TO LO TO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in . the following specialties oiLs'W'00l clt Zureka ,Never broken -Kabo. The "bones" in the B. & C. corset are made of it -warranted for a year, too. It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get your money back if it doesn't suit. But it's pretty sure to suit --else it wouldn't be sold so. For Sale by J. A. Stewart, Exeter. La 'cline Cy'lz7sder TRY OUR LARDINE MACHINE OIL" AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. For Sale By B1SSET'1' BROS. Exeter, Ont. To save Doctors' Bills use Dr. Morse's Indiaii Root Pills. THE BEST FAMILY PiLL IN USE FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS leap file Works int papa osier. 0 Notuasw, One, January is, ;Sec W. 11. CoMSsocR, Brockville, One Diem Sue -Your " Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pals„ are the best regulator for Amo system that humanity can use Life is as the time.p,ccc: frail and delicate are many of its works. A tiny particle of foreign substance adheres tetho smallest tat:cellathe works, and what's tboresuit?-atitra6onlyasiigkttdtf erenco is perceptible in its tatae•kee'iag, betwait yen; as the obstruction grows, the irregularity becomes greater, wail atlast, what could have been rectified with little trouirle,in the beginning, will now require ranch carein thoroughly cleansing thee:atiro wants, Soitiuminnows life -a slight derangement is neg- lected, It mows and increases, imperceptibly at first, then rapidly, until what could in the beginning, have been cured with little trouble, becalms almost fatal. To prevent this, I advise all to purify the system frequently, bythe use of Allrse: s kills, and vitality. so preserve vigor analy. t�*, o 11, F. Aswrr t. 27ie 2'r/ire/fere Re r -sitar il. 51441)5411)05 PONe, N.S., Jan.ere 'so. W. H. Cous•:ocs, Ureavitt°. Ont. Drag Sts, --For marry years, I have been afi'rm believer in your " Dr. 34It:Tse's Indian Root Pills."' ,Not with a blind faith, but n confidence wrought by an actual personal experience of their value and merit. Afy business is such that I spend mush of. 01y4 time away from home, and It would net eon. eider my traveling outfit cm -pieta without a box of Aforse`s Phis, Ycurs, M. 1:. A1cltt:als. A. valuable Article actfs,teU. Bonaeucts Hanson, N.S., Jan. 13, 'go. W. H. Cousnoc,:, Brockville. Out. Deer. Stara his is to c• rtity that I deal in Patent Medicines, including various kinds of fills. 1 sell more of the Dr. Atorse's Ina.an Root Pills than of all the whets combined. Their sales I find to a sdil In- creasing. Yours, Rc., N. L. l4icxousou. EXETER LUMBER YARD The uodersigned wishes to inform th.3 Public In general that he keeps constantly in stock a}1 kinds of BUILDING- MATERIAL Dressed, or 17n.dres ed. PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER. SHINGLES A SPEOT_1LTY 900,000 XX and XXX Pine and Cedar Shlnilos now in stock. A. call solicited and satisfaction guaranted,,. • DO YOU KEEP I� T IN THE HOUSE? • ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, l' O BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C: Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWA.Y'S. BSTABLISB[tt:EST, '•78, 1N'EW OXFORD STP?,EMT, LOr7Mo. T_ 0.,:,,,.4., he ��. y +P bats oSe meow °. , ' �1e. 10�g o c`t e ,,gyp ��e9 '�`� aA� tie 60P4 0 ale wb 014 *0 iela hat eh eti t gad e�•a Y a .cab o '4'°.6,v oeN. t+, fob swe990 eq C13 ye41" 411 � ro� oa•*' ,.. ,0,x d>y dcNhee .. titre+' .:%,% g ayb trot °�� O'e0•.0 ees 2+'da, '. `4 ... ae 0. � 4 ,14• ig tt o"t 4069 4�„ tie 1.60 set gotOe' 4,� sped b 6ote "pert. t9% Iwo9�5 .i. o^o# e•o Ole t 1� .960 ,d's. p19'�9 7 0 tie eir Purchasers should look, to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurio.ta.