HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-18, Page 1irt
T 13, DICKSON, Barrister, Soli-
` J• oiler of Supreme Court, Notary
Public, Jonveyaucer, Commissioner, Eta
Money to Loan.
Q flooin Faneon'sBlock, Exeter.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
Ofiieo over the Post Office.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers &o, &u.
tom" lefouey to Loan at Lowest Bates of
11. V. I LLrOT. 7. £ruder.
1)R. C. H. INGRA�I, DENTIS',)',
l Su000saor to 11. ia.Bilting8.
(Member of tho Royal College of Dental
Surgeons.) Teeth inserted with or without
Plato, in Gold or Rubber. Li sato Anatsthetic
given for the painless extraction of teeth.
Plates secured Itrmly in the mouth by
Timone' Patent Valve.
OFFIOIP : Over O'Neil's Bank,
Tatman every Friday.
131ack, Main•st, Exeter,
Iixtracta Teeth without
pain, Away at Hat saw, on
first Friday' Craig, second
and fourth Tuesday' and
, Zunroa on the last Thurs-
day of each month.
I ttnson'S
t) • P. 8, Graduate Viotorfa Vniver ty:
Office and residence, Ddm:nicn Laic s-
tory. Exotor.
T"aR. H.YND1lIAN, coroner for tie
County of 'Huron. 0Moo, opp..at+e
Carling Bros. store, Exeter. _
0. Office, Main St. Exeter, Ont.
Residence, house recently 000upied by P.
McPhillips, Eery.
her of the collage of Physicians and
Surgeons, Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and
Acoou ,hoar. OM co, HENSAY,L, ONT. _
LF. CUTTEN, M. D., C. M.,
• Graduate Trinity University, Tor-
onto; Fel.'Prin; Mod. sohool. Toronto ; Grad.
Am Inst.. Craniology ; Member N. Y. Acad.
Anthropology; Member Col. P. S.. Out.
othee, Dashwood.Ont.
Physician, Surgeon. eta. Having ,pont tbo
1887-83 in Vienna, AustriaYork. and winter of
Diseases of the
Eyo glasses and 8pootaoles furnished for
both Roar and Distant Vision.
Always at home, except on Fridays.
No. 185 Queen's Avenue,
London, Ontario.
Kash Is. King at
McTavish & Co's.
Men's Suits worth $8.00, only
$.5.75 Kash. Men's Suits worth
S9, only $6.5o Kash. Men's Suits
worth $14.00, only $11.25 Kash.
Boys' Suits worth $5.5o, only $4
Kash. Boys Suits worth $2.75,
ouly $1.90 Kash.
Clothing to order at lowest prices.
Men's natural Wool Underwear
away down.
Ladies! Another job lot of Para-
sols just in to go as cheap as be-
Ask to see our 75c. Corset ; per-
fect fitling and every pair guaran-
Try our new Teas and Coffees.
T4• tionoor for the County of Huron,
Charges moderato. ExotorP.0.
• Auctioneer for Counties Huron and
Middlesex. Residence, 1 mild south of Exeter.
P. 0.. Exeter.
. • oensod Auctioneer Sales conducted
in allparts. Sattsfactionguaranbeed. Charges
moderate. Hensall P 0, Ont.
PEAax-In Usborne, on the 14th beet., the
wife of Sam't Peart, a son,
Sounensa-In Stephen, on the 11th inst„
the wife of John Schrader, Jr„ a son.
Haves -owe -At Winchelsea, on the 15th
fust„ the wife of Wesley Heywood, a
HENRY EILBER Licensed Ano-
tioneer for the Counties of Huron
and Middlesex : Sales conducted at mod-
erate rates. Office, at Poet -office, Ored-
ton Ont.
1)• Auctioneer and LandValuator. orders
sent willreceivve t rompt attent on. Baerms moder-
ate. D. H. PORTER, Auctioneer,
Tennent &Tennent
BRIeea-Mr Sam'l Horn, Sr, of ICth con,
is very low and cannot recover --A picnic
in connection with, Zion ehuroh will be held
on Monday next in Brook's grove.
STRAOE RY LIOnTNIN/F-On Thursday last
about noon the farm residence of Mr Sam'l
Peart 8th con Ueborne was struok by light-
ning. The lightning entered the ohinlney
and passing along the roof disappeared into
the ground. The building was fired in
several places, but as the family were at
home the flames were at once extinguished.
WooDa-Rein--At the residence of Mr
Rathwell, Bayfield Road, on the 10th
inst., by Rev J. H Simpson, John Woods
Esq., of West Wawanoab, to Miss Maggio,
eldest daughter ot the late John Reid.
AaAR-Voeinn-At the residence of the
bride's father, ou the 10th ivat., by the
Roy W J. Brandon, Mr Joseph Agar,
Fullerton, to Aunio, daughter of aIr Ed.
Vesper, Logan.
FaiNN_PoncELL-At St- James' thumb,
Seaforth, on Tnesday, June 9th, 1891,
by the Bev Father Cook, Mr Domiuiok
Flynn, of Godericb tp, to Miss Maggio
Purcell, of Seaforth,
DAVIS-FLSUER-At the residence of the
bride's parents, on tbo 10th incl., by Bev
AL. Russell, Mr Wm Davis, of Wingham,
to Mise Jeunie, eldest daughter of Mr
Pratt Fisher, of Exeter.
Seem -Meg -At theresidonce of the bride's
father, Mr G Bice, Sth con. McGillivray,
on Wednesday Juno 10, by the Rev B.H
Shaw, Lucan. Mr Wm Soli, of the 4tn
con Biddnlph, to Miss Maggie Bice.
SrAw-Mcunlwoca-At the residence of the
bride's father, on the 10th inst,, by Bev
S. Acheson, Mr Jamas H Shaw, of the
township ot Townsend, county of Norfolk,
to Mise Ross Ann, second daughter of
John McGregor, Eeq., of the township of
Grad uatesof the Ontario Veterinary Col-
Oryron : One door South ofTown Hall.
d —
percent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter.
Provincial 'Land Surveyor and Civil En
Ca =N R, ATO.,
Office, ITpstairs.SamwelPs Block, Exoter,Ont
CAN ADA. Head Office, London, Ont.
After. 31 years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
cn t tre
residences, ase either onbuildings
contents ,the most favorable
protgatron in case
of loss or damage by fireorlightntn, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no othat respect-
able company can afford to wr, te. 42,'375 poll :
cies in force l stJan ,1890. Assets $378,428.00
in oasb in bunk. Government
tures and Premium Notes, JAItE8 GRANT,
President; D. C.M JDoNALD,Managor• DAVID
Jseuxs,Agent for Exeter andvioinity,
Baum -Spud was in town on Saturday
evening last• -Mr Jae McFall, said London
towusbip a flying visit on Sunday, ---Mr and
Mrs 0 Sheerdewn were the sweats of J D
McColl. of Leone, on Sunday Iaet-Mr Thos
Elston paid Mr R Neil a visit Sunday even-
ing last, -Mise Lillie Hill paid Exeter avieit
on Saturday evening last. -Mies Flo Make.
of Exeter, was visiting friends in town last
weak, -.Mr J B Short, of 'Exeter, paid our
town ,flying visit Sunday.
FOOT BALL•. -•A meeting was held last
evening in the old harness shop for the put-
urpose of forming a foot ball club. Rufus
Cobleigh was::leoted captain, and is trying
to arrange a match with the sohool club for
the 1st of July. The club is called the Old
Lime Kiln Terriers, But is a hustler, --
Our school foot ball club went to Eden on
Friday evening last, to play the junior of
that place. But as same of their players
did not get there until late, the game wee
not called until near dark, and then Eden
jnat played a detenoo game notleaving their
,coat at all, and not giviugonr boa a a chance
to get the ball through the goal, wb:ch they
could have if it were not dark and this Foals
far enough apart. The boys say they were
used like gentlemen by the Edon boys, and
are going to return the compliment when
Eden comas here to play a return match..
Jonxson-In Blanshard ou Saturday, 6th
inat., Leah, wife of Dayid Johnson,
deputy -reeve, aged 46 years.
FIerIEn-In Exeter, on the 12th icet., Wm.
Fisher, only son of Mr Pratt Fisher, aged
25 years and 9 months.
IRVntn-In Emerado, North Dakota, on
the 23rd ult., Rebecca, beloved wife of
Ephraim Irvine, and youngest daughter
of RichardPinoomne, of Exeter, aged 26
years, 3 months and 15 days.
Rome -In -Osborne, on Monday 15th inst.,
the infant daughter of George Rook,
aged 2 month.
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism.
Publisher and Proprieto
BaIEFS-11r Thos Fietober, of Lucknow,
is viaitiug friends in this neighborhood... -
A. friendly game of base ball was played
between the "Nightingale;" and "Meadow-
larks" on Satarday last in Mr D. Kemp's
field resetting in a victory for the "Larks"
The game was very close throughout.
Battery for Nightingales,Jobnston and Rob-
inson ; for the Larks Kemp and Kemp. Mr
Jas Lane executed the duties of umpire with
the greatest satisfaction concerned. -Mr,
Ed Bearsa has returned from St Thomas.-
Mr Levi Leslie purposes starting on Monday
next for Cleveland where he intends launch
lag into railroadii g, As there is a great
deal at honor and preferment in tits
attainable sphere at life your cor joint' in
wishing Lori unbounded success. -Tho
Andersen base bail town play Avoubank
tis -morrow (Friday) at the latter place, and
have oleo arrauged to play the Gleudele
squad on Satarday the 20113. -Tile Salem
8 8 )hold their annual pieuio services on
Sunday and Wednesday next,- Your cor.
was lately advised to procure alawn mowat
a flue tooth4 comb and a wheelbarrow in
order to successfully hermit the bay crop.-- a,
Rey Mr Fletcher ,pent last week in King-
ston attending the general assembly of the
Presbyterian ehuroh.-Mies Alio° Lane
spent lest week visiting Mandela Centralia.
-We understand that the Patrons of In-
dustry have ordered 4 ton of binder twine.
This shows independence, thrift and deter-
mination on the part of the society,-Rev.1
Kenner preached his farewell sermon on
Sunday morning last. The discourse was
very impressive, the effect beiug augmented
for the thought of the severanc L of the
letions which has harmoniously Witten
between pustoraud people for tlhepavt three
years, Your cor humble sinner though he
be voices the sent'iuents of the Anderson
congregation in wishing Mr Kenner showers
of blessing, temporal as well as spiritual -
iir N. Johnston agent last week at Grand
Be 4. -Messrs John Brown and Robert
Beatty ea -reeve, attended the spring assizes
held at Stratford lest week. -Dr Hall is now
engaged in the fishing busiucJa, 11 appears
to agree with our learned friend better than
the healing art.
BRIEF, -Mr Dickson, banister of Exeter,
was in town last week, --A vary large exam-,
sion from Stratford took p098089icn of our
park and boats on Friday and apparently
had a good day. Tho annual picnic of the
public school ut that city was the cause of
so large an increase to our population, -Mr
0, Snell, of Exeter, was in Goderioh the
past week. -Memorial services, for Sir John
wore held on Sunday evening, in the North
street Methodist and St Georgo'e oburobes.
-Ur J. Elliot, barrister of Exeter, was
last week in the county town. -Rev Jno A.
Ball and family, of Ititaford, are spending a
week in Ooderioli.-Our summer visitors
have commenaad to arrive, present pros-
pects being that there will be a v ery large-
ly increased number for 1801, -Mr S. Hays
of Seaforth, was in town this week. -Phe
want of rain the past week has considerably
dried up the pastures in this neighborhood.
-A new sidewalk is being put around the
square. -Last Thursday the stores wore
closed from one to tinee and business en-
tirely euepended. The Post, Star, and C.
P. R. offices and A. P. McLean's were
draped and all flags in town wore at half
mast. The solemnity of the occasion watt
hightaned by the tolling of the town bell
and those of St George's, St Peter's and
old St Andrew'e1-Perth and herring have
been hooked the past month in very large
numbers, but are not now as mnoh looked
after as black bass and pickerel. -The Royal
Templars held a successful social in the
Temperance hall on Monday evening. -A
lodge of the Sons of England, to be known
as Liverpool No 140, was instituted last
week; The meeting nights will be 2nd and
4th Wednesdays of each month.
Step by step one goes along way ! The
hare ridiculed the tortise for its slowness,
but the tortise laughingly replied : "I will
beat you in a race !" And while it may
be a fable it is none the less true in busi-
nese pursuits and with men.
The undersigned is just closing the
fifteenth year of his business career, and
although we may be considered slow, we
have been plodding on amidst great odds,
but this finds ns still in the race.
During those fifteen years many
changes have come over the business
visage of Exeter. There are only three
places of business now in operation
showing the same managing head and
other two that have made partial changes
with new mauagers,that were contempo-
raries in. 1876. I feel myself indebted
to my many customers for their liberal
patronage afforded me during these
years. Whether large or small pur-
ch•ises, they have my sincere thanks,
and I would ask a continuance of the
same, It will be mine to study their
needs, seeking to place before them
goods equal to those of the past, assur-
ing the purchasers of proper attention
and doing our best to meet the wants of
the most fastidious .
.1 remain Yours;
FOOT NOTE. -Farm produce taken in
exchange for goods; highest prices paid
for same.-J.P.C.
Balers -On Tuesday morning last Mrs.
Munn, sr„ left this station to visit relatives
and friends in Manitoba. -Mrs Mollordre,
of Kippen, and lfise Stark, of this village,
also left by the same train, the former going
to Winnipeg, and the latter to Griswold,
where she has cetera) brothers residing,
-airs Alex McEwen, accompanied by her
daughter, kffse Conuee, also left the ammo
morning for Pottage la Prairie, there to
join, al'r McEwen and song.
BM&FS-Bev T. Kounor preached a special
sermon to the 1. 0, F. on Sunday last,
winch consisted largely of the roadiug of
the oxeommunioatton at a Philadelphia R.
0. Prima, the Bev gentleman comparing
the laok of philanthropy exhibited by this
ehuroh to the same failing in men who
became) their ministers may take an
opposite view of religious questions to them
will try and starve him out by refusins to
contribute to hie stipend. -Dr. W.Irving is
away attending the Presbyterian assembly
at Kingston. -Mr J. McCurdy iu company
witli Mr H. F. Sharp and Major H A, L.
White attended the state funeral of our
beloved chieftain lads weak. The boll of
St Paula church ens tolled on Thursday
last In memory of the illustrious dead.-Rov
Mt Hutton bas been appointed as patter of
the Methodist church for the ensuing year.
-Tho annual anniversary and picnic held
in oonueotion'with the Presbyterian S S will
take place on Sunday and Monday next. -
Your correspondent and Plugtownite in last
week's issue make a poor attempt of answer-
ing my communication of the 29th ult, as
a few words will suffice to ahow, No 1. ad-
mitstbat the disgraceful conduct referred to
did take plane, but now denies that any of
the young men of the sublunary sphere he
represents were among the company ; yet a
few weeks since when reporting the same
gloried in calling them "onr young men"
and now has the audacity to deny them,
and try and locate the evil doers as suburban
residents of our village ; verily we think it
would have been easier awallowed by the
reading community if he had let it down
gently by calling it a typographinal error,
and not delude himself with the idea that
memory is a faculty ;not possessed by the
readers of the Exeter Tines. Perhaps for
the benefit of your readers Mr Editor your
scribe from Plugtown may be able to give
us the limits and boundaries of this great
and mighty Plugtown, as ho endeavors to
throw a red herring aoross the trail by as-
serting that these young men do not live in
Plugtown. Literally speaking, certainly not,
for no such place exists ; but we make the
assertion, know whereof we speak, and deny
contradiction to the following :-That
each and every young man who took part
in the proceedings at issue does live in the
school section whose school has received the
slang name of Plugtown. We are extreme-
ly sorry that your correspondent should take
the abusive language so sorely to heart, but
talk not of abuse thou whose phraseology
when speaking of young men term them
'animals and things ' Yea I say unto thee
hold thy peace. No 2 evidently tries to
give himself away and wo commend him
to the sympathy of the public at large.
Oh, I was there I this is the tone he sings
in. Put it in a nut shell and you have it
here : I heard the hideous groaner I I was
sneaking around the gate! I was there and
heard the young man tell the crowd there
was not a gentleman amongst ns! (Is this
a challenge to fight?) ad infinitum. We
would advise the groaner who is also a
resident of Plugtorn school section to come
out from amongst them as they now
repudiate him. A few more words to Plug-
townite end I will conclude this delectable
subject for the present. Admitting the
falsehood made of the young man challeng-
ing others to fight and knowing that to
every effect there must be a cause. What
would be the reason in the ease at hand ?
Why would this young man have been mo,
tested if he had not been in the company
referred to? By intimating his desire, Plug-
townite may have these interrogatives ans-
wered in plain words and with certain detail
added which might pruve interesting to the
readers. Plugtownite, I am afraid you are
already in a blanket bat more force needs to
be used to raise you sufficiently high, before
the concussion will be' injurious enough to
cure you of the disease from which you are
suffering. We would again remind these
scribes that feats are stubborn things and
cannot easily be overcome by bush beating
or otherwise, bat that wo maintain and esu
prove the,versi w given i • she Kirkton mll•s i eel• much to the appearance of the hors,.
of 29th ult, to be o one.. Viva vale.
BRiara-Hon E. J, Robbins, of Loutbern
Indiana, was the guest of Mr John Essery,
of Ueborne,?sat week -Mrs Leonard Hun-
ter and daughter, Lottie are visiting friends
in Kippen this week. -Mr Gilson of London
visited Mr John Essery this week.
FOOTBALL—The match between Centralia
and Eden which was announced under this
heading in last week's paper, Dame off last
Friday at seven o'olock. The kickers began
to come but the game did not commence
until half past eight owing to some of the
visiting team not appearing until that time.
After getting the clubs planed, time was
called. A slight pass by "Bumpy" to Cave
commenced the game. There was a jumble
made and Centralia got the ball, but it did
not pass the half backs, who were ever on
the alert. A close dribble by Boyle and a
pass to Handford sent the ball down ou
Eden goal. Pinoombe, one of our banks
took the ball shot it for the side but the ball
being wet made a corner kick. The ball
was kinked off by Handford ; but not kick-
ing it far enough was captured by Walker,
be passing it to Smith who sent it up the
field followed by our left wing men-Esserey
and Chance. This kind of work was kept
up for almost half time. When goals were
changed at half time the Contralians seem-
ed to be much fresher than before. They
got a good many corner kicks, but to no,
account. At one time Eden goal was in
danger, but Kerslake, the goal keeper, was
there=as he always is to stop the ball
Lancely and Spoke fed the forwards perse-
veringly with the ball, but it seemed to no
effect for no go,ls wore snored. Sometimes
it would pass the half backs bot that old
invincible "The south paw twirler" seemed
to be just in his element when the ball
would come to him, for no sooner did he
pot it then it would fly back to centre again.
Tho men on either bide put up a good game
considering the condition of the ground
which was wet with the due that had fallen
but a few minutes before. We hope to kick
Centralia again in the near future, ou their
own grounds. They are a tine lot of boys
and we wish them luck wherever they may
kick, Tho referee, Mr Dorrance. diet his
work very satisfactorily to boa clnhs. Score
0 to 0. The senior team went to-Chisel-
huret on Friday afternoon last to play the
team there. Our boys met with their first
defeat there, but it we owingto two of the
men being somewhat used up. The game
was played before a very respectable and
impartial crowd, and the visiting team were
need like gentlemen by the home boys.
Tho retort' match will be played hero soon.
Score, 1 to 0.
(The following communication was heeded
to the St. Marys Journal but was refused space
by the proprietor of that sheet broause be had
promised tie person in questhaa that he would
auPpress any reference to the matter,)
An R.:planation Wanted,
Zo the Editor of the Exeter Times.
Silt -it la a current rumor that a prom-
inent public man residing it, the township
of B;anslhard made use of some very brute!
language when a report was received that
Sir John A, Macdonald was dead,
The person referred to is alleged to have 1 staele. that stands in the way of your en-
aail that : "ne was only sorry that Sir j yyment in this line. Don't miss the
John had died before we had. got another place.
wbelt at him ; and that if he had lived
another month we would."
The party who is said to have used thin
lauguage Italia oiii.;o in the township by
virtue of the votes of supporters of the
deceased Conservativeehieft:du, anti it is .
only right he should have an opportunity We wish a Trauma of our gentlemen would
to explain fella" his example and do likewise, and
thus make our village a Itttle more attract.
ti m.
Market Store Exeter,
We are offering bargains in light summer
surtiugs. Remember these goods rank
highest in values and fathom the lowest
depths of cheapness, a wonderful union of
extremes To be convinced jest step ht
and get price* of our Light Canadian
Tweeds, English Tweed* and Scotch
Tweeds, We make Black Worateds a
specialty. In this line our reputation is
established, and it is conceded that we
have touched low water mark.
Our stock of Ready Made* is.00mplete
Step in and see our light aummer coats and
vests. In our selection of these goods we
studied to please; the eye with respect to
appearance, to consult the yentas& with
respect to price• and heat of all to eonaider
the caro and eernfort of the purchaser in
the construction and make up of these
beautiful goods, thus removing every oh -
Brie ns -•.The aced annual meeting of the a
Bitldulph llistriet of ellirs L Orange As$ u 1
will be held in Lodge 493, near 11,rores- , ).);tiro -We have this week to re.
vide on Saturday, June 20th, at 2 p. m. d cord the death of Mr George Hess,
The Scarlet will hold a session in the ovg one of our oldest and mast respected
—Rufus L Wilson was received as a Pro- oithzens. Mr .leas died at his resid•
bationer in the London Conference of the enc„ on Tuesday right last about 1I
Methodist church. His naso brought out r
o'clock. Dlr Hesewas the manufacturer
an interesting debate, as he is ties don 1 of the Exeter town clack. The family
harried matt received into rho London
Conference as 0 Probationer for the lima have the sympathy of the village in
try -The )lethal church was sold ou Mon -
their sad hour of bereavement,-
day by ,notion to C Mork for X30, wli eh The annual pionie ot the pulite school
will go to the parsonage fund at Corbett. whin was intended to be held on
Friday t See
The church will be converted into a doral• 29th will bo postponed.. S
ling. Thos Marks bought the shed, and'. hand bills. The date will probably be
W Milcle the land -hiss Jennie Manning fixed tor June 24th,-Theamount to be
is visiting friends in and around Greenway
-W J Wilson has decidedto put a atock
of groceries into the building used as a post
levied for municipal School Grant in
the Township of )fay, for 1891 is $46S
and for township purposes $2919 79;
office His many customers are urgtug ' a total of $3387 97.
him to rebuild. He requests all accounts
to be settled by 27th inst.
BRIEFS. -The funeral of the late Mrs.
D. A. Johnstoe was very largely attend-
ed, Rev . Mr. Hall officiating in the ab-
sence of the pastor. The funeral ser-
mon was preached by Rev. J. Green on
Sunday last to an unusually large audi-
ence. Tho bereaved family have the
heartfelt sympathy of a large circle of
friends. Deceased bore with olhristian
resignation and even cheerfulness a very
painful and protr;eted illness until June
6th, when her sufferings ended for
'God's finger touched her and she slept.'
Tho Granton car. to the St. Marys
Argus, lifter informing Ms readers that
he has just escaped the clutches ot the
"last of foes," dritts into the biggest of
big fish stories, which shows plainly that
the fever has not left his head yet. We
hope that our friend, the scribe, will
continue the medical treatment, and also
a few double doses of "Nature's great
restorer, 'balmy sleep' " ; so may his
wonted health return and'lthe ;Argus be
no more driven to the necessity of in-
serting as items of news the delirium of
a fever patient. -We were favored by a
good lain on the llth, which left water
standing on the low lauds, and has kept
the drains working full time since.
BRIEF,—The Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper was dispensed in Uuiou church last
Sabbath by the pastor. The service on the
Friday was conducted by Rev A S of
Clinton, and on the Monday by Rev Mr
Bakis, formerly of Harrieton. All the ser-
vices were very largely attended and grand
disoonrses delivered. -The Sabbath School
of Union Presbyterian chnroh intend hold
ing their anneal picnic in Mr Alexander
Mustard's grove on Friday the 26th of June
The committees are hard at work to make
this even more successful than has been
held in previous years Among the attrac-
tions will be a foot ball match between the
Seniors of Hensall and the Rovers of Bruce
field. As these teams are vary evenly
matched a good game may be looked for.
Also the Juniors and Juveniles will play
the same day. -Mr Wm McQueen leaves
next Friday morning for the Old Land, he
will be much missed by his many friends
and especially by the foot ball club. Every
success to you Wlll . • -The Royal Templars
intend holding their strawberry and ice
cream social on the lawn of Mr David Mo•
Intosh next Tuesday evening, June 23rd.
The Templars here are noted for getting up
good socials and we know they will not tail
this time, The Seaforth band has been
engaged and will discourse sweet music
daring the evening. A cordial invitation is
extended to all. Gates to be opened at 7
o'clock. Admission to the grounds 10o. -
Mr John Grigg, of Exeter, spent Friday of
last week in our village, -The Rovers of
this village go to Hensall to play the Hen-
sall foot ball team next Saturday evening'
We hope the boys will be successful as this
is the first match for them this season, al-
though we believe they have arranged for
several matches to comp off iu a few weeks.
-Large crowds pass through our village on
meetings held
their way to attend the camp meet
in Bayfield and Kippen.-Mr D McIntosh
our popular vet, has had his vet'andah, re-
painted and trimmed this seasou, it adds
Hensall. '
CONCERT.-The concert given by Prof
Scott on Friday evening last, was well
attended proving the esteem in whioh
the Prof. is held in this part ; and to
say that the concert was a success
would be but stating it mildly for it
was a grand success. The programme
was exceedingly interesting ; the se-
lections were of the best and rendered
in an excellent manner, Prot. Scott,
proved himselt to be an excellent
singer, and his rendering of Scots Wha
Hae was exceedingly well done. Of
the ladies, bliss Mollhargey, of Lucant
Is deserving of special mention : she is
possessed of a rich voice of great com-
pass, and the manner in which she
rendered Jack O'13azel Deen was a de-
cided hit, and in future if she should
visit Hensall she shall of herself draw
a large and appreciative audience.
Messrs. Murdock and Murray sang in
their usual good form, Mr Cookman
rendored 'tRooked in the cradle of the
deep" in a. most excellent manner,
Geordie being loudly encored. Prof.
Brown gave the audience all the mirth
they could expect. The concert closed
by Prof. Snott singing a comic Irish
song entitled Batley Hooley. Proceeds
were large.
Thuraday afternoon while shunting
cars at Bright station, near Stratford,
Hugh Dodds, brakeman, attempted to
climb on the rear car by the .ladder,
but missed his footing and fell beneath
the wheels. He was killed instantly.
He was a young man and leaves a wife
and two chi.dren.
A young man and woman eloped
from Toronto to Victoria. B. C. in a
piano box by freight. The rrptano"
was sent in bond, thus their escaping
detection. The box was nicely fitted
up, and •contained provisions. They
had escaped before reaching their des-
tination, and are still unknown.
DYePEPsIA—This disease may be traced
to a variety of causes, such as constipation,
liver troubles, improper food, eta. There is
one cure -Burdock Blood Bitters -which
may be thoroughly relied cn to effect a
permanent core. ' It has cured obstinate
oases of 25 years standing.
green fruits and summer drinks is the time
when the worst forms of ohclera morbus,
diarrhoea, and bowel complaints prevail
As a safe guard Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry should be kept in the house.
For 35 yesrs it has been the most reliable
Winfield, Ont.
W H Cole:Tocs, Brockville.
DEAR Sim -Am selling your "Dr Morse's
Indian Root Pills" in this locality. I have
customers who come 20 miles for the sake of
getting Morse's Pills. Tbis speaks for
itself este their value. I use them in our
family with "the most satisfactory results."
My wife has been oured of sick headache
by their use, We could not do without
i hilar'3�� �.•ry f0,. so;tc.i,E' i.c.s-:`oriw.