HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-11, Page 8TNsnRA>`Gl
melee WP.S.rEetef Ae NOB COM.
PANX of Toronto; Mao
V111E iNSURAKOE OWSIPA .Y. of London;
England, tete BO1:AI,.3ANADIA.N, of Aeon -
treat and the ONTARIO etre etTAI, LIFE
ASSLki4elOreCO' of Waterloceeetentislned
la9U eaeuremeeaintorce,813,l24400, Bonuses
every year atter 3r4 year.
Visit the Mart
=il-rerthdtty ( W.DDItif71 Farling
eats j GATS Gifts
t Rae. 31r C,'ement, of Petro:ea, formerly
!SHEET erfneee0E€ } of Exeter, has been elected presideut of
y1L'SIC. FICTION the London (,.nfercnce.
The Exeter ne t Works Co. lama gnau-
City of salt on lecn:l which they will dispose
of at the lowest figures.
Cher noys ani chiteren's suits take well,
they are tiniehecl its an attractive style.
Call and see them at J. R Mends.
i St .tiouel' - isch'1 x-11 eedee'Sd 1t-o"1:er 1 r; e ail^eseet c a cattletv;tta
r7 1 t e*:n a se:ec ¢u Tuts nsy by 31esers
We , :1 Wes. They were:). sleet lot.
From 1+* to lee cents have teen pain for
vee/ en rbc^ lender t;r enee ;et thio week, ,Ito
large geminattes are being marketed.
H. Parsons. has transferre l the a mtract
• f,,rputtiut down the drain on 41"iifliaaril
to G orae Holmes, at the contract price,
Read Catling Bros. change of advt.
V. Clarke has erected a handaonne.
new sign in front of hie premises.
Gypsies have been camping on the com-
mons near the river for several days.
The Saturday market was a brisk one.
Prices were food and the ettendancelarge.
The summer Seti rday excursion% to
Goderieh and Kincardine commenced last
Bathing in the river has commenced.
Bathers will do well to observe the regul-
The prospects of a fairly large yield of
fruit are brighter than they seemed to be a
few weeks ago.
The Young People's Society of James at
Methodist church intend having a lawn
so,,:al in a few weeks
N ewspapera
S. S.
t1 `Z$,
J. (lRIGfe.
W �j + t , Messrs l;a a .t Taylor have re e t e l the
'. , c.nntmet for bending the new hotel and
harms shop etliirkton, far eft Jaacoh
'1 aylor.
The fluai draft of the stationing; eonami't.
t .e of ti:'Lau 1, taanr,fvrenva aeti It Ret 11.
F.xtt'a value i13 l.) ass f S)+O(1S tTclta na ;las t^ actor of the titain•st. 4letlr..
and Parasols this week.
ds nice plaid Press ss i t. 1�alS 1 specs 11`1 choice of ""summer hats
y 1 tet errawa ,t►el Wee. Asx. for our 2>5e color -
for til., and 10 varies lovely e l hit, you will eery it is gotta value, at J-
eeiRt for $1..00. A i;eautital ns l'? a
frees ie a eentero a 3 letter ^.nal
line o laril`a:'1S 1tr , l ; 1', 8 rr:i w` t e° ant.:irfl „i lits letter+ in tee j!
n e ,`g tY� B o , �D„ . �.1i� nageltal ct `:# rirr9a^l: 1,1,,0IAN jrrmpS cover
.r arleee,3.r , 111 �yi
1 t ", 5hryele+�•
Ave give you. le .`''.):«a,l a arli;*oc, 80%1,4 1` ay8 8aave h;en redline; lairal'a
'a o Para- r3, -ts �,Q late:. 1 dae errst'Auk u lee techs
Q have far too .l la➢elate , - , .
, . a ca.a:� a, sant a'i�l have the F=:ill • tined
r a y
!tel •! Out
sol'; etlltl 131.1 to clear them 143.
" 1 ,S av lAy H, roar %;11.7t trial LE' Floral :l ban l ry
Zl`? :natter what our 4D: :5 is,
Ts vont reed a i'`tylsel sot 1 � !,;yea R T a Rwill
,eceae pnaalrele esor;tt e < the
[ ,a. ,. a1i h, t'Jcsn•er9. y €
-iia.'` t,'i111 A(1Vet *en i,� ludas V
Flouncing :114'1 Sl►i1'tial 41 legalise, caf the rrd cera. swot.% is
i aarMoi In en; entitles, etc, under his large
Embroideries are going fast, 1 111r148. Si ve :aa;wg vw,,Eceahmr of this',
we have a 1111e 111'54'(,'4 fetal, Mr 11. has green}, improved
Tho 1)omiason voters' life aro to he
that will save you money. rtiviseal this year, and it behooves all
young men who have net been enrolled to
J A. ST bW'ART* , t,•t tent they sire a place on the lists
Bankrupt Stade Dealer. Exeter Mae, 1591, will loin; l e remetnl:ered as
nnennanamneenseennsannearennerenner= the driest of env May in the past 50 years.
The when! month passed without rain,
unless in Qmall areas, over the Domituon.
Zile &du el1110.
HL'RSDAY, 31.7.NE 110, 1S91..
The General Assembly.
The following are the commissioners who
will represent the Presuyteries of Huron
and Stratford at the Presbyterian General
Assembly which is now in session at
Kingston. Presbytery of Huron -Minis-
ters -J. A. Anderson, (oderich ; D. M
1iamsay, Londesl•nrough ; M. Barr, Sea -
forth ; Colin Fletcher, Exeter ; A. D,
eIel)onahl, tieaforth. Elders, J. Strang,
Exeter ; W. 1ulton, Grand Bend ; D.
Clark, Egmondville ; F. Somrnerville,
Kirkton; Jas Aikiniteac, Godorich. Pres.
bytery of ntratford-Ministers-J. Camp.
bell. Granton ; A Grant, St Marys ; A.
Stewart, Shakespeare ; E. W. :Penton,
Stratford ; R. Scott, Yickson. Elders -
R. Bell, Avonhank ; J. Dickson, Donegal;
A. 'McIntyre and Alex enema, St Marys ;
S. Catlin, Stratford ; A. Sutherland,
Firemen's Demonstration in Seatorth.
Send for particulars of the Grand In-
ternational Firemen s Tournament to be
held in Seaforth on June 15th and 17th,
139L $1,000,00 in cash prizes for hose
reel races. hook and ladder race°, coupling
competitions , firemen's foot races, and
other sports such as bicycle races, drum-
mers race, football matches by electric
light, and farmers load competition. $10
to the largest load of people and $10 to the
load of largest people. This will be the
greatest sporting event ever held in the
west. Do not forget that the great cham-
pionship football match between` the
Detroits, of Detroit, and the Hurons, of
Seaforth, takes place on the recreation
grounds on the morning of the 17th. For
further particulars send to R. Haxby,
Secretary Seaforth Fire Brigade, Seaforth,
For years Exeter has been "welled." by
outsiders for various advertising and
printing, and the money that should be
spent in these and other lines at home is
given to outside institutions, for what?
We do not know why unless it is that
people like to build up other towns. Do
not patronize tramp pedlars or oily tongued
dealers in wares handled by our own busi-
ness men. We have everything in town.
sold as low as elsewhere, and in the major-
ity of cases the quality is superior. In
the line of printing and advertising the
local offices are well equipped for every
line of work, and the ground the local
papers cannot cover is not worth seeking.
Money spent on territory that the local
press does not coyer is simply thrown
On July lst a reduction of five per cent.
in all salaries of $500 to $750, and over the
latter figure ten per cent. paid to G. T. R.
employes, will be made. As might be
expected, there is considerable indignation
affected. It is claimed the men a d.
some of them that the management is
showing a mean-somego as far as to say'
"cowardly -spirit in its present course.
-elopes backed by strong organization-
•-t conductors, engineers, firemen,
yardmen and switchmen -do
the operation of the new
ssigned being that the
•ntwithstanding his
el trades unions,
them. But
`'nts. who
The I. 0. Foresters will attend divine
service in the James-st .Methodist church
next Sunday morning at 10.S) when Rev.
A, L. Ruest l will preach a special aeration.
For several eveniugs last week Messrs
Verity & Sons' foundry operated day and
night to prepare for large shipments of
plows winch the firm is nnuking to Maui -
We have hal another week of dry
weather. The grains and roots still look
weak and if there is not plenty of rain dur-
ing the next few weeks there will be a
shortage all around.
The sale of ladies' stainless black hose
and black cashmere hose since our hast
announcement in surprising, also black
lace silk mitts, a new supply coating this
week at J. P. Clarke&.
TornieT Exertsiax;t.-By ocean, lake
or rail. The lust excursion to the North
West, June, 23rd. For rates and tickets
to all points, apply to Carr GEO. -EMP,
town ticket agent, G. T. R.
The Freemasons of this place will attend
divine worship in a body on Sunday, the
25th, at Coven Presbyterian church, when
the Rev W. Martin will (D. V.) deliver a
sermon to the members of that order.
The congregations of the Main at Meth.
ani Presbyterian churches united in ser-
vice on Sunday last, in the morning, service
being held in the Presbyterian church,
and evening in the Main at church.
The commissioner has commenced grav-
elling. The country roads are now in a
rough state in consequence of large quan
Cities of gravel having been put on them.
The open winters damegethe roads greatly.
The real estate of Mr. Sam'l Cornish was
put up at auction yesterday. The house
was reserved, while the land, consisting of
2 acres and 23 rods, on Huron -at., was sold
to Mr. Thomas Welsh for the sum of $390.
The new organ for the James -sr. S. S.
has arrived, and is a fine instrument. It
was purchased of Messrs Martin & Perkins.
An open meeting of the Young People's
Society on Tuesday evening "opened" the
For a good variety of towels and towell-
ing, table linen and' table napkins, straw
and feather tickings, cottonades, Denams
and shirting, grey and bleached cottons,
p'ease call and see those shown by J. P.
It is just possible that there will be no
celebration in Exeter on Dominion day.
Why allow these holidays to pass without
a demonstration of some kind ? If for
nothing. else, it would keep the people and
money in town.
The mayor of Guelph has instructed
the chief of police t e see that black knot
and noxious weeds are not allowed to flour•
ish in that city. The law is very stringent
in this respect, and it is hoped that it will
be enforced in Exeter.
To our customers we would say, busi-
ness isnot carried ou for fun, 15 pounds
of, granulated sugars cost me or any other
man $1 09, think out the . results your-
selves. Our sugars will be sold on their
merits with a small profit, J. P. Clarke.
Upon the receipt of the news of the
death of the Hon Sir John Macdonald,
numerous flags were at once hoisted at
half mast and the bells tolled. For days;
the town has wore an expression of grief
at the demise of Canada's Noble Chieftain.
The surroundings of the Metropolitan
hotel show marked improvement of late.
A handsome new high board . fence has
been erected atthe rear, which adds great-
ly to the appearance of the premises. A
new stable of considerable capacity is in
contemplation by the proprietor. '
Miss Penhale, of Stephen, ,whose eves
were recently burned by el -deride of lime,
has found it necessary to consult an oculist;
she being unable to open the lids unless by.
the aid of her fingers. It is feared that
the muscles have been destroyed. Mack
sympathy is expressed for the estimable
young lady, in her misfortune.
B'axetel' Tyleflloipal QounOil..
The council met ou Monday evening
pursuant to adjournment ; all members
present. Minutes of previous meeting
were read and confirmed. Moved by T.
B. Carling seconded by W. G. Bissett, that,
in view of the very bad stenoharlsingfrom
the mouth of the drain on clan -et, of
which atony complaints .have been made,
the clerk be instructed to purchase suffici-
ent 12 inch sewer pipe to extend said
drain for 200 feet,, Messrs Snell Bros to
contribute $15 to its cost. -Carried
Moved by W. G. Bissett, seconded by E.
Christie, that the reeve request the Kusa•
nese men of this village to discontinue
business for two hours on Thursday, int
respect of the late Hon Sir John A. Mac-
donald - Carried. Moved by T. B.
Cerliogaemonded by D. A. Ross, that an
order for CSO, assessor's salary, be passed.
-Carried. - loved by W. G. Bissett,
seconded by D. A. Roes, "that the council
of f he r illege of Exeter, in council assetn-
bted, express their deep regret at the
lamentable death of the late Premier. of
this Domir.iou-the Right lion air John
4 , Macdonald and to convey to Lady
Macdonald and family its condolences in
their severe affliction, and that a copy of
this resolution be transmitted to Lady
Board of Trade.
June titin -Meeting he'd nt the town
halt at .9.15 p m. with the president in the
ehair. Members present. -BB. S. O'Neil,
N 1),'€lurion. 1P. O Weekes, J (3iltespie,
1)r Rollins, J. Farmer. G. T me'y, J Me'
Innes, E. Christie. J. Senior. 13. S. Goch-
eneur. Invited guests : Revs Robinson
and Martin, and Ti. H. Collins Esq, Items
pissed :--per B. S. O'Neil and N, D. Hur^
don. that as a mark of aympathy in cone
r,eetio„ with the sad loss lust enetained by
our country in the death of its beloved
1 reinter --the Right lion Sir John A Mac-
donald, K. C T3., that regular routine be
suspended. The following resolution was
then submitted by Dr Rollins; f4The item-
leers of the Exeter Board of Trade hereby
wish to puce on record au expression of
their cheep sorrow in the leas which our
l,eloved lra'tatira1» It;, su3tained in the
remaavil1.y death c1 its First 91iuiater,
tete Bight Hon Sir Jelin A. Maedonaki,
1're;nit-r of 4" naela, and cnuneillor of tho
Benefit Empire, ere* and would also further
desire to reeved their
deep gratitude that
hie aa?u.at,le mental gifts and stettsruan
li(;e qu.alitie*, have been so long preserved
and %tsecl in the serviee• of ilia country
'bey would alae respectfully beg to tender
to Lady :Macdonald and the remaining
met:there crof the family their sympathy
and prayer that our Heavenly Father
wenitc in thio their affliction be pleased to
be•atow or then Hia all sufficient consola-
tion and support.
In an able apceell worthy of the hour
the resolution was seconded by R. H
Collins, lesq , who in manly terms and
force paid a v itlhug tribute to the memory
of the ono whose brain and hands had dur
ing such an important and eventful period
of the couutry's history been permitted to
so largely mould and shape its character.
Apart from errors of policy,his had been a
life willingly given in and for hia country's
weltaro, and no man could now stand up
and say that his conduct was at any time
instigated by other than motives of the
highest and purest patriotism Kindly
support was then given in short, feeling
addresses by Revs. Robinson and Martin,
after which by a rising vote and silently
bowed heads the resolution was carried.
This part of the meeting concluded with a
few words of prayer for our country's weal
from the lips of Rev S. F. Robinson ; Per
W. D. Weekes and J. Gillespie, that a
copy of resolution be forwarded to Lady
Macdonald; Per J. Gillespie and S. Sweet,
adjournment to Wednesday evening next
at 8 p.m.
Pro. Secretary, J. Glume.
John Taylor is in Toronto as tending a
meeting of the C. U. F. Wm Waker, of
Stephen, left for Calgary, N. W. T. this
week. -
Tho Farquhar Hotel has Leen sold to
Robert Pringle, of "Osborne, for $200.
The Rey Mr Martin will preach next
Sunday evening on "Lessons from the life
of Sir John A. Macdonald."
Mr and Mrs Jamieson, of Durhani.father
and mother of Mrs (Rev) W. Martin, are
visiting at the Presbyterian Manse.
The contractors for the drain on William
street are about to throw up the job, on
the plea that it was taken at too low a
figure. A special meeting of the council
was held last ever. to consider the matter.
The order of the council requesting all
stores to be closed for two hours an Thurs-
day was changed, and the business places
were closed yesterday from 2 to 4 o'clock
p. m. in honor of the late Sir John A.
Mr H. Nelson anr1 family returned to
town last week from New Nork state, and
Mr Nelson resumes work for Mr Treble, an
manager of his harness making depart-
ment, vice Mr Sweeney who has decided
to "lay off" for a time on account of ill
Mrs Rey W. L. Ball, of Ildertou, ad-
dressed the Woman's Foreign Mission
Society of the Thames Road Presbyterian
church last week. The address was very
interesting and made a good impression.
Mrs Ball is a sister of the late Hon Geo.
The creek on Ann st is again giving
trouble and the stench arising from above
the mouth of the sewer pipe, is almost
unbearable. The council has taken action
in the matter, but until the covering is
extended eastward for a couple of blocks,
this nuisance will not be obviated:
Levi Walper has returned to town from
Berlin where he has been living for some
years, and will work Mr A. walper's
farms. Loins .Wolper has gone to Berlin
to, take Levi's position in the Commercial
hotel there, We wish each a full measure
of success in their new undertaking.
The• Ministetisl Association of South
Huron *net in the . Main.st Meth church,
Exeter, on Monday, 1st inst, The princi-
pal business' was a paper read by Rev Jos.
Cook, of Hensel], on "The emotional in
Religion." This paper took the ground
that the emotional is a product of spiritual
life rather than a cause. Quite a long dis-
cussion took place on the proper methods
of reaching the .emotions. A question
which affects the conduct of Revival ser-
vices. The association seemed to be un-
animous that they should be reached only
through a presentation of the Word of God
to the intellect and conscience,' Rev J.
Wilson afterwards read an :,instructive
sermon on the doxology of the Lord's
Prayer which was well criticised and the.
association adjourned tomeet at the
Thames Road Presbyterian .church on :the
let Monday of July.
Minard's Liniment tor Rheumatism.
In the following Imes:
Ladies' Embroidery Floula,cings,.
Ladies' Bik. Lace Flounoings,
Ladies' Silk Mitts and Gloves,
Ladies' Parasols and Hosiery,
Ladies' Light Blouse 11latorials,
Ladies' Tennis Suitings,
Ladies' Blk, and Col'd Kid Cloves.
Middlesex Co. Vounoi.t,
The Council of the County of Middlesex
closed its June session on Saturday, At
the elase of the seselon the fallowing reports
were received and adopted; -Inspector Dear
nes* presented bis report, It dealt with
the sohoole of -'eetrninster township, Dela.
ware, Dorchester, Nino -ere feiddulph and
McGillivray.. The total expenditure iu the
sear WAS $31,031 91, a done Ise of 131,223 42
The average paid an teachers' mettles per
average pupil was bieucst in London town
ship. $12 28, and lowest in Dorchester,
a9 40; the highest average per school for
janitor's duties and fuel was 6104; 07, in
1leetmiuster, and lctwat,1152 22, in 11TeOil.
livrae; the ltigL at message bele:tee carried
over to the new year was $1e6 03 for
Dorchester, and the lowest average, $l9 47,
for M.,Uillivray, A. talate of the areas and
assecauteettta rates of alt the sections ahowe
tlaat rax:c *clime), undone as
natiie over 5,000
eared No •:1, i3naldulph, 5, 4.:3; No 14. Me-
reillivrat, 5,300; No 10, Westminster,
.1,28,5; No 15, Dorebeeter, 5 105; Nee 1 and
2, Louden, 5,120 and 5,062 acres. There
are four Roman Catholic separate sehaols,
one in Weelininater of 1,1520 acres, ono in
Ilideulph of 3,076 twice and two in Me
Gllivray, The female teachers outnumber
the oilier rex by 21; they were paid an
average annual eatery of $309e the male
teachers received an an average $102. A
change of teachers was mnalo at Clttistmns
in 40 per cent of the schools, in 1880 the
regilierereturned the names of 8,9.28 pupils
in 1890, 7,5117--e decrease of 1,831. Among
the supposed cnuaes aro the increase in the
average sign of farms, the decrease in the
number of farm laborers, decrenee in the
average number of obildren per family, and
that children are now leaving school at nn
earlier age. The changes which affect
municipal councils that wore made by the
receut revision of thogachaol law wore re-
ferred to. Among these are that it is made
Blear that trustees lnay require councils to
raise money to pay for building schools
without the cement of the ratepayers when
repayable in eon rate; provision is mads for
the discontinuance when deemed expedient
of a model or high school; it is made the
duty of the caunty council to fix the scale of
fees pnyable by county pupils attending a
high school; town and village councils must
appoint truant officers; rural school boards
may appointsuoh officers, and all assessors
must record the name, age and residence of
every child from 8 to 14 years of ago The
report was referred to the Educational
The report of the Finance Committee
(Janne Gilmour, •obairman), recommended
that a rate of 1 4-5 mills on the dollar be
levied on the whole of Middlesex for cut rent
expenses, producing 860,529 75; also a rate
of four fifths of a mill on Middlesex prof.er,
producing $23,217 95, to meet debenture
interest. It places the rates for the muni-
cipalities as follows : Adelaide, $4 600 55;
Caradoc, $4,846 40; Delaware, 82,427 70;
Dorchester, $5.345 75; Eekfrid, $4,729 59;
Lobo, }16,157 25; London, $14,041 65; Met-
calfe, $3,293 30; Mosa, $3,701 40; Nissouri
56,441 45; Westminster, $8,886 65; East
Williams, $4,11780; Went Williams, $3,008
Strathroy, 51,764 85; London West, $585;
Parkhill, $611 80; Glencoe, $354 70; New
bury, 8172 80; Wardsvillo. $157 25; Ailsa
Craig (1ilddlesex proper), $214 30; Ailsa
Craig, $112 65; Luoan, $266; McGillivray.
$4,038 10, and Biddnlpb, $2,972 85. lie,
port adopted.
The Equalization Committee's report
valued the several townsbips as follows:
McGillivray, 66,775 acres, $2,740,512; Bid-
dulph, 39,244 aores, $1,649 896; Adelaide,
44,171 sores, $40 per sore; Carado°, 62,671
acres, 830 per acre; Delaware, 23,027 acres,
840 per acre; Dorchester, 51,625 acres, 840
per acre; Eklrid, 53,447 acres, $24 per acre;
Lobo, 47,290 acres, 850 per acre; London,
99,833 acres, 554 per acre; Metcalfe, 36,164
acres, $35 per sore; Mosa, 47,038 stores, $30
per acre; Nissouri, 49, 500 acres, $49 per
acre; Westminster, 62,898 aores. 854 per
acre; East Williams, 38,570, 541 per acre;
West Williams,:35,151 acres $33 per acre.
The equalized valve of county towns and
villages was thus estimated: Strathroy,
$678,798: London West, $225,000; Parkbill,
$235,299; Glencoe, 5136,425; Newbury, 566-
465; Wardavilie, 455,600; Alias Craig (Mid
dlesex proper) 880,000; Ailsa Craig,560,000;
Lucan, $147,000. The whole of Middlesex
was calculated at 650,835 acres, and the
total equalized value of the county $33,544,.
209. The consideration of the report was
laid over until the afternoon session,
THE Base Rsstme-Every ingredient eat
ployed in prodecing'Hood's Sarsaparilla is
strictly pure, and is the best of its hind it
is possible to bay. All the roots and herbs
are carefully selectee. personally examined,
and only the best *van] ,e.t' So that from`
the time of purchase uu•+I Hood's 'Sarsepar
ilia is prepared, ever, tthing iv carefully
a view to t`ainin . best
watched withR the
result. Why don't yon E y it?
WINTER spoor -The coy %inter season
exposes many to attacks of colds, coughs,
boarssnese, tightness of the chest, asthma,
bronchitis, ego , which requires a reliable
remedy lake Hauyard's Pectoral Balsam for
their relief and owe. Known as reliable for
over thht ty yearn. The best cungh cure.
HEAL•rn ix ncnni-=IIealth-giving herbs,
barks, roots, and ten ;lea ere carefully cam
bined in 'Burdock Blood Bitters, which
regulate the :scot cLions, purify the blood and
renovate and strengthen the entire system.
Price $1 n bc.ttle, six for $5, Less than 1
cent a dose.
children Cry for Pitchet.'s Castoria
To look over our Stook and, get our Prices,
and it may
It has done others good by introducing them to the BEST
and OHBA LEST STOOK in this town. •
In Tweeds and Worsteds
We carry a Fine Range, We may say this has
had since in business lea
been, the best year al we have sin ,
M I de -to -Oder Clothing.
Why ? Because we sell Reliable Goods and Guarantee a
first -glass fit.
We have just received a choice range of Ready-made
Summer Coats and Vests.
We make a $; ecialt7 i , Ce ,ts' 17'e71 wear.
See our Men's Fancy Shirt; only 50 cents.
Men's Socks, 3 hairs for 25 cents -Good value.
Just imagine 1 Six -piece Glass Sett for 25 cents.
Our Groceries are the Freshest and Best.
Fine Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices. Try a sample of
a c 0. Y. P."
We sell and recommend. Chicago Yeast Powder, the
original 25c. Baking Powder. We still sell "C ding's .
Own" which has given such good satisfaction. e have
just received a daisy 25c. Japan Tea.
Call and see Spackman & Co's. Dress Goods -all new
Call and see Spackman & Co's. Sateens, Prints and
Angola Suitings. All good washers.
Call and see Spackman & Co'e. Embroidery, Skirtings
Lawns and Delaines, for the hot weather.
We sell the best 25c. Black Hose in the Dominion,
worth 40c, and warranted stainless. Call and see them.
Remember we carry 'one of the largest stocks of
MILLINERY in the town. Every hat new. Nf,old
trimmings to -work up. Call and: see the new.s y rle'a for
spring and summer.
Samwell's Block, Exeter,
The Molsons Bank
Paid up Capital 65,000,00
Rostrund 1.000,00
Head Office, Montreal,
20 bran ebofee esin tee Dominion: Agoncle,
in the Dominion,U,S.A.and Europe.
Exeter Branch,
Open everelawful day ,fremit) .a. m.to 3 p.m
SATURDAYS.10 a,m•to 1p.m,
P4Per0ontperannum allowedformoney on
Sub -Manager,
rber SShop,
A. fast ,
Shaving and Hair cutting in the latest
style of the art.
Every attentien paid to cutting
Ladies' and t:; hie drens Ha'b,