HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-11, Page 5Vrediton,
R atria -tile Peter Winer has returned
from a two -week's trip to Morriston, Ont. --
Mr Chris Zwiker, jr., of St Thomas, came
home on. Tuesday to speed a few dare -
During the past week Rev Mr Bedrnoud and
1<tr W Lewitt have been at Wiudsor attend -
in e ie s
g the 3i thodi t Uanisreuco,-Fills Emily
Th s, of Exeter, spent Sunday iu Oredi-
ten as the Weed.
Mies Attie10
Eliber-Tia a
in I.hQ Ge
rmn, church
Au busy1isottetnAno+r nus vhih t
ei ! e 'vs,
e t ,'ldre " f sti 1
e. c sl or h of i n s da
wbioh takes place soon.-- On Saturday night
last three young men pielted the look, on the
door and entered M :;. Beaver's furniture
warerd)oues, during, theuight they held high
revelry and feasted on selreoes and liquor,
of which they must have had au overdose
alt the hiccoughs seem to hive bothered
them lordly- On Sunday wonting early
some of the neighbors who lead bei
turb s.1 during the night seo the door even
and ttcmt its to .see what was v:reeg, they
were kurpriseil to arta three yeuug men
with hleckeued faces who were cot ower
.sen: otiose The cul;•e its threst4'ned to
NaSef t±ertr it euld they t':iy eaything about
t:ro r... ;iter v;c2‘. rb.t c't,,e to k e'are them
oil 1,1r l;.eever wee nasi rtafcrined of t• E..
Qcrtr"-neo kvAll it rias toe late to ectteir
them but he is mike scare who the culprits.
aro and ie merely wattling ter a little fur-
tberinformstion teban 11.: wilt take etepe to
tlrasteate t3rcni,
W 3 Whazey, of Tcet,>tilo, 47c00. If; litre
„nein e t nrotrtiee who heft Limit➢ Fr epecting
In rhe Sauthweetetn Ceenties N viotingin
the Celerity on bis wey beck tt 1Ca a t*ueeu
City,---Mra Met';rlk,arrt of Fore—e, v.lio hue
been visiting her daughter ?arc Melee, leas
returned home. -A, cerlsm gentleman
tesidioill on the lOWM111e er,nderiog
thrc igh the woods in search of his horeta
nptrced in the dlatmece a White aquae loon;,
inane before l:ia vist'w Vpon N etronger
epticj strain the fartuer'a terata leineiaatlou
ceueiride<i that the object wee A bear and
thinking dicretion the bettor part ot 'Wear
helm bruin menarett of all be surveyed. -
Mr Noble Johnston diepoeed et a Loess
last week tor the lra-rdrrree cares of $180,•". -
Mr John Gowan is chilling friends fit St i
Mere a.,a MiiesrrquGsrtour jirvoutle'Agree
trees leeeee Monday the 15th for the eLitei
co the heathen," --.Wm Fletcher has ileum
eel !Tanta trom sn extended tap tbrau: lr the
t ie1i1e p'roviaee.--dies l.ttie Lane, ouo of
tier beat aecciaplislted and uaoat e. Wattle
dispesitione1 yeupg ladies ici were lads tit
Prsceut,--Frit l' 1.lrit4 is remit g ter
deuglrter Alre 1.'eareen of Leuttee.-.1ter
Joe Drown, of St Marrs*, oad.upeed the
pulpit teat Sunday evenaar;d, -V; ►I; 3.ae Warn
is attending the General Cenf,•reeco at
Bertha -31r :Zeit Molloy lett u •rateal;le
memo and 9+oft lent wrcrik.-The "Nrehtiri.
gate*" alar tite"Afeaalolarks" Seturaey
Eden, ._.....
Ihnzrea.Meares l>'rank Costes and Jatnes
Eleert+, ot Eden, woe the guests of Air Wm
Bowaou, of sworn, on Sitnday.•-a\Fr and
Mfrs Stewart Hudgins, of 13ildulph eisite3
!dandle in [7iaborna os, Stinday.• Afr 'iS'dl
Coate? paid hie friend Mr Samuel Skinner a
fiymig visit ou Sonaay.-Quito a t.nmber of
our } non f people intent ttt'.cing in the pio
nie to be heir! 3u Atkinaou'4 (xrovc,1E:d,lnluh.
torpor:ow.-Ur Horsey and lits sinter Mrs
Mole:meld3 wore the gimlet of Mr herb
Alit hilihet 13unelay.-Mrs I'oi6an:1 and
r.. Tamil, of Exeter, were viyitinlr frrande
f i lutph ou Sunday lase. -Mr Herb,
`itud Rachael Mitchell, of 13iddulph,
prat u visit to friends in Loudalr township
cu Sunday. --al: JamettArmitage,of(sranton
and Miss Alien Ilndgina of 131dtluiph, r ere
tiro dnests of lir Will. Derupsey on Suncley.
-..Mr Thotnae Cave, of T.lnbarun, paid
Gee ton a flying visit on Suuday.- Mr
Adair, of Sylvau, who hes been
▪ .,•.f
friends dsinL
sbrtt e
returned to : is ]tanto on Tuesday.
POrT1 r.L-'.thio ititore.tiug game 8eein8
to be the order of the day at present. Our
two chile; are haviu,; tolerably goal link ns
far as 01111.012011 are concerned. Eaolt club
bas alleatly played two rnetohca, and both
play again on Friday next --the juniors ou
tlxir own grounds at Elden, play the Fair.
field team, while the et:nit.re go to °hieel-
burst to play tho team there, The aenior
club has nut se yet played a match on their
own grounds but it is to be hoped that the
lime is not far distant when they kilt have
an opportunity to do se.
BRIE Fs -A number of our oititeis at-
tended the Salvation Arany camp meetings
at 13ayfield ou Sunday last.-3,Ir Schilbe
intends remaining with his mother on the
farm. -Everything in this vicinity ie
looping very dry and if rain does not come
very soon there will be very Light crops. -
Mr Voliand had quite a time on Monday
last owing to a fire that was burning in
the bush becoming caught to the fence.
The fire conquered however after about
20 rods of the fence was destroyed. -The
house of Mr Conrad Miller 16th con was
struck b
lightning one day last week.
No serious damage was done. -The pony
belonging to Mr D Spencer ran away on
Wednesday last
An interesting game of base ball was
played on the public school grounds on
Monday and Tuesday recesses of last week.
The game being between the "First Nine"
and the•"Strube." The game score was
as follows :-
First Nine. Scrubs..
J. ] .iblcr 2 8. Latta, teacher 3
W. Tobnston 2 W. eiumart 1
A.. 1oritz 0 1). S'pp z1 2
W .Baker 0 T Jarrett 2
1I, Hardy • 0 E. Moritz 1
S: Faust 0 J. Gies 1
E. Faust 0 M. Buchanan 1
IS . Wurm 0 G. Lippert 0
8, Holtzman 0 N. Buchanan 0
Total 4 11
rThe return match was played on Thurs-
coy and Friday resulting as follows :
First Nine Scrubs
K• ibler 3 Jarrott 0
'John sten 1 Burnett 0
Moritz 1 Morita 0
Baker 1 Lippert. 0
Hardy 1 Latta
Frust f 1 Buena nan . • 1
Faust1 Buab,anan . 1
Wurra r' Gies 1
Totals 11.
Barfield. . • to road end bridge Win. •
Ba;>,ig-Sainue1 Whiddou, wile and Moved by McLean sail Webber, that
family, of Ripley, have been visiting relas.
tire& bare.- Alex Fraser paid a short fast
home last week, -Rev J, H Moorhouse Reci-
ter of Ingersoll, .Rev W Brown Sermon and
Mrs Seruian, of 118044all were. the {meats of
Bev F. G. Newton last Week' -Rev J. W:.
Hodgins and Dr Wright, of Seaforth, were
rn town Taut Fritioy.--Thoanniversary,
services in, eounectiou with ''bit Andrews.
church proved very successful and were
largely attended. On Sunday, May 31st,
entertaining speeches by Beve. Musgrove"'
Mol illop; li 11i,11su, Seaforth; Simpson,.
Brneefietd; Newtou and Thibideau, hay-
field, Prooeeds were about $fl to, be used
for church improvement, -The Salvation.
Army cattle meeting is being; held *hie week
in the orcba d at the rear c,f the barraoite.
Officers onEuo diersare present from Exeterer
01intom, Seaforth, London, (koderieb, Wiug.
and others, e l r.r
n 4 are being
largely ptte.ird,
Sadav ttart
9/111 be the
last (hwy. John x o
in iw1
of Gid
for S et' a -L W 'Might
utle a r r r EI
recently' diaposeet of ilia praTiee hew and
-teemed in Seafortb. He 11:14 twiny friends
here who wish, hien enecers in ills neer field.
11e is aw'c:eedea hereiy Dr 0 Sheppard of
Siweo;•, who is alreadv a 3abli .ling a good
practice, -.0 W, it•,E.'i .son, B, 4., of Brad
fora. is ependleg a fete holidays herr, the
guest of his titer Mrs F. G. Newton -.neva
3..W. }latl;i::s, of Sanf•erth, and F, 0.
Nt•wtu t .1•nc,t a:;unt the end of June on a
trip to flee' ce.1.-'!ten Dr `hani try recently
reer.ire:l fra.:a :