HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-12-14, Page 171,FINED FOR PROWLING LIN THE ASHFIELD 'AREA Magistrate Glenn Hays fined Donald Parrish, Donald Roy Scott, Harold James Eskritt Vincent James Austin .and James Alvin Scott, all of the Lucknow area, $25 and costs •whey► they appeared Friday charged •with unlawfully loiter- ing or prowling on the property of Ethel Austin in Ashfield Township. Francis Robert Scott, also of the Lucknow area, was fined $5 and costs on a similar charge. The charge against William Fitzpatrick lt.R. 3,Goderich, of unlawfully assaulting Francis Robert Scott on November 1st in Ashfeld Township, and caus- ing him- bodily harm, was ad- anuary the - singing of Christmas carols, Free s a anied by Mrs. F. hQ#' kins atpthe piano. Prayer was offered by Miss E. Rutledge. Three of the junior girls con- ducted devotions consisting of a Christmas Scripture reading by Margaret McKee; a read- ing, "Naming the Baby" by Barbara Cooper and "A Christ- mas Prayer" by Mary Duck- worth. A filin, "Gather 'Round the Christmas Tree" was shown with a running commentary by Mrs. Cooper. At intervals dur- ing the film, carols were sung by all. Mrs. M. Oliver recited "Tle Fourth Wise Man" and Mrs. F Hawkins played "Star of the East" as a piano solo. 'direction of Mrs. An interesting feature of the Christmas Meet TheDecember meeting of the Free Methodist W.M.S., was hells en Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. M. Oliver and took the form of a Christmas program and social evening. Mrs. R. H. Cornish conducted a short business period after which- she explained the plan for evangelism as set forth in the mission study book for the countries of Latin America. She also put on a realistic dis- play dealing with life in Nicaragua. The program which followed was under the E. A. Cooper and Tru - Loire consisted of evening was the gft o a hand - PLANS FOR VOCATIONAL SCHOOL ARE APPROVED - The Ontario Department of Education has granted approval to the architect's plan for a vocational addition to Clinton Collegiate. This word has been received by the Advisory Voca- tional Committee of the Clinton District Collegiate Institute board Estimated cost will be $1,516,200. Thenew accom- modation will provide. for 550 additional pupils. made embroidered book -mark presented by Mrs. ` 'Cooper to each one present. These book - marls were made by two girls in Greece to whom the local W.M.S. hod sent gifts. 'At the conclusion of the pro - ram, ASanta appeared -.kith, for everyone after which lunch was served by the hostess and Mrs. Cornish. Nal:Meet-Of North .$.t..WMS The December meeting of the North Street "(Jailed W.1114S. was held in the ladies' parler Tues- day afternoon of last week. The -presidento Mrs. W. G. Moorhead, opened the meeting with the call to worship, fol. - laved by the business session. Mrs. R. M. Sperling, secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting and the annual report. The treasurer, Mrs. D. D. Mooney, gave her report. Plans were made to pack a bale of used clothing December 12. The annual party for the children was planned for De- cember 9. Barbara Maxwell, a missionary in India, were read, thanking the VST.M.S. for,parcels they had Thinking of Diamonds — Think of 14'ILSINGER'S. Compare size, qual- ity and especially price, and be con- vinced of our unbeatable values. Budget ;Perms Available Clinton Automatic Bowling‘ Lanes are sponsoring a Special County -wide MEN'S 17 -JEWEL 'SWISS MAKE WATCHES, FEATURE VALUE 15.95 FILSINGERS WILL NOT BE Christmas Bowlarama on SATURDAY AFTERNOONS DEC.16 8113 want, and saying bow Velry ateful they are to receive them. The devotional "exercises were taken by Mrs. Wm. Sallows and Mrs. Wilmer 'Harrison. A solo, "Safely Sleep Little Babe," was sung byMrs. Ron Bushell, ac- companied on the pianos by Mrs. Harry Worsen." Mrs. Sallows d the meditation, the Christ - mm s story, "The Rebellious Shepherd' was read by Mrs. Frank Walkom. Regret that Rev. J. ten Hoopen was not present and $a heartfelt prayer for Mrs. °ten Hoopen; who wad in Victoria Hospital, London, was ex pressed. Mrs: Sallow§ closed the meet- ing with prayer. This was the final meeting of the W.M.S. The new organizatton "The Un - into being January 1, 1992. A social half hour was en- joyed by all. Many gifts were received for the Cancer cup - from 12 .Noon to 12 Midnight UNDERSOLD In Huron C unty e Eni‘moNb,'AhviteRter ETC Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Mcney Refunded F1LSINGER'S JEWELLERY GIFTS — $100 in Prizes for High Single, High bouble, High Tripht_ Hidden Scores and Special Prizes For Ladies, Gents and Children). For further information and registratiOn Contact Manager Bud Hayter — HU 2-7711 CLINTON AUTOMATIC BOWLING LANES CHILDREN PARTICIeATE IN WHITE GIFT SERVICE White Gift Sunday *as 'Ob- served in North Street United Church at the morning service. The members and teachers of the junior and senior Sunday Schools were present in a body. The Rev. W. J. ten Hoopen was assisted by Mrs. John Walls, superintendent of the junior school and by Mr. Stan Jones, senior superintendent. The Scripture lessons were read by John and Elizabeth Wright of the sinior group: During the gathering of the offering, the children present- ed their gifts which were re- ceived by Wqdy Rowlands and Larry Papernick. WINNERS AT WOMEN'S The Goderich Women's In- stitute held a card party on 'Wednesday, November 29, in MacKay Hall, convened by Mrs. A. Straughan and Mrs. H. Dodd. The winners for euchre were: high, 'Mts. C. Mills; low, Mrs. Kingswell; for bridge: high, Mrs. MacLaren; low,. Mrs. Leo Chishohn; low, Mrs. H. Montgomery. DIES AT SEAFORTH Mrs. Jonathan- Hugill, 69, of R.R. 2, Seafortn, mother of Arn- old and Clifford Hugill, of Gode- rich, died Monday at her home. She was a lifelong resident of the area. The funeral seryice was held on Wednesday after- noon at Clinton with interment KRAFT MIRACLE WHW • SALAD DRESSING.. 69c Mrs. D. McKee Heads MS., Club The annual meeting of the Margaret Seeger Club of St. George's Church was held Mon- day evening at the rectory: The presideht, Mrs. J. Murison, pre - and Mrs. J. W. Coates, treas- urer, in their annual reports Showed a very successful and interesting year. The hobby Bell and Mrs. C. Hill, was point- ed out as an especially worth- while and instructive project. The nominating committee, convened by Mrs. D. Challeng- slate of officers for the coming year: past president, Mrs. J. Murison; president, Mrs. D. Mc- Kee; vice-president, Mrs. J. Stephens; secretary, Mrs. IL Bell; treasurer, Mrs. L. RieCk; rectory committee, Mrs. C. H. press, Mrs. J. Hindmarsh; mem- bership, Miss Gertrude Wilkes; tea committee, Mrs..D.' Camp- bell, Mrs. Riley, Mrs. C. H. Graham. The ways and means committee be co -convened M. Mathers, assisted by Mrs. H. Williams, Mrs. J. Seaman, Mrb. Mrs. Harry Ford. The tele- phone committee are Mrs. C. H. Chapman, Miss Edith Wil - The Gocierich' Signal -Star, Timraday, December 14, 1.01 liams, Mrs, Lewis Taylor, Mrs. Dr. K. E. Taylor presided. it, the installation of the exec* the group on a most successful Year, and thanked -them for their cOoperation and financial help in church projects. Stephens and her committee. Mrs. McKee thanked Dr. and Mrs. Taylor for their gracious hospitality. A. DeJONG DIES Mr. Anthony F. DeJong, Tuckersmith Township, father of George DeJong, of Gdderich, died Monday at Seaforth. Re- quiem high mass was sung at St. James' Church, Seat:411h, Thursday morning. Interment was at Seaforth. CHRISTMAS TREES. 1/2.L SIZES — TWO PRICtS 1.29 ANCIi 2.29 WEDDING The home -of the bride's par. ents was the scene of the mar - and Robert Finlay Andrew on Friday at seven -thirty o'clock in ,the evening. Rev. Howard Strapp, of Luckmov, performed the doublering ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Wilfred Pentland, of Dun- gannon, and the groom's par- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Alex Andrew, of Lucknow. Mrs. Ernest Pritchard, of Toronto, aunt of the bride, played the wedding music and sang a solo disuterrin.g the signing of the reg - Given in marriage by- her father, the bride wore a three- piece Italian knit suit in green and beige, with beige and brown accessories and an' orchid cor- sage. Mrs. Anth,ony Van Dongen, of Clinton, was her sister's mat - roil of honor Wear * wool suit with mauve and accessories and -corsage pink carnation*. was afoomaitan. ReceiVing the guests at the Tiger Dunlop Ina, the bridoVO mother wore a mauve two-pieee dress with black and white low carnations. The 14reore'S mother assisted wearing wt. American beauty wool. droSe with black accessories' and * corsage of white Carnations. The young couple Will reside in Dungannon. " "It is believed that curling was introduced to Canada tly Scot - bee City in 1759; today- there are 700,000 members of Can,- adian curling associations. Canada occupies about eight per cent of the world's total land area and has about three- fifths of one per cent of the In 1959 there were 2,362,080 - Canadians, 55 Per cent of all taxpayers,' in the $3,0004.0, $7,000 income class, compared to 561,110 persons., 25 per cent of all taxpayers, in 1949. • How things change! Now-- adays when the doctor finds re patient in a run-down ,condit- tion, he prescribes less g6ft, and more time at the office. JOIN THE CROWDS AT THE Get them at either Location IGA PARKING LOT South Street or at HURON TOWER 193 Nelson. St. At Like Hui.on's Largest„flight Club IMPERIAL HOTEL € GRAND BEND Friday Night Fish Fry All You Can Eat — 50c Dancing and Listening Music by Desjardine's Orchestra SATURDAY CHICKEN FRY Dinner for 50c ENtERTAINMENT BY _ELGIN FISHER'S RHYTHM TIMERS ,z424 -21,R, ezekkatraikar.,424-Da•c=04-A47‘.rwa-AAL-401-DahlarDerst-Nar SAT°P GODERICH NEWS STAND - Our Store Hais More Gifts PIPES WITH !.; OR vyrn-pUT FILTERS 32 OZ. JAR NUTS IN SNELL // FANCY MIXED NUTS 1 ''' RICHMELLO SLICED FRUIT CAKE .. Ha., 65c FULL OF FRUIT AND NUTS 16 OL DIAMOND WALNUTS 1:z. i:EL?:, 49c Zaps RICH ELLO FRUIT CAKE 1.25 PIECE 1 LB. 63• PIECE 16 OZ. PKG. 49c 63c 45c WITH EVERY $2.00 PURCHASE FREE TOWN DELIVERY I HONEY POD PEAS 4 COUNTRY CLUB FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON ECONOMICAL - "WAR 'IVIAIIGAIIINE 4 SPECIAL 15 OZ. TINS 75c DOMINO DRY tkr FREE a DRAW DENNIS A. FINCHER Proprietor On Pipe Rack and -Tobacco Humidor! The Purchase of any Pipe VALUE Entitle you to a FREE DRAW TICKET $5.00 • If you are shopping for a pipe smoker you 1, Ladies: mar3RciliGoHoAsemwi;litzlexpert confidence when it's ''.ol We also have a large ,selection- -of BRAND NAME HIGH QUALITY PIPES THREE DrAtY 'PECIAL TOBACCO THURS., FRIAAT., ONLY 10c off 41/ 2-1b.'19NS GINGER ALF, SPECIAL TIN 57c 4 30 -OZ. 49 PLUS SPECIAL ,FANCY VACUUM PACK KERNELS • kt‘ PIPE RACK and TOBACCO HUMIDOR Keeps Tobaico Fresh n' Fragrant SEE THESE ,COMBINATIONS BOTTLES t' DEPOSIT • McCORMICK'S ..ARGYLE well SHORTBREPID 95c PKO. bF 3229c BISCUITS TOBACCO POUCHES Convenient Folding Style as as the old favorite purse styles Priced from $1.00 to $4.95 LIGHTERS Butane Vara -Flame, LonspiLasting Trouble Free SEE THE ALL NEW "FISHER" LIGHTERS — Full Range — Priced at $1:98 ZIPPO LIGHTERS — Lifetime Guarantee — $3.95 SPECIAL NI1LET COHN 2 a „CHRISTMAS. CANDY DARE'S CREAM a'nd GUM BELLS 16 OZ. 35_ California Navels, Sweet, Juicy Seedless — Size PKG. ° 25 OF 6 14 OZ. ritUIT PUDDING 37c 12 OZ. 354c TIN DOMINO CIGARS - Canadian and" Imported $1.00 ,TO $7.50 Gift Wrapped in Bright CHEESE SPREAD 5jc ALLAN'S CANDY CANES MOIlt4 TOWN TALK ASSORTED SUNKIST ORANGES DOZ 69 No. 1 California Crisp Green Solid — Size 24's HEAD LETTUCE 16 OZ. JAR McCORMICK'S PLAIN JOIN THE GODERICH NEWS STAND FREE FOR ALL MAW ! YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A PRESTO STEAM and DRY IRON, Value $21.95 Tickets Free with each purchase of $3.00 or more ° (Cartons of Cigarettes Not °Included) Christmas Colors • SMACKERS EACH 1 9C 25 Burns Beef — By The Piece Values Effective at GODERICH BOLOGNA 3 -lbs. $1. Until Closina Time Saturday, December 16 AH. MERCHANDISE SOLD AT TOM DOMINION STORE ' IS DIARANTEED TO GIVE 11/0% SATISFACTION. M N 1,011 ittomiNioN STORES LImItIED RENVVICK BILLFOLDS CHOCOLATES BOXED Nationally Advertised GENUINE LEATHER and MOROCCO -.Choose HIS Gift from Our Splendid Selection PRICED FROM $3.50 TO $7.50 FRESHI Purchased Direct from Factbry ,Only the name can spell out Qi)ality Finest Quality, Beautifully Boxed $1.75 Just Arrived from mestere: Christms Bag Candy 39e GODERICH NEWS STAND ON THE SQUARE AT C,oLsome