HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-12-14, Page 2He has .led Iona strIngs of yaks
sherpas over mile* of ti
ountaln paths. Bae has holt
m..f4lybed • with saffron reed,
`•llamas and given a,cuntlesa pray-
er wheels a -whirr. He ensue
tr; d to ba,'ri, home a ehorten,
but don't bees get rove ed in .
that story. He has marvelled
at whale valleysadee clothed in
rhode esadrtsaas. Pwk and stihiteei
pear h and orange. Hee has bent
under a 56 p bund pack,' grown
a beard and sf shed in ice
water lie has panned for
breath he cut innumerable
tee Ete05 in the Rinkingpong
e4aeaer He has established -
Camp XVII on a narrowledge_Whoa, there' Siovy, down. the most stupendous household
He at'c rrnpanied Fuchs to Ant- Helix.,5 Get that frown of3 your upheaval. just bafore the .fee-
arctica wad was 'only a step be- face Don t look se strained. rise season. It's net y the
hied klallary and Terirne at the It s not a funeral or a wedding, Eery year, about the first of
summit of Everest But all the or a%en a threshing you re -get- , December, the Chief Enc; sneer
same, with a vre4at display of, ting ready "for. It's Christmas. bets hallucinations of grandeur,
origuiahity Esse have decided that Remember' and we're for it.
the araser to these questions . 4
shaft 'bee k`TJ. tfi'tranepiressethat t --know: 1 --know:-- "Ws -ante-.-r-;.--Gone-year, 4t�-was-a•..-neaar--•sink•+
Uncle Dudley "'iso' tine, of those ing time for all of us" and' in the bathroom. Translated,'
unique people ' bo eeeasiona113c,"C•hrist-rna's 4s getting. too cam'''.this means I wound up with a
toys alai the weed In spite', mercialized" and "it's not what complete new- bath.r.00m which
',f the renewed v .rnings in,it ,used to be" and "we can't Took me about two years to
twat periodical which readersafford all those 'presents" and pay, for. Another year, she
find so digestible. we will cash "Christmas is just a big pain, thought we'd sand all the floors.
'n en this failing and contribute. in the neck" and "1 don't enjoy'
t(1, his addiction. This year we Christmas any more. I'm simply,
;,El send h a pipe. worn out." I've heard them all.
s . »
By Bill Smiley
The lively occurrences aehore of a retired sea cal,; -,iii �: e
'told weekly' on the CB(: rad.o serif:', Halifax Theatre The
program is heard Monday afternoons on the Trares-Canada
net -work. The village y, rner, Jimmy (`orae Easy, r.ght,
reminisces with Captain Andy on ome of the l.,ght-Heart,
problems that befall him in retirement Jimr?y come
Easy ins played by Ieavid Murray end Cap'n Andy by Bill
Ful c,n.
3r ti, ec ►. &OO R os'
The result looked like Lake sander Fades, or the last brick i s plea/Ant chow,Liu ,corn'] panic aplenty, Th; MO sods
Superior on a chappir day- On. is slapped irate palace, er the;s Pensees'
a pre -Christmas we qo9°1.rate the + last splatter of paint ns ttirperl-1 • t *
out our ears. is
painting and whenever the' t .ed off,I know that Christi -1i I+ °s whyI was a Alto
mars pm, et church than et
W h
home: a hove cools coming
family meet at‘rs time, it re-
sembled a war -gathering of the
a Six' Nations.
aY 6 4
On stall another occasion, we
had to build a chimney a
couple of weeks before Christ-
mas INo., Virginia, it wasn't
for Santa Claus to come down
It was for the smoke to go up,
ter a change, instead of just
hanging there.) Anyway, the
man said the bricks were too
a alarmed tis year. You ace,
mss, peace en earth, and good -1 we re living- in a rented bourse
i9fl and sand the kids !
e Cheryl as project. The
w rota me _.. i
and there no outlet for that
are �DII'c3stllCally aiproai 11.1.5. y
• :
• 9 Each year,' the Project has' ady is re rained by law from
acted as . a safety valve for she ripping off all the wall raper
Old Girl. You know what we=ds layingorgy. Mng it ahae licanoleum
men are like with Christmas, 3u
o lb
coming on, normally. They run eg a it longingly. a
around in ever -decreasing cir-
cies as they try lo cope with But t needn't have worried.
turkey and tree and trimmings, Unable to create alarm, con•
piidd"sng and presents and pies. fusion, chaos and open warlitre
ne fur -
he has go
0 * *
But it's a good thing, 1. say.
Here's the program: three ser-
vices the day before . Christmas,
including a mid -night; a ser-
vice Christmas morning; then
jump in the car and go haring
off a hundred miles across
country to Granny's, for Christ-
mas dinner. With a session like
that to get frantic about, she
hasn't time to drive us all
crazy "getting ready f o r
%s a it some"
t thing After sa a wound • r a .coupe 1 o weeks o
h about 8 flat bricks pillaround the they afield To church As
that t Christmas with a to The Signal Star
During these ordeals, the old.ting read# for Christmas was and special services. Th
ups nit a ou me -s paintin , or running a --
ed. to deg. In the kitchens brick'=pile, my old lady was al- organist; she's facing her first An ideal gift a year's sub -
e g ways so whacked out a get- II the extra ' ,
eras scrip Oen
Trouble 'n Strife is about as
easy to get along with .as a' tt
QX= ": '•4'ice"-a" 4 :"., :r tz:zteiCtctt te+iivcit.itcfzu ci.z«ort«ct'g+=zttPitZtgAIVII
:obra with a hangover,, That's • • •
why 1 look on the annual Pro-
jecy._..as.. a.,Ffi •---
' get through a couple of weeks
of this_ withouf'"anyone picking;
up an axe, Christmas is a
When the last snarl of thee
It has been suggestesP that Poppycock' Piffle! It's ""not
the above needs a glossary. We c'hristmas that's a big pain to '
considered a class in conver- the neck It's some of the so-
sational Urdu, but there is no called Christians who celebrate
i room m the Fire Hall We vs^i114 it worrying, complaining.,
therefore explain that "barra grabbing. sweating, pushing,
• ashoha ' means very good_ whining—in a perfect frenzy as
"Sub se achcha" 'means the best. the glorious day approaches.
• A poshteen is a sheepskin,.# v
.,, oro with the word—not the For myself, I find "Christmas,, -
wolf ----inside and looks like a and the weeks approaching it,
I dressing gowde Pi dogs are a demanding but exhilarating;
the backward boys of the North experience. Each Christmas
•W'-st Frontier Indian dog world season, around our house, pre-'
Pagri is ten -yards of cotton ma- sents a challenge that brings
terial with which the head is out the best in me. And don't
- b(;und to form what is also call- anybody, please, remark that
ed a turban and charpoy is a the best is none too good.
' bed --there are' no ,chairs. Now s s ><
.OU can read it all again 'and The reason is that. each year,
distil the quintessence: about the time other peeple'
are wrapping gifts and address -
i Christmas cards, we are
' ::.,it.' c'h s iii }'h e _ " "rgifir ` �Ur l° ears:JA, .A'cstneati ' i i
Star • beings quick results. Project. For some reason, We
An age-old axiom reminds, us
that: ,The .present lis • the time
for presents. We have arrived
again at that sntii-shredding
and full of fun. It is too much
to expect of him. Uncle Dud-
ley must have a Christmas at,
home, if at all, possible. Never•F
theless it is true that once, in
Period. when the poor old 5rain his youth, he went 'to *With racked to decide, before the land and fell in love with the
mail tumbril rumbles off to (not a) Jungfrau. True that in
Timbuctoo, what' on earth to some years, as a result, we have
give to Uncle Dudley this year. guided him to the higher alti-
For some year t now he has Ludes and to the `wastes of snow ,
entered ,.the New, Year dogged and ice, a%alanche and blizzard
by books which have led- hint
further and deeper into the ewe
jungle. In consequence he has a`;
- become familiar with the spoor
of every beast known to reran.
His very dreams are punctuat 1
ed with pug marks v, h ich ' he 7
follo4. s endlessly, but never 's
comes up with his quarry. lie
has plodded o'. er miles of
parched deicer, sometimes on td r . so
foot, sometimes on camel hack
and the agony` lingers still. Ilex
TREES -' • .
has paddled in native dugouts to b"
up slow flowing, oily crocodileteetering with • rivrieLrs iGG(( (1 to 8 feet el
and ir,
14's -t 1 olse'U With. sriakes•, 1`ho-. a__ _..... _ G,z
humid, foetid atmosphere_ has til ,Goderich
made_his khaki shirt black with
sweat. He kiiiim-Ts the rriarket
• hand- and is sick of he sickly g
sweetmeats and 'of the bubble tt
with Which he has been enter-
tained time and egain. He has ezli
even grown accustonied to that
prize of all Arab feasts, the eye;
of the sheep. Ile can ek en lookl
it in the eye.
On one occasion he ventured
into the fastnesses of the K6ra
Koram where the bloodthirsty
Millassids insisted on peeling his
hard-boiled egg for. him with,
their dirty nails while he sat
on a charpoy and assured them
how "barra achcba," nay, "sub
se achcha" the whole affair was,
He. is an. expert at disposing of
the less appetizing Portions of
the feast by sleight of hand,
' or by dropping them behind his
back to the pi dogs. - He has
wears his poshteen with the as-
surance of the Mir of Ipi It
was with the idea of giving him
a break from all these harrow-
ogperiences that for the
last few years .we• have chang-
ed the terrain. In 1957 he
spent Several mornings with a
seal called .Lorgi, In '1958 -he
was relegated—to the marshes
- bordering Baghdad,, trying to
entice a land otter, named.
Mijbil, to fly with him to Lon-
don Town and thence to. the
bright waters of a ScMtish loch.
But 1960 saw him back in the
Jungle, this time in Kenya,
where he shared a camp bed
•. with Elsa, the 'lioness, and
woke tip with - a very minor
This year there is an eaoy
way out. • Shall w e send him
to follow the playful moods of
a dolphin? From antiquity to
Yesteryear at Opononi, where
• name of Opo repeated the ride
its ancestor gave to the boy
Dionyaittg at Hippo circa 540
B.C. Or, Elsa has three cubs
now, so he mitYht fly. off to,
again and essay that
frightening landing on the
Jungle airstrip and renew the
'acquaintance. But 'stay! Have
a heart! A lioness and three
cubit, all equally, affectionate
0 p
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48 f
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Spring and fall—that's all! Ford's
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Phone 7308