HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-11, Page 1AND HURON & M D ESg GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' VOL. XVIII. NO 89. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 11. 1891 LEGAL. II. DICKSON, Barrister, 8oli- • niter of Supreme Court. Notary �#ublic, '3onvoyencer, Carom wiener. ace Stoney to Goan. Office in Position's Block, Exeter - R U. COLLINS,. Barrister, Solicitor, ` r, Solteltor, Conveyancer, Etc., FsATTrat. - ONT. *Moe over the Post Omae. ELLIOT 47 ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Oouveyaiieers 164o, t e. t:-lfouey to Loan at Lowest Itatea of interest. OFFICE, . ;MIA' -STREET, E:IETEB. n. V. SLUM.. 4. CLLIPT. - DENTAL. R. 0. II. INGRAIM, DENTIST. 2ueeeteor to If. L.finless. ilfeutUer of ti.e lioy el College of Dental Someone? Won; tneertea with or without Plato. in Oehler ltubtor. A ante Anmsthotic given ter lawp:cinlese ext.raetionef teeth, Plates Remixed firmly iu the mouth by Yom cu,a' Patent Valve. OFFLGE : Over O'Neil's Bank. Lnean every Friday. KINSMAN ,OENTIST.L.D. Pansan'y Block, iain•it. Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain. Away at!Insear..au Arc Patty Craig, second one fourth Tuesday; and Znmmn on the !net Thur:'. 'laver each mouth. U. le ICAL I W. BEOWNING M. D., M. rJ ♦Pt i ritaluato Victoria mover ty: Office and rosidonoe. ltam.nion Lab( a. tory, Exeter. FLYNI»IAN, coroner for t ie County of Huron. Omco,. opp.,stte Carling Bros. store, Exeter. LI, J. A- ROLLINS,111.0..P. S. loa 0. Oalioo, Math St, Exeter, Ont. Iteeidenco, neuro reecutiy aaoutlied by P. Me rllipa, Psse, .✓TILL T. P. MetAUGHL1N, MEM- aher of Ilt sol1coo of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. Physician; ur eon and Acoonchour. Olftoa, IIENSAI.Te, ONT. C . Tl I,, U N, M, D , C, Ai., l Wit. Graduate Trinity University, Tor- onto ; Fel. 'Friar. Mod. sellout, Toronto ; Grad, Am hist., Crauiologe; Member N. Y. Acad. Anthropology; Member Col. P. S„ Ont.- otfioe, Dashwood. Ont. 1 -NR. DAVID M. STAEBL t' R, (UNIVERSITY oe TORONTO) Physician, Surgeon. ate. Having spent the winter of 1886-87 in New 'York, and winter of 1887-88 in Vienna, Austria. OffxcE : OItEDITON, ONTARIO. DR- WOODRUFF Diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eye jaaSses and Speotaeles furnished for both Near and Distant Vision. Always at homo.except on Fridays. .No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, Ontario. LUOTIONEBBS. 11-4, HARDY,ARDY, ;LICENSED AfJC- tieneer for the County of Huron, Charges moderate. Exeter P.O. AJ. ROLLINS, LIt3ENSLD . Auctioneer for Counties Huron and Middlesex. Residence,1 mile south of Exeter. P. 0.. Exeter. BOSSENBLRILY, General Li- • sensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in allparts. Satiefaotionguaranteod. Charges moderate. Reneail P O, Ont. EpNEY EILBEE Licensed Ano- ioneer for the Counties of anron and Middlesex : Se•les conduotcd at mod- erate rrkres. Onloe, at Poet-ofdoe, Ored- ton Ont, H. PORTER, GENERAL D s Litetioneer and Land Valuator. Orders Bent by mail e o niy a dermas, Bayfield P. O., will receive prompt attention. Termemoder- ate. D. II. POILTI1tt, Auctioneer, VETERINARY . Tennent& Tennent EXETER, ONT. araduatesofthe Ontario VeterinaryOo1- loge. OVFXOTI : One door South onTown Hall,.. MONEY TO 'LOAN:. ATONE/. TO LOAN AT 6 AND, peroent, $25,000 ] ivatoFunds. Best Conning Companiesrepreeented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister. Exeter, SURVEYING. FRED W. FA'RNCOMB, 'Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En Office, trpstairs.Samwell'aBlock, Bxeter,Ont INSUttANCE._ HE -LONDON MUTUAL UTUAL, Jl. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Head Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successfulbusiness, still. continuos to offer the owners of farm proportY andnrivate residences,, either on buildings or contents ,the most favorable protoetionin ease of,loss or darn age byflreorlightnins, at rates upon such liberal terms, that no othei respect - able oompanyeau afford towrtte, 42,375. polis oleo 'inforoe1st. Tan ,1890. Assets $378,428.00 ih cash in bank. Government depost, Deben- tures aid Premium Notes. Deems Glum, Preei dent ; D ;C.MODONALD,Man age r• Davin JAnise, Agee t for Exeter andvi oinity Kash Is King at McTavish & C+ oy s 01-T Lid r4.ii« kw7 .,fir Q,i.�.a „ Men's Suits worth +:3.ao, only $5.75 Kash. Men's Suits worth $9, only $6.5o Kash. Men's Suits worth lq..00, only $iz.25 Kash. Boys' suits worth $5,5e, only $4 gash. 1,'+oys .wits worth :2.i$, only ;Sz.90 Kash. Clothing to order at lowest prices. Mien's natural Wool Underwear away down. Ladies I Anatol- job lot of Para- sols just in to go as cheap as be fore. :psi: to sec OUP 75C. Corset ; per fest fitting and every pair guaran- teed. Try our new Teas and Coffees. A. 4. MITA V1 SH d 00. 11ORra,, Jae:mer:r- -In lliddulph, on this 230 ult, the wife of Jaturo ttttineoa. a slaughter. Cor: all --In i°si+tarno, on the 4th that, the wife of °1 honmas Cornish. a son. Poem:sox---1u Brandin. on the send iilest . the wife of Ur A. bf Peterson, a daugh- ter, If.1llltlGLi, Bonet' -Weer en --tet the residence of the bride's parents, Portago Du Fort, fjuobee, on the 3rd atom, by Rev A. A. Allan, Rev E. II, Bean, of Dashwood, Ont, to ltdies Eliza Wanner, Tnennamox-'-Ilaurt;xls-In Ilil,bort, an the 27 nit, at the residenea of the bride's father, b, the Rev Mr Sims, of Hensel', Harry Templeton, to :fifes Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mr Ilarbutn, botn of McKillop. VJAIMEn- 11U.i.ltn-In Hibbert, at the mai- dance of the bride's father, on the 27th nit, by the Rev Mr Russell, of Elimville, Mr Tinea Walker, to Miss Johanaa,eldest daughter of James Miller, both of Hib- bort. Meresox--EEak''--At the Manse, Cleveland, Ohio, on the 25th tilt, by Rev Pant F. Stephen, Mr John Millson, formerly of Hullott, to Mise Maggie Bays, daughter of James Hays, of Slap illop. neer-Poimen.r--At the Manse, Grand Bend, on the 25th ult,by Rev Mr Carriers aeslsted by Rev I3. Curries, 'of Medford, Chas A. Meek, to Miss Sophia E Poulton, all of Stephen. I3nnternezr-Moss--On the 3rd that, at the residence of the bride's brotber-inlaw,Dr Richardson, by Rev Austin Potter, E. A Bemetreet, of Glovervilie, N.Y, to Minnie Mase, of Aylmer, Ont. McDoeterti •-Hd1tT-On Ina Ord inst, at the residenea of the bride's father, by Rev Mr Hughs, Mr George MoD maid to alms Lucy Hart, both of Wingbam. DIED. HoLatzs-In Wingham, on the 4th inat, Margaret, wife of Mr Wm HoImea, age& 29 years and 10 mos Vosren-In l;xetet, on the 6th inset, Willie Roy, infant son of George and Fanny Vosper, aged 3 mouths, 9 days. STAxnana-In Exeter, on the 9th 'Mate Ann, wife of Richard Stanlake, aged 68 yeare, 5 months and 21 days. MOLz&x-Near Walsenburg, Huerfano Co, Colorado, on Saturday, May 80th, Allan McLean, formerly of the Espoeitor, Sea - forth, aged 44 years. Hoxisoxa-In London, on the Brd list, Eliza beloved wife of the Rev 'Edwin Holmes, mother of Rev J. E. Holmes, of Gran& Bence, aged 58 years. Constant -AND- ADVANCING 1 Step by step one goes along way 1 The hare ridiculed the tortise for its slowness, but the tortise laughingly replied : "I will beat you in a race 1" And while it may be a fable it is none the less true in Lusi- nese pursuits and with men. The undersigned is just . closing the fifteenth year of his business career, and although we may be considered slow, we have been plodding on amidst great odds, but this finds us still in the race. During those fifteen years many changes have come over the business visage of Exeter. There are only three places of business now in operation showing the same managing head and other two that have made partial changes with new managers,that were contempo- raries,in 18'76. I feel myself indebted to my many customers for their liberal patronage afforded me during these years. Whether largeor small pun - theses, they 'have my sincere thanks, and I would ask a continuance of the same, It will be mine to study their needs, seeking to place before them goods equal to those of the past, assur- ingthe purchasers of proper attention and doing our best to meet the wants of the niost fastidious. 1 remain Yours J. Y. CLARKE. Fool Nom. Farm procluee taken in exchange for goods ; highest prices paid for same.-J.P.C. UQNDEN$ED N1W$ tecont noxious Sources Throng out the ).»strict. There were no appeals against the aesess- ment in the townabip of Iliddntph. The' spetaka well for the assessor. For assaulting W.13erirngten of Bid3uipls, John Atkinson of tlrb same township enol tined tiie neual fano. Dr Benj. Bayley. who Ilea been prse- $biinit at Liven for soeoe time past has decided to settle in London, and hoe opened an Ain Mr J, H. ?Manes, of West 'McGillivray, had the nliefortune teeoutle to Lave hie left hand poisoned by some means, and blood poisoning:having set in there is now danger that be will loan that member. Prompt relief iu trick bealache, dizziness. nausea, constipation, j,ain In the side, guaranteed to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills. Gee a dose, Small prise. Small dose, Small pin. Mr Wm. Lfndaay, of the 12tH coneession of Seuti,weld, exhibited a sample of wool %Melt was clipped from a yeatliug twin lamb, ua:l the net'ognreusent of the aider, laetrons neat wui 14 inches. The animal was :t ewes b'treen thea Lincolns anti Cote., Weld. .lr Ila lime, of Peel -shill. the other day ii ppt'ne1 with a very painful nc.:itieut. which gill lay hien up for a %tile. 4ylaiao canting *ti rduti of the loge in the ehreeo hex factory he slippe=d, one foot going into the water. It WAS Re:el.leet an to the sato, rein 1 when the eteetfng wan taken oft tlao akin lathed off eith Shoddy Oath peddlers aro doing up or. tain portions of ,tiidtiledex just now, and Borne of the farmers who totally pass for hovel beaded uaen are liberally patronising tlsem. It is said that these mon Feeler notes to hard cash, but we would advit�e ferment to sign no notes for shoddy cloth. Notes given under molt eireumetaneea senie. trues grow larger wi Stout any appareut Mee Wino): Won:en-The more sene,itive nature of the family sex readers women moth more suaaeptible than men to thane numerous ills selsieh spring from lack of harmony in the ayMem The nervous system gtves way, sick headache is frequent. the appetite is lost, and other ailments peauliar to the sex cause great suffering. Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adapted for $uoh cases, and has received the most gratifying praise for tho relief it has afforded thous u s e, d of women whose 0 e y0fiy existence 0 before taking it was only misery. It strengtliena the nerves, °urea siok head aeho and indigestion, purifies and vitalizes the blood, and gives reoular and bealthy action to every organ in the body. PERTir. The Patrons of Ioduatry emu to be rapid. ly increasing iu number in B1anehard. 'Whilst leading a horse the other day, tfr R Box, of $t Marys, was severely injured by the animal jnmpiug on Mm. Mr Caleb Caister of Stratford had a hen that hatched out a perfectly formed four legged thicken. It only lived a feiv hours. Alad named Nee]ands, of Stratford, had Gee ends of two of his fingers blown off by holding a large firecracker between them while it exploded. Mrs Trow anti her daughter, of Stratford, were thrown from their carriage on Monday evg., while driving en the yieinity of Roy's Home. Fortunately they only received a few slight bruises. A party consisting of Ur Alex. Jameson. sr, Mr James and Miss Minnie (heighten, with their graudmother, Mrs Creighton, all of Blansbard, left 8t Marys last week en route to Regina, N. W.T , where they will be the guests of Mr Sam'1 Jameson, Collector of Guatoms. The laying of the corner stones of the new Methodist church, Anderson, was cele- brated last week. James Walkes laid one and Joseph learn the other, The building will be a handsome one, and will coat nearly $2,000. J. Roadhouse and Jno Evans, of Exeter, have Ehe contract. A. public tea was given in connection with the laying of the stones, from which $160 were raalised. The following is the report of Kirkton school for the month of May. The report is based on attendance, recitation, punotn- aiity and conduct. Fifth class -Lily Ken - nor, Lizzie Shier, Hugh Kuk, Fourth olass-Annie Hazlewood, Josie Doupe, Rachel Kirk. Sr 3rd class -Phoebe Tufts, Will Hazlewood, Sarah Doupe, Jr 3rd olase-Bella Hazlewood, Effie Cornish, Geo Hazlewood. Second class -Laura Wiseman John Kirk, Jeanie Urquhart. Bed and rosy cheeks follow the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills. They are nature's remedy for driving out all diseases resulting from poor and watery blood enriching that vital fluid, building up the nerves and promptly eorreoting irregularities, snppres stone and the ills peculiar to females. Sold by all dealers, or sent poatr paid on receipt of pries -60o per box, or five boxes for $2- 'by addressing The Dr Williams Med Co, Brookville, Ont. Mr Jas.. Sutherland, M.P., has introduced into the House of Commons "an aot re. - 'spading the South. Pacific Railway," of which the tollowing is the principal clause : The company may lay out, eonatruct and 'operate a railway from some point on the line of the Ontario and Rueben Railway at or near Woodstook to some point at or near the city of Ua ninon ; and'also one from sorepoint on that railway to a convenient point on the Niagara riyor, and thence they may connect by a ferry or bridge with any railway in the. United States' of America reaching such ferry or bridge; and also a railway from some point on the Ontario and Qnebeo railwity near Cookeville or Toronto, through the city of Hamilton, to some point furtber west ` ate the. line of railway first above described ; and also a branoh or ex- tension from any point an the said railway first above described via the village of Em - bre, in the oounty of Orford, and the town of St Merys, in the oounty of Perth,to some convenient point on Lake:Huron, between BayEt'ld ani Kieaardine. Iigaox. Some mean sneer Beier entered the stable of Mr J. 1P Brine in Barparhey on Fahey ;I3;;id lest and serried oat a set of hooey bar nese, The sensi•aunual i'eetixg GE Cue l'C County Urenge Ledge ot S loth llnrou will , he heli) in the ©range hall. Clinton, at 2 o'clock pan., on Satua y, Juua 13th. Uitr.ill purgative reins :te3 air' Rest way to the eeotla action a •1 snfil Patens of Carter's Little Liver Pills, lfyteo try them they will certainly please you. An nitlttften Las been rerdo to the Clint ea Ctellegtate Institute Stott of teaches iu the pnen®,n of (Lieutenant H. 11 Comte, who wilt henceforth «ire irietruo'spn in military deal. The Clinton Vow Ira (Reform* was so '. alnxit,ua to record the death of Sir John that it list week got out an extra announcing Lis death upon nearing te rarnor. which, a far minutes later,waa denied over the wires. :Those unhappy porous v:ha suffer from ttervenene8; anti *leaprypri'n ellou''i nee Cartet'e Little t ervaas Pills, which are made t'Spreesly ter r)lc ee leen, .sive':$;, tixi zi maths suti..neve 1'tnco ;.t:'teat7, Pr James itlnteltitsd left I;ouso its Stanley tea Teex;tsy heist) visit fete oise :aaselainin . t ,.ac ,y in Lonadoas, Detroit and Cinerurtati. raesi~'ret; to l »e alrpar•^era f -r' Neetalsot,'rtate as ct net iti al nelesiunesry, llu pupae* se- 154ne;t. ,tau hart?. Stabile err diverge 1it'acenn node eal:iratt the 1 el mai in fi.ndvrivlt Tattnship he Caine 0, m0,?3 tour panems ,who Isere over tet ot ars of age. Tinier is n T'a'tty e.11 ago anal there aro tttit rnsuy $a:'Viablt7;7:2 t' ith filer melt ar ci: ut l'r.,plte i,ero else �aite<i tufa life on ii�ttle;ea.hs May t Ten. Matthew Slsopp ar:{, who hal been a n aident of the towueltip td Aahsk,kt fear the pet thirty years. Deceased was a native of Kianonl, near the tome of Loeb, Seethed. and was hi,arly reeapeeu d. Mr W. 'J. Matinee pe,umrui store teal pet oinnso. at Oreenwav was burned to the ground the other two, The fire hall gained suck boa lway when discovered. and spread so rapidle' that nothing met saved, Mr Ripon's loss will be rowed thougand dollars over the insurance. On Sunday last a house belonging to and driven by Mr Reynolds, of Clinton, while passing near the goal in t::oslerieh a large dog began following the rig, frightening the:, horse and causing it to run :away. Taira Reynolds and her infant, who were eon - pants of the vehicle, were aevarly injured. Mr James Latedsbornugh, son of Mr Jas. ihaudaboroa h of T giber u smith left g f on e , Tee nidefor Sudbury, in width. i hxalt di ri n bas been appointed a miselonary under auspices of the Missionary Society of Knox College, and where he will labor for the summer months. Mr N. Boluses, of Turnbury, was having his barn jacked up on Tuesday. with the intoutien of putting a stone foundation uueor it,but from some unaccountableeauao when it had been raised about two feet something gave way and the whole building tumbled aver and fell to pie,)oa. An old man named Prootor was found dead behind a woodpile in Delmore on Tuesday last, and is supposed to have beeu there since Saturday. Dr Towles-, coroner, was telegraphed for and went out and ex- amined the body, but oonsideeed an inquest unnecessary. When found he had an empty bottle in his pocket which had con. tabled chloroform.---Wingham Advance. Measrs Gray, Young and Sperling, of Blyth, agreeably surprised the firemen on Saturday night, by presenting them with a check of fifty dollars, for services rendered at the recent fire. Such generous and thoughtful conduct is encouraging, and it is needless to say was thoroughly appreciated by the firemen. Saturday last was quite a big day among the cattle mon of Seaforth. There were eight oar loads shipped from Seaforth sta- tion. These cattle were bought at an average of about 54 cents par pound, and their sale would pause the distribution in one day of about eleven thousand dollars. Mr Wm. Oudmore, of Tuokersieith, near Ktppen, sold seven for $70 per head. Many of our readers will regret to learn of the death of Mr Allan MoLean, formerly of the firm of MoLean Brothers, publishers of the Huron Expositor, and brother of Mr M. Y. MoLean. The sad event took plane in Hnerfauo County, Colorado, on Saturday morning, May 301h, Mr McLean dyiug of consumption. He bad been in Colorado for 16 years. Ise Tanlxxxo-=There are a goad many in active training for aquatic sports who will do well to read the opinion of Mr William Beath, a champion oarsman of Australia, who says: "I have found St Jacobs Oil of gteateso service in training. For stiffness, cramps, muscular pains and soreness, it is invaluable. I always keep a bottle with me It cures rhenmatism." This is standard authority for athletes. An aecident of a very .peculiar and dis- tressing character marred on Friday last in Hullett, resulting in the death of a very promising young man, just 22 years old, James J. Hitoh. He was destroying tree pests with coal oil and fire in the plum trees in the orchard when the can be was holding exploded and scattered the oil over his person. It speedily ignited and though every effort was made be was literally burn- ed to death. He became frantic with the pain and, losing his pregame of mind, ran round tee fast that no one could catch bine to render him any asaiatance. Mr P. Brown of Wingham has received full information of the sad death of his brother, Mr Ret Brown, in Scotland,' South Dakota. The deceased, not feeling well the night before his death, went to a drug store for Epsom salts, but instead the dig- peueer of medicines gave hint tartar emetic, whfoh dose be took before breakfast the following morning, and before noon he was dead, haviug taken enough of the medicine to kill ten men: The druggist immediately fled the ooeutvv, and his father offered to compromise the affair by the payment of $2,000.to leis family, Mr Brown held the position of city in •t rebel] and deputy-ahe'eite of the oounty. JOHN W2'f1 TY: ac 80N Pwhlleher s►ud Proprietor He ns%11 Boasee-a at the Loudon raees hest week. Tem iberko gat thirst mems? in the 2.35 clave, gid Frank Wuees secen.2 b. the et.% raze; both Eleusalt bore e. -Lose week Jas ti Petty of thio p{aen anti Jaireee Cznper of of high ele;ee blit ep it plight he went Lis that Mt P. v: t;+ ;r;: isapnrt r e.t sheep heat liy ext, t.t.:i tQ ens ot�rlsa } one_'r liappeo felt for the atia tenantry, geiuF pis Nese l 'rl;, Mr Petty will omelet art R ttnsenlaot fathom . t{cjf'taar€ cissa iae�s, a ttsat.lerfeai�r«rtitan of We are od'eriug Largairo9 in light asira riser suitisage. Renee:ra ter these gase`le rank hire in wattles a•osi t4 ler tine• lowest .T THE Market Store Exeter, T' FL.IS WE Atop ole sl. rs c f seuteri itt.:' i44 --Pi+;v it it Baan, Mentor„irf tier, i:�.angelae l cisurch ts<-rs; woe ore the aril .. i . "tie' aides 1 it': the lr aseia %at Iitii,t:ittl,any with Mica Eliza iti ialln�c:+,L'r ag ' Ha Pott, tj4e, The eerc'i t..int wee .: f nrwe:l by eft:v ll. A. &H to of the stashes plc: The molly y t.e,(aeal a Lapis reit cot the niitheigist train t I Utt'et,a anal will also vi tt eater Feint; before Sating ern their a,..:lt. in >Giashweel. v e "4:1a their 414ay tei:.,s:1i Fiero ea write 'kl j; 'Mr fled `1ff,0 Been en o f»l,+ reeeeoro %f : eed- -• .. -Rat - StePhen. e a ae . ; t cfs 8tiu3etcpe:esa- 110fel:-worm,pr,i'.la o e,u;,f art tateloa • ever ft . per isa : 1. tietteo the eaa;..ea of atler. Sr 1V EPa Sheet an Sat, I.u,y J' "-li t rr It ci^t ort s Beene atv. el..Jr Ill Nettie Pee:Lalte a 5 ,1.. 1 t i re . o ri' oxime. t* �; Ileum t t °"4 rrl its .11;.; toot i f, -t :loran, t',; II- -:a'.y Il. ease, .rte, .1: le - 1#',rry 1:Aay. r. :'; 1,!ear.>ar ,+o's Owe llt'tine ids see, tits; Wee Stir less. ,'`l. I't it Sr -Frank Peed, alt; Sara"« J -s', :' VialStet:{ak.., 71; Beth a t;allrrtl, s' 5 Wadden Neat lege, WA; Geo Madan; fel ; fiersn Beaver, 51. Pi 11 Jr--f,.nttter l'enlisle, 6+; ileo Santiere, 62 ; Ile .1 •ry, t't_t ; Aet3hcnr Reseal, 1' Therm ffarri•;on, :a'i; Henry he'sflo, a3. 3. eV. 1£,err. toot,. f r doper. Son.l, l :gone ed S, et aft :S r.;. ,rsr', for the tnr.ntle of !Jay. The following repent is bas41 upon avezege ate 1114 es for (051 *south, nun tho marks obtains:{ at the ox-tmin,tti'.ne, Zentnb r` of p:apits ea the reit 39, average Mice:l :Ince,'d t u, IV clams --Nettie Shier. ' Er"III-HesterSwitzer. Jaunt Ballaistyne, Ella Clarke, Nora Flee - cher, Ernt:tst IDaupo, Tees 31:W100311in, Clara ILnxtou Jr i11 -Lucy Daupe. Sr II-1?ddie Clarke, Fred Ma rshall. Edna Ma sba31 Arthur ar nor eland Fletelter, Alice Gourley, Jar Pringle, Devil Olxrke, Fred Carr. Jr II --Lewis 1: ietciser, Charles (Tithe, Mos Ballantyne, Arthur Duncan, Albert efeClocliliu, Everett Doupe, Atex Duman. Pt II -Edwin (Arthur, ire lstarihall, Arnold Harrill. Sr Pt --Nelson Clarke, Garnet Fletehsr. Int Pt -Mary McCurdy, Maggio Ballantyne, Bobble Dun- can, Chas Carr, Laura Marshall. Jr Pt -- Annie Ptingle, Alvan Danpo, Trueman 1'Ioteher. Rola. there, Teacher. Goderich Bnzms--The county council. of Bruce, paid a fraternal visit to their brothers fn Huron Iast Thursday. Their drove from Lnchuow headol by the band of that burg, and while in towm attended the council while in session, marched to the dock and after viewing our factories were loyally ban.. queted.--The town council telegraphed its sympathy to Lady Macdonald on Friday evening. -The Daantlese base ball olnb of Clinton, played a match with the Janior Hurons of this town on Friday. After play- ing two hours the game stood three goals to one .n favor of the Junior Hurons. The flags in town were placed at half mast on Sunday, and are still floating in memory of the great Conservative leader. -Fishing waa fairly good the past week. -A. considerable quantity of '.umber is now being shipped by train from this town. -The pastors of the Methodist churches being absent at confer- ence, laymen occupied their pulpits on Sunday. extremes To be enssrineed jun step in and get price% of our Litht Castaiitaa Tweeds, English Tweeds and Seotch «i.eeds. 1S'o ni:eite piesis %ti orste,3s a speeiaity*. • In this lino our reputation is eatoblletled. and it is c'ncetiad that we mare teerthe i low waster neut. Our esthete of Reedy 3fa it>s is Complete. Sten in and seo our light auwnser coats and vest;. In aur seler'tton 4f tittle gnx;tg we -settliedtopie:sus tl.e eye tsitfsrespeet to alaf:^arare.-, t L eors'stt the . pocket with to bestof f o -, respect pri:o- noel all to w nes ter the e:ieft end cernfuart of the porta: ,e,et' iu the - ea:tee :tiers and rsl .ham rip el' these bt .:tett 1{ eft .1R, Leanne re s'Aiseg erees ob' , t t ala tnet eteeele bus .i:,. tt .y' eft :ooze est• c r�le•,it im that 'title I) •^;a e. x el the Hay Council. Gonne of Etymon -Council met on May 30th as a Court of Revision. The appeal of Jahn Duncan, against being too highly as sensed, was not sustained, The following changes were made in the asseaameat roll, viz: -Doge struck off from the assessment of John Maxwell, R and A Love, 8 Midinger 13 Koebler, A Lippert, John Bell, 0 White- man. A dog was added to eaoh of the following assessments, 0 Dobns, L Hawa- oher. Lot E i E e 16, non 7, assessed to Arab and Alf Whiteman; lot 3.6, L R W, to Peter S Bowman; 8 14, eon 13, to Louie Reatemenor, E ,} W ,} 16, con 6, to Enoch Parker; .9 ;- Si 4, eon 6, name of Wm Treble added; lot 27, con 6, to Thee Farquhar; lot 3, con 5, Albert Johnson added as tenant; N a lY i 8, con 15, to Canada eUompany, 11 12,W S Hensel], to Robert Walsh. The names of Rot and Wm Morrison, and their assessment of $1,500, was atrnok oil; G 1' Arnold, asseseed for petsonal property, $1.800; Geo Cookman, personal property, $200. The assessment roll, as revised was accepted as the rolafor 1891. Gouxaxo--Peter Koehler was appointed pathmaater in div 39, instead of J Gellman. Road commissioners were appointed as follows: ---Wm Laramie for diy 1, centre road; Henry Wurni, jr, for div 3, 0 R ; Nelson Masse, for div 4, Oil; Chas Troyer and 11 Gies for the north boundary ; D Shaefer and H Yonger for south boundary. Council granted $200 for work on north boundary, and $100 on south boundary, provided that Stanley and Stephen grant equal sumsThe report of F W Farncombe relative to;the drain in the Hay swamp, was accepted. The following accounts were paid: -P Confine, rep culvert, $8; Nelson Masse, cnlvte, $8; Wm Elder, four sorapere, $37; F W Farncombe, award No 2, $11.50; Cook Bros, flour for indigent, $2.75; El Randall, $I5;' r W Farnoombe, work in swamp; $100; Henry Rupp, drain, 0 R $10.6'; V Soahems, drain 0 Be'. $7; 13 Lippert, essessor, $66.10; Sam J Latta, part eatery, $25; id Lippert, rep <univert,l:3. Conned adjourned to meet cu July 4)L. . MIKE KE : J.1.IlO S ca«ac;aw::c . .Y. iu4tr.o*Y",'n Wee -.11ar ltt'.spt9nil 1 at t'i; ; '' .;; tho 1 3z:. -el 1.'r viii fiver flow., 4:4111 tole `raere'9ann"' 'fool: et tar 'e 1 � 3 ranntie ata 7 ha { lti'7 eise'ep sr.errit't i ,e.s la Jt :n t t mans n I'tse tilt rt .r c ° t,r J t]`t o;' mei 4..1210 lamas --.1.V, n se del atlie t i i..f esu the Zstrieh cerresl't•n:ts „ that spoons, led stoti'ine he matter with rs». We jos 1,,° a' naethine mind lsavo heap wrerng Q14'41114.11 ta.'robai,syIsis t'yt`a rayon:eel ley a ft ileo s..a lata.: w..erl 1:a /salt that 1'. r+iorhar Iia:l 1 ea a1!aaing Ilea yoatag mon of this piano The pclple of Fa:gottar ace giftel re:sin reedit cowmen bestRO an h z,se-ty Mao t_.:leo their abilities in writing auclr t.atru�' etsttcmont . Also Mr $ melt min there': was s.o sheave tet slq,ly beano the tti:iit. t tweed:. u'.?r the etene ant i'art'.f from tem awn :sow rtgardiug Kirton nem, The liirkttm i.aerreependeut l spoe Lite pleat of a esrtaiu iadividnal well Lumen uraund beret gave la the nuuteruus peelers of the Tines a erne lssrable amount of abuser() langa:.ge re„areling the enntiuet of young monwho,hosem redact here. ii'a dthe oorrespondout bean rightly informed of the Amos e1ings •we believe ho traultt not so hastily have written those crron'3oas state - mews, Tue iTair epote,l. abaut;may Bate taken place in the regions of Piagt.:wn so as to bo reportol as newt from. etas donna, but no young man of Plugtowu was )among the company so degradingly epoken ot, neither did any ono of 'theta report the moat fascinating and detailed sceount of rail dust ging, gate tying, else, to the paper. These Young men are nearer reailents to Kirkton than to Plugtown. Should Kirk. ton sea At to start a menagerie we think that their "common sense" w ll forbid them coming outside of their own little hamlet. TO the Editor of the Exeter Times. Your Kirkton correspondent, arperontly has been misinformed, by the miraoulous young man, who, in the issue before, was referred to. Your correapondent first refers to the character of the young men of this place, *wagon as far as to ampere them With Sabbath breakers, He arouses them oI lying in wait on Sabbath evenings for this young man, and with ropes and rails, cause him mnoh annoyance, by tripping him. This statement is erroneous ; there is not a young man in the neighborhood who would think it worth while to resort to such petty trioks, merely to annoy this nobody. We also wish to inform your ear- respondent arrespondent that the character of the young men of this plaoe, is equally good as com- pared with the character of the young mea of Kirkton ; and that our young men ware never thrown up in a blanket: As to gate- ways being blookaded with rails, is another falsehood ; but the gate through which the gentle young man passes ought to be Looked, as he don't know enough to shut itafterhiw. Perhaps he is afliioted with noctambulation which accounts for all the strange things recorded. We hope the readers of the item referring to the wild oats do not imagine that it Blinded to Plugtewnites ; the guilty party lives south of here, and • he is the most hidoons groaner we aver heard. And this gentle young man who has suoh regard for the Sabbath day, does himself issue challenges to other young men to fight ; he dose it however while protected by two young ladies, who command respect, hence his getting off unmolested. In con- clusion we would advise the Kirktonitas and their rural neighbors to carry themselves more manly and they willmot be subject to such' censure as has for the last few weeks bean poured upon therm. A PLuoTOwsxITE. 20 MILES TO PROCURE MEDICINE. Winfield, Ont. W H Cosswrooz, Brookville. Donn Snu-Am selling your "Dr Morse's Indian Boot Pills" in this locality. I have customers who come 20 milesfor the sake of getting Morse's Pills. This speaks for itself as to their value. I use them in our family with "the most eatisfaotory results;" My wife has been cared of dolt headache by their use. We ooald not do without them. Yours, etc., A Bnnea;Pxux. Mzasns 0 0 RIOT:TA lea est Co. GERrnE3uax,-I. take pleasure in giving' my testimony to yourwell known MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT; as I feel that it saved my life. In the winter of 1887 1 was at taoked by a Ovine pain iu my loft side caused by a fell from a building during the previous antimer. I got relief every time it was bathed with the MINARD'S LINI MENT and eventualy ouretl by the use e f a'few betlle7s. This ' liuinteut has made some 'w 'clerful nurse. uhrtlielil, N 13. 'Inn VaLoser,