HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-11-30, Page 8• • .• ltbe rich Signal,Star, Thursday, November Mb, net ays Harbor kThe ackbone of Goderich e yessel in three calling 004erieh harbor in the sea - now closing leaded salt. the 1,31 in and out, 83 car - 4 grain -17,000,000 bushels , alL There were. 41 salt oes Out, and the remainder eoal, oil and gasoline. A. 'We do not stop to think"! At an asset our harbor is," fl Councillor Reg. Jewell, airman of the water, light harbor committee, in re- rtmg to the "town meeting": t Friday evening. "To mo. IS the backbone of our town oys, directly or indirectly,1 ndreds of men. The crews these ships, 4,000 men, leave y dollars in our town, and n there is the great truck - g trade—oil, gasoline, salt d coaL "The two elevators alone — aded 25„615 trucks in 1960. COUNCILLOR REG., JEWELL d this year, up to October Chairman of Town's Water,1 St, 23,193. That gives you Light and Harbor Committee. latCmtetZtttettettpctitattratvalatatetatatant-taratatatClatatatalatalatataltaktatn, me idea of the traffic from r harbor, and these truck boat trailers were there." ivers patronige .grocery and "Another year," he said, rI goods stores, restaurants would suggest that the beach d barber shops." be lit up at night for wiener Mr. Jewell mentioned im- roasts or corn roasts, and three ( ovements made to wharf or four barbecues built there ildings this year, playground for the same purpose as at cilities at the beach and open- Snug,,, Harbor. There should g . the washrooms from the be a drinking fountain for er. , A ramp had been built young ohildren. We will get Snug Harbor and "last Sun- more trees planted this year; ay," he said. "31 ears with if possible." • • Enjoying 'coffee at the recent -Union Gas 50th Antniversa-y Open House are: left to right; Mrs. L. G, Bamforth and Mrs. Len McGee. Foreman Jini Vahey talks to the ladies. PPY SALES GROSS $1,600, — im Adam is Elected, este. --Me' cgio Members of the Royal Can- lian Legion Branch 109 Thurs- ty night elected Jim Adam as esident for the coming year. Adam,and: the other elect - officers will be officiallY, in ed at the first meeting of e new year which will take ace early in January. Other officers of Branch 109 e; First vice-president, Herb omas; second vice-president, alter Sheardown; treasurer, ph Clark; secretary,. Ned e; assistant secretary, Reg - aid Huckins; assistant treas. Donald McArthur; serg- t at arms, harles Cadman; stant sergeant at arms, oyd Schoenhals. Committee chairmen for the ming year will be: Sandy Wel- d, entertainment; George ambers, property: Vern ith, : house; Les Chapman, embership; Clarence MacDon- d,-sick and welfare; Bob Rush, 0 ts. other items of business. the members voted to donate 1$200 to the Retarded Children's Association and two walkers to the Goderich hospital. The treasurer -reported that the recent Poppy campaign was extremely ,successful, gross- ing $1,600. • ' High Winds, Hit Snipers The Goderich Gun Club . meet was well attended last week. (High winds made targets hard 'to hit. However, Jack Gilbert was able to break a 21 out of 25. Other scorers were Ash - :ley Gilbert, 18; Hedley Prouse, O 18: Ted Horton, 18: Chas. Prouse, 18; Francis. Prouse, 17; H. rman Fisher, 15; ' James Sheardown. 14; Oscar Prestap, 16; Jim Hogg. 14.- Next shoot on Saturday, December 2, at 11.00 p m. FASHION SHOPPE , very woman can use anart pair of Slfats ',for those relaxing hours. We have a selection s of plaids, noclties, corduroys, velvets, pain worsted and (stretch slims. 1_ 95 UP o • SPORTSWEAR SETS These smart sets consisting of skirt and over- blouse come in novelties and plains. By such famous makers as Pantino, Highland Queen and Sportrit hey are a gift sure to please. BLOUSES & SHIRTS Choose from printed and plains in the overblouse or tuck in style, as well as the popular Sissy shirts. .4.98 UP • 04 0000 Vb. 611100000411.004114.4000............................... a 00 0 0000000000 0 00.00 0 COO .0.010041010 0 SO UMW 0 0 000 040 0000000111 d . A, 0 • A.13R ENRICHED 24 OZ LOAF 1, 9 c I. ARSCOMINNO*Oft•WIHNONNSEMINHININHHHHHIIIHINIONIIHNSHINIII•4141.411106111•0**4141141111101110•41111001110001100660111•6111,4141041~0414011/14HIHNNINHIHNIIII****14 0 SAVE 30c, Any Brand 8141141104H14011M1041141104011141411411144004111100.4**041414111,4V NEW ZEALAND LAMB Finest in the World • ' TENDER JUICY 3 LEG OF ; LAMB 'lb. viRasTS iiiNDFCENTS ib 19c 01 LaMt IN BASKET lb 29c -.CIGARETTES cart" 1 p SAVE 10c, I.G.A. 48 oz. tins 2.99 SAVE Sc, 1. G. A. u TOMATO -JUICE. .2 f7 , I i4 RIPE N' RAGGED for PEACHES 1 SUGAR SAVE 25c FORTUNA tis••••e•etiesoimose•omoomm000••••••••••1 SAVE 6c -00“1"•••••iftesolosscimPlirsliutessalidtsfec • CRUSHED FLORIDA NO. 1 IP SAVE 9c, WI-11TE SWAN ROLLS [ORANGES 5fbg 43c TISSUEPAPER GOLOEN 000RIPE SAVE 12c, DEL MONTE FANCY - BANANAS 2ibs 33c PEAS or CORN 3 tins for 49c 5-113. Bags 49c 20 oz. tins 49c 39c, 20 oz. tins for 2 -Pack f()i- 49c !POTATOES Bag 25c goll••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0111K4 ALL FLAYORSe- POWDERS now your supermarket A BEAUTIFUL 16" Pkg. 9c SWEATERS We feature DatiZeith, Lan. 'sea and. Kitten -sweaters- r in wool -Botany, Orlon, fur blends, Ango-a and ,Bot- kies. Choose from a fun_ range. 7.98 UP VIC' WALDEN - HEATING OILS -GASOLIN. MOTOR OILS GREASES .14,4,881210N111(11 000 0. PHI LCO, • . GAS .6+ ELECTRIC DRYERS Dr#1*LARGER- LOADS on less hilt with criss-cross tumbling OflOrt and fuil,:drum airflow. WO On FUEL COSTS, is eilsier In clothes• and cuts IRONING thing In halt • CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE The Square SKIRTS No matter what style or shade of skirt you are looking for we are sure we can fill the bill. Many of our skirts are dyed to match the sweaters. 10.95 UP FREE GIFT WRAPPING AS USUAL laiTtaa421-ItAVADOMD'ialgiat711-701-74MANNIAD4442-2arilialIWN-t-VXMattaiwatilA O GOLD BOND SAVER'S BOOK! Present just ONE full GOLD1IOND Saver's Book at your local' *4. supermarket' ' EA BAGS FORT GARY Pkg HORTENING BURN S BAKEASY IE CRUST MIX BETTY IN.CEMAT MAPLE LEF •G.A.WAX PAPER ADBURYS BISCUITS • How long would, $25,000 last? 4„. - It seems like a lot of money—more probably than you have ever had in cash at one time. But from the viewpoint 9f a widow with three young children, the question °'is not bow much but how long. How long would it provide fobd, clothing, shelter and the other basic necessities of life? Would it bridge those important years when the children need their mother's full-time love and care? Viewed from this standpoint, the 52$,000 begins to shrink. Let'S.say, with careful budgeting the widow might manage on 5300 a month. At this rate S25,000 would last less than 8 years. This approach to financial security provides a practical Measuring rod for life insurance. If you'd like to check 'hOw mita incomek yOur life insurance would produce and for how font, Jilst ask the. Man from Manufacturers. Ile ha* a Measuring device called a Security Graph that will help you vieViiha,lifOinstrance you now owil in ***light— cotittis otc�irse. CROCKER 641e W. E. Williams Representative GODERICH Tcl: M. 44665 5 EXTRA 15 EXTRA .0 0 INct;PANC.E COMPANY Nisaminnemmommilmemmie O GOO) BOND STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF O One 1 Ib. pkg. Tabierite Skinless SAUSAGE COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 2nd GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF One 1 Ib. pkg. Tabierite Sliced BOLOGNA COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 2nd 5 EXTRA. 2 GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF One 1 Ib. pkg. Tabierite Rindless SIDE BACON -coiiiio-W tiii,TRIVITEct xi; EXTR4 28 -oz. Tins 100 -ft. FINGER BISCUITS, REGAL ASSORTED, • CHOCOLATE SANDWICH GOLD' BOND STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF Any one' oz. pkg. Tablerite Braunsweiger, Chicken or Bacon and Liver Roll COUPON' EXPIRES DEC.. 2nd GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF One -Ib. Shoulder ' LAMB OILOPS COUPON EXPIRES, DEC. 2nd GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF One or more PORE SPARE RIBS -CO6P0t4 -E-XPiRE4----CXEC,.- -2nd Rolls of 100 1-11. Pkg. 18 -oz. Pkg. 59c 23c 29c for 89c fc'S 5c . . 2 Pkgs. 73c 7 EXTRA GOLD BO1YD STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF ' One 8 oz. 'pkg. Swanson's Mac & Cheese CASSEROLE COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 2nd EXTRA 15. EXTRA C.01,111014...,E.XPIRES DEC._ 2nd GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF One Bottle Aqua Velva AFTER SHAVE LOTION COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 2nd GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF One Giant Size 13oz FAB ,.• • • $4. .• '6,