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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-11-30, Page 3
a µ SL) ARE SAID ,UEKING . -. HURON WARREN'S CHAiR Six Huron County reeves, are being mentioned as prospective candidates for County 'Warden - Ship in 1962 Members of council who have said they intend to be candid- ates- are -Reeves George Mc: Cutcheon, of Brussels; Clarence Hanna, East Wawanosh Town- ship; Roy Adair, Wingham; Wil- liam McKenzie, Exeter; Valen- tine Becker, Hay Township; and Harvey Coleman, Stanley Township. January Will Decide Second County Bldg. Plans for " a second Huron County building at Goderich moved another step towards reality here last Thursday. Huron County Council at its November session gave approv- al to the property committee to have . plans for the proposed ')uilding drawn up and present- ed to the next session in Janu- ary. The architect firm of Snider, Huget and Partners, of Water- loo, have been hired and will start immediately to draw plans. The action •resulted Thursday met in corn n ttee cif_ the whole. Architect Leonard Huget tote 'council an addition to the pre- sent court house at Goderieh is not feasible. No provision was made at the time the present building was erected for an additional storey or two. Council members . were • in- formed by Mr. Huget that an adjoining addition to the pre- sent building would cost. about 40 per cent more than a new building. Earlier this session the pro- perty committee informed coun- cil that a $500 option had been taken on a property located at South street, Britannia road and Picton street, owned l:er the town, two blocks south of the court house. Corporation of Goderich is asking $7,500 for the property. La the n given for tentative plans or a second building. Give a year's subscription to The Signal -Star as a gift for Christmas. Hand Crafted Briars - Z0 Styles How do you stop a child who is inquisitive ? • You don't. You see that he gets a top-drawer education -- he so obviously has the mind for it. 'And it's not too difficult to get the money. If you can invest just a few cents a day, you can afford an Investors Syndicate Educational Plan. Let this flexible and profitable plan help you, pay your child's way through University. Talk to the man from Investors about it very soon. Just c¢!1 or. write: • 'I ni08 ore. T. A. JARD.IN' Representa%ive 03,.7 011 § © J ¶ i�► Winghanl, Ont. Phone 147 p e c A N A a A, ''titre • Kns:e - _ . •=+s: _.�..:.: �r-:;+�c.,tKF�',1' � . , :a^s,�,rx� - :°(�' ii�a�.:; OiQo�s",: - lnfernationa Here In '+6? Huron County may be the scene of the International Plow- ing Match in "1966 --just 20 years after the last one was held here at Port Albert "in 1946. Huron County Council last, week approved an ' agricultural committee motion to support the Huron Plowmen's, Assoc ation bid for the match to be held at Grand Bend. A dele- gation of Huron plowmen and the Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce met with County Council asking for support in the plea to have the match at Grand Bend. REMODEL YOUR BASEMENT We are Exclusive Agents for FAMOUS BRIGH,AM .PIPES IN THIS AREA :. Sales and Service . GODERICH NEWS NAND ATB �COL OR SQUARE �.. w ON THE;�T.r -. oLL N 3 ... V....i4.Y. Lions Honor Frank Hib'ert Frank Hibbert on Friday evening at the Lions Club NA as formally presented with an Old Monarch chevron which honored him for 35 continuous years as a mem- ber of the Goderich Lions Club. 1Ie joined the club in 1926, just four 'years after it was founded in 1922: Lion President John Stringer read a message of congratulations to Lion Frank Hibbert from Lions International. In accepting the chevron, Mr. Hibbert stated, "My'years spent in the Goderich Lions Club have been very pleasant ones. 1 just hope r can con- tinue for as many years more. l_ may_ note_ be as active p member but I'll try to keep my attendance up." IIost of Greenland is covered by a great _sheet of ice. The Book. of ,'Knowledge states that in places it is ntore than' a mile thick, towering loftily 'Iiip'f7ibe7itroaritainst: '7-7t7" 19 ADD THAT EXTRA ROOM—or Build Your Garage Plan That Project Now 'SEE 115 FOR DID YOU KNO That ALL HOME IMPROVEMENTS — AS WELL AS RENTAL DWELLINGS — NOW QUALIFY FOR N.H.A. HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS ? Loans are repayable monthly — Periods up to 10 years. INQUIRE AT YOUR BANK FOR DETAILS N•••N•••••• w Then SEE gig for Your Su pplies Have the job done this winter when men and materials are available. LUMBER IN ALL SIZES ?LYWOODS - FLOORING - SASH - SIDING - MOULDING -, GLASS - ETC. We Will Be happy To Help With Your Plans And We Stock All You'll Need In TOP QUALITY BUILDING SUPPLIES ECONOMICALLY PRICED. )KNJEFFERY etc. S01 163 ELGIN AVE. E. ,.._,_.GODERICH. . CALL THIS GMC GAS'!.PJWERED TRUCK GIVES YOU THESE UNBEATABLE BONUSES �] POWER,, BONUS: Exclusive twin -six engine • • Most powerful gas engine offered as standard equipment • Maximum gross torque of 630 ft. lbs. at 1600-1900 rpm • Develops 275 horsepower at governed speed of 2400 rpm • High torque at IoW rpm for economy and long engine life • Reducesgear shifting upto60% A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE KINGSTON AND VICTORIA STREETS • '?2. QUALITY BONUS: G are stronger than ever Heavily rei nforced construct' tion protects, insulates and eliminates rattles. Low -step gives easy access to hand. some, Teak -and -draft -free interiors with well placed controls and easy -to -read; hooded instruments. Drivers have unsurpassed visibility from welt -padded seats. The rugged GMC steel tilt cab L7000 Model illustrated is r rated up to 76,800 lbs. GCW. A torsion bar mechanism allows safe, easy cab -tilting revealing entire engine and stationary control island for fast, easy servicing. Short 72' BBC* permits longer loads. Whatever the model, GMC's balanced truck design for '62 ensure long -life, safety and rugged load hauling ability. Get the full bonus facts on how 'this means money and economy to you. See your GMC MC's top quality cabs` - dealer, soon! Finds Daylight Saving Time In The land Of The Midnight Sun A little girl0inLapland, six p.m. and midnight, were shown. or seven years of Uge, was thg most difficult subject of all the 1,200 captured in color by J. k'• Warren, West street, in the course of a European tour last summer. As many slides as could be projected . tn.-a half- hour or so were ` ,shown on November 17th at a regular meeting of Goderich Horticul- tural Society, in St. George's parish hall. The Lapps, includ- ing the little girl, ,were on dis- play with their colorful cos- tumes and a reindeer herd when the tourists from a cruis ing ship arrived, but the young- ster posed only .Wafter several efforts by the photographer. Lapps in krGners. to pose for them, but, as Mr. Warren re- marked, the reindeers probably represented more wealth than possessed by most of the 'tour- ists. Mr. and Mrs. Warren spent the latter part of July in „Nor- way, and the pictures taken there were shown on this oc- casion. From Bergen, second largest city, with a magnificent harbor, the visitors were taken up the coast as far as North Cape, within .sight of the Rus- sian border, and into many of the fiords with -which that coast abounds. They called at Tromsoe, Harstad, Trondheim with its long fiord, and Oslo, the capital. In the latter city they visited the museum, with several ships of Viking origin preserved, and also saw an 800 - year -old church of Oriental architecture, a relic of the Vik- ings. The Evangelical Lutheran church is Norway's state church, Mr. Warren explained, and is under the Minister of Churches s.and Education. Its -clef gar. ',- ; the --stet -Many-- Norwegian -town's; were burned by the Germans in World War 11, and there is much building going on, as the, pictures showed. Spectacular sunset pictures, taken at 11.30 , size. •Bumper -to -flack of Cat* Be Fare and see "THE TOMMY AMBROSE SHOW "on the CBC TV network on Friday evenings. Check local tistings toe channel and time: r C•262C PHONE diA 4.9231 in midsummer the sun does not reach the horizon; and "of all places," Mr. Warren remarked, "they have daylight. saving," However, between November 20 and January 15, the moon .and Northern Lights provide the only outdoor illumination in - those latitudes. There are ne highways as Canadians know them, but in some instances it was possible' for tourists to ride . from one port to another by bus and rejoin the ship. Where hay is grown, it has to be placed on fences to dry, and some of these were shown on the screen. -' 'A Ih Scone eanveyed t'arrn- terms the thanks of those pre- sent to Mr. and Mr's. Warren for the- enjoyable entertain- ment. Earlier, R. W. Bell as ques- tion -master handled numerous queries deposited in a question - box and relating to horticultur- al matters. President Don McKee an- nounced that the ' speaker for next meeting, January 19, will be C. J. Hickson, from the bot- any department of the Univers- ity of Western Ontario. He in- vited the members to claim .their premiums — packages of crocus bulbs. Serving refresh- ments at the close were Mrs. Harvey Erskine, Miss_ Esther Hume, Miss L. M. MacArthur and Mrs. N. Coates. The Goderieh .$110144tarp . llovelnbex and SPICE amp By Bill So*, What in the name of all that's hysterical is going on in Canada these days? . You can't pick up a paper or a magazine without the word FALLOUT hitting you like a big black bludgeon. --After ye rs o virtual in ference to the threat of nuclear war, suddenly the whole of North America has gone hog - wild for shelters,, is avidly de. vouring every bit of garbage published about radioactivity, and"ut hotly arguing such ques- tions as whether there'll be 75 per cent. or 85 per cent. of our population wiped out in a missile attack. As planets go, the earth is rather a small planet. Even so, the Book of Knowledge tells us that her weight has been calculated • Eby scientists at six sextillion. That is, six followed by 21 zeroes—tons! Hawaii, - which became the N - -,filicily-Rine bee in '1959, is made up of twenty islands far :out in the Pacific Ocean. They cover 6423 square miles placing- Hawaii between New Jersey and Connecticut in A SPECIAL MESSAGE TO CUSTOMERS OF THE B OF M'•`' How y M, worked your at my Bank in 1961. Ben Corless, Manager Goderich Branch Bank of Montreal This 'is my personal re- port to you olrl what the dol- lars 'you entrusted to us did in 1961. It must start with a `.`thank you" for the trust which you — and three million fellow Canadians — have shown in the Bank of Montreal, by depositing your savings with us. Throughout 1961 your bank kept that money working;._ hard for private inctfviduals and for -the community as' a whole, through loans and investments. Mitch of than money went to people in all walks of life. to finance purchases of 'all kinds. It went to small andfiarge busi- nesses, expanding their operations. It helped crl-ate new jobs, it assisted farmers to improve their farms... built new schools and financed researeh and educa- tion . . . it paid for new roads and community modernization. Every section of the country, and people in every walk of life, benefited by the money Cana- dians entrusted to the B of M. Clearly, in 1961 these doposit-dollars of yours did a double job of work. They helped to build your future, and they did a big job in helping to make for abetter future for Canada as a whole. ''MY DAN" 44$01. -egAid4 TO 3 MITI/ON CANADIANS Facts behind the Figures ,--k` in the B of M's r„ 144th Annual Report DEPOSITS: 'These stood at the- highest figure in the history c -f the Bank. Nearly half is the personal saving's Of customers. The remainder is money deposited by, business firtn's. corn- munity. organizations and governments: At the end of the Bank's 114th year on October 31st. 1961, toldl deposits amounted to 0,646.622.258. LOANS: Besides investment in government and other .high- grade public securities, many thousan ls'nf loans NN ere made throughout the year to people in all walks of life -- to farmers. miners, fishermen, oilmen. lumherm'.n. ranchers. salaried people; to industrial and business entrt irises large and small ; to community organizations; and to l'r incial Gm etnments ah'tMunicipalities. Total Loans at year-end — $1,933,790,626. When you save money nt the B of M you not only keep it safe and earning interest for von, but yon snake a sound investment for yourself in Canada's growth now and in the years ahead. Whether you want to save money or borrow it for Rome useful purpose, you'll like doing business at tbi- 8 of M. So, if Ws about money, see Canada's first bank first 1 , a BANK OF MONTREAL 9v:4 644 RESOURCES: $3,9 49,616;542 trorking with Canadians in every walk of life share 11t17 windows never stopped.;ll`ru- man from fretting over curtains. * %Tile kids are ,getting organ- ized too. They're ,clu to .praee- tical about the whole ' tliiaag Told they might bring their most cherished possession, KJtU -for--I'ip ;-"-t.h Hugh for Playboy the 'pup., agreed, as we might have to eat them. There won't be rood, for much food. You see, my wife .needs her sewing machine, her steam ir'on, her hair dryer, ,,and of course, the vacuum cleaner, to keepthe place tidy. She insists we put in the hi -fl, so 'we . can rot to Rachmanino4: -We're . !hot going to eat like pigs, she claims,' sip', the. dining room table must go in. And she doesn't want . any dirty -b Toted rescue workers tromping around on her good rug, so that has to go inside. Along with al(he good china, silver and glassware. rt * *- We're not going to tryto get the car inside, because it's in- sured. But I'll be hanged if :1 leave the lawnmower out. It's a second-hand power mower x bought this fall for $20, and I never was able to get the. motor started, so I'ixi not going- to oing-to just let that go up in smoke, without getting some 'use Out of it, Kim isn't any trouble.' Ex- cept that` she says she won't, go, into the. thing unless we 'take the television set. Hugh 'is bound his -'bike is not going to be left Out in all that radio active..clust. though„ -, itdoesn`t seem to. -bother him that" it's been sitting out in The snow foe the pat two weeks. H 5 * It's taken a lot of planning, but I think I've found the spin, tion. It will be - a' lot cheaper to hire a fleet of bulldozers to y;: cover our house with earth than it will be to build a shelter big enough to hold everything my family insists is. essential to survival. z. * I had noticed the rapid build- up of panic in our publications, but hadn't paid too much at- tention . to it. One becomes a bit cynical about the constant state of apoplexy, of our daily press. This week, however, my kids at school were delivering their annual oral compositions — those who didn't have enough nerve to skip school that day. Do you know what their favor- ite topic was? Fallout shelters! * :k k This was too much. When cute little girls of 16, who should be discussing such sub- jects as dances and hairdos, class and say,,'°Mr. Smiley, fel- low students, the topic I have' chosen to speak on today is What Will You Do When The Bomb Falls?", it's time some- body . called a halt to the hysteria That's bad enough...__ ._ ...,.,,, . .. But these Manic purveyors have even got my wife interested. That's what worries me. Things must be serious. For .years, I've been trying to- get her interested in world affairs. Some of these attempts have almost driven me straight up the wall, across the ceiling, and down the other side. "Do you realize we're facing total annihilation?" I would ask her. "Yes," she would an- swer, "but when are you going to stop smoking so much?" * l :S She never knew the president of Ghana from the president of the local Rotary Club. Her idea of a big international crisis was when Princess Margaret mar- ried Tony, or when Liz Taylor bagged a new husband. Now, she's talking fallout shelter. Not that she's changed her mind about what's import- ant in the world. She still thinks nuclear fission is some- thing vaguely uncomfortable, like trout fishin', only more -so. She is firmly convinced that war is it lot of _ ridiculous lous non- sense, indulged in by men every so often to bolster their egos. No, she hasn't become inter- nationally mine - -It's -just that she doesn't like to be out of style, and these days fallout • is the fashion. She' still thinks radiation is something to do with where you put water in a car, but she's not going to miss the show. • * , Big worry, at the moment,- is where we're going to put the piano, in the shelter. She doesn't want it to get damp. Affects the tone. She's also a little troubled about the exact ' shade of the drapes. There won't be any windows in the thing, of coutise, but lack of •. 5' ••••••o••••N••til•M•N vx.A.r/W, FAVORITES The way to stretch your clothing -budget dollars and cut down the need for ex- pensive replacements is reg- ular dry cleaning—BEFORE dirt and --soil weaken fine fibres. Our process renews older clothes. Lengthens fab- ric life. You'll like it. Try. it. GODERICH • Frenc DRY�' LEAN E � i0tinetit:s provide:'gco,nplueal divisions °for what ma lta ' CII U WEST ST. JA- 44452ed" e veil iso ma N� C. a. LOWEtY, prod. Atlantfe, 'South Atlantic, North Patine, Sotith Pacific, In►d.isin. Aretie and Antarctic oceans. } Harbor Scene on Bell Directory New telephone directories by the dozens are now in the hands.. of telephone users in Goderich and surrounding territory. .. W. W. Haysorri, Bell Tele- phone manager here, said this. week that about._ 35,770 copies of the 1961 directory will be distributed throughout the area served by the Stratford-Gode- rich directory. Telephone users in Goderich will receive 2.9511 _copies of the - 1961 telephone book, compared with 2,800 a year ago. ' "Use your new ''cfi'reet6fy,' Mr. Haysom : said. "Continued use of the old one may lead to wrong numbers since the new book contains - many- --hew-'--and-- changed listings." Mr. Haysom said that a good way to avoid confusion and wrong numbers ' because of changed and new listings is for. each subscriber to bring his Blue Book of Telephone Num- bers or other personal lists of numbers, up to date and. to consult them before placing a call. Extra copies of"the Blue Book, in two sizes, may be ob- tained from any Bell business office. A feature of the front cover of this year's directory is a sketch of the harbor here'.. This draw- - ing replaces the illustration of . the Shakespearean Festival Theatre at Stratford, which 'ap- peared on last year's book. The Stratford-Goderich djree tory also serves Hensall, Clin- ton, Mitchell, Monkton, Seaforth, Tavistock, Listbwel and St. Marys. EVENING AUXILIARY OF - NORTH STREET UNITED The Evening Auxiliary of North -Street United Church met in the church parlor with Mrs. A. Boutilier in charge of the business meeting. Mrs. A. Green gave a report on the flay~ er committee, also who had oeen called on. Mrs. W. J. ten Hoopen expressed her thanks for a rose received, whim a patient in hospital. Miss Josie Saunders gave a report on the Auxiliary's Kor- ean orphan and read letters ' from him. MiSs Frances Armstrong then presided for• the worship ser- vice. Innvocation prayer was given by Mrs. L. Johnston. After • the hymn, Mrs. H. Baxter read the Scripture. Mrs. J. Wright gave a 'talk on the study book. After a reading by Miss F, Arm- strong, Mrs. L. Johnston e10 ed the meeting with prayer. A sing -song was in charge of Mrs. J. Walls, with Mrs. E. Jessop at the piano. Lunch was' served by Miss b . Armstrong's group. There is malty oftly one ocean and It covers between , two- thjrds and three< cart rs of the: earth's Satiate. Uoiyever, the •