HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-4, Page 8i6 INSURA.NCB "RNEaP h,LLIO'P, AGFI�IT FOB 1. THE wFisTmitte Assearr'tle COX. FAlv"Y of Toronto.; also tor tltei'1iGNIE, SIAS tfNISFRANOI; COMPANY. of London; England. the Itt?SAL CANADIAN, ot Alan, #teal, acd the ONTARIO RIO 3tiU MAL LIFE ASSVEAN0E,OO'1 of tvaterlooestahiisleed 1ti10. Assuran:esinforeo,$13,127.400. Aouusos every year alter 3rd year. Visit the Mart Birthday 1 \V DIMI G j Parting Gif s GIF Gifts I ALBUMS, BIBLES, fseERT TUE cuoiCE MAET MUSIC FIOTlCiN M USI& BQt)KS Newspa peva S. S. .Libraries Stationery Seh'1 Supplies rapping TWINES, j WAD Paper BAGS j Paper J. GRXGO. 31G 13A E UPT ST EXETER, Extra, value iu Dress Goods and Parasols this week. 12 yds nice plaid Dress Goods for $1, and 10 yards lovely D►evettes.. The Board of Trade had no meeting on Tuesday eveuing, Mies Downing, of Goderich, ie the guest of Mrs. J P. Clarke.. The masons have resumed work on it 1r, John •L'reine's brick store, Duriug the past two weeks bay has ad- vanced in price from $.5 to $1, Wool is being marketed in large quantic Gies at from 170 to 18e per lb, Ladies' vests 2 for 25o, worth 20 cents each et the Big Bankrupt Store. WoodBros made quite a 1s,rge shipment of cattle from Exeter on Saturday, Brown se Emery intend making exten• sive additions and improvements to their mill this summer. Small fruits have suffered setioualy from the recent frosts, and there will be a shortage in the yield, A very fine range of Swiss, tend Lawn skirting embroideries eelliug very cheap et the 13'p B eakrupt Store. A meeting of the local Agrimetural $oeiety was held last week to arrange matters for the fall fair. I)r Ingram the victim of the nitrie gas accident is able to be about again, though with a bed y scared face, The horse distemper has been playing sad havoc eaten equines throughout the county during the past week, The Exeter Salt Works Co. have a quantity of salt ou hand which they will dispose of at the lowest figures, Lor Blaelr Silk Flouncing, Stripe anti. Check piques, be White Creme, in beauti• fol deeigtns, call at J. P. Clarkees. Joins I.oadmau, of Usherette, bee just Aad erected a handsome barn and stable. The eepacity of the building ie great. The cherry having formed on the tree, it has been discovered that the late frosts destroyed over haif the fruit. The well of the Exeter Salt Werke Co. caved in last week. The well is being re- paired by a gentleman from Petrolea, s The enedons ahowera of rain on Tuesday print for $1..00. A beautiful gave stairs, etc., a fresh start, nod now line of Pa 1'ttteDi! at ' 1 ; room., Mugs gc* I' 11y lhavp a ohie ,,,1.apearzucle liter price 1,4Q and for ' 1.41 The estate of (, A. Uynciulau will pay jy a t41 12 cents on the dollar. and tide dividend we give y nil i4 $2.`)li p,>l`II,SCii. N will be paid to the t retl3tara in clue course. We have far too wan l' I Yltyli-: Ptrasnia! Parasols ! Parasols ! The n largcst$t0Ck ever $h0A1at in Exeter can naw sols and 'oust cleat' 1.hem on f i he seen at the I3ig Bankrupt Store. Prices n.9 :Clatter what our lots is. If you deed a Parasol see us, we can save you money. Flouncing and Skirting Embroideries are going fast, We have e a flue lot at prices that will save you money. J . STEWART, Bankrupt Stock Dealer. Exeter HURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1891. INA HAPPENINGS. Swindle. Still another swindle is being perpetrat- upon the agriculturist. The Uxbridge .journal repots : "A number of farmers have been the victims of what lo,ka like a swindling operation. A glib -tongued agent would drive up to the house and induce the farmer to become agent for a sulky barrow in his township, and world end his conversation by agreeing to send bine six barrows, five of «bleb he was to sell to his neighbors and keep the sixth for his labor The neat then required the man's heap. Owing to the pipe organ occupying 90 nowli slaw the vines thirtrtmont in the :fain :rret;:hureh i$ to becularged, the %err: to be done next week They enmc and go and more to :follow. This week of choice Well 1':tper Border. Ings and handout° designs, please call and see them at J, 1'. Clarkees R. 11. Collins, barrister, has been snc. costal in winning a $14 silver water pitcher in the daily C'ompetitiou of the "Cau•ediau Queen," Toronto, Richard Pickard se Son have just re- ceived another large lot of new prints These are the newest designs in the market and lovely goods. Come and see them. The young n'en liable to poll tax will not now think it necessary to sneak around a corner upon the approach ot the coffee tor, as the tax has been .reduced from e,2 to $1. Loan the Tines to your neighbor fon a couple of weeks and be is sure to become e. subscriber ; if not he does not appreciate a News paper and should be classed as;an abori(;iuo. A. Q Bobier has purchased an electric light plant of the Ball Co., and the system will be in operation by October next. The power will probably be furnished by W. Andrews. True to the Letter. An exchange says : When aman comes into our office and planks down spot cash and says,:Send me the paper for a year,' that means business, When one says : "I want your paper but haven't the money now, that's all right Wheu he takes it oub of the office several years, and then sends it back refused, that's meanness. When a man spends from. ten cents to a dollar for cigars, and says he can't afford to take his dome newspaper, that's a—no such thing. When a man borrows his neighbor's paper every week, that'ss pure, unadulterated gall. Do either of these caps fit you gentle reader. There is a stretch of aide walk on the eget side of ldain-st, from Trivitt Memorial sitriratnre to what he called a certificate of church to the Main at church, which is in agency, but which turns out to be an a bad state of repair and should be attend - agreement to accept the harrows at a stat ed to at once. ed p: ice. Sonia weeks after another man A. very good sign of prosperity is the turns up wbo demands a settlement and quantity of lumber that is being taken then the farmer discovers that be has been into the country by farmers, many of whom victimized." are erecting new houses, while others are _ building barns. Personals. There are not many towns where Meth - Thos. Shute and wife, of Tecoma, odism flourishes (in proportion) as in Washington, who have been visiting Exeter. We have two Methodist churches friends here for some time left for home each one flourishing, both in membership and financially. on Tuesday, going via Chicago and Vin- Not a week passes but we are compli- nipeg, —Wm. Davidson left on Monday mented on the quality and handsome for Calgary N. W. T. on the C. P. R. designs of our white Flouncings and em - excursion. He goes to view the country broideries For proof call and inspect the and learn the prospects of his immmgrat- goods at J. P. Clarke's. ing there.—Revs. Wilson and Russell Mr H. Nelson who left Exeter some and Messrs Rich. Gidley and C. Perkins months ago for the Rtate of New York, left on Tuesday for Windsor.—William will return to town in a fewdays, he being Havekshaw and family passed through unable to secure sufficiently high wages Exeter Tuesday on their way from Lon- there to make ends meet. don to Seaforth, where Mr H. will re- Rev'da. Wilson and Russell left on Mon - same business in his hotel in day for Windsor, where the Methodist that place.—Miss Leech, of Port Conference meets. Next Sunday Mr Hope, is visiting Mr H. Kinsman.—Dr. Wilson will preach in Detroit, Mr Russell occupying a puplit in Essex. Sweetlhas selected a locawill ra ini the state The contract for putting in a tile drain of Illinois, whore bee will practice as V, on William street has been awarded to S. He left for there yesterday.—Mrs. Mr. Henry Parsons at $1.05 per rod, his .lames Gould and daughter is visiting tender being the lowest, the tile being friends in London.—Mr. Horace Folliclr furaished1ly the eorpor�tfon. is visiting friends in St. Marys Si.t pres- People don't need to go from home to est,—Mr. W. J. Graham, of tMarys, buy their dry ,goods. Prices are just now spent Tuesday in town. being cut so fine in Exeter that it is —`""'^ di doubtful if similar goods can anywhere How The Malls, else be bought for similar money. By direction of the Yostmaster•General Miss Dorcas, daughter of our esteemel :the Chief Post -Office Inspector, Mr Sweet. friendMr Henry Berney, of Usborne, was nam, has lately been making special on Tuesday married to Mr John McDon- wnquiry into certain cases in which letters ald, of the same township. The presents and packages of more than ordinary size a were very numerous, costly and appropri- had been broken or torn in course of post. The chief inspector's investigations lead to While pouring molten metal into a the conclusion that, in the great majority mould, in the Verity Foundry on Thurs- of cases, the damage has been the eonse• day, Mr A. Hoskin had his right eYe quence of the inferior coverings (envelopes badly burned by the metal striking a paper boxes, etc.) used for the articles in rusted part of the mould and darting up- question. He thinks that if the public ward. would enclose their largo letters in envel• Mr wt Swenerton, of Exeter, Ont,, was open of sufficiently good quality . and of a in the city on Monday last, having come size adapted to that of the contents, and in over the Northern Pacific. He will, if in making up packages they would use likely locate in- Wawaneea. He is very good wrapping paper and tie up the whole much pleased with Manitoba,—Brandon securely very few breakages would occur (Mac) Sun, Cretonnes Muslims, Curtain Lace,Cret It should be remember. For Art hYl e of est. n m incourse p ed that every letter and parcel cannot be Ginghams, Prints, ; Flannelettes, black and laid in the most careful manner in the bag colored Silk Gloves and Mitts, black cash - or box into which it has to be sorted. mere Hose, cant be better at their price" Post office clerks would never get through also ladies stainless hose in black warrant- their work if they had to adopt this mode ed fast colors at J. P, Clarkes. of treatment for the vast quantities of Last Friday Mr Bert Gillespie took a matter passing throngh their hands. At load of potatoes to Parkhill for Mr Lovett.' the same time the chief . inspector, by Mr While returning home and when between Ha art's directions, is renewing the. in- Moray and Mt Carmel, he was shot at by strn tions to post office clerks to do all in foot ads, some of the shot passing through theirpower to avoid damage'to mail mat- his hat. He was not injured. on .'less will have a good ter, and this d bt The sorrel gelding "Frank effect. If the public would work with the owned by Mr. E, Bossenberry, of Heitman Test office to the extent of seeing that the and who was entered in the three-year old articles they post aro in good shape andcolt stakes at this City, is very lame at well securer', the number of complaints would be very materially reduced. Board of Tiede. The annual meeting of the Exeter Board of Trade was held on Wednesday last. A fair attendacee, president in the chair. After rountiue business, the following off cera were elected far the current year.: Pres, J. Grigg; vice pres, A Q. Dobler; `press, S S O'Neil; Secy, J. Senior; audit, tars, H. Spackman and J A Stewart. One new member was received. The re- port of the Flower and Art Show commit- tee was accepted, the show to he held on June 29th, 30th and July let, in skating iick, A deputation was appointed to wait on the eouneil to solicit a grant of 250 to assist is said sham, A.dioarned till Tuesday evg. k'irernen's Benmorstration lit Seaforth Send for particulars of the Grand In-= ternetional Firemen s Tournament to be held in Seaforth ou June 15th and 17th, 189L 41,000.00 in cash prizes for hose reel races. hook and leader races, coupling competitions, flremen'e foot races, and other sports such tis bioyole races, drum• users race. foot ball reatehee by elect'ie light, and farmers load competition. 810 to the largest load of people feud 810 to the load of largest peop'e. This will he the greatest sporting event over held in the west, Do not forget that the great einem ppionship football mateh between the 1)etroits, of Detroit. and the Burous, of Seaforth takes place an the reerenti+u ;;mantle on the morning ot the 1;tb, For further particulate semi to R, Haxby, Secretary Seaforth Fire brigade, Seaforth, Ont. Vnbgo Council, The council met pursuant to adjourn- went at the town hall Exeter, June 1st 1591. M1 present. The snivates of the previous meeting were read and eolith nned. Iliacett—Bass—that orders be granted for the followitre aunts vis ; 1 "Treble, repairs on water cart, $2 25 ; Win t1'cod, tile, $3 14 ; des Creceb, eharity to Mrs Sete Ilttosh. S?; Albert )3issett, street watering, 815 ; tx Cudmore, labor at tawu hall grout+tls, 81,—Carried, Tenders for drain- Ine were received as follows : Jna Stan. 'eke, 81 12e per rod; Thos Hartnell, 81 20 per rod. ; .Harry Parsons. $1 Oji per rod ; Geo Hodgins. 81 11 per rod ; 5 0 Hersey, $S9 40, for the whole work. Bissett— Christie—that Harry `:sweetie' tender per rad be accepted. Mavecl in merriment by T. 13. Carliug seconded by D. A. Ross, that (leo IIodgius' tender SI 11 per rod. be accepted. The motion was declared carried. Mr Wm Carling applied for a grant to help pay for a recreation ground for young people. Bissett—Christie—that 810 be granted. --Carried. W Pord agreed to accept 00 per load for gravel for this corporation for this season. The President of the Board of Trade invited the council to atteud a meeting of the Boa retomorrow evening.. -re -floral and art show demon• stration on July 1st, The council adjourn- ed for one week. present, and his owner fears he will not be able to start him:' -London Free Press, Public School Board Pltnutes, June lat :- Board met in town hall ; absent, W, Treble. items passed :•-- Minutes of previous meeting ; Report of roof com., shingles purchased at $1.73 per square ; Extension of time to map conn.; The tollawiog accts. on motion of A. G. Dyer and seconding of Dr. Lutz : J. White & Sons, printing, $3 ; Mrs. McAlphine, wood, $20 ; J. P. Clarke, brooms; $1 ; Jas. Willis, on account of shingles, 550. Secretary to write to the Minister of Education re disabilities un- der which graded public schools were resting in attempting a higher education for advanced pupils. The chairman, H. Hueston, and Dr. Lutz to be a come to wait on A. Bishop, Esq„ re above. Per Hueston and A. G. Dyer that tenders be referred to roof committee with power. Per Dr. Lutz and A. G. Dyer, that the chairman, W. Hoskin, and W. Treble be a com. to extend blackboards as requir- ed. Per W. Hoskin and A. G. Dyer, that Dr. Lutz, H. liueston and A. G. Dyer be a tree come with power to snake such changes as may commend them- selves. Per Dr. Lutz and H. Hueston, that blinds be purchased and placed as required ley the roof committee, Ad- journment. J. Glues, Secy. WE ARE SHOWNIG SPECIAL VALUES Ia the following lines: Ladies' Embroideryl Flouncings, Ladies' Blk. Lace Flouncings, Ladies' Silk Mitto and Gloves, Ladies' Parasols and Hosiery, Ladies' Light Blouse Materials, Ladies' Tennis Suitings, Ladies' Blk. and Col' l is Gloves. RICHARD PICKARD & SON. Ladies' oxford t tieshoes in anewest 1 j 7 r makes A special line at 98G worth much more, at the ling l3ankrupt Store. { t There are 40 patterns In new prints, former price 14 cents, bat will be sold on and after this at lee, cents per yard, Call and see them at J. it, Clarke's, The Ladies' Aid of Main Street Meth. church intend giving a lawn social and strawberry festival the last week in June. Further particulars in a future issue, Men's whole stock plow loots for 81 10, neverhas their equal been shown in Exeter at the price. ,Also a ladies' glove grain at 81 19 worth $1 40 at the ]lie Bankrupt Store, The slta,le treee of i3xeter are now out in full leaf, and the level and straight streets with handeome trees on either side make beautiful avenues, Exeter is one 01 the pleasantest towns 1n Western Ontario. An aroma having aatriking resemblance to that which arises from a dead bury after having been exposed to the air for some clays tuts been very distinctly notice- able in the southern preoinets of the vil- lage lately. The case of Drew vs. Bobier, will he tried again at the sitting of the next Divi sloe Court, the Judge, who reserved decision, forgetting the circumstances of the case, and has requested the evidence to be given again. A report canto to town on Saturday ,norningby wire that Sir John had expired and immediately several fiega were heisted at half mast. The report turned out to be a hoax as the venerable chieftain dM not 11 die and still lives. There are now three churches in taws in which are pipe organs. This beats the c t record, as utero sennet be named another town in Ontario of 2,000 population which can sport three seek handsome instruments as a pipe organ. a Ladies ! before purchasing your good black dresses, it will profityou to see those black Henriettas, in all wool and silk warp, those betels Armures in striped and figured, these silk troches and silk finish Mo airs shown by J. P. Clarke, Tho election expenses of W 11. Taylar, the Liberal candidate (defeated) for North Middlesex,in. the late contest for a seat in the House of Commons, amounted to 572, divided as follows ; printing, $15 ; livery, $9; rents, 511; personal and travelling ex• penses. 837. Sportsmen are congratulating themselves that whateeer may be the result of the dry weather on the crops, the hatching season of the grouse should be all right and the broods large. Cold weather in the spring is easily seen in the fall by the small conveys of these birds Wm Baker, of etephen township, on Thursday last raised one of the largest ani finest barns in the county of auron. John Leathern and Richard Farmer, of Exeter, were the captains, and after sever- al hours of hard work, Mr Farmer's team were declared victors. It is a bank barn and will be a credit to the township. Rev, Mr. Aladin (Presbyterian) has kindly consented to take the work of Rev. Mr Wilson (Meth), and will preach to two congregations. On Sunday morning he will preach in the Presbyterian church at 11 o'clock a.m., and in the evening in the Main st. Meth church. Mr A. Down will occupy the pulpit of James street church next Sabbath, morning and evg. Highest price paid for wool at the Exeter Woollen Mills. For parasols with nobby handles go 'to Richard Pickard d; Son's. Richard Pickard & Son have just opened up another large lot of wall paper. Mrs Steacy has sold the Farquhar hotel to the sale having been completed on Monday Clothing the cheapest, clothing the nicest, clothing the best, in all styles at the l3ig Bankrupt Store. We are doing hosiery especially well at present. Ladies' blackcashmere hose from 20 cents upwards. Messrs Rollins, reeve, and Bissett, dep. reeve, left for Goderich yesterday, to at- tend the county council. The council convenes one they later this year, and will necessarily have to push business in order to finish by Saturday. Mr Jos, Armstrong, ' of ti'argrhar, has gone to the States, it is seed to seek bis fortune. A number of the citizens of that: burgh hope he returns heavily laden with gold, as they are anxious to share it with n having a him. There are some i Exeter ho. similar desire. How would this do for Exeter? The following advertisement' has been put in and bydthef` HURT YOU! To look over our Stock and get our Prices, and. it may^�-��* -�* �+*� �^�^D a-o 1~t has done others good by intraduoiug them to the BEST and CHEAPEST STOOK in this town. St. Marys people are agitated just now as to which would be the most serviceable to the public : a town clock or a bell. Some want a bell because it can be heard at a greater distance, others a clock for convenience at all hours. Why not do as Exeter has done: combine the two and have the clock strike the bell every hour, and the bell rung at the usual intervals during the day? The following shows the amount of money:returned by the local government of the license money collected, to the various municipalities in the south riding of Huron: Seaforth, $708 e7 ; Exeter, $526 ; Goder- ich tp., 828 ; Hay, $168 ; Tuckersmith, 584 ; Stephen, 5280 ; Bayfleld, $70 ; Us - borne, 556 ; Stanley, $112. The total amount was 54,580 of which $2 556,30 went to the Ontario Government. At the regular meeting of the Royal Tempters of Temperance, Connell 207, on Monday evening, the semi annual election of officers took place, resulting as follows : Select Councillor, Ire .'Walter Carley; Vice Councillor,Sisterlel. Down; Chaplain, Sister Hannah Baladen ; Finance Sectetary Bro Rd. Gidley ; Recording Secretary, fico Roger S. Crocker: Asst. Bro john Gould; Herald, Sister Lottie Perkins ; Asst., Bro Geo. Penhale ; Treasuw er, Bro Chas: Snell, jr ; Guard, Bro Albert E. Fannon; Sentinel t Honor s.,tst Sister • Or Bro Frank Wood g 'll r Bro X. 'on Councillor, aliati nst , Perkinst s Frayne. The Northville (Mich.) Record ,;of the Berlin a era signed - mayor o 28th May, contains the following: "Prof. that t wn:-warning,-Boys, young men Isaac Crocker was taken suddenly ill at found standingon, the street the shop Saturday night and had to be or any person conveyed to his home. Professor Crocker corner or any other rhe du on Sunday is and has been for years the leading (spirit and. passing oremarks orpasserssrthe day .in our band here, and has always been and passing at by In "w ,sad or s We carry a Fine Range. We may say this has been the best year we have had since in business, is Made -to -Order Clothing. Why ? Because we sell Reliable Goods and Guarantee r first-class fit. NO SHODDY or in very liberal in donating his services for any entertain.tnent, either public or private. His many friends are all wishing Ms speedy recovery." Mr. Crocker is well known to many in. Exeter, having lived here some years ago, and is a brother to Mr. Richard Crocker. silting lathes or any citizen,will he severely dealt with hereafter, No standing around on street corners will be allowed, except under lawful privileges and under unavoid- able circumstances ; and to further this. object it might be well for parents to in. duce: their children to attend church and ministers to advise parents accordingly. Minard's Liniment tor Rheumatism., We have just received a choice rads Summer Coats and. Vests. We make a f of .1t . th Cents' 'e 'av�l o.r. See our Men's Fancy Shirt ; only 50 cents. Men's Socks, 3 pairs for 25 cents --Good value. Just imagine ! Six piece Glass Sett for 25 cents. Our Groceries are the Freshest ani. Best. Fine Teas, Pure Coffees any. Spices. Try a sample of it C. Y.P.'i of Reltd -ul.le and recommend Chicago Yeast Powder, the We sellb original 25c. Baking Powder. We still sell "Carling's Own" which has given such good satisfaction. t We have just received a daisy 25o. Japan Tea. CABLING BROS: LADIES ! Call and see Spackman & Co's. Dress Goods—all new goods. LADIES Call and see Spackman & Co's. Sateens, Prints and Angola Suitings. All good washers. :0: LADIES Call and see Spackman & Co'!?. Embroidery, Skirtings Lawns and Delaines, for the hot weather. LADIES ! We sell the best 25e. Black Hose in the Dominion, worth 40c, and warranted stainless. Call and see them. LADIES, Remember we carry one of the largest stocks of MILLINERY ni the town. Every hat new.''No old trimmings to work up. Call and see the new. styles for spring and summer. AAT&CO Samwell s Block, Exeter. The Molsons Bank (CHARTERED BYP PA tLIAM£NT Bib ) , Paid npdapltal tz000 ,00 Rest Fund .. 1,000,00 Head Office, Montreal, F. W0LFEPSTAN'THOMAS,Illcl., hna GEFaRALMANAG 20branchofficesiutuaDominion. Agencie in the Domin?on,U.S.A. and Europe. Exeter Bratleil, Open everylawful flay;from 10 a. in .to 3 p .m SATURPAYS,10 a,m.to 4Pereent,peranndm'allowedfornaones on DepositReceipts N. DYER I3t7R iDVN'- Sub-Manager CENTRAL Barber Shop,1 FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings), in Shaving .arid Hair aui!ti g in the iateal: style of the art. i id Every attention pa t o cutting i. Hair. n hti i7S Ladies' a f�CYP �'