HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-4, Page 6CHAPTER. 11. blood, and the slightest exertion. was strictly uroltibized, bad uot ,, Then, Farnwood, to put the matter cosottes oreue supported aire in his a nutshell, you owe your life tthe girl o 1' I owe her ivy life," replied mt... Fame_ ter.tlatioiten hteie" b:a.".relutiovegvletsoturnemmoaninediau wood with grave emphasis. Medi- • It WU literally true. When. at the het cal Boardmad peeked him off to England on six moutha' stair -love by the first home-- moment, that deceit stopped to make his final cut, Mash Mee had thrust out her arm w.°r(l'hauncl-sie°nier`' " and intercepted the blow, which, heel it reached its mark, must have ended. George if The men wilt fret hiowelf into fever Yall deet°1;." said Veleeel Grant', He <Waft want to /ease ale eountry job girFarnwood'a earthly career. As it was, the non. and very rightly., He is marked for l's area WOO as nearly as possible eevered promotion ; and it IV -Mild be folly for him to below the elbow ; and she WaS Still, three home while thews every chauce of weeks atter the dght. In so weak a conde g° away the Upper Province being annexed ; besides tiou that her recevery was far front cer- the Government wants all its best men o tale. the spot." "It goes against my conscience," answer. ed tbe doctor doubtfully. "However, there's a great deal in what you say. And after all, the. cold wea,t/eer is coming on. Farnwood has a sound constitution, and he is in the beet paseible hands. We won't say any eneourte. :shout sencliug hint home for Gus pre- sSo the question was dropped, much to the satisizzetion of all eenehrued -sere Sdra Gr.ote. That telly had wermly eeeerelea It--* husband's suse,eation that they sit mid hate Mr. Fernwood in ; hut had daae sa under the impressiou that the paeient would 111•P at the deetor recommentletton, oust report, the ,place 1001;0 and etas*. lake %shambles.' And he eauld net look. upon ga... h° aeeeen as he ealshl he loove•l. And wale PO little auxiety.elte SAW her daughter ane 4.01 4. without seeing a•Nislon, of illoprAe Parnwood sitting blood -drenched and faint takeherplaceas nureeon-orditeery. etlieliked against the wall, with the heo.d, ot the un- the YemIg U1441 berffelf f but Mabel was her ouy danghter, and was a girl regarding eonscious Ilermese girl restiug in his hip. 170u will have to do something luved, ewliose, _future ah,a" Mother illight he pardoned some for her," remarked Mr. Anderr son, "'e °vb.!, anwitions• The rmug oney been Burma a few weeks, " peer little body. She is a pretty girl. 34 "4's 'having come out from Befriend for the first Burineee 14. 4.4114.'. go." I shall merry her," answered Mr. liana time 8l1)1114.'before Mr. 1'14.11144.01)(15weed briefly, She lied a beauty of her own, mid that, with Iris friend screwed no his mouth and shook the fresh coneplexion the elimete hail no' his .7. et fellow calla well had time to orwe from lier cheeks, had at. '.4:101 dubiously,. on.rpAy the woman who heseserea Loewe at ready won 31iss Grape admirers among the 4,,es1 va bovecir henaid. But tomeen„ moss elloibie melt in the station. 14. .a(.1' Lee : Think what it means, my dear man. Pebee, °Ines% halvanr Promising) was Vets eondeton youtself to life ut this awful e1ee4tY Ot'1101441 au ambitious lnolh,'r withal) eye of favour ;and Mal el hal ,r1; for ever, awl to social 1511.t.3311 heregord - 41.tee. mer,,oe.or, tte effectual betrayed each eegernese to toke her ehare tot, 11 ,„:..eur advancement eu the pessee. eel of thenuraing duty thatMrS. Ciralleairoweal Iter tO do so with eensiderable thnet, very ...lethally before 1 wok '.4.1,11 4. sun., ne, that. Fa:nu-mat The life Miss Male 1 Iv" bubteti the Casting Illgelher1 firo Mee and tow. George Fanwood, freeb. from th.e has steed wouldn't he worth living, if yourepaid your debt by making her your • long exile wbieb bad made bim slralliter to the society of WOMell of his OWat race, wife, - peenliaely suseeptible to thew (leorge Foram -owl hail thought the wetter was over eery carefully t indeed, during these frttteerme- Mabel (grape, but latelO las; three weeks, whieh Ito had spent on his releesee ham the schoolroom. belyeght bete, it bad seldom bun absent from hie remlY•madeadmir4tionaml8PelmtbYtol'ear on one fully entitled to both. She Ica mind for els hour. He ball learned frent mmes owo eive the had listened with breathlees interest to he aten7 ('1his light with the decent). 1.04.given by come to Ise in the latt.,„;-;"„ow that eight tier fatherand /nether, while Mr. Farnwoed, when every Quo else had steel to the jungle. WAS confined to his room ; and every thy She eonfessed that She litegered behind when seltetted her anxiety to see him tool hear the others were hurrying away, and 1111 -41 the Itietary again from his own mouth. last returned and concealel herself in the Ho bad gratified her wish Ott the first hushes behind the thaanaL. She beard the evening they inet ; and Miss thane was a awoke' cry, and watched Mr. Farnwood go little puzzled to lind that the chief actor% out with the policemen. When she saw aceount tlidhred in one eesential pa.rticular hint fall, she ;could not move for a minute ; but aS 1)0011 all got up, she knew he would from those elle had already heard. No mention had been made by her parents of go to the bungalow, anti went in lzy the beee we). to meet oho there, It was need. the fact that a young Burmese girl had taken *1 pr eminent part in the arair, einualt lees to ask what motive had inspired the less that this girl hart saved the life of her girl ; and a thousand times George Fern- , European friend at fearful cost to iteraelf, wood latterly reproached himself tor baring The story, as Mr. Farnwood told it, Phs' permitted her to stay. By doing so he hall sessed a romantic element which multiplied laid himself nailer cue obligation he could its intermit tenfold ; and She WAS at a loss meet in one way only t and bo made tip his to understartd why such e feature should mind to repay Mah St.lee's devotea love bf have been ignored. no young man's ratan - making her his wife. Helmet do it, thou§ t T ner of referring to this girl, moreover, gave every Ore revolted against the idea. tbe impressiorz that there was still slime- ; subtle instinct of race,unconquerable in thing to learn ,• but as Ile did not appear himself, wholly wrinthig in the girl, forbade willing to speak to her, Miss Graue's natur- his feeling for her more than an indulgent al delicacy curbed her curiosity. liking such as be might have entertaihed for • an intelligent dog ; and even that was zow Mr. Farnwood could not share with her a straugledby the debt she had forced limo to secret be felt bound to withhold from her incur. Mr. Anderson had expressed in the father, of all men. Ilia marriage wit)) Malt plainest laugnage the terrible bonds such it Mee would, he knew, put an end to till pro. marriage would rivet upon him ; but it was motion in the police ; and be feltjustitied in too late to harp upon its drawbacks /IOW, inaintainingsilenceregartliug his metrimoni. He had given his word, and 'would notrecall al intentions until the step in rank, he had . it for as soon as he conkl walk so far, he been unofficially informed was in store for had gone to the hut evhere Malt Meelay and him, was gazetted. The local government had promised to marry her. of Burma holds that by espousing 41e dough- " am going away in a few days," 110 131141 ter of the soil an officer creates a link be- . told her; • but when you are well again, 1 tween himself and those over vehont he is shall send for you to acme to me. 1 am played which is prejudicial to the free going to make you my wife." exercise of authority. The theory ina,y or may not las correct, but with that And Mali Mee had acknowledged the WC have nothing to de: it exists. words -which it had been the dream of her life to hear, with a. simple ,. yes, my George Farnemod knew it, and meant lord t" to take the last step lie could hope to net without imperilling it by making enemata* Slieraydoungyee had risen plicenix-like diselorsures. Mo.bel's omission to itenire from its ashes, and save that the huts were into hisrelations with Malt Mee relieved him cleauer, it presented much the same ap- pearance as it had done before Boh Table's greatly, and inspired him with a certaingratee 261 respect. The•feeling which had prompt- . memorable visit. The , runaway policemen ea .the Burmese girl's seli-saorifioe was, he had not felt themselves equal to resuming their duty in the Imperial service and had knew, abundantly obvious, and could not deputed. Moung Lot* to return and convey fail to rouse the sympathetie interest of any then. "resignation ". Farnwood. The, woman. When, therefore, alias (7,ran e care - sergeant, trusting that his .fifteen years, fullyavoided alt 'reference to her in their good service woad save him from punish. daiTyconvereations, George Fantwood strove men t, had undertaken the task ; and was to atone for his reticence on this 'point by doing .his best to entertain. and: amuse her. promptly placed under arrest until the plea - He succeeded only too well ; and ere he sure of the auth orities should belnatle known. had been a fortnight under Colonel' Grane'n Mr. Farnwood had spoken his mind very hospitable roof, his eyes, were opened to the freely to Moung Look, and had promised fact that he found in 1Viabel'ssopiety charm that no effort on his part should be wanting to obtain a smartpunishment for his - which grew sweeter andstronger. every dtiy. wardice , ' co They were of necessity thrown much t ogeth- , •• In view of the war with Upper er. The so-called "cold season" in Iterate is only comparative, and during the day the Burma, the ynung officer was keenly anxious heat precludes outdoor amusement to report 'himself as fit for duty again and, most as corapletely as in the recognised .,. the first step in that direction was to obtain hot weather. Mabel had little to occupy • proper medical attendance. Mr. 'Anderson's her in the house beyond self-imposed tasks ; rough-and-ready surgery had. patched him up sufficiently to face the journey • and a and the guest had nothing to 'Lo. Hence, day or two after his visiteto ltrah dee, he while the Colonel was kept from „teeming was on his way 'down the river; bound for till night in his office, Where work just now was unusually heavy, and Mrs. Crane we's Moulmein, where he would find means of absorbed in household cares, it was in the crossing to Rangoon. Hee had intended to natural order of thing!) that the two young proceed direct to the hospital me his ;arrival at the latter station ; but, mach. to his people should pass their time together. And `- if the truth muit be told, George Farnwood surprise and gratification, he was received resigned himself to bus daugerouslymeasant at the wharf by the chief ot his department,, fate with little thought Of 'the entanglement Colonel Grane, who refused to hear of city • such arrangement. , • to which intimisey with Mabel might give ' "My wife hoe got a room ready for you," lite. Bub Mrs. Graneepassing to and fro on her he iesisted. The doctor is waiting at my many duties about the house, wohld often house to take yon in hand, and there is the dhool y to convey you op to cantonments.- note with a troubled wrinkling Of the brow Come ; Mrs. Grarte. and my daughter heir close the two heads were to each other, arageing to nurse you." or with what rapt eatention her 'daughter . An Indian'bospital is not an exhilarating oPPooled. to Iv listening to Mr. Farnwood. It was 'very plain- that the Understanding place of residence for a convalescent, anti between them was growing, from tier point Mr. Farnwood felt that for every reason is would be Well to accept the Colonel's warm. of viewenneatisfactorily good; and at length ly pressed invitabion. Accordingly, canvas- on he al. she felt constrained to speak to her husband lowed himself to be placed in the the subject. Colonel. Grane, however, , - did not share her apprehensions as she could , covered stretcher ot (11)0013', and: was cart ried ue) to his chief'shouse in cantonment- have wished. .. without more ado. • • "You think Farnwood and Mab are fall, Once fairly installed there, he could not ing in love with each other," he laughed, but congratulate himself on his good fortune t"Pon my word, Helen, you give them credit id . findingsuch a haven; .Oars. Grane's for losing no time.. I can't finagine you are kindnees and care would alone have made it right. • But, what if they are . a pleasure to ` be her patient -guest ; but ft Hugh 1" exclaimed ;Mrs, ineredu- , when he was allowed:to • exchange 'his bid" lously. ' for a ado' in the veranda, and Miss Mabel " my dear" Grane took aver charge of him, he looked ". You surely don't rneen th.tt 504 woulil forward almost with regret to the day When approvenf'sucla ,1. police ;officer he sheeld ee:tonger be able to pose as moth. on three Inuadi:ed .rtipeee a in?Otlf V ;When Mr. .titfitedene, and Captain' iltbilekh, and Bet 3;. :1.:., 11 the,doetor vvas to be be- Mr. Heerfngdon-eall o .them men in a good ; • beved as,a-long retjr distant yet1119 positioe..eeetvith meane4e/evotecl to Mahela itsenith :had beeri sa,pped lay Ices of seal Mos. cetane disjointedly. ; Mr. Farnwood himself had received ser - col deep lleelowouods, and was under orders to come to Rangoon on "sick -leave" as soon as he could travel. Mr. Anderson, the officer who was to relieve him, had brought up the force of pollee sent in reply to his message asking for help, and this gentlemao had been at Shwaydoungyee aver since. Tile two were sitting in the veranda, whose floor bore clerk euggestive stains no scrubbing could remove. Mr. Anderson *lever forgot the sight it preeented on that morning who% ite arrived so oppartimely ; to quote the etpreesion he need in his offietel The colooel stroked hits moostaohe thoughtfully, "1 don't know anything about the gentlemen you mention so far as their regard for Mal) is concerned, except that she doesult seem to care two straeva for Italy one of these," he answered withegatvitY- And if I 'Rust speak pluenly, otelen. I shouldrOtin the least object if Fanwood did win Mab's aftections.-Now„ don't distress ourself," he continued, laying his hand upon his wife's, " Earnwood is bound to get on in his profeseion, and he is as One a fellow as we are ever likely to meet. We will just let things slide.' " It would he a deep disappointment to Me." eighed Mre.. Grane. "Bub ef course "--- A glance front her husband silenced her. " What was I when we married, Helen I" he asked gently. Colonel Grebe svas a penniless subaltern in Ifer Majesty's service when he commit- ted matrimony ; life had been a etruggle for many years ; but the loud lamentations raised by friends of both parties had never found an echo in the thoughts of either Hugh or Helen Graeae. " IS it quite the same ?" asked Mr. Grene slowly. "Quite ; save that Farnwood's prospects are better theta mine. -Como. Helen! Ire sacrifice the happiness of his life to requite rilliS EX-ETE-Et TIME$e mn't oest a Stolle at people who merry for a debt „loos had been thrust urm watt! _E., love." Would any ove blame him if he set solde a faeubliseed every Thuroley novo !woo "Of courtier we are not sure that, they do want to marry yet," seta the lady, eeekiug Pr°14115° vh1Q11 had Wen wrullg fr9in him by TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE an orerStrailled Sense of duly t Then invelun- dain•enreet„uearly opposite Fittonti Ammer, '°°11°rt in the' "eer"iiitY A° 11°4 4 is"sli tarily hie memory flew batik to the seenca minutes before tried to eenviuce herself tue enected that night in the Shwaydoungyee $44°'4"M."4314"bpYrfiaohrsu.rfu(t"414 Gill"Pvi). not exiet. bungalow. He saw Matt Mee lingering elQue fovea OP envnwrisraso "lire, we aren't.' answered the Colonel, in the dark forest, to hoover him.; he heard Firstinsortion, per line .. .. - ......... ........20 cents ling' " Wre will therehsr° IniaiP°9° allher pleading to be Allowed to atm' and ;share teeb sabsequeetiueertion ,per tine eceute, conjecture till thereht better gromul for it.' his tianger-or his death. Dred he °O'er b, Iona In psalm" teem weeneeev eeoreieg To Nemo insertion, ativertieemente ehouitt Ilut ambition is too etrong to he easily enouey in return for ouch love as We? Ile MT,I.P.4. routed by argument, however addle or per- eould nat. But the thought of marrying her °erase nen/No pup tants NT la ape Flia•iive ; tlillii, MTS. (I 14. Wt' by nO aleami was now ten thoeteoul timea more repulsive ot Mao tamest amt boutequinvatt la the deatsty gottified te learn a feW clap later, that Mr. to him, than it m had been two onths ago, of itemise -tit war; eutraste-.1 ev al salt reoetve i,d`eriVo .11 lattil kiitilly ereteented Ol rem cal before he knew Mattel (Irene. o tr Wees prima e t *Goshen,. in du) lioness for another fart:eight or three And while the ilifficolties of his ponies). k'during the Getout:1h ebseuve. "Ile was very relneteut to stay,- saw erew tensely greater, while he wavered he- Decelons itptgorr•Tog 11. 11i* host. " Ile• has got scone foollsh idea ;Amen faith and falsity. with every thought, that he oughe uot to irespsss on out boson- the knot wos ems for him by Mabel leereela letnepereen wit a Wee; 4 naperraellarlytram elite.. as he pets ft, qaty longer. In faet, I atvielealialrlewittrtelilrbleet'ak litaiTtearenPoaunigeopIrr rti:ilipota.:S:iftirieetveielltzlztheietyillire.i.ifeOlirrithee: ste4ttehliter.b'irld136trreeere bast 1o he eerili,P,s: eel ash, and tell him I only weetml h.m heve al „Iva pcktac, 11,1dt% W.*.!env tlum iit had ever done liefore; though 2 lea. pereen ordira leis paper disetattinued .1alat..1 had never mentioned .Mali 'Mee s Ise intlet pay all arreers or tbe publisher may eharaeters ken now. yeti ..iine, • wle. I. *4'4'4 4 I . -, (4,1;41 0 name, she eoutd Ina forget tite girl's heroism, partly trite. 1 he b va tii.s..af‘si Jai.1,1„ continue 141'r'd it until the paynwnt la metle. ith mt, le.ttn, atild then cllct the whole amount. whether shell be inaleh eisier in meld it Fi,rnweed 'ie 6 ih' Int'Unn uf 1*e*' talk Iv ' • ' t teener ie. tahen from the office or not. .actin watommt whi,:o• 1,414 4,,,,v.„ wotr tOlgglit -s-.• Fled tO indteete that S140 in3itlituntsltisatioxiontceriwmgonexAutheoagr3,113,11: ,.. surely theres no fear a 4twaitv in Han. 1 znipt P. atsov toiteit torn the subject. •poe_ 'eon. eeeiogyee theoteestion," 'tatted d' *110114.11 the subscriber may reeldo goon. Patti Mrs Grane rathet ve Igv tuorj i . .. . „ • _ ..h. sate g , , ,itht.tly. 41 tint 1 lave cawayg hundresot numeaway. i y. to the lsenea ofegal the - .‘,...t,.1 In .41. f..1. mum, esione the ors who 1. The courte hew) deckled. that refusing to teran-" Five perions or more,' " quoted the ""' - ''" ''''"" ' Colonel ; " bet there is grave danger of be- irt,c3u°,,trutbleelMabtleAlionwt$1.11100 44 I. gg : ii to zpott,,I, op; r111::::,:elwrifuracroCul:grrifetzltnreeealoveint:gnitroutr9beintmlonthont:TealtaPruei eendieriem and burglary ; and the pooen e--. " Not a word, M'ss thane. You see, she ean't read or write, nor ean her mother ;*,u --- Mallet leekeel up in etirpelee. " Do you" 1 s t...." e- I am **1I,4.'0 Oa commenicete with them." ,, , e....fsee +ht t es -et .e. ea...heel re •an that you !ewe tower rem tried to find out Ibttv e:tO i:A. Nll'. ParilWeati I' That you have all el two til9Il1114 to peas without even knowing whet ii o elle le alive or deatl I" Ni an.exce from :elle Farnweed. " Sun lv. yon don't MOATS that you are Utterly inilliterellt tO tlIA fate of the girl to whom pet ewe your Wet" elle continued almost pleadingly, "31r. Fernwood, 1 van% believe We of pat." 'Mere was a long silence. Mabel would have spoken Again ; bine glance at her cont. panion a face hatle her be silent, and she JON LABATT'S Indiaralo Ile and XXX Brown Stout. Higheet &wares ana atedals for Purity aad Excel - tepee at Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876; Canada,. 1870 ; Australia, 1877 ; and Paris, France, 1878. TES'gtitiONIALS SELECTED: Prohli Xi Croft, Public Analyst, Toronto, says: -"t find .0 tobeperfeettly sound000minine no impurities or %dater- aticom,and ean taro roglyrecommend it as perfectly pura and avary espalier malthquor„" John 13 Bdwaras, Professor of Chemistry, tiontreal, says: andsbem to be rezuarleably soul ales, brewed teem enzenealt and hops ReT.P4,7.. age.Profeseor of Chemistry, Laval Univer- sity, Quebec). says U4TglainaTZed the Indian Rale Aie naminfactured bv.Tolua Talbott, London. Oaltario, and, hasp found it lightaie, containing but little alcohol of a deli- efaue0avof , and of a very evocable taste and *warier enality.andcompares with tbe best imported alesr hAve also analyzed the Porter XXX Stoat, of the same brewery, which is of excellent quality; its adaver is very aetzeeebte; t ie tonic more energetie thau the above Me for it is a tile riebor al.e0hai, 411.4. 0.01oehmere4 elm -eaters *4 with any ineportede.rtiele. ASK: Yelnt GROCInt IVOR IEW in the homes of a datentsla.yer 11.41 ram. t weed is the best possible trete-dims yon 000141 bare," " I eve% soy I all18*1010001 wonieu," 10. marked Mrs. thane, leAlanq up her needle - wet k autl 14,81ml:bet ie with a 'onkel eye. " There it net a pluelrier 'women in tie% Feist thau youreelf, dear," replied her hue - band with werm sineerity ; hot yen meet make Allowance for my tears on your aeco.utt and. Mali's." The coutlition of the Imams gwe ample reason for Coitmel Graue's wish to 'provide a protector for his house and its utulAtes whilst he was ;Way ; and he had exploit:ea to George Fanwood that the intliattione uneasiuess in the city urged. him to request the :continuance of lus stay. There hal Imet numerous fires, whose origin could not be traced, end wore more than suspected to have been the handiwork of incendiaries. Burglaries of a peculiarly audacious chime - ter had been perpetrated in the - and it, was unusally difficult to obtain the evidence of the stifairere. Tide state of affeirs had grotvn up since the surrender of Mandalay; and the Meady increase of violent crime all over 10114 Prevince Wal traceable to the numbers' of had chareetere, who Wel come froin wive territory *a ply their nefarious trade. If Mrs. Grano slid not regard Mr. Fara- wood's prospective stoy with auy &your, Mabers setisfection made ainetels for it ; and elle told the young Illan frenkly that she felly approved bee father s action. "Wo were not looking forward tn being left alone," she said ; mul it will be inueli nicer for you to stay with us then to go autl liye by yourself 118 thee, horded little bung- alow near the railway." "Are you very nervous people ?"inquired Mr. Farnwood. " Iam-awfully," replied Mabel; "but mother is not; nothing frightens her. She lan,ghs at the idea of daeoity in Rangoon; but then she lived in dreadful places in the jungle when she first married, and mea- sures safety here by the dazagers she used. to encounter." "Did she ever make the acquaintance o acoits ?" asked Mr. Farnwood. • IC Indeed, she did," replied Mabel, by no means unwilling toyecount adventures snail as halve befallen few ladies in India since the Mutiny. " Once she was left alone for a night in catnip at sortie place down in .the Magni district. While she we's asleep, a Malay crept into Inc tent, and stood over her with a kris, threatening 'to kill her if she did siot -give up the money papa haul with him. Mother put her hand under the pillow, as if to givi him the kayo and shot „him dead through the sheet." "Very few ladies, or men either, for that matter, would 'have had the preseece of mind to do that," was Mr. Farnwouda cone antinh, 'I' Mrs. Glearie can use her revolver, heideutly," . " Yes ; site contracted it habit ofkeeping one loaded by the bedside when she was with papa the Arracan Hill Tracts, and 6111 has never broken herself off it ; she nitys';' it.. gives her a sense of security when ste: is alone." " I don't wonder at it if she .makes each Praetice with -the Pistol." • Colonel Grime took his departure next clay on one cif his periodical talus of inspec- tion, and Mr. Farnwoo4 entered uperi. his office of chard:War, which merely required that he should occasionally satisfy Iiimself that tho native; watchmen did not peals the niglit in 'steep.' He °mild not fail to `notice that Mrs. Grane's bearing towards him lacked something of its eld cordiality ; and while he could not have expiable& exactly how he gathered the impression, he felt . that, in epiee of Colonel Graneti earnestly, reiterated Sainte -Imes. Ile was wearing ou1. his welcome With his hostess.' That Mrs. .Gra1l03 ehaege of demeanour was owing to his .ripialY adhoheing intimacy with her daughter did not at first occur to him i • lent as tie. days went by and their repeatedtete- a-tetes grew mote and more confidential, he began to recognise the truth. As a 'matter ;of fact, . the mother's prognostications had.. 'beeneVell fooncled.. GeorgeFarnwood sod - denier discovered, as one awakens frein sleep, that Mabel was far more to hiMehaii he had any right teem:too man who was pleged to marry another woman ; and While he told; himself that he must seize the first opportunity of explaining his position, and save her the pain he must suffer by breaking ' off interconrse with 1151, he '0°Iitinnallyeaught himselfwondering whether MahMee apuldnot be satisfied with e tsyge,pectmiary recompense in.'place of Iulfilaidat Obis Pioniise. ;And: asi .Mabel grew daily clearer to him, he! braced' 4in:itself to faceettletueteettion there iholcity.. ;Vag he bound fo runi his whole Queer had P E R IL TARTAR ; ; PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST, CONTAINS No ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, penny intarieue niaierian, E. W. OiLLETT, x°7111W, lisn'EreftbsCLIMUTDMMUSA2P4XEL FREEMAYS WORN POWDERS 4101.11.0.0401.01. gireploesantto taxa Contaluthelroira Caregiver. Se a este, Imre, anti et:cereal welted for him to answer. loweeree „ee 4,04 1". ' nev A &PP. " 'Thome not to think I have forgotten I lte said presently, "or that. I do not meat to ropey her tt.,1 fully all eata-Before I left tiltustydoungyee," he continued, "I told Mali Mee I intendeel to merry Iter, and I am only waiting till my promotion is gazetted to send -for Item.' He ought Melia% eye as he spoke, and instantly averted his gate. "7 did not tell you this before," he continued, "because, were the enthorities to bear of my intention, they might coateel the promotion they have pet m to my profeedonni advancement, and I UR promised Me.. My merriage will pan final may ite well tato. retie:. I eau now." "llet 31 11 neeessary to do this, Air. Fano rultliralgiliotasilgtV, eovrettl,!, %!stttgilltackl eaL- 11•01)(11q..Thleat Nithat it fele to Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after yottrselt. I mean It minuet be right to reenntiiit'grhiPttalliensiznicteheeseShidase, lietals‘que)itlyenthinelertnirlinsg; ruin yourself thus." " What else smot I do, Miss Grease S" Even had :Stahel 14.1104.011 what to reply, she could not lutve speken at onee. She forgot to repermeth herselt for having for Headache. yet CARTEIL'S LIDTtEpattitovn,uri srecP114 a moment 1114.3410314.041 that this man was WA- are equally valuable in. Cons IngettlaxinsooMnefse,rtgleasialot.mon•hcita th4Parel tyge to the character with evhieh she haa . " invested him ; he was worthy °tit ; of the zscimentheyho utifatetolniyu cecrarza .regulate the bowela. best she could 114100 attributed to her ideal hard and formal. "01 -course, if you have FIE hero. When she did answer hor tone was promised to znarry her, you must keep your word," she saicl. "Let us go in; I am ' _Setae they would be Almost viceless, m those , who suffer from this distressing complaint; O .41 fornmately their goodnest does not end . here, and those who once tty them will And (T01111 ONTInTitt).) ' these little pith: valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. lint after all sick bend CARTERS ITT• ' IVER PILLS. SICK •;•11.00=-,. : is the bane of s9 niany lives that here is where. , 1171 metro our great boast:- Our Mils cure a , while others de not*. - Osaram's TIMM raven Yetis are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose They are strictly vegetable. and do. • not gripe or purge, but by their gentle .action , please all who use them. in 'slats nt 50 cents; . ; flye for Si.. aold everywhere, or sent by maze.' i ; . 7 0A3 XEDI011it- 00., No Ted. ' s . ThiS --i' the zilay::.1,1' 7 '' ';t! Sii;,%....1•.iA*ii.4 liiil .1011116' .11'1011 Pile !,.! . I , , , ... ,,0.1,0,-,,..o. we, ;vim sezza've.by eazereo, C O. isip9::,,',.. '..tleis elele4a1)12toSs".t'°,011117811. i..0:.:f:eit17aOst;:lael.:Ltl',tdefdv!el,11J;*°11):31:t1.01. wrill the l3.,,riCd.':Csohrsaeptiiiii:it- want eade , . . !let °11 m a . ' . than. We ' Claim' for ft ;11_0110T TAKE IT, . • butirtierfeetly sat- iszxtepogrity4, gpenryii ()tubas ', ..I...... : - gptCiAt,eur•PRict t°L'e'SIA57e3tebh4.11, geetahltne citence tii secure a reliable 'timepiece at such re ridicts ,sloculczolyinl.piwi lopyr el ete, bi Is fere, offered, 'Thir,' itaFsifiEngl:WitiAcuTsinCollAta; fies°i.aLlii. Cote over coroposV' 'tion metal. Itles -., 8:lilbwcal.$:r:d cpw, bow, oateie:utitiiyen: :gada:disat, , proof.. The Works ..4../ .. ' . are.Viraltham strylee richly jewelled,. with „expansion. balance, 'is ' regulated Address C gentlenian.. A.:gnatanffor eiee is serif With each k and wew�E�. W. wit ayn si .vrco;alady or8tetectimoie: keeper. t issuitable I. ther a. Watchmakers, Peterborough, Ont. - 37,P1-1:buy it--butou .;c1pa't keep it: unless yol'U,like. it After two or three weeks' wear, you can return it ;an,d, have your money. ' Por Sale by J. A. Steivart, Exeter. 4. 'How Lost, How Restored Zest pnblished, a, new eat° of 1)r, eulYero Weirs Celebrated Essay on bo milord cure of flratta,110altilata. or ineepacity Induced by excess or earlyIndlscretion. Tile celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from 0 thirty years' succefshal prsotioe, that the 511010 1111 consequences ot soU• Ouse may be radically eared .; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by meatsot which every utterer, no matter 4.1851 11 condition may he, may 0010 hitteeen cheaply, veteir and radically. Thle lecture should be In the hands at ever youth and every- mon In the lend Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of four canto, or tw postage tamps. eamplesof 11e liclne free, Addres THE CHLVERWELL MEDICAL GO 41 Ann Street Di CAN York t Offiz.A 13Y3c 43') 4E8E-1 NASAL BALM A certain and epeedy cure fc..r' 'Cola in the Head' ited' Catari 1. in all its stages. • . SOOTRINC, CLEANSING, HEALING. .. lestant Relief, Permanent ;Fallure lmlusslble.' Mitnysddalled diseisea.nre simply symptoms m ;atarrh, such es.headache, partial deafness, losini 'sense of smelt, Tad:Walt; hawking and spittini; , • lausea, general feeling of debility, etc. If you; are , .,thied with any of these or kindred symptoms; .3r.on , ' and'simeld lose no time in procuring/ t bottle of 11/4•Insm, BALat. . 73o warnoc ,tOns A px0,014.tmgOtni.... Cwii."27 V;* SEND U8.-01:90 hagrie.-eafsg,P,g-fgagP:ati'de .• we.vrill send you non Paid this elegant •L,•.• • ELDORADO DIAMOND. ' soup COLD FILLED, RPM 'Tb,Pse rinfo) nit) now 54 g/legigil 07.11„lainditehse gensdi tilaUgialteTeetttshtt ' ring:CC/ha:1025.00. We .gdarantee a perfeet flt, INtected"celd'iri head results in Catarrhfollowii, . , , ; , -1 , 1 - . ., .Addcess . ' i . , - , , . . , .7 consumptienaml death. .1\i'mot. IlAtm Is sold '-: „ , , ll dreOsts,,:wb,41kbe sent, post paicf,c,On receipt.N1 ..; , ': : ettL:WAYatt 86 CO. i is, , il,,,,,<;,,:enee a;nd et.ocilliyaddressing„i `.Teielieil;','-' r: IL,' . :tt: .. oF ,„4,Nyt I FITE INE 10 REALM hetre.-Sheese edisetee-e-e-. --- „ . • ee-eteeseetere e. e; Unlocks all the diogge& avenues of the Jowels, Eidn.eys and Liver, oarryinc on graually without weakening the us- . tem, all 'the hnpurities reld foul humor3 of the secretions; at the same thno Cor- recting' Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness. Dyspepsia, headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Co:-! Dryness of the Skin, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Er si elas, Scro. fula, Muttering of the eart, Ne vousness, and General. Debility ; these end sneezy other similar Complaints yield to fliethappy irifittenee of BURDOO BLOOD BITTERS. Foy Sale by all Dealers. • ',77.4108tRill-PFPnliltOra Tante .vgatztArtlY LIAEltzzzzam Tho to -Weak. Nervous, Debilitated, who trilia Folly and lanaranoo bas fled &was, bi# Ylgars of Dody,.. Ind sod 4.1 'iabkaohe, thmea nFficouendt,a..ctitItuisdiLt.ogui;:c:Lriaefauemss,r,wriadzikaanc:40 .memery. Bashfulness'', AD society, Effectiera1118 iint,iee nponthe.Face and all the aatling be Early Decay, ,DoneumptIort tYG9Uwailit."clAin:tn°730,:tsP6°iYfi°011utoh. 2,W Igor restorati the, vital 'Power in old an pang: strengthoni tatd invigorates the aftscidAtfoeursrieseallthoull action18.ttalteopimphaporo7pbsyysetisonara etiorgy-of the human frames Watt our speoitt .,Wo. us the most 'obstinate case can be cured in three:months, and reeentenes bless than thirt days. Each package contains two weehe .112m00124.0.2iPriisceanS2iitt. alit? irbeiso Genuarraenitooltd4 Opurriveaptee Diseases DO Matter how long stand ing. Sold under our weieten Guarantee affect s Cure. Price O. Toronto l&diein :C??,Toronto. Ont. - : , • „ Azusa LADIES ONLY.: , ,FRENCH t4E.CULATION Fat; superfor to. 1?-rfot, tansy, Pennyroyal lxide. Endorsed the thousands ei lad vho th-.• MON l'HLY. Never fait. Roll -min. INS 15 Ft': El3li'L,ARITY , Pleasant 3ifectual. Idechcine icreen to: On t.- - • - THE .")tv'xrPe.5i0milipt'iltt,,,0iiti' PiKrvilillt•h3E'fP,01.14‘:•-:kitt,t „rit,j7 b • e;6;t1 . PeterborougheOnt.' ' „ "...et. TThIE