HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-4, Page 5CREa9,T Clearing Sale Cls s. H. \.J4R1!1./ ! '1 is going out .of busines, and his immense stack of rine Tweeds & 'Worsteds must be sold at once regardless of cost. Now is the time to buy cheap Suits or Cloth by the yd. Note prices: Search Tweed Suits for $I1; worth 419. Fine Worsted's for $14 ; worth $20. Fine all -wool Tweeds at 40e. per yard. This is no shoddy sate, as the stook is NEW GOODS and the best pltterls, goods Bornemboi we guarantee Or sure fit or ZIQ sale, Oall and Insect aur Stook J. H. GRIEVE. et. NEWS NOTES Buie Roller 11IARIEET REPORTS, Wheat .. $1.02to $1.05 per bush OUR SELLIN(I Fate. ;S. Flour, Strong Bakers'. $a 00 per 100 do Beat Family 2 75 do Low Grade ,. 2 00 Sian . , .,. 90c. Middlings .. 1 00c, Screening , . .,. 1 00c.. Chop . , .,, S1 20 to 1, SO TAauora bestowed in cenuectiou with the Queen's birtedey have been announced. Bcbt Gillespie of; Canada bas been knighted, and Lieatenent•Oeuerel Sir blue Ross, commander of the forces tau Cenede, has been made a Kuigttt Grand Grose of the Bath, Tris Esta Broom --Ropier action at the bowels is the keyatone of Health, Filo ties€ of Pi B U lnaurea it sad Duras canillipetion, dyepepsne,etc. Mum I; %'i'illi,ema, 41,1 B31oor Street, Tor onto, writes, --"I eve steed year Murdock Blood Bitters for couetipetion and pain in the head with great enema. I improved from the sewed doge.' Dr Wild, of Toronto, is the mumeaeful clergyman who won the free trip to the old errantry offered by the Toronto MAIL he Ireviug the largest number of ballots cast. Dr Wild, eongregetioutel minister. had 160,424 votes twist. Bev D J )Iaodonell, Preebytsriare. Toronto. 133J655; A R Bald. win, Auglioan. Toraate, 131,000: 7 ,f Cameron, Presbyterian, Toronto. 61,000„ Bev air Hauler, Methodist, 01,000. Maass ai'orera--Tho gats 'rioter amen a:pasat many to Minolta of colds, coughs, boareeuest, tightness of the chest, asthma, bronchitis, oto , whish requires a reliable remedy ike I yard's Pectoral Baisam for their relief and onto. 1.aowu Ito relieblu for over thirty years The best cough our°. Ileaneir at>;artna-I e;tltlt-Hiving herbs, barks, roots, and berries are carefully coin bin°d In Burdock Blood Bitters, which reguiatethe secretions, purify the blood and renovate and strengthen the entire system. Price 51 a bottle, aim fax O. Leas than 1 cent a dose. The lily Alierch, who was soot up from Galt for two months on the charge of t'agrauey, is giving the jail officials at Berlin some little trouble as well as amusement. The lad is confined in one of .the upstairs corridors. and by way of diversion one day he lifted ant the hot air register, dropped Into the pipe, Drawled around two elbows until he got to furnace, where lie stuck. The pipe had to bo cut to gat the hay out. Strang efforts aro being made to .have him santto the Industrial School for four years. 1 A0. TEL 0I1, -This stnndsfor Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the best and promptest cure for ail pvin from the eimplhet sprain to the racking torture of rheumatism, A never tailing remedy for croup, sore throat, and pain in the cheat, Two TEARS AOo-Two pare ago I was troubled with an ulster on my ankle,baving used B B 13 for bad blood I procured a bottle and a box or Burdock Healing Oiut ment. After naing 3 bottles and 3 boxes o east cured, Mrs Wm V Boyd, IwAAD m 1 P Y Y , Brantford, Ont. Capt Bates relates an odd occurrence. Some time ago one of his hens shuck and refused to attend to her duties in hatching out the yearly brood. Mr Rooster got mad forthwith and vowed to complete the job himself. Never did fowl perform the duty litter, and lite result was nine young chicks which follow their pa around with delight, and never was there a prouder or fonder daddy whose daily 000k•a-doodle•do is pitched fifty per cont higher, and the good Conservative neighbors imagine he says, ''McKinlay Bill be blowed."-Ridge- town Standard, e":= Taa NEW AIR SEXY -The new air ship travels 200 miles an hour, good time, but none too quick if one wanted Hagyard's Yellow Oil, This peerless, pain -soothing remedy is a prompt and pleasant cure for sore throat, crony, colds, rheumatism, pains in tbe.chest, aud back neuralgia. Fort ex terns! and internal use. Price 25e. cc cc ca r, Chop stone running every dal*. 'TERMS CASH. TLt31a FXy TEF D1ILLI iD Oo3•. MARKET REPORTS. ss$x$s B0dWheat,. Spring Wnosit .. Barle) Oats Clover Bled «. Timothy !" Pea* Corn Rggo Butte* ... Flourperbbi Petatoes,per bushel dpplee,per oag AaiedAPPlespr 'b (tease per lb. Turkey nor 1tit Pucks per lb ObIokeueperpr liage,eresreaperif0 Beef Bilegrongh, drooled ,.. Sheepskins each dalfsktna Woo/ north .,. frayperton Oeionsierbnah Woodporaera Mxssns 0 0 RroxAnns & 00. GltrLEMMEN; I take pleasure in giving my testimony to your well known MIN - ARD'$ LINIMENT,• as I feel that it saved my life. In the winter of 1887 1 was at tacked by a severe pain in my left side caused by a tall from a building during the Previous sn.mruer. I got relief every time it was bathed with the MINARD'S LINI MENT and eventualy cured by the use of a few bottles. This liniment ,hasmade some wonderful (ares. Sheffield, N B. • T*ionaas WASSON. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she dung to Castor's. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. .44 NIA 01. n. • 1 0010 102 I Ou to 1.2 45 LO 0045 40 to 45 460 to 47. ], 40 to 170 art0 70 04Oto ;O Vito 11 13 to 014 POtea ti 00 to 050 160 to1ao 0 4000 0 Q5 to 0 u6 07 to 08 00eto 007 025 to9Sa 600 tee% 400 teeth 262 to 560 350 to 090 060 to 20 050 to 05. 018 to02t 5 COto6O� 051'to0fti 2S.OtoSee ax ia(atalra rim Wheat...................................I 00 1 ee Sprint Wbeai iiarroy , 0 9 0 4i Oats Closer Sean-.,.,, ,., •••• 0 470 4 25 s;ai'T1ulotie3',,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,, , ,, , .,, 1 � 1 Pose,,, ... ...... ... .................. . Q 6 0 70 1'440 .,. In 0 10 Butter ..... ... ............ 12 012 sonatas* per bag..,.„ ............ ... 50 52 riles per bush ........ ...... 050 rites , ,.., 20 020 rferroirtan .,..............,..........550600 Bran per ton .., ... 34001400 BAcrts 44 •" 20 0 7 00 nit neelperlebl., .., ., 1'foga,droseed ear 100• 5 00 to 5 21 T')NDGAT. Wheat.l.05tol.0e par bus. Oeta.47' to 48e per bus. Peax.7Oo to 84e per bus. llar- ley,}tstlting.',iOf to 57oper bus. Barley Feed, Ago to 490 per bus Corn, 641e to 67o par. bushel. . TORONTO. Tarento.June 2 -Wheat spring --No. z 1.04. tel Oa per bur; rad wtuter,No,2.112to t 12 per bus Manitoba No2har(1,114 tat 15 No. 3,91e to Ot3e : PEAS 7.o,to 76,o per bur. OATS 46c to 4R par bus. FLOUR, extra. $4 ,.0 to tr4.fi0 per cbbt; straight Totter. i4. 75 to £4.851 strong hakers. 4,00 to $4.10. BARLEY, No 1,. Ole to Oac : No 8 extra 664 to Yee No 2, 580 to S,Qo. ANTED --A GOOD AGENT for Exeter and district. Apply to THE JACKSON TEA CO.. 761 aunties at, London Ont. WE ESTRAY.— STRAYED from a (tock of sheep while being washed on Saturday, May 30th, a two-year'old ewe, 'heavriv fleeced, She wasmarked with red paint on back over shoulders and in front of tail. Any person giving information as to her where abouts wi 11 bo awarded b y W. J. V.taca, 21njn1,91. Farquhar P. 0. OH, WHAT A, COUGH Will you heedf the warning, The Signa 1 perhapsof the sure approach of that inor e terrible disease Consumption. Ask yoor selves if you can atfrrd for the sake o f saving 50c., to run the risk and do nethia g for it We knew from experience tha t Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. I t never failet N OT.ICE. The Thorough -bred Shorthorn Brill "Baron Chesterfield 1I" will be kept on Lot 13, concession 1., Stephen,' during the ,season of 1891, for the improvement of stook. Terms, al to insure. junl.m2 WEmL T Sees, Prop . NOTICE.. The Thorough -bred Imported Milstein Bull, African Prince, formerly stock bull at the Ontario agrtoultural college.) will be kept on lot 8.North Thames Road. Usborne, during the season, for the improvement of stock, Terme $1 59 to insure. Wu Afoxsurn,Propt CATTLE ESTRAY.—STRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, Lot 10, north Thames Road, on or about 201h April. three yearling calves, one a steer of light red color with spots of white: and two heifers, ono red with white an face, the other red and white mixed. also ono ewe and two iambs. The ewe has black legs and is painted black on face Any information as to the whereabouts of the 'above will be suitably rewarded by the pro- prietor Jong Amason, Exeter P.O. May 23-1m SEALED TENDERS marked "For (Mounted Police Provisions and Light supplies,"and addressed to the Honourable the Minister of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, will be received up to noon on Friday, 19th June. 1891. Printed forms of tender. containing full in- formation as to the articles and approximate quantities required. may be bad on application at any of the Mounted Poiiee Posts in the North-West, or at the offloe of the undersigned. No. tender will be received unless made on such printed forms. The lowest or any tender not necessarily aocepted, Each tender must be aoaomnanied by an ac- cepted Canadian bank cheque for an amount equal to ten per cent of the total value of the articles tendered for, which will be forfeited if the party deolines to enter into a contract when called upon to do so. or if he farts to complete the aervice contracted for. If the tender bo not aocepted the cheque will be returned. No payment will be made to newspapers in- serting this advertisement without authority having been first obtained, FRED. WHITE. Comptroller NslY, M. Police. Ottawa, May 15th 1891 The fanners in the western, part of Mioh igan are beirig swindled by slick canvasser wilo is introducing a thistle exterminator et $3 60 e. bottle. Dr Bowie, Ohieago, will reside in Seaforth, during the summer. 11e is now over90, but is still quite robust. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Weolfard •a Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. Lusa. TO NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN, If ewe vin send us your address, wo will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr Dye's Cel bratod Eteotro-Voltaic Belt and Appliareea.and theirobaroaingeffects neon the nervous debit itated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man- hood. Pamphlet free, If you aro thus afflicted, we willsenu you al3elt and Appliances on a trial, V er roxc Iia a x' Co,.31f arshali, Mioh. For Over Fifty Years. ilfaa. 1YrxsLow's seaman SYaur has been used by millions of mothers for tbotr ottikdroa while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a shalt child suffering and crying with pain of cuttiug teeth send at once aid get a bottle of "Sirs. lvinstow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething, It will relieve tbepoorlittle sufferer immediately. Depend open it, mothers, there is no mistake aboutlt, 1t anres I)iarltaee, regulates the Siotnacbone Bowel , cures Wind Belie softens the gums, reduces Inthtranaatieu, and gloss tone and ontrgy to the whole sveteiu, so ra. Winslow'sSoothin Syrup"for children teeth- ing is nleaaattt 10 the taste and is the presorttioa el oee of the oldest and best fenlnlo Lhysecians gm! Purses in ti*e United Stntos Price.Tr.eents a bottle, Sold by ala druggista throughout the world, Be sure and ask for Maa }F,rpst•OA SaoTp3tiQ $Ynl(x;' ! T0TICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of PETERS. GEIGER, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given in pursuance of R.S.O. 1887 chapter 110, section 36 that alt creditors or other persons having olaimsagainst the estate of the above named deceased. who died on or about tho3rd day of February, A. ])., 1891, aro required to send by post, prepaid, or deliver' to Simon Geiger, the Administrator of the estate and the effects of the said chummed at Zurioh,Ont on orbefore the 18th of ,Tune, A.D., 1891, their ohrtstian'and surnames, ad- dresses,description. ;with `full particulars of their claims and demands, anti the value of security (if any) held by them 011 duly .verified by statutory declaration, Andfurtber take notice that after the said 18th day ofJune, 1891, the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among' the persons entitled, having regard only to such claims as heshall then have bad notice of, as aforesaid, and the said administrator will.not be liable for .the said as sett or any part thereof, to any person or per - eons of whose claim or claims he shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution. ' $IMON'GEIGER, Administrator. Dated at Zurich, this 21st day of 2fas, l891-31. Exeter Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN. We have constantly on hand a largo display of the beat PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MA NINES, BICYCLES and SHALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Perms anticientine theenrollee* of ans.- thing ill the above lines will do well to call at the store. We guarautto satisfaction, and prices as low Rem be hadet the menufaotoriea We would respectfully ask you to call and see our stock Itis as Iiva es wilt be found in aey city tondo Store 1'',g.--Ageata for all kinds er agticnituuil imply STAND ;--Fanson's Block, Exeter, F. f) . KNIGHT, 3?1f:.aasn Wt.. xIsT fancy and ,Staple Groceries, Q iGrs't.li>4', TO.13t1.4 VO, 4.tv., Seo. (Now located in Mace's old stand, Main•st) Farfluest Grammies and Teas, lle sura to coil and sea me; Por in the corner stare. in Marc's Moak. You will lied we have the finest stook Of goods that people daily use. Our Ceas and Coffees and our Spica. Wo keep In time -both mean and nice - And those who've puralrased aught have faun Fullsixte pounces to the pound. Upon tho shelves you'll always End Canned meats of every sort and kind; Molasses too. and honey sweat, And Syrup that cannot be heat: Dried Fruits and Raisins, sweet and clean, Fine Choose and Butter may be soon, And Olives, Catsup. Sauces and Oils Put up in bottles of all styles; Tu foot everything your boort could wish, From sardines up to salted fish, All kinds of brushes, brooms and rOPo, Baskets, wash -,'dards. tubs or soap. Wo will sell you cheap by lots or weights, Or trade for produce, Poultry and eggs. F.1, KNIGHT. 1891, 1891 A FINE ASSORTMENT --OF— Fancy Goods Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Lollar and Cuff Cases. Manicures, etc., —EY— �T r: W SpringGooddg New Velveteens. .Dress Goods. • Mantle Cloths; Prints. Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Kid. Gloves. Corsets. Cottonades. J. MATHESON; 1 HAY P.O. EXFTE1t NORTH, cc tt C IC tt Headquarters ters FOR s DARNING HEMS and CBWING GUM Conte in and see our complete assortment of spring and summer styles, In Millinery, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Boots & Shoes, etc , we mark then) low to sellthem quick. Be careful that you do not go wild over the LOW PRICES. Cash for Eggs. Butter & Eggs wanted at DOU.PE t CO., Kirkton. RDS Flower, ,t� Feld —AND— Garden Seeds FARMER BROS. URRAH! ailor shop Wo would inform.the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on rile shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles —AND A.— Sure Fit Guaranteed, JOBS 1/, BISSBTT Exeter Packing House James-st., Exeter. We, the undersigned, wish to inform the Public and Store -keepers of Exeter and surrounding country that we nave on hand a good sup– ply of SUGAR CURED HAMS, ROLLS, BREAKFAST BACON, BACKS and SIDES ; also DRY SALTED MEATS and PURE LARD. vVe also keep at the Main Street Meat Market a good supply of first-class FRESH ee CORNED BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, and PORK, POULTRY, in season. BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE. CASH PAIN FOR HOGS. SNELL BROS. & CO. EIRESII REEDS -AT-- HOWARD'S Mangold, 12c ib. Lawn Grass, Orchard Grass, Turnip, 12c lb. White Belgium Carrot, Short Belgium Carrot Hungarian Grass.. FRESH SEEDS—ALL KINDS. JAS:. H. HOWARD, W.11 MONCUR, Proprietor. Manager. The accompanying cut repro, yenta the famous 'Crediton Road Cart,' manufactured by Writ.. 11. Wenzel and Israel Smith, Oredi• ton. Ont, This cart has now been in the market for. about two years and bas met with great success. The anufaeturers claim that itis the best cart manufactured, both as regards convenience and durabil- ity. They have dozens of teati- me/deb estime/deb from parties who have purchased these carte, which speak in the highest terms of them. The workmanship and material employed in their con - PSE O 5 EDxuQ `T 8Q.& C -A- w. struction can not be surpassed. and the price is as low as is consistent therewith. A glance at the cut will :allow the reader a few advantages this cart has over all others, viz -The easy mode of getting in and out; the absence of springs or bars winch bring the rider's weight on the shafts so ae to sag them ; the convenience }f carrying a robe or rug in cold or stormy weath- er. These carts are manufactured for ane or two persons, and finished to suit the pur- chaser. Gears furnished to the trade. 14r Wenzel also manufactti,es Waggons, Buggies, Sleighs, Etc., and does all kinds of repairing in these lines. Mr Smith runs a 0 st'ci4ss geueral blacksmith shop, and guarantees, to give aatiafae- tion In all kinds of new work. repairing. harseshoeing, etc., etc, to which he gives his personal attention. Cee circulars for further particulars concerning road cart. W. H. WENZEL,) Crediton. Ont. ISRAEL S11ITli, j 41;t$1* AInkrIPSX) Spring Stook of Shelf anci.Heavy Hardware —CONSISTING OF— LOCUS, IIIINGAS, ETC. .CALF CAR Zs AIL 1 Window Glass, Putty, Paints and Oils. ALL KINDS OF WIRE:— BARB, BUCKTHORN, FILED and ANNEALED 1t Zit:vermin Cash Prizes. BISSETT BROS. first-class stock ot Tinware to select from,—D.B Life is too short for Aught BUT HIGH ENDEAVOR. I endeavor to produce the very best goods In my line, not only the best in quality and finish, but in value. I am sending out some very beautiful BILK{ CANS this spring, far exceeding any previous effort. My stock of material for spring work, such as Eavelroughing, Roofing, &c., is extensive and complete, and worknlarsbip is the very best. I solicit your order for TROUGHING OR ROOFING Guaranteei.t'g Satisfaction. I have without exception the nicest assortment of MILK PAILS, STRAINING PAILS, to be found anywhere, ranging in price from 20 cents to $l.00. Note the price of MILK PANS : Small size, 75c• to $2.oa per dozen ; Large size, $l.00 to $3,00. Who would go without a Dipper when you can get one for 5 cents? EVER YOURS, WILLI PO iaANTD■ An old physician retired from Prise Bee, hay l 0 yrhizz ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula ot a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Clthroatandon, Bronchitistions,rh.Aatbmaand 'TNE �4�TS and SHOES all throat and lung affections, also a pOH1tiP0 'fa and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous oomplaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases.has felt it bis duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Antuat ed by this motive, and a desire to roleive human suffering .I will sondfroe of charge. to all who desire it, tho re f o in German, French or English, b. with full directions far preparing and using Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming I t this paper. W. A. NOYES, 820. Powers' BIock Besides our fine line we also carry a large and Rochester. N. Y. well assorted stock of Boys' and Misses' Shoes __ for school wear. also Man's Working Shoes A lad named Chas Bell, of Toronto, and Knee Boots while playing on the railroad track, AWAY DOWN IN PIiIOE. was run oyer by an engine and had an arni and leg taken off, CONSUMPTION CURED: Did you see our stock of That we have put in the store one door south of the Post Office? Now itis worth your white to givousa look, We will show you through. Wo have alt the Finest Lines of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes made in Canada, and guarantee they are right as farand1 g as wear value ue goes. If you want a real nice shoo. something that it is a pleasure o wear, Dome up andsee ours. !hna 0 I) zJ 0 All our goods are guaranteed good, and as we wish to build up a TRADE and KEEP IT, we are selling CHEAP for CASH. Children's. Misses' and Ladies' Toe Slippers and Oxford Ties for summer in all the new shades. Bring in your girls and buy them a pair of School Shoes. They are dandies. Give us a'eall. You are welcome. GEO. MANSON, I ,DO YOU WANTTOBTIY O FIRST -CI ,A SS FURNITURE O AT LOWER RA'I S- T W A SIHA ll(i GOODS TII) BEST YET 1. THE CHEAPEST YET THE .BIGGEST StET! Best Ordered Clothing pioduoed in Exeter Gentlemen l leave your orders early, for • with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine Trimmings, and the bast Cuttingin Tavrn,yon are sure of within. tion —A lIE USUALLY SOLD---, --THEN 02.11, AT- I LEY'S -ONLY FIRST -GLASS - Reliable Good At Prices Lower that so -cal. led Cheap Houses can give. nC drtakin in ia Branches. S. GIDLEY, A..`f. SIT:MLLE. (9acoeesor to 0. dl q. Gldley) ODDP'SLLO'q ',Br t?tlu