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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-11-16, Page 4
C` wawa e ich 1 M g i Strap p bu ay R a `:�' Nf►vembe>t• 7.6rix, 3.861' 'Conversational Conservation , specialized in bear skins. Mr. Cgbservatton is is , onversa- idiot'[ piece for . e, large, number of people of all 'nations, at the moment. If is a Most impart - ant and deserving theme and the 'pity is that it is so hard to kindle, she spark into a dame i1n . this immediate locality. Quite recently Goderich is 're- p tea to nave—regist.. "NQ" to a proposal to establish a Maitland Conservation Auth- erity. To a number, this is considered a short-sighted de- cision and one which will come home to roost, for you cannot live on reputation for ever and it will be a sad day - when howpeopl lovelyy God: Do erich ch rememberou sedto be? In Ontario, the main burden of ` publicizing conservation, whether it be of arable land, beauty spots, wildlife or water pollution, rests with the free enterprise Federation • of On- tario Naturalists. In British Columbia, where unilateral ex- propriation of utilities has been the Order of the day, it is sur- prising to come upon such a wisdom packed publication ' as "Wildlife . Review." This is the journal, ,of the Provincial De- partment of Recreation and Conservation. It is one of Many such journals published all over the world, but it serves • to portray the efforts which are Fox directed her to a Mr. Wolfe, but 'ghe too ' failed to help, but he was certain that if she wrote Mr. Behr she would obtain the skin she wlyant- ed. And sure enough, Mr. --Behr it was who supplied the bear stile, i, 's common knowledge' that o grow like, their dogs, blit taking the name of —favoilte•--•-nnima1- is; }nal. Next 'Meeting Tomorrow, the 17th Novem- ber, 8 p.m., St. George's Parish Hall. Mr, J. P. Warren will show slides of his trip to Europe. The crocus premiums will be distributed. Question and answer period on all h.orti- cultural a subjects. , Refresh- ments. DUNGANNON-LUCKNQW PHONE CABLE: INSTALLED Former Member Is Remembered The November meeting of the W.M.S. of North Street Un- ited Church. was held in the ladies parlor on November -7th. Mrs. A. R. Scott opened the meeting with' the call to wor- ship: The Scripture was read by Mrs. Scot. Mrs: R. : M. Sperling offered prayer. Mrs. R. C. Procter favored with a solo, accompanied on the piand. by Mrs. J. C. Ross. • Mrs.''H. • Snell gave an inter- esting insight into the last three chapters of' thestudy book. Mrs. Scott thanked the speaker, and also closed the devotional period with prayer. • -The -president, Mrs: - Moorhead, presided over the business portion. A minute of silence and prayer was offered in memory of the late Mrs. H. S... Turner. The secretary, Mrs. Sperling read the minutes. Mrs. Wm. Harrison, corresponding secretary, gave her report. The treasurer, Mrs. D. D. Mooney, gave her report Plans were made for the reg- ular Christmas party for the Missioh Band to be ,held De* comber 9, with Mrs. Wm. Har- rison and Mrs. W. II. Talmay, conveners. A shower for the cancer cupboard will be held next meeting. Mrs. Moorhead gave a report on the•sectiional meeting held at Auburn. She also outlined the new program, "The United Church ' Womer" The inaugeiral meeting of the Huron Presbytery is to be held The Huron and Kinloss Muni- cipal telephone crew put the new Dungannon to Lucknow cable . into use last week. . - The installation was done at a cost of approximately $40,000. The cable services customers north and north-west of Dun- gannon. • Along the cable rbute new lines are in use with sit or in the Ontario Street United Me, a Romeo? It is to laugh. less customers per circuit, With Church.. Clinton, January 24, '1 haven't been out: with a girl, this new cable, facilities are in- 1962. The meeting closed with except my wife, since I started. stalled to divide the large rural Rev.- W. J. ten Hoopen pro- courting her back in' '49. Me, 'circuits into small groups• in pouncing the benediction. a tough 'guy? The same wife, being made to counteract the reparation for Ilial conversion. - •�ane '•l : g dtstanc,ett ,° SUGAR and 't jPICS am=Ly Bili Smiley. It' not only the ducks and the 'beer that are catching it this fall,. Apparently it's also open .season on columnists. Latest salvo fired in my direc- tion was discharged by a Bap- tist minister. His volley ap- peared in the Atikokan,Ont., gress,- whiehe-•has-,run- •- column for some years. - • * Dearie me, that parson has a wicked tongue in his head. He can really dish it out. And when he 'runs out of personal abuse he falls back on a paie sage of Scripture, torn from context, of course. • * *: Herewith a• few samples. The letter begins: "I would aptsreci- ate the opportunity to express my disgust over an article that appeared in your paper by ane self-styled Romeo and tough •guy, Bill Smiley. This article was a mixture of trash and rub- bish with a whole lot of nothing thrown ire" rt s: Now this gentle man of the clod,) obviously has me mixed up with- someone else. If i didn't believe that, I'd he hurt. ar who has been teaching for `sugar' but 'spice; he appeals many years, just to let her to the vulgar, plebeian strain know what a viper she was in most of us." nursing. She read it and * * * ' • „grinne . „ "Now.' ti' ` my mind, 'darn' * * * and' damn' are mere expletives, - I liked then last paragraph, this uttering of which relieves- though, in which you said: "1 tension. Would you have Snli- wish he were a member of my ley 'say 'my -'.goodness sakes church. It would give me great alive', ori as an evangelist who toy to have him voted out of • campaigned in my,youth-'recom- the membership." That bit has mended, 'Tobacco, 'Ones and the nicest touch in the whole wine', in place of 'hell' and diatribe, and I refuse to make 'damn"!" any of the comments that leap �' to Mind. • "Personally, I don't see why ' - * * * a lady should be upset " by However, dear sir, I'm sorb, mention of the final goal of if Yen' have „ been offended. I sinners, or the verb that cone am sure you are a good mad. demes them to it. In my view I am not a good man. I am, it is more revolting and, dis- not a very bad one; either, just gusting to.� . hear the English an ordinary ,husband and fath- language murdered by semi- er, a brokendown weekly edit- literate radio and television ori a school teacher, a news- personalities." gest that he'd enjoy giving me a physical pounding, as. well as a verbal one. Careful, mis- ter. I maybe a 138 -pound coward, but, my big brother isn't. ' He is currently bossing a' lumber camp. - ..* * * Joicing-�---•°aside; -you—t1 really mean it, did you, reye-- end? I 'didn't„ mind that bit where you linked me with har- lots, drunkards, dope addicts and Mr. Khrushchev, but the next part hurt, vnt�erq you Said: "I recently read where ,,college graduate 'could not read nor write. Could it be, that Smiley was his teacher? Any school that is foolish enough to have a man like him on their staff would ng doubt have him in tete English department." ' • Yep, that's where all us dope I'll let this retired high school fiends and drunks wind up. I teacher, a gentleman , and showed your letter to my de- scholar, do it for me. He writes: partment head, a gentle lady "Smiley . .. writes .not - only h , who weighs about 108, can .quell �sf . lnoct n coitstailt dollar or Iihysictl mS. t o" £ivilixation on the very re -I be serviced in the near ufur� volume terms Canad 's gross sources upon which the surviv- by this cable. national product declined from al ,of the human race depends. The cable is all on private 51,481 per ca -pita in 1956 to -:I the materialistic age in property and is approximately $1,420 in -1959. _which we live, the 'greatest with seven handicap conservation endures is , the fact that it is so hard W..____ 4_ equate the loss of natural re- .. sources to dollars and cents. Suppose the activities at Doug- las Point on a nuclear power station have,. in fact, displaced a bald eagle's nesting place. How do . you bring home to Tom,: Dick of .even Harry the personal loss to them? Sup- pose that due to tardy replant- ing Goderich finally loses the trees whish line its roads. What with gas and water main lay- ing and old age this is a dis- tinet • possibility. The number of people who answer: So what? 'is far etoo great. .Suppose that ° oil dumping and raw sewage !disposal into the Great Lakes continues and increases. No fish, no birds. Will Tom or Dick be distress- ed? Only if he happens to be a fisherman. So the question Is a majority buildin me With an• weyebrow:;' I'riz.admit the article was a mixture of trash and rubbish, but I'm; not going .#o take that part about "a whole lot of nothing" .lying down. There was also junk in nine miles long miles undergroend and two In the. sixteen years 1945 toy it, and nonsense, but there miles of aerial lines. The cable 1960 ind.istr--y in 'Canada invest-} wasn't any nothing in pit. leaves Dungannon with 100 cir- ed 72 1 billion in new plant I cults and then reduces in size ani equipment. ff The parson goes oh 'to sug- to 75, 50, 37 and 25 circuits . at Lucknow. C0••••••00•0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••60 0• In order of make the future •- - ' change"over to dial, the system ` • , CENTRE h temporarily installed a nes; • CONKLIN LUMBER • switchboard begomes: n ''in this° . sparsely populate country which imagines and soothes ' its conscience by be- lieving there is always more where that carne from? Is •non office which- they will later • move to Ripley,• The old open wire pole line is to be taken down. • • e • K p the Coi d'Out-j O -•• • HOLMESVILIE HOLMESVILLE "Nov. '14.— • Miss Sandra Williams, of Bur- . • • • lington, and Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Pipe and Teresa, of Lon- don, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harry sWilliams. Mr. 'D. E. Gliddon spent a few days -visiting in Detroit with Mr. and" Mrs. Nelson Brown.' Mrs. W. McLean, of Goderich, visited with Mr. and Mrs,- D. E. Gliddon, Miss Frances. McCullough. of • • • • • • • O • public opinion to eschew the Toronto, visited recently with m. aesthetic entirely?' Fortunate- Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCul- .fly . there is still a nucleus of lough• . •• " those who- would die content Mr. Harry Williams has been if their sole monument could on a hunting 'trip in Northern •.• be that a thousand years hence, Ontario: as a child might find upon a living Miss Mary Helen Yeo attend - earth this beauty that they ed the Young People's Confer- . •a have known,. .A NON York taxi ence • at St. Thomas. • driver was -recently asked What- Mr. m u'las Nonan. of. Park- ;• he understood by conservation. hill, recently visited with Mr. 1 0 • He considered the question be- and Mrs. William Norman. • tween - two stop lights --equal Dr. and Mrs. Frank Norman. ' °A now to about 23 minutes in of Parkhill. were recent guests; r New York. Eventually he re- of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Norman. • . plied: Well, sir, that's a mighty • W •• 0 baffiin' question. The simplest answer is -that it is the wise- 0 61 T U A R.y _ „_. { . management of natural re- • ' . sources, Others have put it MRS. M. J. LAURIE ' • thus: The resources of the earth . not exist just to be spent Following an illness of six • payment'on'�a Con • dor the comfort, pleasure or. do J years, Mrs. Millie' .1. Laurie convenience of • the generation died Friday. November 3. in 1 • or two whoo first learn fo use hospital at Buffalo. "New -York. j them. For what shall it profit Funeral services were held 0 a man to gain the whole- moon Monday afternoon, November, , • and Ione his own earth? Not 6, at the Dohn funeral home,1 • that effort should not be ex- 143 Kenmore avenue in Buf- pended to reach the moon but rather that a more equable ex- penditure of effort would em- brace our natural resources in greater dree. An international campaign has been launched to raise ite million dollars a year to save wildlife throughout • the world •from extinction. Appropriate- ly the president is Professor J. G. Baer, a Swiss zoologist. This appointment brings to mind the true story' of -the lady who`- wrote the • Hudson Bay Company for a bear skins -for her hearth. The Company re- ferred her to a Mr. Fox who To provide for the changes and • growth in the Canadian labor, force th economy}}will have to 000 provide jobs over oted gee 1,W0, 'next five years. Total volume of business by co-operatives in Canada in 1960 was $1,406,675,000, an increase r--•eolumnist, Van inneie --.. -'-- —.----,mow--•-•-�c:-- _ .:...-....- I go to church, but I'm not "Smiley is not going to quite sure whether I'm saved change his style. Good for him. or not. I rather doubt it, I shall still enjoy Sugar and * * ' * Spice." Thank your Fred G. At any rate, let's not be Millar, of Ha�iifax, and may hostile.., There's enough bicker- your enjoyment be of many ing in the world. Some of your years' dut'ation. fellow -townsmen have come to , niy defense, in your paper. thank them, and suggest we drop the whole matter. 1 re- spect your sincerity. You must respect mirfe, * * * * * Rather 'than _ defend myself, HeatIn! :. andthe .• • Help your family stay healthythiswinter . . . make • • your home as warm and draft free as possible. • . .n • We'II help you. Here at Conklin Lumber we have everything to make your home comfortable and draft. free. • Come in today . .. we'll help you select the right winter- • izing material for your home. , ' 9, • • FOR k PI. - . T RtPt 3EE - SUET$E ONLY CRANK - iSitt ThTOOL B 1 STORM • •. • • WINDOWS • Choose the storm windows and doors to suit your budget Conklin Lumber — wood or' alum* inum whichever. you prefer. For to -a free estimatelphone today. Also • asic about our budget terms, as low as $10 per, month, with no down• I, klin Home improvement loan. • • • FOR GENERAL INSURANCE See KEN CROFT FiR �-.. giro LIABILITY. CASUALTY --Phone JA4-723 •1 • Phone Todayi� ®®gin Delay • filo. • �• �* the . late Mrs.! • LaSurvivir,., y � ••,. R. L,Thuell, of rie are rGoderich,andcal • We also stock a complete line of Weatherstripping and • niece. Mrs. G. B. Edwards, of • 0 Aluminum and Rubber Thresholds. Sheet Plastic in r Buffalo. ' Interment was ob-• w stock always - .' served al West Park Lawn in • Elmlawn cemetery, ,Buffalo. Eld- i 0 • ers Garth L. ' Campbell and • Lyle L. Mc:Vlanus officiated. ©oil or Aluminum e all QUiCK CANADIAN QUIZo L When was Daylight Saving 44 sToRm DooRs• Time introduced ha Canada? • la• 2. When was. the ,first_ factory es • • built in Canada? 0 l • 3. Labor mcote reached an all • • - time monthly peak in June. Here at Conklin's we have a full line of both Aluminum' 1,961. Was it $765 million. • and Wood Storm Doors. Choose exactly the. right door •• $L250d 's million, $1,657natio millionk i for your home and • budget at Conklin's where you can e• 4. Canada's first national park s 5. lost year Were there 7.100, •6 opened in what year? • beof quality . 0 • 0 0 14 200 - or 31,100 scholarships 0 • and bursaries available to • Canadian university students`? 0 I A • TI Aki aZ ANSWERS. •5. More than 0 ' 1.800. 3. -The -.Tune total was. $1.657 million. 1. In 1918 as •ii, , . 0INSU LA 1 ivy' : a wartime measure: it was drop - 1ed the following year. 4. In bill upto :3D%. 2 885 r it was -then called Rocky : beep the heat in and reduce your fuel almintains National Park. is now 0 We have a full range of insulation materia( and will called Banff National Park. 2. I heir you select the right insulation for the job. Call lin1783 a textile factory started by Matoday for prompt service and ,delivery. Madame Pierre de Repent-igny of Montreal: war in Europe had cut off the French settlers' supplies so Mme. de Rep ntigny established a factory that made 150 yards a day of rough but usable cloth. r enjoy the wonderful world of warmth . with £sso OILHEAT Ask your Imperial Esso Agent to introduce you to the wonderful world of Esso warmth soon. It's the kind of home heating that gives �.. tai ��amil3i -.a_pampered feeling_ Carefree, always there. And it can be =yours so easily, because whatever kind of heating equipment you• own, Esso. has the fuel to suit it. S. CHISHOLJ 20 Albert St. °N., .Goderich JA 4-7502 LOOK TO IMPERIAL FoilTHE BEST • ::::iiiik 44... lkoll:;# • Os II naAil IP 4195/ 600E810 With 611iy Me or two inissest Ponuts, WalAuti,-riee and tot. ton goods — were valued at about $41,000,000, These fig- ure* represented, hardlY !UM in the oucket of Canada's nuge international trade; KLIN ER JA 4-8321 JA 4-8322 The 1959 income tax records include -177,431 federal 'govern- ment employees, 148,326 pro- vincial governmen, enfl:oyees, and 126,680 menicipal- govern- ment employees. •••N•••••••••••••••0• of $43,000,000 over 1959. • 1 Glamopus looks take lots of work, but not lovely clothes. Not when we renew them— keep them fresh and trim - fitting with our dry cleaning! You'll like the way we press tricky pleats, reshape sag: ging skirts, tired necklines. Cali today. GODERICH French DRY CLEANERS WEST ST..14-4-8452 tb IACI(ACHI When kidneys fall to remove exoess acids and waetae. aackaoho�–tirod feeling- disturbed eeling— foIIo . Qo rest Kldney may follow. Rodd stimulate kidneys to perms!, duty. You feet better, step better, work bettor. nd Chrisimcd ROYAL BANK MONEY ORDERS Ask at any'branoh for FREE envelope arid colbutful Cbal'atMas greeting folder. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Tow -whip Of Colborne NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS Nominations to complete the 1962 Township of Col- borne Council and School Area Board consisting of: FOUR COUCILLORS, and • TWO 1WHOOL- AREA' 'FP:EMIT:ES will ,be received by the undersigned on FRIDAY, NOV. 240961 'at the Township Hall, Carlow, between the heGurs of 1 and 2 p.m- in the afternoon. And furthermore, should an election be' necessary, same shall be held on Monday, Dec. 4, 1961, between the haurs'of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. in accordance with the polling divisions established in the Township of Colborne and at the following places and with the following officials in charge, namely: Polling Div, No. 1 DRO' Mrs. R. J. Moore Forresfer's Hall, Benmiller Clerk, Mrs. S. Morris Polling Div. No. 2 A. Hamilton, Saltford Polling Div. No. 3 Township Hall, Carlow Polling Div. No. 4 Jas. Horton Residence' And l'urthermore, tipns on Nov. 24, 1961, be47held-to receive the such other business as the meeting. DRO Mrs. A. Lamb Clerk, Mrs. A. Hamilton DRO Mrs. L. Young Clerk Mrs. M. Bean DRO Mrs. T. Hunte at the conclusion of the nomina- a meeting of the ratepayers shall finkicial statements and consider might properly be brought before Signed, B.. C. STRAUGHAN, Returnirua Officer. 45 you want to make MOM money? WELL DON'T WASTE TIME ON THAT OLD AID TROUBLESOME CHAIN SAW TRADE NO ON A BRAND NEW NEER „„aNADA'S NO.1 CHAIN SAW keep 'ern healthy TOP 'MASTITIS .1 lawn) Terramycin . FOR MASTITIS gets Cows back to profitable milking sooner ' No other drug or antibiotic is effective against more mastitis - causing organisms than Terramycin. in fact„ n6 other mastitis preparatioh, at any price, can compare with Liquid Terramycin's complete solubility, rapid diffusion in the udder and quick effective control of mastitis. Liquid Terramycin milks out completely within.72 hours, Con- tains 'no grease, wax or oil and leaves no residue in the qu.arter after treatment:Liquid Terramycin for Mastitis comet in con- • The fastest, most -effective, treatment for mastitis and so economical — Liquid Terramxciii for Mastitis! .Terramyciiri ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Animal Formula • Poultry Formula wilit Anti -Germ 77 Tablets rarramycln Injectable Solution. Pfizer Research Conitibutis to Afore Profitable Farming . Argyle Repair Shop PleNtlit Mk: Britannio Rood Villa