HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-11-16, Page 3• TON, OF GOLD Tbe Jersey caw Caledon B, k.• ., Royal C. °Maid----250735-olassi- a Hobby Sed very good ---in the herd of Show G. W. J. Elliott & Sons, Gode- $dioolOntario, s has jug been awarded a Ton of Gold Certific- ate. In; 1461 days she produced 2,033 pounds of fat. ate qualify for this awafid, a cow must produce at least 2,000 pounds of fat in four copsecu- tive years. J. W. Denomme FLO WER SHOP Phone JA 4- 8132 DAY or NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING 41TF Displays Interesting Collections Foul weather did not hinder approximately 80 per cent of the parents from turning _out to Victoria Public School's an- nual open house, Wednesday evening of last week. Victoria School runs from grades 1 to 5„ including an ac- celerated grade 5 which is made up of students taking grades 3, 4 and 5 in two years. The- students of this class had been asked to write in their own words, a hypothetical en- try, in the diary of Marco Polo. These were on display and had very interesting contents. Paper mache work consisted of a very WPil Rinne-Lievi^1 pumpkins; -eats, witches and many other items admirably done. In travelling about the class- room, parents found many items of interest that took them back few years. At the same"time, they showed that the intelli- gence of the students of their day to ,that of the present day was on a par. will be pleased to accept EVENING APPOINTMENTS .Some of the many Items of interest shown were books en- titled "My Family" done by Grade 1 students; a mural en- titled, "The Hydro Linemen Help Us," which had been cut out and painted; leaf collec- tions; examples of prin i g; a board entitled "Our Fr nd, The Policeman,l,which con ed of cut out figures with -fe- tures: put in by crayon; a large, map showing the -routes of Marco Polo, Vasco Da Gama and Bartholomew Diaz with cut outs illustrating the topography of the land they discovered. Many other items were to be found by the parents attending.' A interesting room was one marked remedial reading in which the walls were covered with plaiting and ingenious games of incentive for the students. A hobby show was held in the gym and featured such items as stamp collections, spool knitting, a fossil and rock collection„ pins from various European cities and a collection of dolls from many countries of Europe. The hobby show was quite successful raising over $30 which will be used to stage the graduation banquet and to buy graduation pins for the pupils in( June. The cost of the pins. and the banquet is completely underwritten by the Home and Schoel Association. Mr:, H. M. Shackleton was very gratified with the turnout of the parents and for the as- sistance given by the Home and School Association. Dismiss Charge Against Driver eliargp- agains>; • ° oordonrL Qverholt of Goderich . was dis- missed by Magistrate Glenn Hays, in police court Thursday. Overholt was charged with hav- ing care and control of a motor Vehicle while his ability,- was impaired in Goderich on Sep- tember 5. Koert Stryker, of R.R. 2, Blyth, pleaded guilty to having beer in his possession while under the ' age all 21, in Gode- rich on October 20. He was fined $40 and costs or seven days in jail. Cornelius De Vries, R.R. 4, Goderich, pleaded guilty to fail- ing to yield half the road, in Colborne Township, October 16, and was fined $10 and costs or two days in jail. William Edwards, Lucan, was fined $15 and costs or two days in jail, for driving 45 miles per hour, in a 30 mile zone, in Londesboro on September '18. England was the first country to issue postage stamps. MEMBER _ 108 LIGHTHOUSE ST. — GODERICH .i .a.0 64,,,' ,y;,, kF:u6}4 . .rw .o -!i 'trj1 ,.. ,S..r 414, •' a' '_ :?T1 Hair Styling. TES -EPS -LONE New Creations Beauty Aids JA 4-7461 Latest Equipment MacEWAN RANGEL-. = AGENCY THE AIR- CONDITIONED PARK& FOR Colk&FORT ENTERTAINMENT Now Playing—"GIDGET GOES HAWAIIAN"—In. Tech- nicolor with James Darren, Deborah Walley, Peggy Cass,. Mon. ,Tues., Wed.—Nov. 20, 21, 22—Special Attraction The Show that activated Mr. Krushchev - COLE PORTER'S "CAN CAN" De Lux,e Color Frank Sinatra, Shirley Maclaine, Louis Jourdan' and Maurice Chevalier Thugs., Fri., Sat. -Nov. 23, 24, 25 Glenn Ford, Maria Schell and Anne Baxter A tremendous adaptation, of Edna Ferber's epic story "CIMARRON" In Technicolor Coming — "All In A Night's Work"— Adult Entertainment Shirley MacLaine and Dean Martin. Support your local Winter Employment Campaign Why postpone enjoyment of needed improve- ment around your home, plant or business ! Every year more Canadians learn that winter is the very best time to get all sorts of jobs done. Skilled-wer s ar nore-readily available and, being more productive, give you better value for your dollar. Many firms also offer discounts in the off-season lull. • In addition to home improvements there are many other things that canbe done to advantage during the winter. They include such things as maintenance of lawn and garden equipment, electrical appliances, outboard motors and auto- mobiles, as well as dry cleaning of drapes and rugs and replacement of upholstery, to men- tion but a few. By taking a realistic approach to winter works. you will also be helping your community by creating employment during the traditional winter lull. When everybody works, everybody benefits. Plan now to do it this Winter For advice and assistance, get in touch with your National Employment Office ISSUED BY AUTHORITY OF HON. MICHAEL STARR, MINISTER OF LABOUR, CANADA 6, 1019 o o 441 1NDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT Kirk Clouthier has muscular dystrophy: He's everything little boys are, but he lives in a wheelchair., He looks to Firefighter Harry Wilson as all Can,ada's ,firefighters look to you to help finance Canadian researchers in a race against time. The Muscular Dystrophy. Association of Canada's ann- ual appeal for funds begins on Sunday, November' 19th. 'Phe fund-raising campaign in Goderich is sponsored 1»' the Goderich Women's Institute under the convenership of Mrs. A. .1.., Wilkinson, °assisted by the- Boy Scouts under the direction of John Cary.' Canisters have been placed around Goderich into which it is hoped as many people as possible will place seeded money. Various organiztations in town will be asked for financial assistance through let- - ters mailed to them. aY 003.01,4,6 CALLING" YOUR AGENT OF PERSONAL ��' SERVICE AfiOC 44 North St. Phone JA 4-9531 Modern HairStyling - BY KARI9 ,�M t ''`J.— '' Now OPEN at the corner of ftl;' . . Hamilton and Newgate Streets GODERICH L I. Hair -Shaping and Permanents :. .. ESKA PROTEIN WAVE FROSTING - BLEACHING -- TINTING . OPEN SATURDAYS -= ALL DAY Appointments made to suit YOUR CONVENIENCE For Appointments Call JA 4-9732—Res. 8881 - 24tf 41 ROCK -N -ROLL .„,, cE Friday. Nights - M' from 10 to 1 Saturd'y Nights from 9 to 12 ADMISSION 75c N I, ' Lz jBLUE WATER LOUNGE Bayfield Rd.' JA 4-8374 GODERICH tf ti THANKS, GODER!CH and DISTRICT On behalf of Branch 109, Royal Canadian Legion, I would like to thank all civilians, veterans and those who assisted in any way in making the REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE at Court House Park on Saturday the success that it was. ROBERT SQUIRE, Legion Committee Chairman. -40 Mrs. Farmwife • Need extra money for CHRISTMAS ? And who doesn't?" With just a fewer hours weekly,- you eau -earn that extra income. Openings in Ashfield, Col; borne, Stanley Twps.• Car necessary. Write Mrs. E. Bell, 84B Albert St., Water -- loo, or phone e o 1 1 e c -t , SH 5-0751° before 8.30 a.m. -45 ssssssssssssssesssesss ' PUT YOUR MONEY TO WORK FOR YOU Learn how you can make MORE money through .MUTUAL" FUNDS. CALL JOSEPH ALLAIRE Phone. JA 4-7671 Representing King Merritt & Co. (Canada) Ltd. An International Organization Specializing in Mutual Funds 43tf ss•sssssssssaoseseeese COMMERCIAL ART SHO -CARDS and SIGNS LAY -OUTS * DESIGNS Sandy Welland Graphic Artist 63 Britannia Road West Goderich, Ontario PHONE JA 4-9'43 (After 6 p.m.) TF P/ctated.uc: BOSTON; LOS ANGELES LONDON AN INTERNATIONAL, DAILY',HEWSPAPER ` Interesting Accurate Complete International News Coverage The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15; Moss. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or Ei,oney order. 0 1 year $±2. p 6 months $11' p 3 months $5.50 Name Addross City • zo4' State 44-7 �•, a icia ,-y-- - Stock Evaluator Has Resigned MEN'S LEATHER DRESS GLOVES . Soft Sheepskin, Fully -hint! -- Colours: • Black -- Tan, -•-'Grey Sites: 9 to 11 HOLMESVILLE. --„Goderich Tawnship Council is.Rresenting an appeal to Provincial Live- stock ,Commissioner, W. P. Watson, for a government evaluator to • determine the vague 01 -sheep killed Icy dogs in the township. - , A series of claims by W. II. Middleton, ' R.K. 3, Clinton, amounting to about $600 this year is involved. Each- year rural townships appoint evalu- ators for livestock claims. 1:d - gar. Rathwell has been sheep evaluator in Goderioh Town- ship. Evaluators are paid $1.1,U an hour plus ten cents a mile to cover expenses. incurred 'while discharging their duties.. In July air. Middleton put in a claim tor sheep, and the township evaluator valued them at $25 for sheep and $i7 for lambs. Then in August -on an- other claim the township evalu- ator placed the .-rate.;at $35 “for - sheep and $20 for lambs. Since township council did not feel` they, should pay more for sheep lost in August, than in July they refused' to pay on this valuation. Then Mr. Mid- dleton took advantage of a right which both individuals and townships have, to appeal to the Live Stock Commissioner. A provincial evaluator came and set- the- values ---at- -$26- -for, sheep and $17 for lambs on the first claim. Then, the township was unhappy about having to pay more than that on the second claim so they appealed to the Live Stock. Commission- er and the second claim was valued. at $26 for sheep and $17 for -Iambs. Mr. Middleton refused to set- tle on that basis. Then recently he placed ,another claim for sheep losses, and again the local evaluator placed the value at $35 and $20. Again the township refused to settle for this, so Mr. Rathwcil, for the second time finding his' valu- ation refused, resigned his posi- tion. Once more the township must appeal to the provincial evaluator to help settle the •balm.-_____ ST. GEORGE'S GUILD'S • NOMINATING COMMITTEE” ,the monthly meeting of St. George's Evening Guild was held Wednesday • of last week in the Parish Hall with Mrs. Marilyn Bannister, vice-presi- dent, presiding. ' ,Minutes of the last meeting and the treas- urer's report were adopted as read. After committee reports, a nominating committee compos- ed ofIesdames Pearl Need- ham, etty Ann Samson and Jean M Ilwain was appointed to bring in a slate of officers for the coming year. - Under the direction of Mrs. Betty Carrick, former members who are now living elsewhere will receive the organization's bulletin by mail: The meeting was closed 'with prayer, after which a social half hour was- enjoyed. Local Hunters Get Their Deer Five Goderich men were among a party of 16 who re- turned on the week -end from a week's deer hunting in the Parry Sound district. They bag- ged a total of 15 deer and re- ported good weather. and good hunting. The Gdderich men were: Bruce Johnston, Al Hardy, Jim Sheardown, Bili Elliott and George MacKinnon. Winning two pots—one for the first deer and one for the larg: -est deer-= was Bill Elliott, of Goderich. LA,DOES' SPECIAL ! RAYONTRICOT BRIEFS. Celasuede Ran, Lace"Trico-.or-Band Leg. Y Gold and chrome plated sets in 18 masculine stylings. Each in leatherette satin lined box., Gianl Story Book Hard round ,covers, up to 384 pages, illustrated throughout. 7 titles to choose from. Fictinand Classic- . Books Suitable for boys or girls. Over 50 titles to choose from. 2 -Pc. Mat and Toilet Seat Cover LWC Ji! Shop Refreshed — Visit Our LuncIwe f >