HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-4, Page 4plipmenome -f• • Established 1877. NoirEs AND COMMENTS. Nations that stand roiled waitiug for Canadato fail opiees when Sir John. ia gathered to his fathers will csall for a chair ere the Dominion asks for a tombs atone. 13, S, O'NETZ, I3ANIKER, EXETER, ONT V.reneects agenerelbanklughnsineee. Reoeivee the accounts of merchants ad Dominion Goverument imposes an ex - titers oe feverable terms. Offers every aecoratuodatimaconsieteutwitli • port duty on nickel e ee and matte% areandemservativebanitir.eprinciples. That such a rimy, should, be imposed is Draftsieseeapaxabee ore'et ter at in office of the looked Iv/cr ninest ailevred on depeeite the opiaion ve •everyow who has into the matter, exceptiug, of couree, gerchaeteleank. Americane who own eninesin Canada 'NOTES DISCOWNTED, & MONEY TO and intend to do their refining in the LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES Stsles, exporting the ore for the pierese. 1". Mr 'Janie. of Glasgow, will establish extepsive nickel works in Canada, if the WWW Olt EuttvUflL The Liberal journals have been cie- labeling against the decline of the egg indiestiy, which they attributed to the eetriction encouraged by the nen, but all the while it appears that the Americans have been shipping eggs The greatest of all statesmen, it Cauada, thus showing that the de - Sir Win A. Maedonald, at this Fiend !tor e-egs in the .Anaeeican market writieg lios at the polut ot death. reantuateleurrVgieeesInvlottituel'elubl7ellaeorIT Sir jeltn A. Macdonall has been a to stemeee that if the Americana had profitable market for their eggs in then own country they would ship ego tij this stagetent Merket, but, strange to say, durmg the last fiscal year they seri 059,051 dozen valueil tt $91,773, to caoaaa. The egg dealers of Montreal have decided to Roo a deputation to Ottawa to ask that a duty be imposed upon eggs imported from the 'United States. These faete altow how the farm- er would fare with an open market be- tween this country and Stetes. THURSDAY ..11;NE 4th. 1S91 _ CANADA'S CHIEFTAIN. political Martyr, though reak specerel by all That he was lovable man is attested by the fact that friend veld foe alike, save those who refused to uourish auything but di,like to him, leved ad revere ed him for his successes, his affa- bility and his great simplicity of manner. His life shwa he became a foremost figure in polities is the history of Cenade. MR brain con- eived and his hand wrought the federation of the provinces whielt nteadowa preeented an unlertiken breadth foern tins Demitaion. and anyone of green. It only needed aunshine and Vale CODeiders the weaken inter- ests which had to he Reconciled in this great undertaking must recog- nise the grandeur at the achieve- ment as seen to -day. That was the great A ork of his life and it will stand forever as the work of a great man. And he will leave be. hind hini those who will continue what he has se wall beguu. There are those who forecast dire troubles as a result of Ins death, but the Almighty shapes the destiny of nations as he does the destiny of men. If it be the destiny of this country to be annexed to the U. S. why is it that it has •not occured 4 4 4. berm e this? Why have events all When Mr Adieu Brown was in Jamaica tended to s.rengthen Canadian he not only looked. after the proper ox power and sentiment ictstead of encouraging union with a foreigr. power? What the people want is more faith in the country, to recog- nize that their governmeutal instit utions have been fostered as a per- manency and not as a preliminary to a ra.dieaI change ; that, the fate ot the couutry is not bound up in any one man, but in all its men, and that it will be here and flour- ishing to the crack of doom. Deep and lasting regret will follow Sir John Macdonald. The news of his death will bring sadness to thous- ands of homes where his memory will be cherished as the greatest Canadian, and his workswill follow him. Keen braitts,and able hands will fake up the guiding principle where he relinquished it, and we will go lorward hopefully and faith- fully to the greatness which awaits us. Around his bier the mourning country will staud, and as the mourners gaze on the pallid face, never to be lighted again by the high intelligence which made it a eoyal face, they will not forget that he lett them a legacy which it is theirs to improve. And as they siders think of him: consign the dust to its dust it will be with the resolution to adminis- • ter the trust reposed in them truly and well under the guidance of Him who has never forsaken them that put their trust in Him. t Six woke sert there was promise o an abundant crop of grasses and cereals. The wheat had wintered eefely and the rain to till the gardene full. The ex. eerlingly unpleasant fact now faces ne that these hopes ten hardly be realised. The nights have been cool and Many of them frosty, and this, with an almost Ritmo absence of rain, has prevented much of the spring sown grain from germinating and caueed a weak and stinteil growth of that which has taken root. In some parts the rain in March prevented seeding until the drought had set in, and the remelt is that the fields present a spotted and dried up appear ance. The fell Wheet and new °laver fields atilt show fair vitality, but the yield is not likely to be anywhere near the high water mark so will& tatty look- ed for. Ohl meadows have suede little progress for weeks past. Of course there is yet time for a change for the better in the condition of the crops, and it is to be hoped that it limy come soon. hibitioa of Canadian products there, but boomed another enterprise of interest to Canadians generally. He promoted a pissject to send a tine exhibit to the Canadian fairs thic autumn. 74 Is pro- posed to make up u representative ex- hibit of all the producte of that favored clime, so that tho reeources and com- mercial commodities of Jamaica may be familiar to Canadians. This is a wise move, for if Jainacia is tcepurchase more largely from us we must stimulate the trade by buying more largely from her. The Klugston Gleener favors embellish- ing the exhibit with a hundred photo- graphs of the views of tropical scenery so much admired by visitors. This would give outsiders an idea of "pictur- esque Jamacia," and attact a share of tourist travel, and Mr Brown is to be commended for his part in the matter. Let the South Huron Society secure the exhibit for their fair. I Whilst Sir John A. Macdonald was in the prime of life and vigor; in fact up to a few days ago the Reform press branded him as a Trickster of the lowest order, and totally unfit as leader of a true Canadian Parliament, but the foll- owing from the Detroit Free Press, an American Journel, will show what out- -------- - Notice has been given by the educational Department that in the examinations for July next, candidates will not be allowed to write for both the Primary and Junior Leaving Certificates, and that only the following will be eligible to write for the Junior Leaving Certificate: (a) Those who have passed the Primary examination. have made rnore than the aggregate of marks required, but have failed in one or more subjects. (b) Those who were quali- fied to writeet any other previous Junior Leaving examination. ..odeminomm* Methodist Ministers. -- Following is the Exeter District list of stationers of the London Conference of 'the Methodist Church, 1891, according to the first draft, which. is under correction: - Exeter, Main Street -E. B. Laircerey. Exeter, James St! eet -A. L. Russell, Id filimville-John Russell, S. Schofield. Centralia -S, 3. Allan. • Crediton -R. Redmond. Birr-C Barthrop. • Bryanston -G. H. Thompson. elelrose-P W Jones, J. M Collins, superannuated. • Sylvan -J. C Nethercott. Grand Bend -J E • Rev Mr Wilson, of Main Street Church Exeter, is down for London test. Minard's Liniment cures Colds, &e. Tleileorne- Senool. Berries -The following la elm report ler 5 S No 1:Debora:to, for the mouth ef Mar The names are in order of merit; V class-Mclie eeekell, BessieJeckell,Norni Keddy ; IV Sr, Roden Yeekell, Cabel Cad more ; IV Jr, Orace Oadmore.Prank White, Tonle Swan; III °lass, Clarisse Minnie Daum Susie Cese; II chem. Edith Lowe, Blanche Mitchell, Ulna Riateliford ; part le, Laura Jeokell. Ed Down. Nettie Zebostou; Pint I, Beet Reddy, Harry Welke Herb Diatchfotti, "The Premier was the ideal eeader of the Conservative party, and the devotion of his followers to his fortune amounted almost to political idolatry. He was the best politician that the Dominion ever produced, but he was more than that. He was a provincial statesman whose vision was continental, While his life was devoted to the service of Canada he was for many years one of the foremost men in the British Empire, distinguished above his fellows iu those vast colonies of Britain that girdle the earth. To look back over the great retrospect of Sir John A. Mac- clonald's loug pixblic life is to review the whole history of greater Canada. * • . Centralia. Ewers -Mem Manion, of London, is the guest of. efre Re. N Ii7eu, of Corbett, paid our town a flying emit on ;amide; lase--efr Isaac Pleudford, ef Mooresville, wasin our midst Standee lad. --Mre3 0, Sheardown was visitiug friends in Lucite last week„ -Miss Dorothe Rollins who had been lioine for a week retanne3 to London on Monday last,- Mr Marsha, 1 Ateingen. et Didrielph. and eIr TAG Shoe bottom, of Landon townstrip, were the Resets Of AS eleFaila of the Daffodil Some. on Sunday last. --One of the direst looking load of pioniceris that ever struck Grane Rend left here on Wednesday morning for the above named else* to peso a pleasant flay on the lake shore weigh they del be boating, fitileiug, singiug and other sports, all retureing in the evening well eatitidel with the dars fan -In Hewett news of t week we neticed that Howell sellout boys mild like to peg foot -hall with nent. be Cacao they said we were in the mune hole with them. Well, U Pleusell boys think this they are Mistaken. as it rakes a bates. teatia then either Egnieneville Or liensall to pet as there if the referee don't do all the work for them which be did ellen we played Egraendville. When elm fernarde would melte a rneh for gee he woule call a And where there svas none at all, end when lenge onr right wing unintentionally kiekeil one of their playere in tee aye and Oren running the hall and made a goal he would not count it. But our boo are waiting with patience to have aeother eight wide Be- Mereleille. Let Us hear emu Roman, Zureeb. Bruere.-Inspector Tom made an Mit. visit of our public school on Wed. i.eday publie meeting was held in Peine's bell on filondey evenieg for the purpose of considering the Advisabil- ity of having veleisratiett of the let of July. Mr J. was elected to take the chair and Mr Sam. J. Latta to Act as secretage The feeling of the meeting WAS in favor of holding a cele- bration. A committee Wag appointed re eanrint the village and alleertiein the possible mount, of funds likely to be collected. The committee vill meet in open mooting on Thursday evening to report. All who ere interested will please attend. -An English Sundae, School class bas been orgemzed in Con- nection with the Evangelical Sunday School. efr SAM. J. Latta principal of the public school has been appointed as teacher. The English speaking people ought to take advantegeof this splendid privilege and turn out regularly to make this class a success -Mr Jolm Scott Sanitary Inspector, for the Eastern Division of the municipality of Hay, was in the village on Tuesday evening on business, relative to the repairing of the lIensall drain. This drain was con- structed in 1877. The plans. estimates, profiles. ore ee,e ramie by Engineer Audruw Bay. The total -cost of con- struction being $365 which amount was borne and paid by assessment of certain lots in the vicinity of the amen, It seems that this drain is badly out of re- pairs arid is in a very bed sanitory con- dition. The work of repairs will prob- ably be clone under the direction of the couneil, but the expenses of such will be borne and peid in the same manner as it was originally constructed. -Council met as a Court of Revision in the Town Hall on Saturday. There was but one appeal which according to the minutes to be found in another issue, was not sustained. This speak/4 well for the assessor, Mr Lipphardt. It shoves great care and good judgment andthe eouncil should be congratulated on obtaining the services of such a competent man. - Mr F. W. Farncomb, of Exeter, was in the village on Saturday. His business was the presenting to the council of his report of the drains in the "Big Marsh" We understand that the report was ac- cepted, and the work will be pushed ahead as quickly as possible. The esti- mated cost is somewhat over $14,000. The Canada Company own the greater part of the land in this vicinity, and will consequently bear the greater part of the expense. -Mr F. Hess, reeve of Hay, accompanied be. Mr V. Ratz, Reeve of Stephen, examined the Town Line last week and we believe a large amount of money will be expended in repairing the road this summer. -Mr Green, of Fan - town, contractor for the gravelling of div No 2, centre road, called on the reeve on Tuesday last --Mr Chas Greb raised his mammoth barn last week. A large number of men attended, and the building went up well. Mr Greb has not forgotten his trade yet. -The direc- tors of the Mutual Fire Insurance Co., met in the village on Saturday last. - Mr 3. Williams, paehmaster, has com- pleted a good gravel sidewalk on the north side of Main Street from Mr H. Randall's paint shop up to Dumart's tannery. Mr Hideman has also cone. pleted a splendid board sidewalk up to the public school. This was a long felt want and Mr H. is to be, congratulated on the splendid job he has made of it. -What's the matter with the Plugtown correspondent Has the attack by the Farquhar correspondent extinguished him ?-A splendid shower of rain fell in ' this vicinity on 1VIonclay night and Tues- day forenoon. The vegetation in this vicinity was beginning to look pretty dry. Although the shower was but a slight one, yet everything seems to have been quite •refreshed. --Mr Randall is wearing a smiling face just now -a girl. "Canada has grown in domain, ireeopu lation, in wealth and in influence during all the years of SirJohn's preponderenee in her affairs. She extends froni ocean to ocean and from lakes to the frozen ses, • The great railroad enterprise . which wag the occasion of his only retirement from public life has become a marked success and one of the chief glories of his long administra- tion. He had but just trinmphed in his last appeal to the people of the Dominion, and been again trustei with the govern- ment. "He was at the very zenith of his great Lime when the summons came, He leaves no incomplete task of nation .bueding. He has uot found the isemi-sovereign republic which he created ungratefuLtor the incense of the aoprovee of 'the people came still fresh upon hie senses from their last op- poreunity to express it." London population, according to the assessors' returns, is 31,240. A. stepdaughter of Mr George Hunter • ef Caradoc, was leading a horse on the • farm ond the horse kicked her in the •jaw, breaking it in two places. Osborne C91,14011, - Comm or Revenox-The Court of Re- vision was !mid on the 30th of May, at 10 ceetoek a.m. All the members were pre-, sent, and duly, sworn. The reeve was appointed cluorma.n. In the matter of the appeel of Wro Edwierth, against being aseeesed for a dog, it was decided on motion of J Shier seconded by Kydd to allow the appeal, and to asses e the dog to Win Coultice the owner of the RAMO, It Tires 1110Ved by d Halle tteconded by J Steer and resolved that the following additions and amendments be made to the assess- ment roll viz Thos Fitton assessed as owner of pt 15 con 1, eke John Walsh re' rnoved, name struck off. Henry Kerslake, decerteed, name Oen* off. Mary Arm Jury assesaed vice Simon Jury deeeased, Immo struck off- Christopher Ilodgios, asseesed as owner of Lots IS, %mit 2 Ana 3. John Rieke added as fernier's son, lot 0, cou 0. Joeeph Dinelin, Assessed es owner of pt lot G. N T R. Alfred Millere und Robt Hielme dog aissessmente .track off. Thee Potheringliarn, asseseed as teeaut for hotel preperty. Woodham, vice W. G. Brown, removed name struck ofe. Mary Thompson, asseesed as joint owner of lot 19 X el B. OR motion of ij flallesecontleil by W Keelii, the roll as revised wee con- firmed mid the Court or Revision closed. Goineen, Meeeixo -Ti,,; couneil we* on the Se h of eley after the Court of Revie• Uhl was closed, All the members preeent The minutes of the previous meutieg were read and Approwel. the etsessment roll for 1891 be accepted sad an order strewn taU the treasurer for the asaesaor'e refiery.-Carried Cameron- that by law Xo 3 -1891-ep Pinting 3,titniaater5, as non' read b psssed.--4arried. Balls ---04111erart--that the reeve he authorized to expend $59 in gravelling on the. London Read itouth of eleeter.-Cerried. Shier-Ifelle-thatthe reeve end deputy reeve be empowered to met a committee of the Riddulph Couueil end to ino.ke whet experuliture they deem necessary to put the south boundary road in gorel repain-tearriee. Ktetile-Cain• ren•-theit a epeeitil greet of $70 be merle to the Themes Seed. $10 el eeld gemet to be expended in tho N tV ware wed $il0 in the N E warre-earried. Calller04- Brimacombe receivethe sum of $10 for keep of A Carinicheet.--Cerriee The following ordere were granted viz P McGee, rep appreeehte to bridge, $1 ; Morley, rep oulvort. $1; F F Eyre. keg f spikes, $3 73 ; W Minors, eatery as aSieaser, Via ; Serowe% keep of Hewitt Auet wife, $13 ; W Delmen, grading and, rep bridgee, 83 50; E Kermit, grading $1 60 Thee %nate, new bridge anil awe dry repairs. $12 02 ; John Hunter, jr., cedar poets, $3 24; Theo Briumoorobe, keep of A. Cermicluiel, $10. Hails -Reed -that the council adjourn to meet again n Saturday ;hay 4th nt 11 °este& a.m. G. %V. Iroeueen Frank Leslie's Popular Montbly FOE amee, 1891. New °deans, besides being a eentre of interest in connection with the Mafia tragedy %Welt bee lately caused an iotareeenial diploinatio flurry, is a city of checked .hietary and never -failing pietureagnenean. 'belle Mat, the weleknovm and raoy Sonth OM writer, gives some vivid impressione of "Now Orleaus. Yesterday and Te-tley," in a richly illustrated article which lee& Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for Jona. Nelly Hart Woodworth. whose bird papers are charming monthly feature of this magazine writes Realm "Vermont Homes anderrionde" Alphonse do Lameriine, the great poet and .1k.townow .WAoct$ 0011telOarY France has juet oele brated, is the subject of a thenehtfre and interesting asticie by Richard B Ziniball L L D. Antaretio Exploration, and Nor- denskiold'a now expedition, are discussed by John Laird Wileme Other illustrated arteries are; "Font Saelling,u by Major Win H Powell; "Carer the Mont Oellie to Italy"; ‘.Curio Shops and Curio Stalls in Japan," by Douglas Sladen; and "Tlae New English, French aud German Magazine ' by a British Army Officer. There are shout stories and sketches by Captain Burt Arnold David leer, Fannie Avner Mathews, Bern- ard Altuonte and others, and a number of dainty Nemo. The annual convention of the Mani- toba W. C. T. U. is in session at Winni- peg. • .Tarctes Havill, about 50 years (gage, deaf ond dumb a brother of Mrs D, Barker, of Paris, Ont., was instantly killed by a wast -bound freight train on theiG. T. 8, main line Sunday after- noon. 33rd Huron. Battaliou of Infantry, Goats - rich -To be Majora, Captain Robert Crockett, M. $ , from No 1 Company, vice W. F. Murray, retired ; Captain John Arthur Stanley Varcoe, R S I, from No 9 Company, vice j. G. Wilson, promoted, To be Adjutant. Leintenant John A. Wilson, R. S. I., from No 3 Company, vies Henry Cook, deesased. No 1 Company, Goderich -To be Captain, Leintenaut Dudley Holmes, R. S. 1, view Rs Crockett, promot- ed. No 3 Company, Seaforth-To ber Leintanant, 2n3 leiutenant Alesaltle- Wilecn, R. . vibe J. A Wilson, appoint, ed Acjulant. No 9 Company, Dungannon -Tobe Captain Leiutenant Wm Yowl g R. 8.7., vice J A $ Vercee, promoted. To le Lieutenant, provisionally, Robert Huston, geutlemen, vine W Young, promot- ed. To be second.........gLeiutenant, provisionally Thoutss Hamilton, gentleman, TUE SPRING MEDICINE—The popularity which Hood's Sarsaparilla has gained as a spring noel Mae is wonderfn I. It, possesses just these elenients of healthgiving blood purifying and appetite restoring which everytpdy seems to need at this season. Da not oortinue in a dull, tired, unsatisfactory conditipn when yen may be so much benefit ed by Hood's Sarsaparilla. - It purifies the blood and makes the weak strong. • laser Rink, the Depertment of Agrieulture, Clues SHEEP AND SWINE—Secretary Washington bas ordered that all sbeep and swine Aeiel; are imported from Canada into the Wed Stares shell be subject to the regulati ns of the Department of Agrioul taro of 4ate Oct. 13, 1890; and the third and sixte regulations of geld date, as ap- phoable o Canadian sheep and swine, ars resainde . and all animals named in said regulati r, except cattle, imported from Canada irs subject to the same conditions and req irements as if they were imported into the United States from Greet Britain and tho i continent of Europe. And all sheep and swine imported from these corm tries mud be held in quarantine for aperiod only wer held in quarantine, but under of not than 15 days. Formerly cattle the Edmunds Bill all &asses of live stook • imported, except horses, mutt suffer deices tion as a precaution against the introduc- tion of contagrous disease -cattle, ninety dos ; sheep and pigs fifteen days, It is expected tbat this order will be rescinded, those bitereeted in this line, in tbe U. objecting seriously to it. 'English Spavin Limment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumin and EtImnit.has from horses, Blood §pavin, Cneha, eplie Ring Bone, Sireeney, Sprains, Zi and Swollen Throe.ts, Coupe. eto. Save $50 by use of one es eele. Werrantod tee meet wonderful Bleraizh Cure.over known. Sold by C. Lutz, Drzegist • Seel:then Courtoa, °ranee. lifay 26,1801. All the members present, Coattail teak the necessary oathas members of gond of Revision, Mt Betz was appointee chairman. The following were the cages of appeale ; &twee Clear,, too high assesement Jag Correll too high assessment ; RSV J Allan, too high, aeseeseeeet, reduced 5509; T 13 Martha tea high asseeraneat, tie adieu ; G feriehieue, too high asseinnumat. redo°. ed 8109; A Ewald, too high aesesereent. reducee 550 • Penhale, dog off. Moved and reselveethet the Court of Revision be now closed. General busiuess was taken up. Sherritt-Waerth-eiliat the assessment roll be aeoeptel. Eilber-Sherritt-teet R Woke and 0 Chrietie look far grayel in kir Rea - veils pit. efr Sherritt and reeve te goo to require- ments ef Gore road. Resolved that 525 l,e grantel towarde improving the roai ou erst block on 121h. concessioa, on contlition thet the statute labor be done on said portion and the people draw and dump on sale portion 21 good leads; of gravel and Out tbe pole:easter be eoininiesioner. &naval that R Hicks Flee to a culvert near G \Yokota's. Reseleeel tied 11 Eilber end P Wisertli see te re:Miring reel 0 1 kite eon north of Orednen. Rilber-Eiloks-th0t the trettaurer untidy t eerie all parties boleined to tee panty by maligns° or otherwim that MB payment tenet be mele by November let 1891. Eilber-Sherritt-thut the refunded in. ems& on alud Greek debentures be divided between the parties whn were esheyeel to pay said debentures in proportion to aractlata so paid. The following orders were greeted St Wino, rep bridge, St 50; 0 Hoffman, Jo 45 coutrOas, 013 ; 4 Sanders. 11 11 contraet, 530 75; 3 King. 13 11 contraet, 337 35; G Mantle, 13 13 contract, $10 40; G naugu• rep culvert 0 R. 01 25; W Baker. ditch 4th eon. 53 25 ; 3 5farehall, onlvert Oen- Oahe. 52; NI 0 Orion, tile 8 R. 02 75 ; QJ) Debentures io fall 025 70; W 510; Crediton Fair, 519; 0 Bunker, ditch 23. 510; 3 BilarYOlr. rep bridge. 44 40; J Tenerife rep bride, 01 25; 0 \\Ilion, dog tax refautled. 31; J Misebell, II 11, 8.1 80; 11 lhitsr1 document filo. 52; rink bitter *sad others 0 R. 521 75; Mrs New. combs. 56; 0 Stone, rep culvert, 54;4 Sherron, keep W E. $9. Omega, Atkin:lured to meet again first Monday in July. Tbe follswiug siontracts were let. 07,13 a atar4N9 =zee* et eee eereeeehe.e0A eent=.-eleleie, e; tee-reereUelease 047i1:-.: rit 0 2 W 04 1 ti '74 I ee. et dee to e A Q s.434 A ,..21:4va r ,0 Vete= AtF: 1.6,1ti eng,11,1=, 111144=474 $4.14;4t /421 ne'-heesMee oe or.gezpitp,p.ez =As AcUla*Well2 ng waa A'Ag PSeAteeMS 9 sle 222 174! .6neleeeveeeeetc01e, cie1elea neeeere erase. 4-4 „ 'a ,E rot•Isa ,•••4:14.0 AIMPP p•r.101.....MONOVO MO The sane -laden winds Irom the Lake Michigan allures have wiped mit the town of Singapore, near Sangatnek, merlon, Every bruise except lnie bus bean complete ly covered up, and the fataily in this lone houee has now been compelled tomer+) into the mond floor, the sand having filled the drat- The same *nee, it is claimed, will eventually drive tho people to the roof, as these sand dunes respeot-neither man nor his abode, and this little old town will be come as teorougbly buried as Pompeii. TILLT. P.Mc LIAUGEILIN, MEM - LJ tier of the oollego of Playsielans and Surgeons. Ontario. Physician, &noon and Accolichour. Office, HENSALL, ONT. MOWS BORN. DEMPSEY—ID Ueborne, on the 281h ult., the wife of John Dempsey, a son. Busweee-In lesborne, on the 801h ult, tho wife of Geo Emma, a daughter. Leeneroer-In McGillivray, May 271h, the wife of John Lightfoot, a daughter. Roses's- tI Exeter South, on 29th May, the wife of Sam. Parsons, a son. TAILOR—Iu Exeter. on the 81st May, the wife of John W Taylor, A eon. Guserwo -In Blanshard, May 21s1 a daugh- ter to the wife of Ur Alfred Gunning. FEMME -In Usborne, on June let, 1891, the wife of James Erase, a daughter. Gneetr-1u Hay, on the 31st May, the wife of James Green, a daughter. SOI7TECOTT—III Exeter, on June 1St, 1891, the wife of Wm. Southoott. a son. MA.RRIE 0. - — DUFFIELD -SADLER-On 28th May. by Rev J Green, at the reeidenee of Mr Wm. Duffield, John Duffield to Jane, adopted daughter of the late James Sadler, of Usborne. MCDONALD—HORNET—At the residence of the bride's pare te, on the 2nd inst. by the Rev e. ff. Cook, Hensel!, Mr ins*., McDonald, to Miss Dorcas Horsley, (laugh. Inc of Mr Henry Horney, all of Usborne •townsliip. • LBOAL. DIOESON, Barrister, Soli, eiter et Supreme Court, Notary Publie, Conveyancer. Cutfluilasibnerfr, 'to Money to (loam, 0 eleeie Fanson'oBlook, Exeter, DIED. liaexosi -In Mitehen, on the 24th all, Ann Hannon, aged 72 years. SALE REGISTER. Wednesday, June 10th -Land and resi- dence, the property 'of Same Cornish, Eau. ter: Sale at 2 o'clock. Joner Gime Amt, R. El. ool,LINs, Barrister, Solicitor, conveyancer, Etc, 3h)r..BTETt* ONT. Office corer the Poet Office, 1414ToT & Barristers, Solicitors, Rotaries Nilo, Conveyancers 86o, 80,, foney to Loan at Lowest Bates of Interest. OFFICE,. MAIN - STREET, EXETER, nr44Tor., j nritigOT, wwwwww.r. Elegant Prizes for the Ladies. The Publishers of "The Canadian Queen" Toronto, Canada, are offering two new prize competitions, with leading prices consisting of a'oefur of Shetland Ponies, carriage and harness* a Free Trip to Europe, first-olass upright piano, two weeks vacatIon to any summer resortin Cancan or tho Halted Ststos, all eepenses paid; safety bioyolo or triorolo, hunaree dollen in arum, salt a 3? parl,.,r Lora at. ladies' gold etc., magedire has become i've.10;i•1. on a000unt of itEc vlige ooMpotitions. 1.1unk.ds of Otin,%14,no hezo won valuable eseiin preeirmece Nts..4)...•••••,ploretunixor of .J teen" .1 p eset t; the pu -1•••S upon reeseet o: the ad- "., . kite 0.1ayticaliste, will be droz of WV' Ltani ',21 four 8 octet -steams. Ad- drtss. Tra cetera, TOrOnt0.0P.P.A1%* " " " 2r; CitiLotela DENTAL. IM. 0. EL. INGRAM. 1)ENTIST, Suceessor to II. L.Billings. (Member of the Royal College of Dente.* eingeonse Teetb ineertee with or wittiont Plate, in Gold or Itubber. 4 safe enteeteatio given for the pelulees extractioe of teete. Pietes seemed AFPAY ta. Pb.G ItWatii by Ye3neete 1'etee.4 \neve. ' OFF,WE Over O'Neil% Bank. IGIVNII ever PrelaY. ENTIST,,Lep, Ftnso SUA Meek, Malu-sk, Exeter, Exteacte Teeth without lakIa. Amity at Heeseee on nrat Pretty; Craig. secoud, And Venni Tueedeen teril Zimmer on tlie holt Thurs. day of eiteh mouth. ..,_111•11119WWillWWIPPIrVINWPWWWINOW .1.11!!WWW111 el MAXI W. BAOWNIN0 M, 0 • P. 5, Graduate Victoria, Uuivers tys Oftlee and residence. Demenion Lehi a.• tory. Exeter. UYNDUAN, Caroller for Clef L. County of ItIII011. Ofilte, opposite Carling Bros. atore,Easter. J A. ROLLINS, M.O. 8, 1.1 0. Oface, Main 111. Exeter. Oat gestrieure, neulte recently occupied by P. uorbiturt Kari. CUTTEN, M. D., 0. it, 0 Graduate Trinity. liuiversilie, Tor. onto a Fel, Trin Med. seihooliTerouto • Oriel. Aut ineteCrealeloge ; Member N. Y. Acad. AntbroPolasr; Ntentber OW, P. S., Ont. - office. Dashwood. 0 ut. 11R. DAVID M. STAEI1LER, fUNIVEIRSITT ov TORONTO) Physician. Surgeon. ole. Having omit the winter ,of Ilie6-b7 in New York, and winter of 1887-11S in Vienna, Austria. Oman ; OREDITON. ONTARIO. DR, WOODRUFF •••••••.•••• Disemma of the lar.e EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eye_ lasses and Spectacles furnislice for both Near and Distant Ahrers at bowo.excapt on Fridays. No. 1815 Queen's Avennei !Auden, Qatari AUOPIONE ERE). HARDY, LICENSED A (IC- -1-J• • tienoer Inc tlie County of Ituron. Mimes moderate. elreter P. 0. A J. ROLLINS, LIOENSEp C. Airetioneer for Counties Heron and Middlesex. Residence, 1 mile south of Exeter. P. 0., Exeter. BOSSEI1BERRY, General Li - 1 -4 • oonsod Auctioneer Sales conducted iu anpavta. Satisfaotionguarantood. Charges moderato, Heiman 310, one HENRY EILBER Licensed Auc- tioneer for the Counties Of Huron and afiaillosex . Sales aontlneted at mod, orate rates. Office, at PoSt-oilloe, Ore& ton Ont. DEC. PORTER, GENERAL • • AnotioneerandLandlialtustor. Orders sent by mail 10 xny adenine Hayfield P. 0., will receive prompt attention. Terms moder- ate. D. H. PORTER, Auctioneer. sammenummummuml, VETERINARY. Tennent& Tennent EXETER, ONT. , -- Gradnat es of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. Opexon : Ono boor South of Town Hall, MONEY TO LOAN. 'VrONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND VA- per cent, 525,000 Private _Funds. teat Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICHEION, Barrister, Exeter, SURVEYING. FRED W. FARNOO&IB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- . a-xiviumm, maxim, °Mr°, Upstairs.Samwell's Bleck, Exeter. 00 INSURANCE . rpHE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP CANADA. Head Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property andprivate repidences, either on buildings or oontents,the most favorable protection in 05,80 of loss or damage by fire orlightning , at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- ablecompany min afford to write. 42,375 pen: Mos in force lstjan ,1890. Assets 5378,428.00 in cash in bank. Povernmont depost. Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JAMES GRANT, • President; 13.0. MoDONALD ,Manager. DAVID SAQuES, Agent for Exeter an dvi oinitv 91 E WATERLOO MUTUAL • 1. FIRE INSW4H0 E CO isstabetsie—d in 1863. HEAD OFFICE WATER400,ONT. • This Company has beon over reeente-eisbt years iri successful oporation in Western Ontario, and continuos to insure against loss or Oamage byPiro. Buildings, blercbandise, Manufactories and all other descriptions of insurable property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this company ' has issued 57,096 Petioles, covering property to the amount of 840,872 038; and paid in lobses alone 7..tiel5e2t310°: eated,loomo, consisting of Cash. in Bank Government Deposit and tho enemies - sed Premium Notes on hand and in foroe. 3. W. Weenier, M.D., President; 0 1W.. TAYLOR Secretary; J. 13.1limmes, Inspector. CHAS, SNELL, Agent for Exeter rind vioihity.