HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-11-02, Page 111' SUCCESSFUL IN EXAMS FOR THEIR R.N. DEGREE The following girls have re- ceived word that they were successful in passing their Reg- istered Nurses' examination; Miss Norinc. Meyer ,and Miss Anne Meyer, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William Meyer, R.R. 3, Goderich; Miss Carol Ann Zim- merman daughter of Mr. and • Mrs. Peter Zimmerman; Miss daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. 'Guy Rosalie Bedard, daughter of Mr. Emerson -graduate of Victoria and Mrs. Gordon. Bedard -all Hospital. graduates of St. Joseph's Hos- pital. A classified ad in the Signa1. Miss Eleanor. Emerson, itar brings quick results. ,A10111.10.11111111111.•01.1.111, TIGER DUNLOP LASS1E$ The sixth meeting of the Tiger Dunlop Lassies was held at the home of Colleen Con: elly, wjth Anne Falkiner pre- siding. Th d business of the meeting was in charge of Sharon McClinchey. The next meeting on October 30, is to be held at the home of ,Barbara Linklater. Joanne Kolkman acted as secretary for the meeting. Otr ) JANE PARKER CRACKED 'WHEAT BREAD • -ot vara.. loaves NelwrisYorjrPkl,1st A former Goderich and Au- burn resident, Mrs. Jean Abel, of Fingal, stood first in a sub- scription contest of the St. homes Times -Journal and wins a trip to New York City and a special cash prize of $W She is the former Jean Campbell, daughter of Wm. Albert Camp- bell and the late Mrs. Campbell, ci9of dAeurilazniHer brother,..Don- ald, resides on Quebec street, 4n 1U,7iiki.itnifiKr.is Mier, Kenneth, and a sis- ter, Mrs. A. J. Spiegelberg. -fiMvae%rieadughttoersC. apt. •i,Stanley J. Abel, they have a family of Acquitted On Theft Charge In Magistrate's court here last Thursday, Robert Joseph Laforge, of no fixed address, Amisioracquittedcharge of attempted theft. Magistrate Glenn Hays felt there was not sufficient evidence for convie tion. He commended, hoiv-.1 ever, the alertness .of the -clerk who reported Laforge. William Douglas, of Toronto, was fined $10 and costs for be-, -dmisk--ia,-,a-publieb ristreno.......nay. Douglas -TM serve two days. Robert Joseph John Michal- ski, 19, of 173 Highbury avenue, London, was fined $40 and costs or five days in jail after he pleaded guilty to a charge of, car theft. The youth admitted stealing .a..... -motor._ vehicle - -belonging, 1.0 Malcolm Clark, of Varna, on S,eptqinber 23. Lynn Barry Doerr, 19, of Zurich. received a two-year sus- pended sentence on an indecent assault charge to which he had pleaded guilty in -Exeter magis- trate's court on July 25. Lorne "Earl Power, Goderich, was fined $10 and costs or. rwo days when he pleaded guilty to driving 69 milnq an hour in a i 60 -mile zone" of Goderich Town- ship, October 5. ‘,......- v...evelesetamwev/yet Reg. loaf 20c - SAVE 5c Save on Canned Foods at A&P York (In Tomato Sauce) PORK aril'EAN$ 2.20-fi-oz tins33c 'Parltry Shelf) Choice Whole MUSHR OMS 210 -fl -oz tins 69, Ocean King Fancy . COHOE SALMON s2wstins79c JANE PARKER TWIN ROLLS' pkgs of 12. Reg. pkg'29c - SAVE 9c AVE WITH THESE OTI4 'JANE PARKER QUALITY SOLD ONLY AT YOUR BAKED IN A&P's cnitN. BAKERY nY MASTER BAKER'S JANE PARKER Reg. 59c -SAVE 10c CI-IERRY PIE. Super -Right Quality Meat Feature ! PORK I\ SHANKLESS. UL ER 'ROAST 10. each STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE! JANE PARKER LARGE FRESH, LEAN, ANGEL each 3 1 'Reg. 55cSAVE 16c CAKE E. JANE PARKER INDIVIDUAL Reg. pkg 3 -3AVE 6c CINNAMON WHIRLS Pkg 9c jeiCHIP WAFERS JANE PARKER HOMESTYLE DONUTS JANE. PARKER, TWIN PACK • POTATO' CHIPS' • Reg'pkg 35c -SAVE 6- 10 -oz pkg 9c Reg. pkg 35c -SAVE 6. pkg 016.29C Reg. pkg 59F-SAVE,10o * • 12 -oz pig 49, More Savings on A&P Super -Right Quality Meats FRESHLY GROUND, ALL BEEF, HAMBURG 1 CED EEF SHORT CUT CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND BEEF* SUPER -R HT, 4, T, RROWNN egivE Tuts ST ) GRAQE 9vEr4 READY, YOUNG HENS' ib 8 -oz pkg 3 SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC TTAGE ROLLS AVERAGE 10 TO 14 -LB MAPLE LEAF, THINLY SLICED ED' HAM SCHNEIDER'S, COUNTRY P011 SUOED BEEF BOLOGNA STYLE, PURE GES. 1.46 pkg 39c ,-,59, 8 -Oz pkg 59c lb 4 , FANCY QUALITY, SLICED, SKINLESS BEEF LIVER 16 39c FRESH FRUITS- and VEGETABLES FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS, NO.;1 GRADE, FULL OF JUICE, S,ZE 96's GRAPEFRUIT - ..., SCARLET PIPPINS, FOR EATING OR COOKING APPLESFancy Grade VALENCIA, FANCY GRADI ORANGES bag 3 9,. 5 -lb cello bag 65c NEW CROP, FLORIDA, NO. 1 GRADE, GREEN SLICERS 2621 GROWN, CRISP AND TENDER •CUCUMBERS WASHED, NO. 1 GRADE, BpADFORD MARSH CARROTS. ONTARIO GROWN, YELLOW COOKING ONIONS No. 1 Grade 3 -lb cello bag 19c -113 cello bag 25, KINGSBRIDGE, 4 • • KING€BRIDGE, Ot. 31.- Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCom;ille ‘90 and dn,i:.fhter. of Toronto. visit- 1) ed Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin over the „week -end. Mr. nncl Mrs. Britre Hansord,. of Galt, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dalton over the week -end. Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frayne spent Saturday with .relatives here. Mrs.. Genevieve Kinahan. of St. Marys, visited her brother,. Mr. John O'Connor, during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. ,C. Mass spent the week -end at their cot- tage. Mrs. Peter Vogt, of Detroit, has. beed visiting her brothers, Frank and pa t Sullivan. • Move To London. -Mr. and Mrs. Edwirp Meyer and family have left to make their home in London. Friends and neigh- bors gathered at the school for a social evening `before their departure. Mr. Warren Zinn read the address and Mr. Gor, don Valad presented them with gifts arid a purse of money. We wish them happiness in their new home.' The first card party of the season was held in the parish hall on Friday evening. The high lady was Mrs. Bernadine Kenny, of Detroit; low lady, lars....Matthajtblei. Henry Drennan; consolation prize, Mr. Jack Van Osch.' BRIDGE SCORES Nine tables were in play on Monday flight at the Duplicate Bridge Club. North and 'South winners and their scores were as follows: Dr. arid Mrs. W. A. Oakes, 71; Mr. and Mrs. K. Hunter, 66; Mr. R. Bradford and Mr. B. Sheardown, 561'; Mr, L. Terry and Mr. J. Folks, 5512. East and West winners were: Mr. J. V. Thomas and Mrs. D. R. Stoyle;' 77.: Mrs. A. Nicol and Mrs. J. Sully, 76; Mrs. J. M. Donnelly and Mrs. B. Ross,I 661/2; Mrs. R. Wheeler and Mr. John McLeod. 611!:. OoderiOh SIgnal-Star, ThAltWidaYi November 2,, Mt 11: MRS. E. CARR,NOBLE GRAND Instal Officers Of The Rebekah Lodge Mrs. Elva Carr was installed as Noble Grand of Goderich Rebekah Lodge No. 89- MQnday evening by Mrs. Carmen Mc- Pherson, ,Clinton, the District DePutX.X.re0i0,04„ftgliroa „PM; tridt'Nor.28f'` .1* The colorful ceremony was perfOrmed by Mrs: IVIcPherson,,' assisted by her installing team and, a guard -of honor -compris- ing the officer:: of Huronic Lodge, Clinton. Other officers installed for the entitling term are: Mrs. Charles Moore, vite- grand; Mrs. Joe Moody, vice - cording secretary; Mrs. Frank Bowra, financial secretary; Mrs. Gordon Orr, treasurer; Mrs. Ruth Hayden, junior past noble grand; Mrs. George Morley, warden; Mrs. John Moss, con-, ductor; Mrs. Joe Snider, music- iaiM chap. lain; Mrs. Jack Ryan, inside guard; Mrs. Percy Blundell, outside guard; Mrs. Len Elliott, color bearer; Mrs. Nelson Har- nack, R.S.N.G.; Mrs. Fred Fritz - ley, L.S.N2G.; Mrs. Amos Os- baldeston, R.S.V.G.; Mrs. Har- vey Fuller, L.S.V.G.; 'Mrs. Joe Thornpson and Mrs. George M'athers,---111.-and piagter-s;- Mrs--John-P-inder-a - Mrs. Bert Mohring, R. and L. supporters of ' chaplain:. Mrs. Laura Riley and Mrs. Amelia Straughan, R. and L. supporters of J.P.N.G. Mrg. Ruth Hayden received her past nohle rands,jewel from the D.D.P. on behalf of, the - lodge. 'MrsMPhi was presented with a gift .hy. Mrs. William Lawrence. Other members were present from Clinton, Wingham and Gode- rich. As captain of the degree team, Mrs. Fred Fritzlev was presented with a Rebekah cake plate" by the members of the team A program followed the meeting with a reading by Mrs. K Roach; solos by 1VIrs..Gordon Kaitting; aNsAing' and dance by Ws. M. Suteuffe. The program. committee wag' Mrs. H. Fu11er• Mrs. G. Orr, Mrs. Q. yfatners, 44104.%-r,;740*Cf-t-4-44-littjge..!v" ,Snider who also preside,* at the piano for the singing. The decor of the lunch tables was of A Eallowe'en theme ' with- candlelit pumpkitiff7an bronze and yelloW mufns in a Pumpkin container. The social hour was in charge ot Mrs Nelson Harrraek, assisted by Mesdames E. Murray, P. John- ston,.41. Malian, J. Moody, H. Rimer' M. Willert, L. Riley, F. Bowra. Mrs. McPherson .announced the visitation of the assembly vice-president, Mrs. Eula Hic- key, to this district the first la,ieekDecernber-at-which-..- time the Goderich lodge will host the Seaforth lodge. ' Taylbr's Corner TAYLOR'S CORNER_Oct. 31. -The W.A.'held its annual 15S2Mr"and"Trelcurrsattz - 117e-Xarray-Halt--Thanks due all the ladies , for their. fine co-operation and help. Mr. and Mrs. Newbiggin, Atwood, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder. Mrs. Robert Fuller is visiting .thiiis:r.veek at the home. of Mr. m charge, was the r speaker at Tay 'or's. Corner church last Sun- day. Rev. Mr. Smith was_ at the Varna charge. Classified ads bring quick results. r•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 • • • P, CONKLIN LUMBER CENTRE I e• • o • • • Keep the COM Out I- - 0 0 O and the Heat In r I. . . • • ' • . Help your family stay healthy this winter .' . . make : 0 .45 your home as warm and draft free as possible. • • • 0 0 0 • • • • • • • • We'll help you. Here at Conklin Lumber we have everything to make your home comfortable*and draft free. Come in today ... we'll help you- select the right winter- izing material for your home. • cALL GgRRY •DENOMY Goderich Electric 189 South St. JA 4-9512 10( OFF GIANT SIZE Plus Extra Savings atA&P IVORY SNOW 'or All Fine -Washables A&P SPECIAL PR15E Giant Size A&P Ragulai Price .7110 TOTAL SAVING 140 MILDEST FOR LPiSHWASHING IVORY 16; LIQUID PACK • 32 -FL -OZ SIZE KING PRICED LOW AT A&P Mitchell's Vitaminized APPLE 48floz JUICE tin Prepare forloVinter Nowl - Hot Shot (Glycol Base) ANTIFREEZE gallon 2.49 For Toilet Bowls FLUSHO 11/2 -lb tin 27,.. Dole's Fancy Quality FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 -fl -oz. in 35c 011111A1 AtaNT1C & PACIFIC VIA C4/10.4111 1;11. arkets AAP MEANS DEPENDABILITY All Pricea•-ln TO: Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, November 4th, 1861. This Week's Grocery Features Johnson'i Hard Gloss (12c Off Deal) Reg. tin 95c -Save h Extra 6c 91COAT WAX quart tin 9c Reg. pk.g 53c7 -SAVE -4c T011sET TISSUE Pico of 4 rogs Caleb DUCH MonarchPouch Pack CAKE MIXES Surget Macaroni and 4c off -SAVE 8c* 2 for 3.1e Reg. 2 pkgs 29c ---SAVE 2c /10.or pkgs 27C 2 -lb pkg 29, FOR SAFE, DEPENDABLE STORM WINDOWS igo WOOD OR ALUMINUM • • Choose the storm windows and doors to suityour budget at • Conklin Lumber - wood or alum- • • inum whichever you prefer. For • a free estimate phone today: Also • • ”k about our b'Gt terms, as low ; • as $10 per month, With no down • • • payment on a Conklin "Home Improvement loan. 1 • Dont Delay - Phone Today • • • tv,v We also stock a complete line of Weatherstripping and Aluminum and Rubber Thresholds. Sheet Plastic in stock alw,ays. 1 Esso 011 HEATING EQUIPMENT .0 • • Wood or Aluminum STORM DOORS Here at Conklin's we have a full line of both Aluminum mi• and Wood Stain Doers. Choose exactly the 'right door 4, for your home and budget at Conklin's where You • can • be sure of quality. • • • • • 0 INSULATION :Keep the heat in and reduce your fuel bill up to 30%. We have a full range of insulation material and will help you select the right insulation for the job. Call today for prompt service and delivery. SPAGHETTI A&P SWeetiined Grapefruit Juice 2. OZ TINS 59c Convenient budget terms - up to 5 years to pay Arlin 10011.TO_Nietitiftigi tit sat JA 3/1