HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-11-02, Page 9' 11111111.111101111'illipsimisuplitimis, A LET'S GET ACQUAINTED SPECIAL SNOW TIRES Installed FREE FORA GREENER THUMB By G. MacLood Ross WREN YOU HAVE YOUR CAR WINTERIZED TO INCLUDE • SUERTEaT ANTI -FREEZE • (Guaranteed protection to May 1, 1962). • GUARANTEED Ll'UBRICATION., • i:RED -HOriliNGO SP:ECIAL! • • SNOW TIRE SALE Will Commence On Oct. 80 and Will Continue 'til Nov. 11 o FRED 145 Huron Rad RILEY'S SUPERTEST% GODERICH JA 4-9621- • LIONS WEDNESDAY NITE BINGO at HARBOURLITE INN - • „. WITH ALL SPECIAL GAMES GOES AFAMOUS Westinghouse ELECTRIC HOT D06 COOKER uT *DON'T YELL "BINGO" ---YOU MUST fELL "HOT DOG" TO WIN! _ CLIP THIS AD! "Living FreK,' Over a year ago this column drew attention to a hook call- ed-. "Born Free," the story of a lioness named Elsa, which was befriended by a Kenya Ganiewarden. and his ,wife, Joy Adamson.- This_ -last_ publica, tion, "Living Free," continues the surprising story in which Elsa reappears as the mother of three .cubs named Jespah, Gopa and Little Elsa. "Born Free" has been on the hest seller list for over a year and in -consequence the lovable Elsa' has -bounded into the hearts of more People than even Jumbo, the elephant. She has been visited by her pub- lisher, Billy Collins, and more lately by 'Sir Julian Huxley, F.R.S., both of whom found it worth their while to ily out and see for themselves how a member of • a wild and feroc- ious speciep behaveci as a do- mestic anfma-I. Perhaps the mot surprising thing about Elsa was that sfie was equally at-horah:...in...the *lid and in domesticity: Havingliverel,,mith thpdarOOns../hrough.eadalte cenc40-to -puberty, she went mit into the bush and found her- self a mate with whom she maintained communication even while still visiting the Adam - sons. Such a split personality in a wild anfinST has seTdoin, if ever, been so faithfully record- ed. Before her cubs were born, Elsa had been left 150 miles from her Adamson herne so that she might enjoy her ac- couchement in privacy. The -sossesemsonsaiseinmemisissesoms," PUBLIC NOTICE RE Remembrance Ns In ol-ii-eTvaTh-rteimOsi -re-Fneinbraiide- Day all places of business are re- -quested to .remain closed between.- . , the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon AdainSona .merely provided a (Meets (OM pee* all :over ' sort of cafeteria service for. her the world to visit Elsa. The ill theformQt. WI ocOASAMAl ntaioritY of. these Were di*. ,ents in camp and AS a wise ex- Some cameramen from the means all things to all men. efidall Sentence goat carcass. In acknowlekr,e- couragcd because Elsa WAS by ment she visited her foster pa., no pectan tmother should, reclined BBC were so tactful that when on Inc. I will call on you, per- prise too, that Visa welcomed on ther tamp bed. This attitude (xi:: Do not call and it was something of a sun WO left they shook her paw 0 sisted until the cubs were Billy Collins so warmly, even wearied, when Elsa brought if he was her Publisher. At Arthur j .Kendall, 52,- who 1 which corroborated the state. thein all into camp to be ad- dawn after his first night in once was employed by A Gode- nients given by his sisters. mired and also, by a great dis- camp, Elsa squeezed through riCh firm for several months The stories behind the story play of, affection for Joy Adam- the thorn barricade round his and who made "Tioderich ' his began to unfold in the conrt- son, to demonstrate' to them tent, hopped on his bed and SinsPning centre when living house on „Friday, while the cubs ,71.4.v.th1%ec,T14,thetstory on- on several occasiens. ed Joy th the extent of going was repeated, in spjte of a 23, 1962. off to. drink and leaving the strengthening of .the barricade, The jury at Walkerton Oil Kendall's .defence lawyer, M. friends. Eventually• she trust- 300 pounds of affection. This enced to be hung on January ,and witnesses awaited, the. that ,- certain humans were erabraced him affectionately- near Bayfield, has been sent-Lawt4pa,csityy:ftwo4cotw:1 itiosl.susperecota,7 Friday returned ,its verdict of,C. .Craig, QC, Walkerton, coin. develop individual . character- 0.0._r.:14-,.. -,..11.0,14.,ter-utwee bit,U 4442042,:. -Ye --44.i — The death penalty is stili. sub-. • her cubs. Soon they began to Adafso9.z7:sietr*Iito"t'h7tt liberation. 'The titorrthen Tel comment. 'further. Ella AfallAff tVifirlYit Yetl-W1 sto y . and, eertaiiily George • gx, .444, ,04,,,,Fogivtog,,At ,,cte. istics. Jespah was the most African Standard, Written after tired again and after an ad- The to the consideration of the daring and inquisitive as well the publication el "Living ditional five minutes returned with a recommendation for Federal cabinet, and chances of Free,' fits into this category. as the most affectionate. Gopa their commuting the , Sentence Adamson found Elsa very in clemency. was the timidene, _whilst Little under -a hush. so he improvised Kendall _.w.a.s___found p,iiilty o o life 'imprisonment are int.: u : Elsa was an almost exact rep- a stretcher and with the aid lica of her mother. - As they the capital murder of his 33- proved by the juries "reCoit-• in matred, Jespah emerged as of four Africans, carried her Year-old wife, Helen, in 1952 inendation for clemency. - - a cabin' at remote Johnston's ' back to his tent. Tvvice she the leader of the pride and dis- Harbor in the Bruce Peninsula. . played signs of jealousy should Elsa show too much affection with all her old „friendliness. rubbed her face against his Mrs.- Arthur (Beatrise) Ken- Teachers Brush dall, the former Beatrice Hogue, Then, suddenly, she got up, (- • to one or other of the Adam- and Kendall's second wife, be-, tvalked to the front of the sons. There are many amus - UP On Their games which the lions -played- ing descriptions of the robust mortem showed her to be heav- itleyntinfaenedtedcoblylapasepda.ras poAsts came hysterical and was usher- ed from the courtroom by two much too robust for their fog- iAte. • , • constables, after foreman A Stew -1 Anthmetic timidity having been dissipat: er parents --until finally, all for the cubs, they had to be art McTavish, Teeswatef, had moved throught,„800- miles of announced the jury's verdict. "It's not right .. it's not right Monday evening at Victoria • tent a combined asylum and Park, Tanganyika where Th -e -Y ...S11.-,4%,- Semealg4i.,-.National screamed. • ed, theg made the Adartflon .. : . 1.--kii-o-W-tt'S --qrar-right,.." she Pubtie'Vefina -ga'W.- 'Ffie"--ctele' playroom. When Elsa felt her were set free. You will find publie school teachers from cubs had had enough milk she any standards. this an entrancing story by, Kendall turned -to face her ,from 'his- prisoner's box- in the arithmetic. this area brushing up on' their would leap .on to her old roost .. ;courtroom, and said to her, -the roof of the Land -Rover to Living Free" by Joy Adam- • ;"Never mind Bea . . . Never • It was the first of a series, son and published by Collins, . of classes for teachers spon- escape them and so force them 1 mind . . . I'll be all right.;' to eat the icill provided for $5.95. 1 Throughout the trial, save for sored by the Goderich Unit of them. the Federation of Women i a nervous whistle that was ---fizren.-:.--Pree- Teachers' Associations of On- __ .._ . • __7_,_._ ____ . -average. wages- _and salar es,- endall dip aye:I no .e.mo: M! -100141tit, ,,-.3..p:.-:J.34.4* l'iftla!g9traigerare'lciarrir paid ia Canadian industry, Can- tion. He fastened a steadfas '''''Ints'ervire- training course -- in arithmetic." Th.e same class adians now earn in about 33 glance, all four days of the ikaaallE they worked one hour in 1949. witnesses that toGk the stand. minutes the same pay for which .trial, on each of " the Crown 13, 20, 27 and December 11. Will meet again on November The_ instructor_ on Monday 1Nhen ;Wort ?Mita -ream& Kendall'a mother, _sister; ..and everringzwasLA.L...liowers7R.A.,... excess acids and wastes, second wife burst into tears -as M.Ed., 'Arithmetic Master, disturbed rest often IlloY the accused marched into court Stratford --- College. - Winner of each night's DOOR PRIZE will receive au extra HOT DCYG *COOKER if Ticket Stub is accompanied by this ad! REMEMAR,THE DATES .-- NOVEMBER 1 and 8 • ra••••••••••••••••••••••••4••••••••••••••siseo••••••••••••••12a•*4 on Sat., November 11 All Citizens are urged to: 'attend the at the Cenotaph in Court House mences at 1.1 a.m, • service ark which com- E. C. FISHER, Mayor. FIRE,— AUTO — LIABILITY - 42 -43 -------- CASUALTY—Phone J44-7253 • backache—tired feeling— , Who can tell just how many more jobs there might be in follow. Dodds Kidney lls Canada today if companies had -- - --- between two policemen to hear ' Pi stimulate kidneys to normainrecentyearn beenleft .crith thejurysvesdict l • duty." You feel better, sloop 'Jotter, work bettor. 80 rf.s., eel their __earnings . - He had waved to his mother ...'. , intea 'huddle' November Whenworkshop groups go , be leaders fe 1 Plough' ' hick- in. the • business,0 the following short time before, when he in the .respective groups Sen- lefr.the courtroom in the Bruce 13), County courthouse, after .the ior Smith, principal of Victor at its .verdict. (Grades 7 and Ralph jury had been excused to arrive- latiriston School: Intermediate When the judge passed sent- (Grades 4, 5 and 6), H. M. Shackleton, principal of 'Vic- ence and said,. ". . and may.. toria- -Pdblic 'School; Primary.-- God have mercy on your soul ," (Grades 1, 2 and kindergartenN. Kendall gave him a.slight smile and a curt nod of his head. Miss Betty garsh, Victoria He whistled as iie was escort - Public School. ed from the courthouse to the After the arithmetic courses nearby Bruce 'County jail, are finished there will be an- whefe the execution is sche- other course in social studies.. dulod to take place: This is the firsttime that such ' The investigation assumed a a "rksh" has been held at r?tie o:ed Igor early in January 1Goderich for teachers. or this year when statements114-0•11••••••••••••••••• were given to the investigatars'; by :%-tin and Margaret, his I PUT 'YOUR MONEY -„ 'ciammters. TO WORK FOR YOU AP'.?r moi'? than eight 'years, j11-., described a bloody early - morning scene in the one -room tarpaper shack at Johnston Harbor. Ace:circling to evidence in the trial, their story was suppress- ed out of fear of their father, Arthur. Kendall. A warrant was issued for Kendall's arrest January 26 this year, and he was arrested on the capital murder charge Jan- uary 27 at 7.30 a.m. ° Following Kendall's prelim- inary hearing on March 2, his son James came forth and vol- unteered a statement to police, FOR GENERAL'. INSURANCE See KEN Clio LAWN SERVICE SODDING - SEEDING - FERTILIZING POWER ROLLING or GENERAL CLEANUP LANDSCAlkING -and FOUNDATION PLANTINO CALL IVAN'S NURSERIES ToP OF DUNLOP HILL — JA 4-7171 - WE DELIVER Be your own bet friend... si.•••• • . Learn how you can make MORE, money throy0 MUTUAL FUNDS. CALL. JOSEPH ALLAIRE Phone JA 4-7671 Representing King Merritt at Co. (Canada) Ltd. An International Organization SpeCializing in Mutual Funds 43tf •••••••••••••••••••••• A 'sportsman with a loaded shotgun or.rifle in his hands has got to -be his own best friend. He must leave nothing to chance. Never, not for an instant, can,he allowanytlaing, to endanger the safety of himself or his fellow hunters. Only when the day's shooting is done, Only.when the gun is empty and bac lc in the rack. only"then is it time to enjoy the pleasures of social relaxation. ,For many years The House of $eagram has published messages advocating Moderation in all things, including the use of whisky. At this time, in the intqest of safer hupting we say once again: "Drinking and Hunting Do Not Mix". THE HO -USE OF SEAGRAM LTD. • • b How to own two cars and still m- ake ends meet. Buy two Volkswagens. You go your way. She goes her way. And your budget won't know the differencs. Here's why: two Volkswagens will cast you less than one conven- tional car. Think we're kidding? Let's get serious: The VW gets 38 miles to a gallon of gas. (More on the highway, a little less in traffic.) You'll never add oil between changes;ahd when it is time for a change, four and a 'half pints will do it. You'll never need anti -freeze because the VW has no radiator. The engine is cooled with air. (Don't worry if you have two Volkswa`gens and one garage. The VW can't freeze.) A Volkswagen can be repaired faster for less money. For example; • we don't replace half the car to cor- effect a crumpled fender. We can *bolt on a new one in minutes. You may be surprised how little it costs to buy a Volkswagen,* We've been able to keep the price low because we never change the basic VW design. We just keep making it better'. - Any dealer who sells two cars for the peke of one deserves recognition. And a visit. 9Toronto Part of Entry Price of $1695 includes front bucket seats, spare wheel and tire, heater/ defrosteV,A6olkit and jack, windshield washer, two podded sun visors, directional signal; ond bumper over -riders, VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD. this k gee, oesrest Volkswegeo Heeler. He is pert of o oetwerk of 346 inkiest VW service cooks: right across Cestodo ABIERHART'S GARAGE Box 563, 39 St. Andrew's Street Tel: JA 4-8261 Tokio bsibvettortatiottasit two-woy :Week WHtGoiThdriY Is Oft of C000thesbintevitointro. Asti **sty VollowageosoklioffilitostittylletTst Cana** to sell t ennony more Coodulton go*.