The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-11-02, Page 88' T (kOderlob Signal -Star, TilinrsdaY, NOVeraber 2, 1961 bore,' who will denionstrato bow • Gi Eight Day Clock; Wedding ft '441• AUBURN to decorate a cake. ' Her 85th Birthday 'i Ib Mrs. Jarvis McBride, R.R. 5, Still Ticking Time After 50 Years Goderich, celebrated her 85th AUBURN, Oct. 30. -Recent 4-H Club birthday on Tuesday, October ...: the ' fty o dmg open house in An eight day clock given by hors called on the couple at . • 31st b h 1 ' , VIsItOrs with Mrs. Herbert Gov- The Auburn i -H Club met at Ai:1117n and.a family din- ttlie Aormer Sheppardton Meth- their home on Wednesday ler were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry the home -of their assistant nertvenMg. A Eve, Leaside Leaside; Mr. and Mrs. Wil-ileader, MrS. Ed. Davies. Jan- longresident of Colborne odist Church congregatiori 50 noon, tea was served by Mrs. afternoon. During the after liam Marsh and family, of Ajax; - ! nett Dobie presided for the Township, Mrs. McBride is the meeting and the minutes were former Miss Maude Sallows, Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall, read, by the secretary, Marian daughterof owsand Jean theen lateGre T.honia acid fatnjiy, of Scarboro: Mrs. Hickey. The roll callwas an- SallShe s J. E. Mutch, of Ottawa. , swered by each telling th.e attended school at S.S. No. 1, 1‘IrS. George Kitson, of Kin- fruits they had eaten the day Colborne and the Goderich Col- fr,'-'eNNitV-41vtrieitmrs4611,Eij before the....riteeting- Um...Keith legiate. On graduation, the , tilablian, the leader;' ledhinr-thv k•viced4Vit.hedasereet4Pr :•':,,Qraharik.44,..arA.Y.4sf.'“"igt,,tngitt'Igwe.M14TA .10,ILIAV,w.win,4elle§04 Mr. and Mrs. Reg. ,84:s(itilth,' that •could lieS4effed at dinner several years untilihe as mar - Anne .and George, ° of Islington, or supper. The girls learned. rind on October 17; 1906. They spent the week -end with his about serving pineapple With took up residence on the farm mother, Mrs. Charles Asquith. ham, applesauce with pork, yvhere she still resides with Mrs. Asquith'returned to ',sling- lemon with fish and cranberries her son, George. Her husband 7"-- ton with 'them to visit there. with turkey. Jannett Dobie passed away in 1951. She has '''''------Mr---and--Mrs, -Harold Nii1.r and Marian Rickey _ made. an Another son.. Percy, who, son and son Gary, of Seaforth, apple pie assisted by several resides in Colborne Township visited last Sunday evening Members of the club. 'Apple on R.R, 5, Goderich, and one * with iMr. and Mrs. Wes. Brad- pie and cheese were served for brother, Garnet, of Drumheller. • nock. lunch at the close of the meet- Alberta, along with several Mrs. William Rath returned ing. nieces and nephews. She is a , to her home at Calmer, Al-, 7member of 'Knox Presbyterian S.S.Benefit Service berta, after a couple of weeks Church, Goderich, a.nd a home visiting with her aunt. Miss Knox 1,`_hited zii'iurch, Aub- helper of the W.M.S., a mem Margaret R. Jackson, 'and her urn, was hlled to capacity last ber of the Leeburn W.M.S. and uncle, Mr. James Jackson and Sunday evening when Rev. Bar- , Mrs. Jackson. , old Snell, of Riverside United .Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies visif- Church, London, was the guest ed last week -end at Fingal _and , speaker. The Dominion Life , Choir, of Kitchener, led in the , . , seruce of song. Mr. Charles e o . Mr. Ernest Durnin is a pgrandchildren._ it in Goderich hOspital suf- Scott. superintendent of the beep • 1 1 d tip wor- work at her hobby of knitting a member of the Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute. Mrs. Mc. l3ride is 1:Yery active and takes an interest „ in._ the_ affairs, of the community and --bis' • 0 finds time to years ago as a wedding gift still ticks away the time in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lena Kingswell, Mrs. Jean Cook, Mrs. Martha Rathburn, Mrs. Lenore Bradley, Mrs. Isabel Riehl and Mrs. Mamie J. Kingswell, Trafalgar street. McCabe. Mrs. John D. Crozier, granddaughter,' presided at the tea table while Mrs. George McIlwain sr., received the, r I)/ X.:arx,k,,,.„ Mrs.. Kingswell was born at Sheppardton and was a mem parth OM eh urc h irie 7-"effeWt.titiattUrIliklatr-Vgek itilitWitOtiViAltiq*Akt41.4' the"-“:ouple were at home to guest book. , friends and ' neighbors on the Mr. and Mrs. Kingswell re - occasion of their.golden wed- ceived maiy cards and con - ding anniversary. Mr. Kings- gratulatotY messages, and were well and 'his wife, the former presented with a gift of money Flora Adeline McLeod, were• Mrs_ Florence Miller on ke married'nt Nile -United -Church half of their friends and neigh parsonage by Rev. William bors. The bride and groom of Conway on October- 25, 1911. fifty ,years 84o. were guests of Mrs. Kingswell was born at honor at a family dinner in Sheppardton, while Mr. Kings - the evening, at the home of well .was born at Norwich, Ont. their son, Ralph Kingswell, They farmed at Leeburn for a Goderich, where they were pre - time eventually moving to Goderich. seated with a TV set as a gift from those present. The din - There is a daughter and two nor was attended by Mr. John sons of this marriage Mrs. Green, sr., of Port Albert, uncle George (Florence) McIlwain sr., of the couple; their immediate Hullett Township, and Hector, of_ clintor,y.a.n..d,,R40,17,13..„, aria,,,gran.deh (Item. • rich. There are also five classified ad brings quid.: fering from a fractured bone Sun ay ii in his ankle which he received ship service, assisted bv Hey, h vet iCharles Leuis and Rev. Harold w when e s pp grass at his home farm in West Snell. Several anthems were Percy McBride, while Miss sun 'g by this noted choir ,and a Waw gnash, Betty Ann Baxter had charge ipv......\,,a14.39A.Mg,52,11.arvey Aitchi--otsolo was also rendered. Rev. 9f the guest book. Pouring tea on and Kenneth an`cr-Tirs. • Aust hi, -51-wiTen am.- -vis-ired----4)-nexpectecir-k„,'neountPr" wile& thl'"lrlregdgtVOrnpt:tFk----vr'er Mrs:-,{2harles--Saunelers,. , the 's sister, Airs. he dekribed the life of Moses rich, and Mrs. Melvin Reed, Dungannon. Serving the guests were pleces of Mrs, McBride. 'Air. TM' vey Baxter, Mrs. Leon- 1/4-„ard...,,Westlarook...and Mrs. Dave Wilson. all of Goderich, and Mrs. Franklin Alitchell, Col - with former 1 t. Assistin Mrs Over sixty friends and neigh- results. McBride in receiving the guests, * was her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Herbert Govier. 1 and brought out many events The sympathy ofthis com- v;hich are happening in the inanity is extended_ to the , world. .today. Following the -sisters-of- the late-Ernie-flick4sertic...a-Le..ception was_ :'.eld ingbottom who passed away last. irr the Sunday school wherr- a.. week -end in Goderich'. Hewas musical program was put on by ' .- a resident of the Auburn com-i several members of the choir. borne Township. In the even- t..., finnity for many years. ;Mr. Oliver Anderson was chair- ing a family dinner Wag served ..,.., ... • 7:Hrs.-Donald flames. and Mrs..gn . , for _the . program of „, - to,i over -30 guest, who -are--hn, Wes. Bradnock attended -therg eehe4...-Amotig the..peakerS. mediate 'relatives of Airs. Mc - sewing course, "Focus on Fn- were Mr. Charles M. Robertson, l3ride. They were from Strath. ishes' in .Wingham recently of Goderich, and Rev. William GaltLucknow, Dungan - Taylor, of Dorchester. The buf- roy, , non and the surrounding dis- trict. Sigma -C .Boys Club and will begin their sewing , • class sponsored by the W.I. fet luncheon was served by -,- - this week in the new hall. _ the social committee of the ., . There will be no service ir6 Sunday school who - had also Knox Presbyterian Church next; served a turkey dinner to all- The 'formation of a Sigma C * Sunday owing to • anniversary 1 the choir member before the Boys' Club on the Auburn pas- . service at Blyth when Rev. service. ,•... toral charge of the United Church has been a welcoVe Thomas E. Kennedy, of Blue -I Many At New Store event in the lives of vale and Belmore, will be guest! Moreto thirteen years of _age in this than 500 persons have boys, ten. , . speaker at this -2.30 Service.' visited the new Arthur Furni- There will also be no Sabbath 1area. This group, which now ture Store since ...it was opened School next Sunday. I on- October 2Ist. - The custom- consists of 29 boys, meet every = meet - Patients in Victoria Hospital lers were greeted by Mr. Arthur, Thursday at 7 p.m. The London, now, are: - Mr. William ' I assisted by his eldest . son, in usually opens with instruc- hn, . Raymond Redmond tion as. to the nature of the Clark and Mr. Lloyd Young,JoMrs I of Colborne Township, and Mrs. land Mrs. Ed.. Stiles. • Every group. ' The boYs are now in the process of learning the Per - Themes Johnston. In St.' lady visiting; the store on open - Joseph's Hospital are Mrs. Wil-' ing day was presented with a-_. sonal 'nm and the meaning of Sigma -C. Treasurer recently bert Thom and Mrs. Gordon 1 carnation corsage and balloons is Allan Craig. It is Miller. were given to all the children. ) elected that at least one- ected. Hallowen Party The tickets on the door prize I understood e'Members of, the C.G.I.T. were in charge of 1t-'nald Ar- 1 tenth of the total budget be spent on some needy project -group enjoyed their annual thur arid the holder of the I Hallowe'en party in the Sundayithe club. Recently the lucky ticket for theloutside boys prepared the basement of EMERSON'S DRUG STORE WLBUcWSEU Saturday, November 4th bAUGHTER" !S". GETTiNG- MARRED --, :School room of Knox Presby- Mary Proctor Pop up Mester ,,, • •teran -Church. Over 25 girls was Mrs. Gordon Miller of Au- ' the manse for the construction to' k part in the grand march ' burn. Mr. Arthur sta. ted , us.lof their model railroad. by all wpich Was -judged by Mrs. Ed.tomers have come over 35 turning; out and painting the Davies and Mrs. D. A: MacKay. miles and his sales have b,,en walls. Previous to that they Prizes for fancy dress went tohad cleaned out the old clrve i^beYond all expectat ions.. FiN e Jennifer Grange-i-cornical dress, , beautiful Tall bouquets -of flo\\-1\?iendt for a skating rink in the - Judith Arthur; and the fancy ers were xeceived from various! or.Sufficientleaders have man's dress went to Laura manufac t.fft-rs and suppliers to volunteered to help Rev. Daer. Games and contests wereCharles Lewis with this club. convey congratulations nn the 1 enjoyed followed by a bounti- occasion. The old store win- he They are Messrs .Tohn Wright. ful hinth and candy. .Tohn Arthur, Walter Conning - used for floor coverings. second , ' At Baptismal 'Service fliand furniture . and storage ham and Brian Speigelberg. . Mr. and :qrs. Karl Teicifert . and family, Mrand MrsHeinzspace - - - Rutowski and family and Mr. HOLMESVILLE . . , Set For Big Sale and Mrs. Peter Hellinga at- Great preparations aro •bn;nri 1- tended a special baptismal ser- made for the first rummage: i ‘icelast Saturday at Kitchener-'- to be held in the new HOLMESVILLE. Oct. 30. - when Rev. .\ L. Conrad, pastor , Community Memorial Hal'. mi,.Attendin. the first joint sec - of St. .John's Lutheran Church 'William J. Craig has been add- tional rally of the • W.:\ I.S. and the W.A. of the U n i t e d officiated. Perry Teichert. son: ed to the I oilding carnmitteej - of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Teichert . The special horde - made bake Churches of IItironheld in the and *.n-,olika Helga Rutowski, sale will IIP 'older the direction' Auburn United Chur(.11, were: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heinz of the coroolo,,ce of community Orville Blake, ----Mrs. Lloyd Rutowski, were the children ladies. MrS. W. T. Robison, and I Bond, Mrs. Harry Cndmore, baptized. Godparents for Perry4the representative of the Wo- Mrs. Edward Grigg, Mrs. Nin - Were MT. and Mrs. Peter Hell- men's Institute, Mrs. George i in Heard, Mrs. Les. Jervis, :4..,..uga,_ Auburn, and the god- Millian. Convener of the vil-i Mrs. Frank McCulibugh, Mrs. parents for Angefika weieVr.t-lage-ecuivass-- tor the- homemade-I'Vm. Norman, .Mrs. Kenneth and Mrs. Lothar Schedler, of baking sale is Mrs. AV. J. Craig. I frewalf-h6 and Mi.'s' Jaek -Ye°' Kitchener. Following the ser-' Other canvassers are: Mrs. Don- ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steepe vice, a luncheon was served at ald Haines Mrs.' Harold 'Web_ I and Mrs. Leone Magee attend - the home of Mr. and Mrs. , ster, Mrs. Jack Armstrong,I ed the funeral, in London, of Schedler for the immediate' Mrs. Gordon McClinchey, mrs.., the, late Mr. W. - L.- Magee, of relatives. -• Frank Raithby, Aiiss vieri'Detroit. Colborne F.' of A. Thompson. Mrs. Elliott I.app, Mr. Ted McCullough, on the Directors of the Colborne Mrs. Arthur, Grange and Mrs.istaff of the Royal Bank at Clina - Township Federation of Agri. Stanley Ball. The conveners ton, is -in Toronto, tit - culture met in the -Car-low of each section tre arranging course n connection with his Township Hall last week to plan I cars to collect all baking to he work. I for their annual: bafiquet. RI left at the Hall before one Mr. Bud Yeo has returned ' was decidedto hold it on No- o'clock on Saturday afternoon. home • from a two ,weeks' trip t, vember 21st and ask 'the mem- 1 There will also be a refresh- to Saskatchewafl. bers of the Tiger Dunlop yo..iment ,,booth in the new kitchen __ .._ • men's Institute to cater if) the 1 with Mrs. Bert Craig and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Better dinner. The guest speaker willl Thomas Haggitt in charge. ,attended the Homecoming at be Principal 0. L. Day, of the There will, be tickets sold on The University of Western On- . • , - - the beautiful quilt which will tario, London, on Saturday. The stitute. The program for the, •e rawn or at tne grand! Mathematics and Physics class evening is to be in charge of onening of the Wall. Under the I a '36. of which Mr. Bettger is Donald Haines and Elmer direction of the finance con_ I a member, held special func- Fisher. , vener. Mr. Oliver kriderson, tions in 'Commemoration of Gets His B.A. pegree I the following reflectors have - ----- Mr. Duncan A. Mac -Kay, i canvassed the I-1 strirt (or cash teacher of U.S.S. No. 5, Hullett, donations- mrs. W. T. Pobison, 1 (Auburn school). received his, mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs Thomas \ Bachelor of Arts degree at the Haggitt, Frank Raithbv. Ken - \convocation cerembny held last neth . McDougall, Gordon Me - Friday at the University of Clinchey, John Durnin ant 'Western Ontario. Mr. MacKay Charles Millian. teacher at the Auburn school. The W.' alkerhurn Club met at beginning his ninth term as. Walkerburh Club - Born at 'Kintail, the son of the the home of Mrs HerlYert - e'Acillui-Ltelhinn Mac: Duizer with the first. vice-presi- Applications will be received ,, IIL 11111re. waansd tt , field Township- school at Kin- ing. Thank pall letters were by the undersigned until h dent, Mrs. Joe Verewey presid- . tail,\ Goderich- Collegiate Stratford Normal Schooland read from Mrs. Arthur Haver- Friday, November 17, 1961, . Fol- karrip and Mrs. James Ronson for the position of Assistant No. 10. Ashfield, Kintail school th lowing graduation, he taught at for e cu e draw, donated wedding gifts received from Crator at the Huron county b. Th and S.S. No. 3. Colborne hy Clry Duizer, was won by Museum. (Young's school) before he join- Mrs Joe Verewey. Plans were ed the Canadian Armed Forces. mad-, for the next meeting to Please state qualifications, After serving for three years he held at the home Of Mrs. marital status and age. Sal- . oversells he taught school at Grath MeClinchey when the ary range $2400.00-$3000.00 years and t en came to Au- Mrs. Graham Gross and Mrs, depending upon qualifica- -Bright's Grove. Kintail for six orbgkam .will he in charpe of burn. 1VIrs. aeXay and Miss Worthy Young. Lunch corn- ti°116' Barbara, aka MaSter johin at- mittee for the next meeting will tended -the crerhonr along be Mrs. Jack Hallam. Read- Envelopes for applications with Mi. and Weir, of London. Mrs. John ft. ingswere given by Mrs. George must be secured from the - ',011:-Thurs- .Schneitiand• Ivirs. -J. I-P-Illam. Under41184.... , - • , dav, the purOs at - the Auburn A flower contest was hold by with a bep.oiful fall bAuot Penny e was convened by 1, selreiol presented their teacher Virs. Garth McCline,hi)v. A Lowest or any application' of floWers to botbiz lor ,/ ott,the 'tilt kosident, Mrs. Leonard n(Yt ile"Si Will accepted. tistd oeetailori. .,_ .* ' Arehatnhault. Lunch mit; ' Another ' 'ferrher. 'teacher- Of tee tor this Meeting wascomMrs. itte-MilifirSelkOtirrlitfilig Ilettiert Mite. l'Vrt‘. Wililatir Little, also rOe Ved bia B.A. Thinking, Mrs.. Henry Hunking 11,0 degree at the Sand eorivOtatiO11, and Mrs. Lorne flunking. The .IVIr;,, Little it TIt sient Onlbe 'guest itt the' next meeting will twilit*staff of he city, of be Rev.1/. Punge, minister of Waterloo.. \ the 'United Church ,at Londes; A COURSE IN CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH , - - Is Under Consideration ANYONE Igl'ERESTED PLEASE CALL DR. DEMERS JA 4-9093 WILL PROVIDE A • YOU HAVE ALTERNATIVES Pia - Each week you may byy Festive Turkey Coupons and save them until the Festive Season. Your choice of Festive Turkeys will be available to you. when required In exchange for equal value In Coupe. SUPPLEMENT: ...-ituesskx.slawamostutoixg.Ttkt*,-_-- Coupons for the desired Turkey:Ng o - &IV". TABLERITE BLADE BONE REMOVED 1' 1. Read -your IGA advertisement sash week. 6. beginning Wednesday, Noventber-Istruntil Wednesday, December 27th, 1961. , 2. Watch for the advertised items that are indi. 7. ootid to carry'the Festive Turkey 100 Coupon. 3. Buy the Festive Turkey Coupon items 'ads week. 11. 4. Accumulate -sufficient Coupons to cover the cost of the Turkey of your choice., 5. IGA Festive Turkey Coupons will be redeemed for Turkeys sok( at IGA Food Markets only. BLADE or A oil SHOULDER Roast lb' AP at, inirticiAE RIB ROAST Round Bone - ROAST Well Trimmed SHORT RIB ROAST Lean Boneless POT ROAST - Ground Hourly MINCED BEEF Mix 'em or Match 'em, All Stars, Frosted KELLOGG CEREALS c Ib. 59c lb. 43c lb. 49c lb. 3 9c lb. 19c Flakes, Rice Krispies 2 for 69c There Is no limit on the quantity of Tortola width -bah be.0140144proitilingilm404 Festive Turkey Coupons are redeemed, IGA Festive Turkey Coupons may be redeemed from December 4th., to December 30th:, 1961. If you have more Coupons than the required nitmirf .9) Coupons for the Turkey desired; the balance of the Cauponvarinniemnabla on any other meat purchase up to December 30,h,,1961. Alf1,AAER CANNED FOOD SALE Mix oy Match'em Save 5c ' . 10 -oz. tins' VEGETABLE SOUP 4 for Mix or Match 'em Save 5c TOMATO SOUP, 4: km' 'Save 7c TOMATO __JUICE 2 f°I. Mix or Match 'em . Save 5c CHOICE PEAS 4 for Choice_ Save 5c Choice CREAM CORN 4 f°r 49 c 10-0Z. tins 49c 48 -oz. tins 55c 15.oz. tins 65c 15 -oz. tins 65c Save 3c 11-0zbtls. TOMATO CATSUP 2 for 39C -SNOBOY- SUNKIST - E 69ORANGESUNKIST VhENCA 5,1b. CUCUMBERS No.1 FLORIDA Perfect Slicers 3 for 2 5c RADISHES No.1FLORIDA.Garden Fresh 3 Poly Bags 25c The Car King won't let Bill Belling or Ralph Park- inson drive their 1962 Demonstrators until they sell their 1961 Vauxhalls. So they're hot to 'make a trade on your terms. Get a great deal - see these boys today! FREEZER FEATURE SWANSON'S TV DINNER 11-oi. PK G. 65 - „ 2 DEMONSTR,A TORS Left -Save Hundreds i1 BEZW, icotasti .• OletTr, qounty of Huron, Court Italie • Goderich, Seseeimitseatimmiselasellem YOUR CHOICE • 65USED 'CARS LARGEST SELECTION IN HURON COUNTY 4105 Down 48 Months to Pay ' MOTORS LTD. PHONE- '78 ZURICH PHONE 608 EXETER mommemmlimeememkileellmaiemmi60611k • 10$ FESTIVE TURKEY COUPON WITH TVI( PLIPUIV.4 (11 FESTIVE TURKEY tOUPON , ,,r. HAIR SPRAY NESTLE'S 3 ,1-210z. Tin ROBINHOOD OATS S -lb. Bag SANKA COFFEE instant PORK ,LIVER. SLICED lb. PICKLES YUM YUM- BICICS PICKLES POLISH 'DILLS R WFILLE koz. Jar BICK'S SWEET MIXED BICK'S i: REMJNGTO:NLIMITEO 48 -oz. 48 -oz. 48 -oz. Barrel Jar Barrel Jar Barrel Jar 59c 03c 429 39c 69c 69* 69c Lake Pack Frozen 12 -oz. Pkg. 45 STREET N•