HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-10-26, Page 7u%f Q'" "Y;'L xA4 K , . KC � h6 A' .IPA` 0• ST. GEORGE'S. CHURCH Oct. 29, Twenty-second Sunday a+ter Trinity 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. Morning Prayelr and Sermon. (Jr. •Congregation and Nursrey.) 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Thurs., Nov. 1, All Saints Day. 10 a.m. Holy Communion in the Chapel. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, TAYLOR ,M ,Rectbr. �r.• Sto he �r� piM•J• V anf � �ho xb5 er THE UNITED CHURCH OF., CANADA North Street United Church 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. _ "THE, REFORMATION". Sermon on the Mount (4) "FAITH IN WORKS. Nursery and Junior Congregation. The REV. W. J. ten HOOPEN, B.A., B.D. Minister. , MR. GEORGE ESPERT, Organist and Choir Director Knox Presbyterian•Church THE REV. G. ..LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister. Mr. H. de Jong, Organist. Miss B. J. Woodruff, Deaconess 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 10.10 a.m. MINISTER'S BIBLE CLASS. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. The. Rev. W. A. Henderson, B.A., Walkerton. ,(Nursery .and Juniar.;FConiges,atignla, THE UNITED CHURCH Qy CANADA Victoria Street. United Church 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes. 1'1. a.m. MORNING WORSHIP;N "THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS." 1.30 p.m. Benmiller-Church and Sunday School. 3 p.m. Union -Church after Sunday School. REV. CECIL A. DUKELOW, Minister. MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist. KINGSBRIDGE KING SBRID GEr o dt. 24. - Mr. andtfrs. Cyril Austin spent the week -end in Detroit. Mrs. Nora Sinnett, of Detroit, and sou Jim, of Alpena, Michi- gan, visited here over the week- end. Mrs. Bernadine Kenny, of De- troit, spent the past week at hen home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dalton visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Bruce: lUans- rtiQ4SRR ` L � , ::Olt •• : caszon .pf :their,: t . wedding' anniversary. Mr. Joe O'Keefe returned home on Monday last from Goderich hospital. We hope it won't be long until he has the use of hisrm. Miss Frances Gilmore. of Lon- don, spent the week -end at her home. Mr. Gerald Garvey has re- turned from Toronto. Mrs. William Lannon, of Lon- don, spent the week -end here. Mr. and Mrs. Donald6Frayne and family visited in Sarnia on Sunday. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Ellis last week was the former's s `t+` t ...Ti?lr onokar°Alberta." vn A classified ad 'brings quick results. FREE METHODIST' CHURCH 11 a.m. 7 p.m. Chy,rch School. All Ages. ."JAIL -BREAK." "A PLEA FOR IMMORTALITY." Pastor, E. VonKeitz. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP, 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Friday, 8 p.m. Young People's. You are invited to come and worship with us. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor. ' d Corner Victoria and Park Streets REV. E. A. COOPER, Pastor. Phone JA 4.8831 9.50 a.m. FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL. REV.°RICHARD TRAVER, of Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, N.Y. WELSH BARITONE SOLOIST in both Sunday Services 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. 8.30 p.m. 4th Filmstrip in Series. "SUCCESSFUL SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHING." Wednesday, 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. THE. SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE. 7 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. VISITORS WELCOME 4041 Wingham Tops GDCI Squad The Goderich Collegiate Vik- ings failed to cope with the strong, passing arm of Wing- ham's John Richards 'and versa- tile running of Mike Carmichael here last Thursday. Goderich bErtame the 14th victim to ,fall 0ooT.. Althouguhi outplaying tae Wingham squad in the fir t half, the Vikings faltered in the last 30 minutes. Theo de- fensive line which had perform- ed in tremendous -fashion the previous week against Clinton seemed to tire in the last half --Winghatn-tor°-seore unanswered points. Wingham opened the scoring at the five minute mark of the first quarter when Mike Car- michael burst 14 .yards off left tackle to score. Goderich retaliated immedi- ately after this when Barry Stewart plunged over the Wing ham goal lire after successive Fong gains by Grant Sowerby, ,Jack Gemmell and Wayne Treitz. After kicking off to Wingham, Barry Atfield recovered a Wing - ham fumble on the Goderich 3a yard line. Barry Stewart ran for a seven yard gain to the Goderich 45 'and from herd Grant Sowerby galloped 65 yards to paydirt on a pictur- esque play. John McLean show - DURING OVA TRAINLOAD.. SALE PORK LOIN `"'OASTS BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE COTTAGE ROLLSSWFE.>ICKLFD TENDERLOIN Ib. END RNS' SAUSAGE PURE PORK LINK Ib. Ib. Ib: 11.15 a.m.. Service conducted by the Minister, Rev. CHARLES LEWIS Sermon- subject, "JESUS, THE . MAN." 8 p.m. - Special Service in aid of. the Sunday School. Guest Preacher, Rev. Harold Snell, Riverside United Church, London. Special music will be presented by The Dominion Life Choir OF KITCHENER HALLOWE'EN PUMPKINS \Ve have lots c4 them - -and. . MAIC APPLES . - per 6 qt. basket 39c AITKEN'S GROCERY Hamilton St., Goderich 4L -FREE 5-Ibs. WHITE SING WITH THE PURCHASE OF -6 GE LIGHT BULBS SLICED,,PINEAPPLE CHOICE r:i L - :_,, __ x.,.. _ ---DEEP-- BROWNED 20 -oz,' -tins- -for- sALA ,,.„ TEASOCKEYE SALMON ,„.. ‘, MAPLE LEAF 20 -oz. tins Pkg. of6i0 CORN SYRUP BEE HIVE WHITE CROSS TISSUE. APPLE SAUCE MITCHELL CHOICE PINEAPPLE CRUSHED • G 1/2's 2 -Ib. tin The Goderich Signal•St1, Thursday, October { 7' ed spine reol bal 'magic, faking,. beautifully ,,to Barry Steuart and Jerry Etue before handing of ° to $owerby. Wayne Treitz threw the vicious key block en the corner lineback allowing Sowerby to go all the way. Wingham refused to falter as they came roaring; aek and with five minutes remaining in the half, John Richards threw a 33 yard pass to end Jim John - on to �o.-thcb„scojc.12.42.. Tb e• p M ff law,! 'fir h O a �h e�ir Coved theball-to a d � the Wingham one yard line only to have the gun" sound to - end the half. a After the kick-off, Wingbiam scored again when big Mike Carmichael burst 33 yards over centre to score. They added the convert on ° a good kick. he -last touchdown scored` -by' Wingham caused a minor disc' pute as, Car-miehaei fumbl€dH, into the Goderich end zone on a two yard plunge with Gode- rich recovering. The touch- down was allowed after consult- ation by the officials but never explained. In thelast quarter the Gode- rich `squad fought back desper- ately, but to no avail. The score ended Wingham 25:Gode- rich 12. Today the Goderich squad will play host to Seaforth. This can well be the deciding *,ame :as to who will finish in second place. NILE CHURCH SERVICE ON SUNDAY CANCELLED NILE, Oct. 24. ---Sunday sPhool will be at 12.39 on Sunday and church will h' cancelled. Tho Nile con',reg.ation ��.�ill meet with Duhganniin and Port Al- bert congregations at Dungan- non at 2 o'clock when Po•,•. Mr. ton Hoopen,, ..of -North tStrect United Church, Goderich, wi;14 ;la$1 t Trrr �n'1on service. Mr. Allan McNee, of the Can adian Imperial Bank of Corn -1 merce, Blyth. has been tr.an- ferred to Newmarket as assist °1 ant accountant. G. Coming . ven Remember . the special ta� class 50e per lesson, at Victor auriston School, Soturday mornings F'rriay 10.nSaturday 42 North Street parsonage Open House scheduled for this•.after noon and evening has been temporarily postponed due to h '4114.04X -v, : ' eseiv Fri fay Nov.; ember 17th for the Chris tm Fair at Auburn, sponsored by the Woman's Association of the United Church. Watch for fur. ther particulars. To order Christ- mas cakes and puddings contact Mrs. Bob Arthur. 42: T.bo--Uoder-ich---Wonen,'s---ta>'i tote isholding a progressive euchre and, "500" on Friday,. October 27, at 8 p.zn. in Macs Kay Hall. Admission 3 Lunch. -42 The Goderich, Branch ,,of the Canadian Cancer "Society is snaking its annual appeal to the local organizations for gift showers for ' their .Christmas baskets. Kindly contact Mrs; Josie Chisholm or Mrs. H. Q. Jerry • of the Service Committee- fol further inforraaation. -42-43 Some of the Young People's Societies in town will be' -col- lecting for UNICEF on Monday evening, October 30th. Boxes also will be placed in some of the stores for your contribu- tions.' Remember when you are approached that one penny will provide a glass of milk for -a hungry child. Young people wishing to take part report to Knox Presbyterian ,,Church in the parlor at 7.00' .m. - 42 The Local Association of Girl Guides and Brownies will meet on Wednesday; - November •8; at p.zn, at the _home sof. Mrs 11 Stott, 73 Montreal St' _42 Postponed meeting •- St. George's . Churchwoman's Guild from .November 1st to" N,ovem- her 8th-,_. 442_ t••••eopeoe•o .`' •••••••••••••eeoe•••0•••• 60430e puce • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • 00 • • 0 0• 0 • • • •• AND, as we shopping e• . We have a pleasing selection of slippers for the whole family'snuggly • warm ones, interesting new styles all bound- to spark holiday cheer on. to Christmas morning. • _ • • •• - • co••®!@el soes•e•e•oe` • • • • • • OVERSHOES and RUBBERS• � move into November,~it's not too early to start your. Christmas gift • ROSS SHOE SHO THE SQUARE • GODERICH • • Where Quality and Economy are related !1 • r*•••••••••••••••••••••••i•••••••o•••••••••ea••®•eeao••eemee emoe•••i •••••••••••••••••••••••••••o®•••O•••••••0•••0••o•••••••••••••••••• FROM NOW UNTIL SPRING Supplement Your Health With Vitamins - C 3-t -9c_ 10, ROLLS si 4 for 7Ac 20 -oz. tins 5 for $1 WeTre brivjjig ~'Em! BRAND NEW 1961 BISSET'S .ICE CREAM KERNEL CORN Y°aK wH°LF TOMATO JUICE LUNCHEON MEAT BRIGHTS' KAM •°P Half 14 -oz. c aux a s GallonC 4 SUPERS, List $2,200' • STATION WAGON List $2,486 VELOX 6 -CYLINDER tins for $ Three Used Vauxhalls, Your 48 -oz. tins$1 12 -oz. tin NOW $17951 NOW $2087 NOW $2095 Choice 51399 4 for • DEMONSTRATORS Make .spire von get there' first! 3 9 C''61 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, List $3,600 '61 IONTIAC PARISIENNE, List $4,310 '61 •BUICK HARDTOP, List $4,519 '61 PONTIAC 'STRATO-CHIEF, List $3,450 FREE HALLOWE'EN PUMPKIN WITH EACH $10.00 ORDER SNOW APPLES CANADA FANCY Half Bushel 9 $2895 $3395 $3498 $2695 105 Down 48 Months to Pay RED &WHITE FOODMASTER PEARSMOTORS LTD J. M. CUTT Ltd. 91 VICTORIA ST. N. - - GODERICH PHONE 78 ZURICH --r JA 4-8421 PHONE 608 EXETER i4 • When buying VITAMINS, be sure -you compare Formulae and cost -per -day! This is important! Don't spend your money unwisely. We recently have heard of "some vital mins, with a low potency formula costing as much as 32c a day. Here we list a few of Our Vitamin, and Vitamin and Mineral Tablets with the cost per day for each one. - VITAMINS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Squibb Vigran Multiple Vitamin Caps., containing Vitamins, A, B, C, D, B12 and Vitamin E. 100 Capsules 3.98 - Cost 4c, a day SQUIBB'S VIGRAN "M" containing the above vitamins along with 7 minerals. E-- 125 Capsules 4.98 Cost per day 3.8c PARAME1"l ES A high potency, Vitamin and Mineral Tablet containing 21 Vitamins and Minerals. SPECIAL. OFFER 125 Tablets for 6.00 Cost per day 4.8c PALADAC FOR GROWING CHILDREN A palatable non-alcoholic Vita- min Solution. - 4 oz. 1.25 •8 oz. 1.75 16 oz. 3.00 OSTOCO DROPS FOR BABY New Low Prices 32 Days Supply 60 Days Supply 120 Days Supply 200 \Days Supply "MALTLEVOL" 1.10 1.90 2.95 4.25 • A Vitamin and Iron Tonic for that tired feeling. • Pleasant to take. 2.50 a bottle Big Savings 6 oz. NOXZEMA 99c METRECAL Powder % Ib. tins 99c 2 %t Ib. tins 5.69 Liquid 6 Pak TONI Home Permanent Regular 2.00 1.59 - FAST RELIEF FOR ACNE PIMPLES Results guaranteed or money - refunded Helena Rubinsteins NEW ACNE TREATMENT, Containing Med- icated Pore . Lotion, Medicated Cream and Wash„ and a grease- less Medicated Skin Cream.' e--now-only--3;50 1.69 CHOOSE THE LASTING RINSE FOR YOUR SPECIAL a HAIR NEEDS • Rubinstein's Color LIFT, a tette. porary Hair Color. Lasts through 5 shampoos. Lathers on in seconds. No Rub Off. Conditions as it, colors, 15 beautiful shades, No Peroxide needed. 69c English health Salts 2 for 69c HALIBUT LIVER CAPSULES 100 87c 300 ASA TABLETS 5 grain 49c HOT WATER BOTTLES 2 qt. size 98c Guaranteed for -2 years. .ELECTRIC °BLANKETS Size 72 x 84 Guaranteed '1 year 18.95 1.75 a bottle • SPECIAL SAVINGS FROM OCT. 26 to NOV. 1. AI 69c Jergen's Lotion 59c 100 Bayer's Aspirin 73c 64c Vick's Vapo Rub 47c 98c Bromo Seltzer 74c 1.25 Bayer's Nose Spray 1.09 ELECTRIC HAIR DRYER Portable, Quiet -No radio or TV interference. Guaranteed one year. - ,14.95 EMERSON'S The Square at -West St., GoderichIA 44412 DRUG-STO„ R..„. E ft,