HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-6-4, Page 144,14 '4,f1.44444141r-4. AND ITURON 46 MIDDLESEXGAZETTE. 144441,43.0.1. "HEW TO THE LIIQE, LST Tag CIPS, FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' VOL. XVIII. NO 30. EXETER, ONTARIO, TJIURSD .T MORNING, JUNE 4; 1891 ATOMS MOTE * SON Ea4rblishallzr and P'roprlater Kash Is King at McTavish & C o+ . P Men's Suits worth $8,00, only $5.75 Kash. Men's Suits worth only $6 5o Kash. Men's Smits worth $4•oo. only $11,25 Kash, Boys' butts worth $5.$o, otaly $4 Kash. Boys Suits worth $2.7, only $1.90 Kash. Clothing to order at lowest prices. peen's natural Wcol Underwear away clown.. Ladies ! Another job lot of Para sols just in to go as cheap as be forks. Fisk to see our 75c. Corset ; per- fect fitling and every pair guarau- teed. Try our new Teas and Coffees. A 1MeTAVIS11 00. r .'1Y* 1011S Sources Tltrougll out thel Pxst;riot. itt�rnv. DrWright, o , D Wr ttt late f Ea Ael l has de i e a gd d to !etude in s Sea omit. y Seaforth outwit haw purchased a now street watering cart. A life and drum baud hae been organized in Clinton, with Mr Storey as leader, A great number of brood mares with their fouls have this spring died iu this neighbor- hood. *tr Joltu Londeehorougls, of Tuokersueith Iota a $300 mare laet week. Iusared for $1»'a. Der Forz' titer, of Tuokoramith, last week ;old to a buyer 13 cattle which averaged 1600 pouude engin For ringing the fire alarm without oo. f caaioa in Clinton the other day, a youth was fined $20 and costs. B. C. Clarke, of Wingham, let a tailor's goose of 20 pounds fall on his big too, in- juring that member severely. Rev Ur Newton, of Bayfield, and Rev Mr •1ioagine, of S aforth, sail fur tho,Old Country on the 1st of July. • H. Schaeffer, of Clinton, weejnet weft 1 charged with a violation of the LillenserAet and lead to pay the statutory fine. Mrs Doyle, mother of Mrs Joseph Evans, ' con 5, Dioliilldied at the residence of .her non -fn -lawn Suuday morning last. "A Mitch itetinee naves nine," and if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla now it may save menthe of future possible eioknon. Some of the fall wheat in this neighbor- hood etands three feet high notwithstanding s the absence of the usual seasonableshowers of rain. Dr Godfrey, of Belgrnve, has sailed for Europe. He intends spending the summer menthe to the hospital, of Edinburg, Lon- don and Berlin. The firm of Gray, Young .k Sperling, had their salt derrick and engine house burned down in Blyth early on Sunday morning last. Lose about $3,000. Mr William Jackson, of the 13th eon., Hullett, succeeded last week in capturing a porcupine. These animals are very scarce in this neighborhood now. The Wingbam district meeting or the Methodist church was hold last week, at Blyth. The returns from the circuits show- ed an increase in the missionary fund of $49 for the district, .and also an increase in some otber funds. Tho membership, how- -AND— ADVANCING ! Step by step one goes along way ! The hare ridiculed the tortiae for its slowness, but the tortise laughingly replied : "I will beat you in a race I" And while it may be a fable it is none the less true inbuai- news pursuits and with men. The undersigned is just closing the fifteenthoa e r f his business career,and although we may he considered slowwe have been plodding on amidst great odds,. but this finds us still in the race. Duringthose fifteen years many changes have oorne over the business visage of Exeter. There are only three places of business now in operation showing the same managing head and other two that have made partial changes with new managers,that were contempo- raries in 1876. I feel myself indebted to my many customers for their liberal patronage afforded me during these years. Whether large or small "pur-. choses, they have my sincere thanks, and I, would ask a continuance of the same. It will be mine to study their needs, seeking to place before them goods equalto those of the past, assur- ing the purchasers of proper attention. and doing our best to meet the wants of the most fastidious. 1 remain Yours, s J P.LARKE. w Foox Norn.-Farm produce taken in li exchange for goods , highest prices paid , b for same.-J.P.C. Ghildrell Cry ' far Pitch ehs'Gastol•ii ever, has decreased by 123. The children in Rhe Sunday schools ars 137 len then last year. On 3tionday of this week the house of A1r Jos Garret, pear Londesbero, narrowly escaped being destroyed by fire. A spark frorsa the chimney being the cause of the disariter. • The "Iluroua" of Seaforth have thus far Ws year been auceeesfnl in all football matcher;. Last week they defeated the Detroit team belly snt1 on Tbureday Isar beat Cb:eage team ; were 2.1. If you are tired takiug the large old fashioned griping pilin, try Carter's Little Liver Piles and take some comfort. A roan can't stand eeerytbing- One pill a doao. Try them. Mr and Mrs J. lkfacartbar and family re- moved this week from; Noonan to Alin r'raig, where JrDMacarthur intends spend• ing the slimmer months on hie farm near Ailsa Creii;, fifr Donald Clark, of Toren townellip, ane of the moat extensive importera and breed - of heavy draugbthorees in I.uct;uow and Lion. bas been forced to make an ensign. anent for tee heueflt of hie creditors. Clinton, a town which is moldered by ite inhabitants to be armee putapkina, can. sot afford a watering cart and the eilizeue e to peas along the streets with ha their idkerehiefe stuffed in their oyes Goss weog-Mra fI !1 rouug, Sully St, Gravest, louden gag wait cured of luau 'aasto by the neo of the earnests of one bottle of St Jacobs Oil, after her case had been given up as hoeeleaa. It haw no ua1.. hire 8. daelreciu, nee .1leya »'tt. liatla.:eean, well known and justly t P es teena d he o Senfo chf en acted this life at an Diego, Cal,. ,on the 20111 ult., after an illness of ever one year. Sne took la grippe in March last and never recovered. On \Veilawadey last ltr :iturdook Camp. boll. of Brosdtoot'a faotory, Seaforth, met with a peculiar accident he having the hone of the fore finger of the right hand split up by a email oirealar naw. Ho had to get the finger amputated. \Vingbaut horsefterh did big things on the Queen'e birthday, At Uptown. Boe'a Bella Roe took first fn the 2 40 class ; at Harriet". Beattie Brothers' Topsy took first, and at Georgetown Gerbard's two harsos took second money in their classes. There is no ono artiole in the line of medicines that gives so large a return for the money as a good prone strengthening plaster, suoh as Carter's Smart Weed end Belladonna Daaknable Planters. Two new counciliore Iowa been elected. for the town of Wiagbam during the week,. viz : ?1eeara 11 Herdsman and Thomas. Holmes. Mr .Herdsman, for Ward Na 1, went in by acolemetion, In No 4 Ward the contest took place on Thursday between T Holmes and 'Wm Itobertaon, 11fr Holmes being elected by 16 of n majority, the total vote being 110-I3otmaa 63; Robertson. 47. At the last meeting of the Taokersmith immune petitions were received from a liege number of ratepayers asking that the pro- posed by-law prohibiting stook from running at largo be not passed, when the following motion was passed. Resolved, that though the interests of a few may suffer, yet iu the general interest it is desirable that the bylaw ahonld pass. It will not dome into force until January 1892. At about six o'clock Thursday morning, the family of Mr Thomas Co.•bett, who resides on the gravel road, Hullett, were startled he a report of a pistol, and on going into one of the bedrooms, Patrick, the aeached eldest son, was found lying in bed, with a gapi>:g wound in the side of his head. Deceased was a promising young man of about 32 years of age, and enjoyed the es- teem and respect of all. Whether his death was intentional or accidental, is unknown. The Goderioh district meeting of the Methodist ohnroh was held in Clinton last week. The reports showed that on the whole the oirouits'had enjoyed a good degree of prosperity, both financially and nnmeri- oally, during the year, each circuit raining for all purposes the sum attached to their respective names as follows ; Goderioh, North street, 32868 39 ; Goderioh, Victoria street, 31683 50 ; Clinton, Raltenbnry-st, 32646 96 ; Clinton, Ontario st, 32209 861; Seaforth, 33030 20 ; Holmeaville, 31600 78; Bayfield 3852 99; lieneall,$1816 42; Kippen, 31043 08 Varna, $985 10 ; Dungannon, 32292 92 : Benmiller, 3995 78 ; Nile, 31451 81• There is an increase of 163 in membership over last year, MIDDLEaEX. The Lunn Fall Fair will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, September I6th and 17th. Mr Stewart Ovens, of McGillivray, is building a 116 x 45 bank barn on his farm on the 1st eon. A one retie bicycle raoe between D H Scelf and 0 Hawkahaw was won by Sceli by two yards. Time 6.30, about as fast as an ordinary walkin;z mwtoh. It is rumored that Mr Billy Taylor, of Biddulph, has purchased the Mooresville hotel and intends to renovate it throughout and rales it two storeys higher. Mr S Sperling, cattle buyer, St, Mary's purchased seventeen head of cattle from Mr Anthony O'Dwyer, of Mooresville, last week. Sixteen of them weighed 21,540 thy, or an average of 1,385 lbs each. If you once try Carter's Little Liver 1 ]Ila for sick headache, biliousness or aonstipa tion, you will never be without them. They are purely vegetable; small and easy to take. Don't forget this. Mien Mande Forte, , of Luoan, received from a friend in Minnesota, two Oregon pears, the largest of which weighed 2 lbs and measured 14 inches in circumference -or about the size of a good sized turnip. Mr John Ryder of lot 18, eon 6 Biddulph, while o ' pl wing the other day unearthed a stone pipe, made by the redmau of the stone` age. It is formed out of Huronite, a very and and refractory kind of stone, and must ave cost an enormous amount of 'labor. The young man W S K Bryant was token to reingaton last week to serve tvo years iR the penitentiary. Bryant was one of those picked from the slams of old Landaun while aboy, and brought to thia country. Ile was given a good borne with a harmer nam.. ed Jos Hall, of t3idduiph, but repaid the kindness by estopping the heed off a calf is a fit of auger. Hie next net was to burn the barn of his late employer. Geo ]3ttskett et the wane township. It is hoped be wits get the fall terns of his sentemoe. 3'$rtTA. Ban Thea iiallentyna, U. P. F . sailed foam New York. Friday far Great Brittle. Hen roost thieves ire getting is their work with t yeugeauee in the township of iilauebard juet now. The praceede gibe anniversary of the Woodhatrt 'fetbotiat chinch on 25th of May, amounted to $140. A biose owned by W. G. Mierpby, of Mitchell. was burned last meek, a deketive stove pipe the cause Less Eat taturasase 3300. 8; ;ifarya tnorebente have de ided to take ar half holiday each week during the sum- mer months and „linea ohoaeu Wednemilay as the day. The indnation of the ileo T. 11, Cosgrove 13, A.. late of fort /tope into hese waterloo of the congregation of the first Presbyterian etcureit St Barge, teak g iaee en 1S'eistessllaty last. Is watt a very saceassful testing. The Gnas:cial grain at the town. nnder e praaeut regime, are getting into bet sh ape, and bow the increaeingoxpoulli- turo fa going to ne meet is what puzzles the gds the; ie, ;o sya t➢, ;ltatchelIl Advocate, A St Marys printer has Ilius Leen a fie. Diedlover en t.rSfthe weed. The other eday its be WAS aba>at to talo a chow of his taverile bowl. he observed what be thought was ss piece of etriug In the plot; of Mimeo, but on pulling it out found 1; to be a mouse loud defnnot -Stratford Tamen. Nature provides a remedy for all Ills, and Dr Williams'I'iuk fills is oakum reunify for the fila peculiar to the female *Mean 8uppreseiou ,weakness, nerrouenese ante all tiia"aa9s resulting from inDpoverishad blood, speedily yield to their treatment. Sold by dealer$, or aent on receipt of :price -50o. per boa. or Jive hem for 32 --by ad dressing The I)r Willianes tiled Co., Brack. vine, Ont. .rlayiield. Dt:.ixu or A Dxartvoux-neo Men. -.There died at the residouoo of itir James Thomp. son, of this village, Mr Murdook Mcleod, whose father was an aper in Hie alajoaty George IV Navy. He was barn in Rolshtro Scotland, in 1797, and in 1821 was mauled to Jennie IfoKenzie, whose father was Aga of Kenneth, Earl of Seaforth, Laird of Kin - tail. and Chieftain of the Isle of Lowis. This gantlemau's property went to distant rela- tions owing to no main heirs, leaving for a family of Ririe in obscurity. Murdock Me - Lend and his estimable partner emigrated to Nova SaoDie and settled on a farm iu the valley of the Baddiok river, which place he sold in 1881. Their diamond wedding woe celebrated in 1881, having been married 60 years. Mrs McLeod died five years after, A largo family blessed their nnion, Those still s'ltrviving are firs Struthers, CIinton; John McLeod, Bayfield ; Mrs Thompson, Bayfield, at whose place they lived till their death ; James, of Glenbury Farm, Goderich township, and Donald of Michigan, and an invalid daughter, Kate McLeod, having been confined to bed 32 years. In religion Mr MoLeod was a Presbyterian and in politica a staunch Liberal. 14-44114-41 St. Marys. Ms. BARB MR'S MURDERERS ARRESTED. -- The murderers of Wm M Barbour, of 8t. 'Marys, Ont., have been arrested, and are now in jail at Butte, Mau, They were ar- rested by the Butte authorities at the instigatiou of Jas Berry, the Portland detective, and Sheriff Wariety, of Seattle Barbour was murdered on the night of April 15, and the body was found at Penn- yor's mill, < floating among the logs, on Sunday, May 3. On April 17 two men entered a First street pawn shop and ex- hibited an elegant gold watoh, whioh they finally pawned for a silver watoh, valued at The pawnbroker en o 312.T e paw pp sed the gold watch was stolen, but knew nothing of a murder. The man signed the pawn book, writing the name of M W Barbour. These were the letters which oomposed the mono- gram ou the watch; and then the signer also showed the broker Barbour's bank book, and exhibited a diamond ring, whioh had been taken from the body. After the body was found a brakesman gave inform% tion about two men answering the desorip. tion of the pawn. shop visitors. Working their way to Seattle, and getting there on April 28, detectives followed and have succeeded in arresting the men, who are discovered to be ex-eonviots and old time murderers. They answer the description of the men who last fall murdered a clergyman. named Greenwood near Napa, Cal., for whose arrest and oonviutioa a reward of 34,500 is offered. 20 MILES TO PROCURE MEDICINE. Winfield, Ont W 13 Cott:Toon, Brookville. DEAR SIR: -Am selling your "Dr lolorse's Indian Root Pills" in this locality. I have customers who come 20 miles for the sake of getting Morse's Elle. This speaks for itself as to their value: I use theist in our lamily with "the moat satisfactory results." My wife has been onred of sick ' headache by their use. We could not do without them. Yours. eto., A Bnanirxzu. Buyers of lambs have been through the country and are offering 34.50 per head; Mr McKinley will have to pay dear for his roast lamb this year. A grand concert will be given by Prof. Scott and his pupils in Coxworth's He11, Hensall, on Friday, June 1211, The program consists of solos, duetts quartettes, etc. 1 .Erucefield. J3nrer,s-Dr johns 'tifCLevid, of Brooklyn, is home spending a few days with his father. Die many friends ltere are pleased to meet with John ;gain..- stir Will McQneen, of Toronto. is lime spending his vacation with his parents; alto Mr James ;4ustard, of Chicago --Alr Bolmee, Clinton. txtoapied the pulpit of Ihiion church last Sabbath erg, the 'meter taking Bev Mr Edgee were to Clinton. -The football mettle between. ibo'Juntare' of 13rueefield and Cdtb feet t#atnrday was in laver of Brneetleld by 3.-1. The hove deserve credit as the C4tlr teana was ranch too large for the 3miioxa..--ktr 1?rvlgh, the stew proprietor of the fame hotel, is making Boase very noticeable ins- proventeute, and in time will have a fine hotel• -.-We ere pleaead to bear that ltira (Rev) Sicepsou le able to be around again..-- ¶I1m Beyel Template. of Tomrperauce intend leaving a lawn somalon or about the 225rd of this month. The soelel i4 in Aid of the organ fund. 441, Wean eu. Br4CE4-,-Fall wheat in this locality is generally good. but spring grope and meadows ere mon in need of rain, -Tho statute labor is neer being done, and there ao'n afew points nta In g9n Pe.tte s with it, that it will do no baits to bring to tlso notice of tWee leaving toeoversi ght of fila work; first,11:a great waett: of ' gravel by put"tng it on the road je:'ft.raa it is properly nestled, se a to sleety the water to rim ori; secaud, eachTeti beet etenttl liev.s a ha^nrnar to break the ati ric'1 drain on frith the nravel, !sere arae graivel 15 pat all rt read pre ally grtavah ll, it the Menee aa'e not Inguen mem saran krsaaeke+i rete the reed to n rt.at .«.;iher.obeerm4ingto Mc Ja.mEaa eeka way faatra>i da'ad in the mantra on us lav raeraingr It was all right an sturday overdue and the cauNe of death is ornewhat a mystery. -Jobs, ;Utley le at preaent lain up with la grippe. Mr Kineela is making groat ireprovemt nts by moving his barns mid putting brick foundatiane under thew. -..lir John Brock is huiltiiog a now house. Wooduatn. Bnrrrs—Qnr 8 S and church auniveraary services of the 2.110 and 25th nth., wore of a highly aucceaefuland aetictfeetory char.. niter P. evidence emiled upon us in send ing warm sunny weather. The aormona nett address of the Rev B 0 /lenders, of Lucau, on Sabbath were eloquent and able and muoh appreciated by the people. On ]tfenday the dinner and supper did credit to our ladies in qusutity, style and manner of serving: The committee of arrangements did, their work well. All the miuieters in- vited were present and requitted themselves well. The Granton brass band rendered' splendid music. Altogether we had a good time. Receipts 11140, -.Tho Zinn congrega- tion of thin circuit on the Mitchell road, propose havinga garden party at litho home of Mr Henry Switzer on the 11th of June. Refreshments will he served iron 0 to,8 p.m. Tho Granton braaa baud will be in attendance. A grand time expo eted.-Spring grope in this looality are suffering for rain. -Unless ram comes soon hay will not be bought hero for fivo dollars a tou next win- ter. -It is feared that the late frosts have hurt the fruit crop. Eden. BRIEFS -Mrs John Estuary and her mother Mrs Harris have gone on an extended visit to Cleveland, Ohio.---Qaito a number of our young people spent 25th at the Bend while the majority visited Linen to see the races. -Miele Maud Dempsey was visiting friends in Luoan and vioinitylaet week. -Mr Rundle is putting in a hedge fence along the road. This will add greatly to the appearance of his farm. FooTs.a,L-The Eden foot ball club went to Grand Bend on 25th to play a game with the club there. On arriving, tbere seemed to be no such a thing as a oldb of any kind; but about 12 o'clock the supposed captain turned up and set the matoh for two o'clock. When that hour arrived both aloha were arranged on the field, both seeming oonfisl- ent of victory. At call of play Coates' kick- ed to Dempsey who parried it down on goal, but the "egg-shaped" ball was kinked book to centre in an instant. Eden again got the ball, and with a few passes from one man to another, seoured their first goal. This seemed toencoarage the boys a little for they worked the next half time like trojans • The Bend goal keeper could not withstand the shote that were rained on goal from time to time by Coates, Dempsey and Bowden, and to 1 the second goal was scored, Grand Bend has a .strong team but the old time luck of the Edenites did not fail them and they came off victorious Score, 2.0. Eden also has a junior olub, oomposed of younger and smaller players than that of the first. It wouldn't do to say they were as good as the first team, but just the same would not take a bank net from any of them. About three weeks ago, these young juveniles went to the town of Elimville and defeated the club there by 1' goal to none. Of course Ellaville had to play the return match, and on Saturday niht last game to Eden to try to win bank 'what they had lost -bat no 1 the little club was again too much: for the champions of the swamps, and played io the tune of 2 goals to none. Go on boys and may the luok that has attended you for so long never fail. Challenges will reoeiye the greatest of at- tention by either club. Now is your time. Send them iu as soon as possible. F. J. Ewing, Seaforth ; R. J. Gibson, Clinton ; C. McKay, Seaforth G. Mc. Garman, St Marys ; G. McKenzie, Wing ham'; J. McQueen, Fish Creek ; J. W. Shaw, Brussels ; J.:11. Smith, Mitchell, passed their final examination last week in connection .with the Ontario College of , Physicians and Surgeons. Tho following from'this neighborhood passed their prim- ary examination. rimary'examination. W. Elliott, Mitchell ; 13. Iilbourn and A. N. Maybury, Parkhill. 1linard's Liniment is the Best. 1)asliwood. Scuoora Ba rsosr-The following are the aauz,es of the pupils of the Sr Division who received 60 per cent co over on written work during the month of May :-..Fifttr clam- Milton lava-Milton took. 57, Sr 4511--.0eorge Settler, 50. So 3rd--Daufel Iiartleib, 72 ; Annie Ethers, 54. Jr 3rd -Ed Theo, 62; 4. Kraft 57. Sr2od-fi Hertteib, 6a; DE il'iliert, 57 ; Sain Re tver. 56. Jr 2r4 --Emma agrter, 57. .tvera;:o etteneience 80 Sem 4. Hares[. Prig tee -A thunder atoms massed 0100 1 the write[ can Tuesley nort# Ur J. 1i it, c•I, t: he was away ort owe time. hos returned. Ile ntford. ilttmbnrg. l'ladein Berlin, ronto sad eeverel other ptsees,-.-llav 13 eau is away on a trip to Quebec Province present.-..dir IL Yaeger and family went to Hamburg op Saturday lent to Attend the Menai of Mr Yaeger' mother.---ltr ii Nora Worthy has reeeived ample/went Mem Air It Welilnaof Chia place. -.•Mr R, Labwau paid our village a altar: shit last week,- . Several of our young people spent Sunray at. hese Band. Godericll ilrua?ra-Irail Clerk Frye has been ap.. otutie sue to the e: '"an a"x p d pa as � ufu d by the lase W 13 1.lattitor;N.--'phare c ell It > s .en ellent trnttiug race.. at 1't.Ilee'si Pert otD 1)ataieieti 1) sy .=.lines, Cayuga Mea i of i)ctot lead a suoaa aal oes f14l seeiel asst Friday, -The vow Grey et Pert ,'',1". <rt iionight beive eaceefittngty Got . cruet ansa to thin poet the past went -.alar p »la;o taaJ the pleasure of seat•inaf a:urge ne weigh:te ovCatma0 Linn tress 'lass lanesee et, Ih rr . Cleric k A ]aaDa n i btt l on t x 1 the sue •. n --The Co C rendl :net .'n i'.o:,lay nfi:ir• a9(ar,tt, tela Lite h awnver f r a :'iatwt f -.r this ts�ue.�.liev W. A Yonne wee in L' ellen rho past week. The Juno seesitaua of tee C.'nnty t"ouch will be held next week.- The eek.= Tas i sett auer'iireylon•aal' loft on Satnrdey for % iartell with pelt f+er Jas Caer..c.-.aliases etcanter'City' of til indeer, was in harbor on Saturday,-a011te Of nor treats could Di�at ins their nets on Satnrdav on ace:aunt of ftri,.-TO,. 8ehir:�1 Baud tout on 1.ns;iav evg, and after the utuat menthe; btteiursa ordered eoneidorahte ropaire and elt-et the chairman, S. .f<alcesueen, high Selma Trnatec,...1'he Port Albert steamer, 'Ike Spray' was in title harbor aeverai times the past week.--W'illiaw Beek, father of our Warden, died on Saturday aged Sl yore. '.fest' € eeearea was interre.l in Madden( cemetery on Monday in the presence of very large umber of relatives and friends, --Rev Mr Harris of Bouwiller preached in' the Nettle -et Utah church on 'Sunday.-- Itev air Hutton, in the Victoria et church, on Sunday preached apeotally to students of the teaching profeasian.-Mr A. J MfeColl, who was some years Alice a law partner of the late Judge Squires, is in town for a few, days. -Complaints are a Iready long and loud Ail to the prospects of the hay crop Eodgerville. BMMMU S. -Mr. McLeod has moved to the house north of his former residence. -Il. Doan has purchased at a fair figure the lot and louse lately occupied by Mr. McLead.-We regret to leara that Mr. and Mrs. Tapp are on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. FA.:daguire. Exeter, spent a pleasant day at .1r. George Case's last week -Mrs Dougall is visiting friends in Tuckersniith this week. --Tito teacher walks faithfully to and from the school every legal schoolday. It is good exer- cise for him after breathing the nob too pure air of a schoolroom all day. -Geo. Case nearly lost a valuable horse last week through sickness ; but the skill of our local Vet, brought hint around all right. -In the line of improvements, P. O'Brien and T. Hawkins are re -shingling their barns ; T. M. Case is prepairing to make improvements on his barns ; and P. Case is busily engaged in drawing rails and repairing fences on his farm. - Some of our village cows had a narrow escape from being killed on the track the other day. The public highway is not a safe pasture field, especially in the vicinity of the railroad. -The many friends of Mr. M. McTaggart, who left here some months ago for British Col- umbia, will be pleased to learn that he has secured a good position there. He is well pleased with the country, and speaks in the highest terms of his em- ployer, Mr. Wm. Reddy, a former resi- dent of Usborne. Milt. was a general favorite and deserves to succeed. -Wash- ing sheep was tha order of the, day last week. The old-time practice of bring- ing a drop of aqua Nitre to be taken in- ternally to counteract the effects of the cold water from without, seems to have fallen into utter disrepute ; thus the time honored customs of our torefathers are discarded by their descendants ; but. it is all right as long as the change is for the better. e` Bargain J)epot We have something pertioe3 riy )tti06' is ladies' Hid Boots, low Orford Tie Slippers ; they are of the very newest designs, in fact a eurnbinntipn or poet. -leas, comfort and durability, and eau be bought at right prices. While we are particularly erts,ieua to please the ladies, we by no nsestns :inept gentlemen.. To be couvonoed of this, call and see our Ciente' Kid and Cordovan Bale, they are really elegant ; and every description of heavy wear will be found hero in large quantities, Don't forget our ruotto ;-�-" Beat values at lowest prices." Our bargaina In Skirtings, Embrruderies, Brocaded Luetres, Creme Goode, are equallylur- inti. Don't forget the place - - -MARKET ARKET STORE. J. .. SS Plugtowu. Aternuxr--0at :rednestiaydast wliila?kr, Johan `�k('urric, a f Usa 1211s eau 't rirarnel`. 1 ae.ono;Baas:c i l v Mina Afire Stenos. of Lb J rL, rttavQ ert+ ai u their nay to1ti1e ra lko6401401740w et ;i tura hill ,�a rf i II agar Iiirlitou ttscir hose oawutat c• e4 biceiust, mai running away. throw theut In out of tl.o hug,,y. lan'akiug eery 3ieVursly'a i cullet Inoue. and alightly injuring alias :Stc:;oc• The dueler was soon en hand and after t0•' !a�b s rcgaine:i ceznoioaanaa ate tnn.lc.l to their injuries. They hail a quan- t.tv of ergs aka l butter for mazJ;et, and a half mile ;hey were strewn along tate road. The ite, br+sgy e u eenai leraitly cc.«caked batt e horse mitred. Sows -One night hat week Mr \Pilliar>z Fraueia isad several bbeep killed by doe*. ;Tho communication trout Ptugtown in answer to that of the Kirkton correspondent will appear next week.-Beitar.t Mary had alittle lamb, its fleece was white as snow; it strayed one summer's day. where lambs shouldnever go. Then Mary sat her down, and tears streamed from her eyes ; and never found the lamb because she never advertised. And Mary had a brother Sohn, who kept a village store, and sat down and smoked his pipe and watched the open door. .And as the peo- ple passed along and never stopped to buy,. John still sat down and smoked his pipe and blinked his sleepy eye. And so the Sheriff closed him out, but still he lingered near, and Mary came todrop with him a sympathetic tear: '•How is it, eider, can you tell why -the other merchants here sell all their goods and thrive from year to ems i year ?"R narse b o now her own bad luck, the littlemaid replies : "These other fellows get there John, because they adverbfse The Toronto .Separtste Schools will close or midsummer vacation June 25, 1 Uredltou. 'Buten.--Miss Pearl Rollins, Exeter, was the guest of Miss Bertio Trevethick last week. -Miss Brown, teacher in the junior room, spent 24th of May at her home in .genforth, but has been unable to resume Iter duties awing to a severe attack of illness. Her class 'in the mean- time is being taken care of by 1,1r Angus Matheson, of Strathroy.-The families of Mr. Wm. Lewis and Mr, Jury had their yearly outing at Grand Bond on Thursday last. -.lir. JuIin lrevetltiek visited the County to em last week and ahipped several wagons to the Bruce mines per steruner, Mr. T. has a good demand for his wagons in Algoma. -Mr Fred. Wuertli is rapidly pushing ahead his new brick stable which will be roofed with iron shingles, and when completed.. - - will be the best in town. -The sale .of the estate and effects of Deborah Long was held on Tuesday. The real estate is Creditor), was bought by Mrs. Grace Clark, and the personal effects were principally bought by relatives. The Pots in Clandeboye were not soid.-Sev- eras of the business men took a trip to the lake ou Monc'ay and brought home sorne nice fish. They evidently enjoyed the outing. -On Tuesday morning a dark brown dog was seen around the village actiug rather peculiar and biting several other dogs. Some parties who saw him feel confident he was mad, as they say he was frothing at the mouth. The owners of the dogs which were bitten have shot their dogs as they do not want to run any chances of rabies. Ben, WORSE, woRST-0o1d, cough, con sumption, to cure thr feat and seoond and prevent the third use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the never -failing family medicine for all diseases of the throat, lungs. and chest. A marvel of heeling pulmonary complaints, THE GREAT Cash Stor4 HENSALL, The place for We have the Finest Line of PRINTS at 11 QTS. In the county. DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, SHIRTING, COTTONS and COTTONADES AWAY" ' DOWN Cut this out ; it is wog: th 25c. on a 3.00 Purchase. $ u Fine Confectionary, Cigars, Fruits and Ice Cream, always on haocle/ G. E. C00KMAN, Hen-'