The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-10-26, Page 2n
Z" The
'C'isadetriell Signal -Star, Thursday, 04tober 26, I.961
;nrrich 'ii. tar 4 ,* at
.-70-- The County Town Newspaper of Huron. —0-R- et
f1LPU ;
Published . c+ A
by " . toLION
Signal -Star Publishing Limited
in ire 114th year "of publication
Subscription Rates — ' t$3.00 a year. To U.S.A. $4.00 Ebi advance)
Authorized as eeond class mail, Post OIftee Department, Ottawa, and for
Payment, of postage i gash.
-, .,s_ ,,,v _.,.. , •, .: _zea - si x .- Y
Circulatibir�ver 3,400GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher
We pause to pay tribute to an old
ntiVAPape ..b11,d .- _ot h..ed i re.ssioh days
J9hn P. -Gore, managing editor` of The
London Free Press -- whose death occur-
red suddenly while on a business trip to
New York City. Dedicated heart and soul
to newspaper work, his every waking hour
was given to either thoughts or„ efforts on
journalistic ideals.
We were always aw•ar,of his con-
cern over the tendencies of some public
bodies who labored under the delusion
that some things they did were private
and not the -concern of the public — those'
taxpayers who only provided the money
for what the public bodies did. He was
strongly of the opinion that it was the
right of newspapers to be provided with
aceess to the news of what these public
• Nearly everyone_ has heard of some-
one — usually a friend of a brother-in-
law who makes at least $26,000 a year
for sitting in to office and keeping his
desk clear or for 'taking clients out to
four-hour: lunches. He . rn Pre rably,,Lalse
heard thatditch-diggers don't really do
anything but lean on' shovels nowadays.
In an effort to diseover whether jobs
are always greener on tile othor side of
the fence, a Winnipeg Tribune reporter
named Peter, Liba went to work at 18 di-
fferent occupations in about three weeks'
time. After completing .these labors (six
Down Memory's
50 Years Ago -1911
A runaway team upset a
buggy belonging to Mr. and
Mrs. William Potts on Sanford
Hill. Mrs. Potts died a few
hours later of a fractured skull
and her husband was severely
The crew of the wrecked
schooner Azov landed at Shep-
pardton and found shelter at
bodies t. d. After all, this news rightfully
belongs to the public and it tlitrmh
their newspapers. that they get it, lie felt.
To these idj.1s, we heartily asubss kikle_for
only by the open serutiny of the8-public
can there be guaranteed that proper steps
will be taken by public bodies for the wel-
fare of the people in, general. If they
are doing ,as they should, these bodies
need 'have no fears in keeping information
from the public.
Mr. Gore went a long way along the
journalistic trail since we both covered
t he old Covent Garden Market "news
beat", he for The Free Press and the writ-
er for the London Advertiser. This was
back in to depression years when both
money and cheerful news were scaree com-
(By Cap
Seek ,
t. Alice Bailey of The
alvation Army)
out of the bookof the
.Isaiah 34,„ 6
and concentration. While we
read, let us search, bend the
whole force of our mind, call in
our atndivided, attention and
the ho. e ckael. -Carney, .. pi•d a �"enres e er s' ,1 �., 4g
� a,�. , e' �`
ti�tQ ft •a .� aT .�<� �#. eulzl-
rs1c tzttsy '^v..orr _.Q Ln x C
were W captains of the St. In •the midst of a world Pi Bible frequently, 'systematically
Augustine rifle club. and- prayerfully.
At I�ntail, a presentation wa wicl�edness, God sends Isaiah Give me this lamp to read my
made to John O'Reilly who wars with 'the message: "Seek ye out road,
moving to Quincey, Mass. of the book of the Lord and fhis storehouse for my daily
30 Years Ago -1931 read." food.
F. S. Rivers had resigned as Notice that the object to Give me this chart for life's
principal of Victoria School to which our attention is directed rough sea,
accept a position on the staff is The book -of the Lord. ThPs These healing leaves, this
of the North Bay Normal School. phrase originally meant the • heavenly tree.
At n auction sale --for ;t . H. prophetic writings but since
F-aowler, Dungannon, a matched the cannon of Scripture has
team of grey mares brought $65. been completed, we understand
Winners of ducks at Dren- by the book of the Lord the
nan's howling alley were: Alex whole Bible. ,
Powell, Douglas Graham, Percy Why is the Bible the book
Johnston, W. Prouse and Joe of the Lord? It is inspired by
Bowman, jr. God. The Scriptures themselves
Miss Josie Saunders was in testify to this fact. "All Serip,-
Toronto attending the, annual ture is given by inspiration of
convention of the National Rec- Gpd. The Bible gives the most
rection Association. complete, detailed and sublime
15 Years Ago -1946 description of the Lord. It des -
Elijah Drinkwalter celebrated critres His nature and His
his 90th birthday.' works, records His terrible acts
The mortgage of Bethel of justice, the grand display of
Pentecostal Tabernacle was His mercy and His unfailing and
burned at a special service. unchanging goodness. It leaves
Mr. Kenneth Pennington had no serious question concerning
taken' chaargeof the ' Dominion the Lord unanswered. The
Store, succeeding R. Sharpe Bible also points mankind to
who went to Walkerton. ' God. It teaches us the way to
Mrs. Alvin Sherwood was access to God through the blood
hostess at a shower for Miss of atonement. It marks the
Lucille Eedy. path by which the prodigal
The Goderich Fire Depart- returns to his father.
ment was called to the home Why should we seek out the
of Robert Lewis, Saltford, to book of the-„ Lord and read.
extinguish a blaze on the roof. Therd are many reasons. To
.10 Years Ago -1951 gain instruction, for Paul says
Douglas Webster was awarded "For whatsoever things were
the Hugh Innis Strang memorial written aforetime were written
.sebr a_rsllip :far_ 1951 while. 7 -our -learning;' To gainJ1c.
1950 scholarship went to Jack
Carman Garrow, Colborne
Township, was awarded $8,500
because of a car accident -on
the Maitland Concession.
Douglas Webster was awarded
the Hugh Innis Strang memorial
scholarship for 1951 while the
19VQ schalorship 'went to Jack
Carman Garrow, Colboorne
Township, was awarded $8.500
because of a caraccident on
the Maitland concession.
v quick- Taylor's Corner community
ll t •ie�v of the cur_ Presented a coffee table and a
m Hereules he re -
petted tersely: "This. assignment cfeared
' u p may ' wrong impressions I had about
various jobs."
lune cif- the profes..sio,ns, -1 iaoni shoe
salesman to 1v llbey, was the pushover that
--rumor might lav 'i1 "'. _�
Thoreau spoke of men leading `'lives
of quiet desperation,,' We hope news of
Mr. Liba's experiment will prevent any
from doing so out of a mistaken belie;;
that everyone else has a better, easier job.
That May he just a sign "that they need
to pay more 'attention to mastering their
' Time has a habit of slipping; b k freedom for which w'e're spending millions
of dollars to prot enc in v fable lama to Miss Vera Wilson
relit threats to world peace °'. . nrinr to her marriage to Keith
"Surely, our faith in .democracy war- Miller. ,
rants a bit more enthusiasm than this ! Mr. and Mrs. S. Atkin, Niagara
"Municipal govc'rnmellt still seems Falls, were visiting Alex .Knee-
shaw. •
to he -small' potatoes to a great male' rate-.
Letter T9 Editor
ST. HELENS, Oct. 23.=1V1r.
and Mrs. T. J. Todd and Miss
Isobel Miller spent the week -end
at Reinbeek, New York State.
Week -end visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Webb , were
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bose and
David Stewart, of Newmaarket,
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Pearce, of .Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller,
of London, spent the :'week -end
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Taylor, -and Mr. and
Mss. W. I. Miller.
lylrs. Charles MacDonald un•
torts -.Hospital; endeinc;' •rya
Thursday. Her daughters, -Mrs.
Ruth Cranston And Miss Gladys
MacDonald spent a few days
with her in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Callum Cam-
eron, of Detroit, were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. John
Cameron; -
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawley, of
Oshawa, visited the latter's par -
grits, Mr. and Mrs,. Lorne Woods,
over the week -end.
' Goderich, Ont.,
Oct. 23, 1961.
Mr. George Ellis,
Editor, Signal -Star.
Dear Mr. Ellis:
On behalf of the Goderich
Bissets, Men's Softball Club, I
wish to express our sincere ap-
preciation for the excellent
space that you provided in your
newspaper, for the weekly ac-
counts of our softball games
this past summer.
We would also like to thank
you for running the little notice
for back copies of the Signal -
Star which we were trying to
obtain. We have received over
40 calls from people who saved
their newspapers and had the
various copies that we wanted.
Within the next month or so,
we are planning to hold a din-
ner and dance for the team axed.
those closely associated with
the team'.
Presentations--arelo be made
on this evening, which will be
ly and i►1 this t'espeet it is interesting to
note. that. the Town of. Goderich munic-
ipal nomination meeting is only about
four weeks away. F'riday, November 24.
to be exact ! It's not ti>c, soon to do son le
thinking, about -it. °
Citizens in most other municipalities
are not unlike those of (=oderich in the
matter of giving due considoration-'-to
matters 'OT a WinnicipaT nafirre. For ex-
ampie, The Exeter Times -Advocate scums
.things up nicely regarding Exeter which
also, applies „to Goderich and scores of
other municipalities.
Says The Times -Advocate: "Too' oft-
en, municipal elections in this area have
been a case pf finding enough candi-
dates to fill the posts. It's on record that,
more than once, municipalities have had
'to call second nominations to secure snffi-
eient representatives.
`1 s this an example' .of. the -gray . we
cherish the freedom we've fought on num-
erous occasions to maintain, the same
payers; these days. Yet most town, village
and township councils are handling hun-
dreds of thousands of dollars every year.
That kind of Money is easy to spend, but
ills not so easy to spend vrisel, p rtie-
iilarly when there is, so much for which it
can be used.
"With sewerage systems, subdivision
development, municipal planning, capital
budget forecasts and many ,other import-
ant eonsiderations facing most councils, it
should not be a question of filling the seats.
The concern 'should be to elect the best
men available.
it's not too soon for citizens in
every municipality to begin thinking about
their responsibilities in this -department.
Let's not leave it until the day after nom-
inations.'' -
40:en'„,„t TRICK or TREAT
Masquerade — Party -- Or Dance
We have an excellent selection of
To add gaiety to the weird festival.
and see our suggestions for partying, gift -giving or
just plain FUNI
ANDERSON -S Book Centre
East St. Next to Post Office -- Goderich
-- to earn the higher rate
of -31/2',; on your savings.
if Open YOIUR account at British Mortgage by November 1st,
A n.ew interest period begins November 1st.
Earn 317o interest for the next six months.
Free stamped -addressed envelopes fol your' convenience.
I'd I
&nrs!Ir cOJPANY-
11377 w ,
A 610,4114
Years Ago
III In Huron
From the files of The Huron
Signal of Oct. 30, 1850
amples as the Bible describes
what mee ought to be, and in 1 the finale to aur season. ,
living characters it gives us Sincerely,
examples of what they were. Larry Aldham.
There is not 'a single virtue that ..
can and should adorn.- human
nature, but living
is character,
re- T vlor Cornu
in some living character, re
If You're TIRED
Now and then everybody gets a tired -out
feeling and may be bothered by backaches.
Perhaps nothing seriously wrong. lust a tempor-
ary condition caused by urinary irritation or
bladder discomfort. That's the time to take
Dodd's Kitiney Pills. Dodil's help stimulate the
kidneys to relieve this condition which may
often cause backache and tired feeling. Then you
feel better, rest bettor. work better. 81
• An advertisement in the then
small classified ad Section of
The Huron Signal was signed
by a farmer, a distiller and a
miller from Hamburg (now New
Hamburg, Ont.). Headed "$50
undersigned, Will plough, ,man
for man, with any three men
within 15 miles.of S. Fryfogle's,
Esq., South Easthope, for a wag -
et of 12 Pounds, 10 Shillings
currency. Any kind of ploughs
allowed to be used. The ground
is to be chosen when the wager
is taken up."
corded in "'The book of the
Lord.” We see faith exempli-
fied in Abraham, meekness in
Moses, patience, in Job. To
gain ,encouragement. The Bible,
is a rock of graCious promises
and copsolations. They suit.
every need and every emerg-
How should we csek out of
+he book of the Lerd And re2d?
We should do it with deep
seriousness and in an attitude
of reveronrsP. When we ,pick
up the Bible to read.,,twO' are
moving into God:s holy pres-
ence. We are about to listen
ro His living word: If we read
HiS word prayerfully, we are
as, truly in God's presence as
moses was at the burning bush.
And His v9iee is as -truly sneak-
ing te- Should be
read with all the attention and
concentratien of which we are,
capable. We are exhorted to
ing demands purposeful activity
Residenis of Goderich are l'enaind4d to set
their clocks back one hour
Sunday October 29
at 2. A.M.
The official hour for reverting to
—The W.A. of Zion Church will
inget on Wednesday, Noembet-
lsr,in the church in the after-
noOn. There will be a. quilt to,
‘vork on. Pot luck will be in
order for hine-h; so ladies, bring
your cup and spoon.
Mr. Edward Stiles, Goderieh,
M rs. Frank Wood, Goderich,
Miss S. Redfern and Mr. Bob
Wood London,. were dinner
,wests vith Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Wilson and family on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ginn
attended the C.O.F. convention,
in Woodstock on Saturday.
Splendid congregations turn-
ed out for both anniversary ser-
vices at Zion Church on Sunday.
Rev.:C. E. Taylor -was the guest
speaker. at both services. Mr.
Bob Wood, London:. and Mrs.
M. Sutcliffe and Mrs: R. Good,
Goderieh. were guest vocalists.
Mt. Ed. Stiles was at thevorgan,
All was: much appreciated.
- Memorials
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