HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-10-19, Page 1212 The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, October 19, 1961 emergency Nora ° The World's Most Expensive Citizens tt, 4 • = +44 Canada takes good care of her 12,000 Eskimoes. To protect their health the government puts out more than $23 million -a year. Iniemergencies such as the one shown above, for in- stance, flying an injured Eski- mo from his" remote Village to a modern hospital may cost up to $4,000 All this makes the Canadian Eskimoes the world's most expensive citizens. - No ong, complains of this ex- pense, however For there. is a very good reason for it Until not too long ago Eskimoes were dying out This came about when to the Eskimo's naturally--hard---lot ..ofhuige cold, and accident, contact with the White Man added tuber- culosis, syphilis, polio and many of the other ills of civilization. The government ,realized that .unless something were done to help them, the Eskimoes might well disappear from the Cana- dian scene. oit• Now„ -a regular network of' he alt h stations protects the well being of these indigenous residents of Ca n a d a's Far North. Costs are high because the country is wild and rough and distance great between the widely scatter'ed Eskimo com- munities. The .atory. 04, how Cana,da, has accomplished, this impres- sive task is told in the •Septem- ber -October issue of "World Health," the bimonthly maga- zine of the World Health Or- ganization. This lastest issue of World Health isodevoted exclusively to health in the Americas. Other articles cover the water crisis in L at in America, the building of model health services -in Brazil's new. capital city of Brasilia, and the history of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, then world's oldest international health or- ganization and since 1949 WHO's Regional Office for the Americas. • LARGEST BUYER At +IURON HOLSTEIN SALE FROM USA FOR. A GREENER THUMB By G MacLeod Ross " with six inches of insulating material., Soil has been used locally and successfully although it does not comply*with the ideal desiderata. It may be its sandi- ness in certain locations which makes jt effective. Of course, in toderich, if you are located in the right zone, have some spare sacks and the wind is favtrable, it 4. possible to col- . The Winter Har‘diness of Plants foam, spread loosely over the lect large quantities of U.S. overtitek,,eAvAttters..wIlaiiiciwz4.11..,.,rhardy,-...ghry-saritillenuan..s., tok.gins. AIL the -growing .season. If 4,4-4,4eitY.Dziagrait.o.E..(2).reduce your 4;72,5 n: liwisiaunvt qat liusks. , JAre is idea ;Dula . 15c mile 41' if;i5n ,,,tw,...-5"-timos.eattRowthil)vot-tv Irgeeitfr •-'tsitstr,thq.l.r.,` tir..,4iti elt— ' y 4, . '''-. •, tenuaye....it. . .T.he uzlexpisste4, );Ctgr ' — t " ' '' ' ' ' • ' ' ' - • I - `"' ' - ' ' ''''. • '; --4.0 " 'ttitvtrintit9 4.' liretilft;;, '--tivreagotTts 1.(-1.1-..i'V‘PriegIoliat(44t*z(W-'0; ... about preserving perennials1s-overeign method is to remove! IV -hardiness7-of-t plant b'e- nought. 'if ;, you--thisare-.4ai and all your care will o for electively means understand -i tne cold frame, which- action it has been healthy, its chances provide against the final, and prize money by money - order 'how. Contrary' to popiriar be, I cidentally the Spoon variety is is too late now to say it, but, spell. pout -tillage. Please be present to receive your .prizes.,-, mg 'what conditions kill andalso tends to reduce rotlnof survival are enhanced. It- ; usually late drycoldsunny , , I noted for its lack of hardiness never feed a plant after July. Friday the 20th Meeting Tomorrow, Friday the 20th of October, at 8 p.m.. in St. draw it from ,the ypots. This condition ' becinnes critical d's spring approaches. •Prozen ground, strong winds and warm sun are more disastrous to evergreens than winter .condi- tions. They cannot cope with this accelerated transpiration and the leaves burn in con,se- quence. Therefore it is essen- tial to give protection with burlap or paper to all ever- greens. And be in no hurry • George's Parish Hall we hope to meet all our 250 odd members whether they have paid their dues or not, together with their friends, .whom we hope will be potential members. They may pay on arrival and so save our diligent collectors further. nebu- lous phone calls, Charles Bris- tow will speak on and illustrate "Flower arranging in the home." Flower Show prize money will be distributed and here again lief, climate is only a contribut- ing factor. Weather. in its daily and weekly variations, is Much inure potent, but_ its, effect is, complicated by the Condition of the plant .as it goes into dorm- ancy. A gradual lowering of temperature during October and November is ideal and plants will withstand continuous sub- freezing with several inches of snow cover. In March a grpdual thawinuntil "spring" is really rather than the top which gre- under way is a satisfactory quires protection. Many pee - climax to the cycle. • ifone ple, use bottomless cartons to contain the insulating medium. could be sure of Such conditions The carton goes. over the Tti.iiy tender plants would prove,' pruned rose bush 'and is filled un - hardy in more northerly lati- tudes. • Consider the chrysanthemum. Year after year We buy, shall we say, a Yellow Spoon. because it do -es not survive a Goderich winter, 'or only survives one out of five. Chrysanthemums -suffer because of their shallow roots; a condition which is very sus, ceptible to alternate freezing and thawing, since the heaving tears the roots from the crown. Trow shall we contend with vari- able weather conditions7. There I are of course chrySintheinums and chrysanthemums:' Examine ' the root system. If it dies with , two inches of the top of the Soil.' then it prev to and vigor. 'Succulent growth which is an But for roses and other -per- easy prey for a sudden freeze ennials which cannot be moved, will he all that you will achieve. we must -have recoupse, -to the Deeiduous -plants should go into mulch and the wrong amount dormancy on the dry side. or the type can injure the plant. When they have lost their leaWs thy material which packs tight there is nothing to dissipate the and wet will smother the plant, excess water and frost is more Ideally an insulator which is likely to crack them if they are also porous is 'required. Even full of water. Evergreens on so, on H.T. roses. it is the crown the other hand require moisture in the soil as cold'weather ap- proaches. The, leaves continue to draw water from the roots which is lost .& in evaporation. Roots cannot draw water from frozen soil as rapidly as leayes 1 nozsible or probahle alternate Who \Na8 the first Canadian- nedients are -sand—an inch 'or born Prime INlinister of Can- ,)-iore round the clump, After 1 QUICK CANATRA44.-tiv.ta ._2iTreeting. a d "tliaMng. Softie ex, .A total - of $8.610 worth of Blyth: W.-J.Stirling. of R.R. 2.' ,oderich. who paid S330 for -a neifer froth lots of Leo Huttan, of Gorrie. and $310 for a heifer,' rmsigned by Ross C. Trew,artha. f Clinton, Lew is P. Coyne-. of '. Lack and w hite cattle u ere auctioned at Clinton last Thurs.- day - at ,the fifth annual bred - heifer sale sponsored by the livron County Holstein Club. SnThtidle Farms, Liniestone. Tenn., -purchased the largest !lumen -12 animals for a total of S3.515. •4,11igliest pr.iced an- imal was purchased by George Hayden.. of Gorrie. who paid S400 for a 21, -year -Old cow ca. signed by Alvin BettleS. of R.R. -2 Bayfi'eld, immediate past pre. sident of the Holstein club. The 29 bred-fieifers consigned by 20,, breeders, were sold by Bob Shore, of Glanworth. and Edward Elliott. of Clinton,. for an average of $297, and total net of $8.610, Last year's sale .averaged $322. for the 26 head sold. Top. Buyers Top buyers included Victor Jeffrey and Son. R.R. 3. Exeter. who Paid -$330 for a heifer con- signed by James Bradley, of Goderich: Peter Simpson, of Seaforth. $310 for a. heifer con- signed by S. C. Galbraith, of ' t.R. 5. Seaforth. S305. consigned Douglas F. Farquhar. Clin- ton; Simon, Hallahan, of Bel rave. $300. by _Alvin ..Bettles; urrie Moffat. R.R. 2, Teeswater. :300. consigned by Alvin Betties .ot. The Tennessee farm purchas d animals from.. the lots of' lames 13. Hogg. of'Sosiorth. for :325: V. J. Hunter and ' Sons. Lucknow. 5305; Wesley McBride. Arva. 5325 and 8250: Wellington Brock and Son, of Granton,: 5295: Harvey Daniel and Sons, Bluevale. $280; Lewis P. Coyne, Seaforth. $325: John Douglas, tlorrie, $250; Reginald McKiel, of Clinton, $275; William E. Robertson, Monkton, 5300; John Van Ninhuys, of- Bayfield, 5280. and $305. — ada?Iie fir,qt freeze such items as 2 Is the 'distance by rail from hay, buNwheat hulls and styro Halifax to Vancouver 1,700 miles. .3.400 miles, 4ot, 5100 miles' eTo administer Family Allow.% ance payments does - it cost 510,000 a. week. • 540.000 veek, or. 570.000 a week? 1. What is the length of terrn! of our Governor:General? 5. Overage annual earnings of Canadian,income taxpayers \vas,2.88in 1949, $3.204 in 1954: What wa's the 1959: figure? ANSWERS: 5. 1959 average .m'ome was 54.113. 3. About S70.000 a week. 1.. Sir John khbott, born. at St. Andrews, LoWer Canada. 1821. 4. Tradi-1 tionally it is a 5 -year tertn, but' three times has been extended to a 1 -Year, term. 2. 3,400 miles. According to the „index ofl average wages and sararies paid in Canadian industry, Canadians now earn in about 33 minutes, the same pay for cithich, they worked one hour in 1949. CKACHE When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backache—tired feeling— tl;sturbed rest often may roliow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better, sleep better, work better. 80. FOR GENERAL INSURANCE See KEN CROFT FIRE AUTO — LIABILITY— CASUALTY—Phone JA4-7253 Classified ads bring quick result's.' RCAF BAND 'ENTERTAINS THE STUDENTS AT. GDCI The Band of the Royal Can- adian Air Forte, Air Transport Command under the direction of FO E. J. Robbins, CD, LGSM entertained ,,he students of GDCI for almost an hour Wed- nesday of last week with selec- tions , of military music and uric in the modern idium, Tlie fith 400-1.611e. $CCOAel schnbls rnthproVrnce. .Whe student body s their appreciation for the an s' appearance and their music by a tremendous ovation. Vice - Principal Leonard Boyce thank - 411 the band on behalf of the tbachers and students • . . V.‘; IVAC I 07...$ S PAC I LIS NM" GOING PLACES Here's your road.car, ride car, pride cariPon tiac rolls into '62 with new , style and grace. It's bolder, with,a crisp low silhouette.' It's fresh -styled, from the new twin -scoop grille that says "POntiac" a„block dway, to its cleanly curving taillights. It's the road -worthiest, pride-pleasingest' car to come down the read for '62! „ ......... . .1 ;MOTOR OILS -GREASES • . ENCORE: DISCOUNT TRAIN FARES are offered again this fall. Take full advantage of these substantial savings ... bring friend or family and enjoy the best in'travel. •(:*' DISCOUNT • :TRAIN' FARES :. WJt1'yoij CHIMNEY SERVICE GODERICH1 -lay. Your Chimney Repaired and Vacuum Cleaned for each 1 • / 1 1 • For two or More —rouniftrip ' t t / • Any day of the'week • Anywhere in Canada % i •FirstCiass,TouristorCoach,whereindividuai t t I ' regular round trip fare is $7.50 or more i / / • Go together—return separately if you wish a, I • 1.50 lbs. of baggagofree per adult i I I i * i PARISIENN People who look for the beit.of everY- thing elm stop looking right now'. Parisienne's one of the most vivacious of them all! Richly luxurious: Dash- , • ingly differentt-down to the last del- icfrte detail! And Po riti[te's striking good looks are Protected by diamond- , hard Magic7Miisror finish! • QUALITY:'_:: CONTROLLED HATCHING - • • °DEPENDABLE SERVICE --.14,rwrixeffelfreffefi • .www • • .. • Parfigiamita Sport Sedan HE AN With Pontiac's smooth 'unruffled ride. With serene Pontiac silence and feather -light steer- ing control With Pon- tiac's boldly elegant air of good breeding. Com. fort and good taste go wherever this one goes! N W ! „ Phone JA 4-7298 WE °'FIX • 34-37 4 Laurentian 4 -Door Sedan ,102-61 Call your local ticket office for the DISCOUNT FARE that applies to your next trip. Phone: CANADIAN NATIONAL ' rttio'katie -Fraser% ttt../ tecipe t;boic.let "Casserole CUitititymb Ceottaiati Cheese! - Write today! t A Divition of ,flDAIRY rottwortsoto CA 14t DiVsopott Rota; tseortto .‘ y„ E. 1 HATCHERIES When it comes to your flocb replacement stock, chOose wisely! Your egg 'income depends on it An excellent choice is Swift's Sky. Hi 316—a bird with an outstand. ing number of high profit factors This *hite-egglayer has the 'enviable record of an average 285 eggs per hen over a 12-efiond period on -a miiiihum amount of feed: Average weight of egge.rPet dozen i,s 25.9 ounces, Teed con. version, livability and interior 04 quality are mexcelled in the in. dustry. Give your profits a boot - -order Swift's outstanding layer — the Sky -Iii 3161 SWIFT S HATCHERY Pfrimmer Bros. Benmiller, Ont. Striking new taillights highlight the impeccable styling of the '62 Pontiac's rear deck A GENSItid, NOT00.11, YAW 32 DAllLING MODELS IN 8 EXCITING SERIES! Tempe,t Straio-Chief 1.thirentiAri Pari,ienne :*. ( otalin:1 St:ir Chief Ronne% illi..' (irand=Pri\ KINGSTbN AN VICTORIA ;STREETS , " Strato-Chipf 4 -Door Sedan STWO=CIIIEF Co.mmanding new style! And brim -full -of value to send the thrifty ones Pontiac -shopping right away! Why go on just being a Pontiac -watcher, when Strato-Chief makes, it so easy to own one ! YOUR Joao' car, Ride cal, lride PONTIAC • SEE YOUR PONTIAC DEALER SEPTEIV3ER 2t Whifiwall nets optionot of extra COO SAMIS MOTORS f;-1620 to PHONE JA 4-9231 ..P