HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-10-12, Page 12444erieh Signal -Starr in uxsd !, . WOW 12th '1001 We WESTERHOUT LININGTON IA a double -ring ceremony at Victoria Street United Church , is 18,0 onoSaturday afternoon, Sandra Gail l.inington, Baugh- . ter 'of Mr. Morley Linin ton, of • (,oderich, and the,late Mrs. Lin- ..�p7�.�w�y�y:ho,.a t Lin - 'd o --t•x•''j�y�'a .'rinirt; st erholit'rttii and Mrs. Pieter Westerhout,, of Londesboro. Rev. C. A. Duke - low officiated, Tlie bride chew a ballerina - length gbwn of white taffeta designed with square neckline and bracelet -length sleeves. Chantilly lace motifs trimmed "'-'"the"- bodice • and the hemline of the bouffant skirt. Her illusion xeil,.ndged_Satlth latmUtifs, was %cid by a miniature doral tiara and she carried a white Bible crested with tiny red roses. Miss Sandra Jean Fenner, of Oshawa, was maid of honor wearing a street -length dress of green net over pink taffeta with white accessories. She carried a bouquet of white mums with green centres. Hank Westerhout, of Londes- boro, was his brother's grooms. man. The reception was held at 'Tiger Dunlop inn where the bride's aunt, Mrs. Mervin Hol - .den, of -Goderich, searing a green silk`7' sheath dress with sandstone accessories and a cor- sage of red roses, received the guests. She was assisted by the groom's mother who were a mauve ensemble with beige ac- cessories and a corsage of white carnations. ., 'For her wedding - trip to Northern Ontario, the bride donned a gold rayon dress with beige accessories anti a corsage of white carnations. On thea' return ,they wilt reside in Clin- `°yl rit5 '' ^%tial iiitgr i$ bride was entertained at mis- cellaneous shavers given in her honor by Mrs. Ray Gilders, Goderich; Mrs. M. .Holden, Goderich, and Mrs. P. Westrer- hout, Londesboro. Taylo r' s Corner TAYLOR'S CORNER, ,Oct. 10. —Anniversary services will be held' in Zion United Churci on Sunday, October 22nd. Rev. C. E. Taylor, of Goderich; will be the guest speaker. .. Special 'music will be provided from Kitchener and Goderich. Ser -vices will be at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The W.A. met i . e school last Wednesday .evening with a fair attendance. Th.e presi t dent chaired the meeting with Mrs. Chester Sturdy at the piano. Plans were finalised for the bazaar and ten to be heli the latter part of October. An enjoyable half hour was spent over the tea cups with Mrs. 1 Reg Sturdy and MA: P. Harrison las hostesses. Thanksgiving week -end' visit- ors in the community included: Mr. and Mrs. .,Jerry Cutler, Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs' Reg Sturdy and family; Mr. and Mrs. William Cudmore and fam- ily, of Brantford,• with the lady's . parents, ,Mr.... and Mrs. .110,21_ Wil soniss Marion lc'.mes, of r� 44I41.1 O��r Ur �ItO� ��'s * MAO'S * DELICIOUS * SPY 4, * CDURTLAND * ✓ BLENHEIM PIPPINS * TALMAN SWEETS * WINTER PEARS Call Evenings W. A. MGUIRE 62 Elgin Ave. Dial JA 4-8494 Please bring your own containers. 411111111111111 of London, with Mr. and -Mrs. Kenneth Holmes and ` Bruce; Mrs. William Elliott and sons,. of -Port Colborne, at the Mc- Cabe home., •Mr. and Mrs. Chester, Sturdy and family spent the .week -end at Niagara Falls. . No services in Zion United Church on Sunday, October 15, due to anniversary services at Porter's, Hill. - Goderich Athletic lost to Winthrop 3-1 - Saturday evening to lose the final series fog the Huron County Soccer Champion- ' ship. This was the second year for the' Goderich team to compete in the league. Back row, from left to right: Stan Profit; Tom Profit; Heinz-, Wannhoff; Alex Sel-;_ lars; Dick Kaptein; David Kelly; Marcel de Winter; Walter Gottschalk; Tony Van Dongen. Kneeling, from left to right: Frank Akmer; Bert Kolkman; Helmut Krohmer; Alex Varga; Atilio Klarich; Alex Profit. Photo by R.H. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank McQuillin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Vera Parr, Kitchener, Mrs. Celia Moore and Mrs. Gor- is visiting.her daughter, Mrs.ne:don Lee attended the funeral of gMr. Alex Johnston, at Sudbury, Gerald -Dorscht Mr Dorscht ST. HELENS ST. HELENS, Oct. 10. --- Thanksgiving visitors with' Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillin were Mr. Ivan McQuillin, of Elmira. and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mc- Quillin, of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs': ,Ken Grewar, of Sudbury, spent the week -end rwitkt_. 1)1r: and Mrs. Harvey W e bTh —Nancy,- 'Who` h a_s ,s� nt" th 1?afst�tii a 'wee'l wrtir her grandparents, returned home to Sudbury. Mr. Murray Gaunt is holiday- ing in Bermuda. Recent visitors in the village were Mrs.- _David Todd and Mrs.. 'Vera McIntosh, of St. Cath• arines, and Mr. and;) Mrs. Neely Todd and family, of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin 1vlcCabe, Brian and Marvin,' of Windsor, were week -end visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Fred McQuillin and A classified ad brings quick results, RARFRIED ENTERPRISES LTD. Announces NEW LOW RATES on • 1st and 2nd MORTGAGE, LOANS FOR HOMEOWNERS BORROW $2,000 REPAY $35.22 Pr Month P1 B,14LANCE AT. END OF 1st 5yrs. NO BONUS OTHER PLANS AVAILABLE For a confidential Appointment In Your Own Home Call -•• GUELPH TA 2-9062 . COLLECT Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association 4OTF 4• pN NsSf1NNNNoZ OFFICIAL CLOSING 1961 SEASON •• T e Maitland Golf Club SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15 V +++ O . 1 1 MEN — 9,30 a.m. MEDAL PLAY — HANDICAP • LADIES -- 10 a.m. MAITLAND CUP PLAY 1 p.m. — MIXED 2 -BALL FOURSOMES Garrcw and Gerrard Trophies Lloyd and Ellis Trophies ALL MEMBERS, MALE and • FEMALE are requested to be on hand for these final events of the 1961 season. Now to live COMFORTABLY on 7 gushers a rear! ' • and family. CONSTRUCTION UP Building permits to the value of $100,150 were issued in Gode- rich during the month of Sep- tember. To the end of Septem- ber of this year, 119 permits have been issued to the a11. .y pt or$4i ,'090.._-F6- -tile s ---;yye ago; ,,120- pertnits were issued t'o 'the value of $433,000. • I.O.D.E: CONVENTION I.O.D.E. chapters throughout Ontario will convene at Hotel London on October 18-10: , Mr. and Mrs. R. Hanna, of Kitchener, visited at the week- end with the latter's iparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Venn, Light- house street. Q V n TAYLOR'S CORNERS, U F4IT E D. C H U RC H SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, October 22nd SERVICES AT 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. Special Music by Mr. Ed Stiles Vocalists:"Mr,. Bob Woods, Mrs. Myrtle Good, and Mrs. Mamie Sutcliffe. .The Rev. C. E. Taylor will conduct' both Services in the newly redecorated church. +4o-• 1 N .NNNN�iN�NS•Sel •NNt> The Club Fine Food Expertly Prepared Open -Daily from 6 a.m. to 12 midnight Full Course Meals Lt`tnches — Coffee Counter MAIN COURSES ARE CHANGED DAILY • O . • 0 . • • • 0 • • t 1 on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Harmer and family, of Sarnia, spent Thanksgiving with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harmer. OUR ATTRACTIVE DINING ROOM IS AVAILABLE FOR BANQUETS 32 KINGSTON ST. GODERICH • JA 4448 tf Anniversary At Holmesv-iI.Ie HOLMESVILI.E, Oct. 10. The W.M.S. meeting of Holmes- ville United Church was held in the Sunday school room, on Tuesday, October 10th. Mrs. Stewart Farquhar's group was m charge and Mrs. Farquhar was .in the 'chair. .Mrs. William Bender led ice:: :Forayer and-'11irs. N. heard read the Scripture. *Thoughts on Thanksgiving were given by Mrs. Les. Jervis and Mrs. William Norman,. The president, Mrs. L. Jervis, con- ducted the business, and the secretary, Mrs. H. Cudmore read the minutes of the Septem- ber meeting and the roll call. Mrs. ,'13�i11ia�n Yeo gave the al:.. Iocatton:far 1962. The chapter. in the study book was revieW- ed by Mrs. Jack deo.- ' The meeting closed with prayer- by. Mrs. S. Farquhar. The W.A. meeting followed, with the president; Mrs. Ninian Heard, in the chair. The Scrip-' ture • was read by Mrs. N. Heard, and Mrs. J. Yea gave the comments on it. The secre- tary, Mrs. William Norman, read the minutes of the September meeting; also the roll call. Mrs. Les Jervis, Mrs. N. Heard and Mrs. F. McCullough _were ap- pointed delegates to the sec- tional meeting to be held in uburn on October 24th. Mrs. I 'ne Tebbutt was • appointed to after the sale of 1962 chur calendars. The meet- in eetin closed with prayer by Mrs. N. Heard. Hostesses for the day were Mrs—L. Bond, Mrs. -L. Jervis and Mrs. E. Potter. The 82nd anniversary of Holmesville United Church was observed on Sunday, October 8th, with itev. C. G. Park, min- ister of the church, in the pulpit at both .services. The choir, under the leadership of the organist, Mrs. Lloyd Bond, sang s ecial anthems at the services with Mr. Jixn Lobb taking the solo parts. Guest soloist was Mrs. Jim Cox, of Poiter's Hill. The Autumn Thankoffering meeting of lflolmesviHe United Church W.M.S. is to be held on Wednesday, October 18th, at 2.30 p.m. Guest speaker will be .I'X i;1',ifib . , .4.3P:irigha ;� president of Huron W.M.S. Presbyterial. - Miss Eleanor 'Yeo; of 'Royal - Victoria Hospital, Montreal, spent the Thanksgiving week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yea. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cudmore and family, of Burlington, spent the holiday week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson and children, of Oakridge Acres; London, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. D. E. Gliddon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steepe and family, and Mrs. C. Magee were in Flint, Michigan, for the week -end. Mrs. Magee is staying in Flint for a iew weeks' visit with relatives. Miss Sandra Williams, of Burlington, and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Pipe and Teresa, of Lon- don, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry -Williams. FOR HAIR CARE AND GOOD GROOMING ti~b e` v ISO. • , r r0. � 9. arber Shop FORMERLY "LUMBY'S" 5 KINGSTON ST, -= GODERICH TF MOVED TO 59 HAMILTON ST., Gerry's Appliances BELL LINES y by W.W..tiaysom your telephone manager` Miss Heather iVIuir, of Queen's University, Kingston; spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Muir. HARVEST of VALUES . at CULBERT'S --. THE HOME of TASTY PASTRY FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIAL _ - .Otde Tyme APPLE CAKES EACH 40c Yj�?C 9 k`F� �?!"+^�#•,4''#+� .amu .. � -. rsr a u. • .y,. µti'a..eu CAKE DOUGHNUTS FRESH EVERY MORNING at 10 O'CLOCK - SUGARED or PLAIN 45 c DOZF,4d open. Friday. nights 'til 9 p.r_f1._ CULBERT'S BAKERY, West Street Goderich — JA 4-7941 ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, Oct. 10. — Miss Maybelle Macdonald, of Wind sor, spent the week -end with Mr. Alex, Macdonald. Ray MacKenzie, of Toronto. was home for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster and Donna, of Rodney, visited with Mrs. Kitson recently. Mrs. David MacMurchy is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hath- ertoh, at Alma. Misses Anna and Charlotte MacKenzie were home for the week -end. Visitors with Earl Howes re- cently were °Gilbert Howes, of Wroxeter; John Howes and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Russ Deachman and Maryanne, all of Toronto. Falcon Futura ir the '62 Falcon; Futura, (Compact �uirtF th&Thjnderbird) • I'm here ... newest and most exciting version of Canada's best-selling compact • .• and between you and me, it': going to be love at first sight! Up front, I've got contoured bucket seats ... deep, comfortable, individually adjustable! And look— right at your finger tips, there's a convenient new place for personal effects like gloves, maps, sun -glasses, etc.... in DISCOUNT TRAIN FARES are offered, again this fall. Take full advantage of these substantial savings ... bring friend or family and enjoy the best in travel. - ,,„ DISCOUNT TRAIN FARES for ea 0 ��� pOrso travel) 'with' y �t For two or more—round • trip v Any day of the weak • -Anywhere In Canada 1eFirstclass,TouristorCoach,whereindividual 4 r regular round trip fare is; $7.50 or more 1 -,.e GOI9det1 er--r_eturntsepnrately_if you wish 1 • 1501b4.`of baggage free per adult I .t Miss "Bev" Pruder and Don McArthur` Installer Don McArthur 'is one of the Bell folk a- round Goderich, whose job it is to provide you with the best in telephone service. Whenyou request anyLchange or addition to your service, Don or one of his -fellow ' - craftsmen, comes to your/home and does the work 'ski - fully and efficiently. We're proud of these men and happy to have them represent us. As a representative of. the Bell, Don is more than an installer — he's an expert in telephone service., He knows, for example, that the busy modern housewife finds the kitchen one• of the handiest places for an extension phone.' But more than that, he can advise her on the best Ideation for such a phone, as well at the most suitable style and colour. He can also suggest the type of phone that would be most suitable-. for any room, including the bedroom, where a bedside telephone brings a feeling of security at night. Say "hello next time you see ,Doti, or one of his fellow installers, in yodr neighbourhood. (You'll know them by their familiar green Bell'truck.) ,Ask them . to . show you the different colors and. styles of phones that are avail. able. They will be glad to talk it over with you. If you wish to order a handy extension phone for your home, simply call us at JA 4-8301 and we'll \be glad to send one of our installers out to see you. a:: t h Wahl A' s' Fattlace from us with st hatrel` fn` two of Oil, , and loaf the rest of the year ftiC*Iisintoditt34010,1bia m04 00411'0 full detallei 1)401',1 or tee S7 . ... 'fr, X"X!,Xi:,re Y.iyy/. r1.9•7? S-+rc XSrr+C'42,,,,, 4 A' b.ASI `* r Call, your iticnl:ticket off ice,, for the IiISCOiNT FARE that applies to your next trip. Phone, . 1. Mr. Tom Kelly, -recently ap- pointed Installation and Repair Foreman, is located at Clinton. Mr. Kelly is in charge of the Plant forces in the Goderich territory consisting of Goderich, Clinton, Seafort!h, Exeter, Geed Ron, Centralia and Hensall. . Mr. Kelly, wit ,tour company since 1946, comes to our ter- ritory frorp London where he gained much experience to well qualify him Or his, new posi- tion in Clinton. _J4f: ?'.:• We are glad to welcome 'pom Mr, Tom ally to this area. - d. my sleek, superbly styled console compartment between the seats. Rich, deep -pile carpeting ex- tends wall -to wall. Arm rests for everyone.add to my enchant- ment. And famous Thunderbird luxury shows in my fabulous - interior colours and tirims. You've got a choice in performance, too. If you're looking for extra power, there's the zesty Falcon 170 Special Six engine. And for maximum economy, there's my famous Falcon 144 Six. I'm warranted by your Ford Dealer for 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first. Fact is, I'm your kind of car—so see ime soon—at your Ford Dealer's. •t, 4, r firkin rectum ttudrokil era op5onol al ails► Boit. 1 _ i#,14 1�-�ri�►.,, .. a I GODERICH MOTORS LTD. IA 44308 8°1:11//STREE'I� �uSl�c► cans �.,� AND TRUCK* I0t�Nl`1 MONARCH — FALCON SALES and S'ERVI{3E -.