HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-10-12, Page 2The Goderich Sinal-Star, Thursday + ¢abet 12th, 1901 tthr (6obriiit #ignat-*tar 0%1** T14. County - TOM. NOWSDapfr of itoli Established 1840 LA Its 114th year of publication 14 payment of postage in cash. 0 by signal-ST.4r •• unite MESSAGES FROM THE WORD Down' AAemoris Lane BY GODERICH MINISTERIAL ASSOC IAT ION OUR HOUSING SITUATION Frii'm the beginning of 1956',up to the present time there has been a -total of 17'6 new housing units built in erieh. While this appears' to be a substantial number, there are those Who believe it is not adeqnate to• take care of needS for the next few years. On the 'other hand. tho.se who put up the monily to build the houes say they can not get a sufficiently high rent to justify their investment — or en- .ough people to buy any large number of " Here are the figures by years of new houses in Goderich as taken from the town records: 1956--13 1957-16: ; Fortheomino, developments indicate for some time for new houses in Goderieh by next year. r•.;'otirees of information state that the doubling of the number of trainees at the RCAF Station, Clinton; 'exit staff. Atn'ong these will be many - faTTI- Hies who, Will be seeking housing. acoOm- modation in this area. By next. sannuter, the new Ontario Government 'Hospital. will be in operation and the some 400 per,,ons working. there will be needing accommo- x --dation,--- too: White • it in the rumor 50 Years Ago -1911 „. Miss Walker had sold tier. house at the corner of Nelson and Albert streets te Joseph Jeffrey. W. J.. Muir had formed a partnership with George Hph- meier, the new furniture .,and undertaking firm, to be known engaged as 1912 teacIfer at Dun- lop school..,at a salary of $500 At West Wawanosh couneil ineeting, C. Taylor's bill for 50c for two days labor in mending a gap, was ordered paid. 30 Years Ago -1931 Bert MacDonald was officially appointed harbor master of Goderich to succeed Captain Malcolter-nadroliaId. Mr, An- drew Porter had Alled‘the At the lawn bowler? tourna- ment, the winners were Albert Taylor, Walter Hern, Charles Griffith, and Lorne Young.. At a lacrosse game between. Goderich and Clinton teams, Bill Snazel had his,nose broken for the third time. James McManus MacPhee, John Edgar WiLson and Joan M. and J,ean M. MacPhee were baptized by Rev. Patton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacPhee. Blanche Adelaide Sallows, wife of Harvey Reid, died at her West Wawanosh home. , 15 Years Ago -1946 Meriam was senior boys champ- ion with other championships,. the past, A new relationship going to: Gladys McLean, sen - to God was offered. It offerec%ior girls; Dick Clarke, inter - the gift of the Spirit through mediate boys; Joan White, inter - son; junior boys. stage, 'there is. a distinct possibility of . a fairly large, new industry locating in God- erieh's suburbs. Generally speaking, it would seem logieal that , plans should be made now for the- building i)f some 50 new houses Goderieh next summer.. c•-‘ ,ubdivisions for jrtiriies before by the , prophet Re,_-ent new housing _0(see Joel 2:28-32), the gift iloa,Tich provide lots on whieh to 'imita n's own Spirit premised as an' accompaniment of the about 60 homes. These would be construe-. tahst idays. St. Peter means that ted by building contractors, through their ttueve oicligawexpected "Last Days" ,,Evisions well loeated -and • proviae natural prno i power of the Apostles are the sign of its desirable b.uilding lots. ThoSe planning on building- 0 new_ -house for themselves sopeaker reminds his or bnililing a house wi,th the idea of having heareers f Jesus of Nazareth it • as a revenue produeer through rent- and His miracles. They were a certain sign of God's favor. in..' would be well advised to look into this THE FIRST CHRISTIAN SERMON: (Acts 2:14-40.) Lhat strange things have been Then Peter concludes: Jesus witnessed.' "These men' are is Lord and Christ. Jesus is not drunk as you imagine for the Messiah, anointed -Saviour it - only nine- in the ,Morn- Deliverer, and Lord, sup- -mg." (The' New English Bible). "'"` reme ruler over all things made r'ar from it. Something has by God. He exercises the lord- nappened. Eternity has broken ship which was one of the at - into time; the end time has tributes of the'Lord God. 'Peter ,ome; the great -prophetic pro- states: God hath made the game mises have been fhlfilled. Then dramatic an. Jelus both I,4ord. and Christ. i011OWS the equally -'.uhe main elements' of early nouncement that thiss, has hap - preaching are in Peter's 'ser- pened through the life, the mon. The , outstandIng thing death and the resurrection of Jesus. was that it was the proclamation Of an act of God. It announced , The divine gift promised cen the saving activity of God. It was the statement of an eye witness. It showed the life, the death, the resurrection, the exhalta- Jesus. It stated that all his- tory had pointed to Jesus Christ. It emphasized the Resurrection. All history had pointed to Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of prophecy.— It witnessed to a belief that God had a purpose and a plan of history. Repentance was called for; a But the people of Jerusalem had Actrv Buy your battery NOW with Winter in mini - at WHOLESALE DISCOUNT SAVINGS into the Church was baptism. pointed out as guilty. . Then 01.011 soma day to move into, it himself Peter stands out as a 1,vitness Forgiveness was offered for aftor renting for some yeaK to the Resurrection. God raised It. will be interesting to note the law Jesus. The -verdict of the Jews demand with respect -to is reversed, fulfilling a striking passage. in- the--01d,--Testaliwt, -Signal-Star Aire is eonstantly canfront-i Peter describes Jesus in the ea with persons coming- into town looking.' most 'startling way: ••Jesus of for a house to rent and not being able to - . , "a ma.' euld-be-,forgiverixThe- future would be brightened, strength- ened, renewed and directed.-- .. of the cOnsequence of -not ac- of honor a i singled out by God and made ceptmg this offer. Acceptance British Exchange Hotel. County iz"t ,iii.,. How much worse „ will it be oy known to you by portents. and next summer when an inerease in new-, signs which God worked among to perish. comers to th,, area is confidently ex.-: you through him_ as you well Here, then, was the first to copy the pattern. You are of silver fiatWare. -Mg way. The man is Jesus, not called to accept nnd follow this Frank R. Darrow, had- receiv- ! Jesus Christ, not the Lord pattern and you will . have re- ed his appointm,ent as a King's ;Jesus, simply Jesus. Heipl is Naz. lease from the past and power Counsel. ,. localized. He' came from -knowii Galilean place. He is Clerk N. W. Miller read a short address and Reeve Arthur Nich- olson, of Tuckersmith., presents EDITORIAL NOTES Better fishing. in Lake Huron is loOked for in 1965 by a lot -al commercial fisherman. Ab Loorpird. By that time-; the nuclear generating,. station at Douglas Point will be in operation. and 200.000 gallopk-ed warm water every minute will be° poured into : Lake H111'011 from this' station. ThiS will raise t ho t empera-ture , of . Lake -Huron bY;areth... It is. a definite- and well ' There are commercial bee at I,-ast two tlegrees and,„ will result in fish • In 1935, to mark the 25th year , . of the reign of King George V, , T the Bank of, Canada issued a t, Mr. Leonard. Retter fishiw..Y, than has! PORT ALBER few $25 notes. been the ease or t pa_ t happen, too so'ot-t the: Opinion of many anc.rlers along the lakeshoie-. NIGHT SCHOOL 't Go -de -MI Districftollegiate Institute MONDAY and WEDNESDAY' COMMENCING OCTOBER 23 COST OF COURSE $10 Flease•fill in the coupon below and mail to 0. L. Day, Principal, Box 520, Godertch, if 'you are interested in'a course' liM'ed below. .If you wish to suggest another course fill in the blankspaces provided. Be sure to mark the day most convenient for you to at- . tend. Look for a fyrther announcement in 'this newspaper re the registrationmight _for. -. the courses with sufficient enrolment. Name Address . Telephone No. Subject Grade 13 Geometry ilrade 13 Physics DTessmaking Typewriting Welding, (Elementary) and Metal Shop Woodworking English for New Canadians Millinery . Music Appreciation • PORT ALBERT, Oct. 10. Communitml services will -be I held at Dungannon United, Clitirch at 11 a.m., Oetober 29th., ;The service will be- in charge Goderich. The congregation of, Port Albert United Church is' ' invited to attend. Services in St. Andrew's( iChurn for October 15th and; v-Wingharn. Sunday school will Mr. and Mrs. Don .Bowden, Larry and Randy visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoy and boys. - Mrs. Art Forster retlirned home, having been at Bradford for the past four .weeks. She -is- -returning,—tcr -Bradford \Sympathy of the community is "extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crawford on the sudden death -of Mrs. Crawford's bro, ther, Alex. johnston, of, St. Charles. Visitors over the week -end at the home of Mrs. Dave Martin were Mr. and .Mrs. Archie Gild- ers and Mrs. Gilders' father, Mr. Coe, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin, of London, and Mr. Tpm Young, of Gode- rich. _Mr -and Mrs. Archie Grenier and .daughter, Mrs. Albert Mead- er,,of Detroit, attended the fun- eral services of Mr. Grenier's , brother at Sherboroke, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Green, of Corunna, 'visited with Mr. and Mrg. George Richardson over the Week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Gruhn, of Kitchener, visited Rev. H. Gruhn on Thursday. WINS 4T'PRIZES Mp. J. a. Johnstone, of Gode- rich, won a total -of 41 prizes at Dungannon and Bayffeld fall fairs. Four were specials and -prize was $40:--/sct-Bayfield fall fair this year: Mrs. John- stone showed only about half as many entries as she has done in previous years. , colonies in every province of Canada and as far north as the Arctic Circle in the Northwest Territories. "POWER - SEALED" Install the Mor -Power Hi -Capacity and save up to 41%! All the power is "locked in" until the battery is installed in your car ... from then on it delivers 34% more power to start with,,up to 40% longer power spin . . . you'll -probably- , neve*need to bUy another battery Ter your•Oosenttzcar. Mor -Power Hi -Capacity Armor Glass . Tops for , active service, long life and extra savings. ▪ e Rated Far Higher Than "New Car" Batteries .95 6 -VOLT WITH TRADE-IN Power -Sealed DRY CHARGE Fits Chevrolet 1940-54; Dodge 1935-55 (most); 013, mouth 1939-55; Pontiac 1949-54, 20-22 serl,os; Stude- baker 1939-55 and many others. Wet Type--wv.ith trade-in -1 .95 12 -VOLT WITH TRADE -1N 13-95 Fits Ford products (most) 1940-54 Dry Charge—with trade-in 15.45 Wet Type—with tr9de-in 13.45 NOW Pbwer-Sealed DRY CHARGE Fits Chevrolet 1955-61; Chrysler (most) 1956-61; - Dodge 1956-61; Plymouth .1956,61; Bosptiao,1955-61 and many other late models. Wet Type—with trade-in - 17.95 ,Fits Ford products (most) 1956-61 Dry Charge—with trade7in Wet Type—with trade-in • NOTE: Add 50c for installation 19.95 17.95 mu-nwER SUPER SERVICE cr MEADOW BROOK'S 3 -WAY SERVICE POWER -SEALED DRY CHARGE • EQUAL OR BETTER THAN, • ENGINEERg "NEW -CAR" EQUIPMENT FOR ACTI Original equipment quality. Built for action starts and long, faithful service - extreme hot or cold ancet with Mor -Power SUPEII-S,ERVICEI Car Make and Year TASTY LUNCHES SERVED VO YOU IN • OWN CAR._ 1 — with regular interest payments when you invest in a British Mortgage Guaranteed Certificate. 21. OPEN KITCHEN IN THE RESTA.111tANT FOR FAST COURTEOUS S VICE, • MEALS Etc. TRY. OUR NEW, DINING ROOM FOR FULL PRICI3 PRICE LIST IDISCOUN with with Trade-in Trade -In Dodge 1933-55 (most) 15-51 11.45 20.99 14.45 Dodge :1956761 Ford -Meteor 1940-54 (mosti Ford -Meteor 1955 (molt) Ford -Meteor 1956-61 (matt) , 18.14 11.95 2241:3367 11 6:4:44155 Plymouill 1939-55' (most) 15.51 11.45 PlYmouth 4956-61 20.99 14.45 vonenvegee 18.49 11' 1142:94Z Similar savings for other' ears — Including imports Installation — 500 extra Vauxhall 1948-61 (most/ BARGAIN! Brand New BATTERY FoPFER 6115 $1.50 to $2.00 Less for "Wet-Tiiien Batteries WITH TRAD6-It4 OPEN UNTIL 2 a.M. SEVEN DAYS A WEEK ONE MILE SOUTIl 45N 111614WAY 21. NO TRADE NEEDED TO CET THE BEM TIRV BUY IN TOWN but — we w41 buy Trade-in Tires and PAY YOU CASH BRAND NEW SNOW- TRAVEL fwin-Ply NYLON' as low as Authorized by law as investmconts for trust funds. 3 - lo years To inVest — see your local agent or send in your chtequet Invest today — interest begins the day you make„the investment, DO YOURSELF PROUD ! DON"T DELAY — GET YOUR MEMBERSHIP TODAti .95 LOW noolMi 1 trade flooded 2 .95 TIME LIMIT MILEAqE LIMIT ROAD -D INSURANCE aim ION DEDUCT EXTRA 5%o DISCOUNT MO GAGE &TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1877 Corner West and Waterloo, Goclerieh Edward ,R. Rowlands, -JA..4.7381 - Branch Manager titita Ailit itia um' at aria .111 air WM sir an me ma aim ow agia. rib...aft an ow SEN ma Is* Ors years 1 1 't eriel°8 oheque for $ for investment for Please Seifd ti* free folder *giving full informatiot, THE ' BIGGEST $ 3 50 VALUE IN TOWN • From:All -,?rices Shown 5% CASH 'DISCOUNT NOTES ON ALL PURCHASE OF S9c OR M Spend Discount NON'S 'Oil Molloy 01 I • • Canadian Tire ins iimirimo ass suoi ism sus sas dm am a Your Season Membership ,Includes a Reserved Seat for Each of 1 -STUDENT MEMBERSHIP — $2.00 NOTE: Positively No Single Admissions Will Be Sold. Campaign Ends Oct. 21 NOVEMBER "The Bey Friend" _ Directed bit Jack marriott JANUARY ,„ Tennessee William's' "The Mast Menagerie' Directed by Marjorie I APRIL "Sea How They Run" Directed 'by Virginia Lodge 74 The Square — it W. kelt Optometrist — O. 44661 °Rice open. daily si0 ams. to 6 1.m. — Monday thro# Saturday REPICE.VATIONS,VVM Open. Satin 0— SECURE 'roar Membership NOW! ASSOCIATE 'MO" Whetstone PHONE JA 44394 36 NORM STREET GODERICH