HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-09-28, Page 3FASHIONS- (Of:ARCHANTS MAKE IMPRESSIVE SHOW (Contirmed from page 1) led and jackets Included fake and fantasia furs as well ps the genume ones.Commentators for the adult faShions were Mrs, •6'It'Sitiiid Mrs. C. Edward. _ Filsinger's, Jewelry and -Gifts plovided the perfect fashion ac- cent in jewelry for each en- semble in styles for every taste. Beauty Analyst Through arrangements made by Rieck Pharmacy, Mrs. Emilie Henshaw, Du Bum._ analyst, was present and was respons:ble for the "lovelier look" of the many models. She was assisted by Mrs. L. Rieck. The models were Mesdames L. Aldham, 13radford, W. Gardner, G. Jen- ner, H. MeNee, B. Ress, R. Smith, A. Alexander, R. Bell, F. Curry, F. Lodge', R. Nelson, P. Berry, C. Scholtz, C. Sockett, L. Walzak, D. D. Mooney F. Sandy; Misses - Barbara Ellis, Peggy Xoung, Ruth Wallace, Jennifer Parsons, Sue Bind- , marsh, Sandra Salkeld and Sylvia Smith. The very latest in hat flat- tery from Grace's Millinery was modelled by Mesdames W. Gard- ner, L. Walzak, R. Bell, R. Nel- son and Barbara Ellis, who wore basic black dresses from the various. stores. Commentator was Mrs. D. D. Mooney and Boo Wallace took the part of the Rage boy. ggiidtm,14:arni flan .7‘lingitr;b1 4e9orri- 4512a4e'uP Following,stite xeXiring af V44 Mrs. W. Milley; $5.00 certificate, from Tots and Teens, Mt's. W. Tucker; Lady Dial .T shirt, from Garland's, Mrs. Harold Mont- gomery; bath crystals, from Bieck's, Miss Gloria ltumball; Kayser hosiery, from Schaefer's, Mrs. John Finnigan, . tVinghain; Royal Doulton figurine, from Filsinger's, Mrs. G. Bannister; guest soap, from Rieck's, Mrs. R. Menzies; Phantom hosiery, from Major', Mrs. Harold h ' • • an e guests retireddeteFia witeiv, ,bosiem,.-fthm_s..Gerrard's; coffee and homemade tarts wereivrMrs. 'Harold Remington, Wing - served by members of theham; Tweed gift- package, from „Chap- Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., ter, under the convenership of Mrs. A.Shore.. Mrs. G. Kerrt,and Miss K. What- J eley. The bqffet table, arrang- Programs were in charge of ed by Mrs. R. Menzies and Mr.,. M. 1VIathers, was covered with a- -,linnter'e--sgreen- +nen th elo and centred with a large wicker basket graceftilly tilted to dis- play its abundance of colorful ornamental fruits. Similar fruits spilled out from wicker cornucopias flanked on either side. The. windows in the background with their large baskets of fall flowers complet- ed the autumn decorative theme. teekb, rset b, an 1 Lucky Draw ' Mrs. K. S. Hopkinson, Mrs t H. Bettger and Mary Jayne Mc- Manus conducted the lucky number, draW for prizes. The following were the winners: Lady Sheaffer pen, from Fil- singer's, Mrs. M..Mathers; lady's sweater, from Fashion Shoppe, Mrs. F. Young and Mrs. J. Ministerial, - Assoc., Meeting The Goderich Ministerial As- sociation met last week in the Baptist Church ,with a full re- presentation from. all churches present. Rev. Charles Lewis, Animal, also atte.nded. ,DTV*4.W.7.20.ffattian., Cooper, conducted, the pectin and the minutes were rtrBy the secretary, Rev. E. Von Keitz. Rev. (.7. A. Dukelow led in the devotional period. Itepresentatives were appoint- ed to visit the local grade ischools to speak to the pupils Skeoch; properties, Mrs. F. rs_Hr,"ickats „ion the "Back to Sunday School" projetrwhieh''waW-d-o-ne y Mesdames C. Sockett, L. Ald- afternoon. Rev. G. L. Royal, ham, B. Ross, R. Brewer and W. Rev. Robert Clark and Captain Gardner; posters, Mrs. A. M. Alice Bailey were appointed for ljarper; publicity, .Mrs. B. Ers- the first term to dive religious kine; model supervisors,, Mrs. instruction in the three grade 8 rooms in the Goderich school. . For the Week of Prayer, it was decided to hold two ser- vices: on January 9 in Victoria,. Stree United Church; on Janu- 4 The Pedetlieh §1.gnal.SAar,.ThurkdaY. Sgpto. miler Mb; 196I SHARE. SALES INCREASING . G. Ellis and Mrs. R. Brecken- ridge. A favor from Rieck Pharmacy was presented to each guest by Mary Jayne McManus and Debbie Sully. WITH HARPER AND CO. Miss June Baechler joined the staff of A. M. Harper and Company this week: Miss Baechler is a graduate of the Goderich Business College and was previously employed at the Sherlock -M. annng Piano Com- pany at Clinton. THESE ARE EXCEPTIONAL BEDROOM VALUES! The SERTA ",PERFECT SLEEPER" WITH A 10 -YEAR GUARANTEE Mattress or Box Spring — NOW ONLY $69.50 CONTINENTAL BEDS — 39".... 159.50 OR A "TWIN BED PAIR" for ONLY $109.00 11 ary 1iJ in Knox Presbyterian Church. The Association will hold monthly meetings on the °third Monday of each mei-1th. Fol- lowing the business period, Rev. E. A. Cooper gave an inspiring testimony of recent experiences in his family life. Captain Bailey closed the meeting with prayer. ASHFIELD ASHF1ELD, Sept. 25..— and Mrs. D. Avery, of St. Thom- a;, visited with Mrs. Kitson on tinday. Mrs?' Leslie Grant, of British rolumbia, is the guest of her cousin, _Mrs. William Johnson. Douglas Farrish, of the Im- perial boats, was home for the week -end. Born; on September 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb, a daughter; and to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace MacLean, on September 19, a daughter. Reuben Wilson attended the meeting of the Presbyterian men at Keswick last week -end. Wpmen's Missionary Society. —The September meeting of the W.M.S. at the home of Mrs. Duncan Cimpson was opened with prayer by the president, Mrs. William Ross. Mrs. Don- ald Simpson .was in charge of the devotional. Papers were given by Mrs. Duncan Farrish, 111-rs. George Moncrief anthMrs. -Stuart MacLennan. Mrs. W. Farrish read a letter from Miss Bessie MacMurchy and later led in prayer. Mrs. William Mac- donald sang a solo, and Mrs. C. MacGregor read , a poem. Twenty-four me bers answered , 1--- C7:-;V7 "...AND TI-LERE. RAIN.D • ' ( .• — A GHASTLY DEW..." •••• 'rev, vt„ yr o / rms. ri A,L•4 the rol,l call with a verse on "Love." The hostess and the committee served lunch. , Taylor's Corner TAYLOR'S CORNER, Sept. 26..—.Church services will . be resumed again on Sunday, Oe- tober lst, in Zion United Church at the regular hour. The W.A. will meet on Wed- nesday evening, October 4th, in the schoolhouse. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Wilson and Kenneth, Mrs. Gordon Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Wilson and Stephen Williams, of Gode- rich, spent Su day in Brantford with Mr. and s. William Cud - mere and tam' . Mr. and Mm Gerry Ginn spent the week -end in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Don Scott and family. They were accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Oke who, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Oke. Don't Take a Chcmce ON MISSING A SINGLE PERFORMANCE ! ! GODERiCH NILE NILE, Sept. 26. — Ronald Graver, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Arnold Graver, and Donald Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Johnson, are both pat- ients in Goderich hospital. Both were operated on for ap- pendicitis last week. We wish them a speedy recovery. Church will be at 1.30 p.m. on Sunday with Sunday School at 12.30.„ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norton, of C,Ilaremont, and Mrs. Lloyd Ma- son "and little daughter, Grace, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ,Wilber John- ston. Congratulations to Mr. and ,y1 - - Mrs. Elwyn Pollock on the ar- rival of a baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee and Eric were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Mc- Cormick and Jim, of Wingharn, Mr. Stuart aylorTiand Mr. Cliff Stewardso accompanied a hunting group„from Goderich to Hearst on a week's hunting trip. tl HURON CROP REPORT Monday and Tuesday's rain curtailed harvesNoperations in Huron County but was accepted by most ,people as fall crops could use some moisture. Farm ers are busy silo filling — the crop is fairly mature. There are still some people sowng fall wheat; the crop generally looks good By J. Carl' Hemingway) At a meeting of the HUren County Federation �f Agricul- ttire on September 19th, the date.,„for; ...11t,e • Coyntz.". ,1.44=41., net 24t is is- only lentotrve and maybe changed to the wishes of the guest speaker. At the last meeting of the board of directors of Farmers Allied Meat Enterprises on -Sep- tember 21st, it was reported that share -sales- are continuing to inc.Ems_ 4satisfactorily, .1n- view of this, a committee of the president, Mr. McInnis, Mr. Frey, Mr. Beeker and Mr. Hemingway was appointed to snake a preliminary study of types of processing plants. It is hoped that. by the time -this study has been completed and a decision has been made: share sales will be sufficient to permit a study to be made- on plant location. When a decision on location is possible, we are quite hope- ful that capital will be at hand to immedial(.1y lt contracts for construction. It was reported that proces- sors made the statement they were curtailing the sale of fresh pork as mue h as possible ;itiee this did not bring as high pr) fits as cured and processed pro- docts which they are actively promoting. This hardly conforms with the idea that the trade provides ‘viipt the cmisumer wants but rai her would indicate that the trade pressurizes the consumer into buying what is most pro- fitable to the trade. Also, while the selling of fresh meat may not be as pro- fitable to the trade, it may very well be more profitable to the riroducer. Just another reason for producers looking after their own business. nn September 19th, CKNX Palled 'a meeting of the repre- sentatives of the County Farm Forum. With such .a -late har- i'^ql. it hardly seems noscible, that we are again approachine the Farm Forum season. Poi'nf of View, which closely follows the Farm Forum program. will begin on Sunday, October 1st and will continue to the end of .June. Farm Forums have been on 'he decrease in oast years but it seems thatthe depresion conditionsj which -created Farm I Forum are not too far remeved! at the moment. A had crop,such as we had several years in the early 40s, ntiglit very well bring back the_ loss of farms as in the depre- sion years. Certainly, the farm- ers' position in our economy needs improvement. Farm Forum revival could Am* ideas MI just as it, did in „former years when forums were most actIve. During the next month all take a serious look at form- ing a group in our community . • so that it will be ready to take part at the first of Povember„. Classified ad bring results. INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS f) ACCESSORIES COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER GODERICH SIGNAL -TAR PHONE JA -4-83'31 1/41e r"..'""" ""'`..., „...."'. '.' Vw.i..............—, ...,, _ f") ‘,.,...s.v.. ‘ ,,...„.:. , •,...„, , . ...,"..• • •....„ •-• •••`"'" ''''' „ . L. ANNOUNCES \' ITS 1961-1962 SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN October 2nd until October 21st CALL IN NOW and Secure Your MEMBERSHIP! ;t1 • •,-,,,,,..„----- .---_,..14/i i- . . , :..,........._.,4,,,; - , .... 11 „, •:::, : ..,,....: ; ,...,:: „ x ... ,.,..„,.. ., .., :.:. . .:: .:: ,..... 1 : ..•;.,•:::.;:i.....g ?.......T ;,:•i... 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Season The NOVEMBER PRODUCTION "The Boy Friend" directed by JACK MARRIOTT A Sparkling, Spoofing Musical - PACKED WITH Fasts -and Furious Fun! TENNESSEE 1 , WILLIAMS' Beautifully Tender and Ever PoPular Stery: ENCHANTED BROA.DnY for nearly TWO YEARS!' "THE GLASS MENAGERIE" willbe our FEBRUARY PRODUCTION directed by MARJORIE MacFIE You Will Enjoy Every Moment of its Appealing Story! OUR SEASON'S FINAL APRIL PRODUCTION PHILIP -KING'S BRIGHT COMZDY HIT 'SEE HOW THEY RUN." You'll Labgh and Stay Laughing at this Marathon of bitiRTHPUL mektitmENTI Its Zippy, testful and Zany! . . The $3.50 Season Membership gives you a Reserved Sea for each of the three Broadway Hits 1 Student Seasoti Membership $2.00. NOTE: POSITIVELY NO SINGLE .ADMISSIONS WILL BE SOLD. SALE ENDS WHEN 750 SEASON MEM. BERSHJPS HAVE BEEN SOLD. .Don't Delay — Get Your Membership Todayl ALL PROQUtTIONS STAGED IN MacKAY HALL. •I‘c • FOR FURTHER INPOR1VIATION CALL AT THE MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN ornoz 74 The SquAre W. Bell, Optometrist JA 4-7661 GODERICH LITTLE THEATRE OFFICE OPEN 10 AA. to 6 -PM. DAILY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY directed by VIRGINIA LODGE • ENJOY 3 BROADWAY MRS I EXCITING LIVE THEATRE • w , 0, tt • .11 11 • GOOD !lws L. 1111, hem nPw an,d t ETTER, than,ever Cankdat BESTselliing corn I'm 62 ways new from transmission to carburetor . . . with smootherhifting, quieter ride and even better economy. And as for the rest 6f me, they're the things that have made me the best-selling com- pact car in Canada. I go as much as 35 rhiles to the gallon on regular gas, and I now go up to 6,000 miles between oil changes. There's a ne' 30,000- nlile or isJear radiator Coolant. My price is low. My trad-in value -is highest of any compact in Canada. And my brand-new brother is here, too... Falcon FUTURA . . . with new interior luxury appointments, including a smart console compart- ment between the new bucket seats. Nowwe're here you'd better come see us fast—before the line up's too long. And Ford Dealers give a 12 -month or 12,000 -mile warranty, whichever comes first. Falcon Fordor Sedan 62 FALC ••• '62 FALCON FUTURA... Compact conpin of the Thunderbird with individually adjustable bucket sats. .„. a handy console compartment between the sets kr gloves, camera, sunglasses and other personal effects. . sleek new outside trim. That's the '62 Falcon Futura---an exciting new approach to compact travel. Faltblitiand FalCOM RAW& Canado besselling compact Certain features illustrated are optional at extra cost. •••, , . _ 15 GO ERICH ' MOTOR$ LTD. • FORD – FALCON MONARCH SALES AND 'SERVICE SOUTH STREET • -4 13 4 • tf••••it. Ishotte 108 •••